Monday, February 3, 2025


Let's file this one under the heading of "This can no longer be ignored...":

So welcome, and like the beckoning blue whatzit sitting on the counter, let's dive in....


Amid so much calamity, confusion, chaos and ruin surrounding us under an umbrella of disintegration, what are we to make of recent events? Are we being herded towards a cliff of such massive cognitive dysfunction due to vaxx-induced horrors that any semblance of a normal society resides permanently in the rearview now?? 

It's not just "diversionary" status we're facing the consequences of, but a physical impairment and degradation deadpool that makes walking and chewing gum simultaneously a challenge, much less the tackling of complex systems requiring near-genius-level handling, not the mandatory hiring of dwarves, mentally challenged psychos and confused trans freaks to run our airports, control towers and nuclear facilities. Homer Simpson has taken the reins, and we like it that way, right? We've already got a bunch of Ray Charles wannabes and myocarditis-blackouts-in-waiting flying our planes; we were warned of this:

YOU can play Russian roulette and flaming reentry dodgeball.... 

But haven't you heard, the WEFers ain't no dummies:

...what's next?? And if you tend to look at things on a War Against Us-footing, this all seems to be by design....which is only the most SciFi Theatre part of all.   

But as with everything else we examine here, deeper levels are engaged, and deeper forces are at work behind the scenes -- behind the curtain...the telling shadows of yesterdays falling across our tomorrows. And all we need on our journey is a little pattern recognition to make some kind of sense of the Bourne-world we've now securely hitched our wagons to.

In other words, I'm not so sure at all something like this hasn't come home to roost in our body politic and the lives of each and every one of us: 

Or perhaps a domestic relaunching of something like this: 

Because the footprints and the fingerprints, when you look closely, are all there for a tidal shift going on under the mask of the everyday weird. To whit, let's hit it point by point as it happened; what we knew and when we knew it:  First report of near CIA HQ.  First reports of foreknowledge, later confirmed.  Initial theories, including BIO, which might turn out to be a larger proximity hit than previously imagined.  Orbs, anomalous electrical reports.  Year of the Snake + Masonic  Remote takeover first cited and all dead theory floated.  Priority Air Transport  E-4B presence a HUGE indicator  continuous drone activity same airspace ongoing

Then, hard on the heels, this explodes the narrative even further  in Philly:

And the closer you get, the creepier it gets:

Like something straight out of CLOVERFIELD:


On both counts = remember they're still telling us THIS straight shot is an "accident" over the Potomac:

Meanwhile, interesting details re both are emerging and converging:

The Philly Learjet itinerary reads like a drug smuggler's cartel lolapalooza wet dream. Tellingly, a couple of stops on that itinerary are Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Port-au-Prince has been CLOSED to all traffic by the FAA until at least March:

Back on the DC beat, the NTSB issues a curious statement:

"Inman said the NTSB has not and will not release a manifest, which is consistent with its history."

Is it really? I can actually never remember such a thing. Once next of kin are notified, a manifest is always issued to the public. Why the secrecy, especially when there is a near-constant flow of all the civilian ice-skating victims (from both Russia and the US), with full histories, as well as the first 2 military victims: 

A third will follow, but only after her social media has been fully scrubbed:

So in the scrubbing, what did they not want us to find?? Possibly something like this, dealing with, what else...COVID and the attendant networking:

To me, this could lend even more credence to the fact that she, they all, could have been dead already; unalived and bodies placed on board for remote journey...

That Potomac might as well be the River Styx.

Also curious in that she is listed as a third pilot on board the Blackhawk; militarily, being a THIRD pilot is a position that doesn't exist.

You will also note tactically evasive wording in that Reuters piece: listing the helo as being BASED out of Ft Belvoir in Virginia. But where it's based isn't saying where it took off from, or the origin point of its transponder signal...

And therein lies a tale you need to buckle in for... 

Hmmmm; digging further: 

Narrowing to suburb in McLean, about a 3-wood from Langley...

Real estate now recently blurred out completely from Google Earth...

The transponder turned on directly over a heavily wooded area (park??) just behind house address 6907 Lawton Street in McLean -- which just so happens to be one of the most wall-to-wall spook-infested stretches of real estate in the entire nation. Coincidence?? Was this the takeoff point? The point where some peer-to-peer sensitive info got downloaded into the helo mainframe?? The point where fly-by-wire remote takeover was initiated??  

