Thursday, August 22, 2024



Every day that goes by a new hungry baby starts to cry

Born astride a painful grave drowned in hunger's tidal wave

Pick a child that you can save, it'd be the only one

If Africa escapes starvation, not only food but education

The desert grows with every minute trapping everybody in it

All the children look the same they wonder why they came

But it's hard to tell the poison from the cure, harder still to know the reason why why why

The only thing I really know for sure is that another day has gone by

Every day that goes by a brand new missile points towards the sky

We're survivors of a game of chance beneath an arms race avalanche

If you survive this winter's cold you'd be the only one

If we escape annihilation not only hope but education

The world is ruled by bellophiles adding to their weapon piles

Imagine what your taxes buy we hardly ever try...

That this too solid flesh would melt and resolve into a dew

Suffocating lassitude drowning in my platitude trapped by insecurities I'm not the only one

If I survive this dislocation have to use my education..... 

On the road to Basra stood young lieutenant Jimmy Bly  

Detailed to go thru the clothes of the soldiers who died

At night in dreams he sees their souls rise

Like dark geese into the Oklahoma skies...

Now I ply my trade in the land of King Dollar

Where you get paid and your silence passes as honor

And all the hatred and dirty little lies

Been written off the books and into decent men's eyes

Take a walk thru the land of shadows

Take a walk thru the peaceful meadows

Don't look so disappointed; it isn't what you hoped for, is it?

Everything is very quiet, everyone has gone to sleep

I'm wide awake on memories

These memories can't wait

"The planes, boats...They all come thru here without incident."

"They pass thru because they weren't brought here."

"From a sign?"

"Literally a fallen star from Heaven. There's a name for that, you know."


"The Devil's the one communicating with us?"


"What? What's immanence?"

"Well, God doesn't just go around showing His face. I mean He's transcendent. He can only show Himself indirectly."

"So God is showing us the Devil?"

"If you see one then you have to believe in the other..."

"Well that's a dick move. And whatever happened to putting HIs face on a potato chip or a piece of toast?"

"Well, the Devil used to stay out in the know, and reign with fear and horror. But he realized that's what made true believers, so he changed tactics. He disappeared. Stayed in the shadows, in the darkness. Everyone eventually forgot. Not just him though. They forgot God too. It worked. Nobody believes shit anymore."            IMMANENCE (2022)

"Recalling what Don Juan taught Carlos Castaneda, that we are energy, spiritual beings. That this physical universe is effectively a shared illusion that we learn and learn to maintain from our lifetime of interaction with others. We grow into it, therefore we believe it to be the sum total of reality, never questioning it, never seeking beyond it -- yes, like in The Matrix

Is it possible that what was unseen will become seen? It refers to our collective awakening to our new level of spiritual awareness. We won't SEE it until we BELIEVE it. Is it possible than an Antichrist is the catalyst that shall bring about this new spirituality? And that this is according to God's plan -- a very complex plan of which we can only perceive pieces....

I find it very difficult to believe that the Creator is a poor chess player."

(Anonymous fax to Art Bell's all-night radio show, 2002)

Wind's in the East, mist comin in, like something is brewin, about to begin...

Can't put me finger on what lies in store,

But I feel what's to happen

All happened before...

People are starting to believe. And in that state of belief, they are seeing. Suddenly. Alarmingly. Many for the very first time in their lives the notion of celestial, quantum, metaphysical mechanics is moving onto their viewscreens as shields are being dropped everywhere.

And it seems it all comes down to the nature of invading, colliding forces. 

Invading forces of one signature or another -- metaphysical or material; the lines, especially these days, are given to blur as it seems double and even triple agents may be abounding and capering across any and all lines of demarcation. The Zeitgeist grows crowded as we're all jammed too close together -- creating anxiety, and friction. But in that closeness we can also compares notes and find common ground in dealing with an enemy that grows increasingly visible to greater and greater numbers of the awakened. 

These are dangerous times, but make no mistake, they are even more dangerous for them -- the invaders. 

Because the Age of Aquarius dawns, it's on the way and in the air ushered in upon a myriad of signs -- the energy is coming to shake things up:

And all this is only the beginning, a harbinger of what's set to be unleashed in a little over 2 months:


Meantime, we find ourselves plunged into an internecine, clandestine series of operations, moves, and countermoves every bit as mired in intrigue as the latest Mission: Impossible installment:

And let's not forget particulars of the McVeigh backstory:

And am I going out on a limb saying that Levy could conceivably have been a part of this network and was taken out for getting too close to the McVeigh OKC info, which, after all, was a 9/11 precursor run-thru:

Let's not forget that McVeigh and a cadre of the 9/11 hijackers years later in 2001 used the same "Dreamland" motel as a rendezvous cap point:     

The explanations of who is working for -- and who is zooming -- who, well, it gets a little shaky to process. And I study these things. The tendency for the layperson to simply throw up their hands and run, not walk, away is nigh on overwhelming. But trust me, and bear with me -- drill down far enough, and all of these things connect. So take my hand, and let's go midnight creepin'. The late summer is here, the moon is high, and it's a fine time for a walk on the wild side as the night breezes blow...along the way we'll be touching more than a little on quantum theory and how it plays an integral part in everything from vaxx superspectrum criteria until it spills over into the flooding of the psychosphere with world-altering paradigm events. 

When the butterfly flaps its wings sometimes manifested are wondrous things, at others, plane crashes -- which is where we'll begin searching tonight. Grab your thumbtacks and red thread -- adventure is high, and the game is afoot!!

Tracing footsteps, weighing bodies, motives, factors, and evidence, it's remarkable how it all comes around, and around, and around in a repetitive rollercoaster of stygian (and yet wonderful Masterplan) intent; as you will see. Because all things serve. 

The names, the places, the materials whirling in an acausal full spectral dominance loop: McVeigh, Kingman Arizona, Levy, Epstein,  Crooks, containers, missing evidence, cremated bodies and Monkey Islands; all pitching and yawing like dark stars in a sinister firmament floating until their orbits lock in amid the buffeting of the ceaseless gales of history, slipping and sliding on a variable quantum axis. On a plane of engagement we are all meeting upon. Maybe for many times more than just the first:

It seems we are drawn together thruout universes and lifetimes like magnets:

"Even after the darkest night, the sun will rise again. For if the heart is strong enough, the soul is reborn, with each new day. In life after life. Age after age. Forever."

