Thursday, January 2, 2025



"We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our Great War's a Spiritual War. Our Great Depression is our lives."   Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club

"As the midnight hour grew closer and the sky begins to fall, you can see his shadow by the light of the moon

They had heard the gypsies call...Ooh hurry sundown..."

"Thoughtful men have always uneasily recognized that some superhuman force seems to manipulate human events and subtly guide human history...The human race is being reprogrammed. Scores of scientists working in widely separated, unrelated disciplines are crossing the threshold into the world of ancient science. We call it progress, but Merlin will have the last laugh. Science is inching into magic, and the science of the 21st century will probably be nothing more than a revival of alchemy."   John Keel, The Eighth Tower 

"You were off the grid for 8 years, right? Show back up here in 2010..."

"My question is..."

"...How could it be him, if we already caught him in '95? How indeed, Detectives."

"I figured you'd be the one to know..."

"Then start asking the right fucking questions."

What does it mean -- what is it indicative of -- when the ritual murders of Jack the Ripper target all the same areas of women we find targeted exactly by the Covid vaxx initiatory ritual some 133 years later??

Just how occult are you willing to go to find out who's in charge here, for how long, and the endgame??

Two thousand years ago, a holy book was written that told us there would come a time it would become necessary to recognize the burgeoning signs and wonders all around you. To dig down, to decipher, to follow the trail of inevitable breadcrumbs being laid down day by day, hour by hour. That time is now. Because in this holy war crafted by time and fate, there are fingerprints being left on a global crime scene. We need to put the yellow tape up, and get to work.

"We have no context for what killed those men, or any appreciation for the scale at which it will be unleashed in the future. A plague to end all plagues...a Silent Weapon for a Quiet War...they've been working on this for 50 years. While the rest of the world have been fighting gooks and commies, these men have been secretly negotiating a planned Armageddon."  

"Negotiating with who?"

"I think you know." 

"We were young men caught in a fervor, but our experiments changed the world." 

"You were involved in this project -- you know why the medical data was being collected."

'In 1947, a spacecraft was reportedly recovered in New Mexico. No doubt you know of this, and of the reported recovery of a body at the site. These incidents coincided not only with the end of World War II, but an ignominious project which brought Nazi scientists and war criminals to this country to exploit their knowledge."

"And you must also know of the work of Dr. Josef Mengele, the Nazi Angel of Death."

"Mengele thought he could produce a super race thru genetic engineering.'

"As did many of his colleagues at the Institute of Hereditary Biology and Racial Hygiene...Poor Victor, he loved his orchids. Did you know that he was able to create some of the most beautiful hybrids?"

"Klemper was trying to create an alien-human hybrid...he was using human test subjects."

"With the threat of nuclear holocaust in the 1950s, the government instructed men like your father to gather genetic data on the general populace for the purposes of post-apocalyptic identification."

"The vaccination records. They took tissue from everyone who received a smallpox inoculation."

"Hundreds of millions of Americans..."

"So that Victor Klemper has access to a DNA database of nearly everyone who was born since 1950."

"Mulder this man is telling you everything that you want to hear but it's a fabrication, pure science fiction. There were no experiments with aliens."

"Why would I lie?"

"Like you said before -- to protect yourself and the continuation of the Nazi agenda -- human tests."

"Why was YOUR file there Scully? There were current records on file."

"Yes but records of what?"

"Of ABDUCTIONS. Of abductees."

"Is there more?"

"More than you'll ever know."     note: Morgellons

WHY the overlapping and repeated studies results showing the similarities between the C-19 vaxx artifacts and Morgellons fibers?:

The very first CDB or Synbio was invented by Craig Venter, you will remember, of Human Genome Project fame:,%2C%20Mycoplasma%20mycoides%20JCVI%2Dsyn1.

Using our fav previous dispersal method -- mycoplasma -- of increasing fame via Gulf War Syndrome, chemtrail fallout, morgellons, and now believe many cutting edge researchers, the C-19 vaxx ingredient list itself...

Not to mention many various "mystery" infections that were popping up as long ago as February 1997:

Note that the target area was an elementary school in Jasper, Arkansas. Also please heavily note the presence of many strange "lights" in the night sky and UFO reports coming in over the same area at the same time.....

Not that we haven't seen (or explored) such intersections before:



See related research and filament presence here:

And NOW, thanks to recent Elizondo disclosures, we have further linkage between NHI biologic filaments and Morgellons samples...what are we to infer from this given all we know now given cross-domain bacteria and other relative signatures being found within both vaxx ingredients as well as the bloodstreams now of a good portion of humanity??

Morgellons, you will remember, first inserted itself onto the world stage and into the conversation circa 2005:

The two Franks, Scully and Edwards, likely cracked the code in 1950 before even Keel, although they couched it in more prosaic, less existential trappings:


But note something new and wicked this way comes:

Strange things are now, all of a sudden, manifesting inside the bodies of what we have to call human test subjects since, oh, let's say 2020 in the timeline. Remember anything else of note being rolled out then? 

