“Hope we’re not
too messianic or a trifle too satanic…”
Jagger/Richards Monkey Man 1969
“They’re not
human.” Princess Diana
“Bind all men to
our will as we have bound ourselves now and forever to yours…” Hereditary
“I’ve long felt
that the greatest handicap the American public has is their inability to
correlate information.” Preston
Guillory, arresting officer of Charles Manson, to Mae Brussell on her KLRB
radio show Dialogue, 11-17-71
“He said John
it’s just my job, and I hope you understand/ Hey callin it your job ol’ hoss
sure don’t make it right/ But if you want me to I’ll say a prayer for your soul
tonight…Grandma’s on the front porch swing with a Bible in her hand/ Sometimes
I hear her singin ‘Take me to the promised land’…” Rain On The Scarecrow, John Mellencamp
“Paimon is more
obedient in Lucifer than other kings are. Lucifer is here to be understood he
that was drowned in the depth of his knowledge; he would needs be like God, and
for his arrogance wasthrowne out into destruction of whom it is said: Every
precious stone is thy covering (Ezech 88 28.13.) Paimon is constrained by
divine virtue to stand before the exorcist; where he putteth on the likeness of
a man; he sitteth on a beast called a dromedarie, which is a swift runner, and
weareth a glorious crowne, and hath an effeminate countenance. There goeth before him an host of men with
trumpets and well sounding cymbals, and all musical instruments. At the
first he appeareth with a great cry and roaring, as in Circulo (Empto.)
Salomonis, and in the art is declared.
And if this Paimon speake sometime and the conjuror understand him not,
let him not therefore be dismaied. But when he hath delivered him the first
obligation to observe his desire, he must bid him also answer him distinctlie
and plainelie to the questions he shall aske you, of all philosophie, wisedome,
and science, and of all other secret things. And if you will knowe the
disposition of the world, and what the earth is, or what holdeth it up in the
water, or any other things, or what is Abyssus, or where the wind is, or from
whence it commeth, he will teach you aboundantlie. Consecrations also as well of sacrifices [offerings, libations] as
otherwise may be reckoned.”
Pseudomonarchia Daemonum by Johann Weyer (2000 translation)
“Is all that we
see or seem but a dream within a dream?”
Edgar Allan Poe
Well here we all
are turning from Friday the 13th into Saturday the 14th under a
blaring, Harvest moon at its fullest, with all the connotations and
implications that a Harvest moon brings, and yes, it is called that for a
This may seem to
veer wildly all over the boards as it unfolds, but stay with me, and it will begin
to coalesce from the agricultural to the elemental.
Vampirism, vampire cults,
and all their permutations are making themselves known with little regard for
secrecy anymore, and for all those disappointed in thinking this was going to
be the next installment of the Epstein chronicles – just wait !! – it actually
is. Because that’s how far the extent of his network’s reach has grown in the
uncovering, even as key people closely involved with him are disappearing
without a trace. (Ghislaine Maxwell, Jean Luc Brunel, etc.)
And although the
people may disappear, the footprints left behind are numerous, and lead into
dark byways encompassing ancient religions, rituals, technologies, world
governments, and an overriding agenda. In the uncovering of this networking, we
have all become God’s madmen, as only madmen would undertake such a benighted
crusade in God’s name. And yet, see how much has been uncovered and achieved
since those first wikileaks drops in the autumn of 2016 and the whispers about
weird “things” in the Clinton/Podesta emails fell on an unsuspecting world. The
court of public opinion has shifted seismically since then, and far into the
red of an enduring good as the volume of awakened souls has increased
exponentially on the world stage.
You are part of something never before seen
in terms of long-hidden knowledge being revealed. This is a set of
circumstances that has those that have ruled over you with malice and the
cruelest of intent in a blind panic. It today colors every headline and represents
every mainstream agenda against you. And all we have to do is keep on keeping
on, uncovering, revealing, digging, sharing. There is no stopping this now.
This is a Movement. Never forget that.
Let’s start now
with a place called the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) (at Chevy Chase,
MD and Harvard – remember Epstein’s extensive ties there), how it ties into
Advanced Genetic Sciences, the first use of genetically altered bacteria in the
world, and how all of that may tie into hordes of missing and dead
microbiologists in the aftermath of 9/11, and prior to that with Marconi in the
mid-late 1980s. As we will see from the source material, this all also ties
into Dyncorp, PROMIS, and a huge number of touchstones within the
Epstein/Maxwell network. A network which prizes, remember, child trauma,
trafficking, enslavement, torture, rape, and ritual sacrifice as means to an
end above all. But we’ll get to that, and how it is all part of an extended
ritual meant to include the largest numbers of humanity possible as it plays
Thanks to the
work of the lates Mae Brussell and Mike Ruppert for the background: https://www.copvcia.com/free/ww3/02_14_02_microbio.html
SCIENCES, Monterey County. Genetically altered bacteria unleashed FOR THE FIRST
TIME IN THE WORLD. Purpose of lawsuit to stop spraying. Concerns of critics.
Could affect IMMUNE SYSTEM of weak, sick. PART I of AGS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvzcnHt3Qj0&list=PLgWq3ErMFBwTpxzmR-rgLUI1SNSL8XE2Q&index=3
(side 2)Challenger; Part
III. ADVANCED GENETIC SCIENCES: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01c_9m35K2s&list=PLgWq3ErMFBwTpxzmR-rgLUI1SNSL8XE2Q&index=4
MEDICAL INSTITUTTE. Ready for military genocide, germ warfare? Secret drugs on
Shuttle and AIDS. HOOVER INSTITUTE and AIDS funding, study: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLNaNANjIV4&list=PLgWq3ErMFBwTpxzmR-rgLUI1SNSL8XE2Q&index=7
Stanford Institute, Reagan's foundation. Anti-constitutional proposal. HUGHES
MEDICAL INSTITUTE to distribute $1 billion. Genetics, Immunology, etc. Boston,
Stanford, Texas, etc: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6drN7POybI&list=PLgWq3ErMFBwTpxzmR-rgLUI1SNSL8XE2Q&index=8
What we discover
with all of these old links and broadcasts is the first beginnings of a network
that persists today, and is imminently involved in killings and disappearances
of techs and scientists within their ranks that stumble too close to the big
picture truth of what is transpiring. As with any investigation, this all
becomes a matter of perspective: too closely viewed it becomes a jumble of
blurs and sounds that is indecipherable – step back far enough and an overall
larger pattern begins to take shape.
Case in point:
Pseudomonas flourescens is a bacteria used in the first “Frostban” experiments
in Monterey County, CA charted by Brussell in the above broadcasts. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11650712
For experimental
purposes, there was something about that specific bacteria that the
powers-that-be wanted to first introduce into the systems of human beings
beginning in 1986 – possibly to reduce/weaken human resistance factors, immune systems,
etc. SOMETHING about that testing must have proved conclusive in the
affirmative for them, because lo and behold, pseudomonas flourescens also began
showing up in the first lab-tested specimens gathered from the initial
chemtrail spraying operations that began nationwide in North America in the
fall of 1998. Twelve years later, and the plan was in place. Much more is
becoming known in the public sector just now regarding the viability of this
bacteria in the human disease process. Is this something which others have
always known?
