Monday, June 27, 2022


It's with great sadness that I have to report that our outspoken Covid vaxx researcher and critic Dr. Carrie Madej was involved in a single-engine plane crash yesterday at around 2:15PM on descent into Roosevelt Memorial Airport in Warm Springs, GA.

She and her boyfriend Billy, the pilot, were returning from St, Petersburg, FLA when the crash occurred:

As of last word, both she and the pilot survived the impact, rather amazing considering according to flighttracker and flightradar stats at last compilation, the plane hit the ground traveling at around 91 mph. At this moment Carrie is out of surgery but still obviously needing your prayers:

Needless to say here, but given her outspoken nature and unwillingness to back down to the bullying and social outcasting surrounding the entirety of the covid vaxx narrative, one is left to speculate whether or not this was a targeted hit -- Carrie, after all, was the very first doctor in the nation to come out in public with her findings of anomalous structures and organisms she found in numerous batches of unopened vaccine samples. She rejected recruitment early by the BioPharma cabal, that was after her, and perhaps she has had a date with destiny in their sights ever since:

She had already left this country once, fearing that her life was in danger. She returned after much soul-searching and finding that she was unwilling to keep silent about what she knew.

Here she is telling Stew Peters of her initial, horrific, findings:

And here is her latest from June 21. Am currently in the midst of going over this, as perhaps something in here was the final catalyst for them doing something about her: 

Am just now hearing that emerging from surgery she had been diagnosed with a broken leg and damaged vertebrae (degree of severity not disclosed). However, all in all, one must admit that's kind of a miracle when you hit the ground at 91 mph in a single-engine plane. No word as of yet about the pilot. The phrase "angel on your shoulder" comes to mind, I must admit.

Please keep this very special lady and hero in your thoughts and prayers. It's appearing more and more like she possibly took one for all of us. 

Will update when I learn more. 



  1. She survived. He (or rather THEY) didn't:

    1. Hey JB -- not seeing anything in that string about those not making it, but am seeing more than 1 post about the boyfriend having a broken back and a fractured skull; Carrie with multiple broken bones and possible spinal damage. Whew. Still have hope that the Lord wants her around for more here to do because to survive a 91mph flush impact sounds unbelievable.
      Bordering on the miraculous.

      Something I didn't place above but that is brought glaringly to mind is something Q said -- and something I have heard whispered from other military insiders:
      7 out of every 10 plane crashes are targeted hits.
      Paul Wellstone, Gary Caradori and JFK Jr come readily to mind.

      I'm sure there're lots more I'm forgetting.
      Carrie, God bless her & to her everlasting honour, simply wouldn't shut up to their satisfaction.
      We're in a war here.

    2. That twitter post above is about witnesses to what REALLY happened on Jan 6 being eliminated; that guy, the latest casualty, was supposed to testify tomorrow.

      The point being: it seems to be open season on people who "open their big f**king mouths".

    3. Gotcha!! & point taken, for sure.

      And just leaving this here as a data trail:
      Hillary Kill switch .. PFN TRAC (Trusted Remote Activity Controller) SYSTEM, ROSE LAW FIRM 1990 ORIGINAL PATENT HOLDER, RICHARD C WALKER, AGLIENT TECHNOLOGIES . Patent # 6965,816, Col 3, Lns. 5-6.. . STT Intertial Division. MFR 06811. PN QRS11-00100-100

      *Stranger things have happened……
      Hillary kill switch , the backdoor to kill the power to ANY digitally operated thing, plane, train, auto, ships, Traffic Signals? Lest we forget, Hillary Clinton was a patent lawyer way back when. One of her clients created the chip that is in every digital device, it is a "cut off switch".
      Hillary tried to purchase it from the client who declined her offer, he died mysteriously and of course she gained this invaluable TOOL to be used at her disposal.

      PFN TRAC (Trusted Remote Activity Controller) SYSTEM, ROSE LAW FIRM 1990 ORIGINAL PATENT HOLDER, RICHARD C WALKER, AGLIENT TECHNOLOGIES . Patent # 6965,816, Col 3, Lns. 5-6.. . STT Inertial Division. MFR 06811. PN QRS11-00100-100

      They have the ability to do anything they want to to any of us at any time -- & it's only getting worse.
      However, if Carrie does survive, this passage stands out:
      "I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions & to overcome all the power of the enemy. Nothing will harm you." Luke 10:19

      Strikes me that until that purpose that God has put us here for is made manifest, we're all good. Living thru a point blank flying into the ground at 91mph seems pretty good evidence.

      This is gettin crazy...

  2. "This is gettin crazy..."

    You don't have enough popcorn either....

  3. On the subject of evil, straight from the mouth of an old friend of mine:

    "Do they have a god, or a leader of some sort (the nightmare horrors, the black pseudo-elementals)?"

    Pan sighed. "Yes, unfortunately, my opposite. The Anti-Pan; a debased aspect of myself, a detached shadow. We're quite good friends in a way, but I keep him at arm's length.

    His horns are longer and vicious looking. He has real goat's legs and coarse hair. He is the real nymph-chasing satyr, the true model for the devil; he is the reason for the bad reputation I have.