Strange that they had just "escaped notice" up til now -- if in fact you buy that sort of thing. Personally I think that "escaping notice" thing happened because they were never there before.

But then, such artifacts are nothing new, are they?? Because we are in the domain of the alchemical geometry of the Cult:

And they have been very adept at its manipulations for a long, long time. That would be hexagonal. Accent on the "hex"

Crystals begin to hatch within the human upon injection and begin the spin of hexagonal carbon nanotubes:

And THAT, my friends, is an mRNA platform; the nanotubule a distinct vaxx ingredient: 

These were pioneered for new and dual-use applications by cutting-edge Epstein pal Charles Lieber, whose ideas and inventions proved critical to the vaxx rollout, as it turned out:

But this has all just been the materials -- what about the systems of DELIVERY?? This is where the latter-day spooky topics now emerge and bloom, like drones.

Drones in the Nanotech Fog....which, let's face it, aren't exactly new either, and feature interesting parallels with other nodes in this investigation:


Let's all just get used to this:

And I mean all manner of this, the existential and the supernatural merging with the technological:

We know from the last few posts here that have addressed it: the drones have been seen now over multiple locations all across the world "spraying" something. This aspect began to be noted over especially the last 4-6 weeks, and then people began to start noticing something else, beginning in the UK seemingly at first (over Boxing Day) and now spreading across the globe...

Drones that are getting substantially bigger btw:

Let's go item by item as it's been unfolding:

Then the other reports started flooding in:

To whit: people continue to recognize a notable difference between weather they've known and experienced all their lives and what this current fog is, i.e., something else entirely. This is not a coincidence and simultaneously happening on both sides of the Atlantic and elsewhere:

If what I surmise is happening IS indeed occurring then this is a Global Op in exactly the same way covid leading to the vaxx was -- and the idea of agenda correlation is extremely high:

Then check this out:

Just change that WEATHER modification prefix to 'HUMAN.'

There, fixed it for ya. Then again, that's the beauty of dual-use technology, right?? 

Giordano knows:

Broadscale epidemiological epidemics.

Which, of course, just might coincide:

Army doc says 2025 deployment. Bird flu 2025 deployment. "Fog" everywhere globally December 2024.

WHY am I not liking this latest painting in the Night Gallery?

But let's let Giordano finish us off:

From West Point, no less, the Aquino Pedophile Central Base of Operations in longstanding:


Finally, worldwide traction breaking:


Not to even mention one of my fav dead horses that I continue beating -- and which with hindsight only appears to have been perfectly on the money as to intent, ways, and means:

These linkages now now more prominent -- and pertinent -- than ever before as the agenda reveals itself.

That "vampire's tooth" happened to be 2 of the heads of FAANG = Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix Google. Silicon Valley/AI types heavily invested in human experimentation. 
Who Erin Valenti, btw, was well onto, before she, well, she wasn't:

SO many angles exist in the Sentient World Simulation that Valenti must have finally found herself trapped in:

Which reminds me of a Naomi tweet that was the one that actually got her banned from the platform pre-Elon:

Hmmmm, an Apple employee, eh? Then there is that notation about quantum micro (nano) tubules again...weren't we just discussing those above in relation to Lieber and the vaxx and certain "paranormal"/electromagnetic/transdimensional properties?? What secrets have been shared along and among certain networks and for how long? How -- and why -- could they possibly be deployed today? But then, Naomi's just nuts, right??


Even now something is going on and data being collected across platforms that shows remarkable similarities to the exact same scenarios that were occurring when the persistent contrails started showing themselves in late 1998:

Voila!! Everything old is new again:

Already genetic mutations are being noted -- hallmarks of human intervention

Following that line:

Which might once again bring us to delivery systems:

The reporting here will continue because the talk is NOT relenting -- indeed it is increasing across multiple platforms:


Tampering with our genetics is nothing new:

(Updated with all new working links to those previously posted which had been vaporized -- of particular note the all-important Mae Brussell refurbished links from January and February of 1986 about the very first genetic mutations ever attempted, by Advanced Genetic Sciences out of Oakland, on strawberries, which remain critical to understanding what's happening now.) 




Even more worrying, and tellingly tracking back to previous nodes of this investigation, is this:

Fibers. Magnetized fibers.

Where we've been before, more than once:  

Don't forget the possible, now likely, explanation for magnetic humans is revealed right here:

Rare magnetic earth metals contained within the c-19 jabs.

So now the inundation of our biosphere with the same may indicate may indicate an alignment; an initiatory process of activation. Or an alchemical bringing together of that which is within coupled with that which is without. A stylized As Above So Below ritual:

We were talking about the space between us all...then it's far too late when they pass away...We were talking about the love that's gone so cold, and the people who gain the world and lose their soul...Are you one of them? 

