Monday, May 27, 2024



"Survivors are all charged with a sacred mission: to serve as witnesses and teachers of what they suffered, thereby preventing such catastrophes from occurring again."   Oliver Stone   

"We kicked the door open and here's this nice little bedroom. In a corner was a mannequin with a gun aimed at the door. On the left side there was a bunk against the wall. There was a pentagram on the floor, a huge one. There were dolls' heads all over the ceiling, just off-the-wall stuff. We were sitting there; we've got a cult on the Presidio in San Francisco and nobody cares about it.

We were told by the Provost Marshall to just forget about it."   

San Jose Mercury News July 24, 1988 Linda Goldston ARMY OF THE NIGHT   

High water risin, risin night and day, all the gold and silver been stolen away

Big Joe Turner lookin east and west from the dark room of his mind

He made it to Kansas City, Twelfth St and Vine, nothin standin there

High water everywhere

High water risin, shacks are slidin down, folks losin their possessions folks are leavin town

Bertha Mason shook it broke it then she hung it on the wall

Says "You dance with whom they tell you to, or you don't dance at all,"

Boy it's rough out there, High water everywhere

Got a cravin love for blazin speed got a hopped-up Mustang Ford

Jump into the wagon baby throw your panties overboard

I can write you poems, make a strong man lose his mind

I'm no pig without a wig, I hope you treat me kind

Things are breakin up out there, High water everywhere

High water risin six inches bove my head, coffins droppin in the street like balloons made out of lead

Water pourin into Vicksburg don't know what I'm gonna do

"Don't reach out for me" she said, "Can't you see I'm drownin too?"

Things are tough out there

High water everywhere

The cuckoo is a pretty bird, she warbles as she flies

I'm preachin the word of God, I'm puttin out your lies....

"Extraterrestrial materialized entities have complete control over UFOs and can appear anything as anything at anytime. The intelligence behind true UFO sighting cases can materialize and appear at will to anyone at anytime any place....Do you think it was mere coincidence that the Dead Sea Scrolls appeared around the same time the UFOs were found in New Mexico?" 

"It will be both a tremendous blessing and a terrible curse. It's the most powerful tool ever conceived. By engineering by the Schrodinger equation, one can theoretically engineer physical change itself. One can actually engineer physical reality, change the laws of nature, and determine if a thing shall even emerge into physical quantum change at all, or if it shall change its physical form."                       Col. Thomas Bearden

"The fate of all explanation is to close one door only to have another fly wide open."     Charles Fort

In order to ascertain where we're being herded, it is vitally important to backtrack and pinpoint where we've been, and how everything that has gone before has been a conditioning platform to acclimatize us to today's happenings -- clues then are the building blocks now:

The Storm is here. 


Where Mae started in on all this:

She was joining dots across multiple areas of research and seeing things coming together even then -- imagine what she might have to say today and where her investigations would lead...

Most definitely into the Epstein-MIT mire:

Because satanists are still in charge, and Epstein's endless money well still post-dates him by leaps and bounds at MIT, where the funding still props up ventures like this:    

As Dr. Ana Mihalcea said, this is research on nanoelectric devices creating new paradigms for life-machine symbiosis. And deep academic connections (launched first by Epstein -- the real father of the vaxx) to the global technocratic transhumanist web.   

As for McMartin, the fallout from that case, and its links to others, is still being felt:  

As do the eerie ramifications of the very first case that launched this blog:  

How about using that very same Satanist to then (before his death) come clean about everything he knew about the 9/11 Op?? An Op he himself was surely integral to the inner machinations of:

THIS, my friends, is called weaponizing disclosure for the purposes of furthering psychological disengagement.

Something quite similar happened today with Diana's brother:

THEY know that WE know and are simply preparing us for much, MUCH worse coming down the road. Anyone that truly had the inside scoop (Diana herself) was dealt with long ago -- because "outing" then didn't suit the purposes or the timeline of their unfolding agenda. (And may have upset the applecart at a time when we actually might have been able to do something about it.)

Now, thanks to the Sentient World Simulation, Full Spectrum and Spectral Dominances, the Great Reset, Agenda 2030, and the Internets of both Bodies and Things that have advanced the way forward with injecting all manner of body-and-MIND controlling nanotech within us, that time is, sadly, long past. 

Regarding that nanotech and the ways and means as to its mass delivery, it really is seeming as if Jonestown was just a test run:

CIA?? Once again the past only proves prologue:

The Soul Catcher chip dates back to the mid-1990s. (All those old articles in NEXUS and PARANOIA.) There is most definitely something going on...and it deals with both spirituality and the essence of what makes us human being off-loaded or transplanted:

All those conspiracy theories relegated to fringe magazines back in the day....don't they have a strange way of becoming self-fulfilling prophecies?? Dare I say, self-assembling?? 

And let's not forget in this equation the importance of the soul to off-world entities that has been cited again and again by researchers like Karla Turner for a start. And this has continued down into evidence presented today:

Even larger (& more somber) evidence concerning the entire Alien angle to all this forthcoming as you scroll farther down...


See again the conclusions Naomi Wolf has come to, especially spiritually, regarding the entire milieu and what we are up against:

I include this here in many different forms on many different platforms because I consider it that important, in the time of a disappearing internet, to preserve for history in as many ways as possible. 

There is going to come a time when our descendants begin to ask the question "How did you allow this to happen?" I for one would like to present to them some kind, any kind, of a rebuttal. That there once upon a time was a fightback. That not all of us were captured. All of the above needs to be put in your mental lockbox and kept as required reading and viewing. Forever. It's that important as both a survival mechanism and also breadcrumbs in solving this historic occult detective case.

With all that has been presented so far in this post, and this has only barely scratched the you sense the beginnings of a paradigm shift? That life and reality as you know it is undergoing a radical transformation unseen in all of recorded history until now? There are immense, warring spiritual factions unloosed and we are in the midst of the buffeting gales of their tumult. To not recognize this is to be wandering around drunkenly in the dynamite factory with an open flame. 

Mae Brussell was onto the blueprint in 1976 when it was the swine flu vaccine and she was already linking it to the military and intelligence:

And we've already tied the vaxx creation to entities like the DOD and DARPA, add the CIA to that list also:

Truly an all-hands-on-deck group effort with no squabbling or micromanaging pushback -- as we have seen and said before from notables like Naomi Wolf and the UK's John O'Looney -- lockstep coordination from above. See 30:45 here from O'Looney speaking about the powerlessness of those, even within high office, to change or alter the agenda:

As of at least September 2021 it was hands off. People in positions as high as the 1922 Committee were told not to interfere:,the%20UK%20House%20of%20Commons. 

"I can't stop it. It's above my pay grade."   

But there are beginning to be real-world ripples representative of Naomi's wave and the scale of the true fightback:

Saying this in an Under Armour track top = legend!! 


But why the ferocity of this blowback you might's not just the general unease over the vaxx side effects going unmentioned and unnoticed by the global elites that foisted them on us. Things go deeper and track farther back than that:

(The full video has long since been scrubbed hard off of Youtube...) Here's one of the original Mexican broadcasts from 2009 I found: 

Hit the translate tabs on the comments for much much more in terms of deeper diving.

Or check the uber mysterious, still unsolved circumstances about what happened to Tammy Lynn Leppert:

As for the fate of Gabriela Rico Jimenez, it's not as if Carlos Slim, who she called out by name, hasn't popped up in matters such as this before:

The waters we are diving in:

But why are we looking at all this in light of what's happening today on the techo-political-paranormal-vaxx fronts?? Because every change-agent engine needs a spark plug. 