Ah, that spooky, wonderful magnetism inherent in all things -- and consciousness, and quantum entanglement... But more on that to come...

Alice: "There's no use trying -- you can't believe impossible things."

Queen: "I daresay you haven't had much practice; when I was younger I always did it for a half an hour a day. Sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."

Dateline: BRAZIL

It seems these 8 particular cancer docs were part of a contingent of 15 -- 7 made alternate arrangements and took another flight. And it seems all were looking into areas off the books, as it were. It appears this triggered warning signals among people it's best that don't notice you:

Age Confirmation:

Obviously junk food is bad for you - but the population has been consuming that for how many decades? It in NO way corresponds to the sudden alarming turbo spike in the young. Only one thing does....

Of course this type of wetworks spotlighting has popped up previously in events exhibiting the same M.O.:

Across various areas:

I believe all of these in the latter 2 links can be attributed to a knowledge base that had to be eliminated before the events of 2020 were unleashed. Far too many dots could have been connected and transmitted into the public sphere -- and that could have been the tipping point that altered everything on a massive scale.

I have it on some authority that persons of interest in that planeload were also looking into linkages contained within this highly no-go area: 

Of course there had been trial runs before:    (powered by 5G)   (epitome of dual-use)


From 8-21-24.

Dateline: BRAZIL (again):

It seems there is much occurring in Brazil of late:

But then again, the history of Brazil is littered with such things:

And even earlier things:    (see Vallee's last 2 chapters here)

Personal Note: I was boots on the ground at the time of the entire Mage incident Apr-May 2020 and can attest to everything getting scrubbed from the web in real time. The entire thing was gone in like, hours. Remember reading a site, saving it, only to go back for reference minutes later to have it be gone. I believe they made a strategic error with the lockdowns: people sitting at home were fascinated and had the time to research every aspect of this. A major miscalculation of people's interest levels and abilities.

So something incredibly important and noteworthy happened there. Pay particular attention to the translated (redacted) military comms from Linda Howe and her contact starting at 22:30 -- there is MUCH there that pertains to all levels of this investigation, i.e., the AGUIA protocols mentioned at 28:30.

See here, in a note of staggering implications considering the spheres of biotech overlapping with real-world soon-to-be  happenings: 

"Clinical, demographic, and biomolecular patient data." Consider that. Consider the timing. 

Consider what it was being applied to in Brazil. 

Consider what was about to be unleashed on the entire world. 

Then consider gathering. Then consider surveillance vis a vis vaxx components, of which more outlay is coming directly below.....


A variable that cannot be overlooked is the fact that some of these doctors taken out might have lent their voices to this just published, peer-reviewed study that is the largest smoking gun to date:

The study, by preeminent Japanese and Korean scientists, goes into incredible detail explaining how these self-assembling nano-organisms and machines are affected and modulated by heat, EMF, 5G, optogenetic factors, UV, external hard drives, and more.

Karen Kingston, in this sequence of slides I have snipped and saved for you should any of this info go mysteriously "missing," chronicles the remarkable attributes of how these AI nanotech assemblies exist multi-dimensionally, and appear to both appear and then disappear over time. This is fully consistent with all her patent information that this activation of nanotech self-assembly is based on the Niels Bohr observer effect, and squarely plants this technology in the realms of quantum mechanics and the metaphysical:

This is final and full confirmation that the earlier observations of those like Ana Mihalcea and Clifford Carnicom were spot on -- see the remarks about the website info and the ability to dematerialize at the 5:15 mark here from 2+ years ago:

Once again, MUCH of this was pre-broadcast in popular culture:

The criminally overlooked and underrated BOURNE LEGACY can now be viewed as a 2012 primer for everything to come. 


This footage just in from things occurring in the skies over Palmdale and possibly related linkage -- story is developing.

And isn't it interesting how the proprietary properties of the Lockheed material mimics some of the same adaptive and altering properties seen in some of the vaxx components listed above?? Yet another venn diagram merger overlap of the covid vaxx story with portions including the NHI/UAP phenomenon:

But once again, not to get ahead of ourselves in the case being made -- or, we've come a long way in a short time from the intersection of flying saucers and worldwide pedophile cults, haven't we??

But then, these things have tended to be seeded for a while now in the collective zeitgeist, haven't they??:

From 2014. And Shaun Cassidy again, incidentally. See also the 5G lockdown rollout above...


And let's not forget those mystery drone swarms -- never identified -- that were appearing en masse over Colorado right before the oncoming of the pandemic -- what was THAT all about??:

Almost as if an unknown someone/corporation/entity was assessing, surveilling, probing for weakness for some unknown purpose -- just prior to Covid breaking out everywhere. Surveillance has been a constant up to, thru, and continues to be, interlaced in this entire operation in an ongoing cascade:

And why does this remind me highly of this passage from Keel's Operation Trojan Horse, from 1970:

Which is even today being echoed by senior AATIP staff:

Pay careful attention to the official disclaimer and what is being parsed on the altar of plausible deniability:

Extra-terrestrial is mentioned. Extra-dimensional, is not. Words matter. As do definitions... Alas poor "vaccine."

And forgetting not for one second where this surveillance meme began and under whose auspices: 

Which will lead you to this article in the series about events in 2002:

Which contains related snippets about 9/11, which brings me to this:

And this: 


Which could have been the mechanism in place to facilitate 9/11, not to mention Covid:

(Which facilitated the vaxx -- remember the vaxx wasn't put in place because of Covid, Covid was put in place because of the vaxx.) This is underscored even more when you realize EVERY scientist, biotechnician, theoretical physicist and quantum mechanic that had anything to do with ushering in the ways, means and materials all around the vaxx was long on the Epstein payroll and short on the call-list.

Listen at the 30:50 mark in the above told by John O'Looney how experts in disease and biotech were all called to Westminster's Birdcage Walk in September of 2021 to give testimony as to the dangers of the vaxx, how it was even at that point killing people, only to be told by senior PM Graham Brady that it was out of his hands and "above his pay grade" to stop it. Brady was placed into power by the 1922 Committee:

(I don't think in all this I need to tell you of Epstein's many links that have been chronicled right here, to the occult. Which lead directly to circumstantial evidence of the worship of non-human forces and intelligences.)

