Thursday, October 3, 2024


"So I watched pay-per-view and polished my shoes and my gun

Diggin on Kurt Cobain sing about Lithium..."

I don't feel as if I know you, you take up all my time

The days are long and the nights will throw you away

'Cause the sun don't shine

Nobody ever mentions the weather can make or break your day

Nobody ever seems to remember life is a game we play

We live in the shadows and we had the chance and threw it away

And it's never gonna be the same, cause the years are falling by like the rain

It's never gonna be the same -- the same --

Til the life I knew comes to my house and says Hello...

"It has its costs."

"What does?"

"Learning to see the puzzle in everything. They're everywhere. Once you start looking, it's impossible to stop. It just so happens that people, and all the illusions and deceits that inform everything they do, tend to be the most fascinating puzzles of all. Of course they don't always appreciate being seen as such."

"Seems like a lonely way to live..."

"As I said -- has its costs."   ELEMENTARY sea1 ep4 Rat Race  

"Where are you worried about science?"

"I'm quite worried about the whole area of Self-Reproducing Technologies. Which is already biotechnology right now. That's part of why I did this was to try and make an example of what might be in our future. But we don't really need to worry about nanotechnology right now, and self-reproduce..."

"That's maybe 20-30 years on..?"

"Maybe 10..."

"So the story is a kind of piggybacking of nanotechnology on a biotechnological base..."   Michael Crichton to Charlie Rose (2002)'s_Prey

"The most critical point occurs when the other one, the "benign type," evolves and merges with humans, thereby initiating a host-parasite coevolution and creating a human host for itself. To reach the aim of hunting all living things, due to the predator behavior in their code, they began manipulating infected humans; they violate the cognitive functions of the host by dehumanizing them and thus create a new form of existence: a hybrid human-nanorobot."

Maddening...There may come a day when you grow weary

Troubled waters stain the paper cup

From other venues, other voices carry

Spilled dreams soaking into thirsty dust

Maybe then and there you'll find another

Lover with a blank and empty heart

Filled with breath and old sails to discover

The strength to push the seas apart

On the day we met I began to want you/ 

On the day we met I began to lose you too

Both of us circling round the moon...

There may come a day when you feel anger

China cracked and glued by clumsy hands

Veins of memory touching only hunger

The heart devours what it cannot understand....

Maybe it was then I saw my future

Saw it as a shadow on the ground

Beneath the earth, old nails to discover

The strength to hold my body down...

Mention this to me, and Watch the weather change...

Mention something, mention anything...mention this to me

Watch the weather change...

Watch what you think, they can read your mind....

This is the beginning....

And judging from examinations of the technology deployed since 2020 crossing the blood-brain barrier, it appears they have taught us well with their hammered-out agreements, answered summonings and Trojan Horse operations...     

The ongoing, dawning Cosmic horror and existential SciFi Theatre of what people in Asheville and most of western North Carolina are experiencing currently due to the effects of hurricane Helene need to be pointed out because there is something awfully strange going on across multiple fronts. The bare minimum is laid out here by the stellar REDACTED team:

Facebook posts paint a harrowing and nightmarish scenario of too many bodies to count in trees:

We are talking ridiculous devastation at the hands of beyond formidable powers of Nature. Tractor trailers -- 18-wheelers with 70K lb loads -- were tossed aside and swept completely away like children's toys. 

The speed with which rushing walls of water overtook everything and everyone was shocking, deadly, and unprecedented:

But no sooner do you try and fathom the incredible death tolls something like this is sure to produce, it gets much deeper and even weirder with potentially equally nightmarish implications that penetrate an even broader spectrum....bringing home to you the frightening zeitgeist paraphrasing Tesla, that there may be things even worse than death...


Because in a scenario that reeks of exactly what happened in Maui, and which is ongoing and still enveloped by reams of high weirdness:
There is something incredibly valuable to many vested interests that just so happens to lie underneath Asheville:

Or as Stew Peters puts it in plain english:

Since I have written this, Stew has let loose with even more:

And Black Swan events are ongoing and surrounding us:

But who is Duke Energy owned by?? Who are the major shareholders?? Well I think I can clear that up for you:

Despite the ridiculous mainstream parsing of ownership/stockholders notwithstanding, I think we can all see none other than the ubiquitous BlackRock in the middle of things -- as they have been in the middle of so many things lately. Don't pee down my leg and tell me it's raining MSM. We know what's going on that you so desperately wish to obfuscate. 

