Sunday, April 7, 2024



"And the afternoon, the evening, sleeps so peacefully!

Smoothed by long fingers; asleep, tired, or it malingers...

Stretched out on the floor, here beside you and me.

Should I, after tea, and cakes, and ices

Have the strength to force the moment to its crisis?"

"Summer stretching on the grass, summer dresses pass.

In the shade of a willow tree, creeps a-crawlin over me

Over me and over you.

Stuck together with God's glue..."

Several nodes in under the wire before all hell does, or doesn't, break loose. As always, the past is prologue...

The Mayan civilization, as depicted in Mel Gibson's standout and eerily prescient 2006 film Apocalypto, were great mathematicians and astronomers. They knew exactly when both solar and lunar eclipses would appear -- charting them out and documenting in their historical records and calendars for hundreds of years into the future. For instance, they accurately predicted the now infamous 1991 solar eclipse that cut a swath across much of their land:,_1991

This was the eclipse that ushered in a UFO flap of some size, and one the particulars of which has curiously been scrubbed almost entirely from history:

This mass event pre-dated, and may indeed have been the trigger event of the flooding of popular culture with all things UFO-related, everything from the X-Files, to a ramping up of the continuing Whitley Strieber saga, to the popularity of Art Bell's late-night platform, occurred in its wake.

And it happened, this cultural shift and focus of the collective zeitgeist of an entire age, in lockstep with an eclipse.

But it appears that is nothing new -- quite the opposite.

Because in a fascinating new website, eclipses are put in quite the historical context, and their appearances seem timed to precede and align with events of high historical significance.

Something very much like "swarms" of them have preceded everything from the fall of the Mayan empire, to Columbus, to the American Revolution, the rise and death of JFK, Civil wars, famines, earthquakes, cultural seismic shifts, and everything in between. It's all laid out in marvelous structure here: 

Complete with beautiful and easy to follow maps.

Indeed, it can be seen as a pilfering of data the Mayans likely had on hand in their secret temples -- out of sight of everyone except their elite, priest class of highest, and most sacred elders. We would have called them shamen, witch doctors, sorcerers. Today we call them biowarfare technicians, WEF members, and quantum mathematicians, occupying the highest rungs at the WHO and CERN, the NIH and MIT.

Because the Mayan modus operandi didn't disappear -- not at all -- it merely went underground and re-named itself. 

Because the Mayans used those eclipses (and the intimate knowledge of) as leverage and instruments of fear to exert maximum authority over the masses in an insidious Control System. 

And exactly how much has changed? Not much. Or why exactly do you believe, after all, signaling shoutouts were acutely sent in naming it the CORONA virus? We have different priests these days, but the effect is designed to be absolutely identical:

FEAR is still the engine that drives the masses and enables the will of the elites to be done. And the origins of the cues that have been taken have been handed down to this class of sorcerer elites, masquerading as science to befuddle and misdirect the collective:

But there is a larger driver here, and what drives the timing of the eclipses themselves, may have other things in mind for humanity -- see the fate of those Mayan elites post-eclipse:

Because the Conquistadores were coming -- and an entire civilization that had ruled for thousands of years, was wiped off the face of the earth. A narrative that, transplanted into scifi, resembles more than a little of what is outlined chapter and verse in The 3 Body Problem. No matter what plans we make, and how invincible we think we are, larger forces may have other plans. And they may be ushered in on the winds and wings of seemingly innocuous celestial markers placed like timed-release depth charges down thru our histories both secret and official.

"You fear me? So you should....all you who are vile. Would you like to know how you will die? The sacred time is near. Beware the blackness of day. Beware the man who brings the jaguar. Behold him reborn from mud and earth. For the one he takes you to will cancel the sky...and scratch out the earth...Scratch you out. And end your world. He's with us now."

Ironically, even the eclipses themselves, following yet another 3 Body Problem  dictate, seem to be able to messed with, according to our latest "science," which also appears to have undergone some meddling:

"You can't really even trust math anymore."

Chaos introduced into a stable system...

And these are trends that we need to keep following long past the 8th:

Because the influence of such things lingers on -- and the historical record is proof that the magnitude echoes and reverberates long after the suitable "moment of crisis" is thought over.

The last totality eclipse here before this was on March 7, 1970. The next one won't be til long after most of us have fled to other realms on other missions...

So spare a thought tomorrow, if you catch yourself, you know, staring at the sun....



  1. Hey only a SLIGHT miscalculation -- next total solar over the US is Aug 23, 2044.
    I certainly plan on still being here swingin then, but hey, YMMV.

  2. Replies
    1. Haha!! TBH I'm not half as worried about the instant gratification DOOM as in an ELE meteor or comet happening tomorrow, (as some are now saying in the inner chats), or even a Martial Law lockdown takeover over some perceived package on our doorsteps.... I am in the "malingering" ramifications of something happening tomorrow which we don't even know about right now but that'll take weeks, months to play out to the fullest extent.
      THAT scares me more than anything. Something that'll escalate from a cold, silent Civil War to something HOT rapidly at their behest. Could be that long-awaited 5G mass frequency activation of what's circulating around in everyone's blood now =
      Hello Zombie my old friend.

      The # of threads they have to choose from is mind-boggling at this point. What if they launch a hundred Columbines or VA Techs at the same time? Another Waco? OKC?
      Another 9/11? H1N1 making a huge comeback?

  3. And just to remind, the most recent cover of THE ECONOMIST, which has been predicting the future for awhile now, has the eclipse, along with, amoung other things, what appears to be neural interface on the left:

    Also hurricanes, fire, and a LOT of spooky ?s....

  4. Interesting postulate:

  5. EXTREMELY good interview about all of the above & ongoing with Naomi:

  6. VERY interesting point late in that convo between Naomi and Jason Bermas that the possible reason for fast-tracking the Assange situation into a possible conviction is to be able to go after Trump under the same auspices of Espionage/treason, where they would be able to imprison him in some classified black hole somewhere forever and/or try him under a Capitol offense where they could, conceivably, kill him.

    Problem solved.

  7. Here it is on Rumble for those of you that don't do/get Banned.

    1. FINAL note on the above only because, in the final moments of the last segment, they get into.....dun dun DUN.....chemtrails.
      EVERYTHING that people used to roll their eyes at you over is now accepted a fait accompli. It's WILD.

  8. A very noticeable change that went down in 1998, that everyone could see with their EYES a difference in if they would just look up, is getting noticed and concern voiced over in......2024.
    We're beyond help.

  9. Kinda wish I was at eclipse so I could hide Bluetooth speaker somewhere and blast this:


    Uhhhh what

    1. TikTok has been on BLAST because of this all day today....
      Let's see what comes of this -- major revelations or just more pillow fluffing on the Titanic??

  11. I am in the path of totality. Completely blown out of proportion. The "larger amounts of amount of traffic".... there is no traffic. The towns north and south are dead. Why do they want everyone cooped up inside their houses...

    1. Dunno -- VA as at @85% & I actually stole a couple of quick un-aided glances at it for the briefest of seconds at the max coverage at 3:18.....
      Now on the clock for Mayan superpowers.....
      Will keep all informed as to developments.
      (Spectacle was just like an extremely cloudy day with a huge storm approaching in the summer....)
      But you could still tell something was....different. But not nearly as striking as the Mar 7,'70 totality one.


    Chemtrails to obscure the some areas....

    1. Hmmmm....what COULD it have been they wanted to hide from prying eyes??
      Speaking of Return of the Mayan Gods:

      Kukulcan in his Flying Arc diggin the scene. Like a Feathered Reptile Sex Machine.

  13. PERFECT Soundtrack btw:

  14. Well THIS was interesting:

    Nice timing, and YES, I felt it.
    Thought it was thunder at first but checked the radar and nada.
    Rather deep and grumbly underground.
    Nothing on the USGS as of yet.....

  15. Was right around 11pm and started getting numerous confirmation texts from some rather freaked out peeps needless to say......

  16. SO what ya got next on your Apocalypto bingo cards, Cats & Kittens??
    MAN, this Age of Aquarius sure knows how to throw a swell party!!