Who, or WHAT kind of power is above these people?? And might it have to do with those particular kind of "agreements" Tucker Carlson is always on about? And Lue Elizondo. And Garry Nolan, Naomi Wolf, Jacques Vallee, Keel, Diana Pasulka, etc etc. 

Where this total surveillance control grid is heading -- remember that only days ago news broke everyone's social security # was hacked:

Surely in a Hegelian Dialectic workaround to such, this news just dropped:

Ramifications?? Shut up and get in your kill box:

(Or)....the Chip is coming. For your own good. Just the way it always is. From remove your shoes and get X-rayed before flying to mask up before breathing to jab yourself so you don't kill Grandma. Also known forever as the Vietnam strategy: We had to burn the village to save it. There is also an extension of this:

Make no mistake, this is vs terrorists in name only. Emergency powers gives them a blank check to do anything they want to us at any time for any reason; no questions allowed or asked. And it will keep being given 1-year extensions ad infinitum no matter who is in power. Which is just an off-ramp of what is happening right now:

(Naomi btw, has run afoul again:

But there is more to this.....   

Examine again the content in this latest Greg Reese stellar post from a few days ago in a different focus, speaking of agreements:

and notice in bold the name Kary Mullis, Nobel Prize-winning inventor of the PCR test. And where we have run across his name previously, and how it applies to the great biotech-vaxx-UAP agenda overlap which is continuing to make waves breaking to the surface of the popular collective id:

Perhaps in this instance agreements is not the correct term -- think more along the lines of implanted memory -- from the original Close Encounters of the Third Kind shooting script: 

Lacombe: "Do you recall the Lakenheath and Texas-Oklahoma cases? 16 individuals from different walks of life, from 16 separate areas of residence, all sharing the same implanted memory, showed up at our Skywatch operations in 1964."

And speaking of implants:

Check the dropdown in that thread for the Strieber testimony from the mid-90s...what is being revealed now is nothing new. Only confirmation that a program is in place and counting down:

NHI. 22 times. 

But this will take us straight to the doorstep of another vital lynchpin in this investigation....


Let us first remember this headline in the 2014 days of yore before we knew what we know now:

"It is our capacity for individuality, our souls, that make us different from them. They think they can find the human soul if they understand how our memories work.":

We now come into the sphere of larger concerns -- the definition, and possible manipulation of, consciousness, levels of magnetism, and quantum entanglement.

Because everything that has been unfolding via the mass vaccination of the planet, it turns out, might have a vastly more important endgame than yet perceived. Everything in this post so far has been pointing to it, especially when considering the watchword for these entities appears to be dual-use; a term steeped in both misdirection and deception, the full ramifications of which have been passed down whole cloth to the terrestrial "Strangers" of the agenda here by entities hailing from...out there.

So...what is going on and what does it mean going forward??

To go forward we need to go back again -- here, to Polly's analysis of 6-17-21 -- and just how far ahead of the curve it proved to be:

It makes mention of this article from Mar 2016:

Remote control of the brain using magnetic forces, materials, and influence. Which reminds me of what?? AATIP's now infamous Slide 9:

Manipulating cognitive environments in order to influence decision makers thru the alteration/manipulation of biological organisms. Including Cognitive Human Interface.

Let that sink fully in.

Now peruse again the slides from Karen Kingston at the start of this post -- and consider what, and under what parameters, the vaxx is doing to over 3/4 of the planet.

Now consider the even further ultimate ramifications as we go down a sideroad suddenly packed by many unrelated folks of differing concerns that are all converging in the farthest outlier, darkside research...

Converging in conversations like this: 

Does altering DNA alter memory?  And does altering memory change your soul? Magic 8-Ball says 'signs point to yes.'

And guess what else magnetism does? It measures and alters consciousness:

Which is created by quantum entanglement:

Need more proof that we've taken the exit ramp to Shell Beach? = implantation of false memories Speculative post about vaxx altering DNA & DNA linked to cellular memory

What was one of those vaxx admitted side effects again? Yep. Deja Vu:


So sum it all up for me Wordy, you're saying...I'm saying this grand experiment we are all on, thanks to shedding, is a metaphysical dual-use slip-n-slide where "they" are seeking to alter reality itself by altering consciousness -- perhaps thereby targeting the nature of the soul in the process. Overall control is a part of it, but this seems to go far beyond that. Perhaps they are thinking reconstruction or replacement. 

If the ultimate truth is that we ARE just vessels or containers for something far greater, then they may be seeking to take something out making room for putting something else in. Which (speculation) may be why the glaring spotlight all of a sudden on any and all things UAP by the powers-that-be, after nothing but ceaseless denial and ridicule for close to 80 years. 

It could be that some steeped-in-intel white hats are alerting us to the ultimate threat.

It could also be that by removing that ridicule and denial that served as a mental lock or security system keeping them out, they are now opening the doors.

But one door-opener it can now be said with certainty, was the vaxx. Its implementation worldwide now must be considered with the darkest possible dual-use and more implications. Now we see with open eyes why such pathological desperation was employed in every world government around the planet in lockstep. 

But we also see that concurrently all these governments may not have been acting autonomously or of just their own accord. 

Perhaps the Puppet Masters have finally, somewhat, shown themselves; their provenance being extra-dimensional alien or the spiritually demonic merely waiting to be unveiled in the long run. Surely with AIs help, of course. Which would be like being the firefighter and the arsonist all in one. 

And that, my friends, in this time when being too curious about forbidden things and life as a dot-connector can prove fatal, is chilling food for thought. 

For further research and clues as to where this circus is headed, check out all the links to Tom Delonge's statements over the years:

Take note of the line "They are interested in DNA and its connection to influencing the cosmic source."

All the while keeping in mind who he's pals with:

And since the Night Train News never stops, this just in from Elizondo about Monsanto:

Monsanto. Non-human specimens. GMOs. AGUIA protocols. Recovered NHI biomolecular data. 

The weaponization and insertion of into our genetic germline. Genomic magick and ritual.

And some might think what you've been reading here for the last 4 years too "out there" for the long game of tying together the spheres of UAP matters and the vaxx...if anything, I haven't been "out there" enough.

When it's all just another prong in the mass-alteration of the human species.

