Monday, December 21, 2020



Is it possible for EVERYTHING to occur all at once?

You know EXACTLY what he's pondering...

And that Jupiter-Saturn conjunction junction is hours away...

So set your clocks for BOOM: 

Fire up that Winter Solstice, and welcome to the Boomtown:  




  1. DGinn!!

    Well ain't THAT a superb little true detective tool. Mega kudos my friend -- and cheers mate!!

  2. You can delete comment that seems it's a bit touchy and it won't let me delete the comment. I tried sending what I'd pulled and couldn't.

    1. Clue me in at if so inclined...

  3. Twin Peaks: "When Jupiter and Saturn come together, the Black Lodge will finally open."

    The Black Lodge is not a happy place. Our negative selves, our inner darkness, live there.

    1. Also, if the year 2020 is actually 2012, as some people believe, then the Aztec Calendar ends TODAY, December 21st. The Aztec "Heavenly Judge" might return and... the bottom half of the prophecy was missing.

  4. 6 days ago, the Hayabusa (falcon) probe of the Japanese Space Agency brought back to Earth black dust from the Ryugu (dragon palace) asteroid.

    Now, people everywhere are getting sick. Andromeda strain, anyone? The black dust is a part of us now, soon, we will all be turning into... something else.

  5. Tiffany-manifestion of God
    Dover-to doze off

    1. Middle name Pontes-plural of pons or the bridge between the medulla oblongata and the Thalumus


  6. Major Patriot's twitter has been deleted. His last post (as far as I can tell):

    "Space Force warning us that "foreign powers" might be building bases on the dark side of the Moon?"

    1. Thought space force was renamed the guardians.

    2. The officers of Space Force are called "Guardians" (I would have gone with "Rangers" personally).

    3. "Who's killing the capes of Heropa"


  7. Wordman, everyone, watch this. It's the blackest black pill ever introduced into popular culture.

    Context: Lovecratian aliens show up, demand 10% of world's children are given to them (for use as narcotic), or ELSE...

  8. Hillary Clinton leaked e-mail from Wikileaks, sent to John Podesta:

    "Dear John,

    Because the War in Space race is heating up, I felt you should be aware of several factors as you and I schedule our Skype talk.

    Remember, *our nonviolent ETI from the contiguous universe are helping us* bring zero point energy to Earth.

    They will not tolerate any forms of military violence on Earth or in space."

    Trump's response: "Space Force, F**K YEAH!!!"

    1. Alright JB, you're really creepin me out, man! AND YES, I remember that particular Torchwood series -- remarkably bleak and resonant.
      Did you get my comment back a post ago that you should check this out, beginning right around minute 29?:

      It pertains in specifics to the Holly Wells/ Jessica Chapman Soham UK case, but can obviously be applied anywhere for our purposes. The bodies that were being found with actual talon marks in them and chunks of flesh torn out...extremely reminiscent of the state of some of the Ted Bundy victims btw, which just brings up another whole ball of wax...or is that whacks??

      That HRC comment re nonviolent ETI from the contiguous universe -- are you kidding me??!! 'Nonviolent' on whose terms I dare ask?
      And hearing things like that & zero point together why do I get visions of CERN dancing in my head?

      Black dust from the dragon Palace asteroid ???? You can't make this sh_t up, can ya?

      And Dginn lemme get this straight: Manifestation of God that dwells in the brain is dozing off...YEP, sounds about right and JUST what the Pentagon had planned with that religion-wiping FUNVAX for removing the God gene from all of us:

      Can all this GET any more insane?

      I always say, you guys KNOW it's getting OUT THERE when the comments sections start eclipsing the whack in the posts themselves!! You guys ROCK.

    2. Are you suggesting Ted Bundy and the other serial killer in the UK were actually serving their victims to... A giant eagle? A griffin? Whoa.

      And, yeah, about the HRC comment... A "contiguous universe" is a plane of existence entangled with our own, probably beneath our own, so... Hell?

      If "aliens" require that we completely disarm our planet before they show up, it's suspicious to say the least.

  9. The attack has been planned for 75 years. If not today then soon.

    1. I'm guessing a "Childhood's End" sort of scenario (closer to the novel):

      "We're your friends! We'll give you plenty of free s**t! But you have to abandon your faith in God. Also, don't pay attention to the fact that we look and act like demons."

    2. So weird that you mention "Childhood's" JB -- was JUST listening to the audiobook version of that falling asleep the past several nights...

      Clarke made very good mention of parapsychology/telepathy/intuition being the parlay for the entrance of those entities into our world, i.e., what attracted them to our little corner of the universe -- not exactly spelled out but very def implied that those were some of the very few things that made us special.

      And yes, that they looked in form like actual DEVILS -- always wondered about that one & the message that Clarke (let's face it, a rampant pedo) was trying to impart. Creepy creepy world that only gets smaller as time goes on.