  17. Song about the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake...A Mighty Roll

    1. Nice Gorgon Lightfoot vibe....

      As for New Worlds and massive changes and upheavals and finding some calm amidst the storm, you cannot beat what Roland Orzabal of TFF came up with as experiments and B-sides in the 80s. Dude was an absolute genius -- who would've thought of slowing down the Everybody Wants to Rule track and then putting British weather shipping forecasts over it??
      We're talking true Brian Wilson territory -- and as peaceful and soft & languid as a whisper in the night:

      I get excited by the news of today/ What seems unstable may be able to stay
      So without love and a promised land/ We're fools to the rules of a government plan
      My flame is heart my baby do as she please/ What good is living when you live in disease

  18. For those keeping track -- a compilation for the Wall of Weird so far:


  20. Replies
    1. Just collecting eclipse related data here folks -- multiple sightings of things like this yesterday coming in -- most are getting deleted:

  21. The feeling grows that there were multiple agendas in play yesterday -- despite the fact that nothing seems to have happened, many markers were experienced...(possible black federal programs, seismic irregularities, sky anomalies, etc)

    Not the least of which remains the question why so many people were noticing a proliferation of contrail ops ongoing particularly in the path of totality yesterday....was it just because so many were looking UP for the first time in awhile, or was something else far more nefarious going on?
    Currently looking into that very area right now....& early returns are ominous. More soon.....


    Never forget that there are many ways they continually think of gauging and manipulating the population --
    Was another secret inoculation for...something....or WITH the works yesterday??
    It's an Apocolypto world still, and the past is still prologue.
    Their ways..they never stop.

  23. LSS -- I believe we need to begin thinking in terms of Multi-dimensional (in every sense of that term) asymmetric warfare.

  24. I hinted at what I think happened just the other week in the WHEELS WITHIN WHEELS chapter here:

    Remember, just like 9.11, they were drilling and running exercises for this for weeks prior -- saying they were making ready for "enemy combatants."
    Well, all those exercises were a ruse, and we all remember who the REAL enemy was, don't we??

    What's up? Higgs of the God Particle passes away on April 8...people experience "eclipse sickness"...& chemtrails on the heights...

    1. Oh trust me BB, am leaning into the chemtrail angle right now -- turns out MUCH more may be going on than meets the eye -- will be delved into extensively in next post...
      that & "the sickness" may be linked...with worse on the way in the following weeks and months...

  26. Everything appears to be a rampup for the WHO treaty they want all the World Nations to sign off on -- not to mention what they're planning "October Surprise"-wise pre-election.....
    plus whatever may go into the next worldwide "plandemic."
    ALL of these things (&more) overlap and have to be taken into account.

  27. I can NOT be the only one who had this going through their head the other day...

    I gots things going on IRL so I'm playing catch up.

    1. Whaddaya mean, this ain't real life?? LOL.
      I'm notifying the Cheshire Cat immediately!!

  28. THIS just in from Phil & ridiculously pertinent:

    I well remember the first sightings of the dark, or "shadow" chemtrails and all wondering en masse "What the hell is that??"
    Now all these years later with the knowledge and advent (publicly) of graphene, we know what was there all along....
    Also the DOE callouts remind me that Chris carter in the X Files, and esp MILLENNIUM, was onto the covert aspects of the DOE many, MANY times. Including but not limited to their involvement with the Human Genome Project.


    haha damn

  30. I always think about that line in The Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zion:
    For being a 'conspiracy theory' it's strange how accurate it is...............

  31. One minute.


    Couple all this with TMobile being down nationwide and something is happening......

    Buoy off Chile coast just went into event status and dropped a mile and a half in 15 seconds:;-58;2&l=wave&t=20240411/0600

    All this right after eclipse mode -- coincidence??
    TMobile down on phones = the clampdown due to ongoing above.
    Let's see how long it lasts.

  33. They are throwing everything out here now. Might it have something to do with this??,_Preparedness_and_Response

  34. BB just weighed in with this:

    And while it still is -- Happy Friday Night everybody!!

  35. And leave it to him.....
    Jim Breuer weighs in on yet another topic (aft his brilliant COVID & vaxx narratives) where absolutely NO ONE else will go, and yet everyone secretly harbors thoughts about....
    And in this one he has firsthand knowledge....
    Spooky beyond belief:

  36. And in trib to whatev's going on out there in the ocean and headed for the Atlantic......I think a touch of scifi theatre Miles is in order this weekend:

    & maybe a brushing up on some Lovecraft and some Chariots Of The Gods:

    Because it's suddenly becoming the early 70s REAL quick.....

    Shepard Ambellas Show from April 12...He keeps tabs on space objects very well...impact in South Atlantic was likely an asteroid....

  38. More recent asteroid info:
    Reflects back on Chinese fleet being destroyed by ocean impact in 1400s....

    Thank you Iran!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  40. It's only WWIII trending:

    When both RUSSIA AND CHINA call for an immediate ceasefire to avoid WWIII, you know the situation is FUBAR.

    So LSS: the people who claimed Trump would crash the economy and start WWIII have crashed the economy and started WWIII....

  41. Guess somebody jumped the gun on those red heifers....

  42. Just in from Phil:

    So very much of this is traced back to the interior shadow networks pre-9/11 and going back all the way to what happened immediately post-JFK, when the gears really started turning towards setting up networks like BCCI:

    Again again AGAIN -- the Past is Prologue.....

  43. Ongoing footage:


    We need to be Japan at this point. No more waiting.........

    1. YAY JAPAN!!

      While they're at it, please release the Midnight Turbo Kill Ninjas on raids at abodes of Fauci, Gates, Schwab, Harari, Biden, Obama, Macron, Trudeau, every other "Young WEF" leader & principal at CERN, WHO, WEF, Phizer, Moderna, Netanyahoo, etc etc etc -- all on the same night. Sigh. What a dream.

    2. Midnight Turbo Kill Ninjas?

    3. Since I wished for the deployment of the Kill Ninjas bef I knew about Schwab's hospitalization guess I'd better be careful (re the ole Art Bell experiment) what I wish for!!
      LOL & Yikes!!


    WEF: Depopulation Will ‘Save Elites’ & ‘Drown the Rest’...
    "The unelected globalist organization has revealed details of a so-called “Noah’s Ark” that will supposedly “save the elite” during an event that would wipe out most humans on Earth....The WEF has assured global “elites” that they will be saved from depopulation while “the rest” are left “to drown.”.....No surprises here from the poisonous pee-lites.....

  47. That was NOT the Moon 'eclipsing' the Sun last week. On the 7th I happened to have my coffee out in the front yard right around 10:30 in the morning. I happened to look to the southwest sky and there clear as day was a 3/4 moon. At that time of the Morning the Sun here was in the SE part of the sky, no where near the moon. Next morning same thing, I know what my eyes seen, two days in a row and the moon WAS NOT IN POSITION to be able to do what the media said it was doing. Period

    Schwab hospitalized? Oh, the transhumanity of it...

    1. Wouldn't it be wonderful if some kind, any kind, of Divine Intervention was at work??

    "Important to understand is that there is not one single new or original idea in Klaus Schwab's so-called Great Reset agenda for the world. Nor is his Fourth Industrial Revolution agenda his or his claim to having invented the notion of Stakeholder Capitalism a product of Schwab. Klaus Schwab is little more than a slick PR agent for a global technocratic agenda, a corporatist unity of corporate power with government, including the UN, an agenda whose origins go back to the beginning of the 1970s, & even earlier. The Davos Great reset is merely an updated blueprint for a global dystopian dictatorship under UN control that has been decades in development. The key actors were David Rockefeller & his protégé, Maurice Strong."

    1. BB, all of this reminds me of how, in a VERY relatively small plot of land in Switzerland, there is the WEF, WHO, CERN, Davos, that weird Gotthard Tunnel "ceremony" took place in 2016, various UN enclaves and biotech/biochem cutting edge research firms, all sitting on top of an immense UNDERGROUND structure looking into the nature of dimensional travel, dimensional comms and transfer, and the nature of what holds this reality together:

      Shades of all the old Anthony Patch research, right?? And where he & Ray Boeche may intersect......

      Not to mention what's the nature of what's really going ON at CERN, and is it the only one??

      Mel was WAAAAY ahead of the curve 8 YEARS ago.....

      And THIS just recently uncovered:

      Given the size of the complexes UNDERNEATH both Giza and Hawara -- do we really have any conception or idea what may have been going on then, how far their science had advanced, or what was being attempted??
      Ancient particle accelerators under the sands of Egypt??

      Hmm -- placeheld for possible post......

