Tuesday, July 6, 2021



All that first-class jet set brings me down, down, down

All that first-class drug shit brings me down, down, down

It's a big machine, it's a big machine

We're all slaves to a big machine

It's a big machine, it's a big machine

We're all slaves to a big machine

All tied up to a big machine

I got houses

Got cars

I got a wife

I got kids

Got money in the bank

Get away without borders

I'm a slave, New World Order

I guess I chose to be

I guess I chose to be

I guess I chose to be

I guess I chose to be……




Think you’ve been poisoned for years by chemtrails, bunky? HAARP got you down? 5G harshing your mellow? Well, hold on. Because I’ve got a brand new surprise from your reptilian cabbalistic overlords: YES! You’ll soon be digging the scene with that gangsta lean Graphene. Get to know it, because it’s the new “playa” in town, and you’re gonna love him, like it or not, Superfly. Diamond in the back, sunroof top, mofo. Oh, abandon hope all ye who enter here, because we may just have stumbled on the proverbial hidden smoking gun like Colonel Mustard in the parlour with a graphene pipe. Clues abound, so this way if you please….mind the bodies. They seem to be proliferating.


Previously relegated to reinforcing things like tennis racquets, skis, and cycling helmets, graphene has been busy branching out from the St. Moritz jet set and into the genocidal bioweapon biz – not that those 2 are mutually exclusive, mind you. (It’s been a long time since any kind of “jet set” was Cary Grant and Audrey Hepburn rendezvousing on the veranda for high tea.) Now it’s more like Abramovic, Gates and Podesta meeting in some underground grotto to discuss blood types and flavours, but I digress…


Think about how much more of the 5G network is getting ready to go online, think of Elon Musk’s Starlink, think also of his mass investing in graphene mining operations under the table – so much to think of. Only last time out I postulated, half in jest, that this all could be part of turning us all into a hive mind supercomputer….doesn’t seem so “jesty” anymore with this news today.

First of all, remember how stealthily they introduced 5G under cover and under the radar during the earlier lockdowns – from all the twitter accounts still up where the info hasn’t been scrubbed: https://twitter.com/search?q=5g%20installed%20during%20lockdown&src=typed_query




Folks, there is now most definitely something going on, and we may have found a HUGE piece of the puzzle with all this: https://www.orwell.city/2021/06/covid-19-is-caused-by-graphene-oxide.html


First it was only the Pfizer vaxx, now it appears that it’s been found in the AZ one also:  https://www.orwell.city/2021/07/graphene-oxide-in-astrazeneca-vaccination-vial.html


And remember the Luciferase included in the vaxx courtesy of Gates, the bioluminescent properties?: https://www.orwell.city/2021/07/photoluminescence-properties-of-graphene.html


MUCH more info here: https://www.dcncorp.com/news/ibm_graphene-chip-faster-using-standard-cmos-processes/


Folks, I have no idea what this all means and where this all goes – I’m just finding out about this on the fly and passing it along to you – but it’s all beginning to make a LOT more horrifying sense if all this turns out to be, in fact, true. There is absolutely NO reason for graphene oxide to be in ANY vaccine of any kind. Period. Unless this graphene infiltration of all life on earth is in fact part and parcel of what this Great Reset actually is. Tellingly, when confronted about graphene being an ingredient Pfizer has yet to comment. Colour me shocked.

A 2-phase binary weapon introduced? Deploy, then use the EM spectrum (5G) at various frequencies to activate the in vivo graphene.

And just to let you know that the final nail appears to be electromagnetic: https://twitter.com/PedritoReloaded/status/1412372488034607106

Remember all those early vids of metal objects sticking to the injection site? Well, this appears to be next – electrometers measuring an active charge beneath the skin of where you’ve been injected. Welcome to the grid. Welcome to the Big Machine.


Am connecting so much right now – and have absolutely no idea where this is going to go…is what we’ve been inhaling over the years via chemtrails part of the equation? Smartdust? (Remember those Northern Cali “studies” run earlier by the FAANG (Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, Goog) principals?) How do they figure in? Because at this point I’m pretty sure they do: https://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2020/05/blind-item-12_11.html


This from Mar 27, 2020:


And this doesn’t even begin to take into account the viral shedding. Does this apply to the graphene also? Would it even matter if it’s been inhaled by all of us anyway? We may all now be trackable (Luciferase, bioluminescence), programmable (graphene), and D.O.A. We just don’t know it yet. Insane in the membrane.