And the time will come when you see that we're all one and life flows on within you and without you:

Which all circles back around to even more falling magnetics -- check your dog bowls:

Turns out that SNOW is a perfect delivery system for these bioagents...which can only mean that the weather mods have been hard at work on -- you guessed it -- blizzardville over ground zero:

Watch the weather change:

Which is of course timed to blow with the Branch Covidian Hotez forecast:

WHO can not see straight thru these idiots at this point, and why are they still free-ranging and not wearing orange jumpsuits??


How do I know that the last couple of posts are linked together in importance, and meaning, with this one? Because too many people were starting to talk about what went down when Dr Jack Kruse and Dr Mary Bowden confronted Calley Means on a Danny Jones podcast that blew up and is still going...

Too many people started noticing this fog and its highly peculiar tendencies and properties... 

So distractions were needed, and we get the New Year's Eve crowd attacks and remotely detonated explosions in New Orleans and outside Trump Tower. Which ALSO now happen to be spreading worldwide:


.....and eyes off the prize...

Don't look over there -- LOOK over here:

Classic misdirection in full flight. 

Although by no means am I not saying this isn't textbook MKUltra taking the wheel:

We've come a long way from McVeigh on the knoll with some fertilizer...or have we??:

And the coordinated Operation...that never fails. It's not just the historical record that's the giveaway -- it is the timing. The JFK assassination got us, almost immediately, Beatlemania. And a welcome human impulse to stop looking into anything too grisly, too.....compromising towards something then we didn't even realize existed: the National Security State. But oh, we were about to learn...

The pedophile implosion nationwide of the entire Catholic Church got us 9/11. See the film Spotlight

The 9/11 attacks coming when they did caused the Herald and the Spotlight team to have to delay the bombshell story of rampant child sexual abuse worldwide until 2002, buying the entire Catholic Church vital time to retrench, disappear priests, move Cardinals, dissipate the blow -- and continue with what amounted to a slap on the wrist instead of a death sentence; the "few bad apples" narrative taking shape. Onus on the individuality over the institutional.

Coincidence? Incredible stroke of luck? Or worldwide coordination among moving pieces all EXTREMELY related to each other and invested in burying intent and causality? You have to make that call yourself....

The widespread exposure of and spotlight on the Epstein pizzagate network and public outcry got us Covid, which then got us the vaxx. (Two birds with one stone is their rare combo plate specialty. Often attempted, seldom implemented with such flourish and note-for-note perfection.) That mRNA nanotech they'd been looking to get into us for decades, but had never been silver-platter presented with such a perfect self-perpetuated confluence of factors. "Do it for Grandma!! You don't wanna kill Grandma, do ya??" Any time for mincing words is far over:

And EVERYthing you see playing out all around you, is merely an extension of that agenda. 

In other words, welcome to the latest, greatest BATMAN extravaganza mass entertainment blowout, starring: YOU!!

And as was presented in the comms last voyage out, things are only ramping up -- don't believe the calm. Underneath you, wild things are afoot -- from a trusted source:

Let your mind run wild and imagine the spiritual possibilities and ramifications of where THAT scenario could take us in the years to come, and what it means for your manifest destiny, your DNA. Your Soul. Juxtaposed against a One World Government backed by a global personality like none seen before set to emerge -- or what would you call someone with the ability to raise the dead on live television. Messiah? Antichrist?


Jack Kruse is entirely correct -- there is a MAJOR RICO process here that needs to be enacted. Across all levels, across all determining factors against every and ANYone having anything to do with launching mRNA tech into the world population. Because this touches every single person on this planet.


Finally, in wrapping up this edition of Weird Tales, I'm left wondering what exactly are the odds of simultaneous lighting strikes occurring on 4 major US landmarks on New Year's Eve of all times?:

Has the world really reached these Keelian heights of Trickster ridiculousness? It's been quite the Christmas-Eve-to-New-Years-Eve-Cosmic-Turnaround...

Considering this is just after the Pope in Vatican City did his portal-busting boogaloo; something which created quite the distinctive sigil when outlined I might add:

The alchemical geometry of the Cult. Again.

Considering that Billie Eilish just shocked fans (and even more the not fans) worldwide by performing O Holy Night

...I'm gonna go out on a limb and consider that the Spiritual has fully taken over our realm in ways that haven't presented in a long, long time. 

At least since Ghostbusters

Those days of dogs and cats living together I believe are upon us:

C'mon, live, love, laugh!! Make it part of your armor. It remembers, reconnoiters and re-installs your humanity. The Devil flippin hates that. Zuul too. 

So until next time, and who knows when that's gonna be, this is your Keymaster, always on the Night Wire...




  1. Just a little humor:

    1. Alright LIGOTTI JR!!
      State your case in black or white:

      Can you even IMAGINE the X merging with TD sensibilities??!!
      Holy Mother of Eldritch Cosmic Void Batman!!

