Sunday, December 29, 2024




Much as I suspected yesterday, the blowback and fallout for the wild rumpus that was the Danny Jones podcast with the biggest faceoff since The Rumble in the Jungle are cascading in; and the verdict?? 

People are not stupid. 

People are pissed.

And Calley Means might be done. 

He took getting de-pantsed and being "hoisted on your own petard" to new, mind-boggling, stratospheric levels.

Because for every tone-deaf, superficially-fooled reply like this one:

...There is about a 90% radioactive gusher erupting the other way re the oily duplicitousness of Means. And the great mass of people sensing something is seriously amiss in the grand plan to overturn the Great Reset. The copy-pasted tweets at the header don't even begin; believe me.

Thanks once again to Danny Jones for hosting the Armageddon party none of us knew we needed.

And also to him for posting on his X page the conversation all the folks at YT and Big Tech are DESPERATE for you to NEVER see -- his conversation with Kevin McKernan that alternately fired up Kruse and a host of others all over again:


To all of which I can only echo, let's keep this going; who's got the matches??:

Oh, that's right...we ALL do.

And don't forget it:


  1. This hugely needs to be part of this post also -- well done:

    Stay tuned.....

  2. Just in from a faithful reader Annie & her comm on the whole biz:
    "It's a formula for obfuscation and evasion. Repeat names to interrupt speaker and disrupt listeners; evade answering question; redirect to 'positive.' Big Fail on Means' part. No one can evade the numbers and loss. Not working & it is obvious as to method."

    "Glad to see the replies- I knew the bloodbath was fierce when my own response (above) was liked by over 40 viewers after only 20 minutes....

    I am half wondering if Means, by the next time he interviews, will have adopted a 'new approach' to answering proffered questions.

    Dr Bowden, I am proud to say, is a former classmate (grammar school!) and still friend. She is, on average, a standout human. On a superlative level she is fierce and warrior-like; she has been tested, threatened, cajoled, and yet she only becomes more burnished and brighter. Nothing is smearing her. 'Yes or No, Calley; Yes or No'. She is a stalwart, and an example of persistence at a basic, human-tough level. Did you see her post today that she had 'been approached by top tier players' asking her to 'join the team' and she said Hell no, I want babies saved.

    Onward as we go, more warrior like than ever. Thanks for the link to the whole interview, W. And here is to the New Year, full of promise and things that have never been."

    Thanks for that Annie, can only reiterate everything you said. We've got good, authentic people here and it shows...Like gravitates to like.

    1. TPTB are doing the usual 'Shill' show; Means is just another iteration. Jack saw his BS and called him on it; great job Jack. As a first responder through ALL the 'variations' of this COVID nightmare I personally saw this virus at work, and got it myself twice even though I was vaxxed; mandated by my Hospital Employer at the time. But this was a BAD 'FLU' virus really, and it was BAD!
      Honestly I don't think this was EVER about COVID; this was about implanted tech that TPTB will use/are using to further their machinations for complete world dominance and control; SSDD. This is a BIOTECH weapon, HANDS FUCKING DOWN. Kudos Jack.
      Oh and by the way, I got fucking BRAIN CANCER after getting the first 'Jab', and got so sick I had to take a LOA for 6 weeks off from my Hospital job. This SHIT is just EVIL man! Luckily my 'Tumor' has stayed the same size over the last 18 months; I am due for a re-check now. Not even remotely surprised at Jack's statements about stage 4 cancer POST 'Jab'.

    2. Thanks GNOSS BOSS!!
      This world needs about a billion more Jacks to get down to brass tacks and get things done that need to be done. WHY is everything so hands-off, kid gloves in treating monsters?? Seriously. We have lost our minds, with lots of help.
      I am totally with you on the fact that there IS a covid bio-virus that was unleashed -- totally NOT with the crowd that says it was all a distraction (tho there was PLENTY of that) and that it doesn't exist. Like you, I know because @Nov-Dec 2019 I got something that gave me symptoms I had NEVER had bef in all my life: one cold morning driving in to work I had a SHAKING attack that luckily didn't present fully until I was parked. Because it was to such an extent there's no way I could have maintained control of the vehicle. It was cold, violent shaking from deep in the middle of my chest that spread thruout entire body. WILD spasms. And from out of nowhere with no other symptoms other than tiredness and a bit of fever. But this was WEIRD.

      That was the only thing that happened -- gradually cleared and have never even had a hint of anything 'covid' related since. There was something on the loose in the beginning that was MUCH stranger and worse than what it dissipated into later. And it was out there FAR earlier than January 2020.
      But your point is well taken also and something I keep reminding people of = C-19 in and of itself wasn't the point: the vaxx wasn't created for covid; Covid was created for the VAXX.