And the seeds of the zeitgeist today track farther and farther back, hanging in the air like glittering clues outlining what their intentions for us have always been.



Perhaps, just perhaps, Gabriela wasn't so crazy after all. Her story reverberates today in every life taken by unleashed nanotech -- the global perps, after all, have shown their hand in all matters concerning human life. And their voices, after all, haven't stopped:

Notice the symbolism? 

As well you should:

Children have been exposed to these open portals before -- laying the groundwork for today -- more Mae followup from where we came in:

An image that could have come right out of the McMartin or Presidio sealed documents -- adjust contrast to see:

Combined with the ZODIAC vibe inherent with the signal codes, it becomes very apparent that our collective sociology is getting a tweak in engineering; no change in personnel. The MindWar is ever encroaching. Along with this seasonal timed release also, it appears that this summer is going to be coloured in every shade of occult programmed serial killer chic:

Almost as if we're being primed for something else that's been coming from a long way off...launch the egregores!! 

Want to see where our present trajectory of DNA alteration, cellular change, and portals gets us?:

Bear with me:


I find it darkly serendipitous that many of the leading lights in the UFO/UAP Disclosure movement also happen to "dabble" in immunology, microbiology, gene research and fringe biotech

Notice that Kelleher distinctly categorizes 'Models of Contagion' not being limited to the physical world and verges and overlaps very much within the paranormal realms. While we have been talking about and pursuing mind control, it appears that others have been running down different paths: an isolated, mind virus. Which can prove an entryway into all things spiritual and supernatural.

Which only makes me wonder if the Disclosure Movement was timed in lockstep with the worldwide "pandemic" and the implementation of the vaxx agenda?? Speaking of 'plan'demic.....

And remember the first bombshell came in the NYTimes in 2017:

Launch the acclimatization process...

It's only been ramping up ever since, almost as if in a timed-release program:

It's also not lost on me that this entire narrative IS the X-Files story arc. And new episodes are in production:

Here's hoping you have plenty of popcorn in your strapped-in blanket fort, because it's going to be a bumpy sequence of summer nights.


Meanwhile, over at LaQuinta Columna they're finally getting down to brass tacks -- finally calling out what they believe is at the center of all this after studying c-19 vaccine samples, bloodwork, and digging into nanotechnology present along with graphene and liquid hydrogel self-assembly ever since the injections began: 

They were the first to detect the presence of graphene in the vaxx:

All of their collected research on their sister site here:

And their home site here:


And it's only primed to get bumpier as the November election nears -- in those wise words of Dale Cooper from some 34 years ago now; "Gentlemen, when two separate events occur simultaneously pertaining to the same object of inquiry, we must always pay strict attention.":

Here is Logan's post if you cannot see it -- it seems X is hiding it behind banners that claim "You're unable to view this post since the account owner limits who can view their posts."

Just more prongs in the Gladio 2 Destabilization Campaign designed by some Alien/AI force, if last post's digging according to AJ and Naomi's broadcast will hold up. 

But that origin point can't possibly be true, can it??


Don't be so sure, at all; continuing evidence developing:

To be frank, all of these stunning admissions confirmed at a Financial Thinktank Conference of the Insiders of the Insiders    

should be massive font front page headlines all around the world this evening -- and yet we have the cricket chorus. Rationale? If we go tiptoeing thru the graveyard maybe the zombies won't eat us?? Just how many interlocking scenarios are coming together here and timed to blow?? (See that Twin Peaks quote again.) After all, maybe The Invaders wasn't just a TV show in the long run, and "invaders" can blanket quite the spectrum, can it not??

More developing along this line of questioning:

Take great notice of the NHI "quid pro quo" exclusion example on the reasons for non-disclosure side of the argument. What does this mean?? What COULD it mean other than that there exist agreements between the NHIs and elements of world governments that must remain secret, or else...see all the recent talk bandying about that word.

This gets into obligatory areas such as DNA modification (a factor which weighs extremely heavy on our present biomed situation), as well as the very likely possibility of advanced fringe technology (see again numerous examples present day biotech) in exchange for abductions

If so, this means this operation/agreement has been ongoing since at very least the late 1950s, perhaps much, MUCH longer. This could also mean that certain a group or groups (perhaps ones that JFK hinted at before his death) work in tandem with the NHI to control both people and situations to maintain positions of power and achieve goals. This also means that the long-bandied-about Eisenhower contact story has stronger legs than most are willing to admit.   


As well as all of the above, more eyewitness accounts are emerging daily, even though a great majority are scrubbed within hours -- many people are hitting the 'save' button:


And just to let you know, I have also archived all of the above pages...And it 100% DOES seem to be referring to the Mage, Brazil incident of May 2020.

Because of lockdowns more than a few of us researched this event rigorously, you might say:

And yes, most all of the footage dealing with this case has been scrubbed:

Since everybody was home, twitter and other platforms went crazy over this case during the lockdowns -- then suddenly nothing. There were numerous YT vids of a silvery disc-egg shaped craft lying in the jungle at an angle, on an embankment, steaming or smoking with thick foliage all around it. Due to the density of the surroundings and terrain couldn't be certain but it appeared to be at night. Didn't from the perspective appear to be too large -- perhaps the dimensions of a large bus. Whoever was videoing also captured a large military presence, helicopter overflights, troops on the ground canvassing, etc. 

There IS this excellent recreation illustrating what happened as well as some of the only remaining real footage of the incident I can locate:

Remember this is 2020, and take note of how all recovered biologics are taken to Dugway -- the main US home for all biochem and biowarfare agents and simulants (bacteria, viruses, aerosol testing, unconventional threats.) I'd call that interesting timing..."Aerosolization of live or killed biological simulants..."

And we are very well versed in aerosolization:

And yes, Dupont developing elastomers for DEA soft robotics is the same Dupont that gave us Teflon that spread in a few short years from their plants in West Virginia to the world. There is literally not a person in this world that doesn't have Teflon-spiked derivatives (PFOAs) in their blood:

Decades of Teflon dust particulates entering weather systems that encircle the planet. Now that same company is achieving fringe tech -- hydrogels, smart materials, nanoworms -- that actuate on a cellular level:

Far past a certain point, you MUST begin to view where these areas and subsets overlap with one another, because the crossover area is immense and only growing in scope and threat intensity. Terraforming comes to mind, along with depopulation.

And for the record -- and since I vowed to keep placing this prominently as long as it pertains -- they are all in on it: 

That "vampire's tooth" remember was FAANG -- the heads of Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, and Google. Experimenting on people with smart dust. In May 2020. Happening when? During lockdown. In lockstep with the nationwide 5G installations. Which I'm sure is just coincidental...


Search here for the Dupont hidden hand in history:

As for the ethical ramifications of the Manhattan Project, Rogan and Tucker did a good job here voicing them in areas that verge on the Lynchian:

(Here it is worth stating for the record -- and our avenue of investigation -- that Oppenheimer was an occultist in league with Jack Parsons, and may certainly have been in contact with the same entities....or for pondering as Carlson did, "Just where did the idea for fission come from??")

Possibly not from a human provenance:

More backstory:


Those owls, after all, they're still not what they seem:   

They never have been:

THAT astute article was written in 2013, along with more than a bit of what I was looking into, now seems like a kind of a tilted weather forecast of a looming front -- considering what has broken over us in the interim.

The forecast now is considerably sharper in focus:

This is what happens when the Covenant is broken = God's protection is lifted. And here we are.