    3. PS JB: and any form of Universal Basic Income strikes me as VERY "Childhood's End"-type scenario manifesting; not to mention the Gene Roddenberry United Federation.

      Funny how all those youthful dreams of Utopian Grandeur don't seem so Grand now -- more ominous. Very much like that old saying 'be careful what you wish for.'

    4. Nothing's free with the Satanist-Illuminati.

      Become a slave in exchange for fiat money and total loss of civil rights, that makes any money worthless.

      Talk to the homeless.....they can't stop loving the freedom of having no master, no schedule, and no stress in their lives....sensative lives....they have no money, but are freedom rich (if only they could balance that with a little part time job...huh?).

    5. Wouldn't the only way to really get a good slave revolt be to tell them they won't be slaves anymore, history shows a number of names that come down from the battle of Hastings that are the names of places of where they received

  10. Kind of like when you grow up & learn that Roddenberry was all tied in with the Council of Nine, or the Egyptian Ennead of Nine Gods, that was also tied up in the Kennedy Assassination and ushering in the "New Age" so heavily invested in darker aspects of the occult --

    Or Ian Fleming being all buddy buddy with Dennis Wheatley, & all within spitting distance of the Profumo Affair, & Crowley, and long-standing occult rituals of the highest echelons of British Royalty.

    James Bond, as in Bondage. For all of us.

    1. And that whole mess with "The Nine" is tied into the Order of the Solar Temple, and NXIVM.

      It reminds me of when I found out many writers and artists over at Marvel Comics, back in the late 60s and 70s, were practicing Satanists, with a shrine at work and everything. Jesus showbusiness! Stop ruining every single franchise I've ever loved!

    2. I just listened to a Native American prophecy and they said the sign will be "when you see a star of nine angles everywhere"

    3. Could the letters nxvim fit in that star?

      Two brothers return to each other in the sky then a literal red dawn.

  11. Wordman, do you know how Trump could completely screw over and get rid of Biden? Something the Police once did up here in Québec to expose and arrest corrupt cops:

    They gave *false information* to one police officer, with instructions to give it to his immediate superior. Within 15 minutes, the Mafia knew about it, meaning his superior officer was a mole.

    Imagine if the Pentagon gave *false information* to Biden, and only to him, just to see if the Chinese Communist Party found out an hour later or something.


    1. I like your idea, but, hate to play devil's advocate what are the legal implications of doing that? Now if neighbors from another country did that... And what would that do on the world stage?

    2. It's a STING, pure and simple. Biden would make a deal and concede and confess live on tv in order to save himself and his son, admitting the voter fraud and implicating Kamala and the rest of the Demoncrats.

      WWIII with China is coming no matter what. We're in 1939 right now, Trump is Churchill, just need to get rid of the traitors first.

    3. Ask yourself who you want as your neighbor? The U.S. as it is but struggling to root out corruption or is with Chinese overlords. I'm glad you seem to be standing where you are but how do most other Canadians feel? Would they relish any in what could be seen as partially deserved retribution? Is wokeness spreading there as much as we're seeing with Castro jr. Parading and dressing up? I guess it's easy for me to say from the outside being spoonfed.

    4. The people of the Province of Québec are of a different breed than the rest of Canada. We're not polite little sheep, we rebel, we're pissed off.

      Trudeau and his followers, all traitors. They're supporting mandatory vaccination and internment camps for f**k's sake! If Trump is the real deal, all the power to him, literally. China (the CCP) is EVERYONE's enemy, period.

    5. I'm not talking about just Quebec, per se, I have ancestors from there (hey we might be related the families had 13-20 kids) guess that's why we synch. Is Toronto a lost cause? It was headed that way last I heard.

    6. Glad to hear that about Quebec it's a beautiful city and I can say that my ancestors helped make sure it was.

    7. Every major city is broke and ruined by now, due to the Lockdowns and the previous, ridiculous construction projects on main streets (Tramways).

      I don't (can't) travel much, though.

    8. Hey, I heard a story about back when they were driving the Acadians to LA in the 1700's that there were ones that stayed out in the woods and made villages and when their numbers were enough they made roads out connecting to the main ones nobody wanted to repeat the expulsion so they were accepted.

    9. If I'm not mistaken, my former best friend Francis was one of them, from Abitibi. This is the same Francis who met the demon Baal in the woods.

    10. Francis runs in my family as a boys name. Know much about the first french settlers before the fille du roi? Lol went to look up the spelling and found this
      Hillary Clinton is descended from them.

    11. Comparison of the Fille du Too versus the slave trade and pilgrims show the marked difference in the French idea of settlement versus the British Imperialism umbrella our history is thrown under.

