Friday, February 7, 2025



"In the case of Witchcrafts we know that the Devil is the immediate Agent in the Mischief done, the consent or compact of the Witch is the thing to be demonstrated."  The Wonders Of The Invisible World (1693) Cotton Mather

"Looking back on that time when the sky was darkening, and the storm was blowing up, I'm amazed how slow I was to understand you could sense the was there at the funeral of Danny Glick, hanging in a cloud around the Marsden house, but it was a long time before I could name it...

Was it important to name it?

Yes Father; it was only when we knew what we were up against that we could begin to fight it."  Salem's Lot (1975)

"Communication breakdown, it's always the same

Havin a nervous breakdown, drive me insane...."

"When she is lonely and the longing gets too much, 

She sends a cable comin in from above; don't need no phone at all...

When I get lonely and I'm sure I've had enough

She sends her comfort comin in from above, we don't need no letter at all...

We got a thing that's called radar love

We've got a wave in the air...radar love.

We've got a line in the sky... radar love." 

"Calling occupants and interplanetary, ultra-emissaries

Calling occupants of interplanetary, quite extraordinary craft

With your mind you have the ability to form

And transmit thought energy far beyond the norm..."

"You can find it all inside, no need to wrestle with your pride

No you ain't losin your mind you're just in the garden

They can lead you to yourself, or you can throw it on the shelf

But you know you can look inside for the garden..."

"Come from forever and you will go everywhere.

I turned silences and nights into words. What was unutterable, I wrote down. I made the whirling world stand still.

In the dawn, armed with a burning patience, we shall enter the Splendid Cities..."             Arthur Rimbaud

"Someone's playing, in the garden, 

  so enticing should I take a bite?...

Baby baby what's your claim to fame?

Got me out of bed, heard you call my name 

What's this crazy place you wanna take me to

Tell me what's the price if I go with you

My heart, my soul, my love, is that the goal?

...And I don't know what I'm gonna do without her..."          

"There is no exquisite beauty, without some strangeness in the proportion.

Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.

Even in the grave, all is not lost."  Edgar Allen Poe

"Bring back life form. Priority one. All other priorities rescinded."

"It's the damn Company. What about our lives you son of a bitch."

"I repeat. All other priorities are rescinded."     


Feeling overwhelmed and intimidated tends to come with the territory when you're in the flux of investigating the biggest supernatural detective story ever. But there are degrees within the degrees, and in the midst of mayhem, when everyone stops talking, you know you've hit a critical juncture. Except for those certain few that never stop examining this thing in their hands, turning it over and over, asking relentless questions:

Whitney Webb is one of those people with an electron microscope. She's a dot connector; pattern recognition reflector. But she lets you do, with information provided, your own searching too. And that vitally important piece above also tracks back into another network....Epstein's: 

To reiterate, not everyone associated with Epstein was a pedophile, but their dealings by association plug into and perpetuate that ideology, a terrifying weltanschauung, that gets catapulted down the road into our lives and then baked into our future, harming us on untold psychic levels -- which may have been an intrinsic part of the overall plan all along. Because the road we're on is one where everything -- our very evolution, both individually and as a species -- is being directed:

By billionaires and rogue Silicon Valley misfits that have been taught to worship Lovecraftian entities hellbent on intrusion into this realm by any means possible: injectable bioweapons placing outliers in our systems, entities like CERN breaching the quantum barriers between dimensions, AI tying all of this neatly together into a product, projects like WILLOW and STARGATE which only speed the darkening process. As more and more people notice what's being installed -- things that are mentioned in this space tending to pop up with recurring frequency on other platforms: 

That maze and tapestry of understanding is being built; we're all connected in this detective story that's proving time is not linear, and discoveries from yesterday you can rest assured will pop off again tomorrow, and the day after:



Note in the all-important Maria Zeee Karen Kingston conversation above, how the accent tends to land forever on the OCCULT. This is a vital parameter of the unfolding story that we cannot -- MUST not -- let escape undiscovered. There is the continuing spectre of magnetic disturbances, which continues to occur as a marker across multiple disciplines and overlapping areas of study:

cratering significantly in both the injectable bioweapons and UAP divisions. This is an overlap and spin rate, more than curious, which needs to be continually examined.

Also related possibly, check how microtubules within our brain's neurons relate to the Zero Point Field, and exactly how these same microtubules can be affected by both acquiring covid-19 (and more importantly, which is unspoken) by extrapolation the vaccine itself, which we now know wasn't even designed to prevent c-19, but to transmit it:

There is something MUCH bigger going on here and is seeking to be manipulated -- directed -- by fringe tech gurus here on earth:

Which is then seemingly getting us this:

Which we may soon be seeing artifacts of:

Which might have unintended consequences:

This is where we encounter 2 sets of data: one, the until-now-impossible incidents of government-trained psionics (possibly a subset of what used to be known as remote viewers) with the ability to actually summon non-human intelligences and/or the craft they travel in. This is back to the future: it borders on the old literature of what John Dee and Aleister Crowley were doing and what folks like Jack Parsons at the dawn of the Space Age were engaged in; effectively alchemical in nature:

Then we have the physical effects of what proximity to such intelligences and their energies does to the human body. These effects are documented and repeating.


In the recruiting of Nolan, note the inherent foreknowledge in the presence of both the CIA and the military. Of which there are connections aplenty between consciousness, UAPs, the bio-pharma sector, and the cognition-rate failures of the vaxxed:

Kingston gets this info from the full MODERNA patent here:

Note the wording section 219 page 129, including "self-assembled, fully programmable nanoparticles."

WHO else is interested in these vectors?? Guess who??:

Nanoparticles as adjuvants are dual-purpose and distinctly non-medical. Being more reactive to wireless such as Bluetooth, 5G, wifi, newest AI, etc, gives them the ability to alter thoughts, emotions, memories via optogenetics and other methods. Think Blue Beam, think modulation for incoming, think walk-ins, think remote possession. Think Year Zero. Think the Anomaly stretching down to reach that hex in every household -- that hex in every human blood-brain barrier crossed. We're all in the same boat now thanks to shedding...

Think boxing...

Think that before the knockout blow, there first has to come the bodywork -- the softening up.


And behind that firewall is another wall -- a Hollywood past is prologue dropped in 2012:

But there is so much more taking place beneath the surface -- and it speaks of ancient practices, obscure rites, and always, always, control of the human mind to influence an ongoing narrative and larger Control System. Because if not, explaining away what I'm about to get into becomes impossible...

Let's journey back in time to January 30, 1997, and the advent of the comet Hale-Bopp into our Northern Hemisphere skies; it tripped the pre-millennial zeitgeist into the far red with talk of a "companion" in tow with it, first sighted by astronomer Chuck Shramek in late 1996...The lion's share of what went down in a sequence of posts right here:


But since the narrative of late has shifted heavily into the psionic/remote viewing side of the aisle, let's see what government asset Ed Dames had to say on that January 30th, 1997, with Hale-Bopp bearing down on us bringing heavens knows what:

Go to 1:00:30 in for the pertinent particulars and some very auspicious wording, as it turns out...

At 1:07:46 pay strict attention to the wording of what was identified in the payload of Hale-Bopp: an engineered plant pathogen.

Over the ensuing months and years when this doomsday scenario failed to materialize, Dames caught hell for being a shill, a conman, the ultimate Debbie Downer, and worse. If there had been social media back then, he would have been canceled at, warp speed. Heh heh. 


Except that a mystery plant pathogen has only recently begun showing up in half of the human population:

Note that the health implications for humans "remain unclear." 

What is the timing of this? Is this something that has been in all of us since 1997, waiting to be tripped/activated by a secondary administered agent sometime in the last 4 years?

OR, were samples quarantined and isolated from equatorial Africa in 1997, and subsequently weaponized, ala Andromeda Strain vibes, in gain-of-function bioresearch labs the world over??

These speculations also remain, unclear. What ISN'T unclear is that these reports are now pouring in from multiple sources:

I'm a word guy, so I notice these things, but...

What are the weird odds that this exact same wording would show up on some randomized experimental basis -- inside at least half of all human bodies -- some 27-28 years later?? Is it just me, or who else is not liking the implications of this??    

Especially since it was originally uncovered from the lips of a highly placed government intel asset very well versed in the same psitech that is now heavily implicated in the summoning process vis a vis NHI contact??...talking then about genomic change that we now happen to be living out in the middle of THANKS AGAIN to the very same fringe biopharm mutation tech that may have been dictated to us thanks to that same psionic comms system, some iteration of which initially established contact in the first place?? 

For more on that see Chapter OFTEN EMERGES below...

AI was recently asked a question which strikingly pertains here:

*Thanks JB for AI facilitation*  


The crushing irony of the self-fulfilling (almost said self-assembling) acausal loop, right?? Where the everlasting romance of quantum entanglement gets turned on its head and somehow used against you too. (We need to steal that back.)

Time is a flat circle as both a prediction and a threat, it seems, in this garden waiting for a gardener...

Or as Dames so eerily said, the Gardener harvests souls.

And we've seen that interest spike before, haven't we??:  If #8 is true -- the soul attaches to the body via DNA -- then it has vast implications for the purpose and nature of the vaxx, given what we know now:

As always, humanity's greatest threat is its inability to learn from the past. God and Fate always drop clues, like lifesaving breadcrumbs, everywhere in our path. Yet time and again, these go unnoticed, ignored. And the permaculture cycle of chaos is uninterrupted. Bringing justice to the fore in the 9/11 case could have prevented covid's gain-of-function research and the deployment of a bioweapon on humanity. One is inextricably linked to the next in the chain; the agenda revealing itself with distance and perspective.

See here once again this vital info that keeps getting removed:

Now remember that frequency is a carrier wave for information.
Remember the WEF/WHO Schwab/Harari dream, mentioned on multiple occasions, to make us all hackable animals. Think of Ray Kurzweil harping on the advent of the "Singularity." Think of the now provable claim of the vaxx across every spectrum messing with our cognitive function...of scientists everywhere finding the ability to place and erase memory:

They can now make you remember things you've never done. They can make you forget things you HAVE done. And this is merely sharpening the spear end of something that's been going on a LONG ass time -- see chapter 11 here:

Or listen to what Ana Mihalcea says here:

At the 22:30 mark, Mihalcea chronicles how she analyzed blood from a vaxxed person deceased for 2 YEARS that still showed nanotech self-assembly ongoing. Think for just a second about the implications of such a discovery; the scenarios that could unspool from such a narrative. It will lead you straight, inevitably, into antichristian, totalitarian, One World government territory. 

She mentions a telling quote from Dr. Robert Duncan, who was one of the first to look into this DARPA military construct of literally soul-hacking technology: "You cannot hack an enlightened mind."

This is everything -- it goes right back to the Biblical quote of how you should always guard your thoughts. To this final drop to date (& being final its importance is underscored more with every passing day) from Q on the importance of DNA (& DNA is soul), and how it would prove to be an upcoming target of this technology:   

And yet, we have done this to ourselves. They banked everything on our growing distance from God -- from Spirit. When that covenant is broken, so is our protection from everything that wants IN. Prayer is a technology that works -- but it doesn't work without belief. Which is the inherent problem with the world -- and something else they put all their money on: everything we speak of here, everything woo, everything have to believe it, to see it. Quantum mechanics proves this. 