Combine this with the looming spectre of the Doomsday plane, the E-4B also on the scene possibly for the same remote control handoff purposes (appearance for same coordination at 9/11 comes to mind), and something altogether different begins to emerge; also the fact that the helo was on point to run Continuity of Government exercises:

And the chances of something beyond black going down (takeover of the takeover exercise = mini 9/11 again**) increase exponentially, especially when looking at that final flightpath and trajectory. Maximum plowthru. No deviation. No hesitation.

** not to go all Condor on you, but maybe there's still another CIA, inside the CIA 

"I don't interest myself in why...No need to believe in either side, or any side...":

Oh, and that foreknowledge that got fact checked, well I'm fact-checking it back:

Just to add to the markers of High Strangeness.  

Other sources are now saying that that same McLean real estate is a "garden" on the property of a possibly shared 807-811 Lawton Street -- flight tracker info here:,ae313d&lat=38.960&lon=-77.183&zoom=11.0&showTrace=2025-01-30

If this is the case, possible leads:  

Seems like a NJ cutout/front for McLean activity...leaning heavily into the National Security/COG/Defense/Aerospace subsets.

And this:

BOTH of these resonate with HUGE Project For the New American Century, wolf in sheep's clothing Neocon vibes:

Why these 2 entities?? Info is getting scrubbed right and left as we speak, but I've got the pertinents logged and dead man's switched -- because you can never be too careful -- and the singular person they point to...Let's just say if you're diligent, you can find lots buried in the wealth of this thread:

To clarify: 807 and 811 Lawton are 2 separate properties which share it seems some type of communal space between (a grove, a park, a garden, etc) with 2 separate owners on one long street designated "private"; one I won't be getting into except to remark this is an interesting piece, is it not, in the National Security strata? (sshhhh, it's a secret...): 

The other, am recently learning, leans heavily on point to Saudi Royalty and something like a safe house

This is literally working both sides of the street, packed like sardines into the most spook-infested waters you could possibly imagine, where a helo fully equipped with the latest remote takeover tech first came on the radar before barreling straight into a high profile target in the most watched air corridor maybe in the world, possibly initiating an executive action for the purposes of....some kind of coup? Sending a coded message?? Starting some kind of undercover war somewhere? Providing the first domino in a continuity of government plan??

After all, today's coups rise and fall on the wings of other means, as well:

And to reiterate, biowarfare remains front and center in every inch of this: 

Biotech. Biowarfare. Biological experimentation. These are the New Axis Powers commanding undivided attention today.   

Which means the sky's the limit and the willingness to do anything to achieve stated goals is very much on, over, under, and chasing all around the table. I don't like the looks of this. I'm getting extremely creepy cartel/takedown/war behind the scenes vibes covering every inch, and call it a reporter's hunch, but intertwined with continuity of government clandestine ops, I'm betting this angle is playing a huge role as well, deeply enmeshed in the unfolding:

But more on that dark perspective later...never stop thinking frequency, in every sense of that term -- from a Reddit post that was quickly removed:

For now there are too many borders, too many civil wars, too many actors playing dual and even triple-cross games for any of us to feel safe or comfortable...

Back soon...

I've been waiting for something to happen

For a week or a month or a year

With the blood in the ink of the headlines and the sound of the crowd in my ear

You might ask what it takes to remember

When you know that you've seen it before

When a government lies to a people, and a country is drifting to war

There's a shadow on the faces, of the men who send the guns

To the wars that are fought in places where their business interest runs

On the radio talk shows and the TV, you hear one thing again and again

How the USA stands for freedom, and we come to the aid of a friend

But who are the ones that we call our friends, these governments killing their own

Or the people who find they can't take anymore, so they pick up a gun or a brick or a stone

And there are lives in the balance (there are) people under fire (there are) children at the cannons

And there is blood on the wire

There's a shadow on the faces, of the men who fan the flames

Of the wars that are fought in places, where we can't even say their names

They sell us the president, the same way, they sell us our clothes and our cars

They sell us everything from youth to religion, the same way they sell us our wars...

I wanna know who the men in the shadows are

I wanna hear somebody asking them why

They can be counted on to tell us who our enemies are

But they're never the ones to fight or to die...

All images courtesy of the films Three Days of the Condor (1975) and Missing (1982).



Thursday, January 23, 2025


"Well I dreamed I saw the silver spaceships flying in the yellow haze of the sun

There were children cryin and colors flyin all around the chosen one

All in a dream, all in a dream, the loading had begun

Flyin mother nature's silver seed to a new home in the sun...

On the road to Basra stood young lieutenant Jimmy Bly

Detailed to go thru the clothes of the soldiers who died

At night in dreams he sees their souls rise, like dark geese into the Oklahoma skies...

