Saturday, March 1, 2014

Return In Red

Return In Red is a little-known military test classification for serious and fatal experiment results.



     Return with me now to the gentler, more innocent days of 1994, when strange things were afoot in America, and the dawning horror of the micro before being unleashed into the macro was holding dominion over all.  Beta-testing all of us in their laboratory known as our everyday world.  There were not nearly as many outlets existing then for alerting large numbers of the public to inconsistencies and anomalies, perhaps, Art Bell commandeering late nights over the radio waves, actually questioning the Federal Government over Waco, weather radar anomalies and talking to investigator William Thomas over what were first being seen then as suspicious contrails (before being scared off), the ever-branching investigations of Richard Hoagland on those same radio shows with Bell, looking substantively into the same “black” areas, and the pioneering that exists now only in archives were about as far as you could go in those days, and in many respects were farther than you can go anywhere today, when things are more diffuse.  The saga of Art Bell and just what happened to him is beyond the scope of this article, but we need to do a timeline soon, showing just how he was made an example of for airing too much of the truth and being too much of a focused, nuisance whistleblower from roughly the years 1996-2000, especially when addressing the testier areas of the then rapidly-expanding spectre of weather modification and anomalies in NEXRAD weather radars. 

      A switch got flipped on him after that, likely spearheaded by Stasi-like, shutdown units of the NSA, and he rapidly changed his stance from anti-government to pro, most suspiciously in the aftermath of 9/11.  The Art Bell who suggested that Waco was a government-sponsored terrorism op loudly in 1997 mysteriously turned into the Art Bell who suggested you leave the country if you’d dare to implicate that same government in 9/11.  The world’s largest case of cognitive dissonance?  Or maybe bashing the Clinton regime was easier (not as dangerous) for him than bashing Bush.  But since the past is prologue, with the wonders of hindsight we can see how certain “scenarios” are tested on us before being rolled out on a massive psyop or “Gladio-type” scale, which takes in such operations at the time as Oklahoma City in 1995, and perhaps more importantly what happened in the sleepy town of Oakville, Washington, on the morning of August 7, 1994, when it began pouring something other than just rain.  For the record, a violent thunderstorm at 3 a.m. marked the first appearance of “the blobs,” ushering in the dark era of the chemtrails.

     For 6 times over a 3-week period, strange gels and polymers, “goo” or “blobs” for lack of a better term, fell on Oakville and its 666 residents, unwittingly doubling as human test subjects.  With subsequent investigations over the years, it’s quite easy to see now what was going on, but at the time, it was a humdinger of a mystery, a 25th Century Scifi Theatre nightmare come to life in a world that hadn’t seen anything quite like it, and wasn’t yet benumbed to wholesale experimentation.

     Patrol officer David Lacey, on shift with a civilian pal, was one of the first to encounter the blobs when they smeared on his windshield rather than rolling off as normal rain would.  He pulled off the road into a gas station and wisely donned rubber gloves to manually wipe his windshield down, noticing that the stuff had a jello-like texture and was completely clear.  “This wasn’t something we would normally see, so we did have bells go off in our heads that this wasn’t right, this wasn’t normal,” commented Lacey.  By mid-afternoon following the 3 a.m. encounter, Lacey started to feel extremely ill.  “I was weak, I couldn’t breathe,” Lacey recounted. “I was sick in a way I’d never been before.  It just totally, violently shut me down.”  Hundreds of others around town, like Dotty Hearn, were also succumbing.  Dotty’s daughter, Sunny Barclift, called an ambulance for her Mom after finding her on the floor of her home.  In following the ambulance to the hospital Sunny also decided to take a sample of the strange gel for analysis.  A lab tech at the hospital would find the first bizarre clue: the substance contained human white blood cells.  Also present was a “matrix” of Pseudomonas flourescens (see below) and Enterobacter cloacae, discovered by microbiologist Mike McDowell.  The Oakville specimen “went missing” when he submitted it to the EPA.  When he inquired of senior EPA management what happened to it he received the reply “Do not ask.”  All he could conclude was that what he observed was not naturally occurring, and was manufactured by “someone for some purpose,” leading him to believe Oakville was likely a test site.

     The Washington State Department of Health as well as AmTest Labs and other private research facilities have found the following in numerous specimens sent in for analysis in the ensuing years: JP8 jet fuel laced with Ethylene Dibromide, a chemical pesticide banned by the EPA in 1983 for chemical toxicity and being a known carcinogen.

     Numerous red and white blood cells that appear to be of a freeze-dried or desiccated nature.

     Toxic pathogens including Mycoplasma Fermentans Incognitus, the same bioengineered pathogen that Dr. Garth Nicholson discovered in about 45% of the victims of Gulf War Illness.