They started us down this road when they (CIA) coined the term "conspiracy theorist" in the wake of the JFK assassination to keep anyone looking too closely and asking too many impertinent questions marginalized and thought of as a kook. That continued with 9/11. And continues with the vaxx. Monstrosities flourish when questions are not allowed. And after that everything dies; science, journalism, ethics, common sense, cognitive function. 

After all, what is this Bill Gates patent except The Matrix brought home thru advanced nanotech??:

Something to think about before your next mRNA injection. Which just happens to be ANY injection now -- for anything.


Funny that this has next to nothing to do with sports or Spanish culture, but has a whole hell of a LOT to do with what was coming two decades down the line:


The dichotomy right now of 2 competing narratives:

Of course the Patron Mistress of Nuance doesn't quite see it that way, or buy the "defund the CIA" official party line:

So we're either getting the biggest dismantling of the Deep State since shutting down the BCCI, or we're all being played while rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic....your guess is as good as mine and only time will tell; unfortunately, that's time we don't have on the Doomsday clock tick tock. Perhaps we will only have the answer when the people profiled here begin going to jail, or worse:

Why would I say that?? Because other forces are in the midst of revealing themselves, lines of succession, and final revelation of the method -- brace for impact -- here comes my identifying preferred pronouns: the I Told You So part....



First this:

Note in the above the prominent role of microtubules mentioned regarding the sensitivity to the quantum field. Microtubules that can be gotten control of by both covid and the vaxx:

Working backwards and with deductive reasoning this could potentially mean that those in charge of vaxx deployment were, and are, looking to manipulate and engineer consciousness, up to and including the possible augmentation and manipulation of psionic capacity and powers...

And yes, the vaxx specifically scrutinized and reverse-engineered this aspect:


Because Barber just recently unveiled another telling link to this hijacked psionic control system, and it points directly towards trauma and ritual abuse:

Do I have to mention again that we can trace the seeds of ALL of this back to the Clinton-Podesta emails, and pizzagate, and worldwide rings of elites abusing children?? And those associations with the very first entreaties into all this; the To The Stars academy, with Tom DeLonge, Peter Levenda, Hal Puthoff**, the intense interest and proximity of John Podesta, ensnared in the very same pizzagate investigations that got shuttered and shut down in the exact same way the covid vaxx questions did, by persons of interest in Big Tech circles??

**the same Puthoff that has suddenly reemerged with a vengeance of late, along with his spook brethren Jim Semivan and Christopher Mellon; hmmm: 

The same To The Stars that featured many appearances by Lue Elizondo joining them at every press junket and hastily arranged whistlestop on the post-2017 Disclosure Tour. 

And just in case you think there aren't earthly networks of power that lean with full weight on the occult parameters involved:

To keep it all in the fam, a reminder that the Clinton Foundation & Global Initiative got its seed money as a startup from none other than -- DUN DUN Law and Order sound effect -- Jeffrey Epstein:

When you're out of the blue -- and into the black:   

Now we have another senior military insider REMOTE VIEWER and person of interest (Barber) claiming that the way to hone and nurture psychic gifts is thru childhood trauma -- the same kind of trauma that just so happens to be instilled best by long-term ritualistic sexual abuse; with decided occult undertones. And we haven't yet mentioned the extensive Epstein network role in all this -- a network that researched and engineered every aspect of the nanotech portions and implications of the vaxx pre-deployment. At MIT, at Harvard, with George Church, with Charles Lieber, with sinister hosts of others. 

We have often wondered and speculated about why -- perhaps now we are a bit closer to that understanding.

What intersection are we meeting at again? That's riiiight....the one that has flying saucers going one way, and worldwide pedophile rings the other. What ARE the chances?? 

Does anyone else see an agenda -- a LARGE agenda -- getting catapulted here at the nexus of this increasingly crowded crossroads??


"Utilizing consciousness to obtain information:" Diana Pasulka 

People from all over the spectrum are pouring in to social media and every platform clamoring to know more about this -- these angles -- these perspectives. The highly enigmatic Diana Pasulka just appeared today (2/5) on Shawn Ryan's podcast (who most informed now think is shilling for the MIC Deep State programming viewpoint, but I maybe digress): 

Ryan logs on in the beginning of the comms below the vid himself and asks what he should pursue next along this line of questioning, and one of the first hearty replies seconded (and lots more) is: religion/ NDEs/ UFOs/ remote viewing, and how they all tie together.

Give that man a kewpie doll, he just won the target shooting event; dead center.


Pay very strict attention to what is said in the 1:40:00 section of the above conversation, and remember that this viewpoint from Ryan is coming from a deep insider perspective: "I don't believe that anymore...I think that you can believe or manifest, or whatever you want to call it...realities into existence. We know very little about consciousness and I think that we may have the abilities to create our own realities..."

Whereupon Pasulka dives immediately into brain-machine interface experiments and research specifically at the University of Washington.

And guess who else we find front and center delving into such fringe research and transhuman, biotech, cyborg, super soldier, consciousness  experimentation??: 

That, in a major way, ought not to make you sleep any better at night. Especially when considering his quite enormous desperate emotional investment in everything soft robotic nanotech and fiercely mandated global injectables since 2020. The Center at the University of Washington opened, not surprisingly, in January 2019. But Gates, not unironically much like good pal Epstein, was looking into these areas of extreme fringe science, and how to deploy them onto the largest human canvas possible, long before that: 


Also necessary to be taken into account is something we've already addressed: the vaxx's noted side-effect of messing with people's cognition, memory storage and formation, and neurological processes. Is this a consequence unintended, or very much intended?? We should all, at this juncture, have our suspicions

...especially when a known and pursued objective within Pfizer and Moderna documents and internals stated increasing refinement of hydrogels and LNPs (lipid nano particles) enabling the crossing of the blood-brain barrier with ever-increasing ease and alacrity, with marked ability to deliver payloads of choice.

That's a choice none of us was ever informed of. 


And once again (dead horse time) this entire subset of influence and disciplines overlap directly onto the UAP/UFO subset of phenomena, matching it outline for outline like a tracing. Every passing week only underscores those matching levels of confluence even more. More fascinating spiritually within this lies the notion that all of our fates are predetermined:

Only underling the fact that all of us were only born (this time; again) to align at this exact moment on the timeline for a reason which verges on, and possibly even surpasses, quantum entanglement itself

Which in turns only emphasizes the cosmic importance of this burgeoning Spiritual War, and the fated necessitation of us being placed, inevitably, right here, right now by a Greater and Superior Power; a Spiritual Omniscience that has a Plan. Right now I'd say we're here to blow up the Directed Evolution. 


Also extremely important is the historical event that could track back to the origin node of a great deal of all this, i.e., the formation of MKOFTEN by Sidney Gottlieb that looked to weaponize the supernatural in making contact with off-world, demonic forces, up to and including things like consciousness transfer and what would become Stargate, which is now forming such a reference point over the last weeks and months again, and which we examined last time out re the radical new mRNA/AI vaxx plan just launched by Trump -- 

see mark 57:41 here:    


And finally, speaking of those at the crossroads, and isn't that all of us now; a disturbance in the force... 

It seems Deputy Commander Charles Halt after many years being one of the ground zero Rendlesham Forest UFO incident(s) participants back in December 1980, has decided to come clean with even further, never-before-shared knowledge. Something that's been bothering him for a long time:

You need to listen to the above carefully. Not to mention pray for the physical safety of Charles Halt in the days and nights going forward. You will also notice that the name Hal Puthoff once again emerges prominently in these proceedings...

Note that at the 10:34 mark of the above Prof Simon vid, he reiterates that Halt noted the marked history of WITCHCRAFT in Suffolk as a birthplace and at 9:54 the mention of the proximity of Martlesham Labs on the proceedings --and as we have noted previously, Martlesham is famous for something else mid-1990s in the pages of NEXUS and PARANOIA:

Witchcraft, you see, comes in varied forms, and is still "catching" on today --heh heh:

While we're at it in the crossover, let's not pretend the Mother Country isn't steeped in such, as well as the dark practices they derive power from, ranging far beyond psionics as an endgame:

Now ask yourself why, some 14 years after his death, the above doc still remains one of the most shadowbanned things on the internet.... 

This further ties together the heretofore adjacent worlds of the occult, psionics and remote viewing, and UAPs into even closer proximity and a clearer, dangerous, focus. In a nutshell, it comes closer to proving my overall hypothesis for many years...that what went down at Rendlesham was an officially sanctioned but Black Conjuring Operation/Working. 

Summoning, thru mental and material means, something onto this plane of existence. A non-human intelligence. My most basic thoughts on this are here:

And a bit here:

And fully here: 

Something vital went down over Christmastime 1980 in the deep English woods, and the tales of Jake Barber, in full here:

and that I initially scoffed away as disinformation or a muddying effect at best... 

may in fact only be the latest salvo in a tale unfolding over decades only now becoming fully visible, linking knowledge that has been passed down to us thru ancient means currently playing out in the world across multiple venues. 

Stories of the Hitchhiker effect, of possession, of close encounters, of abductions, of dream states, of supposed fiction like Stranger Things, of government experiments in "breaking on thru to the other side," of drug therapies, rogue ops like Manson, like Jonestown, like OKC, like MKUltra, like why Michael Aquino's Temple of Set was so inculcated in the highest ranks of the military and was afforded protection, like Atomic Bombs and their provenance, like "Charlie's" tales of governmental Enochian technology and knowledge, like the vaccine side effects and fallout..... they may, in fact, all be the SAME story, merely told reflected in the conjurer's obsidian scrying glass.

More and more confirms are appearing that lend credence to this daily; see the knowledge of Diana Pasulka above, and also from another trained remote viewer here:

Remember that none other than Tony Merkel here, disclosed and unveiled what may be a veritable secret network of these "contacts" deeply plugged into these other realms and beings (think Tolkien, CS Lewis, Stephen King as explained on a psychic level in their work), but others thru generational and bloodline ties plugged into this same occult grid: 

This very much includes preeminent gods and notables within the upside down such as Baal choosing earthly representatives in secret societies, in secret orders, in governments. 

You can assume that within such relationships agreements are struck and orders are given. The carrying out of which is passed down to us. From there I am quite sure that you can extrapolate that the sky is the limit, and readily explains things like mass mind control, and Mass Formation Psychosis:

But how is this realistically, physically, possible?? Back to AATIP's eerie Slide 9, my friends:

**Cognitive Human Interface**

**Penetration of solid surfaces**

**Alteration/manipulation of biological organisms**

With the above the ability to penetrate US facilities, and influence decision makers.

I'll leave that last line ringing in your ears while informing you that in addition to ramping up, as noted in this space before, the AI-Stargate-mRNA vaxx initiative with Oracle's Larry Ellison, Trump today just removed any guardrails, speedbumps or hobbles from AI in any form going forward. Proof in the wording:

The great news is that you're not gonna have to wait to see that totally rad combo platter mashup remake of The Terminator with Cabin In The Woods with Eyes Wide Shut with The VVitch...

you're starring in it. 

Right now.

How's it gonna end? 

Perhaps someplace where the past is forever prologue, and the language of geopolitics is Enochian:





















  1. Up already!

  2. JUST discovered this piece of legendary molten lava and desperately looking for a place to put it.....
    In all fairness, he did try and warn us:

    His 2 Tin Machine offerings (89/91) -- that absolutely NO ONE "got" at the time, need to be classified as so far ahead of themselves it's almost not possible.....