From the above
abstract: Pseudomonas fluorescens is not generally considered a bacterial
pathogen in humans; however, multiple culture-based and culture-independent
studies have identified it at low levels in the indigenous microbiota of
various body sites. With recent advances in comparative genomics, many isolates
originally identified as the “species” P. fluorescens are now being
reclassified as novel Pseudomonas species within the P. fluorescens “species
complex.” Although most widely studied for its role in the soil and the
rhizosphere, P. fluorescens possesses a number of functional traits that
provide it with the capability to grow and thrive in mammalian hosts. While
significantly less virulent than P. aeruginosa, P. fluorescens can cause
bacteremia in humans, with most reported cases being attributable either to
transfusion of contaminated blood products or to use of contaminated equipment
associated with intravenous infusions. Although not suspected of being an
etiologic agent of pulmonary disease, there are a number of reports identifying
it in respiratory samples. There is also an intriguing association between P.
fluorescens and human disease, in that approximately 50% of Crohn's disease
patients develop serum antibodies to P. fluorescens. Altogether, these reports
are beginning to highlight a far more common, intriguing, and potentially
complex association between humans and P. fluorescens during health and
Of note: However,
while far less virulent than P. aeruginosa, P. fluorescens can cause acute
infections (opportunistic) in humans and has been reported in clinical samples
from the mouth, stomach, and lungs (Table 1). The most common site of P. fluorescens infection is the bloodstream. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4187640/
And its presence
in lab-tested chemtrail samples: https://list.uvm.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A2=SCIENCE-FOR-THE-PEOPLE;80e771fb.0705
“CHEMTRAILS IN USA Erminia Cassani also found some samples of this gel-like
material that had splattered a house in the central United States. According to
neighbours who witnessed it, it had been dropped from an airplane. We have
photographs of the substance. She interviewed the owner, but the owner had been
stricken by endocarditis within a month, had a heart attack and was admitted to
hospital. We took this to a government-licensed lab. Many samples from this
fallout have landed on the ground, or porches, and could have been contaminated
by bacteria and the surrounding environment. These samples came from
aluminum-sided buildings, taken immediately; they were clean, good samples.
Erminia Cassani is a health researcher and knows how to collect samples. The lab
said, "Where did you get this biohazard material? We have never seen
anything grow out so quickly and overflow our culture dishes within 48
hours." They found three things: Pseudomonas
fluorescens, streptomyces, and a very toxic bacillus, as well as a chemical dye
marker taken from a coral reef and a restrictor enzyme used to restrict or cut
DNA used in research laboratories.”
As is the case
so many times, some of the earliest reporting of a phenomenon, this by Will
Thomas, remains the most accurate over time.
And just who was
the forefather of the atmospheric alteration/chemtrail movement? Edward Teller,
the father of the H-Bomb and long-time Bohemian Grove attendee. There is also
something else that Teller was into, which, at this point, I’m sure you can
guess: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:XcD0akqM4z0J:aangirfan.blogspot.com/2010/03/edward-teller-sabbatai-zevi-michael.html+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us
From this article: “We can trace
the beginnings of Operation Cloverleaf right to the Strangelove brain of Dr.
Edward Teller, father of the hydrogen bomb and proponent of nuking inhabited
coast lines to rearrange them for economic projects. Before he died in 2003,
Teller was director emeritus of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, where
plans for nuclear, biological and directed energy weapons are crafted. In 1997,
Teller publicly outlined his proposal to use aircraft to scatter in the
stratosphere millions of tons of electrically-conductive metallic materials,
ostensibly to reduce global warming.
Shortly after
Teller’s presentation, the public began seeing frenetic chemtrailing.”
Yours truly
first looked at the Mae Brussell Strawberry fields forever info in this posting
here, which was also evidently logged in some time before I learned how to type
or I had that coterie of trained chimps working for me (please pardon the "creative" formatting): https://mcmmadnessnews.blogspot.com/2013/06/the-last-wave.html
So where does
all of this lead us? For that, the road doubles back to the HHMI, and one of
its former lead “investigators,” Patrick “Pat” O’Reilly Brown, who also happens
to be CEO of one Impossible Foods, Inc., as well as inventor of the DNA
microarray and professor emeritus at the biochem dept at Stanford, as well as
the founder of the Public Library of Science. But it’s the Impossible Foods
that is of interest to us.
Perhaps you’ve
been exposed to the media hyper-drive of Burger King’s latest and greatest
“Impossible” Whopper? Well then, by all means, allow me.
Here slaves,
enjoy your meatless gruel patty. But wait!! There’s more!! Sooooo much more.
The rather
amazing Amazing Polly (who has been doing the Epstein casework that leaves the
NYTimes, WaPo, and all other papers “of record” – don’t make me laugh -- in the
dust) just happened to do a grid search for the location of the national HQ for
Impossible Foods, then plugged that into Google maps just to see what was
around, and guess what?!! Why, it happens to be just across the street …….wait
for it……from Planned Parenthood. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xfcdHVbO8Q
Folks, you just
can’t make these things up. And yes, there are of course the obligatory ties to
the CIA included in the package – you’d expect anything less?
My peeps, just
what in the fuck is going on here? In case you’ve been hiding under a rock
lately, Planned Parenthood has been caught doing all manner of things with
aborted tissue and fetal cells that would make the Devil blush. (organ
harvesting, blood sales, tissue trafficking…) https://thefederalist.com/2019/09/05/court-hearing-planned-parenthood-employee-admits-trafficking-baby-body-parts/
So much so that
Trump has defunded them across the board: https://www.refinery29.com/en-us/2019/06/236042/abortion-appeals-court-ruling-title-x-domestic-gag-rule-trump
Given their love
of and interest in underground tunnel access as we have seen in plans and
blueprints that range from Epstein’s Little St.James and likely Zorro
properties to whatever links the underground D.C. system to Comet Pizza in and
around the Dupont Circle area and environs, we can safely assume that it would
be child’s play (ahem) to traverse the thousands of inches from the Impossible
Foods HQ to Planned Parenthood’s building via underground causeway.
Notice also in
Polly’s vid the particular and curious lack of any windows on the Impossible
Foods building.
But there is
also a historical perspective at play here, and it speaks volumes. As opposed
to the offshoot Planned Parenthood location in Oakland just across from
Impossible, the National HQ for PP is Houston, Texas, and its architecture I
found rather intriguing given the implications.
Can it be any
plainer? As I have reiterated again and again this is a cult; a cult that
observes different laws, different ideals, different gods from the rest of
humanity. Their directives are implemented by aeons-old ideologies from
sentience that want control over this space, and are in the process of doing
anything to get it. The clues to this Operation have been in front of us all
along, and people like Epstein and all his cohorts and their bloodlines have
been the facilitators, guiding us down the slippery slope of humanity's diminishing returns. The beliefs don't change, only the size and configuration of the temples -- and even then, as we can see, not all that much.
What if all of
those dead scientists and microbiologists stumbled upon a deeply-hidden plan
for all of us all those years ago?
