Friday, March 22, 2024



"No, this one's different, something special."

"What, a medical thing?..."

"Too high risk. There's something powerful driving this one along."

"Black magic you mean? Some kind of secret society?"

"Involving more than one."/

"They would have to be very sure of each other to share a thing like this. Family ties? Possibly. Some exotic religion, perhaps politics, anything which makes one man submit to the will of another; politics certainly. Convince a little man that he is serving some great cause, some Grand Experiment, they'll do practically anything for you. Burn witches for you, torture your enemies for you, and do it with a smile if he thinks it's right. The history books are full of it. There will always be leaders and followers, Inspector."   Jack The Ripper (1988)

"All science begins in patterns."  Richard C. Hoagland

"Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws." Confucius

"And love, we shine like a burning star, falling from the sky...tonight."

"Once we were running thru smoke and fire, running into the sun

In the rush of youth, for love and truth, our deeds were done

Now we awake, with a world at stake, and the race we run

We run..." 


Those mysterious worldwide gleaming Monoliths are back, the outline of the clockwork of an ancient celestial mechanism is being monitored closely, and asymmetrical warfare is afoot. Let's see if we can trace the signature.     

Recently in Powys, Wales, one of these showed up again, mirroring the last weird wave of outcroppings worldwide (California, Colorado, Utah, Turkey, Romania, etc) as 2020 wound down:

Note that "questions of extraterrestrial involvement were raised after a motorist captured a picture of  a monolith in the sky while driving nearby.",%2C%20California%2C%20England%20and%20Romania.

If you want to get into any number of aspects of social engineering, predictive programming, and intelligence agency "go" codes, all of this is happening in conjunction with this film seeing wide release:


Overlay upon overlay, venn diagram within venn diagram, all of this is happening as we are a little over 2 weeks out from a total solar eclipse set to transverse the US that is garnering, suddenly, all kinds of attention from weird corners for even weirder reasons:

Why exactly would 22 members of an elite tactical radiological/biological/chemical unit be on standby ready to be deployed in Broken Bow, OK for a solar eclipse? This is either the wildest example of over-planning on record or they have gathered internal chatter of something big in the wind. Or....

It's certainly not beyond the realm of possibility this could be used as an excuse to ramp up the asymmetrical warfare that we have seen the signature of everywhere of late:

In case you may have been wondering, that same Texas panhandle area is target zero for yet another WEF-sponsored "smart city":

Just like that prime real estate (that the generational Hawaiians refused to sell off to "vested interests") in Maui was. Just like Vina del Mar in Chile was. How many times must we see this same pattern repeated before we realize something is up that runs far past the coincidental? As per the famous quote from James Bond's creator Ian Fleming, a man well versed in the ways and means of the upper strata of the Deep State: "Once is happenstance. Two times is coincidence. Three times is Enemy Action."   

Warning-shot headlines like this are also proliferating:

To add to the spectacle (and possibly the signaling for some), the Comet 12P Pons-Brooks is set to make an appearance for the first time in 71 years that same day and time as the eclipse:

And just last week this strange lightning signature was noted:  

This is all an ongoing part of something larger. If you squint you can barely trace the shadowy parameters of it taking shape. 

What we are looking at here is a construct, a coordination, a pattern. And it is not without historical precedence. As has been stated before, what we are witnessing has all the hallmarks of asymmetrical warfare:

And it's not just cattle; we have been staring down the barrel of mass food production implosion since 2020:

Is our infrastructure this degraded that "accidents" like this are becoming the norm, or are they being made to happen as part of a larger agenda? 

BTW, those Texas panhandle fires just happened to occur where 88% of the cattle feed:


Now comes the part where the signatures, and the signaling, and the coordination, come in.

Because the last flap when those strange Monoliths appeared worldwide, came late in 2020 before this last one just appeared in Wales:

Which just so happened to occur less than one month before this:,_2020

Which interestingly coincided exactly to the day when something else happened:

Which will come as no surprise to those of you that might study areas of concern like astro-archaeology. And trust me, there are plenty of those higher-up in the food chain, that continually monitor, and take such things extremely seriously:,001.html

Remember, we are observing a pattern -- an ancient pattern -- that goes back aeons that certain parties with vested interests follow here as if it was a religion. What may seem frivolous at best to us is deadly serious to both they and the plans they seek to enact. Remember as always, this is not about what you may think or believe; this is about what they believe.