      Lost a good friend at work to stage 4 lymphoma -- he & wife were both big pharma peeps and had been vaxxed and boosted multiples. They went willingly but the MANDATES were crimes that MUST be addressed. Turning off the IgG4 immune response has made cancers run amok, but they KNEW that. They were all talking about it internally per the documents folks like Naomi and Karen Kingston, David Martin have uncovered. Fraud, treason, crimes against humanity. Period.

      As for you, persevere dude!! We GOT this!! Oregano oil is miraculous. Take it from me. Also the lowly pineapple (BROMELAIN) shuts down and off every bit of installed nanotech & hydrogels research from multiple sources has shown. And, corny as it sounds, Prayer is a technology also. No doubt.
      Excelsior my friend!!

  3. Some profound words from the singer Fives Times August:
    "There will never be a greater issue of our time than what took place over Covid. If you want to expose the corruption of the world, who the bad guys are, and how f’d up the system we’re living in is … it’s all right there. All of it. It will reveal everything. And much of it was right out in the open too. Crazy that most people would rather look away and move on and pretend it didn’t happen."

    And some equally stunning replies:
    "It’s the most consequential societal event in my lifetime. My worldview went from something like “We in the advanced countries have got this civilization thing down pat, and especially in the US” to “Now I see that civilization rests on the head of a pin and people can be easily manipulated to ignore what’s right in front of them through fear.”

    I always imagined a lockdown would be the result of a Zombie apocalypse.
    I was stunned by how people complied without question.
    Even people I admired weren't who I thought they were.
    Everything I thought I understood about life was turned upside down.

    If we just look away and move on, we’re setting a dangerous precedent that allows corruption to thrive and history to repeat itself.
    Accountability is the first step toward real change."

  4. This in from a "Deep Throat" that needs putting out there -- have discussed with this person and here we go:

    Wordman, the following information is *dangerous*, if you decide to use it or post it, do *not* say it was from me (I know it sounds like a cliché, but I'm serious):

    A while back I found out the lethal injection they use for Medically Assisted Suicide up here in Canada is a different formula (than what is given to death row inmates for example), since it takes TWO WHOLE DAYS to kill you.
    This seemed completely ridiculous in my opinion, so I asked a paramedic and a nurse I know if they knew (they didn't) or if they could find out why.
    It took a while, but here's the answer: when you get "MAID", they ask you to get the Covid-19 vaccine first (which makes NO SENSE, but they did say on television back in 2021 that only vaccinated people were eligible).
    They give you the Vaxx, then they give you the really slow lethal injection, and (according to a nurse who told another nurse) when you finally die they verify if it is "activated".
    Whatever "it" is, within the Vaxx, it apparently takes two days to "activate".
    They won't kill you otherwise.
    No explanation beyond that.
    We know people have *Bluetooth* signatures due to the Vaxx, and even dead and buried Vaxxed bodies supposedly still do, so...

    I'm thinking artificial zombies? What do you think?

    1. Here Wordy, reposting your stuff as usual. Over 700 views for this one so far.

  5. WOOOOOT to both JB & Mary too for spreading the wordy!!
    To each and every one of you, one and all, have a safe and fantastic NYE & WEDNESDAY we do it all over again!!

    In other NYE news -- please GOD let this be photoshopped -- cos I hope there no WAY he'd be having anyone that just gave $50 MILLION to Cameltoes to try and prevent what happened:

    Some crazy fascinating "future proves past" links midway down page 1 in that godlike = Lieber/5G/corona/Musk/neuralink etc etc btw....


    Wait a minnit!! I thought "self-assembling" was just nonsense conspiracy talk??
    "The Gates Foundation cares about people's health.."

    They DO.
    Just not in the way you think.....

  6. BIG PS ---
    This just in over on the Consp subreddit:

    So what was he saying here and what does remote viewing & the subconscious esper capacity have to do with Roswell crash debris and/or UFOs???????


    The Soul.

    All of the above overlapping within fields including but not limited to:
    Spiritual realms.
    THE VAXX. (some kind of multidimensional, fringe nanotech installed within...)

    Has the timetable been set?
    2025 = Hurry Sundown.

  8. Am onto a comprehensive shakedown of everything recent "fog" related...

    as well as how it fits into the puzzle of everything else we've been examining....

    Stay tuned to the batchannel...more to come very 2 days off in a row = that's dangerous.

  9. TOO many people discussing podcasts like the latest DJ one w Jack vs the exposure of Means.....
    TOO many people all coming together and talking about the "fog", what it is, what's IN it, etc....

    SOOOO what do we get??

    This is ALL Distraction Coordination in play.
    DO NOT take your eyes off what they don't want you looking into.

    Harald Kautz Vella on black goo, morgellans and a coming 2025 war. The link starts at the smartdust part and it looks a lot like the fog.