     Pseudomonas Flourescens, a bacterium known to cause serious blood infections and listed in more than 160 DOD patents pertaining to both biological warfare applications and aerosol inoculation experiments since the 1950s.  In addition, it is listed in Pentagon literature as an experimental biowarfare bacteria known to target the lungs and respiratory system.

     Also present in numerous samples was Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, a bacteria attacking the linings of the lungs producing thick mucous after only minor physical exertion.  After the infections have taken hold, Aeruginosa generates a wide array of toxic proteins which cause extensive tissue damage and severely compromise the balance of the immune system, laying the groundwork for lung cancers.

     Most ominously, one of the last factors found in these samples is a special bacillus containing what is known as a DNA restrictor enzyme, something previously found in only genetic engineering labs and responsible for gene splicing, or grafting a specific length of DNA chain onto another to create a mutation.  Tie this in with the concurrent avalanche of GMOs, as well as continuous blasting from HAARP, as it begins to look more and more as if these chemtrails are merely one prong in a multi-pronged, multi-year endeavour to achieve a distinctly supernatural result.

     As well as all of the above, mega doses of particulates of aluminum, barium, and strontium have also been tracked in the contrails, as well as being found in increasing percentages in both soil and water samples worldwide since aerosolized operations began being noticed in 1998 in the United States.

     Figures from the San Francisco Chronicle.  Death notice archives for just one American city over a time span of 9 years, targeting one month per year.

     Jan-Feb 1995…(prechemtrail)…191

     Jan-Feb 1996…(prechemtrail)…134

     Jan-Feb 1997…(prechemtrail)…105

     Jan-Feb 1998…(chemspraying starts)…98

     Jan-Feb 1999…(bioexperiments start)…144

     Jan-Feb 2000…(spraying and bio)…196

     Jan-Feb 2001…(spraying and bio)…1680

     Jan-Feb 2002…(spraying and bio)…1734

     Jan-Feb 2003…(spraying and bio)…1728

     Jan-Feb 2004…(spraying and bio)…2000

     This seems very out of line and alarming even taking into account an aging population.  Pay particular attention to the amazing lethality jump from 2000 to 2001, when it seems the effects from almost 3 years of spraying started to truly take hold.  A deliberate depopulation campaign masquerading as weather modification, or the killing of two birds with one stone?  The law of unintended consequences or an unexpected bonus for the death merchants catapulting Agenda 21?  To those of us on the receiving end, it doesn’t really matter.

     A well-researched article written by John Titus from the Portland Free Press dated March 1997 described how dozens of heavily spray-equipped C-130s were taken away from the U.S. Forest Service, away from forest fire-fighting duties, and commandeered by the CIA for “missions undisclosed.”  Further follow-ups yielded no information forthcoming.  In the year 2000, investigative reporter William Thomas wrote how over the preceeding two winters in cities across North America, strange hashmarks and X’s began appearing in the skies.  In these same cities, outbreaks of “flu” epidemics filled emergency rooms, similarly coinciding with a rapid onslaught of degenerative autoimmune diseases, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis and all types of arthritis originating from viral, bacterial, and fungal infections.  At any given time, the U.S. Air Force has around 700 tankers at its disposal, give or take 36-48 C-130s abrogated by the CIA among all the KC-135s and KC-10s.

     During this time, people were stricken with something that didn’t act quite like the flu since it would hold on for weeks, even months at a time, seem to get better, only to return full force.  In fact, during the height of a 33-week epidemic of fatalities in the year 2000 from pneumonia and “flu-like” illnesses, the Centers For Disease Control blood-tested acutely ill patients, only to find that between 67-85% didn’t have the flu at all.  The CDC later claimed that an “unknown pathogen” was responsible for the illnesses and deaths.

     Coincidentally at just that same time in Kitchener, Ontario, there was a sudden outbreak of people complaining of earaches, blocked sinuses, sore throats and acute attacks of asthma, coinciding with heavy spraying.  Large numbers became sick at exactly the same time, with no time for normal, gradual flu spread.  In the wake of this, curious 1-800 numbers began popping up, asking people to call in to become part of medical studies with the qualification that they needed to contract specific symptoms in specific locations only over specific time frames.  All of this reeks of a highly organized, governmental tracking operation to gauge dispersal rates and severity.

     In 1993, September, a patent was issued to Dr. Shyh-Ching Lo, working for the biological warfare division of the DOD.  It was for a pathogenic or disease-causing mycoplasma responsible for pneumonia, chronic fatigue, lupus, and respiratory distress, precisely the symptoms we began seeing five years later in heavily sprayed areas across the United States.  Coincidence?  

