Friday, June 17, 2022



"I didn't fit in. Something was wrong with me. All the teachers and the doctors said I was broken. My parents thought a change of scenery and a fresh start in Hawkins might just cure me. It was absurd, as if the world would be any different here. But then, to my surprise our new home provided a discovery. And a newfound sense of purpose. I found a nest of black widows living inside a vent. Most people fear spiders. They detest them, and yet, I found them endlessly fascinating. More than that, I found a great comfort in them. A kinship. 

Like me, they are solitary creatures. And deeply misunderstood. They are gods of our world. The most important of all predators. They immobilize and feed on the weak. Bringing balance and order to an unstable ecosystem. 

But the human world was disrupting this harmony. You see, humans, are a unique type of pest. Multiplying, and poisoning our world, all while enforcing a structure of their own. A deeply unnatural structure. Where others saw order, I saw a straitjacket. A cruel, oppressive world dictated by made-up rules. Seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades. Each life a faded, lesser copy of the one before. Wake up, eat, work, sleep, reproduce, and die. Everyone is just waiting. Waiting for it all to be over. All the while performing in a silly, terrible play, day after day. I could not do that. I could not close off my mind and join in the madness. I could not pretend.

And I realized I didn't have to. I could make my own rules. I could restore balance to a broken world. A predator, but for good. 

As I practiced, I realized, I could do more than I possibly imagined. I could reach into others, into their minds, their memories. I became an explorer. I saw my parents as they truly were. To the world, they presented themselves as good, normal people. But like everything else in this world, it was all a lie. A terrible lie. They had done things, Eleven, Such awful things. I showed them who they really were. I held up a mirror. My naive father believed it was a demon cursing them for their sins. But my mother somehow knew. Knew it was I who was holding up that mirror, and she despised me for it. She called a doctor, an expert. She wanted him to lock me away, to fix me. Even though it wasn't I who was broken, it was them. And so she left me with no choice. No choice but to act. To break free. 

With each life I took, I grew stronger. More powerful. They were becoming a part of me. But I was still a child. And I did not yet know my limits.... If you come with me for the first time in your life you will be free. Imagine what we could do together. We could reshape the world, remake it however we see fit. Join me."   Stranger Things sea 4 , ep 7, The Massacre at Hawkins Lab

Some call it the Revelation of the Method. Predictive programming. Realization of the Hierarchy. In this particular instance and during the above scene in the last episode, for now, of Stranger Things, I had visions dancing in my head of Fauci torturing puppies. Of what Klaus Schwab dreams when his head hits the pillow. Do they really think they are as evil as they are with what they are manifesting in the world, or do they see it as all for a "greater good?" Did Hitler? Mengele? Does their seeming "superiority" grant them carte blanche? Perhaps the true nature, the banality, of all evil, thinks this way. Perhaps it has to to survive. Perhaps that's why it does. But we need to reject wholeheartedly this path of endless normalization we've been soaking in:

Not sure I can follow one of the best, most clearly worded and erudite summings-up of what's really going on, but let me give it a shot for a bit...plug in my spectacularly curious children, for one more midnight ride...   

Using any rationale, playing any card...worldwide "health," climate change, nation-state reordering, launching wars, in order to thrive. Are these visions their own, or do they originate with some higher, (or perhaps lower), source? Thus, any act can be twisted and seen as good in their end-justifies-the-means rush to chaos and ruin. Because...order out of chaos. We have been told such since we were little and all the horrors began to dawn slowly thruout life. Slowly, inch by inch, the true meaning of things is revealed, and, some for better, some for worse, we gain understanding and the true calling of why we are here. All have a part to play in the masterplan. We are offered the choice: service to others, or service to self. But the possibility exists in some warped minds to confuse the two, but it is the ultimate lie to the self. And. deep down, we know the origin point of all lies. no matter how noble-intentioned, warm-spirited or truth-revealing. Ultimately, all are cop-outs on that road of good intentions that leads to you know where. We all are guilty, but we must begin looking, seeking, with better eyes than that, if we are to finally escape this upside-down existence.

Study the above wording in the excerpt from the latest edition of Stranger Things very closely -- it reads like something out of the Schwab/Gates/Fauci diaries, and reveals much about the current mindset prowling the world unobstructed, lorded over us from the WEF/Bilderberg/Council on Foreign Relations sources and now trickling down into every facet of existence. Soon, the Metaverse.

Yours truly has been soaking in all this longer than most. Arriving in grade 4 at a prestigious prep school that ran thru grade 12 in the wilds of Virginia, one of the first classes that made a major impression on me was a history one where we studied, rather extensively and to the point of obsession, the cradle of civilization and the city-state of Ur in Sumer by way of Mesopotamia. We studied their ancient hieroglyphs, the language, customs, monetary system, trade, and most of all, religion and what god-type entities they worshipped (strangely as in many ancient antediluvian cultures you keep coming across the reptilian variety. Hey, it's not the Union of the Snake for nothing!!) 