What if, as opposed to many of their
colleagues, they weren’t “on board” with said masterplan? What do you suppose would
happen to them if they happened upon a long-range demonic ritual steeped in
cannibalism that called for the mass ingestion of fetal tissue that intended to
sweep up millions in its carrying out?
Why do you suppose so many Ivy League
types and scientific 1-percenters are calling for an entire re-evaluation of
humans ingesting humans all of a sudden, saying that yes, this could be the way
out in order to reduce everyone’s carbon footprint to zero and “save the
Earth?” Why is this being pushed in the media? https://www.newsweek.com/cannibalism-animal-kingdom-ultimate-taboo-humans-1455287
Why, it’s UN
Agenda 2030 of “sustainable development” my friends – that same UN that has the
Malina-Maxwell bloodline flowing thru it, as we just looked at here before:
Now you see why
you can’t swing a dead cat up in here without hitting ANY of these same people
over and over and over and over again. How many times before it ceases being
Of course a zero carbon footprint technically means we’re all dead
too in a fully extrapolated timeline, but isn’t that where transplanted
consciousness/transhumanism and AI all come in? “Saturn, this is DWAVE via
CERN, are you receiving? The vessels are ready for colonization. You may
initiate quantum possession protocols, Harvest Implement 001. Begin.”
The clues that
have always been around are only proliferating in recent years. Ari Aster’s
horror film Hereditary premiered in
2018. Given what has happened with Epstein and Co. over that period, I find the
timing to that somewhat curious.
In that film, a
family, an entire bloodline as it were, are held deeply in sway (as they have
been indeed for generations) to the historically-accurate arch demon Paimon. The
entire film itself can be seen as a summoning ritual or how-to for a being like
it to gain entrance into this realm. So much so that the director Aster
actually purposefully mis-drew and misstated many of the demon’s actual sigils,
numbers, and directives so (it is surmised) in the viewing and watching some”thing”
would not be called up by mistake, even venturing so far as to change the pronunciation from PIE-MON to PAY-MON.
If this type of level to detail is
undertaken for popular entertainment, one can scarcely imagine the gravity with
which this subject matter is approached when areas of even more substance are
being considered for implementation. You will notice that Hereditary opened on June 21, the summer solstice.
The overall
theme to Hereditary is so unsettling
not just because it conjures the terminal end of familial dysfunction, but that
of entire communities as well. It is very hard to think of its psychological
implications and not also remember the startling anomalies surrounding cases
like Jonbenet Ramsey’s, Columbine, and of course the never-to-be-mentioned
Sandy Hook. All exhibited extreme occult touchstones within their unfolding
dramas, with not only family members but, as I said, entire communities being
cited for other-level weirdness that also seemed to bring in both the
government and the military into the far-reaching picture. (Sandy Hook, for
instance, boasts being 1 of just 2 Recruiting Centers nationwide for the Church
of Satan.
But shhhhhh, we're not supposed to speak of such things!
Here's the only photo of Sandy Hook victim Vicki Soto that remains today:
Here's the original:
Gee, wonder what they're trying to hide?
Columbine has long been rumoured to be a “protected” community for
ex-government mind control and cult operatives deep within the alphabet
agencies, and the Ramsey strangeness is so multi-layered in perceived and
“alleged” satanic ritual abuse we may never figure it out, although many are
still trying.) John Ramsey, the father, alone ties deeply into the North Fox
Island pedophile ring as well as the infamous Atlanta child murders no less.
If you think all
of these scenarios are more than reminiscent of modern-day Rosemary’s Baby templates, you wouldn’t be alone. You would also be
starting to see the way more and more people are seeing, as
dot-connectors. To paraphrase Mr. Dylan,
when the wind is blowing this hard, you don’t need to be a weatherman to know
that there is something afoot.
In yet another
thruline harking back to Mayan themes of execution that are strangely being
echoed and recounted today, the prominent and preferred method of punching your
ticket out for Paimon is beheading.
I'm sensing an overall theme.....
Which brings me to this: https://www.naturalnews.com/2019-09-12-baby-body-parts-trafficking-company-stemexpress-beating-hearts.html
“Baby body parts
trafficking company StemExpress admits to keeping babies ALIVE so that whole,
beating hearts and heads can be harvested.” The wording is
Of particular
interest to us, especially lately, is this: Paimon is one of the 4 cardinal
demon kings of Hell, which we would later learn, (thru Q) is symbolically represented thru
the 4 cardinal directions of earth and is directly emblematic of the specific
layout of Epstein’s Little St.James island.
Pay particular
attention to the line “this demon is associated with the direction West.”
“There’s a
feeling I get when I look to the West, and my spirit is crying for
leaving…” Stairway To Heaven, Page/Plant
With what has been revealed recently re Epstein, his plans and mission
here on earth, according to the Revelation of the Method, is there any wonder
why the film Hereditary premiered
when it did? (2018.) All in good time, correct?
This would be in true
accordance with a celebratory ramping up of left-hand path ideals for the
uninitiated. Films steeped in this type of high-level occult and esoteric
research (The Witch, Kill List, this one, and Aster’s recent Midsommar) are released at specific
times for specific reasons, but I suppose you’d need some sodium pentothal and a
bound Ari Aster to get any real answers. (But as we have seen in some very well
known lyrics, the clues have been there all along, haven’t they Jimmy?) Sacrifice was also deeply a Led Zepp thing:
The End
goals don’t care if you’re a dabbler or a devotee, a Page or an Epstein, they
remain the same, and the revealing is everything, as is true with all real
Magick. The Reveal may be initially intended for only a chosen few, but it
ensnares everyone when performed correctly.
Given that
whoever and whatever Q is, is lodged deep within military intelligence and has
been proven correct on multiple counts, we can ascertain that everything that
is going on within the Epstein network has many further, deeper, and darker, layers
than have even been exposed up until now. It can also be assumed that extensive
underground systems are more than there for expediency and secrecy so that ops
can be hidden away from prying eyes; they are part and parcel of the ideology
itself as well as its adherents, as recent sonar and depth-sounding surveys of
Teotihuacan’s Pyramid of the Sun expose.
I'm sensing a theme again......As above, so below, and below, and below. from the ancients to the modern day Virgin Islands. Temples.
More and more it appears we are dealing
with a cult that reveres the ultimate in vampirism, for lack of a better word. From
Teotihuacan, Tikal, Tenochtitlan, and Chichen Itza to Little St.James and
Planned Parenthood, and as we have seen here tonight, the distance between the
agricultural, the elemental and the alchemical, (and the degrees of separation
between those that would use all as tools) are marginal at best. We have the
same people doing the same things for the same reasons. Given the anniversary
just past 3 days ago and speaking of bloodlines deeply involved in occultic
rituals, care to venture any guesses as to just who founded Planned Parenthood?
Prescott Bush.
Well knock me over with a feather.
Calling it genocide instead of human
sacrifice really doesn’t make it any cleaner or more humane. And those ends can
be achieved in any number of ways, can’t they “W” and H.W.?”