    "The zombies that I pass
    The guy that beats his baby up
    The preachers and their past...
    Baby doll baby doll
    Clarity and power
    There's more than money moving here
    There's mindless maggot glare
    Working horrors-humping Tories
    Spittle on their chins
    Carving up my children's future
    Read 'em pal and grin...
    Raging raging raging
    Burning in my room
    C'mon and get a good idea
    C'mon and get it soon
    I'm waiting on the fire escape
    I'm not exactly well
    I'm neither red nor black nor white
    I'm grey and blown to hell..........

    Skin dance back-a-the condo
    Skin heads getting to school
    Beating on blacks with a baseball bat
    Racism back in rule
    White trash picking up Nazi flags
    While you was gone, there was war
    This is the west, get used to it
    They put a Swastika over the door
    Under the God, under the God
    One step over the red line
    Under the God, under the God
    Ten steps into the crazy, crazy
    Washington heads in the toilet bowl
    Don't see supremacist hate
    Right wing dicks in their boiler suits
    Picking out who to annihilate (nihilate night train)
    Toxic jungle of Uzi trails
    Tribesmen just wouldn't live here
    Fascist flare is fashion cool
    Well, you're dead, you just ain't buried yet
    Under the God, under the God
    Under the God, under the God
    As the walls came tumbling down
    So, the secrets that we shared
    I believed you by the palace gates
    Now the savage days are here
    Under the God
    Under the God, under the God
    One step over the red line
    Under the God, under the God
    One steps into the crazy, crazy
    Crazy eyed man with a shot gun
    Hot headed creep with a knife
    Love and peace and harmony
    Love you could cut with a knife..."

  3. On top of the RNA ops being foisted on humans, the effects of cell phones on children are becoming clear & alarming:

    "Scientists concluded the younger a person starts using a phone, the more likely they would be crippled by a whole host of psychological ills...The teens surveyed for "The Youth Mind: Rising Aggression & Anger" were significantly worse off than older Gen Zers in Sapien Labs' database & the youngest ages were more likely to suffer aggression, anger & hallucinations compared to their older counterparts. "The majority of teens polled said they had feelings of hopelessness, guilt, anxiety, & unwanted strange thoughts. More than 40% reported a sense of detachment from reality, mood swings, withdrawal, & traumatic flashbacks. The researchers also warned phones are making kids withdraw from society."

    1. Not only that -- & Ginger & I were just talking about this the other day -- the PHYSICAL effects are becoming alarming of constantly staring into a downward "tuck" pose whether sitting or standing. The bio effects on musculature, skeletal, and connective tissue processes are accumulating at a rapid rate -- EVERYBODY, no matter the age, is hunched now, with a permanent curvature = no longer able to stand fully straight.
      It's a LEARNED trait that's got nothing to do with core strength or how many situps you can do LOL.

      An alarming de-evolution that shows no signs of getting any better, between sedentary lifestyle + both phones and computers. We're gonna all need chiropractors & medieval "stretching" torture devices soon.
      As a matter of fact, the latter actually sounds pretty GREAT. We're all compressed.

  4. UPDATING>>>>>>>

    ALL THIS just coming in,& didn't fit overall with tenor of the post, but this needs looking into = SEVERELY:

    That all pretty much tears it = an assassination verified plus THREE more incidents just in the last 24 hours.

    Is it WAR yet??

  5. And just who exactly was THIS just after??

    These antennas turn anything into a radio station

    1. "The technology could even extend to clothes. Iyer, Wang and their team stitched conductive thread into a cotton t-shirt. That thread conducts electricity. It turned the shirt into an antenna. It let the shirt talk to the wearer’s smartphone. If a sensor in the shirt tracked a person’s heart rate during exercise, for instance, the antenna could transmit those data to the wearer’s phone."

      it could extend to US.....
      Just imagine what 5G can do to graphene, self-assembling nanotech, or whatevs payloads are in those hydrogels and lipid nano particles....
      Or turning your heart, brain or neurologicals OFF by modulating frequency & flipping a switch....
      Or putting thoughts not yours in your head....
      Or invading your dreams....
      Or make those hydras Carrie Madej initially found a living network communicating with each other.....

      But to do what??
      DARPA was studying hydra vulgaris (& its immortality gene) for years, remember??

  7. The COVID Dossier: "thank" the military: evidence here compiled by Lerman & Latypova..
    "COVID was not a public health event, although it was presented as such to the world’s population. It was a global operation, coordinated through public-private intelligence & military alliances & invoking laws designed for CBRN (chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear) weapons attacks...for the US, UK, Australia, Canada, the Netherlands, Germany, & Italy....not only were military & intelligence agencies in charge of COVID in all of these countries, but the response to what was represented as a public health crisis was coordinated through military alliances, including NATO."

      The farther down this road we go the more we learn that this was a hand-in-glove operation multiples signed off on: the military, Pharma usual suspects like Pfizer/ Moderna, official health organizations like the WHO, NIH, FDA, etc, world governances like the WEF, pretty much every world GOVERNMENT -- and on and on cascading and colluding like there was, well, no tomorrow, pardon the pun.
      Absolutely CRAZY when you think that they ALSO had to get US to go along with it -- nothing meant anything without US.
      & didn't we step right into it like clockwork.
      I'm sure even they were amazed at the total lack of any kind of self-governing, authoritative, "go fuck yourself" pushback.

      Funny that I was JUST listening to this for the first time in quite awhile and marveling at just how much the aftermath of the control grid established post-9/11 looks identical to the agenda rolled out and enacted during covid.
      The playbook is identical in scare tactics = all you have to do is switch out terrorists for a virus:

      We are SUCH goddamn suckers. And afterwards....totally unwilling to either address or remove the obvious problem children.
      If we had done our due diligence after 9/11, there never would have even BEEN a covid.
      Those responsible (for BOTH) would have all been in jail for life for treason.

  8. Apropos of nothing & everything, been goin back over LOST a bit lately -- and while it didn't hold its continuity forever (like most of the best things in life btw), while it did, it was.....breathtaking.
    Absolutely legendary:

  9. Enough of these guessing games and veiled intentions... it's past time for Trump to very clearly state what he's up to and going to do.....give it to Israel or return it to Palestine forever??
    We're not mindreaders dude:

    Take/make a STAND. You've got nothing left to run for. Stop with the duplicity -- how are we supposed to follow you if we don't know where you're goin??

  10. One huge thing you CANNOT fault him on:

    The entire Biden Admin and the whole of FEMA -- every single person -- deserves jail time over this and this alone.

  11. And just WHAT does this tell you??:

  12. One final thing -- and it's the BIGGEST THING OF ALL -- that needs to be addressed:

    It remains to be seen who's gonna have the balls to do it.
    Because it's the elephant. We KNOW.

  13. I can promise and assure you this will remain the No.1 issue for me as long as I remain on this earth.
    Maybe longer.


    Well drivin down Kingsley figurin I'll get a drink
    Turn the radio way up loud so I don't have to think
    I swing open the door and you hop in by my side
    I take her to the floor lookin for a moment that seems right
    And somethin keeps pushin inside
    Pushin to prove it all night....

    Well baby wants a cadillac baby wants a dress of blue
    And honey if I can I'd get these things for you
    Girl I got a hunger, a hunger I can't resist
    There's so much that I want right now I want a kiss
    To seal
    our fate

    1. Nice lyrics but too coherent for these times, Jersey boy. Take it from NYC...
      Clock strikes 12 and moon drops burst
      Out at you from their hiding place
      Like acid and oil on a madman's face
      His reason tends to fly away

      My take strictly on recent US politics re: Elon and the Autistics, with Bill Graham I mean DJT as promotor, is this is one hell of a band. I mean, really troops, have we already forgotten the alternative for fucks sake? Me, myself, I will continue to read Whitney Webb for example but I refuse to become that black-pilled and I think it does affect her critical thinking at times. I read everything with a large grain of salt anyway, I do feel my superpower is bull shit detection, heck, I figured out the vaxx in 5 minutes. Uh, wait, it's NOT an attenuated virus, it's mnra, WTF??
      Really, how hard was that anyhow?
      Israel/ME has been an intractable issue since forced inception in '48 and is as complex as any global issue out there so maybe just maybe we might want to see it play out. DJT is flipping game boards everywhere and we do see MUCH MUCH good occuring maybe lets see it play out with a guarded eye.

    2. HAHA PAT!!
      I brutally, BRUTALLY miss the quasi-psychedelic young Springsteen:

      "The night was dark
      The moon was yellow,
      and the leaves came tumbling down..."

      And romance was in the air in the 70s, I can tell you that......

  15. Whither romance??
    There was a brief stunning period in the late 90s-
    thru about 2004/5 when it made a critical re-emergence, but it's been flying waaaaaay under the radar since. Since covid and vaxxxy effects it's been on literal life support.
    Something REALLY got subtracted in the first quarter of 2020.....something vital.

  16. I clearly remember a black lady doctor on TV back in 2020, saying that Ivermectin was the cure for Covid-19, but then people found out she had also claimed that both alien DNA and *demon semen* were studied in various private laboratories around the world...

    1. OH YEAH, that was Stella Emmanuel, one of America's Frontline Doctors:

      They brought attention to themselves when appearing on the steps of Congress for an anti-vaxx pro-hydroxyq/ivermectin speech early on....

      Simone Gold was another:

      So absolutely hilarious to see pieces like that now from mainstream (BBC/CNN) knowing their were all bought off hugely to produce lying hit pieces with major USAID money!!
      TOTAL propaganda at the zenith = stuff we used to excoriate the Soviet Union for!! LOL.

      Trump even endorsed Emmanuel early on saying she was right on about hydroxyq and ivermectin.

      Dr Ariyana Love is another that dug & found an ALIEN connection:
      "Sinister shadow governments have been weaponizing nature, producing diseases through vaxxine injection and genetically manipulating Humans for at least the past 100 years. But where did they get this technology to do it?

      The U.S. National Library of Medicine revealed something rather interesting. The USSR’s ‘invisible anthrax’ is a Gain-of-Function bioweapon created by introducing an “alien gene“ into Bacillus anthracis (bacteria). That’s how they made Anthrax. They used an alien gene and genetically altered bacterial immunological properties to produce a deadly pathogen to Humans. Where did they get an alien gene from? A UFO crash perhaps? Negotiations with other beings? Your guess is as good as mine."
      From here:

      Source doc:

      AMAZING what you'll find -- and where you'll go --when you read the fine print....

  17. Have you guys come across this new gizmo called "quantum resonance magnetic bio health analyzer"? It's a tablet-sized or even a phone-sized gadget where you hold an electrode-type bar in the palm of your hand for 60 seconds and it spits out reams of info. A friend just used it to measure my vitals the other day and gushed about how it's more accurate than any blood test etc. It retails for about 200 bucks, so I expect it will sweep the world before we know it.

    I've long made my peace with the idea that the data output will have been promptly added to some database for collating and mining etc. But the word "quantum"... By using this gadget, are we helping "someone" calibrate precisely the right frequency / electric shock that will obliterate us in a millisecond?

    Just wondering.

    1. LOL I've learned to view anything with the QUANTUM precursor with extreme trepidation bordering on outright dread.
      It's now a catchall that's everywhere as they seek normalization for it.
      At best it couples with AI; ay worst we're dealing -- according to some very learned insiders -- with fallen angel tech.
      In ALL instances it doesn't spring from us = this, per some agreement or contract, has been GIVEN to us. I'll bet the farm on that one.