  50. And BTW speaking of Maurice......
    Wellsy on the case in 2005

  51. And BTW BTW, what Tony Merk was speaking of and alluding to re what was Stonehenge's REAL purpose, and exactly how many pf those there may have been = were they connected somehow??"

    Wheels within wheels, and goodnight and thanks Dabney Lewis, history teach 4th grade St Christopher's School Richmond VA 1970-71.....wherever you planted a LOTTA seeds.

  52. And HEY A6!!
    Thanks for those Chuck Callesto twitter feeds -- have NO idea what is being tested in the skies over North Israel but it's DEF triangular and deploying.....

    And the skies over Cali are a testing ground too evidently:

    End Of The World bluebeam plans may be aligning.......

  53. Does Switzerland have deep ties to the Templars?
    "Did the Templars found Switzerland? ..points to ponder:
    1. The founding of the embryonic Switzerland conforms exactly to the period when the Templars were being persecuted in France.
    2. Switzerland is just to the east of France & would have been particularly easy for fleeing Templar brothers from the whole region of France to get to.
    3. In the history of the first Swiss Cantons there are tales of white coated knights mysteriously appearing & helping the locals to gain their independence against foreign domination."

  54. Templars & Switzerland, cont.:
    ". The Templars were big in banking, farming & engineering (of an early type).
    5. Even the Swiss don’t really know the ins & outs of their earliest history (or suggest that they don’t.) They are famous for being secretive & we don’t have to tell interested readers that this is something they share absolutely with the Templars.
    6. The famous Templar Cross is incorporated into the flags of many of the Swiss Cantons. As are other emblems, such as keys & lambs, that were particularly important to the Knights Templar.
    7. The Swiss were & are famous for their religious tolerance – & so were the Templars."

    1. Thanks BB!!
      "Tolerance" is one way of putting it, LOL.
      So either people like de Rais and the Temps were railroaded and there was nothing to all these alliances and allegiances.
      OR....there was something a bit more substantial and suss going on......
      The ultimate truth, just like all things, probs lies a bit in the middle (& there are convincing arguments on both sides), but historically, with that amount of smoke, there USUALLY is some fair bit of fire around somewhere:

      Or as the old THREE DAYS OF THE CONDOR postulated -- and LORD how true were pretty much ALL of the old touchstones??
      Never fails to amaze me how folks had it pretty well mapped out in the 70s...(which is why it holds up as well as it does).....

      "Maybe there's ANOTHER CIA -- INSIDE the CIA....."

      I'm sure the X Files' "Trust No One" had many fathers -- but none so clear cut as this one.....

      "For that day....."

    2. Watched it last night again, good flick for it's time, not everyone knows or recalls an entity called the Safari Club. My bet would be it is still in operation.

    3. Most DEF OMS!!

      Don't forget that the CFR dates back a ways too:

      Many Epstein links there too.

      CONDOR is a classic -- esp given what we know now that we didn't know then...The mercenary, cold-blooded nature of von Sydow (Joubert) strikes quite a bit diff today knowing what we turns relentless, then charming, even paternal towards Redford when he is no longer in his many nuances of character.
      The kind of nuances that make you wonder if they even exist anymore, of if they have been systematically weeded out for something far less human in influence, if you catch my drift.
      Strikes than in the 70s there was -- how should we say -- honour amoung thieves back then. Of a sort at least.

      Humanity now has far less wiggle room as the machinations of AI, robotic nanotech that has reached system wide, and neurologic degradation have taken hold en masse. People point to the vaxx, as well they should, but we were on an accelerating slippery slope long before then: HAARP, ELF, chemtrails, digital everything instead of analog, all bathing our biosystems on a daily basis for decades now.

      Indeed, CONDOR is a warning blast from another time, taking it's place alongside PARALLAX VIEW, ALL THE PRESIDENT'S MEN,
      THE CONVERSATION, EXECUTIVE ACTION, WINTER KILLS, NIGHT MOVES, STEPFORD WIVES, SERPICO, BOYS FROM BRAZIL, MARATHON MAN, CHINA SYNDROME and a few others that were all produced within a rough 5-year span of absolute golden original ideas.
      As good ole Lou Reed would say -- "Those were different times."

    4. Also absolutely CANNOT forget Costa Gavras' MISSING in '82 w Jack Lemmon and Sissy Spacek, documenting in haunting fashion the US/CIA-backed Sept 11,'73 takeover of Chile by Pinochet, in which thousands, including Americans, were butchered overnight.
      Sept. 11 -- something about that date & US-engineered coup de-etats.... right?? But shhhhh, can't have that getting out....

  55. A particular comm for that last scene between Redford and Max von Sydow captured it perfectly:
    "Rich scene, deep and dark, with von Sydow's hushed subtle tones woven beautifully into the captured earth tones of the surrounding countryside at daybreak. A nice period, the mid '70s, with Sidney Pollack being one of many great directors in that era. He kicked it on this."

    It was quite a time to be alive, full of tableaus, scenes, and "feels" that don't exist anymore. At least not the way they did. And those of us that were there can still feel, smell, and TASTE them in our still youthful memory and DNA. It's something quite remarkable and impossible to fully explain.
    Something about being impressionable in those teen/pre-teen marked a whole generation of us. In so many ways we've never stopped trying to get back there.

    1. Sometimes I feel certain types of people, like almost archetypes themselves have been attacked. Every person I meet is nearly the same nowadays: bag of anxiety with no imagination trying to be some sort of something, a type of cool they saw in a movie. Nobody knows how to create positive social interactions. Everyone is retarded and ok with that, they are angry that everyone, especially white people, are so racist and that their kid isnt gay enough.
      It's painful to remember the days when people used to know how to have fun. Fuckin hobgoblin world already and the switch hasn't even been flicked.

    2. Ugly giant bags of mostly water to be precise...LOL:

      Dunno about you, I'm still waiting for Roddenberry's dream world to arrive -- we pursue our noblest and most lofty ambitions devoid of the mad dash for cash we're all presently involved in,
      and begin to realize out true celestial, nigh immortal potential.

      Which, by the way, was the implausible ending to GLASS I just watched -- the last in the UNBREAKABLE trilogy along with SPLIT in the middle.
      Fantastic trilogy and GLASS esp crept up on me with that denouement....stellar stuff.
      Really got to the heart of the way those in power want to keep us dumbed down, gaslit, and manipulated forever in a massive Control System to keep us from all recognizing our true (God-given) power locked in all our DNA:

      "There are unknown forces that don't want us to realize
      what we are truly capable of.

      They don't want us to know the things we suspect are extraordinary about ourselves are real.

      I believe that if everyone sees
      what just a few people become when they wholly embrace their gifts, others will awaken.

      Belief in oneself is contagious.

      We give each other permission
      to be superheroes.

      We will never awaken otherwise.

      Whoever these people are who don't want us to know the truth,
      today, they lose.

      How long's it been since we posted it?

      Two hours.

      How long will it be before...?

      I know what this is.

      This is the moment
      we are let in on the universe."

      The fact that such "superpowers" can be called upon and maintained by healthy (??) doses-d childhood trauma leading to DID might just go a long way toward explaining several interlocking plot factors in the present day -- not to mention the fact that the gov't not only monitors these individuals, but also might have had a hand in the clockwork that created them in the first place:

      It's like seeing the themes of folks like Dave McGowan (Programmed To Kill = his hypothesis that the government with their MKUltra-type mind control experiments had their hands in creating almost every notable serial killer)) made manifest.....
      fascinating prospects.

      And THAT folks -- is your mini-post for tonight LOL!!
      (Which I always reserve the right to expand upon in the future...)

    3. This was a Golden Age, a time of high adventure, rich living and hard dying… but nobody thought so. This was a future of fortune and theft, pillage and rapine, culture and vice… but nobody admitted it. This was an age of extremes, a fascinating century of freaks… but nobody loved it.”

      Wonder the stories they will tell of this time. 50 years from now, sitting round a trashfire.

  56. The above fiction doesn't even BEGIN to get into the real-life total weirdness exhibited all around the Ted Bundy case -- which covers everything from childhood run-ins with the supernatural, to vast governmental and intelligence agency covering and possible shot-calling from above, and even weirder X-Files "Squeeze" type prospects like how exactly in one of his likely law-enforcement-aided escapes was he able to somehow contort his body into fitting into a 2x2 foot ceiling escape hatch that he'd carved into metal with meager (if outright NO) tools on hand??
    Like I told you...weird:

    The "Occult Connections" section here alone is enough to strangle a horse -- including curious overlaps with animal mutilations occurring at the same times and scenes & strange bundles of sticks and twigs (witchcraft symbols) found around all the bodies attributed to Ted -- think what those in Blair Witch looked like....