And this may entail more than just lithium for that neck of the woods globally:

And notice the wording in the above:

How fortuitous, just in time for approval after an engineered post-hurricane land grab by the elites.

But that's fanciful and purely speculative you say -- hold up -- go ahead and read #8 in NOAA's own words:

And radar signatures prior to Helene barreling in a straight line straight towards Asheville, picking up radical strength along the way, sure look suspiciously exactly like those October 1998 NEXRAD radar anomalies that ran in tandem with the then unfolding chemskies operations over North America:

You remember the ones:

Artifacts like these (previously unseen on any radars) were everywhere in November of 1998 concurrent with heavy spraying operations. 

And what else is happening in Western NC? Relief is being turned away and threatened with arrest -- again, the exact template of what happened in Maui:

NEXRAD milspec towers, most conveniently tucked close by to operating military bases:

More here from Dane Wigington:

Major artifacts seen in the signatures just before landfall:

Bottom line -- HUGE questions need to be asked about every facet of what happened:

How does a hurricane cover in 12 hours 480 miles, all the while more than doubling in speed, strength and intensity with no power source?? It's constantly moving AWAY from its power source -- the ocean -- and still somehow amplifying....something that no other hurricane in recorded meteorological history ever managed to do.

Think about this.

NOW word is coming down from insiders that much more might be going on, highly related to tangential matters we will address in a few:
Specifically, see under the TUNNELS chapter below.... 

And MUCH more steering might be on the way:

Just how much of this represents ongoing destabilization efforts on all Black Swan fronts prior to an election they wish would never happen, and how much represents securing lithium and quartz deposits and manufacturing for ongoing biotechnological alteration purposes remains unknown at this time. But Transhumanism is seated at the table and at the forefront as a centerpiece, perhaps THE centerpiece. As is Artificial Intelligence. 

By why would there be a specific interest in LITHIUM??

We already know zeolite is a major ingredient of interest in nanotech biosensor applications:


But what's the relevance of this talk of batteries?? Remember this??: 

Filed by Gates and Microsoft in 2019, Copper Top. And now you know....Interesting timing, wouldn't you say??

Lithium has already been studied for ominous applications at the nanotech level:

How much of this tech could fall under the dreaded dual-use category?? i.e., weaponized to human detriment as well as positives?? Aerosolized? Injectable? How much of an altered states is in store for us as a species, and how might what's going on, literally underground, in NC right now have tremendous possibilities to accelerate that?? 

And speaking of dual-use, which is a factor they never stop considering, how about this??: 

Specifically targeting red at a most propitious time.   

And more lithium links pointing to Tennessee and South Carolina also:


Add these to the mix and the true Black Swan status begins to reveal itself:

Remember to always follow the resources to be able to intuit was in going on -- remember the early 2020 global chip shortage??:

Implications?? Perhaps they were needed somewhere else at that time -- perhaps massive quantities re-routed to various Big Pharma concerns:

Molecular electronics -- that what the Lipid Nanoparticles delivery system was all about, remember??:


"When you see someone change, in front of you, and you know there's no going back. Scares me to death."  The Beach House (2020)


Of course implants carry many connotations across multi-disciplinary battle lines:

Describing the intent of these implants using human body activity data as a power source (battery) sounds exactly like what Gates patent WO2020060606 was/is all about...and as far as what else could be used as a battery:

And we're just getting into what the meaning of the soul might be, and why it keeps reappearing across the interest fields of both Ufology and Biotech as it applies to the ongoing agenda since 2020 and you know what:

Because the human soul seems to be both a target and a point of extreme interest across many, many related now parapolitical fields:

As well as various far-reaching implications deployed and extremely hard at work in today's world on the existential side of the ledger:

Things are accelerating at such a rate that the situation is becoming increasingly unstable even as more information is revealed -- perhaps by design.

What can you say when the disclosures of Alex Jones:

Are echoed and mirrored perfectly in an awakened and ahead-of-its-time TV series from 1996:

In particular it makes you want to get a length of rope, a chair, and some sodium thiopental, and have a secured, locked room somewhere, where you can begin asking pointed questions of about 200 "persons of interest." For a start.

And speaking of, there may be yet ANOTHER layer to all this.....