And the evidence of forces and entities given provenance to ransack, study, and manipulate this world and its inhabitants extend back farther than any Eisenhower agreement (though that may have fine-tuned some things...):

How about 3,554 pages of it??

And according to some very informed sources, they are here, NOW:


That Eye of Horus house and property in the above substack, taken from an aerial perspective, belongs to Naomi Campbell, the famous model. Riiiiight. THAT Naomi Campbell:

She's "sickened." Sickened, I tell the circle closes just a bit tighter.

The Epstein network is never far from any facet of this extended remix.


The above Dupont comeuppance, which obviously hindered them not a bit:

Meanwhile, back on the biologics bleedthru timeline...Just unearthed this Mage one with the sound of gunfire: (only 2 months ago so don't hold your breath on it being up long)

Per one of the comments "When this went down social media posts were being censored in real time." This was denounced in volume and aggressively. Which means it bears more scrutiny than most. Here's one that slipped between the cracks (click the CC tab):

In this video at the 15:00 min mark you will find some VERY interesting topological details....

And from VICE:

Finally, it seems that the hillside where this supposed object crashed is now showing signs of terraforming/manipulation: 

And to bring us back full circle towards the satanic, and invasions in other areas covering the 'as above so below' mantra, strides are certainly being made: 

We careen from the macro to the micro, but -- Solve et Coagula -- the agenda remains the same. These are the separation and the joining together; the binding and loosening sequences usurped from God according to the alchemy of the Left Hand Path, and what has been happening writ large in the world, in force, since 2020. We are strapped into our matrix pods, receiving transit ceremonies for a wired life. Why do I phrase it that way? Because Epstein's buddies with their Alien Orders have seen to that:

We are highly-sought-after living coppertops for an external force providing the blueprints to bellwethers here:


And they are still looking for ways to command the terrain and alter our source code:

And the manipulations have already begun:

And amid this horrendous attack on our water systems by who I'm sure they will tell you are nefarious Black Swan Deep State players (China, Russia, etc) just who do you imagine will coming speeding to the rescue with their "safe" and "officially sanctioned" water fit for mass consumption? The WEF of course!! "Protecting" us globally in one way or another. The Antichrist saviour platform in full effect:

Call it AI. Call it Alien. Call it Demonic. Call it a chronology that is increasingly becoming impossible, which speaks to the possibility of time itself (along with memory and neurological cognition) being manipulated by sinister forces.   

The lines of demarcation and roiling liminality begin to blur and merge in a darkly-viewed simulation of quantum entanglement, all of our parsing amounting to no more than rearranging deck chairs on this "unsinkable" Titanic at this pivotal moment in human history. 

When nothing is real nothing is forbidden and everything is possible, which now sounds like an interesting Eastern curse playing out in real time -- our time. 

We alone have the means, motive, and opportunity to turn that curse into a chance to reinvent history -- all we need to find is our courage and our will. It's 6 months and counting til a new, by all accounts, Age of Aquarius that will reign until 2044:,the%20reinvention%20of%20established%20norms.

But to get there, as a collective we need to start doing something we're still hesitant to do, and we'd better start:








  1. Some detailed posts on Strieber; his traumatic childhood experiences that affected him & his works:

    I'm continuing this comm here from the last comments section because it strikes me as being so important.....

    As a continuing analogy, how much are we ALL like Strieber now??
    Experimented-upon animals struggling to work thru our screen memories in ways that the present, and past, will make more sense...

    The most important times, relationships, and events in our lives -- many consist now of no more than fractured shards and glittery pieces of whimsy -- why is that?
    Is it an internal deconstruction and simplification, or is there more going on here??
    How many people and events in our own lives and pasts have been INSERTED, Manipulated??
    And by WHO??

    Just how large did MKULTRA and its offshoots get??

    1. Pertaining to te above BB just sent me this:
      Annalee Newitz is stepping up to be an authority regarding mind control:
      Book coming soon...
      "A brief, weird history of brain-washing; L. Ron Hubbard, Operation Midnight Climax, and stochastic terrorism—the race for mind control changed America forever."
      By Annalee Newitz archive page
      April 12, 2024;
      Above from MIT Technology Review...

      About the author;

      Seems to me that they are trying to be both woke/cutting edge, while also being pretty staunch defender of the mainstream mavens club.....
      Am i wrong?
      Best wishes;

      Re. Newitz;

      They do not take seriously and/or dismissed as far as i could tell, the traumatizing of children in MK ULTRA ops...
      Pretty big aspect to ignore/ dismiss;

  2. Epic post, wordman. With all the mental contagions, it's clear our health begins in the mental realm, and thus our immune system begins there too. They targeted people's minds to enable them to "strengthen" our physical immune systems against a disease while causing untold death and destruction. It's not an accident that the human heart is the organ most affected by their " solution", on an physical and spiritual level.

    1. Pretty spot-on comm there Max -- Have always heard that 99% of our overall health originates in our gut (biome) and our head, so naturally they would target our neural systems and the food we eat to degrade and/or alter our composition/cohesion.

      As far as our brains it's literally mind over matter. By using quantum dots, hydrogels and other components that cross the blood-brain barrier, they can get into us -- thru vaxx, food, or the chemtrail aerosols anything they wish -- the terrain is fully poisoned. Fortunately we are finding increasing ways to mitigate this -- lots of it quite literally prayer induced as well as frame of mind.
      Good to know that that mind over matter sword cuts both ways....God engineered in us quite the weapons system of our own.

  3. WOW -- that seems very close to a near precursor to what's going on RIGHT NOW JB!!
    Will be looking into this to see what I can find and THIS comm goes straight to the top of the heap.
    Of course the Canadian indigenous schools have been and were always a training ground for all manner of CIA monsters looking for ways to control the human organism...Ewen Cameron etc.
    And of course they were killing grounds of all kinds:'

    Of course this gets into Diana and now Middleton, what they got too close to and/or stumbled across....

    But that LIQUID CRYSTAL compound....MAN, that's troubling.....


    There's a Library of Alexandria 2.0 goin on......

  5. AAAAAND Plane lady still on the hotseat:

    For the record -- and speaking of disappearing history -- DEF not the same person.

  6. Coming back to [the missing] Kate... It's such a straightforward pattern, really, yet people refuse to accept it: We're talking MONARCHY. So... she produced offspring, passed down the [dissociative] genes, and her job was done, for good. Ready to be removed. An ambulance supposedly came to her home right after last Christmas, and no one has seen her since. For a while, the media peddled the hospital story, yet almost none of her relatives - parents, siblings, children - ever came to visit. As of this week, tabloids are already wheeling out the Rose chick that Wills has had his eyes on for a while.

    The likely upcoming sequence of events: Charles either stepping down or dead. Wills crowned as the new King. Vive le Roi! Then Kate will be 'officially' pronounced dead. Wills gets to marry Rose. This could all be done and dusted within months. Beyond that, some are predicting a possible total annihilation of the British monarchy, France/Russia-style. That could also be while someone hired Meg the actual actress to weave her corrosive magic from the inside and discredit what's left of the institution.

    1. The only pertinent question left is what exactly the cover is being installed for.....

      Vaxx turbo injury? (the disclosure of which might REALLY ignite the sleeping masses...)

      Kingston abortion death? (Accidental or premed)

      Wills in a fit of rage killed her? Strangulation, suffocation, etc...

      Her "ambulance" ride was decked out exactly like Di's = murder en route....Oopsie.