     Now finally, after all this time, we have a whistleblower in this arena willing to stand up and go on record.  She’s ex-military, and her name is Kristen Meghan.  Even in a world of Snowdens and Mannings this woman stands out.  Go to Youtube and punch in Geoengineering Whistleblower – Ex-Military – Kristen Meghan, Hauppauge, NY, January 18th, 2014 for 21:36 of gut-punching truth from this bravest of souls truly willing to put her money where her mouth is for a change.  Literally.  For a change.  How many of you would do that?  Her story is also highly indicative of the compartmentalized nature of these operations, and how unless you have a burning curiosity to truly ferret out where you fit in the grand scheme of things, you can keep chasing your tail for year after confusing, ineffectual year, because that’s the way they designed it.  You have to be pissed off, and curious, and stubborn.  And relentless in a way very, very few people are.  I think you have to be born that way.  It’s something inside you, an indelible calling.

     Stationed at Tinker Air Force Base in Oklahoma when she joined the U.S. Air Force in 2001, Meghan was an industrial hygienist specializing in bio-environmental engineering. Partnering with both the Occupational Safety and Health Administration as well as the EPA, she was tasked with tracking health impacts to those exposed to often caustic materials and work areas and well as mitigating hazards to the environment posed by the same.  Every process needed to be checked out with multiple redundancies for the ordering of all chemicals used in the upgrading and refurbishing of all Air Force aircraft attended to on a revolving basis.  She was so good and so lauded at her position she was transferred to Warner-Robins AFB (Logistics Center) in Georgia as a promotion.  This is when, in 2007, (cue spooky organ music) she began noticing discrepancies.

     She began noticing appropriations for increasingly larger quantities of oxides and sulfates of aluminum, barium, and strontium, interestingly from unknown contractors whose names were not listed on any of the orders, something that was both not by-the-book as well as highly illegal.  The quantities listed on the orders she knew in no way, shape, or form could be safely disposed of to be compliant with the listed EPA standards.  These large, excess amounts didn’t track with any of her known jobs or the work orders she had sitting in front of her.  Then, to her credit, she started doing something the military frowns upon its people doing.  She started asking questions.

     Where are these shipments going on base?  Where are they coming from?  What are they being used for? In the meantime she conducted widespread air and soil sampling in and around the base, finding dangerous levels of, yes, aluminum, barium, and strontium.  Since she never got any answers from those higher up, she did something else that was frowned upon.  She didn’t approve any of these untrackable, illegal 3952 work orders.  This is when the demonization of Kristen Meghan began.  “No contact” orders were issued against her to all her colleagues and fellow engineers.  She was called up to the higher command and threatened with a 120-day “mental evaluation,” with sneering asides like “who’s going to look after your daughter when you’re gone?” (She was divorced at this time.)  She had also by this time in her snooping around been talking to techs on bases that were actually loading the dispersal canisters onto the planes but were obviously too scared/intimidated to come forward on record.  Faced with mounting obstacles, and even threats to her life, she left the military in 2010 after nearly 10 years of service, and began speaking in public everywhere she could relating everything she knows.

     So we finally have living proof, witness testimony from genuine ex-military, in the ongoing assault on our respiratory systems as a result of being sprayed with nano-sized particulates of aluminum, barium, and strontium (among other things) for, as of now, purposes unknown.  We do know for sure that what goes up must come down.  We are all breathing this now.  Mass sickness almost always visits communities within 3 days of spraying operations.  Headaches, coughs that won’t go away, sore throats, and head and upper chest congestion are not uncommon.  Aluminum buildup in the pineal gland has also been linked to persistent cases of tinnitus.  Anyone had much ringing in the ears lately?  Your body doesn’t want this metal imbedding itself in your respiratory tract, among other places.  It becomes a constant irritant fueling any number of medical problems, especially in the elderly.  For the record, David Lacey never fully recovered his health and is no longer a Washington State police officer.  Kristen Meghan is out there somewhere right now, continuing to spread the word, with plenty of records in her holster, concerning these ongoing “black” operations.  And none other than Monsanto has recently come up with patents for aluminum resistant genes for plants since normal ones are dying off worldwide in the presence of excess aluminum found in the snow, soil, and water samples from areas shown to have heavy spraying operations.  The Hegelian Dialectic, brought to you by Monsanto.

     Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) were responsible for two-thirds (36 million) of all deaths globally in 2011, up from a 60% figure (31 million) in 2000.  Of the four main NCDs, cardiovascular failure, cancers, chronic lung diseases, and diabetes, the first three are directly attributable to heavy metal poisoning and nano-particulate ingestion/inhalation.

     The testing continues.     

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