  12. To JB, Dginn & everybody:

    Unfortunately it's looking more & more like travel of any kind is now a luxury of the recent past, perhaps never to return if you don't get the mandatory jab. I can practically count on the fingers of 2 hands the times in my life I've used a plane of any kind in the transport equation but then again I'm in VA where both the mountains and the ocean are within hailing distance by auto.

    But at this rate how long before "checkpoints" are set up on the interstates to monitor whether or not you've had the jab?

    Regarding Trudeau, how I miss the days when the only time that name came up was when we were all wondering which Rolling Stone Margaret was shagging!! Talk about more innocent times! The 70s!! Little did we many sinister connotations that name would begin trafficking within our lifetimes. What a drag it is getting old some wise men once said!!

    1. Ahh the blessing and the curse of living in "interesting" times.

    2. Wouldn't there be evidence of construction if they plan physical checkpoints?

    3. Oh crap JB's words jogged my memory "Every major city is broke and ruined by now, due to the Lockdowns and the previous, ridiculous construction projects on main streets (Tramways)." The closest city here made this ridiculous construction on the bridge into the city and took what was a regular 4 lane over an interstate with 2 on ramps and 2 off ramps.They put up 2 traffic lights on either side of the bridge then made the lanes cross over so your driving on the wrong side of the road then switch back with a concrete barrier between. I thought it was just idiocy and aesthetics.

  13. PS -- for those that missed their chance at the 'Great Conjunction' tonight until what they thought was 2040 or later, don't fret! You'll still be able to see the spectacle right up to Christmas for about an hour and a half just before and right after sunset looking just above the horizon (about 15 degrees). After that they sink too low for viewing in most of the Northern Hemi. Saw it briefly driving home but thought erroneously that I could view it all night long. NOPE.

    Spoiler: Cool but still NOTHING like Hale-Bopp. Still waiting for something else like that one. That blew the doors off in about 100 diff categories (parapsychological, spiritual, social to name but a few).

    Steady as she goes...

  14. For tru3, JB, & everybody that was looking into BlackRock one comments section back, check these out:

    HEAVY ACCENTS on both Palantir & Vanguard also. All these are MOST DEF tentacles on the Octopus staring us in the face right now, & need heavy bombing runs of looking into -- where oh where is Mike Ruppert when you need him?

    & watch THE INTERNATIONAL when you get the chance everybody. That one still resonates too in the BCCI Book of the Dead. On Amazon Prime for free. (& I realize how stupid that sounds...)

    1. Makes me think of when I was seeing things in Florida that's on the east coast but all the signs said the opposite I'd like to know where I'm at when I go to the bank, especially when it's on our land.

  15. Hey Dginn -- good point about the checkpoints -- just not sure how much longer any physical validity of such is going to be necessary.

    That LUCIFERASE bioluminescent marker in lots of the vaxx gives me the willies. Certainly that couldn't be hard to track via any number of methods; drone, smartphone, etc. Forget shopping, what if you can't get a driver's license without the jab? A job? This is all leading into any number of territories uncharted, and I'm not liking the final destinations of any of 'em.

    1. Your "what Brian saw" post being about the effect of light on DNA manipulation really makes you think about between the luciferase and screens on DNA.
      P.s. i gave up a long time ago that I had any pretext of privacy on the phone, but I just realized I have clone apps of my email, photos, and texts. Not completely sure of the implications...

  16. And btw everybody, for some more celestial fun, catch some of this CRAZY action on the live meteor streams incoming:

    What ELSE is going on?

  17. Just remember: if Trump and the military set up a very clever sting operation against Biden, so that he would feed false information to the Chinese and get caught, I called it first!

    1. What if "dark winter" was a threat not to us but to others that if he didn't get his way he'd burn the playhouse down?

  18. The show "the protector" ties in all kinds of things including the esoteric, mkultra,biblical, pandemic, and vaccines.

    1. And interdemensional travel and time travel.

  19. The greatest conspiracy theory show of all time was "Nowhere Man", watched it late night late 90s, half the budget of X-Files, twice the deep, dark, paranoia.

    People loved it, but it got cancelled after one season. Wiki it. It's almost like a live-action version of Wordman's blog, where the whole power structure is corrupt and occult as f**k, and the hero is all alone against the world, no money no gun nothing.

    1. JB -- you wildman!! You HONOUR me sir!! THOMAS VEIL!!!
      I HAVE that entire series on DVD & it's one of my prized possessions without a doubt. When it arrived in the 90s my reception in the woods for UPN was even worse than it was for FOX & XFiles: like trying to ascertain what was happening in a blizzard!! So other than a few clear nights when the wind wasn't blowing, the stars were right (heh heh) & the rabbit ears pulling in for all they were worth, I maybe caught 3-4 eps, but enuff to know it was 100% up my alley.