As the Circle continues to close on all the spirits in the Metaphysical World, where the differences between tangible matter and the ether are just particles -- and worlds -- away.








  1. Word already out!

  2. ALREADY the all-important IJTPVR peer-reviewed article included in this post CONFIRMING the presence of self-assembling nanotech at millions per dose in both Pfizer and Moderna jabs returns a 404 NOT FOUND at the IJTPVR site:

    Good thing I copy/pasted all those KK slides in her post from the OG paper, since that is now all there is left.

    Also just got thru saving/copying KK's entire article bef it goes behind her paywall = so there is documentation.

    BUT the entire original paper is now gone.

    There is also this from Ana:

    The search for Truth marches on.....

  3. Update:
    It IS still viewable but only by going to this page first and then clicking on the PDF folder.

    The OG standalone page has been scrubbed.

    The above too might only be a matter of time.....

  4. Done.
    Just downloaded, archived, saved.

  5. Aaaaaand the Nantahala Lake NC UFO post on reddit is gone now too.

    What is happening??

    Glad I clipped and saved all 3 of those photos too.
    Good LORD.


  7. Photos = see 3 consecutive ones,
    last at the header,
    over the water.

  8. Just started watching Continuum, SEASON 1 Through 5 episodes I think, interesting storyline on the convergence.

  9. Is this the one??

    Cos there's another one, more outer space based.....this one, with multiples and time-line altering, was kinda FRINGEY if I remember....
    +Rachel Nichols!! A fav from ALIAS not to mention several interesting movie choices.....Grrrrrrr.

    1. yep this is the one, and I have made it through the 1st season. That is what I thought about there being another show by that name, and is the one I really want to watch. This one will have to do for now.

    2. Behold the OTHER CONTINUUM, on some platform called Filmzie I've never heard of & have no idea how to access!! Yay!!

  10. Yet another knuckle ball post. Twists and turns and slides right over the plate.
    I'll be studying this over the weekend.

    1. Well I merely consider that the nicest compliment I've ever gotten!!
      Followed Tim Wakefield's entire career (my Dad was a HUGE baseball fan and former semipro player) from 1992 all the way thru the magical 2004 World Series for the RedSox & beyond....

      It's a pitch that's extinct now -- it pretty much died with Tim, who was the last great practitioner -- but when executed at the zenith, there's no wilder, more surreal looking thing in all sports:

      So if I'm even CLOSE to pulling off something like that with words, then you, my man, are now officially my #1 fan!! And me yours!!
      RIP Tim. I like to think he's up there in that great dugout in the sky with my Dad, hashing things out.
      Love ya dude.

      Now you see it, now you don't. Float like a butterfly.

    2. Been a Red Sox fan since 1961, I was good enough to get to the bigs talent wise, but the mental part got caught up along the way starting with the move at age 15 from Massachusetts to Nevada. I did not take the news of the move well. A real tragedy with Wake and his wife. I would have to research more into where is residence was, but it would not surprise me if his family had their residence somewhere near a toxic site long covered over by "progress"

    3. I find the deaths of first Tim and then his wife months later WAAAAY suss. His brain and hers pancreatic first make me think TURBO. Makes me think VAXX. And that makes me angry.

      Of course your latter postulation could be VERY on the money too:

      This film was abs BRILLIANT btw -- Ruffalo deserved an Academy Award -- if those things mean anything anymore, which I suspect they don't.

    4. AND JUST as a HUGE btw --
      type in "mrna' into the search box in the conspiracy subreddit,
      read out some of the results, and tell me we're not looking at the EXACT same thing today:

      And I mean EXACT:


      Teflon wound up going around the world. You can actually make the case that was an unintended consequence.
      That case can NOT be made with the vaxx.
      Results were known, and the spread was INTENDED.

    5. And just to let you all know how we're dealing with GLOBAL scumbags, most of those clips I just added above are CENSORED and unviewable in Germany on any platform.
      See, German giant Bayer bought DuPont. And they think it's in the German people's best interest not to see any of those.

    6. I hear you on the pond scum Duponts, they are among the worst. I tell you, I have been hearing some ominous things about Washington D.C. Short of a brand new(and new means no part of the old) government, Its hard to find anything positive about any other outcome, because on one hand you get communist tyranny in Harris, and fascist corporate tyranny with Trump on the other hand. I suspect that if Trump is installed, he will try to walk it back with all the make America Great horseshit lie, because America has never been great as a nation, a bullshit waterboy for the European pond scum at best.

    7. Thanks OMS!!
      At this point perhaps one of the few hopes left is that if Trump goes in it will be with the partnership of RFK Jr, who has troubles of his own personally but rightly def has the Left filled with as much fear as they've felt in a LONG time.
      His promising to wholly rip apart such entities as the entirety of Big Pharma not to mention the CIA (which he has a REAL hard-on for given his history) seem anything but idle threats. This could very well be "watch the while shithouse go up in flames" territory unprecedented in all of our lives. And it IS time for that. It just needs a catalyst = somebody the light the fuse. And RFK has the flamethrower.
      This abs HILARIOUS bit will have you doing spit-takes.
      But within the humour lies a little more than just a bit of truth:

      JR just erased the entire DNC Convention with one press conference.
      Trump making him AG would go a LONG way towards making this an America many of us thought we'd never see again -- one of our childhoods.
      Not to mention it would align PERFECTLY with some of the "stars coming right" that I mentioned in the first stanzas of this post:

      A 20 year impact til 2044 on every societal level.
      EVERYONE affected -- changing life as we know it....
      this transit last happened during the French & American revolutions.
      The long-vaunted Age of Aquarius:

    8. BTW totally concur with ya Oms on the US has never been great as a nation lie.
      Just ask the OGs, the NATIVE Americans.
      Bullied off of and swindled out of their land. Massacred. Given smallpox horse blankets. Nearly genocided as an entire people.
      Is ANY Karmic good on the cosmic wheel ever coming out of all that??

      Going back even farther, the old Jefferson quote rings far too true:
      "I tremble for my country when I realize that God is just. And that His justice cannot sleep forever."