  57. RE: Iran attacks.
    Info from a friend whose father is boots on the ground in Palestine is "This might be fake." As in making the public believe this is a 'war'. I trust these people 100%. WTF?????

  58. The Dave mcGowan and lolfieldandlove channel on YT is a fascinating look into the abyss.

    Israel talking about retaliation now (are they insane?) (Where is the WHO now? Since they so concerned about our health? Or anyone for that matter?)
    Is this it?

    1. If you click with the McGowan/ lolfield stuff, and let's be honest, these days, who doesn't??'re gonna love the MINDSHOCK channel...that's if you can get by the dude's mickey mouse voice LOL. But whoever it is digs out some incredibly fascinating one of the presiding judges in the Jonbenet Ramsey case (who stepped down) spilling his guts:

      Around the 1:40:40 mark there is even mention of a satanic cult link to those Ramsey cult perps and a link to MOSCOW IDAHO....where those fraternity killings took place -- that reek more and more of something ritualistic:

      & speaking of lolfield, check out the deep background on the accused Kohberger & tell me something TRULY out there and MKULtra-ish wasn't going on there:

      Between that and the weird amount of time the bloody corpses were just laying around (8+ hrs) bef anyone in the house called 911 -- thinking they were just "asleep" after checking on them??
      Uh, did ya notice the blood?? - something was REALLY off in that entire house and scene, & probs WAY before the killings.

      As my CAVDEF friend George Klees is fond of saying ..."I'm beginning to think the Laurel Canyon operation never ended."
      I mean why would MOSCOW IDAHO be mentioned in relation to the Ramsey case and the supernatural/occult elements there YEARS before the strange killings that just happened to take place in....MOSCOW IDAHO.
      I mean, WTAF???!!!

      Putting puzzle pieces together this is all ROSEMARY'S BABY to the maxxxxxx!!

      Again, leaving this here as a placeholder for further embellishment laters.....Posts within posts LOL.

    2. Thanks for the mindshock heads up never heard of it.

      Man the JonBenet Ramsey case figures in my mind alot. The interview with the detective is something else. Where they bring up the girl from the basement and lay her infront of her and she starts counting bullets in her clip...

      Something I just found out the other day, there is a youtuber - flesh simulator- and he has been following sinilair rabbitholes. He looked into Aquino and serial killer clubs and found that Jon benete grandfather made the air strip for North Fox Island, which was a "boy scout camp" except run by people with 2 degrees of separation from John Wayne Gacy.
      You can't fucking make this shit up.

  59. Following up on my last post, I happened to see this on GLP:
    Did CERN finally open a portal? What is reality?????

    1. Hey Sotes!!
      Re your last 2 comms, doesn't it really seems like all of those old Rod Serling OG Twilight Zone postulations are coming true in a hurry?? Questioning the nature of all reality is THE elephant in the room these days.
      And YES, the fact that WWIII only lasted for a little over not even 24 hrs is a relief, but also concerning. And lens much credence to the fact it WAS all an act, presented in Wag The Dog fashion for the masses. Wonder how much of it was due to the fact that Biden's people sent a direct missive to Netanyahoo that under no circumstances would the USA take an active role in the ongoing. Likely due to -- hey -- can my approval rating possibly GET any lower?? LOL.

      As for by day the feeling grows that the ultimate purpose there is far more esoteric than scientific, and their endgame is playing a Biblical role in the proceedings -- continued in my comm below....

  60. I just watched a video on Odysee and the guy mentioned the red goggles being tested on helicopter pilots in Vietnam, who were seeing demons in the air and shooting at them. He sadly brought up that, to his knowledge, none of those pilots wearing the red goggles were ever said to have reported seeing angels. That still weighs on me..............

    1. Angels are probably in the ultraviolet range...

    2. I've known people who recall having felt "presences of peace and beauty" manifest as a "softly glowing sphere of light" after extended meditation. Maybe it's just the environment. Raises so many questions though. I wonder alot of the Freemasons and Friends have tricked themselves in their greed..
      But then I also wonder about this being a video game ruled by insane developers and anyone worthwhile has GTFO a long time ago.

    3. Fear not little sister == the dark side of the equation operates with much more hubris, swagger, and open arrogance than the other in wanting/needing to be sighted at times.
      Ironically, the side of the Lasting Good operates far more in the shadows, esp now, making their plans accordingly -- knowing that Time, Will, and the ultimate Outcome is on their/our side.
      The "In your face" aspects of the Dark reek of desperation, not to mention that, even according to Jesus, this IS their realm for now -- just not for forever. How else could the Devil have tempted Him with everything in this world if it wasn't his to give??

      I always keep coming back to this song and a notion by the former Tears frontman Roland Orzabal --
      "Well I believe in angels/ They move like a secret army..." (& they help me blow the atheists sky high...)

      The esoteric and multidimensional aspects of the themes explored by TFF in their heyday & Orzabal as a singles artist don't get nearly enough cred...Dude was/is deep in ways not usually addressed in the mainstream.
      Plus his timing is impeccable -- that song above and all of his TOMCATS SCREAMING OUTSIDE was released on 9-11-01.
      Burying it in the news of the day but upping his Nostradamus ratio considerably....

  61. But YEAH -- the ability to see and commune with the Left Hand Path forces thru the red-tint is spooky as hell,
    & lends considerable dark subtext to this scene in the brilliant CIVIL WAR flick out now:

    Portrait of the center not holding during extreme times.
    & the job of true journalists:
    "We record so other people ask..."

    The toughest job in the world is bearing witness.....

  62. In regards to the comms of both JB & A6 above, have I thanked you guys (& I mean ALL you guys not just these 2 standouts) in a minute for being the most erudite, well-informed, & darn near supernaturally prescient block of commenters in all the interwebs??
    It seriously blows me away on a continual basis, the staggering depths of y'alls knowledge, empathy, and true insight into what's going on in the whirlwind around us all.
    And just how you are able to continually phrase it in such a way.....I'm both humbled and blessed to have pals like each and every one of you.
    Let's keep on doing this......
    Y'all are crazy kids, and I loves ya!!


  63. PS A6....
    Regarding those softly glowing spheres of light you reference.....
    I recall having a newly purchased digital cam (I think Ginger got it for me) in the early days of spring 2001 only weeks after both my parents had passed -- and being in that house where they'd lived for so many years -- and in the brightly sunlight foyer/front room that had a facing wall of nothing but A-frame glass windows floor-to-ceiling....and taking pics of her in that room then with that cam....
    ...and seeing in the room and all around her these floaty, white glowing small orbs that came up in the pics but that were totally invisible to the naked eye....

    Always thought that was fascinating -- and comforting.
    I'm sure some would call them nothing more than dust mote artifacts, but I always took it -- and FELT it -- as something more.... Remnants of love & reminders that altho gone, never truly alone. Pieces, parts -- of our loved ones embrace us, hold us, and are always near. No matter where we are; where we go.
    Quantum entanglement? For sure.
    We are never alone.

  64. After I had my own little microburst of straight line winds & hail out of exactly nowhere yesterday just bef sunset -- this just in from Dubai:

    And to think Wellsy was calling all this out -- not to mention tying it all to a program also encompassing biowarfare -- back in 2004-05:

    If this is all an ongoing program, as many have charted for 20 years and longer now, as we progress from HAARP to CERN and God knows where else...what does the Finish Line look like?
    Or worse, is there one??

  65. THIS one strikes particularly -- what caused the sky to turn an actual shade of GREEN??:

    I mean, we've all seen that mean green cast everything gets to it right bef a summer hard severe one hits -- when the trees curl up the underside of their leaves and show that silver shade -- but THIS green was weirdly intense......

  66. Aaahhhhhhhhhhh, I get it now - CLOUD SEEDING:

  67. File in the Batcave cabinets right next to the "Chemtrails Aren't Real!!" folder.

  68. interesting.... I suspect that there is a great truth about humanity and space that has been hidden from earthlings for the up till now controllers benefit. I know for myself, I would love to get my full lung capacity back again....

