Sunday, July 21, 2024


"Technology had destabilized every atom of human nature, and a new class of chemicals with unpronounceable names could reduce people to machines. The human mind, like any other appliance, could be rewired and automated."    Tom O'Neill   CHARLES MANSON, THE CIA, AND THE SECRET HISTORY OF THE SIXTIES

"Lackland officials told me there was no record of him in their master index of patients, but curiously all the records for patients in 1954 had been maintained with one exception -- the file for last names beginning with SA thru ST had vanished. Articles in court testimony described Shaver's mental state just as West had described his experiments the previous summer: Amnesia and trance states. A man violating his moral code with no memory of doing so. And West had written that he planned to experiment on Lackland airmen for projects that must eventually be put to test in practical trials in the field..."

Part I here:

"One measures a circle beginning anywhere. If there is an underlying oneness of all things, it does not matter where we begin."  Charles Fort

"I'll bet the American Indians felt like this when the first sails came over the horizon." (page 58)

"Are you involved in any kind of parapsychologies?"

"Why do you do your research? The masses will never know about it; how do you get the people to wake up? The minute I hear that stuff I say don't talk to me about the people. The people don't change the course of history, CERTAIN people do. Certain people that are energetic."  Mae Brussell:

"I think many of you know how I feel about psychic phenomena and ESP and that I feel very strongly that if enough people use powerful sources of information and feelings communicating with each other as we do on these tapes and as other persons are doing around the country to control these forces of evil, that there is a weapon or a force here that has not been tapped by very many people...Very positive thinking is one of the things that keeps me from getting discouraged. Many of the researchers get down in the dumps and get depressed and get discouraged but I know the power of using your mind as a weapon."

"The CIA refers to this experience as greater or as great as the atomic bomb in espionage and I mention it now because it's important. And if you don't think you have that power you have. And you have the power to direct and move people across the history board to counteract their forces. If you don't believe you have that then you can't, but if you believe you have that power you can play your role in changing the course of history."

"What's the frequency Kenneth is your Benzedrine, uh-huh/ I was brain dead locked out, numb, not up to speed/ I thought I'd pegged you an idiot's dream/ Tunnel vision from the outsider's screen

I never understood the frequency, uh-huh/ You wore our expectations like an armoured suit, uh-huh

I've studied your cartoons radio music TV movies magazines/ Richard said 'withdrawl in disgust is not the same as apathy'/ A smile like the cartoon, tooth for a tooth/ You said that irony was the shackles of youth/

You wore a shirt of violent green uh-huh/ I never understood the frequency uh-huh"

"Out of the blue and into the black, you pay for this but they give ya that. and once you're gone, you can't come back, when you're out of the blue, and into the black."    

"Don't you know I got the bully boys out, changin someone's facial design

Sittin with my toy room lout, polishing my precious china,

Don't you know I'm an animal, but don't you know I can't stand up steady

But you can't show me any kind of hell, 

 ......that I don't know already..."

"Maybe we've gone a bit far. I mean, the assassination program was one thing, but know how many people are going to die?"

"Nobody said this was going to be easy, Elden. It's up to us, people in our positions, to make that tough call. Otherwise, there's no future. You fucking get that, right?"      CONDOR (2023) 

"Death is the solution to all problems. No man, no problem." Josef Stalin 

"People are trapped in history, and then history is trapped in them."  James Baldwin



We exist in a state of entropy. Decoherence. It always increases; things gets more disorganized. It's even been inserted into the popular culture by noted philosopher David Byrne: "Things fall apart. It's scientific!!" It's why we grow older. But there is an ingenious way to invert this; no, not only in the scientific, technological ways as shown in Chris Nolan's TENET (altho the possibilities in that realm are intriguing, endless, and growing by the hour in a narrative that still remains largely untold, continually unfolding and not for the faint of heart or intellect.)

(Just as much as you might enjoy the linked ENTIRE essential audiobook above at the header of Tom O'Neill's CHAOS as a breezy little beach read, or listen...the overlaps between both are not as far afield as you might imagine. And the rewards for repeated listens are art personified...)