    9. Springsteen by way of Grushecky, firmly etched forever in my late summer 1995:

      This land was ours far as the eye could see
      We took it from the Cherokee with a scalping knife and a white man's disease
      When the smallpox ravaged their town
      We came in and burnt them down
      And took this dark and bloody ground
      This dark and bloody ground
      This dark and bloody ground

      I took a prisoner 'cause I needed a wife
      I broke her will, she gave me a son, I spared her life
      It was a fate much worse than death
      Yeah we were kissed by the devil's breath
      Set down on this dark and bloody ground
      This dark and bloody ground
      This dark and bloody ground

      We'll lay our bodies down
      Put 'em six feet in the ground
      And when the long cold winter ends
      Oh the sun comes shining in
      The crops will grow again
      In this dark and bloody ground

      They gave me three hundred dollars, put a pen in my hand
      I was drunk on corn liquor, I signed the rights away to my land
      The coal company tore my homestead down
      They ripped the black gold from the ground
      Left a hole in this dark and bloody ground
      This dark and bloody ground
      This dark and bloody ground

      If Jesus was born in Kentucky they'd make him pay for his nails
      Worse yet he'd have to work off his debt down here in this hell
      Where they pay you off in company scrip
      And your life it don't mean shit
      Just a piece of this dark and bloody ground
      This dark and bloody ground

  11. PS he was mentored by legend Phil Niekro, who knew well the ups and downs of a career trying to master that thing!!
    His advice to Wake was SO Zen, and can pretty much be applied to all of us in everything we do -- everyday:
    "Learn to accept defeat without being defeated.
    Tell yourself the next pitch I throw -- might be the best pitch I ever throw in my life."

    Profound and beautiful.

  12. Great job Wordman, and lots to read here. Love the highlights of the death of doctors, because there were so many who passed prior to 2019, who were either autism and cancer specialists, and holistic doctors. Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez was also a huge loss, and he wrote books on curing cancer through pancreatic enzymes. This goes back to Dr. John Beard, a Scottish zoologist, who cured cancer with shots of pancreatic enzymes in the early 1900s. He was discredited, as was the method, because companies marketed enzymes but there were no pharmaceutical standards For companies and they weren't effective. The method was rediscovered by William Kelley in the 1960s. Lots to go in here, but chemotherapy has its origins in the huge stockpile of mustard gas weapons left over from WW1.

    1. I have made it quite clear to any and all near and dear that if the Big C ever comes a'callin I am NEVER goin the chemo route...will take my chances with naturopathic and holistic methods only.
      God put something here to cure us of any and everything we can ever conceive of or do to ourselves, and I aim to find it, or, well, die trying!! LOL.
      Bromelain, oregano oil, turmeric, ACV, MSM, horse buckets full of cayenne, you name it, that's my get out of jail card, fuckers.

      And do NOT get me started on the Rockefeller takeover of all "modern" medicine in 1913 thru their fam & Standard Oil, wiping out all natural cures as "misinformation" LOL. Effectively turning curing people into keeping people sick to drain them of as much $$$ as possible scheme = where we are today.
      See fluoride. See GMOs. See vaccines. See mercury, statins, butter and fat are "BAD" for you, cholesterol BAD, salt "BAD" here gobble some Vioxx, there, that's better!! Ooooh here's some Celebrex!! Heart not feelin so good? We have a pill for that!!


    I am going to start this video with information on how concepts of space and time were viewed in the past versus how they changed moving into the present-day; then cover the subject of chronology and what it is exactly; and then move into my speculation as to how the New World Order timeline was created from the original positive timeline of Humanity and the Earth.
    Not so crazy now.

    1. Sotes -- if you can't tell from this post's latter stages, I am SO FAR down the metaphysical rabbit hole as it pertains to the crossover of the Vaxx-UAPs-Consciousness-the Soul that it isn't funny.
      This whole thing has something to do with the dead and the afterlife.
      He studied very rigorously what Ian Stevenson started at UVA:

      As well as what was going on, and continues to, at the Monroe Institute:

      I also find that what he postulated regarding the theory of John von Neumann's which he called "The Open Doors," fascinating:
      it's our own schedule of denial and ridicule that keep "the Others" from gaining access to our world = that mental blocks of disbelief and derision literally keep the interdimensional gates closed that would allow them access to this plane of existence. Our disbelief keeps them at bay. Acknowledging they exist would allow them to come flooding in here; much like the vampire can't come in until he's invited.

      Which all begs the ominous question: WHY have we abandoned that 80 yr old strategy ever since, what, 2017 with THIS first article that broke the collective ice of decades in the NYT:

      Suddenly no more snickering, no more "you're drunk!!," no more laughing behind your back or to your face......
      everything was suddenly, deathly, real.

      But I still wonder -- WHY? Who threw the switch??
      And was it THEIR hand, or someone -- something -- manipulating it??

    2. In Islam, it is generally accepted that in today's End Times, time has lost its "barakah" (= value; blessing from God). It is flowing faster. The Earth itself is quite possibly spinning ever faster.

      In the old days, people would wake up at the crack of dawn, but they would also often finish their work by mid-day. For us, every wave of new tech (PCs, mobile phones, internet) was accompanied by talk of leisure society and "what are we gonna do with the spare time, now that technology has taken all this busy-ness off our hands?" -- only to lead us directly, of course, to today's "always-on" culture (because what better time to bring up an invoicing issue than 11AM on a Saturday). This was probably done by design, like so many other things we are witnessing.

      Coming back to alchemy as the art of "manipulating specific elements of the cosmos"... The Chinese were busy at it as far back as the Tang dynasty, more than a 1,000 years ago. And I'm guessing, time is very likely NOT just a "given" or a "constant" in today's spiritual warfare.

    3. TRAINS!!
      I first remember time speeding up in tales told to me by my parents when I was a teenager -- saying to enjoy this time, that when I reached their ages and beyond, the concept of linear time would increase to increasingly ultra-speed perceptions.
      Then in the late 90s, Art Bell began speaking of his notion of "The Quickening."
      The fact that beyond even perception -- time itself as a construct began zipping by at faster and faster rates as a precursor to....something he could never quite put his finger on, but the artifacts of were all around us: the increase in school shootings, the persistent contrails, the insider evidence of Ops like OKC, Waco, Ruby Ridge, Columbine. Weather manipulation thru entities like HAARP. The rampant illegal acts of the Clinton administration -- all serving as ushering-in points.