      No spoilers, but if you hang @ til the last 3-4 eps you will be SHOCKED to the core. EXTREMELY Hitchcockian in the way it ratchets up the sense of dread -- like an updated version of THE PRISONER only bleaker by a lot.

      IT's actually all here in its entirety on YT:

      There's literally NOTHING I could recommend more highly -- & you comparing it to my meager output here is literally the best Christmas present you could give me dude!!! Really appreciate that, since I not only consider it a simple TV series, but the highest art.

      I can only echo the third comment down on the YT playlist:
      "Canceled because it was true."

      There's actually quite a weird feature that pops up on the DVD boxset's last DVD that has a supposed gov't insider/informant claiming that much of it actually WAS true, & was being fed to the fledgling UPN as a sort of beta test for the public...bizarre, eh?

      Final operative words: MIND CONTROL, & nothing is what it seems.

      Lots of "unknown" stuff to the general public was included here; stuff that only very inside MKUltra types were privy to -- this is the first instance in popular culture that I can remember (1995 mind you) that the sound of breaking glass was featured prominently as a trigger.

      And yes, occult to the max. Enjoy everybody.

    2. Holy sh*t! Thank you, Wordman! If I would have known it was free on YouTube, I would have watched it a long time ago! I had forgotten he was married to Frank Black's wife.

    3. WORDMAN, interestingly, the producer/writer of Nowhere Man, Larry Hertzog, was also a writer for the series "24", season 3. A
      CIA agent on the series was also named Larry Hertzog.

      Season 3 of "24" was about a *deadly virus being intentionally spread on a Presidential Election Year*.

      Larry Hertzog IRL suddenly died of cancer in 2008.

    4. JB & everybody -- you are certainly welcome but just heard some incredibly distressing news: VOAT is now gone:

      Was supposedly going on Christmas but I can't get it right now. Been shut down.

      A LOT of my stuff was on there via MissFrill, so if I wasn't even marginally in the crosshairs before, I guess I am now.

      This is beyond weird. So much stuff happening lately -- have said it before & I'll repeat now: if I didn't know better, I'd think someone was trying to break me down psychologically.

      If something isn't done before Jan 20th, I fully expect to see a presidential admin weaponized against dissenters like nothing we've ever seen before. Have heard that they may be parsing EVERYONE that ever typed out 'WWG1WGA.' Seriously.

      JB, your Nowhere Man tag on me might be proving to be prophetic.

      Those stakes? ...they just got elevated into the stratosphere. BIG time.

      Got to REALLY start thinking about contingency plans...will let you all know...

    5. They've been waging non-stop psychological warfare on all of humanity all year long. We're simply very intimately aware of it.

    6. You know some of your entire posts are uploaded on a number of other of other blogs and sites I was meaning to ask you if you knew.

    7. In like the first few weeks of lockdown either Freeman or Clyde Lewis said "we're all being gang stalked en masse" blew me away how right that became. At least some of us had plenty of practice. A while back some of my neighbors broke and went out and started screaming at and punching the windshield of a blacked out car I'd been smiling and waving at for hours.

    8. Sounds like "The Nobody" meme, psy op...they ran on a guy, that refuses to play ball.

      He didn't get why serve, why enter the drama....this seems to escape the idiots who gang stalk witnesses and complainants who tripped open the NSA wiretapping scandal.

  20. Secret sun just put up an excellent post, after you read it watch "aliens and mysterious rituals" from ancient aliens on Netflix it the was ever any doubt of him being able to figure out symbolism. Then think about how it was playing already as I was reading his blog if you doubt sychronicity.

  21. Alright guys, EMERGENCY TRANSMISSION tomorrow night sometime right around or before midnight...

    Lots that I'm sure you've heard already but some maybe you haven't; ALL of it needs to go on the record as things get unpacked as we're fighting the clock now, as has become apparent tonight --

    Tomorrow will be trying to put the latest and final no-spin on what's been happening, their plan from the beginning, and where we go from here.

    Eyes open -- no fear. Back in 24.

  22. Be careful out there Wordman... if you need something to sleep by Art Bell talking about Chris Carter XFiles thought about you...

    1. Let's all pray for wordman and each other things are brewing and this has way different energy already than anything before. Rather than just hope it means it's going to be for the better let's Make it for the better, faith, will, and intention out.

  23. Episode date 10-26-1999 Art Bell interviews Chris Carter...

      I know I posted it earlier but if anyone missed it, it might be some of the most prophetic words ever spoken.

  24. 36 people have supposedly fallen ill from Covid in Antarctica.

    People in France won't be able to take the bus or any public transport without vaccination.

  25. Only 2 hours left (hopefully less) before the "EMERGENCY TRANSMISSION". Oh, and Mike Pence STILL hasn't done what he was supposed to do no later than today.