    It is too easy to invoke him, but the fools who do deserve what's coming to them. Their cosmic consciousness is not highly developed, if at all."

    "Is he evil?"

    "He is a negative entity who brings negative energies, but he has a necessary role to play. But that's enough talking about him."

    - R. Ogilvie Crombie

  4. Doctors like Dr. Carrie who have faith and common sense have been devastatingly few and far between.

    While putting together an academic project the other day, I happened to glance at a European pharma company's press releases from the past few years. Oh boy... Did you know that, according to a "survey" they sponsored in MAY 2019, "4 out of 5 Europeans would take a gene test and 38 percent would be willing to get a biosensor implant"? We know how that worked out, don't we.

    And here's a lovely headline, from October 2020: "Europeans don’t want to live forever; majority open to assisted dying."

    Can you see where this is going?... Especially amidst the deafening chants of Carbon-Neutral, Net Zero, Green Deal, etc. etc.? In 2020, it was "selfish" not to pump the horrible mRNA into your vein. I'm guessing, by 2025 it will be just as "selfish" not to celebrate your 60th or 55th birthday by blowing your avatar / digital / metaverse grandkids a kiss and then pushing that lovely ASSISTED DEATH button. Goodbye and good riddance, you carbon-exhaling, resource-depleting, atmos-warming, useless-eater you!!

    1. This might sound very mean-spirited on my part, but if extremely stupid people want to wipe themselves out...

      Let them.

    2. JB -- hear hear. Not mean spirited at all. Just Darwinism at its finest taking over. Or as Jeff Wells just said moments ago over on his twitter:
      "Smart of Evil to put in the work making people fatally stupid before inviting them to be willing accomplices in their own execution."

    3. And hey Trains!!
      Yep, Carrie is one of the old-fashioned good 'uns; a real, live, breathing human with an honest-to-goodness soul.
      IOW, on the endangered species list these days.
      We need to protect her & her kind at all costs.
      They are out last links to what it means to be alive.

  5. Ha!

  6. You guys wanna know how much of a b*tch DeNiro is? Look at his shoes.

    1. DeZero is the biggest punk ever known to man, minute shrimp that he is. How short is he? He'd need a stepladder to give Springsteen a bj. Which, knowing the proclivities, I'm sure has been tried...

  7. Well done.

    1. Absolutely priceless & more on the money than is realized.

      Ever had a cat as a pet? Even been AROUND a cat? Then you're likely fucked. As is, oh, half the world.
      This explains OH SO MUCH...

    2. Yeah, but

      A) I'm never letting go of my cat, and

      B) human beings have been around cats for easily 5,000+ years, and we're still here.

    3. Agree wholeheartedly with ever fibre of my being -- I'm the cat people of all cat people!! Still miss my little orange tabby (RIP 2003) more than I miss my parents...(Only 3 deaths I've been in the circle of) ...I know, I'm lucky & blessed.

  8. Now here's an interesting thread (notice the first pic, she's wearing a mask):

    1. & I'll bet that's not the only "Daddy's spring" she drank from, if ya get my driff......

    2. "I think I'll molest my child while they're passed out from typhus."


    3. What beautiful people -- fun at parties too!! Roofies before roofies!!

    4. That statue of Moloch looks very similar to a a statue my brother has in his house. It's a Minoan Bull Statue from Greece. Hellenistic art. This rabbit hole goes deep. I don't have the mental strength to go there................

    5. Take the black pill! Take it! TAKE IT!!!

    6. Duuuuude -- you freakin crack my ass up!!
      Now officially thinking of changing the banner at the top to this!! (Will they let me??)
      Forget my Gnosticism bs. This is gold.
      Stop commenting on Sotogirly's nethers tho -- that's just ruuuuude.
      Sigh -- at least we keep it in the family. (That's what Sleepy Joe said...)

  9. And this article -- so naive -- so quaint -- she is gonna tell us what this means! Awwww.
    I'll tell ya what it means: it means Covid & then the vaxx was his goddamn "dead man's" switch -- or kill switch if you prefer since he's very likely not dead.

  10. Strange that
    The doctor that said that hydroxy chloroquine was a cure for covid died at 48 right after Carrie's crash

    Strange that they would state 91mph there was a lot of 91symbolism at the Rt 91 festival.

    In Other news,...
    Stinks of

    1. The "pastor's" family supposedly bought a house "blocks from Disney World." Okie-dokie...

  11. Gather 'round the electronic campfire gang -- officially sending up a new batsignal tonight at midnight or before -- curl up in your best snuggies, put on a pot & and get ready, we run far & deep on this'll be clicking links and shedding winks til the wee hours...

  12. I don't have enough coffee.

  13. I'm chewing on coffee beans right now. I think I'm hallucinating a little.

    1. They say drinking too much coffee will give you the shakes.
      I like to go straight to vibrate.

    2. Mmm Chocolate covered expresso beans, I was too just now. When I was a teenager, we heard that eating a bunch of ground coffee would get you high, we mixed it with honey and peanut butter and made sandwiches actually really good. We ate a lot but it didn't do anything other than clean us out really good. lol