Hey, you might
have to knock off a sitting President or fund and implement a New Pearl Harbor
to get those illegal, immoral wars off the ground or continuing, but hey, it’s
more money for YOUR system and more souls for your ledgers, right? And as we
all know, it’s ALL about the bottom line. The tunnels underneath Teotihuacan
and other ancient sites lead metaphorically to those under Little St.James. Planned
Parenthood being just another meaningful stop along the way.
What’s the old saying regarding those
that have ears to hear? Robert Maxwell, Ghislaine’s father and all-but-certain
Mossad high-level agent, began his parliamentary reign in 1964, a lofty perch
where he could examine and admire all manner of operations from an above-it-all
The Beatles came up with this in 1969,
deep into Operation Chaos, and 5 years in to Maxwell’s tenure.
Following on the footsteps of a Friday
the 13th, and under a full moon, and with full benefit of hindsight,
it really doesn’t get any spookier.
“Joan was quizzical, studied pataphysical
science in the home/ Late nights all alone with a test tube/ Oh, oh oh oh.
Maxwell Edison, majoring in medicine,
calls her on the phone/ Can I take you out to the pictures Jo-oh oh oan?
But as she’s getting ready to go, a knock
comes on the door
Bang bang Maxwell’s silver hammer came
down upon her head
Bang bang Maxwell’s silver hammer made
sure that she was dead
Back in school again Maxwell plays the
fool again/ Teacher gets annoyed
Wishing to avoid an unpleasant
She tells Max to stay when the class has
gone away/ So he waits behind
Writing fifty times I must not be so oh
oh oh
But when she turns her back on the boy he
creeps up from behind…
P.C. thirty one said we caught a dirty
one/ Maxwell stands alone
Painting testimonial pictures, Oh, oh oh
Rose and Valerie, screaming from the
gallery, say he must go free (Maxwell must go free)
The judge does not agree and he tells
them so, oh oh oh
But as the words are leaving his lips, a
noise comes from behind…"
We live and exist in bizarre times where
entire plotlines seem to be looping, reconfiguring, and replaying as if on some
occultic, celestial tape machine – the actual linearity of time seems to be fracturing and unspooling.
Decoherence is becoming a mainstay.
"Well figure it out for yourself, little girl/ It don’t go nowhere at
all/ It’s nothing more than a tape loop/ In a big dance hall."
Remember the instance of the OKC bombing
being written about before it ever happened:
One comment: It's beyond crazy First this was written in 94
NOT 96 I hold a published copy from 94 and second this proves not only are events like Oklahoma and 911 pre-planned and contrived for a one world agenda but that they brag about it and foreshadow it in so many forums, i.e.: television, magazines, cartoons. For those with eyes to see.
to the new PBS documentary a book written by Oklahoma Governor Frank Keating’s
Brother, 4 years BEFORE OKC BOMBING, featured a bomber named TOM MCVEY, pulled
over like McVeigh for a minor equipment violation. Do I hear masonic
orchestrated choreography? Gov. FRANK KEATING used to be head of ATF and was
FBI hotshot. Keating’s book also predicted TWA and World Trade Center bombing.
Keating family career intelligence operatives and agent provocateurs. It gets
even more interesting...
And this page, which has since been
This also occurred, as was charted right
here, with prior knowledge of the Charles Whitman Texas tower shooting
spree: https://mcmmadnessnews.blogspot.com/2019/06/enochian-bridges.html
9/11 was even deeply foreshadowed by none
other than Chris Carter in the pilot episode of the X-Files spinoff The Lone
Gunmen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYKRXPI-KhM
6 months before it ever took place, in
March of 2001, Carter and Co. spit it out chapter and verse. (Which means, by
the way, that the actual knowledge, given production times, had to be in their
hands at least a year prior, if not longer…)
What are we to make of bizarre “glitches”
in the matrix such as these? Where are we, really? In the hands of agent
provocateurs or even larger forces of Fate and Destiny? Who is working for
whom? And who can be trusted when the name of the game at every level is
Questions to keep in mind as the summer
transitions into fall, and that figure of 8 (which is infinity, after all)
loops around again. In the wind. Before the harvest.
Good Day to You Wordman, long time no contribution from myself, Thanks for your continued meditations on the unfurling & spiralling voretex.
ReplyDeletePt 1/2 of a musing in response to your latest:
In the original "Quatermass" 3 test subjects are sent into space, 2 vanish/surplus to requirements/are made use of in some other way, as food to boost the ultimate goal of using the 3rd rocketeer, as means of conveying actual infection & injection ("Bridgehead") onto Earth? (Whether such a notion occurred as possibility to the Rocket Group isn't explored within the tale, at least explicitly, but perhaps in the later iterations of "Q" a gleaned motivation influencing genius as the story continues via its sequels is detectable).
"Quatermass II" reveals that an extra-terrestrial entity (a vestige of the previous transgression?) is making use of (reverse-engineered/constructs inspired/implanted/grafted by said inhumanity?) supposed space exploration & colonisation technology to reside on Earth whilst it consolidates & secures Its presence via the 'corridors of power' & dependent bureaucracies that 'earn a crust' through government patronage.
"Quatermass & The Pit" details the discovery of a 5 million year old Martian probe/lifeboat/'plague blanket' under London (premiered on television in the wake of the uncovering of a Mithraeum in the actual 'City of London') that doubles as a mind control device which when activated by a particular particularly sensitive harnesses (latent) bio-engineered psi-abilities in the broader populace to ultimately lay waste to the capital in a holocaust of true firey ferocity.
"Quatermass 4", as civilised society approaches total collapse gatherings of the 'young & beautiful' "Planet People" are drawn to ancient sites so as to be upload-transmute-slaughter-processed into food for something offworld & inhuman.
No update on imdb or the Hammer/Legendary sites but the screenwriter is working on another do-over of the 'world without water' trope...
DeleteSo regarding Pseudomonas flourescens, when an offering is loaded to voyage in low-earth orbit, or is sent further afield to collect data/samples, is a blessing sought from entities/energies unknown on terra-firma (unknown beside phantasmic visitations of limited manifestation at best)? Once this ritual is complete the chimerised sacrifice is brought back 'down to Earth' for dissemination among the host populace ('as above so below')?
Those allowed to rule always believe they do so by right of 'knowing what is best' for the 'great unwashed' & that the ruled over must not know the truth or at least be able to affect the procession so oft passed over as merely 'ceremonial', this 'sleight of hand' may well be a(nother) delicacy, as part of the buffet spread out, for Things Stranger than being human.
War's waged against Humanity, a full spectrum assault most obscenely progressed via the symbol of the rainbow & associated sporing 'otherkin' & 'post-human' cliques & their associated standards of 'pride', the through-line in the varying shaded movements is the desire to stand-out, to be noticed, adored, venerated & held as ideal/destiny, such concentrations of "Lifeforce" signal to "Space Vampires" (either existing or Golem'd so as egregoric tulpa-esque forms via focus/intention of the participants).
I don't if it's the same in The US but the word "LOVE" is to be seen everywhere here especially in adverts, promos & other corporate 'communal' projects presented as 'grassroots'. As so promoted this "LOVE" is extolled as righteous duty, when actual Love is the 1 thing in shortest of supply & effect as this century just gets itself started building up a head of steam.