And lots more than me are listening:

Plus, scrolling down, got to hear O'Neill's take, but in seems THE PROCESS is still out of bounds -- links to Naomi Wolf's father, and Netflix on board:

In fact, there is no way of going forward without going backward simultaneously. Along these yin-yang dual tracks, while our body is deconstructing, our minds and souls should be reconstructing, which leads to one hell of a second act in life, F Scott Fitzgerald be damned. Our lives can be like tours. And the Farewell Tour doesn't have to be nostalgic tears, wine and roses. It can be a signal -- a start of something altogether new. A Reconstruction. And it's why all of our lives are more sci-fi that we had ever previously dared imagine, and encompass mind-over-matter, omni-directional, dimension-surfing multitudes. As long as our minds are inquisitive, retaining the ability to probe, and ask questions, consciousness never ends. NOTHING ever ends, and Mae Brussell never left.  

And before we leave the circle of  Jolly West influence (detailed with a fine tooth comb in Part II above by O'Neill), let's remember his ties to not only Ruby and Manson, but also the Unabomber, Patty Hearst, Timothy McVeigh, Squeaky Fromme, Jonestown, the False Memory Syndrome Foundation (pedophile cover-upper-ers extraordinaire), Waco, and many, many more I'm sure I've overlooked:

Dr. Bruce Perry is included very much in that last roundup:

Bruce Perry that has an incredibly telling history of proximity to occult ritual and MKULTRA signatures:

Surely no good reason for him to insert himself into the COVID agenda drama, was there?? Nah:

Neurosequential network??:

Ya go with what ya know, right?? All hands on deck. At what point does this all just get a BIT too close for comfort? Let's just say a deep state individual compromised thru satanic ritual and blackmailed/handled with it for 40 plus years just so happens to get let off the hook in 2018 just before his serendipitous insertion into the deep trauma-based covid narrative deployed worldwide. Experiments. Operations. Rituals.... All of them witches. Witches that communicate: 

Let's just say that in terms of possibilities -- poor Brandon is about somewhere 100-200 years behind -- at least. That horse has left the barn. But he may just be out there running psychic interference and keeping us purposefully behind the Magick 8 Ball.

Jim Semivan hits closer: 

See links again here for the RAND Corporation and SRI, both of which were responsible for the treatise entitled Changing Images of Man, which today can be seen as the forerunner of the trans movement: 


OG Publisher in 1982? Pergamon Press. Robert Maxwell. Please please tell me now they haven't all been in on this coordinated network breakdown for a long, long time:

RAND, btw, is deeply cross-entrenched in the Covid vaxx, AI, Transhumanism realms:

With programs just like these, education and civilization has been denuded of critical thinking.

We're looking at a cross-pollination hybrid overload of WestWorld, Severance, Invasion, the OA, Outer Range, Twin Peaks, Zodiac, True Detective, and goodness knows how many more programmings coming as the experiments (and ceremonies) continue to verge ever deeper into occult touchstones:

It's a close-knit neighborhood(cult):

And since we're deep into the cross-pollination vein, RAND and 1954 biological sampling:

That's Nineteen. Fifty. Four. 


Interspersed with RAND and UFOs:

The infamous Pentacle Memorandum written by Howard Cross of both Battelle and RAND -- involved faking huge UFO flaps in order the gauge response and effect. How there "fakes" would be achieved is not discussed, but given all of the principals' backgrounds in psycho-pharmacology and cutting-edge drug implementation as cited chapter and verse by O'Neill, it isn't hard to imagine that wouldn't play a large part... 

Their new "thing' is based in quelling ANY online or grassroots independent thinking involving ANY of these specific areas (alien visitation, Cov-19 origins, anti-vaxxers) -- think of the overlap, the amount of concern, and ask yourself WHY??:

Why would these specific areas be grouped together and viewed as essential in being shut down regarding any questioning of "official" proclamations??



Remember as far back as 1992, RAND was calling for another kinder, gentler, machine-gun version of DARPA:

An entity which has also, btw, been getting traction even among the more "normy" go-down-easy limited hangout platforms of late:

Even those whose vested interest is in NOT getting too involved per their mandate, are beginning to feel the heat to take notice and look around, as dangerous as that approach might be... So peer straight in the mirror as you pat yourselves on the back and re-read the Mae Brussell quotes at the are the difference you see in the world right now. People are beginning to dismantle Jonestown and break out of the worldwide cult spell we've been under beginning in the waning days of 2019:

But the struggle will not be easy...because the Beast you have been feeding intends to devour you.

You see illuminated the cult ethos and ideology adopted by the WHO, WEF, etc when every world government embraces it. We have seen the blueprints of NXIVM, Epstein, Jonestown, the OTO, the Solar Temple, Heaven's Gate and the Family writ large across the planet. In the apocalyptic headlines written since the late 1960s, lessons have been learned in the spawning ground of the three-letter agencies as the legacy of Project Paperclip intensifies.