    Anna Reitz They have abandoned ship

    This past week, just after the Great Eclipse, and unidentifiable "anomaly" the
    size of Texas appeared at the northern fringe of Antarctic Islands between
    Antarctica and Southwestern Africa. The seismic and weather monitor net
    predicted 80' waves incoming, but nobody has been able to confirm tsunamilike waves in the region.
    Instead, the phenomena's wake has simply continued to spread, as predicted,
    into the North Atlantic, and people have been scratching their heads
    wondering what kind of a "storm surge" this is.
    And what kind of anomaly has caused it?
    It's simple enough. After 32,000 years, the refugees from Mars have
    abandoned (our) ship, and good riddance.

    1. Only thing that we can be sure of is that -- whatevs the reasons -- ANOMALIES front, rear, and center are piling up everywhere in the world; some manmade I feel sure, some not I feel sure.
      But the overall weirdness continues to align in some kind of bizarre timeline that continues to accelerate...& where everything is linked.

      But there is a REASON to all this -- a reason why it's happening and all happening now...
      & that means there is a PLAN.

    2. OMID, what does this mean? Could it be real? Was my screaming "Leave us alone" every morning actually heard?

  69. Interesting predictions/ Terrifying developments:

    What's the plan again??
    What's ALWAYS the plan?? Since JFK, Waco, OKC, Columbine, 9/11, covid and on and on and on......

    WE do it -- then blame it on someone we want taken out.
    Easy CIA peasy.

    1. Plans for the for reals WWIII might be on the Congressional desks on the 19th -- just disguised as something else....
      ....the way it's always done.

  70. Following up:

    The ever-faithful "National Security' excuse to hoover up everyone: business. private...everyone.

  71. Poor Japan. Punishment for protesting WHO?????????

    1. Actually that quake coverage was live on the 6th, the WHO protests were the 13th -- but as to your hypothesis DEF not beyond the bounds of the elites to use scalar/weather/seismic weapons against foes and dissenters to The Agenda.....

    2. And there have been ridiculous amounts of rumblings underground of late -- even one here eclipse night (see numerous citations above.)

    3. Actually MY BAD Sotes!!
      I DO see that a 6.3 hit Japan just 6 hours ago now -- so your OG analysis stands -- and then some!!

      So that makes a weak one on the 6th and then a MUCH larger one by magnitudes 11 days later!! NOT trending in a good direction -- building towards something!!

    4. Put all of this together with the uber weird Antarctic Blob anomaly and we'd all better start taking notice......

    5. Aftershocks already of 5.0 and 4.3........spaced not that far apart = bad news too.....


  72. Another good swiss connection.

  73. And all the above just happening to occur with CERN coming back online and firing......

  74. AAAAND considering whatevs is going on with that Antarctic radar painting anomaly that was absolutely continent-sized.....seems the timing is quite suss on this from the DOD today:

    The transmedium discussion begins here:

  75. Also putting both of these latest headlines here for you guys to cross-correlate and discuss:

    WHY exactly is it illegal now??
    To post pictures of storms??.....

  76. The latest on an early Thursday morn, from Naomi, with about a million salient -- and entirely chilling -- points:

    What kind of waking nightmare have we emerged into??
    Incremental step by incremental step, we have watched all this happen to us....
    Where is the pushback as the waters gently warm into the uncomfortable?
    Is it getting hotter in here??
    How much longer until they veer into the deadly regions... not just for an unlucky "few" of us, but for us all??

  77. REPLY TO A6 re all the Mindshock info above.....
    There is also the curious and telling fact that BOTH John Ramsey, thru his Access Graphics, and Wayne Harris (Plattsburgh) were heavily involved with remote flight control tech and flight termination systems in their respective businesses and military contacts.....
    Throw in the fact that Eric Harris in one of his journals, expressed the wish that aft their Columbine op, he & Klebold were going to fly a jet into NYC skyscrapers and landmarks!!....
    making it imperative to speculate as to just what conversations between his Dad and other military elites he may have overheard &/or been privy to. Unless you just wanna believe in the wildest coincidences possible....remember that the morning of the Pentagon was running exercises concerning jets flying into the Trades.....hence the frantic questions flying that morn "Is this real world or exercise??!!"

    And yes, MINDSHOCK is trippy -- right now by FAR & away the very best, most comprehensive database going re everything Columbine especially. The stories of Robyn Anderson & Rachel Scott are esp ominous and telling:

    North Fox Isle:

    & finally, I trust Linda Arndt above ALL:

    That woman KNOWS. She looked it in the face.
    And they all discredited, marginalized, and threw her under the bus for it to keep it all under cover.

  78. PS, along with you I JUST found Flesh Simulator:
    "What do these 3 things have in common: theistic satanists,
    the army's psychological warfare division,
    & the people running one of the worst, widest ranging child exploitation rings in the history of the country??"

    "They're all Tool fans?"

    I LOST it!!

  79. Hey, remember *these* all-important Dragons:

    Here is anthropologist Michael Harner's account of his 1961 ayahuasca experience. "Giant reptillian creatures" resting in the lowest depths of his brain began projecting scenes for him, while telling him the information was reserved for the dead:

    "First they showed me the planet Earth as it was eons ago, before there was any life on it. I saw an ocean, barren land, and a bright blue sky. Then black spots dropped from the sky by the hundreds and landed in front of me on the barren landscape. I could see the "specks" were actually large, shiny, black creatures with stubby pterodactyl-like wings and huge whale-like bodies.... They explained to me in a kind of thought language that they were fleeing from something out in space. They had come to the planet Earth to escape their enemy. The creatures then showed me how they had created life on the planet in order to hide within the multitudinous forms and thus disguise their presence. Before me, the magnificence of plant and animal creation and speciation - hundreds of millions of years of activity - took place on a scale and with a vividness impossible to describe. I learned that the dragon-like creatures were thus inside all forms of life, including man."


    "Finally we moved on to the notion that DNA is a very crude understanding of what is in reality a time spiral.  At the ''quantum'' level in our DNA there are ''wormholes'' which travel backwards and forwards in time, to future and past selves (incarnations) respectively."

    The "black dragons" which fell to Earth billions of years ago *died a long time ago*, essentially, but thanks to the DNA of all life on Earth, they can live through *us*, forever. This reminds me of Lovecraft's story "The Shadow Out of Time".

    1. Fascinating stuff JB!!
      Personally, I have seen and felt, lived thru, far too many reminiscent and deja vu scenarios playing out daily in my own life to not recognize that....
      at some level....
      We are living thru and playing out ARCHETYPES expressed before, over and over again. Call it determinism, reincarnation, past lives welling up announcing themselves repeatedly for folks like us to scratch their heads and say "Where do I know this from? This is familiar." The blue-eyed blonde in trouble, the abusive or uncaring husband, the other guy/secret admirer in the shadows...they are all tales as old as time. Polanski, Sharon Tate, Jay Sebring, Manson, to name but a few. And they all occur with a mystical regularity. Star-crossed.

      And that's just on the personal level -- you can macro out from there. We are all living this tale far bigger than we realize.

  80. Couple links:
    "A crucial watch on "Disinformation". The so-called "Disinformation" problem was identified by the Rand Corp Military-Industrial report for the WEF in 2006 - as a vital future censorship tool. & here we are:"

    "Rulers & their military & police forces are always vastly outnumbered by the ruled. Revolts have brought down countless governments. Yet, why have most people down through the ages not revolted but endured the force, fear, & fraud? The trick is to get the ruled to assign their right in their own lives to the rulers, acting as the purported agent of a collective...As more people see the brick wall behind the curtain, ruling caste panic intensifies. The rabble aren’t buying into the plan & they’re not dying quickly enough. Thus the seemingly inexorable march towards World War III...The dinosaur governments we have now mark an historical apex of size, theft, & power. "

    1. Amazing isn't it BB??
      What exactly did people think the endgame of adjuncts like the Internet of Things and the Internet of Bodies was gonna be?? Were we all gonna go off holding hands and skipping thru fields of candycanes and sugarplums?? Of course not.
      And now when harcore evidence is actually presenting itself from all the horses mouths and not just "wackjobs" like Kingston and Mihalcea and Carrie Madej -- well, what are people gonna do now?? Burrow even deeper into the sand?

      We dismissed all those people that were only trying to warn us about what they were seeing, (and documenting from proprietary papers from the perps themselves), at our extreme peril.
      When the media is bought off and corrupted and in on it, that crucial last line of defense evaporates -- and, as you say, here we are.