Stock up on that Ivermectin, which appears to short-circuit everything they’ve thrown at us so far.

Am on this my friends – HARD. Stay tuned for coming batsignals…shit just got interesting.


  1. A couple of graphene-related thoughts:

    1- Graphene is an atomic-scale hexagonal lattice made of carbon atoms. The Hexagon of Saturn, as always.

    2- "The Casimir effect is an interaction between disjoint neutral bodies provoked by the fluctuations of the electrodynamical vacuum. Mathematically it can be explained by considering the normal modes of electromagnetic fields, which explicitly depend on the boundary (or matching) conditions on the interacting bodies' surfaces. Since *graphene*/electromagnetic field interaction is strong for a one-atom-thick material, the Casimir effect is of growing interest."

    The Casimir Effect has been linked to *time-travel* theories. Take that into consideration with the Hexagon of Saturn, god of time.

    1. JB!! Remember this drop too from way back in Aug 2015 -- I noted toward the end that microscopic hexagonal structures were actually showing up in the bloodstreams and tissues of people ostensibly suffering from Morgellons at the time.

      Now with all this you've gotta wonder if it wasn't something more....http://mcmmadnessnews.blogspot.com/2015/08/year-zero-aeon-of-cern.html

      We keep getting closer, don't we? The veil between everything keeps getting thinner & thinner -- is THAT their objective? To make everything malleable to bring other things here? Very Lovecraftian in intent. And of course Saturn ties in to everything. (Makes me wanna reread Norman Bergrun's Ringmakers Of Saturn all over again.)

    2. Yeah, electro-magnetism is key. So few people know it, but it’s pretty revolutionary. You guys, what they are doing will not work as they think it will. I’m pretty sure of this. They have a huge conceptual hole in their entire thought process. It’s big enough to drive a large particle collider through. Just don’t get that vaccine. That’s actually important.

    3. Also, I’m really thinking of Ahriman right now.

    4. It took a minute but I found the book this made me think of. “The Body Electric, Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life” by Robert O. Becker M.D. and Gary Selden. I think it’s worth perusal given this graphene/5g crap.

    5. This would seem to be in agreement with your thesis. https://diplomatmagazine.eu/2020/06/07/and-the-wind-cries-jeffrey-biohacking-humans-with-dna-nanotechnology-iot-and-5g/?fbclid=IwAR1Bw-pdSr5F8hhN2jSKpup4tB7mpezxc35ZKbzGV_e9SSZISpkrdMOLs8w

  2. Awwww jeez... I'm staying in the blanket fort! This gets creepier and creepier. Speaking of creepy where is Schiff, Fauci, Podesta, Clinton and Bush? Just wondering...

    1. Not sure about the others but many are convinced that Fauci has been replaced -- weird: https://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message4837392/pg1

      The rest of the pot-bellied goblins have prob toddled off to the bunkers. Haha!

    2. Absence makes the heart grow fonder!

      Joking aside, even though it's "summer holidays", the usual suspects being hidden away (or saved for some "guest starring" role at an approaching date?) adds to the uncertainty (the essence of the past year & a half), the apprehension, the questioning: "What's going on?" - fight or flight is the response - harvest time approaches.

    3. Wordman, I saw that in the Fauci video. Weird. What I wonder is if that is a mask or if it’s some kind of digital alteration.

    4. Or he’s an android. Or a reptilian. Maybe he always has been.

    5. Since you asked, I will tell you what I heard from The Spirit a little while ago. First Hillary is dead, hung by the neck, Comey lost his head already, Brennan is dead, hung like the witch,slick willy begged for mercy and got permanent residence at a gray bar motel for the rest of his lousy existence. Schiff and Barr have been found guilty and sentenced to death,I think I heard August 13th for Schiff, cannot remember what The Spirit said about Barr's fate, his screw up was not letting Trump indict those who needed to be the most, and his excuse was none of them were politicians. duh like we do not know already that the biggest rats and treasonists in this country are not politicians.Good riddance you asshole,you deserve what you got as you were so far up the old man bushes ass you were never going to do the right thing. I will try to remember to listen more closely next time. Oh yeah, Podesta, he be dead also, he was executed by six Marines in a firing squad,if I remember correctly.Birx has been arrested, so I think Fauci would have been also, but that is total conjecture on my part, but if some of you are thinking that he has been replaced you are most likely correct,as that asshole deserves his part in death's kingdom.Stuff is happening and is going to continue,because you cannot go on forever murdering God's Sons and Daughters without there being consequences for those actions. That the consequences have started certainly does not surprise me.