      Once again, we are being herded. And the directional forecast calls for pain.
      And once again, we're gonna be sacrificed on an altar of convenience.

    2. "Once again, we are being herded" Well I for one will never again spend my empathy on these normies who refuse to take their heads out of their posterior sphincter. Maybe at some point the inflicted pain will be of sufficient intensity that the 'ol bean might just pop out, one can hope.
      Sometimes I find being black-pilling myself, despairing the IQ of the average schmuck. Blogs like this should have millions of followers by now, folks should be up in arms but no, still dumb as fuck.
      I think I'll go cry now :)

    3. THANKS PAT!!
      Have heard thru the grapevine and from well=placed sources that would tend to know that blogs like this, while limited, reach the eyes and ears of various "inside" folk that run with the info & are trying to insert "viruses" in the system internally to break 'welcome to the machine' things down and get things done that need to be......
      So, I still have hope. And not the "hopium" kind that tends to wither away like mists in the dawn...but a sense that something IS really being affected and is ongoing.

      Heck, somebody here, I forget who now, but a reader, is best pals with Dr Mary Talley Bowden, so I KNOW ideas get exchanged:

      Like my old Pappy used to say..."We don't give up."
      Family motto turned more useful than could have ever predicted, right?? LOL.

  18. More with Mary:

    If any info that I collate and put out can colour any one of these conversations, I am humbled...

  19. To all those folks like Whitney, Jack Kruse, Mary Bowden, etc etc getting crucified for not being 1000% all rah rah for the glorious MAGA MAHA train -- well, I'm not saying this is total blackpill 'I told you so' vindication....

    But things are NOT trending, symbolically, in a good direction:

  20. "The Juwes are the men that will not be blamed for nothing."

    The Past is Prologue.

  21. Welcome to the new Whitechapel.

    From Hell.

  22. Jason at Archaix does a breakdown of Revelation and Apollyon.

  23. This video captures Trump as Apollo, who was god of medicine as well as plagues.


    Are you ready for it??

  25. And/or......
    What happens when the Truth about JFK, Epstein, 9/11. covid and EVERYTHING that's wrapped up with it all come out in a matter of days??

  26. We need to be EXTREMELY careful now.
    We are all creating a power vacuum.
    YES, we are dismantling evil programs and paradigms that have held sway for far too long.....
    But in that wake is a void that something has to be CREATED to step into -- because they will NEVER allow we, the people, to enter that sacred inner sanctum...

    In all our wishing of revolution, it seems we have at least partially gotten our wish....but we should be on guard as to what we wish for.

    There are signs, ominous signs, carrying words amped up with Artificial Intelligence, and Stargate, and mRNA, and neuralink, that should give us MAJOR pause.
    This is all happening with incredible alacrity.
    There might come a time when our ideals outpace functional reality & a danger zone is created when suddenly it's just yes yes yes to everything without thinking.

    YES they're riding herd, but who watches the watchers??
    YES they're putting out the biggest fire in history, but who's keeping tabs carefully on what the firemen are doing back at the firehouse??

    1. Who watches the watchers? Same watchers that helped him get elected, the new media of Rogan and thousands of other podcasters. I don't think there is a cult of personality thing solely with DJT, I still believe he got most of his votes from people like me who care only about the issues, the campaign promises, and then does he follow thru? Everything else is just noise.
      If this is all a psyop, well then we are indeed truly fucked, the same we would be truly fucked if a large asteroid hit was imminent- not fuck all we could do about it.
      But it's not a psyop, and now Congress is on board. Good read...

  27. Pay SPECIFIC ATTENTION to this drop again from Maria talking with Dr Bowden and the situation, now rapidly forming, that they get into at the tail end of the conversation (last 10min) --

    namely that NO ONE is willing to play russian roulette with any form of mRNA injection at this point...
    Mary Talley says that maybe if you had terminal cancer you'd take that risk, whereupon Maria remarks that this seems to be the plan: the powers-that-be KNEW that the initial covid jabs would cause a spike in turbo cancers of all forms, creating a database of desperate people willing to play the next proving ground.

    i.e., they are going to get that mRNA in you come hell or high water, and this is all a long-range plan to get to the next stage with a tech that as Bowden says, has been branded "dangerous and a failure."

    As ingenious as it is insidious.
    It will work for a FEW -- just as the dire covid jab consequences didn't affect everyone --
    Whereby there will then be a RUSH for EVERYONE TO GET IT on the back of a certain relentless media assault that WE'VE CURED CANCER!!
    (A cancer that only manifested because we gave it to you...)

    And the game keeps getting played.....where the House always wins.

  28. Before I turn in for the night
    -- this is beautiful:

    Thanks Carrie!!

    (+ Brian Wilson keeps on being right!!)


    LOL. Psychopath Wizards.

  30. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Not posting that while I check it out as it seems totally prejudicial --not to mention more than a bit unhinged -- against CM.
      Doubting a plane crash that's there in the record + ZERO motive established?? COULD be something to to it -- could also be a mentally unstable person's delusions.
      Leaning heavily into the latter my nose tells me...

      There are SO many different ways to assassinate someone.
      This is just another one.

  31. And speaking of quantum - within minutes of our exchange, Wordman, here's what I bumped into:

    I never thought I'd say this, but: Coming on the heels of ChatGPT and now this wave of "quantum" gadgets, how long before phones come with actual "magical" / occultic features like gazing into the future or letting people teleport and time-travel?... I assume the born-digital generation, raised on vampire stories, will take to it like ducks to water.

    1. So true TRAINS!!
      And esp when you look at it this way:
      What ARE our phones after all except updated black scrying glasses -- EXACTLY the same as John Dee stared into while performing his Enochian summoning rituals back in the court of Queen Elizabeth I.

      BLACK MIRROR indeed.

      All why I call pretty much everything you see today merely Updated Alchemy in a land where Signs and Symbols rule not only the world, but our collective subconscious as well.

      Who knows the provenance of why they were ever really given to us in this form in the first place (altho the bite out of the apple on the backs of every one is a big clue)....or what they were intended to summon this time around??;
      .....because nothing REALLY ever changes, does it??

    2. Spot on, Wordman! Yeah, phones have been about "connecting people" to the same extent that Facebook is about "keeping in touch with friends and family"...

      In fact - even technology aside, just carrying a physical object with you all day long, waking up with it and falling asleep next to it... I'm pretty sure that most religions worth their salt would consider this as "worship."

  32. Here's a podcast that let's you in on the fact that COLUMBINE is still deeper, darker, and more convoluted than anyone can possibly imagine:

    Sandy Hook still gets more street cred in conspiranoia land, but Columbine is the BIG granddaddy of WEIRD and always will be.
    Whatever went on there, and after all these yrs we still don't know --

    (state and fed authorities have sealed all the records until 2027and expect those to then be delayed in perpetuity):

    -- is the most occultic, ritualistic, high-level darkness imaginable.

    The fact is that that area of CO = Littleton, Denver, Boulder, etc, is deeply DEEPLY tied in to the most military intel-defense contractor- generational pedo ring-child porn spookiness you could ever think of -- and that includes specific law offices, churches, and police forces welded at the hip to the Ramsey case, Epstein, 9/11, drugs, and human and child trafficking networks....

    Death of anyone getting too close is a constant. And the REAL perps leading to both Ramsey and Columbine, extremely intertwined, will never never NEVER be brought to justice.

  33. LOTS of those motions entered to seal all pertinent documents stem from both Wayne Harris, (the father), and SOLVAY pharmaceuticals.....

    and both over the DIGITIZING of the Basement videotapes of Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold made prior to the event.

    Think military complicity, mind control thru pharmaceuticals, and experimentation via MKUltra-type projects at Plattsburg AFB where Wayne Harris was stationed (even aft it was supposed closed down...)

    See here for the OG reporting:

  34. my exact short post @RMN this am....
    Trying to defend our so called Public Education System is sad. It's like they have been living under a rock for the last 3 decades. This asshole Murphy needs to be thrown off the bus. Everyone is going to have to make a choice, because it appears the multi polar nwo that they had been planning to screw Americans over IS DEAD IN THE WATER, and if any of you can not get on board with What is best for us as nation, go take a long vacation elsewhere, you will not be missed. Most of you do not even have the ability to see a perp walk when it is put on display for the world to see. Did you see the look on the scumbags face when Trump told the world his plan for dealing with that loser Bibi right to his face. It is going to be fun to watch all the haters heads exploding on how Israel is going to handled by Trump. If you can not wrap your head around the idea that certain nation governments have been practicing the New Age Religion of POLITICS, for over 4 decades now, you can't connect the dots of what is happening in the Middle East. F*$K ROTHSCHILDS and their bastard creation, their blackmailing of the planet is DONE.


    the one thing I will add here is that Israel got beat at their own game.

  35. OK -- trying to make heads or tails out of all this:

    There are as many levels to this as Russian nesting dolls on steroids....
    & no one but no one can crystal ball what in hell Trump has planned for all this right now-- I doubt if HE even grasps the full 5D chess ramifications of where all this could be could blow up in a thousand diff directions.

    The ONLY thing I know for sure is that none of this is what the American people voted for.
    Pretty much everybody I know thought we were voting for the GET OUT card = get out of ALL foreign entanglements and policing and take care of our own country first. AMERICA first. Period.
    Get out of Ukraine.
    Get out of Israel.
    Get out of Gaza.
    Just GET OUT.

    And that's not what's happening.
    But then again, we didn't vote for AI Stargate mRNA vaxxes to get the bum's rush production either.

    Sooooo, there ya go.....

    I desperately pray Israel gets the bully's comeuppance for all the world to see &that Netan-yahoo FINALLY gets exposed for being the blatant war criminal he was, is, and always will be....seeing him sitting there with that smug smirk on his face next to Trump makes me want to kill.....
    but Trump has....entanglements, let's just say. See the Adelsons, see Kushner, etc etc. Plus the dude's mentor was none other than Roy freakin Cohn let's never forget.
    So right now I'm in Missouri = ya gotta show me.

  36. Maybe == speaking 5D chess == the BEST thing that could happen is for Luna and Patel and their "oversight" committee to get around to releasing ALL the 9/11 secret redacted info in line with JFK, UAPs, Epstein, covid, et al.
    Let the WORLD see the overarching role the MOSSAD played in that day. In the the the coverup.

    THEN the blowback would be so incredibly supreme that Israel might have a tough time drawing breath for even 24 more hours.

    But like everything else...I'll believe it when I see it.

  37. Just listening to that REDACTED, & Clayton is exactly on the nose.
    We're taxed to blow things up, then we're taxed again to rebuild what we've just blown up.
    Americans are sick of this.

    Not to mention just when we finally seem to be getting rid of the woke, perverted, genocidal, globalist idiots...NOW we've gotta deal with the NEOCONS all over again??
    WHAT is this??

    The shell game continues....