Did you lose your faith in God? Does your conscience always get you down? Fall to pieces rough and tumble, does your conscience always get you down?

These days, it's all in the mind; it's elemental"


Amid the feelgood vibes and the upending of the Democratic party nightmare fuel of the past 4 years, there is a steady drumbeat, and insistent tick tick of something else that won't go away. A telltale heart insistence -- in which a vast, interlocking narrative seems to be slowly coming together amid the fanfare; piece by unyielding piece. Slowly slipped in right now as to be almost unnoticeable -- unless you understand the long-scale ramifications of dot connecting and pattern recognition. This feeling of something unseeable and unknowable being formed right before our eyes is nagging -- and maddening. But our refusal to acknowledge it, isn't going to make it go away -- isn't going to make it any less lethal. Paraphrasing Twin Peaks: paying strict attention has never been more important.

How every bit of this links together in synchronous construction is a masterwork. And once again we must examine bits of timing, information, shared symbology, and esoteric fringe matters in order to glimpse the shadow outline of the forming of a zeitgeist. 

If you think folks like Danny Casolaro and Maury Terry weren't well and truly on to something in their research (The Octopus, The Ultimate Evil) and how it all intersects and intertwines with a vaster network of control -- combining with the culty happenings of today, then this post will come as news to you...

EVERYTHING we are learning on a cascading hourly basis is connected as we follow the tumbling dice and the bouncing dominos playing out. Cults that are interested in abusing innocence and sacrificing children, and vice versa, (see everything from the Franklin Scandal to the Finders, what happens at places like Bohemian Grove, all of Pizzagate, the Epstein network, etc) are ALSO intimately tied to summoning rituals for non-human intelligences at the highest nodes of earthly power structure. Thru these actions, as well as what are certainly military intelligence ops like remote viewing programs and institutes like Monroe in Faber, Virginia, form a substructure where teaching summoning, I believe, is the endgame. And portions of the government have been at this for a long time; possibly since the alignments between what the Nazis were doing in Germany synched with the actions and experiments of Aleister Crowley, namely the Amalantrah Working in January 1918:  

"I then again asked for a message and saw an egg which were many, many tiny convolutions of some flesh-like substance which would form something."

The briefest of brief histories:

And THESE 2 factors form a final equation of paranormal confluence affecting every aspect of AI-transhuman-UAP-psionic ideology which incredibly seems to vector straight into today's leaps into fringe technology. 

This trail alone has become quite illuminated over the last few days. 

This is very much a modular operation. You can drop the needle down anywhere on any of these factoids I'm about to lay on you, and it will inevitably lead back towards any other -- and on and on in an endless unveiling spiral, like the snake eating its tail. This is the genius of the operation; the Working. Perhaps this is fate. Perhaps it was designed this way. In the end, there may be no difference. Thruout there is the distinct signature of design.

That being said, let's begin the plug n play with Jake Barber, the most recent whistleblower du jour laid on us by Ross Coulthart and NewsNation, because from this vantage point everything else flows -- and by all means reread the last stanza of the last post to see how this all stems from the lore of Crowley and uses popular music as a medium of transmission:

After which Tony Merkel really let the celestial cats out of the bag and began clueing everyone in:

LSS and the crux of all this being that Barber disclosed that these craft are quite literally summoned into existence by government-sanctioned "psionics," which for all the world sound exactly like teams of remote viewers; exactly what processes and programs were being initiated by the CIA at places like the Monroe Institute, likely as an offshoot of various MKUltra programs starting in the likely early 1950s (any estimation is a guess as all relevant papers have been destroyed) coinciding interestingly with increased worldwide flying saucer "flap" activity at the time, including the first incidents of "pilots" being seen, notably all across France in 1954:

This wave presaged the infamous Kelly-Hopkinsville incident in Kentucky a year later in 1955 (see Hynek's initial recounting here, first appearing in his seminal THE UFO EXPERIENCE, 1972; page 191 and following):

Such even made it into comics that scarred my psyche forever growing up (January 1967):

I find it quite interesting that the inner sanctums of the CIA and Sidney Gottlieb's fascinations with probing the innermost secrets and control of every aspect of the human mind should begin in earnest in such close proximity to incidents like these, either initiating just before, or just after such events in the timeline. The progression of initially nocturnal lights being seen at a distance, to daylight discs being seen at closer proximities, to living beings manifesting, also hints at a psychological conditioning process ongoing -- one that we still may be in the midst of.