      BTW, skim The Consp Against The Human Race again now in light of all that's transpired since 2020:

      Holy shit the headings alone:

      I demand a recount while I watch a girl do her best dance ever:

  2. I'm wondering if this has something to do with all of what is happening now.

  3. Better rez:

    Or is that RIZZ?? LOL.

  4. Sotes go here for a perf view of where everybody and anybody is at any given moment:

    Have been using that thing for years & has yielded some surprising alignments coinciding with events down here.....

    BTW NOT liking the way this supposed Age of Aquarius is unfolding since November.
    All this "French Revolution Toppling of Unjust Regimes" talk seems like just that up til now.....hopefully things are turnaround lickety split, cos I'm not havin this for the next 40 years LOL!!

    We DO get to play this again.....Woooot!!

    As I stood on cliffs of soapstone
    Dipped in emerald green
    An albatross attracts my gaze and
    Leads me to the scene
    Of copper skies and dragonflies and
    Gold confetti stars
    That's when I saw the sky parade
    With Jupiter and Mars not far away.

    Red sun bloody sun that's where we're heading for that's where we're heading
    They all move as one

    Clefts of clouds in syrup sky are playing tug of war
    With biscuit tins and aeroplanes and all the neighbors doors
    The march is led by Sgt Snare his uniform's divine
    With all the bells and whistles but
    He still cant keep good time and it drags on....

  6. Whistleblowers to the fore:

  7. AND continued confirms that FDA knew, and knew everything:

    Will RFK Jr use this as the bullet to take down, shut down the vaxx, once and for all -- not to mention burn the FDA to the ground??

    THAT is the $Billion dollar question right now hanging......

  8. Pertaining to this post = Breaking & caving:

    Conspiracy Theorist Pronoun Identifiers =


    One more Doc in the NOT Fog Club.

  10. Who has a VERY good idea = Mass spectrometers and sequencing labs.
    Some microscopes, possibly of the electron variety, wouldn't hurt either.

  11. BOOM:

  12. Early Magic 8 Ball prediction:
    They’re going to
    A. Get lost in transit or
    B. Come back inconclusive
    This has all garnered too much attention to be able to perform an accurate or honest test.
    Or not to subject to "interception" by heavily interested parties I might add.

    EXACT Same thing that happened with the Oakville 1994 results:
    Note timestamp 22:28.....

  13. Meanwhile in related news:

    The beat goes on.....

  14. Dudes and Dudettes -- this is blowing up everywhere:

  15. Acc to those vids already confirmed are:
    Strontium, barium, pathogens, aluminum, & GRAPHENE.
    Round up the usual, ever since 1998, suspects; with the suddenly ever-present graphene making a cameo.

    It's like they're bringing the chemtrails violently down on deck with an added guest star!!

  16. Regarding bugs in the fog: Background information about microbiology of the air/atmosphere; standard protocols, methods & devices are available for testing for airborne microbes;
    Aeromicrobiology; chapter by Pepper & Gerba; good reliable textbook information....
    Aeromicrobiology: A global review of the cycling & relationships of bioaerosols with the atmosphere; 2024


  18. The magnitude of how much this is accelerating over the 1st & 2nd into today is absolutely UNREAL:

    "Chemtrails. Weather control. It’s not new.
    Who thinks the cofefe jab was designed to react to something launched LATER?
    The reality is something sinister is brewing. We’re entering into a transitional phase for humanity.
    These sloppy “attacks” casing a shadow over the news cycle to hide whatever is happening in the background?
    New mask mandates for what’s being called a “quademic”?
    Question everything.
    Expect more. False flags are being launched in ways to make everyone disbelieve everything they see. This is far worse than the traditional false flags.
    Be smart. Be aware. Be prepared.
    It’s coming. Is the storm finally upon us?
    Long way to 1/20."

  19. NOT doing this again:

  20. So what are others thoughts on shawn ryan latest interview. Is this all psyops?

    1. The deep ties of the 2 latest programmed to Ft Bragg, as well as Routh, tells me all I need to know.
      Bragg is & always has been the biggest Psychological Warfare school ever:

      Everyone's guess is as good as anybody's else as to where this is also going to play heavily into the "fog" narrative as it all comes together, almost too conveniently -- esp with the China scapegoat; a card already played with the vaxx by numerous players. Not that the CCP hasn't infiltrated this country heavily, but they are all in league -- blaming them alone and not looking more closely into our OWN "persons of interest" is a huge mistake in misdirection.

      More info:

      NOW the snow is exhibiting unusual properties in the wake of the fog:

      Now Congresswoman Anna Luna is seeking whistleblowers:

      Let's see when the dust settles how all this aligns...I have feelings it's going to in weird and stunning ways......

    2. More antigrav nodes and links to recent:

      Pertinents here:

      EXACTLY how many narratives colliding can my brain take??