      Ritual blood sacrifice with all the attendant bells & whistles befitting the Monarchy Secret Society/Cult?? (Diana, Princess Grace, etc)

      The killing of someone who stumbled too close to some secret "Rosemary's Baby-Savile-necrophilia" truths?? (Diana again...)

      Any one of these could fit the narrative up til now, perhaps with an interchange of one from column A and one from column B-type scenario's not as if the "killing 2 birds with one stone" never came up before in this atmosphere, is it?

    2. VERY MUCH pertaining to topics broached and discussed in this above entry....
      It's time to get WEIRD again:

      THIS, again mentioned in the above by me -- is also gaining steam and traction:

      What this is all portending is anybody's for me...I think we're in store for a VERY Long Hot Summer......
      Strap in Dream Babies.

      Whenever Heaven's doors are shut, you kick them open but...I know you....

  7. And this:

    And this:



    & this:

    One of several pics the FBI had in its dossier on McVeigh prior to the bombing -- these of him at the Waco siege:


    And finally some highly scrubbed, special "effects" that took place inside the Murrah Bldg just prior to the blast.

    See Part 5.
    First published in NEXUS mag the Winter 97-98 edition.
    Still, against all odds, available in extremely limited platforms on the web.
    For now.

  8. All in all, the OKC case has more holes in it than a block of swiss cheese that the mice have been given free reign on for a month or so.
    Was there really a case AT ALL against McVeigh??
    And remember this from the Chandra Levy link above:
    "It was reported that Chandra noted some twelve or more visits to McVeigh by Dr. Louis Jolyon West, the UCLA mind control expert for the CIA who pronounced Jack Ruby insane after he suggested a conspiracy in the JFK assassination. He also was the government psychiatrist who handled Sirhan Sirhan while he awaited trial. Jolly West was infamous for his early use of LSD on unsuspecting victims. He was the head of the CIA's mind-control program known as MKULTRA, and was a pioneer of electronic brain experimentation."

  9. And just so you know it's not Chandra's word all by herself out there on that limb:

  10. MUCH more on Jolly West from the fabled Tom O'Neill here in Chapter 11 of his opus:

  11. And on we go to VEGAS!! Woooot!!
    Don't you guys just love me tonight??!!:

    Sometimes -- who am I kidding?? -- ALL the time I'm like the freakin one-stop-shop of black pillage!!

  12. Good God Wordman. I've been working through this post for a couple of days now and I still have a long ways to go.
    You knocked this one out of the park guy.

    1. Call me Mr. October, err, Mr. May, err.....just call me somethin'!!

      As always Philby -- you are the wind beneath my wings muh dude!!
      & glad as always you're finding all of this useful, relevant, and somewhat, dare I say, enjoyable (??)
      Black pill a day keeps the monsters away!!

  13. HEY DOES ALEX READ ME?? Just sayin.......

  14. What you think the weather recently?
    Some crazy tornado footage coming out America. Here we had a sudden storm and a waterspout form. Don't remember that ever happening. Also Twister 2 is coming out. I'm starting to hmm

  15. I had to share this... It's mundane stuff, but chilling nonetheless. The info comes from a friendly-looking European corporate report on scenario planning for 2035-2050. Here goes:

    One scenario is that tech and the green agenda will solve humankind's every conceivable problem and usher in unprecedented prosperity. So far, so good, eh?

    BUT... Just in case that particular vision doesn't quite pan out, here's another scenario - supposedly fictitious yet, may I say, remarkably detailed and well planned:
    -- 2028: The United Nations declares a “World State of Emergency”, after repeated heatwaves and severe water crises.
    -- 2042: Individuals and businesses are given eco-credits to impose and track production and consumption quotas (carbon, water, waste…), paving the way for a new era of forced moderation.
    -- Forced de-growth
    -- Centralized information
    -- Restricted agriculture, expanded nature
    -- Spatial constraints, tech surveillance
    -- People spend 80% of their time online
    -- 15-minute cities
    -- “Emphasis on communal living and compactness”
    -- “Apartments that are on average 8 m2 (= 86 sq ft) in size”
    -- “Reshaping food consumption” into diverse patterns. Food & drink consumption is regulated to ensure low environmental impact.
    -- Strict regulations are imposed to deal with food and beverage products that significantly impact the environment. These include heavy taxation on high energy-intensive goods like meat.
    -- From a consumer perspective, a smartphone eco-credit app facilitates a dietary shift by implementing rationing systems.
    -- Soft drinks are “made of fruit scraps, yeast, and water.”
    -- Governments employ nature-first policies involving regulations, surveillance, taxation, and reward systems that force moderation of consumption.
    -- Eco-shaming: Individuals face both peer pressure and the systemic stigmatization created by governments. They are even encouraged to report people who harm nature or engage in excessive consumption.
    -- The #PLANTPRIDE movement continues to gain momentum, as the sharing of green ostentation and experiences is one of the only acceptable ways for consumers to ‘show off’.

    And, in case you're wondering about how many eco-credits your phone will allow you to spend, let's have a look:
    -- The authorized ANNUAL per capita CO2 consumption will be 1.3 tons = 1,300 kg (2,860 lbs). So each of us will have 1,300 kg of CO2 PER YEAR to play with. And how about these price CO2 price tags:
    - NYC-to-Europe round-trip flight: 816 kg
    - 1 kg of beef: 36 kg of your CO2 allowance
    - 1 kg of coffee: 29 kg
    - 1 kg of beans: 2 kg
    - 1 kg of bread: 0.8 kg

    Friends... Could you, maybe, start explaining to the normies out there that very soon, a tank of gas will be a once-in-five-years luxury?... As will be meat of any kind... coffee... a can of soda... If THAT doesn't scare people, then nothing will.

    1. Between the jab, Gates buying up what's verging on a majority of US farmland, all the surprise "accidents" at food production facilities and farms, including fires and explosions in the last 3 years, AI taking an increasing control of systems, weather manipulation that's blatant to even the most blind now, Directed Energy Weapons involved in incidents like Maui, chem shipments blowing up and getting derailed nationwide, bridges and other transport systems being run into, the still-undisclosed effects of 5 & 6G, it's all WAAAAAAAY more than clear that there is a concerted attack going on against humanity on planet Earth.

      Where this all leads anybody knows, and it's not trending towards anything that resembles our interest.

  16. The British monarchy will go before they allow William to marry Rose and reign. They love Catherine, Princess of Wales. Charles had a few decades to let the Camilla marriage be accepted. The deception of Catherine will be too much. And they universally despise Harry and Meghan who will be sabotaging shit from across the pond. My Bingo card says monarchy goes down.


    In 2019 Israel Aerospace Industries sent a lunar landing vehicle to the moon bearing thousands of minute organisms called tardigrades to be placed on the moon. Human DNA samples and a vast library were also on the mission. The spacecraft crashed but may have deposited it's ominous cargo at least partially intact on the moon.

  18. Don't want this to get lost in the shuffle -- response to A6 above about the weather:
    Every day -- EVERY day -- it's the same states -- and it's spreading -- Iowa, TX, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, etc etc -- there are deadly hail, high wind, and tornado outbreaks. What used to be, when I was growing up, "seasonal" is now literally ALL THE TIME. And it sure does make you wonder what hurricane season is going to morph into....

    More and more people are getting on to the fact that there is totally something up with these NEXRAD radar signals and weather manipulation, including something in lockstep with the chemtrailing:

    X accounts like In2ThinAir and Dutchsinse are charting this on the daily...and getting scrubbed and constantly taken down for it. Which also tells a tale, does it not??