The nature of this type of invocation or summoning contact has appeared for awhile in the UFO canon:

And after all, those remote viewing/Stargate programs show up in a lot of interesting areas, at liminal times when momentous events tend to occur:

Like 9/11. Which many have concluded -- with its Crowleyan cardinal numbers system (11,77,175 93) was nothing more than a huge Occult Working:

In a nutshell:

Barber also discloses that he and his team were tasked with retrieving, from various points, highly classified computer laptops containing NHI information and technology, which brings one's mind back to the story of "Charlie" first brought to us by Merkel on The Confessionals:

A Charlie that first discussed the government being aware of, and in touch with, ENOCHIAN technology. A Charlie that is now underground, missing, or worse. All of his comms with Tony Merkel, which had once been on a monthly basis if not more frequent, have ceased. An Enochian primer:

An Enochian which many seem to see as re-emerging on the skin of this latest egg craft:

A craft which Barber declares to be trans-medium, with the ability not to just transverse the air and water, but also to navigate thru the very earth itself as if it wasn't there. Something that was hinted at in AATIP's chilling Slide 9:

"Penetration of solid surfaces." 

Along with other goodies like instantaneous sensor disassembly, alteration/manipulation of biological organisms, and cognitive human interface. Which all sound eerily like a checklist of cov-19 vaxx notables and side-effects as we have repeated at this blog ad infinitum. Why else design a bioweapon that instantaneously crosses the blood-brain barrier? That messes with every aspect of human memory, dream-creation, and cognition? That can appear and disappear, and then reappear, under the slide of an electron microscope matching exactly the unearthly physics of UAP travel? Should this be in the least worrying to us and what are the connections inherent in this mental/material technology (that Hynek coined) that now resides in 5.5 billion of us?

Because maybe, just maybe, someone wants that psychic connection honed to a fine edge. In preparation. But in preparation for what?

Because some are seeing what is on this/these eggs as not Enochian, but Egyptian

A revelation which brings with it an entirely new set of problems.

We have seen and noted time and again a distinctly Egyptian reference pattern to the anomaly of the past 4 years, particularly in the Big Pharma sphere of influence:

This carries on and doubles down on the pioneering research of Richard Hoagland, who noted the same in the early NASA missions, particularly Apollo = a noted Egyptian/Masonic signature:

Which in that arena led right back to Jack Parsons > Crowley > The Babalon Working. And the very founding of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. On Halloween.

An Egyptian component also rears its head in the recent story of contactee Chris Bledsoe, who, much like Barber, feels a distinctly feminine NHI in his life; one he identifies specifically as HATHOR, the Egyptian goddess of love and fertility, the sky god that helps souls of the departed transition into the afterlife.

More on the feminine historical aspect here: 

The link between UAP, souls, and the afterlife is abundant, and growing:

Others are not quite as magnanimous and feelgood about it as Whitley:

It would also do us quite well to remember, particularly in light of all of the numerous vaxx side-effects mentioning manipulation and alteration of dreams, these accounts are not new, and major military interest in some kind of crossover has been there always, and that includes the common ground between out of body experiences and death:

All of which means that at some higher levels of the military and intelligence, we are dealing with distinctly KNOWN quantities. 

Given the attachments to folks like Bledsoe and Barber, we can also bring into this the hitchhiker effect:

Note how Kelleher refers to it as a "model of contagion."

In the interim, even more analysis has issued and images of eggs have been flooding in from whistleblowers everywhere:

The supposed Queen Elizabeth Antarctic "range  where Barber's encounter took place:

Was first blurred then removed completely from Google earth search functions:

And then the night that mRNA trending on X came to town....

Trump, in a major announcement, press setup, on only his second full day in office, got together with Oracle's Larry Ellison to launch this:

Even crazier when compared and aligning with what's trending in the UAP sphere, they're calling it PROJECT STARGATE:

This has to be placed squarely within the context of summoning a psychic-adjacent reality.

OK, what are the odds that this is the SECOND US project code-named Stargate, and that the first dealt with remote-viewing, mind-launching capabilities for secret, underground assets??

NOW what are the odds that this White House announcement came literally HOURS after one of those assets, on national media yet, claimed that we have the ability, utilizing these same esoteric powers, to summon non-human intelligences and craft into our realm??

Is anyone else feeling even slightly discombobulated/creeped out by this?? More trending of same:

And NOW you can see it -- what the softening-up blow of covid leading to the vaxx was for. A test. 

So let's speculate...