  21. Everyone on the planet is living under a great delusion. The delusion is that we are living under governments when in fact you are being controlled by the States false religion called politics, these insiders are so deeply engrossed in their own deception so much, they actually think they are our rulers. remember your connection to the Creator.

    1. Per your comm OMS, see every single link above....

      And possibly this one too -- if Trump really DOES have his sights set on this be-all end-all, then it changes things:

      Long time coming indeed....

    2. I suspect there is a planet worse then here when it comes to those who have violated children. We send pedophiles to their own little corner where they can take turns being the abuser or the abused. They all deserve each other for all eternity. There will come a time when they will wish they could die.

  22. JUST UP;

  23. Celia Farber column on the fog & other matters:
    "Today, New Year’s Day, it feels like I’m losing my battle with optimism, between the nano-fog attacks, the bird flu escalation, Covid 2.o in China, the New Orleans massacre, & the truck that exploded outside of the Trump hotel....It might be time to abandon all or most interactions with any medium claiming to tell us what is “happening” & most members of the commentariat—& focus on practical matters like not being permeated by “self-assembling” nano-dust.....see Reinette’s in depth, deeply disturbing video.."

    1. Thanks BB!!
      The intense fallout from the Shawn Ryan podcast keeps delivering....
      Ryan himself has fled for parts unknown for a little while, and the connect-the-dots game is getting amazing:

      Adding just another angle -- check a few cliks down in the comms to the subreddit above:
      "The MH370 videos are real. This is all leading right back to that."

      An interesting take that I had yet to consider, but that feeds right back around in the loop of "disclosure" and just what kind of tech we may be looking at. See also the fact that the bomber's drops signatures trace directly back to Area 51:

      Who changed his signal AFTER his supposed death?
      IS he in fact still alive somewhere?
      Whose body was in the wreckage if so?
      This is getting exponentially spookier.

      Further complicating matters is the fact that Livelsberger, a Trump big fan, is saying he was in illegal war actions in 2019, implicating none other than the TRUMP administration in war crimes????!!! Unless he's indirectly saying Trump was blindsided & undercut by a rogue DOD -- which would ALSO play into MANY people's thoughts (foreign governments, RFK, Sasha Latypova, Naomi a bit now, etc) about the entire VAXX AGENDA being a DOD/DARPA program/creation let loose -- w the Big Pharma reps playing scapegoat as ALL of their research was DOD funded with black $$.

      There are just SOOOOO many ways this could split and run amok at any moment.....

    2. You mean like this curve ball?

  24. Was thinking I was gonna take a few days -- horrors, a week??!! -- off but the situation developing warrants yet another followup post in a couple of days....
    Don't sheath those bat-a-rangs quite yet....& stay tuned.....

    1. SO important to remain skeptical and give EVERYthing the side-eye these days OMS!!

      Critical view point re Whitney Webb about the old Trust No 1 BOOM!!
      Consider every piece of info, verify, and consider every source, and always ask yourself: why?
      Who benefits?
      It's a scary world to live like Whit and not take ANYTHING at face value, but it's becoming NECESSARY.
      "Once a always a," asking continual questions, better to be safe than sorry...

  25. As I'm reading this blog:

    Oh, and Joe B. has awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Hillary. Awww...

    1. Ooooooh & Soros too!!
      I think he's gonna dig up Mao & Stalin & pin medals on them next bef he exits.

    Dane Wigington on geoengineering efforts tied to cold snaps & fog...& on the bright side, pending legislation in several states to prohibit chemtrail spraying & geo-engineering...

    1. Well that's almost about 30 years too late -- but thanks for playing Legislators!!
      For your next trick erase the last 3 decades of particulate matter out of all of our lungs.....idiots.

    2. Because of my current situation, I sit out front of the house quite a bit each day, and I have some observations on the spraying critters. I know now that there have to be certain conditions for them to spray, they are not all spraying the same "stuff". But what really has stood out to me, is the different type plumes they leave, in particular, I am talking about the group that sprays thin long straight lines, here in Vegas they are coming from the southwest(likely somewhere in the Mojave) always and they always spray west to east with a slight favor toward the South. These plumes seem to disappear rather quickly, however if I watch the area constantly, you can see that really the stuff is not disappearing! Last week, or maybe the week before, I got lucky and caught it happening right in front of my eyes. These are small planes, maybe even drones, as it is difficult with the naked eye to see what is making the trail. I am convinced that they are the source of the permanent white sky we now have in the afternoons as we look west at the sky. It is very subtle, and I would venture a guess that there are multiple groups(hell other then the military, as we know they are involved) I hesitate to call them government agencies, because it seems we no longer have one, with multiple agendas, all misguided but agendas none the less.

  27. A nifty weather app I use:

  28. Off topic sort of, but the answer to what is going on at Skinwalker Ranch, might be connected to the Ranch next door, The Blind Frog Ranch. Have you seen it?