  82. THANKS SO MUCH for that tipoff BB
    Here's for those that don't rumble:

    Notice the dateline: 2015.....

    Because that tech would NEVER be repurposed for something else or fall under dual-use spec......

    Heaven help us.

    Emmylou Harris- The Pearl
    A song to accompany the sentiment of Jack Kirby: "Life at best is bittersweet"....but that ain't a bad deal, overall...


    1. The Road clues you in on the depths humanity will plunge into to survive...& it ain't a pretty pic.
      Rationalizing atrocity is a mindset the elites and cabals of our world are all too familiar with. And they're not doing it for their imminent survival. They're just doing it. Their religion and their ethos. Like their Master above/below them, they HATE humanity.

      Off to my night shift Friday but these 2 important drops just in from Dave Attak & Athina:

      And eyes open all, let's remember what today is:

      Thoughts for Waco and OKC survivors.
      Columbine tomorrow.
      Will have more on this....coming together....

    Speak the speech, Tucker...
    "Evil is an independent force that exists outside of people, that acts upon people. I really believe that. I’ve experienced it a lot, & it’s obvious...What vessel do they choose? The weak. It’s weak men & women who are instruments of evil. The weaker the leader, the more evil that leader will be. Unfortunately, we’ve reached a time in American history where every leader is either a woman or a weak man, pretty much. I’m sorry to say it, that’s just true. The weaker the leader, that’s what Mike Johnson – Everyone’s like, Oh, Mike Johnson, such a nice guy. Well, I know Mike Johnson, & he’s a perfectly nice guy to the extent that he’s polite & he seems meek & restrained, & he’s not saying motherf*cker ever. You know what I mean? He’s got very buttoned-down affect, but he’s a weak man, & that’s the man you should be afraid of." Speaker of the Wind-Swept House...

    1. So funny BB, but I watched the whole podcast on my 12-8 shift at work today, and YT is throttling the numbers on that conversation to oblivion....I'm actually taking bets on how long it stays up on the platform.
      Here it is on Rumble for now -- not even sure how long it's destined for there:

      The very beginning of the 3 hours (UAP related/spiritual) and the end = prob the last 10 min -- are essential.
      From what I can ascertain THIS is what Tucker was sent by his contacts:

      Those last 10 min come to a head when, right after the "weak" commentary (which is SO spot on), see 2:53:00 & what Tucker says was said to him in his kitchen by a high-ranking official, to which Rogan responds:
      "....if evil is real, Evil would want those types of people to be in a position of power."

      Which implies 2 things..1) coordination, and 2) manipulation.

      Which means we are dealing not with an abstract, but a physical, governable Force. And one that is manifesting in the here and now. By choice. By design.
      Which is a HUGE statement to make -- and one I'm sure that the PTB will see more than fit to censor and downvote all day, every day. Because they can't have people understanding that.

  86. Both of these just clocking in from BB too -- the latter of which sounds JUST like the perfect JONESTOWN blueprint:

  87. For shits and giggles some of you might want to look through this site here. Our burning man in New York was way more then meets the eye, and not a peep from the whore media on his revolution, ask yourself why?

    1. Oh yeah OMS!!
      I've looked thru all the pamphlets the dude dropped bef ignition, & it's wild....

      & on the forbidden info front ALSO, check out the Rogan-Carlson latest vid at the tail end of the UAP section; where TC points out that despite the Manhattan Proj and all the official info contained within, THERE IS NO PAPER TRAIL as to the origin point, of where FISSION and the process actually came from to discover it/ initiate it. Not from Einstein -- not from Oppenheimer; none of them. So WHERE did it come from?
      (Something my Mom always wondered about too -- & she worked in some capacity for it on the outer outer perimeters doing disinfo PR with Burgess Meredith -- the Penguin!!) True story:

      Think I've said bef right here it was always something she was woefully ashamed of -- said the whole thing reeked of absolute evil; she was very glad she wasn't closer to the inner circles...

      A little more of our secret history......

    2. Yeah I am not sold on any of the theater as far as Rogan-Carlson goes, Me thinks that Max is spot on with the take on crypto, and Harvard, Massachusetts in general, and I hate to say this because I was born there and spent the first 15 orbits there, and loved it, is a real shithole where most are so indoctrinated via generational habit, they can not see what is right in front of them. All of my reading suggests that what comes next in this country is an overt dictatorship. A weekend session of con-gress sends more billions to the nazis, which tells me the fascists are winning over the commies in washington. Without a brand new central government which is much smaller then the present abomination, based somewhere other then the district, we all are just pissing into the wind. If we were really intelligent right now, we as Americans would take our fate as a nation into our own hands, and stop feeding the beast. The problem is that takes commitment by all to see it through, and there are too many scared and selfish people among us, to do the right thing and just sit on their ass, and DO NOTHING. In this case doing nothing kills the beast, and those who refuse mark themselves.

    3. We are SO divided right now -- more than half the country was ready, only a couple years ago, to throw the anti-c19 vaxx people into jail if not death camps.
      But just remember it only takes a committed 2% to begin any revolution anywhere. We have WAY more than that.
      All we're missing is that spark of ignition. Got a light?? LOL.

      Part of me is wary of the whole TC once a neocon always a neocon....part of me wants to sincerely believe in the possibility of the ability to change your own ways -- see the light so to say. He SOUNDS genuinely contrite for all of his past views.
      Then again he DID follow the Dead around -- & everybody knows their past as a CIA conduit...

      I still have faith and belief in an ultimate Plan where something Divine touches, changes, hearts and minds -- and that it's never too late; for any of us. To mend our ways.

      There is certainly SOMETHING going on in the dispositions/personalities of VAST numbers of people -- the vaxxed on one side, the unvaxxed on the other -- & it just might be time to choose sides.

    4. Once again, in case it got buried above -- is THIS theatre??


    Lemme know if everybody's OK or if it's RADIO NOWHERE out there....

  89. Combine the above breaking with headlines like this:

    How much more will it take for the realization to kick in that we are in the MIDDLE OF A WAR??

  90. Nothing happening here in the desert today, we did have 911 issues during the past week. They did boot me offline the second I came here, lol, but they have been doing that for about 18 months now. Maybe it has something to do with what I am writing about right now, I do not think they will be happy with me, but tough shit, I am tired of all the theater of the last seven plus years, Trump is not the answer for Americans, but he might be for the globalists. Rogan and Carlson are both controlled, I have no doubt of this, they are both still breathing, after supposedly revealing so much to us poor intrepid souls. They get rid of the dangerous folks to their plans, one way or the other.

  91. Dark Journalist: Daniel & Olivia talk KONA Blue, 8th Sphere, A.I., R. Steiner, psyops, what is true & what is not true....start viewing at about 1 minute 41 sec when audio problems are resolved...

  92. Thanks for weighing in and all the updates peeps!!
    Good news that the White Lodge is relatively unscathed for now & don't have to worry about breaking out the carrier pigeons just yet!!

  93. Elizabeth Nickson: Reviewing book about B. Gates:
    "Gates’s life changed when his practice of turning competitors to scorched earth, thereby crippling innovation in the digital world, resulted in an embarrassing court case. The sullen, nit-picking slug on trial, radiating contempt is, I suspect, the real Gates, or his shadow self, very much like Gollum in LOTR defending his Precious. ..Gates then constructed his new self. He married, not a babe, but a substantive character, & had three children in quick succession. He hired the most expensive fixers & PR, & built himself an avuncular sweater-clad persona.  He was going to give away his massive fortune, give back to the people from his incredible privilege.
    In the ensuing years, that fortune doubled & then doubled again. That’s because he met Jeffrey Epstein."

  94. Elizabeth Nickson:
    "The Demonic Flooding of America Was Deliberate; Drug & rock culture was invented by the elites, by the Olympians, by SRI, Tavistock & military intelligence...Their goal was to break the children of 3 generations, (ending with gender reassignment surgery), destroy their minds, stunt their futures, ruin their families, attempt to persuade them that having children was bad, & that growth, prosperity & self-government was impossible, even destructive. From the Kennedy assassination onwards, a series of horrifying events was engineered to destabilize American culture & confidence. From military & hospital laboratories all over the US & Canada, psychiatrists ran experiments & devised actions to set community groups against each other, deliberately destroying civic peace. The environmental movement was created in these labs & seminar rooms, as was second wave feminism. All of it was anti-human, meant to draw down the population, & ensure that the rest were docile to the point of submission. Operation Paperclip, Operation Bluebird, Operation Mockingbird, MKUltra were & continue to be real, heavily funded, & weaponized against us."