      And that was THEN.
      I often wonder if he would even recognize today, & what kind of bullhorn he'd be going with....

      Which is why I try meagerly to do what I do here every few weeks.
      With music, and words, and colorful pictures.....
      His legacy deserves preserving in some form.

  14. And here ya go....
    Refer to the links I just dropped above re the film DARK WATERS and its relevance today:

    The amount of true EVIL in this world is overwhelming.
    And how stupid they think you are = even more so.

    "Pursuant to humanity’s first attempts to conquer nature, societies were designed in harmony or disharmony with natural law – & for the expansion, or obliteration, of the dignity of mankind. Perhaps the harmony derives from humility & wisdom… & the disharmony from arrogance & pride in the pursuit of power......
    ..I will engage with the beast system when required; &, when the time comes that any Karens, ignoramuses, or sell-outs attempt to infringe on my natural rights, or interfere with my making a living, I will attempt to reason with them at first. After that, & depending on their response, there will be either an accord or hell on earth. I hope we choose wisely...In most instances...I would strongly suggest the readers avoid doing what your enemy expects, or hopes, you will do. & when the timing & circumstances are right, may you have the opportunity & courage to do exactly what your enemy fears the most. Ask yourselves:  “What can be won?” Beyond that, stay vigilant, seek wisdom, & prepare."


  17. Re RFK Jr, BELIEVE it to SEE it:


    Above just in from BB -- and THIS is why they fear Trump and def particularly RFK Jr the most. In that partnership perhaps lie the seeds of destruction of everything plaguing this country since the entirety of our lives.
    You can feel it forming -- something is coming...unstoppable, inevitable. In line and in league with the celestial mechanics of the ages forming over our very heads right now.


    AGAIN -- all you damn "Citizen Journalists" take a bow!!

    Am currently all over the links to this and where it leads:


  21. JB just killed me again:

    "At an MIT Conference, Budd Hopkins tells of an individual who came to see him with an alien abduction story, which seemed credible, "had all the details right," but he then added that at night, the otherworldly beings had gone into downtown Toronto and *rearranged all the buildings* at will. Hopkins stayed away from the case."

    This is years before Dark City came out, FFS.

    Taken from the impenetrable delicious madness that is:

    Visit early -- visit often. But keep a firm grasp on yer Caudate Putamen, LOL.

    And JB -- send me the exact url link to that tweet. I needs it!!

    1. Don't have it anymore, unfortunately. Just that screenshot, sorry. The info itself is from the book "Close Encounters of the FOURTH Kind", by C.D.B. Bryan (remember the X-Files episode "Jose Chung's 'From Outer Space'"? This is the guy and the book it was inspired by!).

    2. Holy sh*t I was wrong! Found it right here!

  22. And one more!!:

  23. And JB!!
    I hads the feeling!!:

    CRACKER of a book btw.
    MIT =
    Gotta wonder if Epstein was at that Conference, hangin out somewhere in the back, reeking of Drakkar Noir, asking, "Yeah, but what does that gotta do with pussy??!!"

  24. Just had the horrifying feeling that maybe it was Epstein behind the pie-ing of Gates that set this whole Lovecraftian Kill Em All machinery in motion!!

    Cowardly attack!! Team of hit men!!
    Good LORD.
    If anything they should have pants-ed him and hung him from the flagpole too.

  25. The comments!!
    Once the 2nd pie hit we knew it was intentional.

    Hitman A: There are metal detectors.
    Hitman B: OK, we'll use pie.

    I'm DEAD.

  26. For one week in September 1986, with CBS the target of potentially hostile new ownership, Rather tried ending his broadcasts with the word "courage", &, was roundly ridiculed for it. For nearly two decades, Rather ended the show with: "That's part of our world tonight."
    He perhaps should have just signed off by saying " Leave room for pie, Billy"...

    1. Rather was always an in-joke amoung those that thought actual journalistic standards should be applied --
      From being one of the few to first see the Zapruder film and relaying the exact OPPOSITE of JFK's head movement, leading to the public being misled/misinformed for years (until Geraldo first aired in in 1975); most likely at the behest of Rather's Corporate masters & huge TX big oil and biz (Clint Murchison) illuminati concerns....

      To actually walking off set and leaving dead air for 6 min aft a run-over CBS tennis match at the US Open:

      To his weird what's the frequency Kenneth beatdown forever immortalized by REM:

      Bizarre MKULtra, targeted individual, directed energy vibes well noted these days. But in '94, I was JUST beginning to hear of such things and entertain such notions....
      Which led to the joke-within-a-joke scene in the brill UNDER THE SILVER LAKE, where conspiranoia mind-bendyness was allowed to run amok in a Last-Days-of-Chez-Nous late 70s vibe crossover of romance, star-crossed fate and somebody's watching me obsession:

      The more distance I get from it it seems increasingly a stilted VERTIGO reimagining...

      LSS Rather was always a stone's throw away from Deep State shenanigans of style and presentation over substance.

  27. BTW here's the actual broadcast from March 3 1975 (right bef my Mom's birthday!!) on Geraldo's Goodnight America overnight show; the very FIRST time the American public had been allowed to view the footage we are all so familiar with today....

    The fact that this important national and historical footage/document was aired on a then-radical, late night "fringe" platform instead of the Evening News tells you pretty much everything you need to know, doesn't it??:

    The marginalizing, coverup, redaction of documents, and hiding continues to this day.....

    And YES, there WAS a time in this country when Geraldo was a figure to be looked up to and respected on the journalistic front lines, not the bilge pump he would become for tyranny and NeoCon values in the wake of 9/11.
    Money, as they say, changes everything. And not many youthful, high ideals are left in that wake.
    But there are those of us that remember.
    The 1970s, for myriad diff views and perspectives, represented a last stand.
    We, as a generation that was going to change the world, just didn't know it then.
    We capitulated; allowed ourselves to be compromised from within, and failed.

    But let's leave the last to Flannery O'Connor: "They ain't quit doin it as long as I'M doin it..."