  38. You think this all can be done in 25 Days? I appreciate your insight and work on all things woo. What if I tell you that the truth of what has been going on has been reported on truthfully for the last 4 plus years, and why we had to put up with what we did. Those who tried to tell us about COG have been telling the truth all along. I am here to tell you all, that IT is still in place, and I suspect that it will be in place at least for a couple more months. We can't have mass chaos no matter how much a certain part of the population desires that. I have nothing to hide so I could care less about what what Elon and Doge look into. Those Attorney Generals from all the blue states do not speak for me with their desperate lawsuit. I mean who has to make ANYTHING up when we have stuff like this, their own words SHUT UP every left loving asshole in the country, priceless

  39. One other small observation, Americans might be sick of Politics and I do not blame them as I have never cared for their religion they introduced here in 1980. It is a loser like their last new religion before this latest one called Science. You show me another administration in your lifetime that has done more in the first 25 days then this one. Watch New York and New England are going to see their energy bills slashed by 50-60 percent, if those states particularly New York do the right thing by their people. I never voted for a politician, but I have voted for a businessman, a very intelligent one. As far as "entanglements" go, we all have those, I have a connection to the posers in Rome but no one gets out of here totally clean, besides you either Know God is with You, or you continue to live in doubt. Many will claim a belief, others live planting seeds of doubt, because of so called reason and science. l would much rather reflect on the Spiritual because that is who we are, the months leading up to Nov 5, and up until Jan 20 were some of the most stressful months I have experienced Spiritually, because both sides were screaming trying to tell me what was and what was gonna be. Not sure which post it was, but I seem to recall I said we going to get either 4 more years of what we had just been through, or a return of DJT Syndrome. We have 2 papers on my clipboard that We have been writing when led, one dealing with " money" and the direction we should take it, and the other is on the transexual nonsense, nothing but Truth and Common Sense. Here is some Truth that many are not aware of.
    1) You chose Your Timeline as I did, I only know for sure Why I CHOSE my time of Birth
    2) YOU chose Your Parents, again I only know why I chose my Parents, given some of the horror I have read about it is apparent that some chose their parents for not the same reason I did.
    3) You chose to be born either a Male or a Female'

    The coming paper will clarify and explain why these folks are so messed up in the head.

    1. Very clear and pertinent points on all counts OMS!!
      And you are SO right -- so far this Admin has slashed and burned more perverse accounts and programs that any in my lifetime.
      How can anyone argue against this all being for the ultimate GOOD?? They can't. And don't get me wrong-- I don't think Trump has a sliver of malice in his probs, just as with last time, come with his alliances and the people he chooses both to delegate and surround himself with. Susie Wiles is case in point. I put her right now in the Bill Barr category of trust. I think she's where she is to try and hobble everything RFK might set out to accomplish -- I truly hope I'm proven wrong.

      The feedback right now is just weird. Just today Trump signed an EO that says no more funding for ANY school that keeps or institutes vaxx mandates of any kind for attendance or admission. That ONE order effectively cripples Big Pharma. That's a $$ drain that's never coming back:

      And yet he's plowing ahead with AI Stargate mRNA cancer vaxxes. Which, even if not mandatory (& according to his criteria never will be) still opens the floodgates for yet more experimental programs with US as the experimentees. And I know he's doing it for economic purposes to put us at the forefront instead of China in particular, & I know the AI toothpaste is never going back in the tube at this point, but it would help to know he'd be putting up roadblocks instead of on-ramps, LOL.

      Of all his appointees, I see Patel, Gabbard, and RFK having the most potential to mortally wound the Deep State into a coma that's not recoverable in yours or my lifetimes. And I think we could be well on our way to that....

      But my prob is I give a listen to the Whit Webbs and the Amazing Pollys -- those blackpill Dollys of the world LOL -- and I can readily envision a parallel port system being constructed:

      Polly, in what hopefully is a misstep but could prove to be a brill insight in the weeks and months to come, likens it to another "Counterculture revolution" along the likes of the "hippy" one in the 60s-early 70s when something that looked grassroots organic was actually a product of the military-intelligence grid.
      (See Dave McGowan's Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon...)
      We've moved from Laurel Canyon to Silicon Valley, but the agenda and process is the same....

      I know the keep-your-enemies-closer gambit, but I STILL wanna know why Trump met with Gates for 3 hrs at Mar-a-lago a few weeks ago...if it was anything other than to discuss the layout of his jail cell I'm gonna be sorely disappointed...

      And yeah, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, right?
      At that age, you're a repeater:

      Which might turn out to be the biggest danger signal of all.
      Time will tell.

      PS -- I LOVE your take that we've all CHOSEN to be here now.
      In pretty much ALL respects I think it 99% doesn't matter what happens at the top; the momentum and the reins belong to WE THE PEOPLE now. (And I'm not sure even those at the top realize that yet...)
      I think THAT'S the real Revolution.

      MORE on all this soon -- stay tuned Challengers!!

    2. I seen him sign that E.O., I have been told that it is ok for me to watch now if I choose. Tell you what, I would love to work with Trump, the thing I have noticed about Wiles, is that I do not see her, seen a lot of others, but not her. Bobby had his whole family there yesterday, and Trump said yeah Bobby it sure looks like that connection is there(is that the autism connection, I THINK IT MIGHT be :) ) So Bobby is going to do what He said he would. Do we have that on record from the team that Trump met Gates, or was that Gates throwing that out there. Yeah on the P.S. If those 3 things are not true, than we don't have free will, and it's all a crap shoot. I know that is not the case, free will only becomes an issue when people do not want to face the consequences of their own making. I just wanted to remind people that their choices started before they appeared here on Earth.

    3. Hey OMS!!
      Good ? on the provenance of that Gates-Trump sitdown....from this it appears to have come from Gates himself:

      Here he says much the same to the Harpies:

      Those are both classified as coming "after Christmas' but here, dated the 30th, seems to imply it hadn't happened yet:

      So who knows?? You wouldn't think Gates would openly lie about something so blatantly as a Presidential meeting, but hey, it IS Gates we talkin bout Willis....

    4. The events of the last 24 hours squished the thought of liking to work for Trump. Yeah I'll say things are fluid at the moment.

    5. Gimme a couple of days and I'll be adding to that fluidity....

  40. I think a lot of us have some degree of battered wife syndrome following politics, which is like swimming in Andy Dufresne's Shawshank escape route. We have seen the depths of depravity, the sickening lives of these beyond disgusting pols, and it's hard to keep watching, looking for an escape hatch.
    But it's here, and you might as well climb on board because it's may be our last chance, certainly in whats left of my limited time lol.
    Two things- I will continue to harp on the fact the new alt media will NOT sit back silently if the Trump train goes off track, and they DO have credibility with the electorate unlike MSM. Far too many podcasters etc with excellent contacts, guests, and access to the inside scoop. Very hard to run and hide these days.
    Second thing- drop your USA-centric outlook for a moment; what is happening with the BRIC's and the non-West world. They are going their own way, and good on 'em. The unipolar world is OVER, and the US will have constraints are power projection from now on. DJT gets that and is pulling us out of a lot of world ties and I believe that will continue. He knows we have to fix our own house now.

    1. You are SO right Pat!! And as cautious as I may seem tiptoeing among the Polly-Whitney-Naomi blackpillers, I am 1000% MOST DEFINITELY not looking that gift horse in the mouth.
      Getting rid of the pond scum that have been lording it over us since birth is a HUGE No.1 on the list -- and YES, that most certainly seems to be happening. (And has driven them into crisis mode = have you seen the most searched for terms in DC the past several weeks?? Defense lawyer. Bleachbit. Wipe hard drive. Offshore Bank!! LOLOLOLOL HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!)

      We can deal with the bridge of neo-conning Silicon Valley oligarchs if or when we come to it....
      Like Dwight always said -- "One crisis at a time...":

      Oh WHY do I never get tired of that clip??

  41. Have not felt compelled to comment much as we're going to find out very soon what's up.

    1. HAHA -- fire away PVH!! Lord knows we ain't shy 'round these parts!!
      Seriously, your valued input is forever welcome.

  42. TRUE THIS:

    Dammit -- every time he gets me weirded out & questioning him, he goes & pulls something like this....

  43. PERSON: I want to believe things have changed, but I am in the black pill camp with Whitney and Polly. I still have an actual Marc Dutroux - like man (child abducting, killing individuals) wondering the streets of my city - free. He works for the elites, his vicious acts know no bounds, he is never apprehended. Is the "new" FBI going to arrest him? One can hope, but how much more likely is it that it will be glossed over like in Belgium, only this time thousands won't be marching in the streets because they are asleep to it all, don't want to disrupt their lives or have been killed. Are the DOGE people going to arrest this same Marc Dutroux like man who worked for the Social Security Disability system for 40 years on their computer system and was "" fixing" the system ( double payments, laundering payments, etc) with his Jewish mafia Senator friend. Sounds like a conspiracy, sounds like crazy talk. I wish, I wish

    1. Do we have a name? WE have no fear in calling out ANYONE on the planet, the SENATOR included, and what city is this happening in?

    2. UNK -- this is what's all happening in Wisconsin, right??

      And as far as all things blackpill go, I have a LOT more on that upcoming....

      Stay frosty, Challengers....

    3. FURTHER -- for all things ritual abuse front, these sites and pdfs are the continuing state of the art:

      (topic index page bottom)

  44. This all may be true, and it may appear that there has been a breakthrough with this

    HOWEVER, the Federal Reserve is NOT an agency of the government, I don't care if they lock up every damn corrupt politician and pedophile, if they let the International bankers keep their hooks into the country via the government, nothing changes that needs to change. That and the continued influence of the Chabad Lubavitch ilk makes this an exercise of pissing into the wind if that scum is not dealt with. Not many remember the Russians kicking out the Bolsheviks in the 70's and them coming here to America. It appears that the Jewish reckoning is at hand. I seen a video last night from a former very prominent Rabbi in Jerusalem for over 40 years who is now an ex rabbi named David Cohen, just this past October at the start of Yom Kippur in front of the whole congregation, he fell out and was clinically DEAD for 17 minutes. We are not into forcing anything on anyone, so we are not going to provide the link, we have given enough so that those who want to search out the video(think it was in the 17-20 minute range) can do so. I have no need to question what he says about what is about to happen in 2025 in Israel. When you watch you will understand why the Jewish community has already made him an ex-rabbi, in such a short time from the time of the event, to what he says will be his only video. I doubt it being the only one, I would expect another after the 1st sign of the 3, he was told will come in 2025, which he says will happen before the end of spring.

  45. Replies
    1. Several times, but you will note only one made it out unscathed:

  46. This just in from OMS as well, portending false peace, false promises, false (anti) Christs appearing in this time:

    It's enough to make one wonder what was truly unearthed in the Dead Sea Scrolls that has remained hidden/classified within the bounds of places like the Vatican Library and our own national archives all these Mom was always so fascinated by that discovery -- and her son with the juxtaposition of the unearthing of those in the SPRING of 1947 + the founding date of the CIA: Sep 18, 1947.
    And Jun 24, 1947 sandwiched in between: when Kenneth Arnold sighted the first "flying saucers" over My Rainier.

    Strange times.

    1. MOUNT Rainier, LOL. Don't own it.

    2. What about the x-file candidate for 3, that guy's path is creepy,and here you go on the Scrolls, I kid you not I am in to streaming more then live tell a vision, but I seen an ad today from a small streaming outfit called Minno that is putting out a new cartoon called The Dead Sea Squirrels

      There might be some nuggets in this cartoon

  47. And final blackpill words, for now, from Whitster:

    Could NOT have said it better myself....