    & of course Cyber was all over the linkages back when they first started happening in real time together -- 1998:

    There is something HUGE about this that has been introduced into the system in the fall of '98, & that has only steadily ramped up ever since til we're at the breaking point now...

  19. Great interview from former Scientologist and author, about Jolly West, Manson, Scientology.

    1. Along those same lines, Max, the lion's share playlist of Tom O'Neill on Joe Rogan:

      GREAT research and info....

  20. B I N G O:
    "You still need proof? Lol, go outside and see the fine mist saturating the sky on a clear sunny day. If anyone isn't aware at this point then no amount of 'proof' will convince them otherwise."

    "25 YEARS AGO I came to the same conclusion with much the same evidence. Coast to Coast and Art Bell, and Richard Hoagland."

  21. ONE OF THE FEW that remains of this one:

    Google podcasts has removed their entire Art Bell database that went EVERY show from 94-2000+.

  22. Even the COAST TO COAST site has removed WIll Thomas' earliest appearances with Bell -- it only goes back to 2002 now:

    Thomas on the persistent contrails -- back before they were even calling them chemtrails -- first appeared on Bell in January of 1999.

    SOMETHING in those early broadcasts -- of which there were AT LEAST 4 or 5 that are now gone -- was clearly TOO ON THE MONEY and concerning to the PTB.

    Notice in that above link Bell is ALREADY linking such ops to nanotechnology..........

  23. BTW from the commenting that link IS from 1999. Apparently his 3rd appearance on the show.
    Listen up.

  24. If anybody has any trouble accessing from that site it's also here & on other multiple platforms = somebody God bless em just loaded it yesterday aft it had been gone for years:

    Hopefully an artifact of more & more folks putting the pieces together on multiple fronts.

  25. Don't forget that William Cohen once, at the doorstep on the initiation of all this, issued this forecast/threat/warning:

    In April 1997, United States Secretary of Defense William Cohen declared that there are terrorists at work who "... are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves..."



    D. Wigington: Geoengineering--Chemtrails, weather control, biomed tech targeting humanity...
    & way down in the south Atlantic around Bouvet Island, mayhaps HAARP tech being served up....with a side order of weird..

    1. Wigington has been long on the case -- back way bef people were paying attention like now.....

  27. Much like Clif Carnicom back in the day -- whose research Ana Mihalcea has linked to & appropriated now....

    EVERYTHING that his findings re Morgellons -- which he saw as a symptom of chemtrail sickness -- is NOW showing up in the blood of the vaxxed...
    Every. Single. Marker.

  28. McCullough latest on what may be coming:


  30. Another meaning of CORONA, as an acronym is revealed at 20:24, A Coordinate and Routing System for Nano networks.

  31. Trump guilty.
    No protection for him in prison.
    They set a precedent now, Presidents can go behind bars.
    F**king morons.

    1. Appeals for years.
      "Home" detention.
      Ankle bracelet.
      IF any of that even.
      They've just handed him the Presidency.
      As a former Pres Secret Service wouldn't even allow an incarceration. Unenforceable.
      Not to even begin how the rigging for all this was hideous banana republic-levels of bs. 34 counts for paying invoices lol.
      Prosecutors corrupt. Judge corrupt. Soros paylist etc.

      If you shoot to kill the King you'd better do it.
      They've missed with this one.

      Which only means something ELSE is coming when they realize even this ain't gonna work......
      Which should wake all of us up to take notice (which
      Bill Gates once said....)
      Hint hint.....

  32. Practicing for the new model avian flu event: made by human hands;
    High profile scientific paper published in 2020 saying SARS-CoV-2 arose from natural events (not gain of function research" found to be wrong/fraudulent; but no retraction appears imminent...."& it shows we've got a sh*t show going on in this country right now. If a university thinks it can do whatever it wants, & if NIH has a different opinion & we have no rules, & they're doing work on dangerous pathogens, yeah, we're going to have another pandemic."
    "The House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, which is conducting an investigation into the origin of SARS-CoV-2, sent a letter to the NIH today in which it suggests that there has been “a conspiracy at the highest levels of NIH & NIAID to avoid public transparency regarding the COVID-19 pandemic.”

    1. Trump getting the rigged guilty verdict is playing hand in hand with all this & what's coming.....
      EVERYTHING is connected.


    Conflict of interest traitors. As long as we're calling people out....

    Why oh why is this particular case getting such traction again these last few weeks??

    Ya might wanna be asking yourselves if this is portending something coming that's close at hand.......
    Re: Disclosure
    Re: Elites
    Re: Agreements
    Re: Rituals
    Re: Communications

    Because something is DAMN sure happening.

  35. Final note on the Trump situation I just emailed JB -- to be clear:

    Everything is STAGED for sure!! Came to that conclusion when Trump adamantly refused to decry the vaxx and the obv MAJOR harm it was doing worldwide.
    I'm only saying there are enough people on board now with this latest travesty of justice that it's gonna be a LANDSLIDE.

    Unless & until he does an about-face on the vaxx he's, personally for me, Deep State persona non grata; everything else is just words. What else can you call it when there is TONS of evidence of vaxx harm out there available at a fingertip??

    Ignorance is absolutely no excuse at this point, if it EVER was. EVERYBODY knows. Whether your ego can adapt to that is another matter. LOL.

  36. Thanks Jeff!! I needed this:

  37. Wellllllllllllllll -- WE'RE WAITING!!...........


    Everybody all gangster til the demons show up.......

    1. Disclosure is gonna be: UFO's are Fallen Angels and also your new Gods. Welcome to Eternal Babylon. Let me acquaint you with your place in the heirarchy.

    2. Can feel it getting closer every day A6....

      They'll be calling them "aliens," but is that really what they mean, or just a cover for something else?
      See Third Secret of Fatima & the Vatican Archives, Tucker Carlson's "dark" revelations told to him by insiders, Lue Elizondo's "sobering" details, etc.

      Looks like it's all leading to the ultimate disclosure that we're some kind of farm for interdimensionals to play around in, do what they want to with....that we have made agreements with to try and mitigate: allowing abductions, experiments, missing people (411, etc) in exchange for fringe (fallen) technological and biotech/gene transfer advances -- that also secretly somehow benefit "them." But WHY/HOW if they are incorporeal?
      This gets into Genesis and the fallen angels somehow being able to interbreed with human women, i.e., they can phase into solid form and matter for periods of time = see UFOs materializing and dematerializing in so many accounts.

      All about Genetic Experiments for unknown reasons since Biblical times. Science and the spiritual nestling right next to each other, the way they've always been, & that we're just realizing all over again...

  39. What if each and every one of us have been chosen to play secret agents/covert operatives sent here by God to solve this puzzle and serve as witnesses and change agents in a long-range masterplan?
    Think I'm joking??
    I mean each and EVERY one of us:

    We're all parts of this puzzle, sent here to play a role.

    1. Light equals Life... and the Ultraterrestrials/Aliens/Demons want to obscure our light, and they have recruited quite a few of our fellow humans, really empty husks, to aid them in their quest.
      The oldest story in the book.

