Sunday, February 19, 2023



20,000 miles to an oasis/ 20,000 years will I burn/ 20,000 chances I've wasted/ Waiting for the moment to turn

I would give my life to find it/ I would give it all/ Catch me if I fall

Walking thru the woods I have faced it/ Looking for something to learn/ 30,000 thoughts have been wasted/ Never in my time to return

All of my life waiting to find

40,000 stars in the evening/ Look at them fall from the sky/ 40,000 reasons for living/ 40,000 tears in your eyes.....

"The pen is mightier than the sword."  Edward Bulwer-Lytton, 1839

"I got a bad taste in my mouth out here. Aluminum, Ash. I can smell the psychosphere."  

And Love, we shine like a burning star/ Falling from the sky, tonight.

First of all, pretend you're on Mission Impossible and you need to read this quickly, because it's due to self-destruct in 5 seconds -- you might even want to copy and paste it into Word or some other archive system -- just sayin'...always better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it. None of us are given to know which of our words -- these bulletproof verses -- could be the final ones that bring it all down in a Pontypool-like mood virus that infects the Evil surrounding us to a terminal and unalterable degree. Hope springs eternal and we are all called to be the last line of change we wish to see in the world. Be. Here. Now. 

So I'm letting all you Irregulars be my eyes and ears now more than ever -- read this. Spread it. Copy/paste. Archive. Flood the system so they can't find it all or it's too much to handle. Strength in numbers. Short-circuit their insidious and ridiculous censorship of anything that's not their corporate and spoon-fed mantra of deceit and betrayal. People are suckers for the Truth. And the Truth is on our side. Nothing to it but to do it; we're not Challengers of the Unknown for nothing...The Revolution -- guess what? It's US. And that's the way it was always meant to be.

"The airwaves are alive tonight, but nobody's kidding nobody about where it goes," to paraphrase an old Bruce tune from the last days when Bruce was Bruce, and that sentiment certainly applies right now, ongoing, to the airspace over not just the North American continent -- but spreading to include the entire planet, which is raising deeper concerns. 

Sharpen the bat-a-rangs, night children, it's about to get as weird to the Nth degree as you could ever imagine.

Most assuredly a distraction protocol is still in place and counting down, but, almost as if by summoning magick, something other appears to have entered the chat...amid a rollercoaster backdrop of everything exploding from pipelines to railcars, an undercurrent of straight sabotage prevails...

From the governments of the world unabashedly poisoning you via experimental injection as a prelude to mass death, to the US Government provably engaging in the worst act of terrorism since it pulled off 9/11 (not counting the Ohio fallout) in what investigative reporter Seymour Hersh has found:

More sabotage everywhere:

And you will notice the 'occult' marker. 

So let's take another look at all this, Art Bell-Coast To Coast-Dreamland-style...wanna take a ride?

To recap, just recently, we've got green matrix grid lasers over Hawaii, cylindrical grey unknowns with no meaningful systems of propulsion interfering with pilot sensors and getting shot down over Alaska, huge poison acid nuke clouds in Ohio killing fish, livestock and pets (for the absolute horrificness of that that's not being covered, plug in here: )

And here:

where the public pressure has mounted to the extent now that even the MSM has to say something.

See at the header the playing field of exactly where that fallout is (coincidentally??) covering -- major Red State Trump territory. Is the media blackout and White House silence and complete lack of concern beginning to sink in now? They didn't call over half the country "deplorables" for nothing. 

I'll even advance it one step further: what if they blew this up on purpose to negate the one subset of the country that didn't get vaxxed that could be used in scientific studies as THE control group to prove the harm their "novel MRNA products" caused? This particular biosphere and groundwater table will be contaminated for a hundred years from now at decay rates...

And it gets worse -- this just in from 4chan. Guys, this is absolutely serious: 

And this just up from Stew Peters monitoring effects:

Let's put these down and remember them as the first responses in what may turn out to be truly an almost inconceivably terrible deluge bearing down on us:

As the "coincidences" continue to pile up:

Seriously, is anything NOT on fire in the USA at this point??

THIS is the water they're telling you is safe to drink:

There is a Colour Out Of Space intense, multi-faceted Lovecraft vibe happening here right now. This is the Quickening, the Turning, the Singularity bearing down with all the Demiurge force that the cosmos can muster. Some contend the Kali Yuga just ended -- me, I'm not so sure. Not so sure at all.  

Here's another one to add to the header map of chem spills/derailings -- today (Thursday) in Detroit: 

Far be it from me to play Columbo, but I'm sensing a pattern...The switch has been flipped. That psychosphere smell and taste? It's gotten exponentially worse. 

More physical evidence:

Rolling in and pouring down from Canton to Massachusetts...


Want more of what they really think of you while pretending to be oh so concerned about your health? (Need any more validation that all the mandates and lockdowns and masks and vaxxes were about anything but your health and well-being?? And they were just the beginning...)

You say you want circumstantial weirdness?:

Or is that proof of complicity? 

Per one of the first comments, nowhere in section 6 do I see "If spilled immediately light on fire."

"Land spill: Construct barriers to contain spill. Absorb small amounts of spill with natural or synthetic sorbents; shovel into containers with covers." There are 2 separate instructions to remove all ignition sources

Shall I spell it out for you just how blatant of an overt act of war this is?

But as far as implications, and complicity go, we're just getting started -- did I mention motive?:

Govern me harder daddy.  

How about even more reasoning behind the scenes and knowledge beforehand -- this was January 26th:

Probability of all simple random coincidence here?:

Yep -- you heard me...ZERO.