Vapour rises & falls & in doing so comes into contact with that beyond its previous form, 'when the dust settles' what's going to be the reconfigured legacy of that currently believed to be the 'top of the food chain' stated as requiring conversion to compassionate consumption?
I don't know if it's the same...
now inculcated/acculturated as requiring...
DeleteSo great to hear from you again -- I'm forever on the lookout for the next big KT eVent, where I know enough rigorous intuitiveness for all of us will be jam-packed in!! And once again, this time you didn't disappoint.
Since I know I've never mentioned it in the blog, you must have telepathic abilities or some kind of simpatico with me to mention QUATERMASS! How many people even know the name Nigel Kneale? It may go back in modern times a bit further, but for a starting point, I surely can't find any touchstones of merging the scientific and technological fiction with the occult and the supernatural (& having all dependent on each other) prior to Kneale's works. SUCH a harbinger for everything that we see unfolding today. All of the Quatermass offerings, The Stone Tape, where he pioneers the idea of otherworldly sentience and their physical traces being able to be trapped within/recorded within certain types of rock and stone as if they were recorded on a tape, with the concurrent ability of being replayed/recalled at certain times and points on the calendar according to various triggers. Fascinating concepts.
Chris Carter it has long been alleged stole/borrowed almost all of the X-Files tropes and narratives straight from Neale and his scripts, right down to the "black oil" concept. X-Files:Fight the Future the film is almost a full lift from Quatermass 2 in many areas. Other than the magickal post-WWII concepts broadly hinted at in the Carter storyarc of Anasazi-The Blessing Way-Paperclip in the transition from sea 2 to sea 3, Chris eschews almost all mention of any kind of supernatural/occult component thruout the entire X-Files series, something I always missed, but then he had the Millennium platform for that.
Btw the P.florescens theory you floated is brill, brotha!! That something could be traveling down on us from NEO is superb -- something I sort of looked at here:
but didn't do nearly as much justice to in an entire post as you did in a few sentences.
Also brings to mind the Santilli telescope of the Vatican's that they claim captured otherwise invisible entities at play all around us. Weirdness.
Reminds me mightily of a passage from Ray Bradbury that I'm gonna have to go find now...Hands across the water, as always, my friend!!
Kneale was quite the channeller of crafty stuff, his(/Dino De Laurentiis via Tommy Lee Wallace via John Carpenter working of) "Halloween III: Season of The Witch" (though hated by Kneale after DDL's re-engineering) is for all its mutated & spoiled gestation & presentation (perhaps precisely because of it) an unsettlingly atmospheric conveyance of the unrightness ("invisible entities") pervading around & through, perverting & feasting on the blithely, blasé unwary & unguarded. "HIII" is something of a companion piece to "Quatermass 4" what with its fusion of sacred sites fused with globalised offerings of children to something inhuman.
ReplyDeleteKneale & his collaborator Rudolph Cartier "would help to revolutionise British television drama ... the television historian Lez Cooke wrote in 2003 that "Between them, Kneale and Cartier were responsible for introducing a completely new dimension to television drama in the early to mid-1950s" (Kneale wiki)
"...a completely new dimension...", & what may have found such hocus-pocus convenient as means of furthering itself?
Kneale & Cartier "shared a common desire to invigorate television with a faster tempo and a broader thematic and spatial canvas, and it was no coincidence that they turned to science-fiction in order to get out of the dominant stylistic trend of television intimacy."" (Kneale wiki)
"...no coincidence / science-fiction / dominant / intimacy..."
Is this an instance of technological development acting as a bridge for something to further gain purchase in this realm? Do the likes of "The Twilight Zone"/"The Outer Limits", their less overtly pop-culturally celebrated antescendents & their contemporary descendents, embodied by the likes of "Fringe", "Warehouse 13" & the torrents of recent similarly inclined nudge & winking fare (+ the proliferation of weird plot points in even the most hum-drum of 'kitchin sink' type soap operatic dramas & 'the news' itself - what isn't conspiracy tv in 2019) act as what? A kind of reportage on what's really going on via "fictional" means (the "Revelation of the Method")? Is this the actual "news" folks ought to be mindful of & prep accordingly within themselves so as to be as uncorrupted as possible &/or does it all keep the heat turning up ever higher on boiling frog menu as the moment approaches when the cosmic dinner bell rings à la Pavlov?
I was mistaken about the discovery of the Mithraeum, it was dug up in 1954 in the year before "Quatermass II" premiered, still no doubt such a discovery acted if only subtly on the imagination of Kneale, such a discovery, in a place dedicated to the worship of acquisition & the legacy it can be put to if ensured by plans & the technology to support said plans, explodes all manner of notions to muse upon & share with the likeminded (whether they're mindful of being so or not).
Re: Carter & the Supernatural this was the focus of "Kolchak: The Night Stalker", another progenitor of "The X-Files", so curious, besides the occasional "TX-F" episodes here & there he didn't make it more of a focus, unless the bureaucratic stack of paperclipped conspiracies/sci-fi Über-text of the series IS meant to be taken as the Work of (something like) ghouls & goblins/the 'otherworldly'? "Mulder" is called "Spooky" afterall!
Am intrigued as to what the Bradbury passage is.
Hey KT!!
DeleteThanks yet again for more of your Dylanesque stream-of-consciousness thought-bombs -- as one of my old creative writing professors back in the 80s bestowed upon me I will certainly pass along onto you: your lips have been kissed by the Blarney Stone!!
Love all your ruminations re all the shows that have made us what we are (for better or worse - haha); X-Files, Fringe, LOST, Millennium, Kolchak (not to mention the orig Night Stalker TV movie that started it all)...all are deeply embedded in my DNA.
I find most JJ Abrams properties like LOST & Fringe to start out incredibly strong (I'd still put the premiere ep of LOST up there with the very best things that have ever been on American TV) & then lose momentum quickly, mostly due to horribly hack writers like Damon Lindelof, who, I swear to God, couldn't write his way out of a paper bag if he tried. How that guy gets work is absolutely beyond me.
And notice I say American TV, because it still pales in comparison to BBC notables like Utopia, Red Riding Trilogy (that did everything True Detective season 1 did only better) & particularly the 1985 Edge Of Darkness with Bob Peck and Joe Don Baker -- which may be the singular best piece of anything ever committed to celluloid; film or TV. Highly, HIGHLY recommended... it even ventures into metaphors of medieval & Arthurian legends as it goes along mixing with bleak, mid-80s cold war paranoia & corporate, elite evil foisted upon us all.
I know Chris Knowles over at SecretSun has gone into the deep state/hidden gov't ties of The Outer Limits in particular (thru Leslie Stevens -- & with very good reason) but I still wonder about the CV and background of C Carter, not only with what he revealed during the X-Files run, but what he got away with during Millennium: DOE hidden experiments, genetic testing, occult secret societies, the gov't programming serial killers for purposes unknown (did Dave McGowan watch this??!!) Jeepers, what an apocalyptic stew that was! I read of conversations now between Les Wexner & Epstein talking about moving "the merchandise" & all I can think about is that same phrase coming out of Mulder's Dad's mouth in 1994 -- & probably speaking about the exact same things. Drugs. Children. Experiments. Human collateral. Carter knew (and knows) a LOT, & plays it extremely close to the vest. CIA/NSA peeps on the interior leaking stuff to him? Possibly.