  48. PERSON: Wisconsin is my state yes and the "alleged" would be retired Senator is Feingold. A Rhodes scholar now living in England. He is very admired and protected and even saying his name is the kiss of death, the Jewish mafia will get you for that. I intimate all this on my Substack, always being sure not to outright accuse him. I have some new posts up Wordman, I don't know if you've seen them. One called The Inferno and the other called Death trip Wisconsin, maybe something in there will ring a bell.

    1. Wisconsin links:

  49. Also this:

    Which, bizarrely, features this in "related fact/check":

    W T A F.

  50. And politifact by doing that goes to what unknown said about the scum covering for this person

  51. WW talks about mass complacency because some of choose to be positive about absolutely positive, concrete, tangible things and events occurring right now, with far more transparency than we have seen in our gov't, perhaps ever. Channeling my Steve Martin voice: " Well, EXCUSE ME ".
    Does this mean my shields are down, I'm eating all my seed corn now, I'm dancing with grasshoppers instead of working like the ants. Fuck no, I will never fully trust anyone or anything the rest of my life, except a very few family members.
    Unlike most people, I seek out information that I disagree with, because I like all of us here, realize ( Real Eyes Realize Real Lies ) most of what everything we have been taught, er, indoctrinated with, are lies or half-truths. So WW and ilk are important voices to listen, consider, add to the data pile, and continue to watch, listen, and compute in the mix.
    I gotta tell you though the one thought I always seem to have after reading WW or C Fitts is "man that lady really needs to get laid"

    1. Hahahahaha!!
      I could run with that appraisal with CAF, but have this feeling that Webby is a deepcore freak behind closed doors. (Can't mask that twinkle in the eye.) Plus don't put anything past those dimples...LOL.

  52. Plus bless you for the vintage Steve Martin reference that a whole gen knows nothing about these days.....
    King Tut.

  53. SNL back in the 70s carried an entire social cache that has had nothing but diminishing returns on ever since.
    Now?? Not even life support.

  54. Feingold worked for Hillary Clinton when she was head of state, he was ambassador to South Africa after he lost his senate seat. Now for some whoo. I've noticed that whenever Feingold or some elite touches down somewhere often an explosion or some catastrophe occurs. When Feingold went to Africa for the first time a shopping mall blew up near by the day before. Its like catastrophes are used for welcoming and a show of strength. And as dots get connected we find that Feingold's second wife (he's on number three now) named Mary Speerschneider, had a brother that was a demolition expert - he died a few years ago (hmm)and it was listed in his obituary. But you can no longer find his obit online, it's been scrubbed.

    The way the power brokers work in Wisconsin is in layers, as many here have noted. Its the Communist model, with the network consisting of levels ( layers). Pawns ( bureaucrats, hard working, stay in line, don't ask too many questions) Next level may have some people in on the scam, but not many. On and on it goes up the levels, just like a chess board, some knights are informed, then the rooks more are informed.

    Now we have our King Trump, he learned from the best, Roy Cohn, who worked for Senator Joseph McCarthy, from Wisconsin as did RFK Sr. They hunted commies, when in actuality they were the commies and it has been suggested were child traffickers. They say Trump didn't vet his cabinet very well. I disagree, he got as many people with sexual misconduct charges ( keep them in line like his friend Epstein) and Amazing Polly wonders why the second in line workers are so into porn. And the bat-shit crazy spiritual advisor Paula White, in a class all her own.

    Maybe Trump has repented and is going to surprise us all. He certainly knows where ALL the bodies are buried.

    1. All invaluable points PERS!! And all worth following up on = the massive childporn/trafficking/pedo ring infestation at the State Dept while HRC was head still needs looking into; it got 90% scrubbed from everywhere -- precious few details remain:
      (look who the State Dept spokesperson was LOL)

      Those are about the only notes on any of it left and they are SERIOUSLY throttled and almost impossible to find.

      PREVIOUS to that there was this remember:

      Now even harder to find and went, of course, nowhere fast.

      Interesting factoid about Feingold's second wife's bro that was a demo expert; not to mention the scrubbed obit, which is exceedingly WEIRD. Worth noting that Feingold's longstanding ties to HRC here also = obvs the long-range 9/11 plans stretched well into the Clinton Admin....tracing those dots could very well have been what killed folks like Dan Casolaro & Gary Caradori, formerly of the Octopus & Franklin investigations respectively.

      And finally, a perfect closing point re Trump. Roy Cohn. Nothing wholesome ever came outta that guy's closet.
      Also could VERY MUCH be why they're all so deep down petrified of Trump & why they've done everything short of kill him (not without serious trying...) He has IT ALLLLL.

      Their worst nightmare is a JFK-like turnaround/change of heart into the ultimate biting of the hand that's always fed him.
      A rogue insider on the loose is the worst possible outcome for them; & what may be happening. Altho as I'm sure you know, I'm not close to totally convinced yet. There's too much AI-mRNA-Stargate shennanigans ongoing & way too much Bro-Oligarch-Silicon Valley weirdness afoot.
      Is Trump blackmail-able?? He's prob way too careful for that; however bribe-able is another kettle of fish altogether...I'm sure he's never met a nickel he didn't want to hoard.

      I truly TRULY hope he's seen the light -- literally. There are LOTS of indications he has. I'm rooting for him.
      Unfortunately -- one step up two steps back as the Springsteen song goes -- there are just as many indicators that it's biz as usual....

    2. We want to make a prediction of sorts today over something I seen today after we got up at noon today. First though In today's category of isn't that strange, how about an upside down aircraft from Delta, sitting on a runway in Toronto. nah no symbolism in play there. Our prediction stems from the weather in Kentucky(ahem, cough) that has caused flooding extensively across the state, which is being followed by extreme cold, in the AM, that is going to cause a whole other set of issues. Now our prediction is that within 24 hours, some are going to make this about weather wars, the creation and control of in order to "punish" McConnell for not being a team player. To us personally we will see this type of so called reporting and news as we said yesterday or the day before. Contrived to increase the confusion, not honest reporting of news.

    3. Huh, as I pay closer attention to that upside down plane, we find out it took off from the Minnesota Capital. By the way when your in laws live at 666 Fifth Avenue and are those behind this A.I. push to replace Spirituality, you are going to have Beings looking and watching you, because of their INTENT toward God's children.

      This idea of building a giant AI data center in Gaza does nothing to alleviate the concerns we hold, when we combine it with your explanation for the need for a very robust energy policy in this country so that it can supply someone's plan in the background to built numerous AI data centers here in America and the energy needed to supply them uninterrupted as well!

      SO W.W. don't worry about Us, you should concern yourself with keeping up with what is really happening, instead of pissing and moaning about not enough folks buying into your perception. I ask you W.W, where were you when the events and actions of various men starting in early August up through the middle of October 1978, that have brought the planet to this very moment?

      We KNOW UNDER which administration our blog that had 18 years worth of effort in it was disappeared off this medium. We also know that it was under the same administration that we were blackballed and banned from numerous platforms, many of which we are still banned from. We also are aware of the target our blog was over when it was there one day(the last post), and gone the next day. We are not aware of too many people in 1981, referring to the government in Washington DC, at the height of the contrived " Cold War, as being Perfected Communism. We called the Pig for what it was LONG before you even considered it, We suggest you work on your own soul at this time, and not worry about how others are perceiving this secular mess.

    4. Only thing that broadly fits those parameters is the Iranian Hostage Crisis leading to the "October Surprise"??
      Which of course bleeds from the Carter Admin into the Reagan one. Likely is even the very BASIS for the Reagan Admin.
      Somebody, amoung many others, that cuts across both of those is Zbig Brzezinski.
      The SAME Zbig that recruited some notable individuals in the Soviet-Afghan War.....alliances that would prove....

      The seeds of 9/11; the formation of patsies; the long lens of a coup-fueled Geopolitical Revolution, extending far beyond the fall of the Berlin Wall, altho that too turned out to be a stage-setter, didn't it?? And as always, the promise of a lasting peace was merely a pretext for a bigger, even longer WAR -- one in which the target wasn't some nebulous enemy, but the freedom & autonomy of every American citizen themselves.

      Zbig was Trilateral Commission all the way.

      Another CRUCIAL node to examine in every inch of this is BCCI:

      Perhaps THE most crucial. None of this could have happened without black $$.
      USAID bef we knew USAID even existed.

    5. All those resulted from the events set in motion by the murder of the Man of God, John Paul 1, who was overdosed on heroin by 3 men, 1 within the vatican, 2 connected to the bankers. The elimination of this man, set all those events in motion, because he had far different plans for the Church and it's money.

      Don't forget Charlie Wilson's war either, as that was a huge part of creating an enemy to replace The Soviet Union, Zig was one of the Bols I mentioned above. Agreed on BCCI, and a few other front banks acting in behalf and for the corruption. One more thought
      about a possible reason for the AI craze before I go see my life long mistress Mary Jane.

      So I have lived in Las Vegas for 42 of the last 54 years, long before the idiot Spilotro came along with his stupid and senseless violence that allowed shysters like Wynn to come along and help sell out the industry to the corporate mafia of Wall St. One of the sources of income that the state of Nevada refused to give up any part of for most of these 54 years was their exclusive hold on legal sports betting.

      Sports betting in Las Vegas in my early days here was not nearly what it has become here, the change started when Wynn built the aptly named The Mirage, because it was built on what turned out to be worthless "junk" bonds. This was long before you started hearing about securities and derivatives, were were just another version of junk bonds, the country found this out in 08 the hard way.

      From when I was 19 in 75, up until I was almost 50, I bet a lot on sports, had good years, had others not as good, but in sports betting trends are big on deciding which way you were going to do against the number. I have had a good friend that has shared many of the same adventures against the bookies, and one of the things that we would talk about was just how close and often these bookies were coming to the exact outcome of both the line and the total of the games. More then once we joked, gee its almost like they already know the outcome.

      This AI thing at its core is about data, what we do not know is just how much data is needed to enable AI to forecast the future with increasing accuracy. Crooks want in on the good cons and the cash streams they create. With the explosion of sports betting across many states like we have seen over the last 4 to 5 years, and the two biggest online sports books having their origin on....drum roll...WaLL st of all places, because no red flags ever appear there.

      There is much more to the story, but computers changed everything with regard to sports betting and not for the better of the player. Streaming has the ability to reveal the con if you are aware. I posted this on my reflections blog....

      Make of it what you want, the truth of the matter is that on Christmas 2024 Netflix streamed an NFL game for the first time, and early in the 4th quarter with 14:22 to go in the game, I came to find out that the stream I was watching was actually two minutes behind reality.

      The Chiefs scored to go ahead 22-10 with 14:22 to go, DURING COMMERCIAL I opened up a site that I visit a lot and much to my surprise I SEE Kansas City 29-10 with 12: 37 to go in the game. The game comes back on, the Chiefs kick the ball to the Steelers, sure enough the Steelers turn it over and the Chiefs run 3 plays and bingo touchdown 29-10 with.... drumroll....12:37. This situation continued for some time, and the site was going out of its norm for showing the time. It appeared to me the site was saying hey this is not right. Someone somewhere ran a con right out in the open in this game for sure.

      We highly suspect that AI is and was behind this spread of sports betting across the country, and we do not believe that it is to benefit the player.

    6. This is exactly what we were talking about AI and the creation of money streams for THEM, not us.

  55. PERSON: Very interesting commentary Wordman. I agree with everything you said and that's saying something. Yes the whole AI / Bro thing and Trumps obsession with money. Yet, like you, I hold out great hope. BTW, thanks for having this forum, takes me back to Dave McGowan, Celtic Rebel, Rigorous Intuition when Wells was active, Age of Volcanoes, Kenny's Place. Those guys were incredible, taught you to believe your own lying eyes.