Even at that age, why the fascination with this I wondered. Especially considering the clientele that made up the fan and alumni-base at this particular institution. If that was by definition a "prep" school, what exactly were they "preparing" us for? Having a nice, rounded, liberal arts education is one thing; this was bordering on another. And geared specifically towards targeting 10 year-olds no less. We were taught that this was where we, all of us, came from. And yes, even then, in 1970, the topics of DNA, genetic engineering and manipulation (panspermia and more...) were front and center in those particular classrooms stowed away amid lush Virginia greenery where the seeds are always sown with the children first, especially at elite levels where tomorrow's leaders have their opinions given to them early and often, and never to be shared with the riff raff.   


First of all, how are we seeing this mindset manifest in the real world? Let me count the ways. And lest you be dissuaded from thinking any of this is beyond the pale, there is no such thing as "coincidence" at this level of frequency; a level which many morticians and embalmers have cited as unheard of in 30-40 years careers for both devastation and sheer numbers:

How about a 4 minute tutorial of all the latest to share?:

For those of you that go back that far, this is all more than incredibly reminiscent of the morgellons era that launched around 2006, when outlying news blurbs like this began to appear amoung those paying strict attention:

That era now reeks of a beta test in all likelihood spread via the introduction of chemtrail operations some 8 years prior; that being the lag time before "results" in a captive population began to fully manifest along the protracted germline.

Once again, the truth is all around us, and growing -- check this perfect timeline:

Addendum: Peter Daszak has now been outed as being CIA (I'm shocked -- shocked!! - I tell you):

Check out how (and this is the first confirmation I've ever heard of this) the DIA was interested in Skinwalker Ranch:

Check once again the remarkable prescience of the X Files, which continues to keep astounding some 6 years after it was taken off the air; turns out the Truth is Out There more than ever before:

Check out what Yuval Harari, Klaus Schwab's red right hand demon man at the WEF, is saying:

He sees humans as "hackable animals."

Check out what Geordie Rose of CERN & DWave fame, is saying is coming:

He says a "tsunami of demons" is on the way.

Check yet another Nostradamian bit of precog from Elon's former bestie Grimes, who unleashed this bit in 2019 -- who in the official instagram press release for her vid Violence came up with this:

For those of you having trouble deciphering the faux Sumerian hiero, lemme break it down for ya -- I do have some experience with these things as it turns out -- haha!! 

DNA helix + pathogen + 3 vaxx jabs = Saturn; followed on the next line by a knife and a 2-stranded double helix

Some might say that figure in the middle looks more like a UFO, but owing to things like this, believe me, Saturn makes a LOT more sense for those in the cult:

(And mega thanks to Anthony Patch for all the heavy lifting...)

SO, DNA vaccines, Saturn, cut-and-splice DNA ala CRISPR Cas-9 tech -- in 2019? Are you freaking kidding me? This would predate by over a year what went down; some of the weirdest, most statistically inexplicable precog ever in human history. How many coincidences before it all becomes impossible?  

Here is the instagram for inspection:

And here is the vid she was promoting:

You will also notice her sporting -- get this -- a mask; PRE-pandemic. Talk about calling it.

Oh, and the insta-guru that made this with her, the dance music DJ I_O, well, he's dead now, of course. Right after he dropped these tweet bombs...of course:

As for the Grimy one, she says her life and art are forever dedicated to "The Mission" now. Nope, no Jack Parsons kind of vibe there or anything:

And finally she's just become the living embodiment for something here:

Whoever it was that said "anti-life equation," wins the door prize.

And hmmm, I wonder just what it is she's hoping to see?

Maybe something Lovecraftian not meant for human vision, perhaps? Or that Star Trek final season ep where you had to have shades to view the alien or madness ensued:

We also cannot ever forget this ode that seemingly served as she & Elon's raison d'etre:

People like to say that we're insane/ But AI will reward us when it reigns/ We pledge allegiance to the world's most powerful computer/ Simulation -- it's the future/ 

And if you long to never die/ Baby plug in upload your mind/ C'mon you're not even alive/ If you're not backed up on a drive

Neanderthal to human being/ Evolution, kill the gene/ Biology is superficial/ Intelligence is artificial

And this our own JB just alerted me to:

"Slightly worrisome" he calls it -- Haha!! (Ah, the eternal optimism of Goatboy!!) Cover your head apocalypto and flee for the hills I call it. 

If you don't see a shared mindset in all the above, a hard move towards a Borgian Collective, then I'll eat my hat. (Just for starters check the CDC numbers, VAERS numbers, funeral home numbers, US Dept of Labor numbers, and most importantly, the insurance company numbers...) All of these underline in bold the inescapable fact that something truly wild and unprecedented in all of the historical record is happening NOW. These all point to a Vietnam War casualty count, edging towards something far worse in a black swan event that's only just begun. 

And now the target is, say it with me, the children

Leading the way in telling it like it is at the threshold of the Boom Tube, Naomi Wolf:

The late Tracy Twyman had an excellent article up (now long since scrubbed but archived here minus the illustrations:  )  

with a title that I've always remembered: Killing God to Become God. Coming from someone that was well aware of what they were up to, that's always stuck with me; the death of all spiritual inclination is what they're aiming for. To drive -- thru biomedical and mechanical means -- every last whisper of the Christ consciousness out of every living thing. Thru subliminals, thru the "cool" pressure of the collective, thru vaccines to wipe it out on a physical/biological basis, thru any means possible. This is tampering with our DNA. This is looking for, locking on, and tampering with the source of the soul in order to make some alteration for something incoming, according to their own words: Hackable animals for wave after wave of demons that are en route. 