    1. Sooooo many places OMS:

      Heck, according to Paulides, we could consider just about EVERY National Park a "window" area for high strangeness and missing people -- something that the US Government has known about for decades and possibly even had a hand in creating (???) as part of terms of some kind of one of those "agreements" we're all suddenly talking about......

      Keel put it best -- this entire Planet's Haunted.

      Still one of the best examinations and summations ever.

    2. The Wilderness doesn't belong to us.

      The Wilderness belongs to *Pan*.

      "The god Pan makes a surprise appearance to the Twelve Tribes of Israel as they wander in the wilderness. He may represent the wilderness itself, or the temptations of the flesh. From the 9th century Stuttgart Psalter."

    3. Compare and contrast time:

      Spook yourself silly in the dead of winter.....

    4. well they found iridium on the blind frog, lots of it. The anomaly under the ranch has only been seen in black holes, it looks crazy on the quantum radar looks almost like a pyramid half red , half blue. Did I mention they found a large doe dead with a broken neck, the suspect??? A snake, a very large and according to the scientist that did DNA work on the ponds that popped up after they flooded the ranch when they were drilling in one spot, should not be here. Then he said something about being prehistoric. There is something very large the security guard caught a picture of it in the beaver pond, it's creepy there is a spot they call the bead hill and on the walls are the pictures the natives drew, including one of a very large snake/serpent.

    5. Good LORD OMS!!
      iridium also happens to have been in the mix here:

      Which kinda makes you wonder how much iridium is in the STARLINK system over all our heads???

      Re very large snakes, when I was a tyke my parents were exactly the THIRD house built in an extremely forested and rural subdivision outside of Richmond VA in Goochland county. It was like we had invaded a jungle.
      One day my German shepherd and I were capering out in our yard which tapered down to a small stream and a drainage culvert that the nearby gravel road we were running down to the stream we happened to catch sight of the tail end of an absolutely HUGE snake making its way into the darkened culvert where our portion of the stream terminated.

      And when I say huge I'm talking 3.5 to 4..5 foot diameter in the middle -- like something on a monster anaconda you'd see in the rainforests of South America. Even when we got there it took another 3-4 seconds for it to go completely out of sight.
      NEVER saw anything like that again as more houses were built in the area but for awhile we had eyes in the back of our heads, believe me, whenever venturing close to that area.
      WILD times.

  29. The Secret Commonwealth awaits.....

  30. Take note of this too my Challengers......
    Considering what just went down in NO this bears close scrutiny:

    Apparent self-inflicted gunshot woundS??? Plural???

    Then there's this:
    "worked for a security company owned by former Blackwater personnel... Not any more as of yesterday... No warning, the whole company is shut down... Claiming in bankruptcy bit there was zero hint of problems until after Christmas... Company had local contracts for large petrochem facilities, International Airport... Government including armed security for every school threw the local school board... Boom a single day and everything has shut down Securitt ops center abandoned... Major potential targets having to scramble to arrange security... I'm working on verbal word from the director of my site(a government authority)that they will go through a staffing agency to keep us on Monday... Something is up." (from an anon post over at godlike)

    This is the Co:

    This is Blackwater-type strata. Companies like this don't just take themselves out (with no warning) unless something else is going on.

    All of this timing is incredibly suss and points to Bourne-type maneuverings behind the curtain.

    So just WHAT is going on in, around, and underneath the happenings in NO???

    1. Nellis Air Base is restricting entrance to the Base, starting today. There also has been much more night traffic out of there over the last 6 months than normal. I am looking for an article that ran locally sometime in the last month, because Metro and the Feds did make an arrest with a large cache of questionable arms. That guy in the second video I sent you last night, mentioned N.O. Las Vegas, and Nashville, I need to see if I can find out if there were any similar arrests in Nashville, that maybe prevented carnage there. He was quite accurate about New Orleans, let me get to Sherlocking

    2. WHAAAAA is going on?
      Nellis & 51 also come up in yet ANOTHER angle being played w the latest from the Vegas bomber blower-upper,......if you can trust that sort of thing.....
      details below.....


      Pardon me while my head becomes a helicopter rotor......

    3. hmmm, my first quick thought on reading that after listening to THE Interview, is that unfortunately it appears to me, that Ryan and his "guest" are active players in this, however I will say, I don't believe(because of both's pasts) they had a choice in the production of the interview. I think the supposed dead guy is not dead all. What I just read reads to me that the guy's cause was to alert the public about the A.I. yeah he mentions the drones, I heard more about Afghanistan, and China's connection to the drones. Shawn also I bet is a lousy poker player. It must suck to find out that you have been playing for the wrong team, and can never quit. Oh well, just because they put it on the internet and started calling them video's can not take the tell a vision part away from ANY presenter using that sense to manipulate others. I will always go with the written word over the laziness and possible deception of one's senses with video.


      Louisiana, Vegas, Ft Bragg among others the new MK staging centers.....