    1. PERS!!
      Only familiar with Dave and was a regular, if silent, participator back in the day at RIGINT, but you could NOT have just given me a higher compliment.
      Wells was, and still is, the template for what's goin on around here. He has all the blueprints.

      In that spooky, mysterious dawn of the millennium age from roughly 2004-2008 or so -- or whenevs he hung it up -- Jeff was the gold standard for the chilliest, most meaningful commentary on what was/is ailing us. I LOVED and LIVED that blog; tuned in whether at home or on vacay around the world -- something GInger & I were doing loads of at that time. Charted the Lovecraftian apocalypse from the mountains of West VA to the pink sands of the Caribbean, US/ British virgin isles & back again. Happened to be across the bay at Jost van Dyke from a certain Little St James way before I ever knew what it was....
      those were the days.

      I still carry em with me everywhere and try to infuse this blog with that tone and sound at all times. Most esp the comments.

      Excelsior!! And so glad to have you, and everyone, along for the ride!!

  56. And one more OMS -- speaking of being watched:

    Some say it was a warning
    Some say it was a sign
    I was standing right there
    When it came down from the sky
    The way it spoke to us
    You felt it from inside
    Said it was up to us
    Up to us to decide
    You've become a virus
    That's killing off his host
    We been watching you with all of our eyes
    And what you seem to value most
    So much potential
    Or so we used to say
    Your greed, self-importance and your arrogance
    You piss it all away
    We heard her cry
    We have come to intervene
    You will change your ways and you will make amends
    Or we will wipe this place clean

  57. CHATGPT just went there:

  58. Somebody assassinate Piers Morgan for me:

    Maybe if he puts out enuff backpedaling peeps will forget he wanted to jail all the non-vaxers....NO, you don't get to play the good guy now.

    Birx the Scarf Crone sez: "The messenger RNA vaccine should have been rolled out for the people that were at risk for severe disease because that’s what the vaccine was developed for..". So sorry she pushed those jabs on you, little chillun...She also confessed the COVID shot was never “designed” to prevent infection: “That is not what the COVID vaccine was designed to do. It wasn’t designed against infection.”
    Response: "We are in the "now it can be told" phase of history, in which all the liars who made their fortunes & reputations by lying to you are now increasing their fortunes & reputations by admitting that they lied to you...Except in this case they are also cruel murderers who impoverished millions, forced millions more to endure experimental treatments for diseases they would never suffer harm from, & destroyed trust in a public health system that had built it up over nearly two centuries..."

    1. Birz can take a leap off the nearest bridge but not before I tied a rope, not a scarf, around her fuckin neck.
      Birx, Hotez, Walensky, Bourla, Baric, Gates, Fauci, the whole damn lot of em deserve the death penalty.
      Seriously, what the hell is taking so long? THE WHOLE WORLD knows what they did. Let's get fuckin ON with it, mmmmkay??

    Liz Cronin and Jaguar Wright sucking all the air out of the room, they are controlled opposition. And then Michael Flynn giving them a freedom of medal at none other than Trumps place. This is awful, doesn't bid well for the future.

    1. And Flynn is not??? I do not call it tell a vision( all video) just for s*#ts and giggles, the manipulation does not stop, when you are caught up in the secular events of the world. Remember we are born ON the Earth, stayed grounded in that truth as you move through your days, and clarity will continue to sharpen and come into focus for you. Remember we are under no task to know everything right now, the Universe as a teacher focuses on a need to know basis at this moment, and that is for the benefit of us all.

    2. PERS -- I hadn't heard the Crokin backstory other than she's forever been a big champion of children's rights & chronicling abuses of same; was huge during whole of pizzagate....she also got pretty much totally canceled during that time, unless that was just a smokescreen....

      what do you know & what's her deal??

  61. PERSON: It gets even weirder yet. So I sent you that link and title. Well I just googled everything in that link multiple ways - I get nothing in return. I don't think the podcaster was lying, he has pictures of the event. But why is nobody else reporting it? Surely, with the likes of Flynn, Trump, Mara del Logo something would pop up.

  62. Some abs FASCINATING details here about the Amityville murders that point to a larger, more convoluted conspiracy:

    Only thing missing is the non-fictional and heavily confirmed fact that George Lutz (the fam that lived there after the DeFeo massacre) was a weirdo deeply mired in occult practices and fascination with the dark arts:

    As for the DeFeo story itself, the logistics make it seem quite impossible to have transpired on its face the way it was presented.

    A final truly weird and supremely eerie coincidence is that the DeFeo Amityville killings took place ON THE SAME DAY as the 2022 Idaho 4 massacre & in oddly similar, almost impossible circumstances:
    all of the victims were killed in their sleep without being awakened by gunshots, screaming, and/or violent struggles of the other victims -- many times taking place within the SAME ROOM.

    Make of that extremely eerie, and unexplainable, fact...what you will.

    1. Posting mostly bullet(s) @ RMN now, fews words as possible for each point cited:

      A Program That Has Not Been Stopped
      Is the spraying of God knows what above us. Yes it might be the first in your face day in a month, but that days like this still happen does not bode well for an advantageous outcome for the people with regard to The still EXISTING NOT Federal Reserve.

      Anyone who thinks any type of so called "reset" with any of the crooks involved who created this mess will be a level playing field, will deserve their coming mark.

      And lastly to the diverse crowd, learn to speak from your heart, no one is going to listen to you wave your hands, while you read what someone else wrote for you to read off your phone, talk about being easily manipulated. Just because your parents made fools of themselves on the Jerry Springer show, does not mean you have to repeat their mistake on a larger scale in front of a bigger audience.



    Next stop?? = Spandau Ballet!!

  64. To whit, I'm lovin the line of this X conversation:

    "Healing begins when the first Fauci, Garland, Schiff, etc goes to jail. The cure begins when the first one gets put to death for treason. If neither happens, things will remain as they are, with only psyops leading you to believe otherwise."

    1000000% ON TARGET.

  65. The MTB take? Hopeful but skeptical due to source:

    And in the paperwork = it was always classified by definition, a MILITARY BIOWEAPON:

    Isn't this the BOOM??
    Shouldn't this be, de facto, GAME OVER??

  66. Finally the reddit take with one of the best 20,000 foot summations I've encountered:

    "While the news is positive overall, the numbers cited are still bogus.

    At the peak of the scamdemic as well as throughout, death numbers were vastly inflated by running the not-built-for-purpose PCR test (which EUA was revoked bc shocker, it couldn't tell the difference between COVID and influenza) at cycle thresholds (35-45) that virtually guaranteed false positives, death certificate reporting was changed in 2020 to prioritize COVID while deemphasizing comorbidities, and the CDC very quietly admitted in August of 2020 that 94% of cases had an average of 2.6 significant comorbidities. The latest numbers I've seen suggests 95% of "deaths" had an average of 3+ comorbidities.

    Post-jab rollout, Fauci FINALLY distinguished between people who died WITH COVID and people who died OF COVID, while simultaneously running the PCR test for vaccinated individuals at lower cycle thresholds than the unvaccinated to minimize the incidence of false positives and artificially create a perception the jab actually did something beneficial.

    If you look at VAERS and the 38,000 deaths claimed, along with the experts' estimate that only 1% of events are reported, that becomes an estimated 3.8 million people killed by the jab. Contrast that with the claimed death total of 1.2 million FROM cov-2 and the CDC's not-publicized admission that 95% of them had 3+ comorbidities (and throw in for good measure the fact that if a posthumous PCR was administered that tested positive, even when the cause of death was obviously not covid, i.e. car accident, skydiving, and yes that's actually true), that's only 60,000 ACTUAL COVID deaths, and fully HALF of those were in retirement homes which represent about 1% of the population.

    So it's not really "conspiratorial" to state that the rushed COVID jab, which should NEVER have been rolled out according to the documents Pfizer was forced to release, has been 6,300% deadlier than the thing it was supposed to protect against.

    I do sincerely hope there are criminal charges and fines for all involved, and a sincere acknowledgement of the bullying and shaming from those who were gullible enough to believe everything they were psyopped into, and an apology for how they acted as a result. But I'm definitely not holding my breath."

  67. In EXTREMELY related news, who'd believe that Bill Gates (microsoft) has cornered a way to -- yep -- play God:

    Shhhhhhh, it's only god with a small 'g' but don't tell them that.LOL....

  68. ,,,,Continuing in my theme that nothing good comes out of QUANTUM....

  69. The (mid)journey of trying to hack the mind and soul with frequencies and Crowley mumblings continues unabated.....
    but GOD remains unfazed.

    "Yale University team led by a top immunologist has found that some people who received the Covid vaccines have damage to their immune systems, as well as high & rising levels of spike protein in their blood. The researchers released the findings Wednesday in a “preprint” & hope to publish it soon in a peer-reviewed journal. How often these problems occur or if the immune system damage might open people to infections is unclear as yet. But immune system damage the researchers found is similar though not identical to changes caused by HIV, the human immunodeficiency virus, that can eventually lead to AIDS."

    1. Super thanks BB!!
      Have more incoming on this angle and what else it connects to.....
      Stay tuned.....


    Now that's what I call an attention getting headline, lol. What do you make of that, normies??

    1. TUTTLE?!

      That's the name of the family running the Carcosa cult in True Detective.

      In that incredibly lousy and Woke season 4, the Tuttle Corporation is studying samples of extraterrestrial biology which turns people into zombies.

    2. Good LORD -- Well ain't that just Predictive Programming with an all caps P!!

      Being as I heard the footsteps and barely have followed any of it since sea 1; appreciate the amazing update. Only possible better outcome crystal ball-wise would have been if the 4th season had been in 2019 LOL.
      Might have saved us all an ELE or at least those pesky trips to the hospital.

    3. For those of you that wonder just what in the hell JB & I are on about, see:

  72. Well I see that McConnell has decided to exit the stage, not a big surprise, he is pontificating about the need to keep the judiciary on point( whatever that means), but something should be made clear about the so called Supreme Court as last resort for the American People. It is a oxymoron that we call them the founding fathers of the nation, when they were in fact mostly all in their 20's and early 30s, so times have changed as far as how willing the people are to let the young lead the way. The following are the two key points to keep in mind when considering the who and why of the critters in Washington DC. From History is a Weapon ....

    "Around 1776, certain important people in the English colonies made a discovery that would prove enormously useful for the next two hundred years. They found that by creating a nation, a symbol, a legal unity called the United States, they could take over land, profits, and political power from favorites of the British Empire. In the process, they could hold back a number of potential rebellions and create a consensus of popular support for the rule of a new, privileged leadership.

    When we look at the American Revolution this way, it was a work of genius, and the Founding Fathers deserve the awed tribute they have received over the centuries. They created the most effective system of national control devised in modern times, and showed future generations of leaders the advantages of combining paternalism with command."