Notice this drop from today on reddit -- now they are even threatening civilian good samaritans with arrest:

To whit notice this comment in the mix:

Which unironically goes also back to Diddy's situation, which grows deeper and darker by the minute:

MORE talk of tunnels, which, you will remember, featured HEAVILY in all the disappeared info during the onset of Pizzagate exploding in late 2016-early 2017: the DC underground tunnel systems under Dupont Circle, thruout Embassy Row, and going in and around all thru Rock Creek Park. Of course as we have noted, too much talk early on about citations just like these got entire sites and subverses like VOAT and Reddit's r/pizzagate nuked into orbit, never to return.   

Certain segments of that Big Brother surveillance and shutdown system are still well operating today, as many of you no doubt are very well aware of. This very site you're reading has become heavily monitored and had brushback pitches delivered. Of which I too am certain you are very well aware of. 

Listen in the above link to what Jaguar Wright says -- Diddy, Epstein, they're not the Sputniks here. This goes back. WAY back. They're only the latest iterations in the ritualistic bloodline of satanic abuse, sacrifice and trauma-based mind control. Period:

And the then trickle-down ability to brainwash, and neuro-linguistic program, and mind control the entire GLOBE into going along with the largest genetic experiment EVER?? You think THIS doesn't have something to do with THAT?? You MUST begin seeing these connections. 


Because it makes you seriously wonder what mechanisms are at play in the world today to get SO many leaders under lock and key to follow an agenda they might not even initially agree with -- remember the breakdown from funeral director John O'Looney about what went down at Westminster's Birdcage Walk with the UK's Sr Government Minister Sir Graham Brady in September 2021 -- heard here at the 31 minute mark:

Who exactly could inspire/direct a global initiative of such scope with ZERO allowed interference?? Or even the most rudimentary level of questioning??

Or should I, more to the point, ask WHAT could?? It makes you want to speculate that perhaps pacts have been draw up and agreements have been made thru the relentless leverage of pressure and blackmail: 
Keep scrolling down those thread links for lots more clues...

What is happening??:

And who, and what, are these people in league with:

(The following is highly speculative and I have not been able to vouch for its purview or authenticity other than the historical House of Wettin itself -- beyond that, caveat emptor. All I can remark is that this is...interesting; and deserves continued investigation.)  

As such, what mechanisms have been put into place here amoung the elite bloodlines??:

The daughter is supposedly Karina Belenoff -- referenced by Chrissy Teigen here:

The same Teigen that got in trouble for this reference:

And before she deleted all her tweets post-Pizzagate I might add.

Karina Belenoff still maintains this curious account on X -- but has been dormant since 2020 interestingly:

It is my belief/informed guess (intelligent analysis from a strategic perspective) that ALL of these scenarios are not only overlaid, but deeply, deeply interconnected in ways that we have yet to see, but can intuit instinctively. 
We have been hearing of such things breaking thru into mainstream discussion ever since the late 2016 Clinton-Podesta emails released by wikileaks, and when any interest in such was met with swift and total shutdown, censoring and widespread scrubbing -- no investigations of any kind allowed. Youtube, instagram and twitter accounts all wiped. 4chan discussions disappeared. Subreddits and VOAT shut down. A fully realized panic response. 

To put it plainly, there has been a Grand Evil fully loose and at work in the world -- and surely within visible sight even if lurking just below the surface -- since final mechanisms were set in motion in late 2019. The following years have seen only an acceleration towards some dread-filled vanishing point. We are being sold a Singularity of worldwide peace and prosperity, but it is in truth one of unadulterated Cosmic Horror on a Lovecraftian scale:
This may not be the end of the world; but you can see it from here.         

Its beginnings are myriad and it's an old, OLD story -- as old as this country and far more ancient -- wouldst thou like to live deliciously??:

Just how seriously did some take such modern affects of representation, as objects of ritual?? 
VERY seriously indeed: 

The film's director, Robert Eggers utilized the true Eleventh Enochian Key and embedded it within the final scene:

Enochian, you will remember, is this:

And it is something, a force, that the US Military, and likely the Government, has maintained deep and abiding interest in and contact with:

Perhaps dating back to Jack Parsons, perhaps farther:

Funny how this information that has fascinated me for years has now come flooding in to the public trending social media discourse, from all quarters, as if on cue, all of a sudden...the straight line running from John Dee to Jack Parsons, and what kind of special delivery packages it contains... 
New folktales, told around the digital campfire, for a modern antiquarian. 

Yes, gather round the snapchat, children:


And still there remains SO much more. 
Only recently it was disclosed that Battelle was engaging in some fancy legal footwork in order to hide some things thru reclassification:
You will note that it appears these hidings cover realms including microelectronics and biological remains. An interesting crossover considering the lay of the land in the last 4 years, no?? 