  40. John Keel, belief, experiences with intelligent lights, & such:
    "I have been attempting to -not- believe in things., while also not being an annoying skeptic who tries to debunk everything including the evidence of my senses. This is a precarious path to walk...As an example: the little lights I see dancing around in the woods around Athens fairly often...we moved into a house slightly out of town & the (lights) Umnoughts really liked the piece of land the house was on, & so were constantly appearing outside the house in the woods & fields, as well as coming up to windows & finally, invading the house itself. & that’s when I began to firmly believe they were somehow related to the fairy realm". Other experiencers might see them as UFOs or ancestral spirits......(Keel suggested) "don’t believe something & hold onto it to the exclusion of all other information. Don’t believe blindly & ..don’t believe everything you’re told, especially by non-human intelligences who are out on tear in their UFO. You can’t trust those guys....Whatever they are—the little lights—the Umnoughts— are intelligent. They are sentient. I don’t believe that. I know it. "

    1. Keel and Vallee remain, along with Hynek, essential faces on the Mt Rushmore of this entire movement I've been following since I was 6-7 years old, if not earlier.
      First exposure was places like SAGA, ARGOSY, FATE, and those prized drugstore spinner racks of paperbacks holding info like the Library of Alexandria for me....& LOTS of other people that still remember. That followed all thru life into the 90s when things got resurrected in places like (during X-Files) NEXUS and PARANOIA.
      If anything, since none of those exist anymore, hoping this this site can carry on the tradition!!

  41. Outer Range season 2 on Amazon prime.

    1. OUTER RANGE is a trippy, surreal, elder gods nodding, psychedelic freakout.

  42. Links to Patrick McNamara talks/interviews: A Neuropsychologist studying the brain, sleep, dreams; who is open to several possible root causes of different unusual phenomena:
    Every culture has supernatural agents: here's why
    Demonic possession & nightmares
    The self
    REM sleep, nightmares, entities, PTSD

  43. And just so you guys know -- and this goes along with the lawfare assault on Trump -- they're seeking to shut down (as in close and lock the doors) of Infowars over the next few hours.
    I hear RUMBLE is also in the crosshairs, as well as lots of accounts on X.....
    This is a HUGE Assault Initiative they're attempting to pull off to completely shut down every access point of anything they don't want heard.


  45. LOTS of Keel in the interim:

    (Missing the all-important part 3 of Our Haunted Planet, but here....)

    & of course -- Mothman:

  46. PS & all of Keel at therabbithole:

    Back in 2009...Disappearance of Gabriela Rico of the last time she was seen in oublic, where she made claims that seemed extreme then, but appear more plausible as time passes...

    1. The Gabriela story is suddenly being seeded everywhere after being incognito since 2009 -- WHY??
      Along very much with drops like this:

      Things are aligning and ramping up across multiple overlapping narratives.....
      There is a conditioning-engineering-summoning being put into place.

  48. VERY reminiscent of DARK CITY btw.....reality being structured and rolled out behind the scenes/

    Tedros is busy hustling for his overlords.

  50. Perhaps Tedros' last performance evaluation by the Dark Lords was: did not meet expectations. There seems to be a quality of panic/desperation in his most recent proclamations...


    1. Thank you, Wordman, for sharing these!

      Is MTG a selfless, blameless character? Probably not.
      Is the red-vs.-blue divide, or the Trump mythology, real and valid? Probably not.

      But - boy, is it refreshing to hear the truth nowadays, whatever the source!

  52. Speaking for hundreds of millions if us that are fed WAY up & have had enough.

    1. The rest of those spineless weasel Republicans should be taking notes on how it's done.
      She said what we have all been saying for a long damn time, out loud and on the record.

    2. Amen. The tidal wave of righteous rage is building, gaining speed.

      I can't wait until it crashes on the shoreline of corruption and decadence.


    Even bigger WHOA =
    Had not heard the tape of him calling ANY objections to the vaxx "IDEOLOGICAL BULLSHIT" (which needed to be stamped out with loss of jobs, income, medical access, ability to live a life, etc etc etc.)

    Thus spake the slimeball......

  55. From back in 2009:
    "The Banker’s Manifesto...
    “The Banker” aires his views on the right of his elite to control everyones lives. Performed by Mike Daviot; Written, directed & produced by Craig-James Moncur"

  56. For Trains above, and some comms:
    Trump left me back at the station for not doing a LOT of things:
    putting Hillary in jail as he once promised;
    in truth actually draining the swamp -- he did anything but...
    but most of all for pig-headedly refusing to backtrack even an iota on the obvious vaxx injuries that the entire WORLD knows about now.
    It's either ego or being compromised -- nothing else except one of those 2. It's that simple.

    For all her foibles, MTG has more integrity in her little finger than all of the rest of the Hill combined. In many ways can't believe she's been allowed to remain "alived" for so long lol.

    & finally YES, the real Truth is slowly emerging like a turtle sticking its head out from the shell more & more every single day:

    That Telegraph headline alone would have gotten you tarred and feathered with extreme prejudice only 18 months ago, scrubbed from every platform and called a grandma murderer/domestic terrorist.
    Now look. Even as they try to mitigate the damage, they can't help but blurt out the Truth, for all to see.
    WE are going to get there -- but we need to never ever forget the way we were treated by the "most compassionate" when the going got toughest. They were swine, weasels and the dregs of society -- the very WORST of humanity when the chips were down.
    I know a lot of people are saying we need to show them mercy now, but that's not ever gonna be me. Not forgetting. Not forgiving.
    Some things, some principles, are too important for such luxuries.

  57. And btw, that upward trend of excess deaths, 47+ countries have continued to only ramping up with no end in sight.

  58. He also pardoned the Lubavitcher who owned and operated the meat plant in Postville, Iowa. I think he served 8 of a 20 year sentence. He also did no favors for those imprisoned on January 6th.

    1. Right? He really lobbied hard to get them out, didn't he?? lol.
      Disappointing on all fronts.
      Swore to clear the playing field then wound up bunting and farting around on all the most meaningful promises.

    2. Sad thing is, I KNOW we were all better off economically under him -- that much is certain. But that's just ultimately being selfish and does zero good for what really ails us.
      The man could have engineered REAL and LASTING change deep down where it really counts -- and he didn't.

      If he had REALLY drained the swamp NONE OF THIS WOULD HAVE BEEN ABLE TO HAPPEN -- this entire last 4 years.

  59. Fauci: "We've deleted all those emails. I think we're safe now!!"

    Honestly, the hubris combined with utter stupidity is fucking breathtaking.
    Reminds me of the now famous 'Q' quote -- these people are stupid.

  60. D. Birx & F. Collins need to be scrutinized/made to testify before Congress as much as Fauci....Birx especially is still active, now pushing fear porn about avian influenza...

  61. Speaking of MTG speaking out in front of Congress nailing that scumbag bioterrorist Fauci for all the whole to see -- Lara Logan makes an excellent point in this barely tolerable sitdown with AJ made that way because of his constant interruptions -- the guy's getting intolerable....
    WHY is MTG all alone on an island in this??
    She should be surrounded by an army of people thinking the exact same way she does. But that would be, I know, freakishly optimistic considering the venue:

    42:56 following.....


  63. Very interesting to extrapolate from the ongoing conversation between AJ & Logan above...when the subject of Proj Paperclip comes up......& esp for the purposes of the ongoing investigation here.....
    When we imported the Nazi high command into positions of wealth and power here within the military/intelligence apparatus....
    Did we also import their ideology of CONTACT with something other?

    Was that ideology itself a trojan horse and did it infect wide swaths of our previous mental software, hardware, and belief systems??
    Did we enter into the same agreements with such that the Nazis did?
    Is THIS why our future has turned out the way it has??
    Has it in effect possessed/ had the ability to influence decision makers worldwide and alter their cognitive systems via neurological interface...the ultimate mind control if you will???

    Is this the nexus point for programs like MKUltra, and latter day offshoots like HAARP, 5G, CERN, all bioweapons tech, man-made viruses, the vaxx, etc etc etc?? Are all of these and so much more modern day Towers of Babel??