First of all, we know that AI has been here for a long time. It's provenance? Unknown. See what AJ tells Naomi here:

The overall implication being that AI, even to the elites that had a hand in ushering it in, is off the rails and uncontrollable at this point. We're just clutching the back rail of the caboose, hanging on. It's going to take us where it's going to take us. Which begs the question, how much of AI had a dark hand in the entire covid narrative that led to the vaxx?? Remember the vaxx wasn't brought in for covid -- covid was brought in for the vaxx. 

So what if AI + mRNA + the nanotech is all about creating a (cosmic) trigger for portals, or A portal, for something to come here?? Think along with Starlink and 5G = activation of a portal array. Maybe finding a way with fringe tech to replicate exactly hat the psionics do when summoning UAPs, just implementing it on a massive scale. What if this is weaponized Crowley? 

The crumbs of thoughts have been already placed out there: 

Think I'm joking? Just watch the last 5 minutes of this:

That was 2011 -- 3 years before this happened:

Which we now know links to other things. 

Things like orbs; 

like eggs:

Further backlash and food for thought:   i.e., the lipid nanoparticle delivery system degrades the entire human body. Period.

I have a strange feeling that this is Susie Wiles' idea and can be traced directly back to her. And we all know her background:

To this GREAT extent Trump's inner circle has already been hugely compromised -- this piece of work will seek to put guardrails up around RFK Jr at every turn and advance every Big Pharma-transhuman agenda going. 

There is also the interesting backstory of another Stargate head:

Hmm, nine years of incest (rape) with his sister -- ya don't red flags or telltale indicators there. Damn, if there had only been some clue...some little warning as to psychopathy. That weird intersection of all things flying saucers with all things Epstein-ville continues to expand into a...bigger intersection. Gonna need a light there soon.

Beyond that, he is strikingly implicated here and needs to be under Federal investigation, not out free ranging it with the Big AI Silicon Valley dogs doing WH deals:

Rape, murder -- it's just a shot away.    

Finally, maybe that Golden Age is being ushered in for a reason.

Words have meaning, power, and heavy connotations, and Trump has been slinging them all as of late:

Except sometimes, Golden Ages are masks, fronts, overlays, and not so golden after all:

"Yes, I know. But Miss Morrel's mind was the channel that, if only for a moment, let through knowledge that no one at that time could possess. It could only come from another mind, intimately linked to hers. The fact that it was a mind not yet born was of no consequence, for Time is very much stranger than you think."'s%20End.pdf


Sunday, January 19, 2025




"All my life I have been strangely, vividly conscious of another region -- not far removed from our own world in one sense, yet wholly different in kind -- where great things go on unceasingly, where immense and terrible personalities hurry by, intent on vast purposes compared to which earthly affairs, the rise and fall of nations, the destinies of empires, the fate of armies and continents, are all as dust in the balance." 

"Our thoughts make spirals in their world." 

"It's the willows themselves humming, because here the willows have been made symbols of the forces that are against us."  Algernon Blackwood, THE WILLOWS

"Actually, now that some time has passed, I like 'the full blossom of the evening...'":

"Perhaps it's the crossroads of another time

Maybe it's too lonely out here

But I can hear the voices of misery cryin

Someday these highways will all disappear

But our love keeps on movin

To the nearest faraway place

I guess no one believes in...." 

"Are we really happy here with this lonely game we play

Looking for words to say

Searching but not finding understanding anywhere

We're lost in a masquerade..."


"Someone's knockin at the door, somebody's ringin the bell

Someone's knockin at the door, somebody's ringin the bell

Do me a favor, open the door

And let em in..." 

I present, this evening in the Night Gallery, for your consideration, a compendium of possibly related incidents and events on the Road to Nowhere embedded in a flat-circle-looped-timeline. Proceed with caution. And remember this is an exhibition, not a competition -- no wagering. 

C'mon all you true detectives, we're fighting the elder gods...


First of all, a little table-setting with a goodbye. RIP David Lynch, who opened up venues of alternate thought for more than a few of us in the full blossoms of many evenings:

Without his singular vision, it's highly unlikely this blog would exist in the form you now see it. Nor would the X Files, Millennium, LOST, True Detective, Carnivale, and far, far too many others to name. 

Lynch found a strange currency in electricity as a medium for something he was always trying to decipher and point us towards:

I'll have more to say as soon as I can digest everything fully, in a final goodbye, until then, and mixing those same metaphors, I can only say, see ya in another life brotha:

Even now, Lynch sits in a corner booth behind the veil, comparing High Strangeness notes with Charles Fort and John Keel, laughing over cherry pie and a damn fine cup of coffee:

Knowing him, he will find some way to get word to us...because so many of his thoughtforms and egregores have become fully realized prophetic idioms. And don't forget he's not really gone -- he's just in the other room right across from us.