  3. JD, I’m worried about Djinn.

    1. I know, instead of posting 30 or 40 crazy rants in a row, she's just quiet now. My aunt was like that, bi-polar.

    2. Hmm. Do you know how to contact her? I know she has a blog. I’ll try that.

    3. I meant JB, by the way. Typos are dumb. I guess you figured that out.

    4. My actual initials are J. D., strangely enough. And no, I don't have any idea how to contact her. A mousetrap? ;)

  4. Kevin McCairn (brain specialist) explains the magnetic effect is probably from vax contaminated batches. They somehow use iron tid bits in the rna separation something or other and are supposed to be taken out.

    1. That’s interesting. So, now there were “contaminated batches”. How conveeeenient.

  5. typo **ma should be rna ... gremlin switched the letters

  6. (did it AGAIN!) should be


  7. Hey guys!!

    Let me be the first to put your minds at rest about our Dginnster: am in touch with her and she's doing good, just making herself a moving target these days (diff emails every couple of days) and trying to cope with personal stuff like we all are in all this mess. Will update if anything spectacularly good or spectacularly bad happens, but right now, steady as she goes....& I'm sure she'll be touched knowing you guys are thinking of her.

    This really IS quite the group that's found each other -- you guys know that, right?

    Peace out, cub scouts, for now. Am still following the above post & will update accordingly. Eyes open, no fear, and stay safe my peeps!!

    1. Good to know. Thanks wordman.

    2. I’m still going to be a little worried about her, but I worry about people, but also glad to hear she’s still communicating.

    3. Also, wordman, I feel that you are a good host.

    4. AWWW, thanks KM!! Always trying, that's for sure...Cookies & S'mores in the blanketfort!! Race ya there!!

  8. And now an inhaled vaccine.

  9. Wordman, everyone, results coming in about the correlation between the vaccine and the "Delta variant":


    1. Remember:

      "I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world." - JB, the prophet of Pan

    2. Fantastic points JB -- & oh boy, I have about ZERO doubt that this 'Delta' variant (amoung others) is coming strictly FROM the vaxx itself & nowhere else...& btw, this would be the first ever variant in history that would be MORE lethal than the strain it originated from -- every other one, & I mean every other one in recorded existence, has always been both LESS lethal and LESS contagious than its host cell-line; as it mutates it gets watered down & the virulence lessens.

      Will have much more to say about this, with many new and up-to-the-second datapoints on another Saturday witching hour batsignal tomorrow night -- oops, make that tonight, in just a little over 24 hrs from now.

      But yes, you can rest assured that when all of this vaxx fallout really begins to pick up steam later this fall & winter, those 50%+ unvaxxed here in the good ole USA are going to be square in the crosshairs...& THAT'S when things might get REALLY interesting. What if they make it so you can't buy gas or food unless you've been jabbed? The ways & means to fake it all are going to go thru the roof -- start thinking & preparing accordingly. Overcome the world indeed.

      HAHA -- remember to get vaxxed or a vaxxed person might get sick from the virus they got vaxxed against because you're not vaxxed.(!!!)
      They SERIOUSLY want you to believe this shit. People really need to take off the blinders and put their thinking caps on. Or NOT thinking will kill you.

    3. Wow, JB, great catch. Wordman, logic died. Irony died. Truth? We’re so totally post that.

    4. JB better off being a Servant then a prophet,you know damn well who spoke those words, and it had nothing to do with pan or any other pagan wanna be.

  10. Replies
    1. PAN-ic. (true goal of PAN-demic)

      PAN-golin. (what the PAN-demic was originally blamed on)

      PAN-gu. (the ancient chinese horned, gigantic Creator, for whom the chinese government recently built a new temple and a new statue)

    2. The Chinese government trying to please the god of gods (Pan-gu):


  11. I got a couple of good reads for you folks,this first one,I have at my blog, but google will not let me locate at the moment, so I will go to the source. It is titled 'I do not believe in Elon Musk'you read this paper here


    This one is part 1 of 7 of a very good book called..

    The Invisible Rainbow A History of Electricity and Life by Arthur Firstenberg, well worth the time to peruse, when you are done reading it you will be smarter then you were before you read it, and just how much danger we are in now because of greed.

  12. “ The future is inevitable and precise, but it may not occur. God lurks in the gaps.”