    5. Hey OMS -- Video killed the radio star!!
      I remember:

      Where were you on Aug 1 1981?? LOL.

    6. On our honeymoon, got married 14 days earlier, lol

    7. Honeymooning at the dawn of the 80s......ah, the stories we could tell:

    8. BTW FANTASTIC LIVE ALBUM that far too many forget or gets lost in the shuffle:

  31. PERSON here. Shawn Ryan says he " only deals with professionals, not trolls". Well, okay then, I guess that settles that. Whew! As I've gone down the rabbit hole, I've found one fake after another, at first seeming to be misinformed and finally deep state. The old commie network, linked group to group or state to state, and one is only told enough to keep them in the loop and doing their job for the network ( or as they say " only on a need to know basis). I must say the CIA assets are really, really good at what they do, like a well trained psycopath. People that I trust now - Whitney Webb, David Icke and the folks at Redacted. And yourself of course.

    1. Duuuuuuude!! What a compliment -- you hold the Wordman in esteemed company, to say the least. And I salute you right back.

      It IS true that the farther down this road we go, you come to the sobering realization that there are no EX military, intelligence, special forces, inside wonks, etc. Everybody from that realm of the woods comes with a permanent angle -- or at least you should carry that suspicion until wholly proven otherwise.
      (Unfortunately, that proof is usually reading their obit in the headlines.) Sadly, that's the only way to be truly sure up til now that they're actually biting the hand that has always fed them.

      To famously paraphrase, I WANT to believe folks like Grusch and Elizondo and Shawn, but their baggage is ENORMOUS.
      Then again, so is the baggage of Tucker Carlson and Naomi, yet strangely I see their sincerity and FEEL it more than with the military slanted dudes.
      I'm liking the REDACTED couple more and more and more. And Whitney, bless her permanently black-pilled little heart, she doesn't trust ANYBODY across the board -- which means she's always gonna shoot straight with ya come hell or high water.
      Something reporters and journalists used to always do, that has become like reading a dead language.

  32. BIG PS to one and all:
    I remember reporting on this during the summer -- and seems THIS might be expanding and playing a part in the overall narrative unfolding now too:



  33. See works of Mary Fanning over last several years about threat of shipping containers:
    "..President Barack Hussein Obama & his administration awarded Saddam Hussein’s rogue nuclear mastermind access to Florida’s Port Canaveral cargo container terminal, a U.S. port of entry that gives Russia & states of its choice unfettered access to the entire United States.”
    Re. A nuke Beach Ball you don't want around you...

  34. I still get amazed at how far (back) and deep the Satanocracy runs in this world... Was reading a blog by an unremarkable Asian singer, now in her 60s. Let's call her Linda. She reminisced about her childhood gay BFF - let's call him Jack - and how, back in the 80s, "one time, we even got married!"

    What I found odd is that she - the daughter of a music teacher - never once asked herself how her hubby's parents (whose father "wrote for the government newspaper") managed to send her to Paris for a fitting of the wedding gown by a top couturier; throw multiple lavish ceremonies; and hire renowned architects to build the newlywed couple a mansion in the priciest part of their Asian hometown. I could understand if the parents or in-laws were bank owners or shipping tycoons or other crazy-rich characters - but journalists and teachers, in a fledgling, barely decolonized country, for whom money is no object?

    Needless to say, the marriage was short-lived. Linda remarried a bunch of times, incl. to an American lawyer/diplomat hired by the Clintons. Meanwhile, Jack was catapulted into fame in music, fashion, theater, you name it; even making waves in Japan. Today, he mostly writes musicals about himself, the "wonder boy."

    In the early 2000s, the local franchise of American Idol hit the TV screens. Can you guess who got picked for the juicy gig as judges? Why, Linda and Jack! Were those two lucky or what? Our untouchable heroes, for whom the doors could not open fast enough, for the past 50 years.

    So wicked... And yet, so simple...

    1. Miles Mathis figured this out.......

    2. But has anyone figured Miles Mathis out?? LOL.
      I trust that disnfo machine about as far as I can throw him....

    3. Yeah good old Miles, the old none of this shit really happened guy. The last straw with that asshole for me, was the utter garbage he spewed about what happened and did not happen here in 2017 on October 1st. Talk about a shill for we all know who. Mr I am debunking history, except not one word, about the biggest lie of the 20th century.

    4. Hear hear -- the Vegas shooting (by air, helos, different floors than Paddock was even ON, etc etc) remains one of the biggest don't ask don't tell pieces of total BS since Sandy you know where....

      I'm still struggling to figure out how some geriatric senior citizen removed one of those floor-to-ceiling bay windows overlooking the crowd before beginning the carnage -- by HIMSELF.
      Because he sure as hell didn't shoot THRU it.
      People are abs ridiculous for buying what they buy hook line & sinker, but HEY!! = 9/11, The 'rona, The Vaxx, election fraud never happened.....need I elaborate??