  95. For those of you that can't bear the messenger, just listen to a minute and a half of THE MESSAGE:

    Because I guarantee you -- it's not wrong.

  96. And pertaining to ALL this, Dark Journalist 8 months ago:

    It's all, after all this time, coming to light....Aliens? Demons? Extradimensionals? Ultraterrestrials?

    And the shot-callers:

    Now you know where I'm heading.....for next time.

  97. Number of quakes in & around immediate Taiwan area since this morning is indicative of something not right:

  98. Zeena LaVey strong DNA notwithstanding, releasing 31 (THIRTY ONE!!) new songs in the middle of a 2+ year long World Tour and countless studio re-do's isn't just crazy unprecedented, it's weird and spooky:

    And it reeks of manipulation....

    The 'Better To Burn Out' blowback ritualistic crash for flying this Icarus- high is never pretty, but you can always count on it cos we eat our young. The Beatles imploded in death and rumor. Springsteen never recovered post-1988, Prince navigated it fairly well bef he got too open-mouthed about things he shouldn't.. Michael Jackson died likewise from the same:

    And she's not any of blonde "good" girl sacrifice comin up.
    Her latest template shoutout of Clara Bow is littered with straight up satanic ritual, MKUltra ominous feedback:

    Always remember, there's more to the picture, than meets the eye.

  99. Genetic manipulation, social engineering (herding), and something larger behind it all:
    See from the 30 min mark here:

    Is the same brainwashing in lockstep collusion that we saw usher in the plandemic/scamdemic behind other things in the pop culture sphere also??
    And are they all diff manifestations of the same thing?? The same overriding Force??

    Maybe past time to start asking these questions, as they might be symptoms and artifacts of the same disease currently inflicting humanity, by something attempting to CONTROL humanity.

  100. My gut tells me this is closer to the truth then, and now....

    1. So SO interesting how everyone keeps going farther and farther back, only to find connective tissue that leads right into every important hot topic today -- truly there is nothing new under the sun.
      The nexus of the next post hinges on this....and ramifications for the ideology and the science of today and what "they" are trying to pull off....needless to say this has been a plan LONG in the making -- and I've stumbled on some unbelievably horrific possibilities dating back to certain operations in 2003 specifically....
      Ancient Aliens, Graham Hancock, main periodical newspaper headlines from 1983...soooo many MAJOR clues have been dropped along the way that can point us to what is unfolding today.

      I continue to travel back in time to my first 4th grade history class at St Christopher's around 1970, when they began drilling into us everything Ur, and Mesopotamia, and the Cradle of Civilization from the very onset with zero buildup -- I scratched my head even at the time wondering why the emphasis on this particular angle for children of the "privileged." As the years have gone by, the understanding has taken more of a final form than the nebulous wisps it used to be.
      I would like to say it has brought a peaceful resolution, but as it is things have taken a decidedly darker turn.

      Stay tuned to this Bat Channel, as we continue to dive even deeper....continuing on the trail of the alien assassins....

  101. That was an intriguing link - on Egypt and the Hyksos. Goes to show that indeed, there is nothing new under the sun. For thousands of years, the elites have known how to weaponize medicine, sex, childhood, genetics...

    I was about 10, and already the scarab imagery wasn't adding up in my mind. Here's an insect whose main joy in life is to wallow in excrement (hence "dung beetle"), AND ancient peoples would create its effigies out of gold and precious stones?... Why. And now Wikipedia tells me, in all seriousness, that scarabs "orient themselves using the Milky Way." Can this stuff get any weirder?

    Ditto unleavened bread. Why. (And why, at the height of Communist repression in 1970s Eastern Europe, would supermarkets - if you can call them that - sell big boxes of it, labeled "Maces"?... It had no taste whatsoever. White flour plus water don't generally a delicious treat make.)

    Similarly, some historians believe that what really sped up the demise of the Roman Empire was waterpipes made of lead. So perhaps the Romans were really poisoned (?), then replaced by migrants.

    In Europe, it wasn't just The Plague wreaking havoc. Think about the 100-Year War, Germany's Peasant Wars... Incessant war. Remember the Hansel and Gretel story? Well, let's face it - their parents brought them to the woods to dump there and let them die. "We cannot possibly feed them, so why not let wolves and bears do the needful?" The rest of the story, involving the gingerbread house etc., is likely just a psychotic / dissociated hallucination, akin to Alice in Wonderland.

    Thou shalt not commit adultery? This didn't quite apply to the proto-Epstein feudal lords who usurped for themselves the "right of the first night." A museum guide in Eastern Europe, a middle-aged female, once told me matter-of-factly: "We all have the same long nose around these parts -- because we're descended from the same man!"

    When the last feudal seigneur of a castle near my hometown passed away in 1908, he left behind instructions to be buried at midnight (?). I supposed it worked out well: 90 years later, his great-great-nephew would spend 12 years in the NHL, earning dozens of millions of dollars.

    In many parts of Europe, cholera would wipe out one-third of many a village population nearly every decade, up until the late 19th century. (Yet, we are told Empress Maria Theresa - 1740-1780 - came up with compulsory schooling -- so even the rural folks would be generally literate and have a grasp of hygiene.)

    Interestingly, Polish/Slovak/German Catholic immigrants who moved to take up back-breaking labor in places like Johnstown, PA didn't fare much better: 2,209 people died in the Johnstown Flood of 1889. The flood occurred AGAIN in 1936. And AGAIN, despite presidential pledges to make the community safe, in 1977.

    Scratch the surface every so slightly, and you'll find holocausts large and small, throughout human history.

    1. Yes, and they always seem to connect to the 'usual suspects'. Very odd.

    2. Last name of hockey player pls

  102. Sotes --
    Speaking of "usual suspects," LOL, reminds me of William Bramley's GODS OF EDEN where he charts historical records just prior to the Black Plague, where frequent notations were mentioned of lights in the sky, and mysterious appearances of hooded figures in the fields holding what were interpreted to be scythes, or threshers, but that were strangely spraying what seemed to be a kind of (what we today would call an) aerosolized mist from out of the ends of their long hoses....spraying down the crops and surrounding countryside.

    These figures would always vanish as quickly and mysteriously as they appeared -- along with the lights --
    But not long after each incident the entire region would be struck down with the plague, and perish in corresponding high numbers.

    This happened all thruout the European continent, until almost 50% of the population succumbed -- some 50+ million people from 1346 to 1353; 7 years.

    Latest numbers/estimates from the total worldwide # of vaxx deaths are right now at 17-18 million, according to people like Ed Dowd, Bret Weinstein, numerous others coming to similar figures and all the insurance actuarial tables whose business is charting these things....

    Maybe someone -- someTHING -- some Force, perhaps the same one... has decided that time has come again....

  103. Yes, we know deep down (Mel Gibson) who is behind all the travesties on earth for thousands of years. But WTF is up with the MAC addresses??? How much more evil can we take???

    1. I'm assuming you're talking about the MAC addresses that were (one of the first widespread places) outlined here --

      Start around the 42 min mark at the tail end of what Karen's saying....

      It's not like this information is hard to find if you're looking -- it's just not on the front pages everywhere where it should be.
      This SHOULD be like a daily Watergate-JFK-9/11 times a thousand.....and yet it's not.
      So yeah, lockstep evil doesn't even begin.
      Highly ironic that I named this blog MIND CONTROL 13 years ago......

      I had absolutely no idea.

  104. BTW Mel's working on Temptation of the Christ: Resurrection and the plot supposedly mixes in multiple space-time continuum crossovers in some very quantum entanglement/disturbing ways...& holds nothing back in telling the true story of what happened thousands of years ago from a cosmic perspective of the largest scope of Good vs Evil, and how it always continues that Free Will pattern: reincarnation, Fate, the battles then and the battles yet to be across overlapping multiverses.

    Which is just the beginning of what some people here are attempting to articulate as the creeping realization dawns in their souls that we are all part of something unimaginably vast and ongoing...
    and that when God created us, even He was aghast at what he had done -- such is the scope of our universe-rending power.