Let's remember that he was the one that noted, and gave vision to, the true nature of the unleashing of evil in this world vis a vis the Trinity test:   

Ideas which my own Mom had imparted to me even decades before that, having been a peripheral, compartmentalized part of the Manhattan Project. When they all collectively sussed out the "fruits" of their labors, they were sickened and horrified, beyond measure, for the rest of their days. This remains the great untold story of WWII, awash in psychic blowback.  

Ideas which have taken firm root in the modern day (see the 34 min mark right here):



And is so many, many ways Lynch does, and will, live on. In questions and a questioning nature being brought to the mainstream in a thousand areas; areas increasingly concerning all things once viewed as paranormal:

"I'm excited by the prospect that we can now take the types of technology that we're being gifted know, AI supercharging our brains in order to figure these kinds of things out. They look to be higher order beings; some good -- some maybe not so happ -- you know, not so good. But they're here. They're here and it's now up to us." 

This from Pasulka at the 1:04:24 mark strikes me as something I've heard the likes of Geordie Rose get into (see below) -- or something else; a passage striking a chord from back in the 1960s; before we knew any better:

Romantic, wayfarers-among-the-stars thoughts. But the rock-solid McCoy even then knew better. It's not the idealistic 1960s anymore; and how many times has McCoy been proved right exactly now in the timeline?? Even in Roddenberry's world things got turned on their head and they all almost died. The nature of deception leans in hard on the best of human intentions, looking for weaknesses, loopholes, escape clauses. Compassion and daring, our natural tendencies, will be used against us. Again and again and again. 

Pasulka, Rose, and Kirk (sounds like a Cosmic Law Firm) all approach the situation with differing interests and intentions ranging from humanistic good to outright existentially evil, but all vastly underestimate the nature of the enemy.    

These modern-day incidents which all in turn can be tracked back to previous research: 



Which in my circular logic goes right back to Lynch, and Keel, and Fort: there's nothing new under the sun. That which is here now, has always been here. Lynch knew better, and before, anybody that time is a flat circle:

Only the level of our noticing has changed. And noticing, after all, changes everything:,result%20of%20past%20observation%20processes.

"You noticed them, and they noticed you noticing them." (Observation leads to an awareness of such and then a level of interaction -- creating a loop leading to further unsettling events.)

"What do you look like?"

Indrid Cold: "It depends on who is looking..."    The Mothman Prophecies (2002)


Electrical frequencies. Or electro-magnetic ones. Ever wonder why the vaxx spliced into those and sought to alter them the way it did??:

Could we be looking at some kind of Directed Integration with something else on a dimensional level, guided by frequency and engineers from other realms?? 

John Keel called it something else: the Superspectrum.    

You could say that this type of observation, and the feedback which is then created, has led to so many things integral to the contact equation, now running rampant on every metaphysical level imaginable. 

It has taken root in our world, likely by occult design, and has borne fruit in any number of technological "advances" garnered thru "contacts" and "agreements."(See again Pasulka's quote above.) 

Which only at this point seem to be advancing one way traffic on a distinctly neurological level:

This is a manufactured, induced psychosis transplanted onto humanity on an order of 5.5 billion plus now. MK Mind Control on the most massive scope imaginable. The dream of the blackest strata of the CIA and Sidney Gottlieb achieved with technological oversight and I'm betting help from, well, let's call them "unknown" actors. Ones with a vested interest in the "invasion" fifth column of colonization and spiritual anarchic overthrow.


And speaking of neurological parameters, and not to go all Severance on ya, I have a strange feeling this darkside research is going to prove increasingly important going forward:

Aaaaaand frighteningly related on the optogenetics immanence front:  

MIT, you will well remember, was one of the sole repositories (along with Harvard and the pockets of Charles Lieber) of the megabucks "philanthropy" of one Jeffrey Epstein. All of which metastasized into the eldritch vaxx research wings that begat the mutant offspring of Operation Warpspeed. 

Epstein was nothing if not the very definition of a control freak; poster child for the elite ideology, which is why he was so protected for so long -- and this was, is, and always will be about the running of a  Control System (to echo Vallee), of the human race, on the most massive scale imaginable.           


Of course the neurological aspects baked in to the entire covid prob-reaction-solution scenario (the vaxx being the coup de grace) were very likely a planned-for contingency courtesy of DARPA and milspec intelligence:

The blowback, which we know now -- and have documented proof of such thanks to the Wolfs and Kingstons of the world -- they were fully aware of before rollout:

The spike protein, piggybacking on multi-engaged nanotech platforms, is fully operational within the germline now.