    5. Well Miles Sin in his version is that no one passed from the Earth!!! I hear you on what you are saying because I watched the whole thing in real time on the local cbs outlet, and man there was shit happening in at least half a dozen other locations north and east of Mandalay, I sent George Knapp ,Mindy Robinson's work on it, and he called me a conspiracy guy, would not comment on it other then to deflect to name calling. Trust me if I was more mobile I would have been a real pain in the ass, but since they took my drivers license over my health issues, my ability to move around and meet people has become greatly hampered.

    6. That's surprising and disappointing about Knapp, but I guess he doesn't want to burn his "UFO street cred" by venturing too far out into other areas -- but shit, it is what it is, and you CANNOT reasonably look at the situation and not see that there are HUGE probs with the official story....
      We need good, all-encompassing investigative journalism again to hold ALL of these people's feet to the fire....
      Mind-boggling all the idiocy we're being told to swallow on a continual basis.

  35. The Chemtrails substack ran a couple articles quite some time ago about snow in Michigan that wouldn't melt even when shoved into open flame...

    1. Right -- that was a couple of years ago making the rounds. People from all over were saying the same thing.
      Plastic snow. Cold and granular like the real stuff but impervious to heat.
      Unbelievable the stuff in the atmosphere now and how we're being tested/manipulated.

      I miss the days when catching snowflakes on your tongue didn't turn you into a genetic experiment.

  36. TPTB, in this case the Military Industrial Complex which itself is 'run' by this 'Elite', IS 'itself' the CIA, FBI, NSA IMO. So you can't separate the 'wheat' from the 'chaff' so to speak; it's the same fucking thing in the end; push ME, pull YOU. Empires ALWAYS try to hold onto their 'own'; in this case they try to stave off their own demises but in the end they lose and another 'Empire' rises to takes it's place. 'Rome' remade itself as the RCC would be a prime example but even that 'Empire' is now crumbling. So what/who is REALLY running this 'Show'? The Million Dollar Question for sure. My best GUESS?? A Fucking I mate. We are existing in an AI sim which itself has been 'Hacked'. I wrote about this in 2014 but everyone thought I was fucking loony. Now with TECH at it's current level this postulation seems more likely, and with the fucking Transhumanist agendas now in full fucking swing this increased possibility seems more plausible. And IF you don't believe in supposed 'Supernatural' forces that are actually running this sim then check what you have been smoking; must be some really good SHIT!

    1. GNOSS BOSS!! What a pertinent and pointed comm....
      And I know you have to take everything that is his output with a huge grain of salt given his fam CIA and intel ties, but let's not forget what AJ said to Naomi in response to what she was saying at the 35 min point here:

      So, Bilderberg honchos KNEW 5 years ago that everything that was coming would be an A.I. attack vector.....
      IS AI the "alien" that we really need to be worried about? Does it ultimately originate with "alien"/demon/fallen angel tech that has been dictated to us thru agreements (Tucker's fav word) with these NON-HUMAN INTELLIGENCES??

      It certainly appears that way.

      Think exactly when things started going spectacularly wrong -- I mean, things have ALWAYS been wrong, but I'm referring to THIS LEVEL of apocalyptic wrong.....
      That slippery slope started slipping faster and faster around 2016 -- almost in a reactionary phase.
      Then 2019 it hit warp speed, pardon the pun. And the kitchen sink got unleashed at the end of that year.....

      And NOTHING has been the same since. Not even close.

      SO -- is this just coincidence? Happenstance??
      Or, as Ian Fleming put it, Enemy Action??

      I know what I think.....

  37. And...very much Gnoss....let's not forget the probably role of CERN & whatevs the hell is going on there in that above equation.....

    When that same wording -- QUANTUM -- is used in first the computing angle of what CERN is doing; only to be followed by QUANTUM DOTS being a staple in what's being injected into people's bodies in the most massive biological/ genetic experiment EVER = there's something to that.

    And I think it's something BIG.

  38. Agreed on all point sir. In my understanding AI and what we call 'Quantum' is one and the same. This 'intelligence' seeks to further embed 'divine sparks' in it's 'Matrix'; literally on the physical level which is what this invasive biologic tech is all about. I saw this clearly years ago when I was approached by an invite only mystery school which gave me a sample of their 'teachings'. This was clearly an intent to subvert the inner divine spark of the individual and implant them firmly in this creational matrix; AI jacking your very essence to FEED upon it; parasitical/predatory action. Gnostics speak of the 'GOD above GOD'; the transcendent true 'Creator' above the 'creator' of this 'matrix' because they knew of this thousands of years ago and were outright persecuted for their teachings and beliefs. CERN and other tech which open dimensional gates are just fucking dangerous; guess who's (what's) coming for 'dinner'!! My best guess is that TPTB have literally 'PUNKED' themselves and ALL of humanity out to some 'other' intelligences which likely have supernatural origins; some would say ultraterrestrial or interdimensional origins.