And spare a thought for Tracy T while you're at it --  with articles like the above dropping -- and at the beginning height of the Clinton/Podesta wikileaks email drops in 2016 yet -- is it any wonder her days were numbered? She died under extremely mysterious circumstances: 

This could very well be what all the "alien" abductions were the precursor for in the 1980s and 1990s. Perhaps all that collected information (think constantly expanding the database re the human genome) set the stage for today's events:

On another track that Jacques Vallee and John Keel would likely give a hearty thumbs up to, here's the late Dr. Karla Turner saying how these abductions, and the abductors are joined by military factors and a proximity to installations

Are we on to something here?:

Here we all are, on the cusp of yet another summer solstice, and wild things are afoot, and loose in the land. Things which I wrote about in whispers years ago: plasma currents, bridges between planets, walk-ins, the ultimate endgame of CERN, now are not only wildly plausible but seem to be coming true -- manifesting -- before all of our eyes by the hour. Tales of the Reconstruction, once shunted to the realms of science fiction, has become a rapidly ongoing, unfolding documentary. Can that final hurdle of colonization be far behind?

But first, the stage had to be set -- this was from a year ago, laid out in startling detail by the increasingly superb Greg Reese, and who heard?

Why are so many food farms and refineries exploding and burning across the US? 24 and counting in just the last 6 months:

Is it to pave the way for implementation of this?:

After all, 6uild 6ack 6etter cannot be achieved without wholesale destruction of all that existed before it. This is a weaponized initiative launched to get rid of one thing in order to replace it with something else. Infrastructure removal to pave the way for a large-scale reconstruction. Fossil fuels. Food. Free speech. Social paradigms. Even the landscape of our very brains. No vital element forming the foundation of what used to make us all "free" is off limits to this purge. But is this strictly about control, or is something darker at the core of these initiatives? And is this solely human-based, or are humans merely the bellwethers being dictated to by other sources? Once again, we may be seeing the culmination of things like this (from 2000):

The Final Stages are being launched. The New Aeon is here. Page after page of ruined and destroyed food plants, fertilizer farms, animal farms, etc:

Some 32 pages alone of vaxx side effects force-released by federal injunction -- ask your doctor if it's right for you!! This is what they sought to hide for 75 years.

In another remarkable bit of precog that has been mentioned here before on more than one occasion, Bill Gates now controls the lion's share of USA farmland. (The best way to predict the future, remember, is to invent it.)

Here's some 20 pages of "nothing to see here" according to the "fact checkers":

Meanwhile, another rogue Op seems to be unfolding all across France:

This is also highly reminiscent of very similar actions that took place during the sketchy Astroworld Travis Scott event culminating in so much weird death -- in fact, they may have been the catalyst:

Multiple reports that have now strangely been walked back in the aftermath:

So I guess all those kids reporting the exact same thing at the same time were just -- what? -- mistaken? Imagining it? 

Both of these instances reek once again of beta testing something on the public, the results of which may not make themselves known for quite some time. 

The only thing we can say for sure is that we are always the experimentees, the guinea pigs sacrificed in their quest for modification, alteration, and the headlong quest to weaponize, somehow, an entire species for purposes unknown in this new global Jonestown.

After all this time, we are still trying to get to the bottom of what transpired at Astroworld,

 and we may never get there...what once appeared to be multiple crush deaths from crowd impact has proved anything but, with multiple eyewitnesses claiming many concertgoers simply dropped in their tracks with no one around them at the time; cause? Multiple heart attacks while this was going on:

We are faced with the looming prospect of this being a frequency and/or 5G test (vibrational damage) on a captive, vaxxed, population to see the effects on what they were now carrying around in their organs and bloodstream from those said vaxxes -- something that may be also carried out in the near term on a much larger scale when the time, and the stars, are right for those manning the killswitches. Still up: 

More and more it appears as if this were some summoning event where the agendas of multiple parties may have been in play -- all culminating in one seriously dark, sinister exercise. Fascinating because this can now be viewed as a precursor event, a microcosm of what is now taking place all over the world.

Refer back to that X Files season 11 clip at the opening: Cull, kill, and subjugate. We are just seen as means to their end. Experiments. Vessels. Merchandise.

We are already aware of the as above so below macrocosm/microcosm nature of what we call fractal reality. How the structure of the physical nature of the Universe actually resembles the working and firing synapses and neural network of a human brain:

What if in changing, thru DNA modification and manipulation, how our brains work thru these MRNA vaccines, those that seek to control us can ALSO change how the universe itself works? What if they are also seeking to manipulate the cosmic realms -- and in doing so seeking a futile attempt to control God somehow, trying to shut down some "Divinity switch" that resides within us all? Is this the action which is critical to paving the way for something that is coming? The advent of the singularity?

Is this why people like Carrie Madej and Jane Ruby and others have found little miniature hydras and "mindflayers" nestled within some of these vaxx batches upon warming up? Think this is fantasy? NOPE. Check out the DARPA hydra research:

Now refer back to those banned vids at the top of the post from Mike Adams and Jane Ruby -- looking familiar? Also familiar should be the knowledge that none other than ivermectin attacks and dissolves most of these parasites and parasitic structures. Hmmm, the all-out war on ivermectin (horse paste!) now beginning to make more sense? 