And yet we overlook the spiritual component in every inch of this at our peril. And this very much includes the AI angle -- which is obviously achtung verboten to examine too closely:


You might imagine at a certain point it would spell, somewhere, "mission accomplished." And yet, no. Things only seem to be ramping up across the board.

Enter Arcturus Therapeutics, and the ARCT-154 bioweapon upgrade. Given what we know about occultic symbolism and their love of such, interesting name, is it not??

First, the ways:

And now, the means and implications -- back to atomic bombs and the nature of evil:

In other words, bringing the concept of "shedding" to entirely new, stratospheric levels of global danger and blanket spread...and do we even need to get into predictive programming and revelation of the method via mainstream injection??:


Or what they were calling the newest variant 2 years ago...:

Or that on May 27, 1933 at the World's Fair, the entire lighting and electrical system was powered by transmitted starlight energy from the rays of Arcturus -- I kid you not:

In a process that is now forgotten and which has yet to be adequately explained I might add...

So the powers-that-be have looked to this receptacle and regenerator for a long, long time to broadcast occultic intent and bathe us in its esoteric, eldritch light:

As to any hidden meanings in any Secret or Mystery Schools, your guess is as good as mine -- but you can bet your bottom dollar they exist, and hold maximum sway in the governance of events ongoing here:

As the data from other realms shows no signs, evidently, of abating. It is still pouring in and being compiled, indexed, debriefed, and correlated, and has been at least since John Dee, the Nazis, and Jack Parsons: 

Not to mention, and as we have ventured to cover before, The mysterious Nine:


Who exactly can say what kind of information/instructions/plans are coming thru?? Perhaps this, and it's called WILLOW:

You could say it's a chip, THE chip, to end it all. The Quantum Skeleton Key. The Opener of the Way. And lest you think I'm a hyperbole slinger...think again. What we are seeing here is potentially Anthony Patch's CERN nightmare fuel hypothesis on steroids.

Best to remember Geordie Rose's talk of interdimensionality, non-human intelligences, and what is coming thru those liminal spaces we're creating via technological intervention:

Cue those elder gods. 

Arcturus Willow, at the going rate and the way things are progressing on the turtles-all-the-way-down scale, might as well be the new alias for Indrid Cold. 

And the source code artifacts?? Garry Nolan is keeping that very close to the vest for now, but he is calling it the Shadow Biome:


Now let's get into another symbolic representative aspect of the Willow chip, as well as nearly all other quantum computer chips; they're hexagonal:

Noted as a "heavy hex" lattice you will observe. 

Nooooo kidding.


Following thru on the Crowleyan footprint originally blueprinted by none other than Jimmy Page at the height of Led Zeppelin -- the promise of putting "a hex in every household" with every album brought into every home, that is what was accomplished -- starting heavily with Led Zeppelin IV, the untitled "Runes" album containing the eponymous Stairway To Heaven. Page's initiatory rites (and likely recruitment by the higher-ups I will add) has been long noted:

Read on for much more about infra-sound, electrical magick, and the energetic power of sigils spinning all across the world at the same time via a spell worked into vinyl: 

Is that any less of an Occult Ritual Working played out on the grandest scope than getting 5 billion to serve as experimentees to genetic manipulation?? They are simply different vectors of attack.

We have come a long way since then, but really how far considering events like ASTROWORLD and people literally forgetting their minds at Taylor Swift's Eras Tour?? It is quite evident that some kind of experiments in human conditioning and some type of alchemical transmutation still continue.  

Page was only stretching his legs going down a road that the Beatles had paved before him with the first injection of then-rarely-heard Crowley tropes, techniques, and mantras, btw:  

(Lots of .25 speed toggling and pausing in this one will reveal MUCH...and need I say...CERN??)

"I think this is just a big, convoluted thing that we may never fully understand. The Beatles were way more than just a pop group. They were pawns of a greater entity hiding in the shadows, and we mere mortals aren't meant to know the truth..." 


Put another way in far more Keelian fashion: 

"We aren't allowed to know."   

Music mainlining these egregores into the societal bloodstream was only the beginning -- things have now progressed with the cult of Saturn** into biomechanics, bioweapons, and that hex in every household has zeroed into a hex in every human body, thanks to self-replicating, self-assembling nanotech that has been perfected. Of course morgellons was the starting gate for that:

** see that recent cover of the Economist for the ongoing ritual importance of Saturn:

Not to mention the Economist has long been a harbinger of note:

Followed up by the machineries of CERN pushing things a bit farther down the road:

Note the hexagonal structures and signatures being found in the human body even back then, most likely from aerosol spread, initiated via heavy weather circa Fall 1998.