  28. Last btw for the night --
    Mel Mel's neo-noir no-frills-spared uber review of UNDER THE SILVER LAKE:

  29. & file under might be nuth, might be some......
    Why is this suddenly happening worldwide??:

  30. Also interesting: Photos from 2021, the height of covid hysteria. I recently looked up French actor Jean Paul Belmondo's funeral (September 2021) on Google Images. Turns out, mostly it was the hoi polloi in the crowd who had put on a mask. The glitterati: Hardly, or wearing the mask under the chin. President Macron and the First Lady: None at all. (How about that.) Same goes for grand weddings, the filming of movies and TV shows... With time, the illusion continues to crumble.

    1. What's well & truly crumbling is the Prime Narrative = The Puppet Masters & the Overlords set the Agenda --
      the underlings simply follow the script.

  31. Love all the "Dark City" talk, such a phenomenal movie. Talk about a 15 minute "smart" city, all to further amnesia.

    1. DARK CITY, for a box office "bomb," (& taking notes & the baton-pass from properties like X Files & Millennium), forecast a lot.
      A LOT.
      To me, it remains an absolute nexus point today. Minus the neo-noir setting (#we grow closer daily) it's basically the world since 2020: covid, UAP disclosure, unveiling the vaxx, leading to wholesale personality alterations, biological manipulation, the slow reveal of something "other" in our midst and pulling the strings on what we call REALITY from behind the scenes -- undiscovered for decades ...everything is on point, isn't it??

      To my way of thinking, it's almost the flip side of Twin Peaks, but showing more of the actual blueprints of how these things are achieved.

      We all live in Shell Beach now, and there are sinister forces at play...

      Along those lines of thinking, I still think THIS case above all others might be the skeleton key:

      OH, to know what Erin knew....which I think gets into a LOT about what Alex Jones was talking about here to Joe at the 2:21:00 min mark then REALLY gets deep at 2:31:17.....
      You will quickly find out why THIS conversation, pretty much above all others, KEEPS getting continually taken down from all platforms, even Rumble.....
      Speaking of Erin, later on AJ gets into what Bill Gates & the Silicon Valley elites were getting into at the Univ. of stuff.

      Under his mask of "giving" and "philanthropy" this is about using startups and D-WAVE and drug fringe theory to cross dimensional boundaries -- think Monroe Institute on steroids.
      Which also crosses over into how to apply such wholesale to the mainstream; NOW you begin to understand entirety of the VAXX agenda. They weren't desperate to get all those nanotech ingredients into the world's arms for our own good.
      This is about agreements, about maintaining contact.

  32. In that AJ-Rogan Rumble vid go to 2:39:35 mark =
    now think the film FLATLINERS.

  33. LSS -- they are following orders.

  34. And finally, speaking of AMNESIA, and perhaps another key to what is going on & a technology that has possibly been perfected:

    Ever find yourself wondering why this example of some kind of purposely mass-generated MEMORY LOSS exhibited by hundreds, possibly THOUSANDS of witnesses to the Phoenix Lights in March 1997 mirrors almost identically what is currently happening on the Taylor Swift ERAS Tour??

    Yeah, me too.

    Spoiler alert: And it ain't "adrenalin flush."

  35. I'll see your hand Swifty -- & THIS is adrenalin rush flush.
    My brain was pretty much wiped alright -- of bullshit:

  36. And btw -- talk about a concert where we all, each to a man and woman, charged out of there feeling like we could CHANGE THE WORLD!!

    Whatever happened to that??

  37. Replies
    1. CK = long-standing brother from another mother!!

  38. Recent podcast with C. Knowles visiting S. Tripoli & Crew:

    Tin Foil Hat: Olympic Rituals & The Cult Of Mithras With Christopher Knowles

  39. WHO: "You call THAT a genocide??
    Hold my beer..."

  40. On-the-spot BB keepin the George Webb pipeline open:
    Part 1
    Part 2
    Part 3
    Part 4

    Crooks, Yearick, Lisa Culyer, Kennon Hooper = when all were arrested in those 2016 Trump protests (under ANTIFA auspices were they were likely recruited in the first place -- initiating a kind of Feds vetting system) it's now quite clear that all passed "initiation" rites and then were all summarily disappeared into even deeper programs, certainly MKUltra-based, beyond much of normal federal purview.
    Think a Bourne type of TREADSTONE Op. Strictly off-the-books.

    The frequency with which this type of thing occurs on an ongoing basis would likely make all of our heads spin.....

  41. Thanks, Wordman, for recommending we watch the "Invasion" TV series (2005). Indeed, it's cleverly done: Just as it drops loads of disturbing prescience in the viewer's lap (hurricanes and other cataclysms as a carefully orchestrated ritual that opens the gateways to occult entities and brings demonic possession to scale; National Parks' finger in every pie; "Lock it down!", etc. etc.), it is equally busy subverting this message by showing that "conspiracy theory" is the domain of chubby out-of-work losers, whereas the virile and dimpled Latin-lover types will have none of it. No wonder the normies come away with the impression that this is a show about good vs. bad parenting................

    1. Trains!!
      SO glad you were able to locate it on a viewable platform!! (They don't make it easy, which is something I always wonder about: this, RUBICON has darn near disappeared for all time, not even available on physical DVD, etc)
      Any & ALL messaging that hits a little too close to certain pressure points they file away ten fathoms deep & make it as hard as possible to access; i.e., it's rather amazing X-Files is so accessible still -- MILLENNIUM, conversely, is IMPOSSIBLE to find -- which says something else also regarding plutonium-handling-factor of the subject matter addressed. Particularly in seasons 2 & 3, Millennium went were nothing has before or since -- hedging & pointing towards something closer to real world than any fiction: shadowy mind-controllers, heavily interested in genetic manipulation btw, programming serial killers with experimentation, releasing deadly viruses for depopulation purposes, killing off massive quantities of insiders that got too close to the truth or
      "knew too much," for the public good, Owls & Roosters, Skull & Bones, apocalyptic cults bent on bringing about the end of days, etc etc. The mind boggles what that show said when peering around today.....

      As for INVASION, I LOVE me some Dave, LOL. Funny how he got Russell, Mr. A J Squared Away, onto his side by the end, which, for a network show, got about as dark as it gets -- that New Cambrian Explosion hypothesis seeming an encroachment humanity could never stop -- with Cassidy taking the tack that it was possibly meant to be that way in the cosmic scheme of things. Not easily palatable or digestible stuff, and bravo for him going there -- MUCH food for thought, once again, when looking around today.