    We need to start examining, CLOSELY, just WHO the Nazis were in contact with, and exactly how much was suppressed and stricken from the Nuremberg ledgers and testimonies by people with vested interests like Churchill, who was DEEPLY into the occult secret societies behind the scenes.

    Strieber's 2012 The War For Souls, contains some tantalizing glimpses of what may very well be occurring now:
    "He did understand the extraordinary irony that the attack on the soul was what had led to
    its discovery. The scientific community's soul blindness had only been lifted when the
    human soul began to be taken, and we could see, hear, and feel the consequences."

    "It had been a year since NASA had made its announcement about UFOs, and he
    wondered, now, if that had been a good idea. If they were aliens from another planet, it
    appeared a harmless enough thing to say. But if parallel universes were involved,
    whether or not we believed they were real might have a lot to do with their ability to
    enter our world. The mind might play a part here, a very unsuspected part. Our belief
    might be essential to their ability to use their gateway, meaning that NASA could have
    unwittingly opened a door that had been closed by the wisdom of the past, then sealed
    with the sacred sites that had just been destroyed."

    Much to ponder.....

  64. The above by Whit written in 2007.

  65. Welp I trust this about as far as I can throw it......
    Sad sad sad to see it's co-written by Peter McCullough.
    Makes me think there's even more to the Polly Wellness Company diatribes......
    Textbook problem-reaction-solution Hegelian Dialectic:

    1. I am really being generous but I believe in my heart the only people that see and absorb the above cited articles are the same people that were sus from the beginning. Recently my cousin informed me another cousin (mid 50's) was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. This woman, who was in medical school before she got married, never did anything-drugs, smoke and she even did gluten free before it was a thing. I used to make fun of her for that. She had no pre existing condition. When I started to cry and proclaim it was the jab, I was quickly comforted with the "No it wasn't the jab, these things happen" talk. Oh and they caught it early. Early? How many people have found that cancer 'early'. And to further astonish me he persisted that if it was the jab 'we' would all have cancer since 'we' (my family) all took the jab. 'NO, I didn't!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'.
      These people are normalizing cancer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are making it seem NORMAL!!!!!!!! There was no shock at her diagnosis from him. Not even a 'It's possible the cancer was from the jab' response. I could not believe it. I still can't believe it. I'm going over the conversation in my head constantly. It's like I'm living in an alternate universe. Has anyone else had this conversation with someone????

    2. People en masse are living in an altered form of reality Sotes.
      It's not that they WON'T hear us -- it's that they CAN'T hear us -- physically.
      Am still working out if this is due to an anthropomorphic alteration from the vaxx itself, or something more divinely inspired such as the Creator blinding their eyes and hardening their hearts:

      i.e., they have made their choice, and they have chosen poorly.
      In doing so, God has now blinded them from the Truth.
      It is a PHYSICAL thing.

    3. Hear, hear. Cancer everywhere - yet whenever I gently suggest alternative remedies (MMS, meat diet, B17, fasting), I am instantly brushed aside with "No!!! I am a rational person! I only believe in SCIENTIFIC treatment!" Okie-dokie; your choice.

      Another friend has had a messed up lymphatic system her whole life. Again, I asked her, "have you tried unplugging; getting away from all the radiation; walking in the woods every day?" and was laughed at. She is actually sponsoring some scientific research on the topic. I'm sure THAT's going go give us a cure, any day now...

    4. Trains!!
      Right on bucko.
      This is truly the time of the separation of the wheat from the chaff.
      Think of AALLLLL the times and chances these stubborn stubborn people have been given. To let go of their ego. To do just 5 minutes of research. To step away briefly from dogma and indoctrination. But NOPE.
      I know we all will be given a second chance by a loving God when the rubber meets the road, but I fear, for a lot of them, the line that is coming is going to be "I never knew you."

  66. Saudis stop backing the petrodollar this weekend.

    1. Thanks for being on it A6!! I'm hearing charges and counter-charges on this w some insisting that the contract is set up for constant renewal per inclusionary clauses a few years we gonna see....

  67. To BB above and speaking of the avian flu, there are these:

    In true Lovecraftian style, you can see it forming.....
    Once again in an election year.
    This is GLADIO coup-formation in slow motion.
    Shit just got real in this Dark Mirror.
    Let the transmogrification begin.....all the while we're petty arguing about bullshit.

  68. Just more on the above:

    CDC talking tracking the unvaxxed,
    WHO talking pressuring the unvaxxed into mandatory compulsion.,
    threatening arrest and stripping of human rights??
    It's getting SERIOUS against the pushback to full totalitarianism.
    I think they're realizing WAY more people either didn't get the jab at all or are never getting another one -- no matter what.
    SO THIS is their response -- a boot stamping on a human face, forever.

    Are we just gonna tale this, is the question.
    We need a freakin REVOLUTION. NOW.

    1. They stepped on their dicks with Cd and The Jab.
      People are waking up by the tens of thousands to the side effects that are killing millions and that is only going to get worse.
      Their Lawfare tactics are waking up the rest. These Commie Bastards are about to find out what happens when you fuck around, the hard way. Come November when they play their final card, the shit is going to hit the fan.
      Nevermind the planned economic collapse, their politics is going to be the final straw. No one can say what the final spark is going to be until hindsight points it out but take my word for it, the dirty sonsa ches

  69. Incase you were wondering -- AND NOT UNRELATED AT ALL -- Dutchsinse's X feed blowing up tonight:

    From JFK speaking in 1961 to the NEXRAD pulse modulations altering the natural flow today,
    NONE of this is by chance.

    1. Lovely to see Dutchsinse go from a niche nerd with a sincere love for his research into a full blown hero of the people

    2. Hear hear A6!!
      There seem to be lots of us in that category these days with the numbers growing by exponential figures daily.
      And while you're at it, don't forget to count yourself!!


  71. Philby!!
    Along with your line of thinking -- and not that I think he is the be-all, end-all answer anymore -- but Trump since his conviction (how many days has it been?) has raised $250 MILLION dollars.
    Which is emblematic of SOOOO much more than Trump to me.....
    It's a colossal warning sign to the elites that people have HAD it, that they are fully ON to their schemes and reindeer games, and are not going to take it anymore. End of the line.


    All cos a guilty juror just couldn't help blabbing to his pals and fam.
    ALL of these Leftie woke and pervy loonies are just the bottom of the barrel stupidity.
    The jumped-up vaxx, the lockdowns, the trial...EVERYTHING they touch is just irreparably broken and shooting-themselves-in-the-foot time.

    Of course thanks to the contrived and bought-off media, doctors, peer-review scientists, etc, some times it takes a while....
    But THE TRUTH always, ALWAYS emerges.

    Daniel Horowitz interviews Canadian doctor...evidence COVID jabs cause turbocancers...

  74. Nicole Junkermann is that you?? lol.

  75. And speaking of monitoring, for those of you on Enbrel, may God have mercy on your souls:

    1. Marine LePen over in France and also the German extreme far-right gaining serious ground. The 2020s turning out just like the 1920s. All by design, of course.

      Communism leading to Fascism, no different than the cancer-causing Vaxx leading to the same companies selling a cancer-supressing Vaxx.

    2. Such SHARP points JB, and right over the target.
      Everything emerges sooner or later as Hegelian prob-react-solution.
      Disappointing that more (heck, why not ALL by now) can't see it that way. We're a bunch of Charlie Browns to their Lucy constantly pulling away the football...Yeeeeesh!!
      We know we've lied to you the past 15,000 times, but this is 15,001. You can trust us!!