LOADS more on DARPA here, and why exactly they're beginning to resemble CERN more and more in both knowledge, action, and intent:

And this just in -- how to get away with mass murder...the defense? "We're not guilty because the government was in on it, too!"

Hey, it's 1984. Just change the definition -- they've already done it with words like "vaccination," "free speech," what the Constitution is, etc. Evidently it's not "fraud" anymore when the government is your co-conspirator. Get Feddy McFedFed riding shotgun with ya and the world is your oyster. The same Fed sitting on all those tapes and DVDs of Epstein clients doing unspeakable things to children that for some reason will never see the light of day. Yeah, that Fed:

And it links to so much more:

But, as always, never want to leave you with the impression there is no hope. Forces are working furiously and aligning behind the scenes at all times, and for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction -- a countervailing energy to guide us, reveal to all of us exactly why we have all been assembled right here, right now:

In the shadow of yet another summer solstice, things are aligning (and on another June 24th, what a remarkable date it has proven to be!!):

Stay close to the river and cry

And the river's gonna feel you're the god of rain

He's going to worship you like God and creator for ages

And all the fairies of the forest will come

They want to sow you to the dance of night

This is the Age of Aquarius

I'm coming out of the river, breathing out, I am finally reborn

Rain is falling to the shore, 

Dawn is coming, the night is almost gone

I came from where the Leo is rising

I've travelled thru space for so long

A forest nymph is calling for me

Come along and I will guide you where to go

We ran to the mountain

We found an ancient temple with my name

Then she bowed and said these words

We were waiting here a thousand years for you

Now you must do something to bring the light

Now you must do something to change the world...

Age of Aquarius returning again to mother earth

To set the fire and rain

I'm turning again the circles of time

To bring the sun back again

"Rise like lions after slumber,

In unvanquishable number

Shake your chains to earth like dew

Which in sleep had fallen on you,

Ye are many, 

They are few."   Percy Bysshe Shelley









  1. About June 24th:

    The Celtic version of Lilith, Melusine (model for the Starbucks Mermaid), was originally called "Mother Hydra" (old French "Mère Lusse", a lus being a river serpent commonly known as "une hydre"), the same name Lovecraft gave "the mother of all mermaids" in his stories. So all French noble blood is said to be blue like hers (same goes for other royal families), and the Fleur-de-Lys was originally her symbol, looking more or less like a big blue frog (interesting to note that "lily flower" could be interpreted as flower of Lilith).

    *In pagan Celtic times, she was celebrated by *drowning a young man in a river*, on what is now known as St. John the Baptist Day.*

    1. Also the infamous date when Kenneth Arnold sighted 9 crescent-shaped whatzits skipping thru the atmosphere over Mt Ranier in 1947 like "a saucer over water." You-know-what was born (modern-era) and we haven't looked back since. BOOM.

      Also the date in 2000 when I met my G on what was the hottest scorcher of the year -- 100 degrees in the shade!! (Both playing tennis outside at the time like true fools) Double BOOM!!

      Just something about that date... Always has been -- always will be.

  2. some high weirdness with the James Webb Telescope

    1. Voyagers 1 & 2 are also discovering some weird things as they venture out of the heliopause...physics seems to be changing.

  3. "Considering that Hillary Clinton may be a Moonchild/starchild created in an occult ritual involving a nuclear bomb and the killing of hundreds of thousands of people during a war, and that she was meant to be the Whore of Babalon mentioned in Revelation, drinking the blood of the saints, perhaps we should take seriously her intentions to start a nuclear war with Russia. After all, I believe that this woman and her associates did a sodomic child rape ritual with their friends to create the earthquake in Haiti, then kidnapped all of the kids they could find in the aftermath so that they could use them to do something even worse. Just imagine what that could be."


  4. The Nurse Practitioner referenced in the Rigorous Intuition post from 2006, on Morgellons, met with the usual response from authorities:
    “…Savely was investigated and disciplined by the Board of Nurse Examiners for the State of Texas…”
    And, easy for grimes to call it, when she’s in on the agenda creation. My employer does multi-year strategic plans, why wouldn’t the world’s apex predator class make 20, 100, 1000 year strategic plans?
    And an overdue thanks to you Wordman, and to JB, and really everyone here whose comments/links always add value. Lieber & Musk, grrrrr.
    Recently, I’ve found Dr. Tom Cowan’s description of human cells as mini radio transceivers, based on study of living cells, not ground up, poisoned, and toxified cell artifacts / mush. This seems to dovetail with what we’ve been exploring here, and with Wordman’s reminder of our macrocosm / microcosm fractal reality.
    Poisoning / restricting food and water have historically been used in warfare. Get your skills going non gmo seeds and grow stuff, anything to get started. Potatoes are super easy and you get multiple annual harvests in most temperate climates. Leafy non-flowering greens grow indoors. Keep your nutrition good, to combat the EM assault that is so well described by Elana Freeland.

    Courage exemplified - Dr. Vlad Zelenko recently shared his battle with cancer, likely terminal, on Maria Zeee’s show. Referring to himself and his remaining days, and his commitment to keep fighting, he said, ‘the best soldiers are those who assume they are already dead’. Speaks to the heart of the matter, so many overtaken by fear of illness, fear of death. Do not go quietly into the night.