They follow timetables marked out in the passage of the stars and celestial events to delineate and underscore their occult rituals accordingly:'s_Mill

Look at the remarkable eerie historical pattern of Kennedy deaths occurring in sidereal time:

Years ago, researcher Richard Hoagland found this exact same chain of evidence in all Apollo moonshot launching and landing coordinates -- all occurred when certain stars were at the same celestial longitude and latitude in the heavens which highlighted venerated Egyptian and Masonic principles and ritual meanings:

(Richard also held, back in the day, very interesting ideas regarding torsion fields and hyperdimensional physics which are beyond the scope of this installment, but that we'll be getting to...) And speaking of torsion fields and interference, the fish are now spinning:  

The infamous murder sprees of Jack the Ripper, the Zodiac, the Son of Sam, Charles Manson, Ted Bundy, the Atlanta child killings, the DC Snipers, to name but a few, followed similar parameters and celestial coordinate markers, well noted in their individual police files, as did what happened on 9/11. That each of these also exhibit telling earmarks of intelligence interference/oversight rife within their official folders (both pre and post-events), largely still classified for purposes of national security, only adds fuel to our growing circumstantial case here.


To present just one such brief as a standout example, examine closely Jonestown -- the provenance of which holds great import in the mass brainwashing department considering what the world has gone thru since 2020, if you catch my drift. From the stellar research of the late Mae Brussell and John Judge, respectively:

Both cite chapter and verse examples of what can be accomplished when a Black Op mind control experiment is given full authorization at the highest levels. The impossible becomes not only probable, but likely, grown in the terrain of "official" circumstances. The ways and means were being trotted out, tested, and honed. The highest levels always use and view everything as an ongoing experiment for future deployment. Jonestown in 1978 was a mind control exercise steeped in then-cutting-edge drug delivery systems, and much was learned then to set in motion the stage for something larger down the road utilizing dual-use consequences:


Another curious fact you will glean from John Judge's extensive breakdown above: between 80-90% of the Jonestown deceased exhibited telltale injection marks



The recent cases of both Jimmy Savile in the UK, and the Jeffrey Epstein network here, follow much this same trajectory -- largely occultic in origin, deeply mired in official complicity with the most important parts still obscured from public view or potential closer examination.


All of this is nothing new -- it's simply largely unnoticed and unremarked upon in the mainstream. But it represents a signature, a fingerprint, a pattern. And one that we would do well to notice. The past is prologue, and lessons unlearned often lean into strange parallels that tend to repeat.

This is all part of a multi-faceted control system which has been setup in many ways, using many avatars, for decades if not longer, and is in flux all around us:  

The attack vectors are numerous and the gaslighting is continual to keep the status quo version of accepted history beyond reproach. Our secret history remains just that -- secret.

And now we once again have a convergence: these monoliths, an eclipse, and the possibility that these will be used as a marker by some, to set up an occurrence, or to set the stage for something in the near future...this is an unfolding ceremony we are all trapped in together; one which we first have to acknowledge if we wish to break its spell over us in this manifest destiny we've inherited. 

Remember the doctrine of Manifest Destiny originally inspired a variety of measures which were designed to remove and destroy the native population -- a designation and principle we ourselves may very well fall under now in the shadows of certain quarters and corridors of power.    

Because the ceremonies, like the experiments, continue.    

Under blue moon I saw you, so soon you'll take me

Up in your arms too late to beg you, or cancel it though I know it must be

The killing time, unwillingly mine...

In starlit nights I saw you, so cruelly you kissed me

Your lips a magic world, your sky all hung with jewels,

The killing moon, will come too soon


Up against your will

Through the thick and thin

He will wait until,

You give yourself to him...




  1. "Years ago, researcher Richard Hoagland found this exact same chain of evidence in all Apollo moonshot launching and landing coordinates -- all occurred when certain stars were at the same celestial longitude and latitude in the heavens which highlighted venerated Egyptian and Masonic principles and ritual meanings"


    But it was all bullsh*t, since the Moon Landings were fake as f**k.