VISUP did a great series on Millennium called, I think, Intelligence Dreaming of Magick that was in 3 parts around 8 years ago, well worth seeking out. Millennium was deeply infused with an incredibly malignant 'other' leaking thru & seeking to control this reality & those that control us -- the warders as it were. Very Fortean/Lovecraftian in intent, & MUCH darker than XFiles. Even had one amazing ep called 'Skull and Bones' in season 3 that, dare I say it, might be the answer to the Missing 411 phenomenon today -- Yikes!!
Carter also did an extremely intriguing one-off pilot for Amazon that wasn't picked up called THE AFTER:
Don't watch that one if yer off yer Xanax, buddy. Wowsers. It's hell. I mean, seriously. Hell come to earth in the Last Days. About 3/4 of the way thru the March 7 birthdays for everyone threw me for a major loop since that was my Mom's BD -- went looking for the occult/astrological signif of March 7 & didn't find anything, so to this day I'm wondering what ole CC was getting at there...
& oh, that Bradbury quote, it's more like a passage & way too lengthy for here but it'll be at the very top of my next post, which is coming soon! & believe me, it ties everything up, zeitgeist-wise, we've been living thru of late...always need to keep going back & back; that old nothing new under the sun line!
Oh & one more thing KT --
ReplyDeleteIf you dig the XFiles, you will majorly appreciate this, which pretty much imagines it all way before Carter did and provides the template (& Kneale had nothing to do with it!)
Since your stomping ground is across the pond anyway I'm likely not telling you anything new, but this is one of my favs from one of my favorite years: 1979. The Omega Factor. Full of Crowleyan weirdness.
If the full playlist doesn't come thru for you just respond & I'll shoot you the rest...Cheers mate!
ReplyDelete'twas oft heard stated (by the programmers) that "British TV is the best in the world" equally thought so by those watching of this sceptered isle & those further afield, & I've watched a lot of it in my time, but I barely see any television these days outside of the occasional youtube review/exegesis or
trailer/clip, the savile admissions where a "naked lunch" moment for me (burroughs being of a kind like savile would be the sort to accurately sum such things up) & I view anything I see on 'the idiot box' with suspicion & skepticism whilst keeping note of the continued depravity glamoured as entertainment/information by those 'putting on a show' via teleprompted/scripted lines in front of the cameras - to want attention in this way is highly corrupt, we know all to well the utter depths these sorts can drag themselves down to in their quest for adoration, self promotion & the illusion of relevance.
I've seen some of TΩF but don't recall how far I got into it, I know it was one of 'moral crusader' Mary Whitehouse's bête noires along with "Doctor Who" which is in essence a regeneration of "Quatermass". When DW itself was regenerated in 2005 a hitherto non-existent aspect of the character was put to the fore: "The Doctor" & "companion" 'falling for each other'. This was taken so far as to retcon an original series 'companion' revealing her to having spent the thirty+ years since last 'adventuring' with "The Doctor" pining longingly for his return. This development progressed even further when the next incarnation, to borrow an aposite term in this instance, repeatedly cucked the husband of his female 'companion', a 'companion' that had first encountered this "madman with a box" when she was a young child. That these elements were included at all in a show for "children of all ages" (as it's so often described) & pushed to the fore (no use as mere subtextural 'fleshing out' of minor story detail here) as the date came & went when the savile admissions began is an absolutely massive red flag that doesn't appear to have been investigated by 'Whovians' & the broader geekdom in which they reside, at least as far as I'm aware, that's the power of wanting to be told tales & 'telling tales' = telling lies.
DeleteJJ's ouevre = something to be viewed as a "Rambaldi/Dharma Initiative" type puzzle? His "Star Trek" doesn't seem to be part of that puzzle though, aside from the inclusion of red spheres that JJ incorpates as visual motif (see most recently the "pearls" that store the android code in "Westworld"(?)), as it lacks any sense of the high-weirdness that was integral to TOS as 'Trekkies' refer to it.
CC's laid out the ground(zero?) work in his folio, is it akin to the 1st "Black Mirror" episode in which the 'Prime Minister' of 'The UK' screws a pig & soon after an ex-friend of the then actual 'PM' publishes a book stating something similar to said act actually took place during 'public school' (private schools in actuality) days? Does it act as a beacon, an 'Inferno' even, signalling that requiring attention albeit presented/largely accepted as 'fiction' & 'just a story'?
Re: "The After":
"Not everything works out. It wasn't the money. It was a tough concept, and hard to crack. Who knows, maybe it will come together one day?" (wiki)
If not already in the flesh? I say if not already & this reminds me re: my above mention of 'the news' as part of the contemporary inculcation of a conspiranoid culture & your ongoing archaeographical archiving & investigation of 'the customer's always right' concerning "The Merchandise" here at MCMMM, the Things making use of humanity as a vector have been at their machinations for a long, long time, it's all these Things know.
Hey KT!!
DeleteThanks so much for reminding me of the one Abrams missing piece I left out -- ALIAS of course. If memory serves, despite some stumbles along the way, at least it dotted the "i" and ended with much more of a flourish than LOST. Have neglected getting fully immersed in Westworld just yet & not really sure why, other than I tend to shy away from all the properties the herd tells me I MUST get into lately -- ditto Game of Thrones, etc. Altho I admire from afar & will probably dive off the deep end into all of them eventually -- same way I did with True D (at least season 1.) Call it my innate distrust of the hype machine.
As well as...the very same thing you were illustrating so perfectly in your first paragraphs: total disgust over everything Hollywood/Disney/all entertainment mills represent -- which is becoming all too clear with every passing day on my side of the pond, yours, everybody's worldwide. We're just rockin all over the world, ain't we?!!
As much as I admired folks like Bowie for all their talents, they sure were quiet about Savile weren't they? And you have to know that past a certain social position and status, they HAD to have known -- EVERYBODY knew. And who called him on it? Except for poor Johnny Rotten, I can't think of a soul. Sinead O'Connor rips up a pic of the Pope on SNL and everybody loses their fucking minds -- well, well, who's got the final laugh now? Lord doesn't the entire fucking globe owe that woman an apology the size of Texas, for starters. I'm just glad I lived long enough to see all these biblical hens (which I used to lead the parade in deriding mind you) come home to roost. There's NOTHING that's not going to be outed by the end, which I find quite delicious. And from all of these holier-than-thou types that have been proved wrong? Not a peep. Not an "I'm sorry." Not a "you were right." They can't. It's like Haldemann used to say about Nixon, one backtrack, one apology, & the whole suit of armour would fall off. What did Sinead say back then? "Fight the real evil." Nooooooo kidding.
All in keeping with the perfect MLK quote "What we will remember in the end is not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends." Ain't it the truth?