    We hold.

  5. JB!!
    Not sure where Tracy was going with that (altho I can guess), but that's been an interior hot rumour for quite some time -- see Chris Everard here in Part 9 of this sequence -- Illuminati Vol.2 the Antichrist Conspiracy...
    start at around 1:28:00 & you'll be in for quite a ride:

    So cool that all those films are preserved on Archive.

    & J McQ!! Thanks for attending the proceedings bruh!! Your rationale is something none other than Dick Hoagland was famous for saying back in the day -- to paraphrase, we live in a world where none of us plan for anything much further than the next quarter, if that; these elites plan for things DECADES and far longer in advance. Their patience and forward-looking is, well, inhuman in a word. People think G H W Bush coined "New World Order," not knowing that that was the wording given to John Dee to implement for the coming New Age -- from his contacted "angels." Early 1600s or 1990?? Time is nothing to them.

    Oh, & that date Bush trotted it out? September 11.

    They love their dates.

  6. PS -- he actually mentioned it TWICE; here's the first:
    THIS is the one on Sept 11, 1990 -- other was Jan 16th 91 in an address to the nation announcing the invasion of Iraq. (U know, in case U didn't catch it the first time...)

  7. Jeebus Wordman, the amount of research you must have to do boggles my mind.

    1. HAHA!! Thanks Phil!!
      Actually in the very beginning it was more of me just writing my own take on things, which was actually more work.
      Now it's just a constant scanning of the headlines it seems like ever since 2016 or so when things have really picked up pace & accelerated -- so it's just a posting of links & finding out which ones fit together & what kind of story they're telling at any given time. With of course still a little bit of my own perspective to top things off...

      It's like putting together the world's largest & most dangerous jigsaw puzzle!! (With no idea what it's gonna look like in the end...)

      I am finding certain themes tend to recur on a constant basis as a central hub or nexus of things, like CERN, and the undercurrrent of the occult running thru and powering everything the higher you go. Everything tends to revolve around there, whether you're talking deep state machinations, child abuse networks, Big Pharma, banking, eugenics and biomedical, etc.
      Pretty creepy when you get right down to it. Vallee's Control System never sleeps.

  8. Every last one of your reddit links get blocked for me for "mature content" I have to try to catch the headline before it blocks it out and look it up individually.
    In the comments of that Jeff Well's link I found this:

    On that mysterious universe link the idea of two groups researching overlapping areas made me think of what was said in MEN WHO STARE AT GOATS and confirmed by people claiming to be in the other group (majorly paraphrased) where they said "Some of us often had the definitive feeling that we were a 'front' group allowed to bumble around and occasionally get hits and to be there if anyone started digging they'd stop with us bumbling idiots. But there was another more secretive group that was was seeing more success."

    They say that there's been 300 reports of needle spiking recently in the UK

    and it was being reported in Australia too

    I'm telling you, if you haven't yet you HAVE to watch TRAVELLERS on Netflix one of the scenes in it they build a quantum computer that they set up in nightclubs that uses a frequency to kill then upload other consciousnesses into the people.

    50% and 36% effective BY THEIR OWN NUMBERS.

    When they had already lowered the efficacy rating to 50% effective. I know of good drugs that aren't allowed in the United States because the trials didn't hit an 85% benchmark.

    The vast MAJORITY of anyone I talk to now is against the vaccine even if they got the first one. I saw firsthand someone who was paralyzed from the waist down HOURS after getting the vaccine because it inflamed her spinal cord.


    1. You didn't mention Exa Dark Sideræl Musk

      Tyman mentioned that she thought Trump was a part of Plus Ultra she said that their symbolism was in a number of things he had built.

    2. Maybe the 'upside down' world is coming.

    3. Girl haven't you already been in and out of the 'upside down' a few times recently? I know I have a number of times ha! How've you been? It's been awhile since I talked to anyone I guess.

  9. That's so weird that anybody's links to open reddit content get blocked for 'mature content.' Even on the conspiracy subreddit. Every so once in awhile you'll see a 'nsfw' tab but those get clearly labeled. Maybe you have some extra fancy firewalls up somewhere??
    TRAVELLERS is over the target methinks.

  10. And speaking of SIDEREAL -- check this out which encompasses ALL Kennedy deaths -- pretty intriguing:

    When you think of us amoung the stars as pitching, rolling and yawing like ships in the open waters circling, this becomes pretty damn improbable.

    1. I read this before, you must've posted it before. Wondering if anyone in the comments knows any morticians to ask them about this stuff from Infowars? I know one but we haven't talked in awhile and there's a language barrier, I might brush up and go ask them. My experience is only on the living but from what I understand, that on death the blood in the body coagulates/clots then after a timeframe the blood clots go through hemolysis just like in the living and the blood clots dissolve and you have liquid again from that time. So if you harvest blood clots from the veins and arteries within the timeframe they will come out whole and fibrous because of fibrin - a natural substance- and you can 'set' them in solutions or dry them and prevent hemolysis thus having what the video shows. Now as for the foreign objects I don't know though one could be bullet material. Kinda seems like it's a rabbit hole that someone WANTS us to go down that leads to nowhere because while visually it's appealing, it might not necessarily be evidence of anything.