    Think again WHY we are so highly fought over, prized, and coveted. Thanks to God we are all eternal spiritual powerhouses of incredible proportions. Walking superweapons of unending psychic potential.
    Remember what Jesus said.."You will do even GREATER things than I."
    The Devil doesn't just envy us....he's AFRAID of us. That's why his plan is always based in trickery and deception, playing on our biggest weakness: The Ego.
    He knows that when we fully embrace our's over.
    So he has to cloud things, come at us from angles, use the obscure, hide behind now the science and the technology to use that deceit for him.

    "Amid our broader civilizational turmoil, the zeitgeist does seem to be shifting dramatically, shaking off the remnants of tepid, Christian-influenced secular liberalism in favor of something new, inchoate, & potentially very dark. So far it is not Christian. But... neither is it the soulless materialism that C.S. Lewis feared had already conquered the world, severing us from the past & from the divine...What we seem to be seeing is a broad & accelerating reaction against & rejection of the materialist framework of Enlightenment modernity. It is now observable throughout Western culture & politics. ..before Christianity could ever flourish again, the iron cage of materialism would indeed need to be broken & the world re-enchanted, filled again with an immanence of spirit. It is the materialist worldview — not pagan foes — that has for centuries smothered & subverted Christian faith & passion."

    1. Extremely well put.
      The Enchantment Express is not slowing even as it picks up riders by the score....
      Hang on & strap in tight -- it's going to be a bumpy night!!

  106. This just in from BB too:

    It's baffling, bedazzling, & something a little bit wonderful just how much the entire awakened world has jumped all OVER the renaissance bandwagon of literally EVERYTHING Jacques Vallee & John Keel unveiled before us more than almost 50 years ago.
    There's ahead of your time and then there's AHEAD of your time so much you're in another continuum.
    Which is, come to think of it, kinda the point.

  107. Since Bill Cooper was referenced above, listen to his takes on both Waco & OKC, events he saw as precursors to MUCH worse coming down the line:

    Also in those same comms, was noted Karla Turner's belief that the "aliens" are the ultimate controllers of both PERCEPTION & MEMORY.

    How wild is it that now that job has fallen to the injected nanotech from the jabs??
    Curious overlaps.

    CJ Hopkins writes: "Google’s “multimodal large language model" Gemini hasn’t killed anyone yet.....but it is certainly doing a bang-up job of assassinating people’s characters. I was prompted to play around with Gemini by Matt Taibbi’s recent piece reporting on how Gemini invented entire “Matt Taibbi articles” that Matt never wrote. Given the fact that I’ve been relentlessly censored & “visibility-filtered” for years by Google, Twitter, X, Facebook, Amazon, & Wikipedia, I figured I should probably give Gemini a go & see how I am being portrayed to potential readers who may have never heard of me...If you're into this stuff, try it out yourself with another controversial public figure. Just for fun. I mean, there's no need to worry. Gemini is "still in development," & it means well. I'm sure it will fix its "mistakes." After all, it apologized, just like HAL did near the end of the movie ..."

  109. Winston Churchill before WWII: remarks could largely be used again today: “We seem to be moving, drifting, steadily, against our will, against the will of every race & every people & every class, towards some hideous catastrophe. Everybody wishes to stop it, but they do not know how.” " Every" does not include certain wealthy bloodlines in the shadows...

  110. Ongoing:
    "When you were distracted by the “Where’s Princess Kate Conspiracy”, Deagel’s Depopulation Forecast was confirmed by Heavily Censored Pfizer Documents"
    "It looks like we already have more than enough evidence to claim that COVID-19 vaccination is causing mass depopulation, & Deagel’s apocalyptic figures for the Western World in 2025 are on track to be realised."
    "A medical coder for an American hospital spoke out about what she witnessed during the covid era & the first few months of the covid vaccine era...When asked what she witnessed after the covid injections were administered, she said: “I didn’t know it was possible for a human to die so horrifically, so quickly, before they rolled out the mRNA injections … [For] days, patients would be seizing, & no medications would stop it, & eventually they … kinda had to be put down.”

  111. Probably seems irrelevant in the grand scheme of things, but I think it's a beautiful thought.

  112. Replying to Aaaaaa (and thanks for reading my ruminations!) re family name in question:

  113. This blog is a bit crass but I feel he may have a point here.
    Students are the future of this country, and most major social changes in US history have begun on college campuses.
    The tides are turning against the Zionist state, and our refusal to cooperate in this genocide points to this.
    If student protests are being responded to with the violent force of the state, it is because they know this, and they are afraid of us. The thing that scares them most of all is that we are not afraid. We know we stand for a just cause, and Palestine matters more to us than anything. We will not lose.
    ‘‘Sick fucking ZOG zionist Satanism is now seen by all on earth for what it is, so fuck yes, the USA politicians need to get off their knees if they want to hold future office’’’

  114. This video is so important. I know it is long. but please give it a chance. Please watch what this doctor is saying about wifi and microwaves and blood. I feel like she is coming from a different angle as our regular whistleblowers. I am so behind. We are being attacked at so many levels. Cancer is the least of our concern at this point. They are extracting our consciousness. On every level. This is worse than I imagined. Worse. Spiritually. And on everyone. OMG I can't conceive the evil among us.

    1. Thank you Sotogirl for link to that video.
      Excellent guest; & Dr. Hamamoto runs a fine podcast;

    2. As horrific and actually sensible as that vid is I think we all need to remember NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST US SHALL PROSPER.
      No matter how Lovecraftian -- no matter how demonic.
      You just have to gird yourself with the correct technology/armour.
      And yes, that IS the Spiritual kind. Actually talk with God every day -- you don't need an intermediary. Do it yourself.
      Prayer, communication with the Divine -- is a Weapon.
      Understand this.
      Center yourself.

      It might seem simple but these days it's NOT second nature.
      I have to remind myself to do it all the time.
      But it is some POWERFUL mojo.
      It's YOUR choice. It always has been.
      Choose wisely.

  115. MH370 footage.

  116. More demonic spinning:

    1. "Epilepsy" and "internal knee sprain" already being trotted out.
      Uh huh.
      Good LORD.


    In Germany & elsewhere in's Walpurgisnacht time again.....veil thickness thinning....

    1. Now Beltane officially --
      Dust off those Hall-OWL-ween broomsticks!!
      Who says "the Grove" waits til July??

  118. Well this is new to me

    Orbs and rods galore in space apparently


  120. Reading this book and I have to say it gives me a feeling of truth nuggets. War in Heaven by Kyle Griffith:
    Theocrats maintain political power over other spirits by falsely claiming to be gods, sustaining themselves by feeding off the vital energies of others. The Theocrats use certain forms of organized religion to enslave the souls of believers after death, and they oppose all efforts by living people to build a truly advanced civilization on Earth. The psychic powers of the Theocrats are not strong enough to allow them to paralyze the will of a living person and simply take over direct control of his or her conscious mind. Instead, they practice mind control by telepathically reprogramming the subconscious. Until recently, the Theocrats most often practiced this mind control during religious rituals, but they now also practice it on people who are watching television or listening to recorded music. The purpose of both is the same: to enslave people to the Theocrats.

  121. Hi Max:
    Thank u for the link; good to know this info exists...
    There is this link as well:
    More things to ponder....

  122. Dammit.
    Once again I have been blocked from getting comment updates.
    I have some catching up to do.

    Not ignoring you just locked out of my outlook email account right now, so will post all comms when I hack back in....

    ALSO a big notice that the next install will be up on SUNDAY night; so get some sleep before then, lol.

    Creeping ever ONWARD!!

  124. Excerpt from War in Heaven:
    These "false Gods" are controlled through astral-matter machines belonging to Theocratic spirits. Some of these machines can generate immense quantities of psychic powers and allow magicians to do spectacular acts of magic, which convinces them that they are truly on the way to becoming Gods, but this is just another deception. They are merely on the way to becoming Theocrats by imitating their methods and morals. The Theocrats treat the embryonic Gods as domestic animals and use them for their own selfish purposes just as they use other human spirits, living people, and psychic machines.
    Another thing you have to realize is that these messages that you can now receive because you have the right programs loaded into your mind are not new. Many different groups of spirits and living magicians have been sending such messages for years. That hasn't changed; it is you who have changed.
    Our wars with the Theocrats over the centuries have always involved battles over the evolution of physical technology, as well as the programming of individual mental software and the design of social institutions. During the last few decades, this technology war has become one of the most important aspects of the whole struggle.