Yeah, that first Black Mirror ep mirroring what got uncovered in real life -- whoa, was that creepy or what? It all becomes dizzying after awhile. Andrew's ties w/Epstein, Charles' w/Savile, Thatcher, Bush (pick a number), Heath, Clinton, Blair, Reagan -- where does it all end? Is Trump just another in the line or is he John the Revelator? (Where's my Depeche Mode right about now?) Still not sure what's goin on behind the scenes, but I still can't imagine any other administration where an Epstein gets taken in, surely not under Hillary. Then again, if the bucks stops here, he was under DT's protective custody...& that didn't turn out so well, & Maxwell & Co. are still in the wind.
Not sure if I've ever shot this to you before, but it explains a lot -- nice production values don't hurt either:
And for my money, they're ALL wizards....and the train keeps on a rollin'...Cheers again my good mate, love ya for commenting as always!! One fine day I'm sure we'll be lifting a pint or two together somewhere, sometime!!
Technology of the entertainment industrial complex weaponised putting on a show. Radio, the movies, television, computer games/the internet, 'virtual reality', 'augmented reality' & 'Neuralink' ...it's happened so quickly, I've no doubt this corruption of what back in days of yore would be folk tales, song & wisdom tied to the pre-industrialised(/enlightenment) mode of existence IS why pedophilia (among 'celebrities') is not only rife but openly celebrated as necessity otherwise no 'shot at stardom', something about the magnification of presence & effect of the mediation technologies compounds its corrosive & alienating effect subverting what would have been that which reinforced a community rather than create & torture a 'globalised society' deracinated & amnesiac via mkultra etc.
DeleteSomething happened to humanity when it decided to develop these mediums & Chris Knowles 'Lucifer's Technologies' attempts to uncover aspects of this technological acceleration & advancement of inhumanity (post WW2 at least), has something inhuman (technological in origin?) coded its manifestation through the development & increased use of these mediums?
When folk are made strange to themselves via fictionalising means & are raised (abducted?) out of "the gutter" it's no surprise they come to see those "looking at the stars" as inferior, lesser beings, not even human - fodder, playthings... corrupted people devoid of self-reflection & healing do what's done to them, being a 'star' is a curse not a blessing, the vast majority would stop their abuses if there was no audience to view their abusing though.
The savile wizard doc's a good one, the clips & quotes it's all laid out with no sleight of hand to obfuscate understanding what goes on by those 'under the spell'.
& the opening of "The After"? Makes "The Parallax View" brainwash verge on the humdrum TA also includes a rehersal of an audition scene ("you've got balls bitch"... shades of the current transpocalypse aspect of the full spectrum assault there).
As the savile admissions began drip-drip-dripping former colleagues often said savile & co was "an open secret", the admissions began a month after that years 'Children in Need' telethon when 10's of millions are "raised" for "good causes" by savile's employer, post-2011 "lessons have been learned" & "safeguards are in place" it says, no doubt & "Black Mirror" Brooker (who's said something about more "positive" episodes of that series being in development whatever that means, was the 'Miley Cyrus' ep an example of this?) was a colleague of savile...
ReplyDeleteMore later re: vampires.
*Brooker, Charlie ("Black Mirror" 'Rod Serling' albeit recontextualised through 50yrs of "Black Pill" technocractic pop-occulted dissociation & never seen or heard on screen).
DeleteAnother facet of the BBC m.o. is that during savile's life, although he was celebrated for his 'charitable' 'fund raising' 'works' he was kept at arms length, though occasionally involved, from featuring as a (main) part of 'Children in Need' (CiN...) due to his proclivities being so well openly known.
"Doctor Who" was such a 'success' on its return in 2005 that a no. of spin-offs were commissioned including (the anagram of DW that is) "Torchwood", the 3rd season of which titled "Children of Earth" is about extra-terrestrials, the "456", who get high from abusing children, Earth blackmailed into providing "Children of Earth" ('Children in Need') or face extinction. This story premiered 2 years (2009) before the same corporation began admitting certain aspects of the jimmy savile situation (2011), it won a 'Saturn Award'.
On this note an addition of something I posted at The Secret Sun & the VISUP blog:
""Globalists" = code for those acting as vessels for an alien, extra-terrestrial & offworld agenda?
"Donald Barr is Attorney General William Barr's dad
Donald Barr was in the OSS, which was the precursor to the CIA
Donald Barr gave Epstein his first job as a math teacher in an elite, politically connected school, even though Epstein did not have any qualifications or even a college degree.
Donald Barr wrote a book called Space Relations, about a race of aliens that are so rich they become bored with everything and start a sex slavery ring and are also aroused by fear"
As an addendum an 'offworld' (alien/foreign/outside) perspective could simply be that brought about by the inhibition & perversion of cognitive ability via inbreeding spliced with a ruinous preoccupation, in part inspired by said inbreeding(?) (at least to a degree), with "It" being in possession of "The Most Toys"."
Inter/redimensional/egregoric entities conjured & attracted by such a focus too?
"Children of Earth/in Need"/"Space Relations"/"Space Vampires" (filmed as "Lifeforce")/"Quatermass and the Pit"...
Your inclusion of the vampire aspect here synced with me as the past week or so I'd been thinking about the 2009 movie "Daybreakers":
"In the year 2019, a plague has transformed almost every human into vampires. Faced with a dwindling blood supply, the fractured dominant race plots their survival; meanwhile, a researcher works with a covert band of vamps on a way to save humankind."
A quoted vampire:
"Let's be clear about this. Humans were offered a chance to assimilate, but they refused. Therefore, they are enemies of the state and will be captured and
farmed for blood supply."
To paraphrase a quote popularised by a beastly type & scion of a pharmaceutical dynasty (burroughs): Nothing is hidden everything is admitted.
DeleteDude, you unload so many goodies on me I have no idea where to start...I DO know that your quote "corrupted people devoid of self-reflection & healing do what's done to them" belongs up there with the pantheon of all-timers! Seriously, that is IT in a nutshell -- you've described in one sentence what I've been grasping for chapter after chapter for lo these 8 years now.
Yes, "The After" was a trip, wasn't it? Other than Carter getting his 'Breaking Bad' on with a gratuitous f-bomb every 4th word or so, I thought it was great. Sad to know we may never find out where he would have taken that narrative in time. Or much like 'The Birds,' we just get to write our own ending -- heck, all we need do is check the headlines every day to see High Strangeness mixing with the political world on an increasing basis.
'Children of Earth' of Torchwood I definitely saw & it surely brings a certain je ne sais quoi to what we see occurring today -- eerily so. The Missing 411 phenom keeps nagging at me, & where it may plug in to the entire missing/disappeared children-pedo rings network(s). There are so many saying Paulides is fabricating & making mountains out of molehills but I don't think so. He's an opportunist but that doesn't make him wrong, not by a longshot. Never caught 'Daybreakers' but it's now on my list for sure.