    2. None of that explains the testimony of hundreds of veteran, seasoned doctors/morticians, etc that are well used to that kind of thing that are saying they have NEVER seen anything like what they're seeing now. Organisms, some apparently very much on the living side, nanotech that appears to be self-assembling, all of these & more are coming out of both human bodies AND vaxx vials that have never even been opened prior to inspection by these same docs. (Madej, Ruby, all at LaQuinta Columna, etc).

      SOMETHING not right is going on. Am well aware of the misinformation/misdirection gambit and only wish that were the case here.

    3. True, kinda playing devil's advocate here, but if it's from the vaccines we should all be searching out local morticians and Drs and nurses and asking them what they are seeing. I have had local Drs and nurses say that they won't get the vaccine because of the blood clots and inflammation. But I look through news and see it sensationalized, ALL sides always use propaganda, BUT all propaganda is NOT LIES, I don't think our side is immune to that, and I've seen massive body cavity shaped fibrous blood clots before. tThey go through a process of gelatinous to fibrous to gelatinous to breaking down , but there is definitely evidence of blood clots linked to the vaccines.

    4. Case studies of COVID vaccine complications including vision loss and the ability to walk, grasp things or think coherently.

      Although this next one isn't the Covid vaccine, it shows the danger of all the vaccines of BABIES getting abscesses in the injection site that have to be drained.


    6. Then there are also the actual insurance company numbers which I don't think are being sensationalized in any way since the insurance companies are leaking money like a sieve to the tune of 6 BILLION and counting at last tabulation; 18-64 age ranges are up a whopping 40% in death numbers over just the first QUARTER this year...

      And now they're coming for the children -- what's next to be normalized -- Sudden Toddler Death Syndrome?

      We are ignoring all this shit at our peril -- this is an ongoing flat-out GENOCIDE.

    7. You know I don't mean that personal right? It already has been they Increased SIDS to include toddlers when they upped vaxx schedules it was originally supposed to just be because infants can't raise their heads when born though ALL of my children had no problems raising up and even rolling over at birth. One pediatrician completely flipped out and called in every one of his staff to watch my 5 day old daughter raise herself up and then roll over. Another pediatric nurse said that I was imagining it that my children could smile and laugh at birth.

    8. SUDDEN UNEXPLAINED DEATH IN CHILDREN SUDC,affects%20mostly%20toddlers%2C%20aged%20greater

  11. All part of the occult timetable which certain orders and societies follow fairly religiously (heh heh) it seems. OTO? Rosicrucians? Cult of Moloch? Cult of Saturn? Opus Dei? Skull & Bones? Pick your poison.

  12. And this just hit me -- June 24th -- astrologically speaking, is the exact opposite of Christmas. Summer/Winter solstices.

  13. Even MORE crazy and in light of the some 10,000 head of cattle just mysteriously up & dying in Kansas days ago....and NO it wasn't heat for cripes sake!! This is Kansas, it's not hell, people!!......
    there is now this bit of "WHA??"

  14. Now I see that the recipient is saying the FDA is claiming an outbreak of BSE as reasons for these FDA scorched earth tactics...hmmmm. Gee, well that wraps it up all nice & tidy, eh?

    Then these is that pesky WEF mandate that all beef should be eradicated by 2024.....

  15. Rotten bastards.
    I just had a 12 ounce Ribeye at Applebees too.
    While we're on the subject, a guy at work showed me this ad that was going around on Fuckbook locally about some Under a tent, out of the back of a refrigerated truck in the local mall parking lot outfit selling 20 Ribeyes for $40 on Friday.
    I swung in there.
    The Ribeyes were pretty small, obviously a loss leader for the bigger package deal they were pushing hard.
    Some "small local ranch" type deal.
    Worked for me, I bought 40 Ribeyes plus their bigger package and hid it all at the bottom of the freezer so The Wifely Unit wasn't the wiser.
    She'd shit a ring around herself if she knew.
    She will only buy Wally World meat.
    Screw Dat, I ain't passing up a deal like that.
    Small or not, Ribeye steaks at $2 each?
    Take My Money!
    I have seen multiple articles that due to lack of feed etc, the Ranchers are culling their herds.
    Beef is going to be cheap and plentiful for a very short time.
    Then it's going to get scarce and as expensive as hell.
    Fill your freezers now.

    1. Hear hear Philby!!
      You da man!! And lucky!! All my parking lots feature are feral cats, newspapers blowing around, & Doritos bags.
      Where do you live? Nirvana?

  16. Absolutely DYING over here:

    Build. Bike. Better.


    1. Hilarious!
      Where he fell is out of the Bible

      Wonder if it was to distract from these headlines:

      Random weirdness

  17. Quietly followed your blog for years with great interest after learning of it through Secret Sun. I say quietly as I rarely post, here or there. But, tonight I break this routine to say thank you. Thanks for putting yourself out there on the bleeding edge of the abyss just to keep us who watch from the shadows a bit more informed.

    Also, I want to offer my gratitude to those who frequently contribute to sights as this, you who lend your weight to bolster these lonely messengers such as Word man and Chris, these mad prophets shouting from the wilderness.

    Those of you who feel the dire weight of inevitability pressing on all sides, you are not alone. We all feel it, some more than others. SOMETHING approaches, of this there is no doubt. And it will arrive much sooner than most would dare believe. We knew this day would arrive even as we hoped, prayed that it would not. Like others here, I wanted so badly to be wrong, would have much rather been insane than... well, you know what's just up ahead so I need go no further with...