    1. THANKS Sotes!!
      I have got SOO much coming about this -- you will not be disappointed.
      Time off for me means my brain runs amok with connections to pass along to you guys.....
      Stay tuned to the batchannel!!

      People are ridiculously attuned now & REALLY noticing things...

  11. Great link from Sotogirl, thank you Soto and Wordman. "DNA-readable light impulses within the human body..." Talk about coming full circle, on this blog! I do pity the German gentleman who presented these topics in 2016/17 - I mean, even the most curious and sympathetic of minds must have thought he was off his rocker, when in fact he was right on the money.

    Many must find it hard to visualize the "merging of humans and machines" that the corporate thought leaders have been so ra-ra about. But look around and see the many vectors that are making this a reality: News has become nothing but rage bait; zero value, all reaction. Your own files on your own desktop are considered copies, and the all-powerful OneDrive demands that you sign in before viewing them. The born-digital young generation has lost all sense of what is real, and is taking an average of 54 sick days a year to sort out their "mental health" issues (yep, one full day a week they're a no-show at work, on account of having a meltdown).

    An all-out attack on our subjectivity. To use Mr. Kautz Vella's metaphors, the majority of humans have turned into mere transmitters, radios, amplifiers in someone else's sound system. In other words, objects.

    But not to be all doom & gloom, I actually had a bit of an epiphany over the holidays: Somehow it dawned on me that despite starting to push 60, looking at where the world is going, my skillset seems to have become MORE valuable than ever. And to my shock, almost instantly I spotted the same sentiment in online comments, from all over the world: It's Gen X that is keeping many projects and organizations afloat; that is the reality as we enter 2025. We 50- and 60-somethings are the last still-kicking embers and glimmers of humanity.

    1. Good on ya TRAINS!!
      And how right you are -- my knowledge base, cultivated and honed since childhood interests and kindled when Ginger prodded me to start up a blog about all this as an outlet/substitute/reason for getting out of bed every day when my tennis playing days ended -- has only grown and deepened in intrinsic importance and value.

      Formerly "FRINGE" topics are suddenly and violently to the fore; in everyone's live and spreading thruout all of global society.
      Knowledge of such is now a currency.

      When this started changing? This overall weltanschauung...likely the accumulation of a thousand anomalies piled: The Second Mile at PSU; the Clinton-Podesta email wikileaks drops; pizzagate; CERN; Epstein's whispers, Epstein's arrest, Epstein's suicide; NXIVM; the mystery Wuhan virus; then Covid (where did it originate); then the Vaxx (what's in it); on and on relentlessly til no one can hide from them anymore -- the outliers, the "coincidences."

      You don't need a PhD in pattern recognition to join the dots. And undergirding it all came the icing on the cake in December 2017 when the NYT let the UFO/UAP monkey out of the bag that had been holding it since the 1940s.
      No more denial. No more ridicule. PUBLIC CONFIRMATION that the SciFi Theatre was just seating.
      And then the sudden explosion of whaaaaa that was nanotech, luciferase, lipid nanoparticles, quantum dots, self-assembling structures, nanowires, nanotubes, graphene, etc etc....all making an appearance in the world at once; in our arms and bodies and brains -- in the form of something that was supposed to save us...
      And may well end up doing the exact opposite.

      Welcome to the Boomtown.

    2. When that video first came out I had just learned how to 'screen shot' on my computer. I took shots frame by frame of the english subtitles through the whole video and made a folder for them. Something told me HKV was telling us something so profound and important. What a brilliant man. I believed him.
      I just never imagined it would happen in my lifetime.......

  12. DID somebody say DNA-readable light impulses??
    OPTOGENETICS, my pals.

    Everything on here about just that, by date, starting in December 2020.
    Scrolling is the key to life. LOL.

  13. For lots more on the above, see Reznor here, who's merely been predicting the future since 2007's YEAR ZERO -- that we STILL haven't caught up with btw -- but it's getting close:

    I am just a copy of a copy of a copy
    Everything I say has come before
    Assembled into something, into something, into something
    I don't know for certain anymore
    I am just a shadow of a shadow of a shadow
    Always tryin' to catch up with myself
    I am just an echo of an echo of an echo
    Listening to someone's cry for help
    Look what you have just done
    Why all the change of heart?
    You need to play your part
    A copy of a copy of a...
    Now look what you've gone and done
    Well, that doesn't sound like fun
    See, I'm not the only one
    A copy of a copy of a...
    I am little piece of little piece of little pieces
    Pieces that were picked up on the way
    Imprinted with a purp, with a purp, with a purpose
    A purpose that's become quite clear today

    I'm just a finger on a trigger on a finger
    Doing everything I'm told to do
    Always my intention, my intention, your intention
    Just doing everything you tell me to

  14. That performance with Buckingham was 2015.