    So... an *imaginary* ritual?

    1. It's so easy to say one way or the other -- I think it's obv many ASPECTS of them were fake: many of the photos, the fake radio transmissions, the delays, the cutouts for "security" reasons, but I think overall by hook or crook we got there....& were promptly shown and told not to come back = we had those big fish in little pond egos and dreams and learned quickly that we literally weren't the only fish in the sea.
      OTOH many swear we couldn't have gotten past the Van Allen belts without perishing back then so crude were our radioactive protective I'm perfectly happy saying in this lifetime we'll never ever know 100% for sure either way.
      It's a never-ending chase-your-tail argument where nobody wins.

      I know that whatever happened to Armstrong, Collins and Aldrin after their "mission," they were shaken, startled, pale, ashen, and dumbfounded in those preliminary press conferences -- what made them that way when they should've been, literally, on top of the world instead of looking suicidal??
      Your guess is as good as mine.
      But those were three profoundly psychologically fucked up men.

    2. We went to the moon hahahahajajaja you can't go to the moon


  2. About Kate Middleton's cancer, and the turbo-cancer of the triple-vaxxed:

    "In the X-Files, cancer is a recurring element associated with the aliens. Their experiments often leave abductees with aggressive forms of cancer, the Black Oil, which is their "life essence", can cause cancer. Even the virus that they intend to wipe out humanity with is shown to be a form of cancer."

    1. Plus I thought all the elites, WEF members, etc were supposed to have gotten the placebo or saline. I know all of Spain's upper crust did, ditto France.
      So either there was a HUGE slipup, or someone pulled the old switcheroo, or something else is taking them out per instructions.
      Those Age of Aquarius changes weren't supposed to happen til November!! LOL.

    2. Did I say above or in the last comms, Diana in slow-motion??
      Will have more to say about this & where it likely fits in to the Agenda soon, OMS!!

  3. And in the XF, Scully first learns of the possibility of what's coming & the link between the implants & cancer onset in "NISEI."

    Pretty WILD that Chris Carter took that nanotechnology/implant/cancer link plunge back in Thanksgiving of 1995!!

    And NOW look at what's unfolding in the world.....


  4. The amount of historical events we have lived through already would be completely unbelievable to someone two or three hundred years ago, impossible even.
    Now we are looking to double that in less than fifty years.
    Thankfully I won't be around to see what horrors they have in store for humanity much longer.

    1. Isn't it absolutely WILD??!!
      I think so often back to just before 9/11, and how different, MAJORLY different it all was.
      Talk about GLORY DAYS. Even 3 yrs into chemtrails they hadn't taken full effect yet, the sun shone differently, and the innocence factor, even as much as we knew then & were learning early on = we were babes in the woods. Listening to Art Bell was such fun....we didn't know enough to see it for what it was, to be filled with dread for what was literally just around the corner.
      I DEF won't be around in 50 years unless I embrace the wonders of cryonics or they unveil some Lazarus potion, but I shudder to think, man, I shudder to think....

  5. Continuing from the former comms section --
    Very latest links on everything MOSCOW tonight:

    In order:
    Putin Emergency address;
    ISIS is a CIA creation;
    ISIS claims responsibility....

    If we are being funneled into a WWIII scenario, we know squarely who to be lookin straight at.....are we clear?
    This is GLADIO 2.0 from the word go, Victoria Nuland's upgraded stay-behind network in action.
    If Putin doesn't keep his cool this thing goes sideways in a nanosecond.

    1. I agree .... my first thought on seeing that headline ....

  6. And just so we're EXTREMELY crystal on what the CIA is capable of:

    See. this is the kind of shit that gets me banned in Qatar.

    And for the record, JFK was spot on: the CIA needs to be splintered into a thousand pieces and scattered to the winds.