Mass Formation Psychosis is a weaponized platform. Mind Control as an endgame now conjured into being by dual-use DARPA/RAND/WEF black budget, occult technology. The attitudes, personalities and cores of the human being now altered by ingestion and injection in a process that has been ongoing for decades, in a captive populace just waiting for the next trigger -- the last switch to be thrown:

More DARPA development:


Meanwhile, over here in the HP Lovecraft section of the store, we present something that in NO POSSIBLE WAY can be good:

Per our timeless instructions from the OG Jurassic Park, just because you CAN do it, doesn't mean you SHOULD do it. Not to mention this has an endless spiraling-out of ramifications on the surveillance side:

Accumulating proof? There are those bluetooth signals coming from underground -- from graves:


And now from the darker side of the dual-use street...the steadily decaying orbit of the prion. And how this may only be a symptom of something larger, and more horrifying...

Recently this headline pointed to the fact that the globalists and other federal entities want increased control over all national parks

To say nothing of the continuing Missing 411 phenom, which the Feds and military are up to their eyeballs in, what other emerging scenario might they want to keep close tabs on? Possibly this one:

Which in turn I think could quite possibly be linked to this:

All this smacks of a clampdown or trying to contain something. 

Guess where else this is showing up? Right on schedule:  Multiple links here, and no, this is not good. CJD is showing up increasingly in the vaxxed.

What did Obama's tailor-made Netflix special, Leave The World Behind, trigger us towards again?? That's right. 


And people are keeping track of what is being found in the clots of the post-vaxxed recently unalived:

I ask you to take note of no.18 on that list: neutrophil elastase. This has been shown to couple with spike proteins (major vaxx endgame trigger manufacture) to form amyloids: 

Amyloidosis is the cause of CJD.

But you know where this gets really interesting? The other people that are looking into this historically, and where their CVs overlap...again with the UFO phenomenon

And the HITCHHIKER part of the story:

Tell us more, Colm:

Would that be possibly the exact same "manipulation of perception" currently taking place en masse worldwide post-vaccination?? Why do we, over and over again, continue to see symptom overlap and intermingling between these 2 hugely divergent areas?? What if we are in the midst of a mind infection?? 

We end this speculative section winding up at the roundabout intersection of NHI UFO phenomena, physiological effects mirroring each other from BOTH the UFO and Covid vaxx fields, possible Federal monitoring of a dangerous expanding situation, intense interest from multidisciplinary individuals with feet in camps of both UAPs and biological warfare experimentation, and finally the cross-infection of what can only be classified as a mind virus of unknown, possibly multidimensional, origin.

Or -- something that UFO cutting edge scientists and biochemists working for Robert Bigelow's National Institute for Discovery Sciences (NIDS) team on Skinwalker Ranch in the mid-90s find in mysteriously mutilated cows just so happens to show up decades later as a deadly side effect (intent) of the C-19 vaxx. Slow-acting, airborne, shedding-induced AIDS. (An area that just so happens to be the specialty of another person of interest involved in the rollout...) Coincidences piled on coincidences. 

Probably connections somebody should be looking into. Or just one of those weird things...(since I get in trouble asking questions like this.)

Note from this that everyone living in the UK for more than 6 months between 1980-1996 is banned from giving blood thruout the world due to possible infection

A little birdy tells me that that list might be expanding REAL soon...


Amidst all these machinations, do you ever have the nagging feeling at the back of your mind that we are all in the ongoing process of having something manifested here? Summoned perhaps? Willed into existence thru mind manipulation of elite bellwethers here moved into lockstep by some NHI?? What are the cosmic ramifications of creating something -- willing something thru ritual -- into existence?:

On how large of a scale can something like this be attempted? How might our physical world be altered in such an attempt before some kind of endgame presents itself? 

Strangely, there is actual precedent for this:

What if, as Dr. Ana Mihalcea has postulated, that these bioweapons masquerading as vaccines modify consciousness? Are Big Pharma, not to mention world governments thru contractors like DARPA, RAND, MITRE, etc, involved in the paranormal? 