In related events you will see Lue Elizondo of recent note issuing tales of intimidation from Monsanto, and, at 6:01, the DOE:

You remember the DOE don't you; and some of their little side projects??:

From a script that never loses relevance or traction, here:

At 9:50 in that same Elizondo vid, the discussion turns to the importance of Kirsten Gillibrand to the entire UAP Congressional proceedings.... 
The same Gillibrand that still retains unanswered and unacknowledged intimate ties to NXIVM.
You remember them:

You know I hate to beat a dead horse -- but I will -- there go those CRAZY weird intersections again, the ones between flying saucers and pedophile cults.

Strange bedfellows remain the order of the day in our latest installment of this fractured fairy tale soap opera. 

And to touch on Monsanto one final time:

Is this possibly why the high regard for and interest in the human soul? Are we beginning a conversation about the transfer of human consciousness?? Is the transformation (transhumanism) into vessels being prepared for such?? Is this what all the "alien" abductions were in truth about?? --  part of an ongoing biological experiment thruout the 1980s and 1990s most heavily??

What was learned and has any of that been put into practice relatively recently?? Is this why any certain recent vaxxes have logged major cognitive and consciousness (dreaming, deja vu) side effects -- effects which get shunted to the bottom of the pile relatively speaking in the midst of dealing with more lethal outcomes?? But effects which might have greater long-term viability on the killing box, disaster timeline.

Synthetic beings?? WHAT is going on?? Perhaps we have already gotten a glimpse:

If so, who is in direct charge of these "experiments?" And do they continue?? More information is coming in on that every day...


It's past time to begin rethinking any number of things, painting them with a Lovecraftian twist -- namely, is this 2020 indie film a retelling of the saga of Morgellons??:

This is the same Morgellons that we have charted here previously:

And which researchers Cliff Carnicom (at this since the 90s) and Dr. Ana Mihalcea have noted bears both suspicious and striking resemblances to bio-organisms & nanofibers found within the vaccines: 

This all bleeds into the ongoing research back at the eerie and frenzied start of the millennium of William Thomas:

What we are seeing seems to be part of a dual-use applications array of binary and tertiary weapons systems deployed across decades.
The clues of which have been in evidence all around us.

And let's face it, it's not as if spraying operations are anything new. I'm lookin straight at you, whatever you Grim Reapers were preceding the Black Death: 

"Bright lights and unusual activity in the skies frequently accompanied these mists..."

All our times have come, here, but now they're gone
Seasons don't fear the Reaper, nor do the wind, the sun or the rain...

And it all travels back in inspiration and contact to ancient stories, ancient interpretations of age-old metaphysical phenomena:

Which is where we begin this intermingling of concerns and influences all over again...and how they are deeply intertwined and at work in the world today.
This altering, and widescale destabilization, of every state of reality we have known until now, is by a Control System put in place aeons ago, always hidden in plain sight, and which is only now emerging fully into the light.

We should have listened much more closely to the words of the WEF's Klaus Schwab and Yuval Harari regarding the goals of Transhumanism and humans being "hackable animals."

The death of one life form means the birth of something new -- something else -- entirely.

There are those that would dismiss this entire post as the outlier ramblings of extreme paranoid thought. Vampiric paranoid thought somewhere too close to the gravitic pull of another looming Halloween. 

But it all seems a bit more real after dark, doesn't it??

Hey, looka there
Here she comes
Here comes that girl again
Haven't seen her since I don't know when
But she don't notice me when I pass
She goes with older guys from out of my class
But that can't stop me from a-thinkin to myself
She's sure fine lookin man
She's something else.....

Continued and ongoing prayers to the people of Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, western North Carolina, and all in the path of inflicted harm by the monster that was Helene. Godspeed. 

And finally I leave you this time with this -- a reminder that for all its now legendary foresight and predictive powers, its off-kilter creepiness and relentless eerie tones that colored so many of our millennial zeitgeisty Friday nights, The X-Files was more than capable, thank you, of conjuring startling moments of profound and exquisite beauty.
And altogether another kind of foresight, which has turned out to be quite needed in these times:  

ADDENDUM -- this JUST in, & I hate to hit a big CONFIRM on everything in this post, but things are what they are.

This is coordinated. Just like Maui.
And this is Evil:

Battle stations everybody. Shields up. The Spiritual War just went Hot.