  8. Anyone seen Tenet? Remember the Opera house terror attack?
    Bit of a hmm

    1. So weird -- my mind immediately went to Bataclan:

  9. And yep -- the TENET thing is eerie considering the esoteric subject material and mirroring.....

  10. Revelations is a *star map*,
    and you-know-who shows up:

    1. Satan's jailer sounds boffo to me!!

      And altho I haven't yet delved into the books, this was some of the wording from ep2 of The 3 Body Problem on Netflix tonight I caught, which I found quite pertinent to matters here:

      “So if the many worlds theory is true, that means there could potentially be an infinite number of Jessicas or Vishals or Mr Downings in the multiverse. And some physicists even think that if there are exact carbon copies of your body out there with the exact same quantum processes, then all of your thoughts and feelings are simultaneously arising in an infinite number of elsewheres, an infinite number of times. So, when your consciousness ends in one world, it could continue to exist in another world.
      In MANY other worlds.”
      To which, I kid you not, they then cued this up:

  11. Turns out The 3 Body Problem DOES concern everything we discuss here -- at least in the "woke" Netflix production, but "radical" concerns with valid premises like anti-vaxx platforms and 5G are really "propaganda" and "conspiracy theories" (those exact words BTW) that serve -- get this -- an alien invading force bent on our destruction.

    In other words: an exact inversion of reality -- which is what the Left and the Left-Hand path, specialize in; natch. Lies bent around the truth to catch you. An inversion = Crowley - "learn to talk, write and speak backwards" -- on Netflix = Obama. Who is busy issuing yet more Leave The World Behind-style proclamations that tells us a lot more reading between the lines:

    Making sense yet??

    But the ultimate "tell" and premise of exactly how they will accomplish this overrunning is spot on -- and I'll be getting to that next time....
    Let's just say that it concerns CERN, the destruction of real science (they're right about that just misleading the source) and the whys and wherefores,
    and last but not least the plight and fate of Erin Valenti not to mention hundreds if not thousands of other prominent scientists and researchers looking into postulates about not only dual-use weapons systems and tech, but the nature of our world. Nanotechnology and quantum entanglement figure HUGELY.

    This is about fear thru the blurring of and alteration of reality. i.e., the setup.....

    Things are getting VERY interesting....

  12. And this insidiously stark inversion is a dead giveaway as to who is serving who, (or what), and the agenda going forward.
    This the very definition of predictive programming -- telling us EXACTLY what's coming and yet making it OUR fault, when they are the ones that have built the construct from the word go.

    Speaking of celestial timing, events, precursors, harbingers, etc......
    Well THIS isn't close to ominous or anything:

  14. I keep posting and reposting this transformative album -- but only because it's following us all around -- and has latent power:

  15. Possibly related:

  16. Diddy fleeing last heard screaming :"It was just the WORM MOON, I was supposed to have 2 more weeks!!!!!!!!"

  17. And speaking of The Bog One, my fellow Commonwealthers WILL see a majority blacked out, just not a totality:

  18. That should be the BIG one, not Bog.....good LORD.
    Let's hope it doesn't turn into a Bog......

  19. How you guys keep up with all this crazy is beyond me.
    I get up and go to work. By the time I get home and relax anymore, ten years worth of shit has happened and you go out and find more!
    Who had Diddy fleeing to Africa to avoid sex charges on their Bingo card?
    Shake my freaking head. It's unreal, especially all the celestial stuff.

    1. LOL The Batcave never closes and the flashing alerts make it a festive horror Christmastime 24/7 365 around here!!
      As far as the celestial goes, and whither the fate of Diana 2.0, or Kate, well, I have my suspicions about where it's all leading to that I'm gonna hit you guys with next time out, but suffice it to say that the Dionysian architects have a "long game" plan to all this methinks.....Covid & the vaxx were unfortunately just the starter kit. It's at double turns both ingenious and insidious in equal measure. We've stumbled into true Bond villain, Crowleyan FROM HELL territory, where symbols override the collective consciousness on a daily basis & decide the course of our secret history. We have got to somehow first recognize, in order to be able to short-circuit that.

      But as noted above the Age of Aquarius looms quite LARGE in the back of every players mind -- whether they be on the Good or the Evil side. EVERYONE can feel it coming....

  20. Had tuna salad sandwiches yesterday at the beach on the harbour rocks with the girlfriend and a dolphin came and said hello

    All these moments seem increasingly precious. Even sitting in traffic as the radio plays. A million million (mostly?) human dreams all piled on top of eachother and we've come to this. I can sense the anxiety now in other people. The Beautiful Lie is bursting at the seams.