We have seen the CIA's fascination with Projects like Stargate, and what went on at the Monroe Institute's looking into thought and spirit projection, astral travel, and remote viewing:

Remember at the beginning of this year the Miami Mall aliens narrative? How it was reported from eyewitnesses that a bunch of kids were playing at something right out of Stranger Things; playing tones on electronic equipment inside the food court that somehow manifested these things -- which brought an unprecedented police response?? Well, far from making any assurances here, but there is this: 

Just how far gone are things?? The above could easily be a fake or an iphone app -- but strange that it matches the exact same thing being reported in January of this year. Then again, note we are now in the realm of summoning magick. Think the Rendlesham Bentwaters hypothesis...i.e., fake sims to call down the real thing:

See again the Pentacle Memorandum ploy at the start here. Metaphysically speaking, did summoning magick play a part there also, and is that why Vallee chose to disclose?? A tried-and-true occult ritual working being deployed. 

Vallee knows things, and that's from all sides:

From authorities and eyewitnesses like Dr. Ray Boeche and "Charlie," we have on the record accounts of high-level and military interest in Enochian magick and Crowley's occult experiments with human sacrifice in order to establish and maintain "contact" and honor ongoing "agreements.":

Those links alone are documentary evidence leading into the blackest of the black. 


What if this battle between Cosmic Good and Evil is being fought out across the Dreamscape?:

The prospect of just how much all these operations are woven together grow even more tangled when we realize that one, possibly more, of the 9/11 hijackers were entered into these programs:

What if something like this overarching tulpa narrative is being attempted on a planetary scale, and is the reason for the widespread notations of personality and cognitive alterations, and neurological manipulation seen in the wake of the vaxx exhibited by what are now hundreds of millions of people?? Is this meant to usher in/manifest Ancient Ones from an even more Ancient Religion (of the future??) 

We know from statements from insiders like Geordie Rose of CERN and Kindred**, that this is the intention; and mechanically speaking may very well be where the guidelines of something like the aforementioned TENET come into play...


That Ancient Religion of the future -- how close have they come to achieving the skeletal infrastructure of this which will form the basis of the psychosphere going forward?? Perilously close:

The bait and switch. A Death Cult masquerading as a Life Cult. Everything has a false front now that hides something even darker:

Everyone knows it. Everyone can feel it. People are making the connections between. Between people on the cutting edges of eugenics programs, which lead to biowarfare weaponry, which lead to sacrifice, which lead back to eugenics and depopulation. Look at those benches around the sundial on Epstein island. Look at those sheer cliffs around the temple and tell me you don't get a distinct Midsommar vibe. Might as well jump.

                                                  Script from The Wicker Man (1973)


Finally, another extremely important aspect of creating a new religion, is getting rid of any traces of the old one -- something the WEF and their allies are up to here, so they can make up the rules as they go along in the new Reformation:

And ongoing here:

And finally in Texas:

You will notice in that last Texas example of the great 7-story rock wall (an incredible feature I'd never heard of), the History Channel "experts" determined thru measuring "magnetic flow" that the wall was a natural formation -- but notice they only drilled into ONE specific stone in the wall of hundreds, if not thousands going deeper. Of COURSE the magnetic flow won't change within an example of ONE stone about measuring 4 or 5 not only adjacent but at the far ends of the dig?? Wouldn't that be a better determination to finalize your theory? 

But of course the outcome was preordained before you even tested, wasn't it? So naturally you'd hedge all bets and rig the game before informing of the final conclusion. This is EXACTLY what Graham Hancock has always alleged is their M.O. when dealing with finds like this. He claims it's so they can keep us ignorant of the true nature of the past. But quite obviously they can also employ this tactic to bury the past forever. It goes along fine with erasing definitions in the dictionary so they can rewrite them, like vaccination or informed consent -- or tearing down statues that have stood thru eras... that did what? 

Helped us to remember history. 

And erasing history is tantamount when you're creating a new one. Or redesigning an ancient one to conform to what you want -- to reinforce whatever you say it is. 


DECADES of abuse of minors and only 40 witnesses and victims come forward. That speaks to a cult immersed in ritual, dark esotericism, black arts, and again, sacrifice. The silence of the FBI, the CIA. And people, perhaps even people in the mass consumption limited hangout business, are remaining silent no longer:

And because GLADIO in particular? That leads, believe me, to even darker places:

Btw in my 2022 above post to you guys, go about 8 clicks down after the images at the header to the paragraph that begins "I put all this here, dear readers..." The first link I inserted about the PCR test being a shot of nanoparticles for your brain, no longer is valid. Which always makes me think it's leaning on something important -- so go here instead:

As for GLADIO and what was going on -- look again at who Andre Cools was getting ready to name as being major players in the Belgium Op, as well as growing it worldwide. And by that I mean all aspects of the Cult; mind control, psychopharmaceuticals mixing with the biowarfare and nanotech platforms, SRA, missing persons, and child sacrifice:

This New World Order isn't gonna order itself. But certain here among us have the cookbook. And that's a cookbook that's been dictated. (And renamed as the Great Reset, which is nothing more than the literal re-imagining of Set, after all.) Everything is occult code to these people. Remember as our teacher Richard Hoagland used to beat us over the head with those late nights, early mornings with Art Bell in the heady runup to the Millennium on Coast to Coast -- look to the Egyptian influence -- that is all-important to their religion and their agenda. Richard had the Parsons-NASA angle covered, but oh, there was much more to come....

Case in point, just look here:,against%20SARS%2DCoV%2D2


One of the 3 main stars in Orion's belt, and why the Egyptians built their pyramids in the same mirroring alignment here on earth. Why?? To maintain contact with rebirth and the afterlife. So why exactly would a biotech concern integral in the origin of mRNA vaccines -- tips of the Covid-19 agenda spear taking over worldwide in a mere 2 years from 2018 -- draw its name from such an ancient esoteric, occult heritage??:

And as we have seen earlier, they were far from alone in that callout and ritualistic signaling:


We posed the question earlier in this piece, taking cues from the Nov 2023 research of Dr. Ana Mihalcea, is Big Pharma involved in the paranormal?? In one way or another, I believe that question has been answered. Across multiple venues:

And for those of you thinking that is not to be taken literally, here is the followup re augmenting such thru Adiabatic means -- The Adiabatic Computers of DWAVE installed at CERN:

Endgame related to the vaxx and components? Training neural networks on a global scale:

Straight from CERN's document server. The largest mind control project ever attempted. Jolly West's children have taken over making all his nightmares come true:

But his Children have been broadcasting that for a long time:

If we put poor little Charlie Manson in jail for life for brainwashing others to kill for him, what do you think we should have done with Jolly West??

I mean, like, besides keep rewarding him with CIA contracts??:


All of this -- training the 9/11 hijackers in Project Stargate, the vaxx having weird side effects like deja vu and cognitive ingress, places like BlackRock, DARPA, MITRE, the Pentagon and Big Pharma being highly involved in investigating the paranormal, Jolly West and SRI doing advanced MKUltra tactics, all the way back to Sidney Gottlieb with Operation OFTEN probing demonology at the behest of Dick Helms -- has been about one long process of creating a Mind Virus, a Mnemonic pandemic out of which everything will be changed and there is no return to anything that was. It has been carried out under cover of darkness, all goals hidden, and with ultimate deception. 

And where do we find BlackRock most recently, furthering the agenda:

For much more, refer back to the last post on Thursday.

Also playing into the equation, the locating and weaponization of portals -- which has obviously been a thing for longer than any of us have realized:  Listen to what Paulides relates at the 26:00 min mark here...

This is a sex magick generational bloodline cult dedicated to summoning, establishing communications, opening portals, ritual, and sacrifice as a means to the most eldritch of ends:

And we can't get away without noticing that, yes, the same actor (Jack Reynor) playing Christian in Midsommar played Jack Parsons in Strange Angel. Sync that up however you like, as long as you remember that Parsons was no stranger to ritual sacrifice situations designed to transform -- and who also died by fire. 

Parsons, of course, is traceable to other things starkly pertinent to our investigation:

Because Parsons, piggybacking on the Crowley blueprints, ushered in the modern UFO era, as it now appears given contemporary surroundings the Suicide Squad never ended (see the top of the structure): 

Polly charts every single connection to the above graph in audio/video form right here also:

The dreams of Parsons, and perhaps of some Michael Aquino-grafted Lebensborn as well, are being made manifest today:


And Diana Walsh Pasulka knows, as do we all, Parsons had rather immense help on the party line:

But that's a hotline to forever that's been open for quite some time -- see from mark 1:47:00 and continuing here:

Which means...

If orders were dictated that long ago (Elizabethan era) for THE New World Order, orders which are still in place and counting down, then possibly everything old is new again:

Remember what John O'Looney told Alex Jones took place on Sept 28,2021 at Birdcage Walk at Westminster (30 min in here): 

This was, and remains, a global imperative that no one, of any standing, can say 'no' to. In that ordering of questions, we need to move 'Why?' to the top of the list. Answering that will very likely prove to be life-changing. 