    The truth is the Supreme Court was created to ensure the landowners(or the rich powerful) stayed in their hands. This right here is part 5 of a book by Gustavus Myers from over a hundred years ago. This book should be required reading. The commentary on Jay is telling as far as the reason for the creation of the court. Not sure it touches enough on Jay and Hamilton being the earliest if not first treasonists of the young nation. An honest look at what is out there, clearly shows the United States were waterboys for the king overtly up until the end of WW2. The timing of the UN and the Criminally Insane Associations creation were used to covertly keep that truth from the American people from that time on. We do not believe england ever was or is an ally of the United States, also lets recall just where the idea for the zionist state came from, beyond some war minded Jews in New York, most Americans were against the creation of the zionist state, I cringe every time someone suggests israel is our ally, yeah just like england. Why are those assholes still in Ireland?

  73. And Mitch goes aye on Patel, and don't let the door hit you on the way out. All this after no, no, no,no to previous confirmations. That could have been his stay alive vote, the critters are actually starting to figure that actually the "conspiracy" theories are not smoke and mirrors. With PATEL, the danger for us is that we must be careful to not lose sight of the present and future. IF they are going to deal with the past, lets arrest people, not form yet more committees and more jawjacking.

  74. Heard Trump today talking at the Governors working session about how he is going to Ft. KNOX to see if the gold is there. That in of itself might not mean anything but, last week a substacker suggested people look into not who was on the potomac plane, but WHAT was on it. This person suggested someone is using comm. airlines to move gold into the country.

    1. AAAAAND let's not forget the OUTGO, which has been happening undercover of various black ops for decades:

      The closer you look, you begin to realize BOTH 9/11 & COVID were aalllllll about the consolidation of Control,
      & Wealth into the hands of fewer and fewer.

      My only question now is -- what's next??
      Because you KNOW they're not stopping -- no matter what this Administration does.....
      Do you honestly think that after ruling for untold centuries they haven't made contingency plans??


  76. Not a week ago we said that phones may soon come with occultic features. And lo and behold - when I turn on the TV, anywhere in the world, there's an avalanche of advertising for MAGIC 7 Pro AI gadgets. All about the MAGIC - of predicting user needs and elevating your photos and whatnot. A.k.a. taking complete control of your behavior. Fully charged in 33 minutes (they had to work THAT in, obviously). Ads showing monarch butterflies. Whatever next...

    1. The syncs are truly crazy lately as things swirl around and come together....

  77. Just received a truly amazing --speaking of syncs -- bit of stunning info from reader Sagar a few moments ago...
    something that won't be in the next upcoming post but 100% for sure in the one following.
    Thanks Sage, & that new post will be upcoming next week....with more to follow.

    We're living in exciting times....

  78. I have lived in the DC metro area my whole life and have been shouting from the rooftops that this winter is freakishly cold and NOT NORMAL.
    “Life-threatening cold blasting millions across central, eastern US into week’s end” (AccuWeather). “Why the U.S. has been home to Earth’s most unusually cold air this year” (Washington Post). “Weather whiplash expected for millions across US with some places seeing 90-degree temperature swing” (FOX News). Accelerating extremely anomalous weather whiplash flash freeze temperature events are highly concentrated in the US, followed by off the chart temperature rebounds.

    1. Much as I am casting a wary eye as you know on what Trump's alignments are, he's 1000% boffo in calling this out.
      WHEN in all your born days did you think you'd EVER hear a sitting prez go there and dare to mention in a public forum no less, the chemtrails, the spraying??!!

      As re the cold and the snow, something else is really wrong there too.
      We just has a very brief snowfall last week or so and it melted as you would think, in a couple of days....
      But the one BEFORE that where we got dumped on was highly unusual. We prob got a good 6-8 inches in this area, and it lingered, despite temps right after mostly in the 50s and some days near 60, for WEEKS. And I'm not talkin bout the shady side of buildings -- this in the direct sunlight; patches and mounds that refused to go away.
      Not saying that there's some "special ingredient" in the snow now, but make of that what you will....

  79. Wary eyes always, but clearly Trump and the Revengers are gutting the evil Dims, the dug-in-ticks of bureaucracy, the trans pukes at NSA, widdle Adam Schiff fer brains is totally fucked ( Bongino- holy shit!! ), the lame ass Euros, even Rubio looking good and I had big doubts there, on an on.
    So no matter what direction they take after the PURGE, this had to happen thank Crom.
    Am I worried about a too-much-tech future and other possibilities, of course, but I want all the child fuckers DEAD first. I want the known evil dead first. I want the BRICS in a multipolar world, I don't want any more fucking neocon/banker wars.
    Then we can worry about the new landscape

    1. DITTO on this Pat!!
      MUCH more coming on this in the latest from me this weekend, but we can celebrate the (hopeful) end of our enslavement AS WELL AS pointing out markers that are heading in not so good directions. We can do both simultaneously.
      If these good guys are as good as they think we are, their skin is thick enuff to stand up to scrutiny. (Not to mention they should welcome our eagle eyes) If not.....

      And rest assured, there are markers aplenty = already Musk & Patel are at war with each other.
      PLUS I can already see "blackpill" is quickly emerging as the new "Conspiracy theory" moniker to lay on anyone to discredit the normal asking of questions.

      Like my dear old Pappy used to always tell me = there are no stupid questions.

  80. Just a quickie on "blackpill". So far the primary connotation I see employed is someone who refuses to ever see anything positive, and will not modify their narrative to accommodate obvious non-blackpill items into an otherwise thoughtful take on whatever the issue at hand may be.

    1. Kudos, &


  81. One of the last times I remember SNL being, what??!! Actually funny.

  82. Yeah sad how SNL went so very far downhill. Younger folks wou;dn;t know there was a time where EVERYBODY watched SNL on Sat night. It was on in bars, restaurants, and it was new and fun as hell.
    "Jane, you ignorant slut"
    The Richie Pryor/Chevy Chase skit, the best Rorschach test ever lol last two lines to give you an idea...
    Chevy: nigger
    Pryor: DEAD honkey

    last line of

    1. Who can forget the excitement when everyone learned the STONES were going to appear!! Early October of 78; sounded horrible then -- recognized as uber vintage tre cool now.
      78 was different -- they were still outlaws, riding on that last edge of society. Hell, no one was even sure if this wasn't THE LAST TIME (heh heh) as Keef was awaiting sentencing in Canada on those infamous drug charges....
      Someone once said that this was the last glimpse when they WERE the Stones, full of vim & danger. By 81 they'd been all polished & ready for their corporate closeups, tours, & designer Swiss bank accounts.
      78 they were tigers in the wild -- blink and you missed them.
      Just like Springsteen = time changes everything.
      But I loved them then; and I miss them now.

      Yep, not afraid of the then "appalled" outrage LOL.
      Next wk it was all we could talk about!! "Did you SEE...??!!"

      Now, horrifyingly, it seems quaint & precious.

  83. Btw on that tour (1978) I guess to supposedly align with his newly adopted radical "punk" roots, Jagger openly & brazenly (likely for shock value) wore a Vivienne Westwood ripped t-shirt with a blazing SWASTIKA on it!! I mean, this was like at every show!! Along with those ripped black plastic garbage bag pants of his -- hahaha.

    Can you EVEN IMAGINE the unholy firestorm of cultural opprobrium and outrage that would descend today if he or anyone did that??
    WHILE he was singing about black girls that wanna get fucked all night?? OH. MY. GOOD. LORD.
    Of course even back THEN he was called out under the carpet for such lyrics, antics, etc.
    His response: "Fuck em if they can't take a joke."

    The lack of ability to which we can laugh and poke fun at ourselves and still have the sun come up in the morning is completely and utterly startling.
    We, the world, was so much more ADULT back then.
    What happened??
    What the hell happened to us??

    This childish ego ego ego and taking ourselves as mortally seriously as we do -- well, it's going to be the death of us all.

  84. When Mick Tayor was on lead guitar with Keith on rhythm, that Stones band was hot as fuck. Never the same when he left after 5 yrs. Stones related and not giving a fuck, Lynyrd Skynyrd opened for the Stones in wentworth and were told by Stones don't step on the tongue part of stage. So of course they did and played Free Bird even longer doing it.
    Later Keith said shit we would have done the same thing!

    1. OMG what a GREAT Skynyrd story!! They truly had that swagger -- During their brief tenure I always placed them in the American pantheon far above more press-notable contenders such as the Eagles, E Street, etc. As far as chops it was probs just them & Little Feat. Everything else was more product when you get right down to it.
      Now they're ghosts -- but WHAT ghosts:

      PS -- you're absolutely on the nose @Taylor. Always thought his days were numbered relatively speaking as Keith was a bit overwhelmed and intimidated by his statuesque, angelic presence that threatened the band's darker "mystique" psychologically. Their output 69-74 carries a diff heft & gravitas. They were a "statement" band then geopolitically and hit a diff, darker occult frequency. Updated plugged in Robert Johnson.

      They after became a "party," "occasion" band. 2 very diff things. But they survived their dalliance w/some very sinister forces.
      Led Zeppelin could NOT claim the same.

      The 70s were the Wild West weren't they?? LOL.

  85. OK last one and its off to never never land. I'm gonna harp on WW, CAF, and the black-pillers. First kudos- they have been fighting the good fight right along side others, and so this is mild criticism ( I'd like them to enjoy life on occasion- ya done real good ladies ).
    Right now we have an incredible team of surgeons excising the worst case of cancer the world may have ever seen. And so far the results, tangible fully visible results, have been outstanding. To the degree that other surgical teams, in other countries, are taking notice, and beginning to use similar surgical techniques on their patient.
    Some ebony observers seem to be more concerned about what will replace the cancer once it is removed completely. OK fine but let's really get rid of the cancer first so the patient doesn't die, say what?
    And yes we old fux will continue to tell our tales of the 60's and 70's because it just fucking ROCKED.
    However, I'm not stuck there. New rock and metal coming out of Japan is insanely good, and finally I have a new band Band Maid that I will say is far better live than pretty much anyone since the 70's. Finally

    1. Play it P!!
      Am with you on absolutely all of the above -- just with eyes open making sure none among the firefighters also happen to be the arsonists LOL!!
      TOTALLY with you on the musical beat also -- circa 2011 discovered The Devil's Blood and that opened up a whole occult rock world for me -- a genre I prev never cared a whit about = Sabbath & all that. But soon I was delving into Uncle Acid and the Deadbeats, leading to Purson, Hexvessel, Ulver and others bef finally tipping the scales at those Blue Oyster Cult aficionados Ghost, which proved to be the breakout of the litter.
      So I totally get the depth of new music that isn't mainstream.

      But the mainstream now is just so corporate and SO SO freakishly horrible. Not to mention the delivery system: I miss the days when you could cut on your average AM radio station and hear Gordon Lightfoot followed by Aerosmith, then the Eagles, then Miles Davis, then Debby Boone or something disco, then Head East, then Bachman Turner -- it was a complete smorgasboard of diversity *talk about your DIVERSITY* and quality. Kids got exposed to, and turned on by, everything. It was a more rounded world filled with more rounded people.
      People fail to grasp that music was the change agent for that.

      Some of that still survives; you just gotta know where to look --
      2 or 3 in heavy rotation on MY time/space radio station today:

  86. Wow that Uver one was new- thanks. J Geils been a long time, "Whammer Jammer let me her ya Dickie!"

    Ok back at ya.

    Now I'm gonna research more Ulver

    1. Magic Dick on the lickin stick!! Woooot!!

    2. PS I ONLY know Ulver from their 60s covers LP Childhood's End -- which -- notkidding -- bests every original and by not a small margin.
      The production work is INSANE:

  87. Wordman:

  88. Now git y'all to the new Sneak Attack Tour post......