      Hadn't even THOUGHT of the National Parks angle until you just said it!!
      Fairly WILD how things work out, innit??
      Plus all the actors on that show worked with and played off each other masterfully. William Fichtner is A+++ in anything he does. Carries a strange countenance, but works it to the wall and beyond every time.
      I even remember him on As The World Turns!!:

      1987!! Dude's old as dirt like I am!!
      Oh, as Tom Petty would say...the stories we could tell.....

    2. Will be addressing this in a more fleshed-out form, but re the MILLENNIUM take of confronting a hidden issue of programmed serial killers by shadowy totalitarian gov't forces, it's just emerged that Audrey Hale, the recent school shooter, went into "therapy" at Vanderbilt at SIX years old, & remained there for 22 years.....
      Was also obsessed with Columbine.
      Sounds VERY much like Vandy was running an MIC-sponsored mind control factory:

      Why exactly does EVERYTHING we discuss here wind up popping in the headlines almost immediately??

  42. And Summer SUMMS lights us up again!!:

    Info stream only 2 hrs old!!
    How DOES she do it??

  43. Replies
    1. WOW you guys are ALL OVER THIS!! Keepin the Bat in the loop!!

  44. Here in Europe, it's amazing to see how perceptibly the screws are tightening, almost from week to week. Where I live, we've had 70ft 5G towers spring up at every corner (not even disguised as trees or whatever; just pyramids of metal sticking out like sore thumbs). Today I noticed that the downtown ATM that used to dispense up to 1,000 euros a pop (sometimes 2,000) has switched to a limit of 400. Retailers are pre-ordering and stocking up on coffee because of the new carbon taxes and duties etc. that Brussels has announced. And all this in a forsaken corner of the Balkans, mind you. Across the EU, between 2025 (which is a couple months away) and 2027, households and consumers (i.e., not just industries/factories) will have to start paying for 'emission permits.' Salami tactics in full swing. Thank God I'm old!

    1. Trains!!
      You're tellin me.
      When this was released over the weekend people latched onto it like a freakin life preserver -- ironic since that's exactly what it might turn out to be:

      Unfinished business, indeed.

      Know you've probs read here before but right smack dab in the midst of the Mar-Apr 2020 mass lockdowns when we were all told under pretty much near fear of arrest to remain sheltered in place, 5G tower installation was rampant, particularly in schoolyards:

      More and more it seems Trains that this is a binary military weapons system that has been deployed since 2020.
      5G was an integral part of that process; installation was vital at the beginning in strategic areas.

      And that process continues.....

  45. BEEN in dialogue so am just getting this -- more as I get it -- DEVELOPING:

  46. Now trending:


  47. What were we JUST speaking of above about the MILLENNIUM overriding theme of highly placed gov't individuals and programs targeting certain individuals for mind control programming, experiments, TREADSTONE etc to do things like this.....

    Now THIS happens how many hours later??


  48. Remember -- TREADSTONE:

    So what are the other 4 schools?
    And WHEN??
    Why haven't they been identified -- closed down temporarily??

  49. These importants just in from MissFrill:

    UAP front:

    That last one from Ezra twitter acct, points heavily towards the SAME cult behaviour of generational abuse that the FBI, CIA, NSA, etc all specialize in and look for in their recruitment of change agents to both drive and manipulate the overall social narrative. Mass mind control.

    As I keep saying, just like in the fictional TREADSTONE, they cultivate, create, then activate these agents - abuse, drugs, hypnosis, the whole bag.

  50. Wordman, remember this f**king guy?


    Colour me exactly like this:

    I'm OUT.

  52. Podcast starting around 8:00 discusses the similarities between the spike protein and hematocyanin, copper based blood, rather than hemoglobin, iron based blood. Greys are said to have hematocyanin based blood. Maybe vaccines were to enable the human body to be a suitable platform for incarnation of greys into the human body?

    1. OVER THE TARGET again Remington!!
      Or, something piloting the greys, since many are now seeing them as only android/synthetic type housing...Maybe a huge
      WALK IN-type operation being set??

    2. Shudder -- maybe WE'RE being bio-engineered to be the the next edition -- upgrade -- of the greys.
      Greys 2.0.

    3. "They could get into us and screw up our genes like DNA, recombine us, change us. Oh, of course! *This is the same way those rockets landed years ago, so those spacemen could mate with monkeys and create the human race.* It's happening now!"

      - Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978)


      Scene at 1:02:30 =

      & of course the infamous drycleaners line (that hits a little diff today) "That not my wife!!"

      And what oh WHAT can you say about Veronica's trifecta of
      The Birds
      & ALIEN.
      The last 2 back-to-back in 78, 79.
      Good LORD what an Apocalyptica Sequence for the ages....
      Literally not made like that anymore.

  53. And along very much those lines read between what's being said here after the 1:12:00 point and following between Rogan and Bret Weinstein -- just in as of 2 days ago:

    Also amazingly up on YT, for now:

    AJ all over it too -- the importance:

    Share far & wide guys, the dam might truly be breaking....

  54. God bless Joe Rogan btw for having a platform and an open mind -- where else are ya gonna even HEAR this shit?? Conversations like this with people that know that want to spread truth.

  55. Don't ever ever EVER stop fighting:

  56. From BB:

    NATO-UN-WHO-WEF can anyone tell the diff anymore??
    All want to assume ultimate control of all nations and install permanent FASCISM everywhere.


    Whitley Strieber interview

    1. Thanks Rems!!
      & Good LORD Danny, you have the Striebs himself on and you've ONLY read Communion??
      That's fairly embarrassing. Not to mention Whit's been talking about his implant in interview aft interview since the freakin 90s dude. Don't be a tool.
      Koncrete is one of the better pods out there but you need to do better than that pre-interview....Jeeeesh. Millennials.

  58. And THAT is an especially distinct and stand-out interview given Whit's famed background getting in on the ground floor of the repercussions of Project Paperclip....and what that in entirety might entail for his being, from a VERY young age, chosen to be a messenger -- or an INFLUENCER driving a particular narrative:

    With all the major talk now centering on Disclosure in high places, there is a faction, somewhere, of those "in the know" that have detailed information all about Strieber -- & the long-range plans for him that were laid out a long, long time ago.
    Literally the prototype "targeted individual."