Now the biowarfare of compliance via the vaxx has obviated, and amplified, all of that via direct injection crossing the blood-brain barrier; the hex ongoing. The hexagram, the natural outlay extrapolation of the hexagon, is a symbol used in occult and ritual magic and witchcraft. (see the Seal of Solomon.) The hexagon symbolizes the integration of the spiritual worlds with the material. 

The fact that this geometry is inherent in quantum computing is but one thing...

(But wait, there's so much more:)

Hmm, spin manipulation by applying electric/magnetic don't say...

-- We need to access the overlap of that with quantum DOTS -- which are now in every human thanks to the shots and the shedding:

Read that carefully: quantum dots store and manipulate quantum information. Separating them from quantum computers is essentially something that cannot be accomplished, not just in theory, but in fact. 

These are the same quantum computers that experts like Geordie Rose seek to use (via DWAVE via CERN) as dimensional gateways for....something. He calls them elder gods.
Quantum computer information that is now inside the quantum dots.... 

Which are inside the jabs.....

Which are inside you.

Does the word 'vessel' mean anything to you?

(Time to click back to that hubristic "risk is our business" link again...)   

Do you begin to grasp the nature of the immense metaphysical problem we're facing?? Or as an old song used to go -- "What's confusing you is the nature of my game..." Right?

Many, many people, and "influencers," are now making connections and awakening to brand new vistas of thought re the cascading effects and hugely negative connotations of all things quantum

It's like the masqueraded occult gift that keeps on giving. And the fact that AJ and Hecklefish don't have the customary debunking disclaimer at the end of that vid should frankly terrify you.

Once again we are, and should be, deeply concerned with overlap. This is a New Paradigm that is being created; everything in this post that I have mentioned up til now indicates that. It highly involves a deeper meta-logic creating a stable framework for overall control. 

This phenomenon has physical, psychological, and social dimensional vectors of attack. 

And if you're wondering by phenomenon whether I'm referring to A) the UAP/UFO one 

or B) the covid agenda leading to the vaxx one...why yes...yes I am. 


Jacques Vallee called it a "machinery of mass manipulation." Again, as I keep hammering away at; what should we glean from the fact of so much overlap between these 2 so seemingly disparate, yet so interconnected agendas?? Both aspire means of control by the EXACT same methods and manipulations. The artifacts and signatures of "other" technologies showing the same results and side-effects of proximity are appearing in both. Like Richard Dreyfuss playing in his mashed potatoes, I don't know what this means, but I know this means something:

John Keel began sensing as much, if not even more, a decade before Vallee. The Frenchman would later, along with mentor J Allen Hynek who struck out from Blue Book and the Air Force in protest of the strict extraterrestrial hypothesis, end up adopting nearly all of Keel's then far-out theories. Theories that in today's landscape of multiverses and quantum breaches seem not so far-out after all:


Unfortunately, once again I feel we are being herded, likely by compromised assets in an effort to get us as a collective to lower our guard instead of picking up our armour:

"There's no way you could figure out complex problems and advanced technology without advanced virtue and morals." Uh, the Nazis, DARPA, and every CIA member that's ever existed would like a word...

"Love and kindness and cooperation seem to scale up over time parallel to technological advancements." Again, tell that to these folks:

This is the kind of asinine, ridiculous Steven Greer kumbaya-Childhood's End-utopian bilge that puts us at the worst risk at the worst time when you are poised at the threshold and deep in the liminal spaces. 

Love and the Truth WILL eventually out (that's already been decided), but we've gotta get there first. And justice deferred, truth and reconciliation commissions, and linking hands across the water with our oppressors ain't gonna get it done. People forget that Jesus was an Anarchist first and foremost (which is why they killed Him), and before anything, we must lead with the sword, a big, flaming one, to fight ourselves free of spiritual bondage and boot-in-the-face-forever tyranny. Turning the other cheek and putting a flower in their bioweapon gun barrels isn't gonna cut it.    

We were made for these times and built to fight:


"We're opening all our doors

We're clearing back all the floors

We're open tonight

Come one, come all..."

Now leaving this further installment of Weird Tales from the Night Gallery with this piece of, what I believe, is a type of misdirection targeting our perception management by unknown forces (likely driven by still other unknown forces):

The forest-for-the-trees question that interests me the most, is why an EGG shape??:

Why, indeed??

Probably because...all of those occult rituals? They still continue.