Thanks for mentioning the Barr bloodline -- currently a posting is in the works concerning Mena/Iran-Contra & Wexner & Epstein's Ohio ties to that network for starters, and we'll see where it leads...Barr's Dad writing sci-fi makes me think of this article in PARANOIA -- check it out, it's the lead one re Science Fiction as Covert Propaganda -- just download and enjoy:
My buddy at CAVDEF put me on to that site btw; it's got most of the back issues for free, & is a place you can get lost for hours in: http://www.paranoiamagazine.com/category/magazine-dl/paranoia/
& finally re the whole Vampire ethos, did you ever catch the Beeb's offering called ULTRAVIOLET? Jack Davenport, Susannah Harker, Idris Elba & a great cast do it up right, with many interesting takes on the mythology: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHkBJ9dcRao&list=PLoDLSwJAsS5ArtxtXq7u4oYxLhXhiiHX5
Nice, creepy fuel for the chilly nights to come, where and when everything is admitted/permitted/transmitted/committed/omitted/submitted.
Stay safe!!
I did see "ULTRAVIOLET", but only sometime after it premiered & sometime after the 2006 movie titled "Ultraviolet" the wiki descriptor of which states:
Delete"Violet Song Jat Shariff ... a woman infected with hemoglophagia, a fictional vampire-like disease, in a future dystopia where anyone infected with the contagious disease is immediately sentenced to death. With her advanced martial arts, a group of rebel hemophages, and a boy named Six ... whose blood may contain a cure for the disease, Violet goes on a mission to overthrow the futuristic government..."
The entertainment industrial complex loves sinking its fangs into this subject doesn't it? Though the 1998 UV includes this planned escape for the vampire's from their dependency: "Scientific advances made during their experiments will allow them to survive on synthetic blood and reproduce via live birth, eliminating the need for human victims" cold comfort for humanity though considering the other aspect of the vampire plan, no need for "merchandise" if those browsing the menu transcend the need for a very specifically sourced dish.
Regarding burroughs channelling of 'Hassan I Sabbah':
"The author of “Nothing is true, everything is permitted” was Hassan I Sabbah, an Islamic mystic belonging to the Ismaili sect. Ismaili mysticism is not the same as nihilism: rather, it entails (like many schools of mysticism) the idea that the visible, physical world is unreal in comparison to a higher, divine reality of ideas. Because the physical and social world is not true in comparison to the higher reality of Allah, an Ismaili initiate is freed from all laws. This notion of a liberating transcendent reality that renders null the laws of the world is an antinomian religious notion (from “anti” and “nomos,” against the law) contrary to the nihilism advocated by thinkers like Friedrich Nietzsche, who saw in Hassan I Sabbah and the assassins a rejection of all transcendent values. Hakim Bey, a pseudonym of scholar and Sufi mystic Peter Lamborn Wilson, is responsible for analyzing and popularizing Hassan I Sabbah’s Islamic mysticism in the book Scandalous: Essays on Islamic Heresy..."
hakim bey, an advocate of child molestation, is creator of the 'Temporary Autonomous Zone' his book ("T.A.Z.: The Temporary Autonomous Zone") describes "the socio-political tactic of creating temporary spaces that elude formal structures of control", doesn't this notion find contemporary embodiment, promotion, proliferation & ensconscing within the buzz-sloganz of 'no limits', 'no boundaries', 'my truth', 'authentic self' & "don't let no one tell you what you can do" celebrated as contemporary belief system of choice?
An uncorrupted species wouldn't ever start to even begin considering the 'free for all' dragging at us in an attempt to wallow overwhelmed down to it's irredeemable level.
Ah yes, "free for all," such a lovely concept & yet, thanks to puppeteers like Soros & the Rothschild/Rockefeller forces, so messy in the execution, pardon the pun. Absolutely nothing & no one they will not co-opt & manipulate to their own ends...speaking of which and in line with the anniversary the other day I stumbled upon this: https://educateinspirechange.org/alternative-news/3-countries-world-without-rothschild-central-bank/
DeleteCan there be really any greater bottom line answer to 9/11 than this? Really don't think so. When you get right down to the nuts and bolts, the world really isn't all that complicated --that devil, as always, is in the details, which "they" leave to those they designate for getting their hands dirty. What did good old Roddy Piper say? "THEY LIVE is a documentary!"
Reminds me (speaking of co-opting the masses) of when Springtseen, mid-80s war-cry with bandana ilk, used to shout out at concerts "Nobody wins unless everybody wins!!" which is sorta noble til you get down to the application phase, which is where the Soros et al forces come in quite willingly, which undermines the entire point, which then BECOMES the point.
It's enough to drive ya kinda insane, right? When even having a good heart is used against everyone. When your own best, most humanitarian, most compassionate instincts are weaponized in service to the exact opposite of what you intended. Machiavelli would be proud.
And speaking of the New Vamp Swing movement, hey, TRUE BLOOD anybody? It was the hottest property going for HBO for a long while -- had the synth blood tie-in too. Plus Stephen Moyer doing the old vampire crossover move from UV, which was kinda unusual. Now we've graduated to the elites organ harvesting, Planned Parenthood being outed, rumours of adrenochrome, and mainstream news of the ability to stay young thru injection/ingestion of young blood. I miss the old days when the closest I got to this kind of thing was Keith Richards getting his blood changed at "Swiss clinics!" And we thought THAT was weird!
Little did we know, my friend. Little did we know.
Vampirism is not going to turn out to be the exception -- it's going to be proven to be the rule.
Indeed "everyone" as with the other slogans of choice increasingly uttered by the globalism approved 'blue check marked' such as "everybody's welcome" / "for everyone" & the proliferating varients such as the previously mentioned "no limits" etc would include the absolute worst among us. Without prejudice that presented as supposed lofty ideal is revealed as serving that which no one would consider good unless they were utterly corrupted & broken.
DeleteSpeaking of being "broken", "disruption" being the buzzword of choice as the social mediaisation of public discourse gained a stranglehold & Folk were being told "learn to code", "data and micro-targeting" pioneer for 'Cambridge Analytica' Christopher Wylie has stated: "if you fundamentally want to change society you first have to break it ... and it's only when you break it is when you can remold the pieces into your vision of a new society", Wylie, the son of a physician & psychiatrist... was diagnosed with "dyslexia and ADHD" as a kid & was "abused at the age of 6 by "a mentally unstable person""... CA specialises in "psychographics" "a qualitative methodology used to describe consumers on psychological attributes".
The "we / us /everyone" used by the (entertainment/military) industrial complex caste is used deliberately so as to repurpose the understanding that community comes from family, which comes from kin which comes from nature into the service of that which undermines the possibility of real bonds between Folk occurring at all, if the day comes when "mommy" is like the creature born in "Demon Seed", if it's not already happened, any vestige & semblance of nature will have been completely subverted & human being will have come to exist as mere vector of life-sterilisng contagion.
Regarding adrenachrome in the "Bad Boys For Life" trailer the actor who played "Cypher" in "The Matrix", the betrayer of Neo & co. to "the machines", stars as "Captain Howard" & is shown shouting "fuck me" to will smith's 'rule breaking cop' character whilst downing a bottle of Pepto Bismol...
Expert in Radiation Protection Dies in Mystery Florida Boating “Accident”
This is also of interest, a little obscure but I think the temple symbolism is accurately described -
ReplyDeleteThe Meaning of Blue and White Stripes on the Temple at Little St. James – Mamluks and Pedos