    Forgive the rambling, it's just that still, even this close to the end of all things, I keep holding out for... something... something else? Maybe to be told by one here to shut up already, that I am actually nuts and ruining a long-running LARP with my breakdown. Any takers...?

    Wish we all could've met in the real world under different circumstances, without a fucking apocalypse bearing down on us full force. But, fate is what it is... Still no takers...? No one...?

    Goodbye and good luck to us all.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. This calm before the storm is very disconcerting. Back in 2020/21 when some countries rolled out mandatory vaccination, I was fully prepared to run for the hills and let wild animals devour me, for all I cared. If the body is a goner, so be it, but I won't anyone tinker with my DNA / spirit / soul and turn me into a zombie / demon / robot / machine.

    Since then, it's been neither here nor there. To continue going through business meetings every day with a cheery face, knowing what is afoot, is massively draining. I want to see what happens; but outwardly, nothing much is happening. Even my jabbed-and-boosted relatives are all doing great, erecting their next McMansion and planning the next holiday in Tunisia.


    Hey Wordman, here is a working document for the first quarter of 2023 which will be taken from the actual script of Invasion of the Body Snatchers which you have been talking about on this blog. You divide the year by the run length of the film to get here.

    I have a v'd friend whose neck has swelled up like a balloon and they are blaming it on leptospirosis (Weil's Disease). This could be foreshadowing something bigger coming under those colours i.e. the rat turds that the department of health find in the soup at the beginning of the movie - and a spate of opportunistic infections in the v'd.

  20. If it makes you feel any better my neighbors have been calling me 'cray', 'crazy girl' and some other stuff I don't hear with my headphones on. Oh and my son has been calling me crazy since I started wearing a medic alert wristband that says 'NO BLOOD TRANSFUSION'. If I am going to die it's going to be the way I was born....... I am not crazy and you are not alone.

    1. I've been crazy for fifty plus years according to everyone I know.
      I find occasional displays of my ability to display this characteristic keeps the neighbors out of kicking distance for the most part.
      That works for me, normies are a pain in the ass.

  21. Will address all of you guys in turn but most importantly want to send this out to CHAY!!

    You both honour & move me with your kind, kind words. Not doing this now, & never have done this, for anything more than what you just expressed. That sentiment is worth more than gold to me.
    And have no fear, we all WILL meet one fine day either on this side of the veil or the distant other, of that I am certain.
    And thank YOU for having both the sensitivity and the foresight to see what so many in this age do not. Something IS coming, but we are standing right here, right now, and have been both placed and brought here for just this time.

    I have mentioned and linked to both of these statements in these pages previously, but they both still MORE than apply:

    (And here is the unabridged version of this jewel, which I just ran across):

    Thanks again Chay, & don't say goodbye, just say see ya round the ranch!! We'll all be here. You be here too. Wouldn't be the same without ya.

  22. This vid below, that I linked to a post or 2 back, is beginning to feel increasingly important (& I'm sure I will bring it up again):
    Remember the FRANTIC switch to digital TV and rushed thru by Congress amid huge pressure from the FCC & others?? That always struck me as very strange -- esp the haste with which it got done.

    Listen to Polly here again at 23:43:

    Listen to it again in the context of everything else she's saying in the vid, and now juxtapose that with everything that's been happening recently, from weird weather to mass cattle deaths to augmenting perhaps the effects of the vaxx to 5G and increased aerosol operations -- the list goes on...
    Plug in facilities like CERN & HAARP still firing away, and we reach the point where anything is possible.

    All of this life we're living now has been plotted out in phases for a long time. All pieces to the puzzle of long-range full spectrum domination warfare against us.

  23. Replies
    1. HAHA!! Not to mention today is supposedly the day of the vaxx rollout for kids (6 mos - 5 yrs) I believe. Summer solstice.
      And when were these officially approved? June 15, 2022 = 6/6/6.

      And don't forget that once-in-a-forever planetary alignment on June 24, 2022.
      ANOTHER 6/6/6.
      I'm personally hoping that's a sign for good, celestially speaking, but if not, MAN, we can't catch a break here lately!!

  24. "According to the Kaballistic text known as The Zohar, Lilith, a demoness who was supposedly Adam’s first wife, was originally part of a hermaphroditic being, the male half of which was called “Samael” (“the blind one”). Together, they formed something the rabbis called “the Beast” and “the Other God.” In the beginning, God had separated them, because their union created a critical mass of demons that threatened to destroy creation. And if they ever were to come together again, existence would be snuffed out immediately. But they yearned for each other, and they still manage to enjoy the semblance of sex somehow, as they are said to use an “intermediary” called the “Taniniver.” Nobody knows exactly what that means though."


    "Tanin'iver (Heb. תַנִין, "dragon" + עִוֵר, "sightless" — the "blind dragon") is an evil cosmic entity expounded in kabbalistic teachings. He is the steed of Lilith, so he is considered a mechanism by which evil is activated. He is still the catalyst for the coupling of Lilith with Samael, a union that brings pestilence and death to the world."

    The steed of Lilith, which brings pestilence to the world... The Taniniver is one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse? Covid-19/the Vaxx being it's embodiement?