And as for GLADIO?? Much like Parsons' Suicide Squad, it's not like that really ever ended either:

Mirrors indicative of even larger mirrors: 

And because their occult numerology signature is never far away from these Ops, Lee Harvey Oswald was discharged from the Marines, indicative of his slide towards dark destiny, on September 11: 

From 1973's Executive Action

A film which coincidentally held tight onto other secrets waiting in the wings -- see mark 30:09 for a bit of ominous pre-planning...

Where have I heard that approx 500 million number before?? 

Perpetual balance with nature sounds about right:


What emerges from this miasma is something long in the summoning....

....the strange fruit of a ritual that has been unfolding for decades and is only now being fully glimpsed and felt. What was once marginal and existing on the fringes of society as "alt" or "progressive" thinking inculcated into liberal arts premiere or exclusive platforms catering to the wealthy has now emerged into the open atmosphere of all societal levels. The seeds that were planted in the mid-60s thru mid-70s have now blossomed across castes. As it was always intended; timed-release weltanschauung poisoning from the top down. This is ultimately how new Religions are formed; metaphors and mind viruses spreading and becoming tangible. 

Symbolism of this ancient religion of the reconstruction is popping up with a purpose in pop culture of late -- both the aforementioned Midsommar as well as the highly-occultic trigger film Longlegs, now making the hottest viral rounds, both feature as a touchstone James Frazer's The Golden Bough

Platforms like this purposefully connect back to the zeitgeist making this book essential, important, and groovy for a new generation of "seekers," the same orbit it inhabited in the '70s. So there is something happening here --a dark trail of Nazi inspiration -- being repeated:

This is traceable back to the links in O'Neill's CHAOS I placed at the header -- to Nazi influences and who influenced them (who they were talking to) and ever farther back. All around us now parameters are folding into the Lovecraftian by definition, a metaphysical cosmic horror playing out -- clandestine experiments leading to a violation of nature: "Nature is quite remarkable. Some species need our help. I'm giving you the chance to be of great use in our quest for preservation."

Some may call it the "Green" Agenda and see it as a good thing; but all good things can be inverted and backwards-engineered for dual-use madness (hey, it was a Crowley specialty), and I see it as something else coming that others saw even longer ago. Again, this bears repeating, no?: 

Dawn of the Millennium indeed. Too much of anything is too much, (be careful what you wish for syndrome) and I wish I had a lawnmower. 

"And as things fell apart, nobody paid much attention..." 

And finally, speaking of chemtrails, they've just been outlawed in 8 states and counting:

Whadaya know?? Banning something that we were all told as nauseum was just a conspiracy theory and didn't even exist for the past close to 30 years...

But there are those of us who have been on that trail for quite some time:

As we verge on yet another 'Dog Days' of summer, let's not forget the implications contained in that loaded narrative get closer to the source code every year -- and what they mean going forward as the clocks all wind down in this one:

I leave you til next time with a sweltering ode as the red sun dips in the west, bathing us all in scarlet light to match our scarlet the strange fruit of our High Strangeness accumulates:

How's it going to end? 

"Oh God, I could be bounded in a nutshell, and count myself a king of infinite space, were it not that I have bad dreams.

To die, to sleep -- to sleep, perchance to dream; aye, there's the rub. For in that sleep of death what dreams may come, when we have shuffled off this mortal coil, must give us pause.

If we shadows have offended, think but this and all is mended,

That you have but slumbered here, while these visions did appear."   William Shakespeare

Bow down before the one you serve, you're going to get what you deserve

Head like a hole, black as your soul, I'd rather die than give you control

This post was conceived in the main before the events of 7-13-24...all synchronistic psychosphere leaks and weird precog niggles still apply. Maybe more so. Cheers to all the Challengers!!

Here's my Columbo one last thing before I go...hit it Harrison:

To which I'll just add:

July 13 -- assassination flyby

July 15 -- RNC begins

July 18 -- Trump speaks, leaves on retribution-tinged Nessun Dorma:

July 19 -- Crowdstrike internet crash

July 21 -- Biden calls it a career at Bernie's/ Hill back in the race??

Hill tied to Crowdstrike;

Shooter tied to BlackRock;

Crowdstrike owned by BlackRock.  

Bedfellows. Very strange, fortuitous, serendipitous bedfellows. But all just coincidence theory, I'm sure. Are we in Game of Thrones yet?? Because I want my dragons.