    1. THAT, A6, might just be the most beautifully poetic thing anyone's ever written on here.
      And trust me, there've been some doozies.

      But you are so very right -- every single moment IS precious, and as one of my fav poets Clarissa Estes said, paraphrasing.... ours is not given to know which small act will tip the narrative towards an enduring good.
      It could happen to and from anyone, at ANY time. So cherishing those moments in time is pivotal -- like tears in rain in replicant-speak from BladeRunner.
      Connecting with nature, loved ones, and music is more than key, it's likely everything.
      Every moment. BE HERE NOW.
      One Love, my brother.

  21. Speaking of Diddy....

    1. Ermagerd!! From Burnie's post to God's ears!!
      Since the Diddler was a rather frequent visitor to "the Isle" if you catch my drift, one can only hope that this is merely the meager beginnings of an avalanche trend.....
      Jizzlaine can't stay in the pokey for selling kids to NO ONE forever, right??

  22. And DAMN, now I want tuna salad!!

  23. Never noticed this prior but thought this headline -- from today -- was quite creepy too and possibly interlinked:

  24. Or or or or or OR
    this could be a scapegoat/cover Op:

    1. You did notice they let him fly the coop in broad daylight.....

  25. HERE from the later and even greater Trev before it's taken down forever:

  26. Celery, Mayo, parlsey, onion (red better imo) and plain tuna with your favourite bread. Can't go wrong

    1. All of that (maybe hold the celery, not a huge fan) plus LOTS of cayenne to top it all off! = spicy tuna!! Mine would be whole wheat.
      & you're right -- likely the very best sandwich going.
      Solved = headed to the store in a jiffy!!

  27. Re. Netflix potentate B.O. & human trafficking:
    "P. Diddy (along with Oprah) was behind Obama getting elected. He supported Obama when he was running for his senate seat. He was very politically active back in the 2000’s with his ‘Vote or Die’ campaign. The earliest Obama interview I could find was with P. Diddy in the summer of 2004 before he was elected to the senate. This could be a massive RICO case.."
    From 2021,, there was this:
    Lots of background information on B.O.'s upbringing & family connections; note that B.O. has "close connection to the Crown & Pritzker families.." The Crown family are heavily into arms/weapons;
    whereas "Penny Pritzker of the Pritzker banking dynasty—ranked number 9 on the Forbes list with a fortune of $32.5 billion—gave $500,000 to Obama’s second inauguration—earning her appointment as Obama’s Secretary of Commerce. Pritzker had helped finance Obama from the beginning of his political career.."

  28. Pritzker threads leading to Epstein:
    "Billionaire hotel magnate Tom Pritzker, whose family fortune was made largely through the growth of the Hyatt Hotels brand, was linked to Epstein’s sex ring through one of the court documents. In a May 2016 deposition of Giuffre, she was asked by an attorney, "All right, if I were to ask you the question how many times you had sex with Tom Pritzker, do you know what that question means?" 
    "I believe I was with Tom once," Giuffre said.
    Many threads.. some with potential ties to B.O....few will ever be covered by MSM...

  29. And just to throw in some sex intrigue (YAY!!), how many here know that we wouldn't even have an Obama without Seven of Nine?? (Jeri Ryan.)
    Strap in -- set phasers to stun:

    The Borg were running things even back then.
    And it hasn't gotten any better.

  30. Also interesting that this happens all of a sudden just after the breaking Diddy story.
    Think Deep State engineering misdirection to drive THAT story off the front pages, much as covid did to the Epstein network, when Epstein was the one funding every scrap of research on the vaxx.
    Interesting, no??

    Contingency plans.

  31. YEP -- check it out:

    Self-driving cars (suicide perfect, ask Mike Hastings), self-flying planes (see 9/11), now self-sailing ships.

  32. Oh, & now US thanks to the vaxx = hackable animals Harari calls it.

  33. Ruht-Roh!!

  34. AND THIS:


    The lives of folks in 20+ cars on that bridge ain't nothin compared to THEM....

    Plus, more infrastructure destruction = Win-win!! Total no-brainer.