    "The Deagel Forecast For 2025 Showed Who The WW3 Winners & Losers Were Going To Be: With Joe Biden Itching For A Fight, We Wanted To Remind Him Which Side America Fell On"

    1. The Deags was a limited hangout predictive programming matrix.
      All Intelligence driven. Psychological warfare training minds for what was coming; Aquino 101 -- much like what I just comm'ed to JB above.

  77. BTW folks, CRAZY headlines dotting the landscape over the last 2-3 monitoring and working up another install.....

  78. Batcave and red telephones in overdrive!!

    "Review, Sort Of, Of Crime Writer's Terrific New Book 'The Devil's Best Trick' ..."
    ...we in the modern West — even many Christians — have buffered ourselves from the darkness in the rest of the world. Or, more neutrally, we have locked ourselves up in a rationalist citadel that prevents us from understanding what the real world is like. We tell ourselves it’s not real, that it’s “superstition”. Our ancestors knew better. Peoples of the so-called 3rd World do too....occultism is deeply woven into the mentality of Mexicans, with celebrities, politicians, & wealthy Mexican oligarchs openly consulting with brujos to achieve fame, fortune, & power. (In other words, it’s not just the cartels.)...evil spirits were conquered by the Spaniards — & by Christ, in part through Our Lady of Guadalupe — but they never really went away. They were only submerged. & now they are reasserting themselves..There is a spiritual war going on, one that has been happening since the beginning of time, & you must choose sides. There are 1001 reasons why we talk ourselves out of facing the realities of spiritual evil, but it remains there — and you cannot compromise with it."

  80. More from the book review: "In the Mexican culture, things that would be seen by you & me as clearly defined evil aren’t seen that way at all....the use of a supernatural medium to accomplish someone’s death would clearly be considered evil by American standards. But at the border, it is part of everyday life. People don’t see it as evil, or in terms of right or wrong. They don’t understand it in those terms. It’s just part of their cultural reality. If you’re able to manipulate the spiritual or supernatural world, then you have a right to. This is a power you possess & you can use it if you want.” Also: "As priests who live among & work with Latin American communities have told me over the years, one of the biggest struggles they have is convincing even faithful Catholics to stay away from this stuff. One priest who serves a US-Mexican border community told me he routinely goes to clean out demonic activity in the houses of parishioners. He admonishes them to stop going to the curandera, stop shopping at the botanica, & so forth. That’s how you invite this stuff into your lives & your homes, even if you think it’s just “white magic”! But most of them never listen." A large percentage of the millions of immigrants that have crossed into the US recently are likely bringing occult practices with them...I am betting that most bureaucratic human drones in D.C. are not aware of this aspect of open borders... & those who do know are delighting at the prospect of the unusual chaos it could bring...


    Satanic gangs.."President Nayib Bukele labeled the gangs operating in El Salvador as “satanic” & considered it a “miracle” to have pacified the country by imprisoning more than 80,000 of their alleged members. He made these statements in an interview with American journalist Tucker Carlson..
    “As the organization (criminal) grew, it became satanic. They started doing satanic rituals,” Bukele asserted about his fight against the Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) & Barrio 18 gangs in the Central American country....The president commented that the gangs emerged in the 1980s on the streets of Los Angeles in the United States & then arrived in El Salvador, “grew,” & have a presence in Italy, Guatemala, Honduras, & in cities across the United States." For three decades, the gangs subjected the El Salvadoran population to extortion, created a parallel state, & according to official figures, committed 120,000 homicides, more than the 75,000 deaths caused by the civil war (1980-1992). Bukele argued that these organizations killed “anyone to generate terror”....

    1. BB!!
      Bringing and trading in occult practices is what we specialize in!!
      Right??!! Getting us in troubs since 1945, for sure. The beginning of the end was when we stumbled right into the Nazi messes we found, decided, (hey!!), we actually LIKED them, and it was off to the races. How many Aquinos down the line are we now??
      With positively no end in sight. Like a 100-headed hydra -- no matter how many we stamp out, double more take their place.

      As for South of the Border, check even a little into the Bush fam and Matamoros death cults -- creepy beyond belief.
      Aligned very much with the Carlos Slim networks & all the missing and sacrificially murdered women in Ciudad Juarez that's been going on forever. George W had Texas and Jeb had Florida -- both pipelines covered. Missing women and children unaccounted for by the THOUSANDS.

  82. Sorry. I couldn't resist......

    1. Good Lord that's hilarious!! & cuttingly ironic along the lines of the famous Vietnam trope "We had to destroy the village in order to save it!!"
      We are so irrecoverably screwed 8 ways from Sunday.....

      TV makes some incredibly pertinent comms here with Shawn Ryan after the 2:22:00 mark....not that the entire interview isn't excellent, just that in the last hour shit gets REAL:

  83. I think I've made mention of this here before, but one of the most incredibly amazing things I've learned recently is that one phrase & one phrase alone pops up in the Bible more than any other --
    It does so exactly 365 times -- one for each and every day in the year.

    Something to think about....

  84. STILL making the front page guys:

    As mentioned, what the hell is goin on in Georgia?? Anyone close, please report in.....

  85. This has to be holograms,

    1. OMS!!
      Thanks so much for that -- WHAT is going on? Random rogue "artistes" plying their trade in the middle of nowhere? That nobody sees? This one looks esp pristine.
      Not to get all 2001, but why this specific symbology again and again??
      Smelling a setup or conditioning...but WHY??

    2. My bet is that something very bad will happen in France very soon

    3. Pinning this for future reference.....
      You certainly could be right on the button OMS -- there has certainly been a lot of conjecture of late about Ms.Macron's sexual provenance of...whole situation's a mess. & Macron himself is so "young leader" WEF he squeaks = could be the flashpoint.

    "Tucker Carlson Shares Details on Jack Ruby’s Sudden Death by Cancer After Being Visited By CIA Psychiatrist Joylon West Involved in MKUltra"

    "Edward Snowden just tweeted should never use any of these products, which include ChatGPT.  Snowden also said, ‘You have to understand where this is going.  You have been warned.’..AI will also be used to ignore & break all laws.  After all, it’s robotic & can’t be held accountable..By removing moral obligations & legal & obedient respect for laws, the speed at which you can do evil is extraordinary...This kind of technology allows interdimensional intelligence to act as material reality so that, literally, demonic intelligence can have far more influence & impact in our world.  It operates at such high speed, & then you combine that with the payment systems in the financial system. . . the things that can go wrong are phenomenal.  One of the main problems that we have seen in the past year is artificial intelligence takes off on its own, & it starts functioning in a way it makes no sense. . . . & it’s just lying.  It’s just making stuff up & lying.  It’s literally like it’s under demonic possession.”

    Loathesome .....

    1. Many points BB --
      Tucker sure has been the font of conspira-wisdom these days, hasn't he?? Dropping nice little easter eggs all over...he's growing up in a hurry from his 9/11-Iraq War shill days.(Which he's still apologizing for.)
      Snowden's take on AI seems to mirror Elon's. Kinda makes you wonder what kind of inside-track knowledge they possess, right?? See the latest post coming up & you'll find it's all exactly what Alex Jones was told. (& this form of AI isn't new, it's been here for 20+ years -- influencing things...) Interesting take on the deception angle, isn't it?? Considering we know just who & what specializes specifically in that kind of thing.

      And speaking of, little hobgoblin Fauci IS the worst.