  25. Thanks Jaybers!!
    Along those same lines, more Tracy Twyman delving -- a lady who is startlingly beginning to look more & more like a prophetess with every passing day:

    Quickly beginning to see exactly why the powers-that-be have scrubbed almost every word of her stuff from the internet: they want you reading NOTHING of hers. Period.
    If she was indeed such a nutbar -- they why do they care to this obsessive extent??

    Because as impossible -- as crazy -- as improbable as it seems....she was exactly RIGHT.
    And because it makes people start wondering about what folks like Jeffrey Epstein were REALLY doing -- and why they were doing it -- waaaaaay too much.

  26. Talking about being erased from History, this opens up a huge can of worms...

      & reminds me greatly, esp regarding Hyperborea, of all the old orig Conan the Barbarian comics of Marvel's I used to indulge in in my preteen years -- that first year with the artistry of Barry Windsor-Smith was off the charts magical & has stayed with me forever.
      They always used to include maps at the end of select issues:

      Altho supposedly fictional, much like the work of Tolkien, I always used to wonder just how much was fiction & how much was suppressed & forbidden history.

    2. I think so too wordman, those first 2 pics are the Church I was first exposed to growing up, and in the back of my young mind, there was the question of how they did that. The Orthodox churches up and down the west coast are a big hmmm. Talk of DEW weapons and Chemical warfare in it's destruction. Tesla maybe an invention of the bad guys???I have heard about Formenko, but really never bothered to look into it, and was unaware that Tartaria was connected to his revisionist history. I will be adding chapters to it. When we consider that it appears that someone is trying to make modern day America disappear, all avenue's must be looked into. Extra creepy when considering the good people of Russia were a big part of this civilization, and who is the NWO calling the bad guy...Russia. If this information has finally leaked to the west, there have to be a number of folks in Russia who know the Truth about the real bad guys and what they are capable of.

    3. Hey OMS!!

      Forget making America disappear -- think bigger!!
      I'm thinking they have bigger fish to fry....for their next trick:

      The uber creepy NOPE from Jordan Peele comes out July 22 -- more conditioning??

      And this was photographed at 1:15 AM in Missouri last night:

      Still collating data - trying to find out what all this means and where it fits, but let's just say things ain't trending lollipops and puppies....

  27. PS -- Summer solstice seems to be marking time on the sinister side this year......back soon...

  28. WELL,

    it's the 24th of June. We KNEW something was gonna happen, something having to do with child sacrifice, and it did:

    Roe VS Wade has been OVERTURNED.

    Both Moloch and Lilith are seething.

    1. I think I've got it:

      Today, June 24th, is traditionally when children would be sacrificed, drowned in a river, in honor of Lilith/Melusine.

      ROE vs WADE: two things phonetically done in a river (ROW, WADE).

      In Jewish mysticism, women who get abortions fall under the dominion of Lilith.

      If Roe vs Wade would have been upheld on this day, it would have symbolically represented lots and lots of children being sacrificed to Lilith.

      But the ruling being overturned, declared unconstitutional, means an affront to ancient pagan/satanic rituals going back millennia.

      The Dark Ones are pissed.

  29. To all --
    Agree in spirit whole-heartedly with the 5-4 overturning, but as with all things, this too comes with a price I'm not sure all are grasping the implications of.....
    The notion of bodily autonomy was hanging by a thread before this -- now it is gone totally.
    Now WHEN (not if) the next pandemic hits, what legal recourse/legs do any anti-vaxxers have to stand on when the gov't comes with the mandatory injections?? I'll tell you what recourse -- NONE. And that's scary. At least the wording of "my body my choice" existed before. Now it's been scrubbed.

    Leave it to the Deep State to still be playing both sides against the middle on all of us -- 2 steps up, one step back. And that's a BIG step btw.

    This is a large blow to the Planned Parenthood openly satanic forces on one hand, but an open sesame to maybe the even larger satanic forces of Big Pharma, who don't just have it in for the babies -- they've got it in for all of us. I hate to say we're surrounded, but....we're surrounded.

    Have been saying for quite some time, and I know God helps those who help themselves, but lots of prayer and some Divine Intervention is needed badly.

  30. PS -- see OMID's descriptor above of the day this all went down on -- yep -- 6/6/6.
    NO coincidences. A trojan horse for the right that comes front-loaded with all kinds of timed-release nasty surprises.

  31. I can hear 'em in all the backrooms and little crevices tonight -- "Oh, you're cheering now!!!....."

  32. AND AS IF ON CUE -- the bricks show up again!!
    Ooooh, how mysterious!!

  33. This is also a verrrrrrry interesting take:

    A forced move by the Deep State to stay in power? Republicans were set to sweep everything this fall, and now this?? Weird timing. Rig a close SC vote with compromised/bought off judges to force an uprising and backlash against conservatives. NOTHING in politics doesn't happen for a reason & NOTHING is what it seems.

  34. THEN AGAIN -- & let's never forget this -- EVERYTHING could be to ultimately distract from this.....
    Because, make no mistake, EVERYTHING -- from Epstein to the Clintons, Biden, Ukraine, the vaxx, etc, EVERYTHING IS ABOUT THIS:

    Thanks Lara for centering....this goes to the top of the pile.