  35. Interesting in this vid how moments before impact all power is lost -- the ship at that point starts heading straight for the support pylon:

    Hugely creepy & why does The Mothman Prophecies come to mind right now?? We're suddenly ALL living in that film/ so many ways.

  36. BTW you will all also def want to stay on board the Candy Train for the second part of that Diddy network expose she goes into -- when at 20:28 she begins discussing the latest Covid parameters:

    Because she is without a doubt, 1,000% correct in absolutely every dot she nails.


  38. Take great notice of her wording:
    = She knows.

  39. Francis Scott Key Bridge. FSK wrote about War of 1812, Pons Brooks Comet aka "devil" comet, comes every 71 years, seen 1811-1812. Coming here this year in 2024. Solar eclipse causing an x right around the New Madrid fault line April 8. Of course the great earthquake of 1812 in the New Madrid fault area.

  40. Gotcha.
    Tho the subject is no laughing matter I couldn't resist.

  41. Am thinking there is also something in the rapid succession from Friday Night to Monday Night of Russia Concert hall attack >>> Diddler charges and then on the run >>> Key Bridge takedown.
    That's 3 massive Deep State signatures in a little over 72 hrs EST....

    I think W said it best:

    "They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people,...
    And neither do we!!"


    The Black Swans are flying everywhere.....

  43. All signs now point to a coordinated cyber attack on the ship which knocked out power and steering (did something else take over the steering?? Unknown) as it tracked into the critical part of the Key Bridge support.
    It will take 4-5 years to construct a new bridge.
    The Port of Baltimore (CLOSED) is one of the most important shipping ports in the US, supplying goods and material to all of the Northeast.
    Expect prices on all goods to skyrocket in the coming weeks and months -- including vehicles, gas, propane, diesel, food and just about everything else -- as the remaining infrastructure struggles to take up the slack.

    What are we seeing here?
    Cue the script from the penultimate episode of RUBICON:

    Scroll down to the very bottom to possibly find out....

    As a matter of fact, here is the OG script of ep1 which in fact turned out very diff from what got aired.
    Take a gander at this and then ask yourself why the OG creator Horwitch was driven out == the veils to which he was alluding (9/11) got sliced a little to thin you might say:

    1. An excellent question asked by an internet friend that I haven't heard anyone ask about the collision, why do the lights go out on the bridge and the ship simultaneously upon impact?

    2. Unknown, my man. But we can all, for now (until it gets taken down) see that the power cut is THE signature of tom-foolery.
      Things continue to escalate ever more into the Uncanny Valley by the hour; literal definition of PARAnormal.
      The slippery-slope trajectory is unmissable now.

  44. The Summer Girl just dropped this:


    AMENDMENT #1 rewrites the bill to prohibit the intentional injection, release, or dispersion, by any means, of chemicals, chemical compounds, substances, or apparatus within the borders of this state into the atmosphere with the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight.

    Guess that Billy Psycho Gates idea to dim the sun is back on.....
    What could POSSIBLY go wrong??

    How many Black Swans can our minds handle in a day now??.... we're about to find out.

    1. Chris Knowles done an interesting piece on the eclipse and how the apocalypse started for real round May 2017. All the Frasierology and Watcher usual.

      But tbh the mischief is so relentless now I've stopped caring mostly. It seems there isn't any stopping this train now and once the switches are flipped for real it will be just pure survival.

      Still, I would like to see Puff Diddler get suicided and his whole clan squirm like worms.

    2. CK just put this up on his X -- & there is SUCH an abject lesson for humanity here:

      They are few....WE are many.

  45. More P-Diddy background:

    Lara Logan; on the Baltimore bridge collapse;


    1. Crazy excellent & direct spot on analysis by LL; pretty much what I was trying to reiterate above =
      People right now have NO IDEA what just happened & long-range ramifications of.....horrific in about 9 million diff ways that we'll be feeling for YEARS.

  46. Needless to say, how ironic is it that all this happens in the shadow of THIS VERY POST where I mention that this is a PATTERN --
    this is Asymmetric Warfare where we are far more than just complicit.

  47. From the concert halls of Russia to the fleeing entourages of the Diddler to the cyber attack bursts along the Key Bridge, there ain't nuthin but one thing goin on worldwide y'all:


    Idk why but this is hilarious to me

  49. Hey wordman you ever hear anything spooky about Turtle Island, Ohio? Or anything spooky about Ohio in general?

    1. Only that Ohio is major home to the Serpent Mounds....and I dated girls back in the summer of 78 from Steubenville and Shaker Heights.
      They were pretty spooky. As was the summer of 78, BTW.

    2. By all means hit us with Turtle Isle info and anything else!!
      Turtles all the way down.....

    3. Aw nah I know nothing just finding out about the Wow! Signal and that the state is "The Mother of Presidents" plus plus that serpent mound stuff got me pulling on threads

    4. Someone was talking wild about turtle Island in some revelations decipher thread and then I found it shares a state border with Mississippi haha that's all I know

    Baltimore bridge collapse....planned ritual or predictive programming ...points to ponder...

    1. OH BB, people are starting to notice:

      And they don't appreciate it one bit:

      If Obama's Leave The World Behind predicted Key Bridge & other key points, what is Obama's 3 Body Problem in the mood to predict???
      CERN Firing up and the Eclipse, both on a central Crowley date, await.....

  51. Wordman, right up your alley:

    1. I noticed that JB, and as I stated one comm above, both occurring on a pivotal Crowley historical date:

      Crowley began writing his Book Of The Law at noon on April 8 in 1904 in Cairo.

      And Leave The World Behind BTW, prominently featured an eclipse in the data:

      Perspective? From the moon. For whatevs that may entail....

    2. Is there a live feed of the sky above CERN? Couldn't find any. But that would be interesting.

  52. And of course pertaining to what many are presuming happened with the Bridge, LTWB also had this:

    Things are narrowing and aligning in spooky ways....

  53. 12 days until ZERO HOUR.....
    Next installment on the Bat Channel could prove to be....interesting.

  54. Um...wtaf is wrong with these people???

  55. Whoops should have updated the comment section before I sent that one sorry!

  56. To merely add to the free for all synchronicity merry go round.....
    Ep 3 of The 3 Body Problem opens on a closeup shot of SHIVA at CERN.
    No signaling there.....

    1. 3BP should be classified as a horror if it isn't already. So keen to talk about this show but don't want to spoil.

  57. 2 USN ships of the ALGOL class are stuck because of the bridge collapse. Algol is an eclipsing binary star and we have our eclipse coming April 8. Algol's name comes from the Arabic word for "the demon's head."


    Did a Woman Manifest a Demon While Pastor J.D. Farag Was Preaching a Sermon About the End Times & the Great American Eclipse of 2024?
    "So far, I haven’t seen a single major Christian website talk about what happened. There is kind of an unwritten rule that we aren’t really supposed to talk about supernatural manifestations. & so they often get brushed under the rug. But that is the exact wrong approach. Our world desperately needs to understand that the supernatural is real.... The Bible does not shy away from addressing the supernatural at all."

  59. A6!!!! BB!!!! JB!!!! MAX!!!! PHIL!!!! SUMMS!!!!
    Regarding 3BP and any "spoilers."
    Everybody hold off on posting anything related -- and it's ALL related LOL (3BP, eclipse, CERN, timelines, new demon morphology, etc) -- on that front in these comms til next WEDNESDAY when I'm gonna sched the next post.

    Do me a favor and email me at and let's go that route instead of the comms here til then....

    Only because I'm sitting on some stuff that is so WILD and mind-blowing that I wanna keep the kitty squarely in the bag.
    Thanks & the Batcave appreciates it!!

    I will tell you one thing:
    We all need to start looking at the Erin Valenti case a LOT more closely.
    Because within that was the launch code to creating a new reality......

    Standby and impulse power til Wednesday -- & steady as she goes....

  60. Easter post:

    Around the same time Jesus died on the cross, a great voice was heard booming across the Mediterranean, saying "The Great God Pan is dead! The Great God Pan is dead!", and it was reported to the Roman Emperor Tiberius that all of the animals, plants and rocks screamed in horror.

    Meet the new Good Shepherd, a little different than the Old One.

  61. This site back online, under a slightly different address (and slightly harder to navigate):