What else ya got rolling out? How about proof that we did Nordstream 2, open satanism making a play at the Grammys, Pfizer pulling up right alongside in the Luciferian sweepstakes outed as genocidal maniacs on tape by a guy that doesn't get rewarded but fired for broadcasting the psychopath employee actually ADMITTING to it, only to be raised by Gates admitting that ALL MRNA vaxxes are not only worthless but were harmful all along.....where next?? We're just over a month into 2023 and already the wheels have come completely off the Midnight Meat Train. And speaking of horror story meat trains, let's see who the top shareholders in that Ohio derailment concern are: 

The picture becomes clearer and clearer as the world morphs into a super new compilation franchise of The Omen-Resident Evil-They Live-Cabin In The Woods-The Matrix-Invasion of the Body Snatchers and Dark City. With your host Rod Serling. Hint: It's a cookbook!!    

We've got space balloons that disappear at 80,000 feet, tic tacs and unknowns playing bumper cars all over the North American corridor to such an extent that -- go outside -- there's more than a good chance you'll sight something weird. It's Orson Welles directing Threat Level Midnight out there. The unexplainable:

They had me at "Interfering with the plane's sensors..."

Is this the Invasion to distract us from Pfizergate that was to distract us from the ingredients that were to distract us from (no) covid that was to distract us from the entire Epstein/pizzagate enchilada?? Ukraine fits in there somewhere too. Not sure how this is working out for the elites when (with a modicum of investigation) all of the above can be proven to be related in the Subset-Overlapping-Mirrorball Occult Universe. We also can't forget that all of this is occurring amid a backdrop of Congress putting twitter, the FBI, Google et al in the proverbial hot seat for a) election interference and b) real vaxx information disappearing at a record rate: 

And just recently an unknown was spotted in China:

As well as Poland: 

We have China thinking it's us, us thinking it's China -- this is a script that goes back to the Foo Fighter days of WWII. Either that or it's Godzilla now (UNDER the water?) USOs now, great. 

The playbook so far -- remember what Ronnie Raygun said: 

As has been reiterated in this space many times, all a precursor. Bring on the One World New World Order Government. It's been a long train runnin. Now it looks like it's primed, rigged, and ready to blow too. And this toxic cloud of psyop propaganda will envelop all of us.

Just months ago, this video was put up on reddit and almost immediately deleted -- supposedly coming from an undisclosed DOD facility: 

And not even a year ago, this appeared in Geneva's skies, where CERN is located: 

Thanks always to Tyler at Secureteam for providing some of the most cutting-edge and thought-provoking UFO drops anywhere.

Let's remember that this happened in Montana after the OG Chinese balloon had already passed by:

And now the military has shot down ANOTHER unknown over Lake Huron and closed all airspace:

Is it crazy enough yet?

For everybody keeping track so far, bear witness to the high strangeness on overload:

Here's a great summation from Dave Paulides:

And the promised mind-bending follow-up with Agent Desouza:

Pay very particular and close attention to what Desouza says in the second part of this sit-down, where he ranges into things like 9/11, where it gets very occult and very much along the lines of what I think may have happened -- how DO you disappear six 2-ton each sets of landing gear from 2 planes?? WAS this a sacrifice ritual to the cabal's "dark god?" Then consider that this is coming from the best classified info gleaned from the very top of the FBI pyramid and you will have more than simply much food for thought -- you will have a clear insight into how the world works at certain levels. 

Then think again about what's really going on with the vaccine, and in the air above Ohio.

For much MUCH more, scroll down in this wonderful repository to the name S. K. Bain and his chilling The Most Dangerous Book In The World 9/11 as Mass Ritual  

Desouza and Paulides also delve into what may be happening re the ultimate answer behind the Missing 411 phenomenon -- and the answer -- strangely, may lie in a little known film from 2014 called Don't Blink. Which gets into, according to the director, scientists that opened a portal and filled an area with particles that activate when you DON'T observe them. Kind of like my disappearing posts...

This all links back to the theoretical physics of the Quantum Zeno effect, which was also delved into in last said disappearing entry:

"Conspiracy theories" we have long propagated are now being trotted out into the public sphere and shown to have been what they truly were all along -- spoiler alerts that open onto an occult vista.

As in wonder what these guys are getting up to now?:  

"It has to be driven by a certain shock that will happen" doesn't fill me with cotton candy and purr purr purr kittens.    

Meanwhile, just like a soundtrack to the other in our midst providing the backbeat, this alchemical agenda rolls along. Maria Zeee and Dr. Ana Mihalcea with the goods in a riveting conversation that ranges far:

In related news, and speaking of calling everything in the witchiest way possible, who remembers Grimes?:

Why was she, as partner to Musk, openly displaying sigils in 2019 that alluded to the virus, the vaccination and a combination thereof (gene splicing to come take note) leading to a flying saucer?? If THAT doesn't spook you, nothing will... 

Unless it's this -- U2's Superb Owl ad:

Consider a few things. The sky unknowns, from Chinese spy balloons to cylindrical anomalies, have only been on the public radar from February 4-12. That's it. 

Now consider the massive production, pre-production, layouts, setting, storyboarding, etc that went into that little 4 minute blurb (that debuted the night of Feb.12th), that certainly started and was in full flight LONG before even February 4. How exactly did it work out that THE major theme of that ad was sky anomalies, spheres, balloons, etc encroaching on American airspace featuring both media emergency bulletins and military response; even featuring a split-second insert of said Chinese spy balloon itself?? Seriously? Think about this for a moment, how "entertrainment" is used, and what is being conveyed...

WHAT is going on here? Is Bono the next John Dee? Is he using his long-thought-gone mojo to summon these things into our existence now? Who is behind him? Who is behind U2? What kind of company does he keep again when he's not working? Davos? Klaus Schwab? Yuval Harari? The entire WEF? To say nothing of the Council on Foreign Relations (Epstein), the Club of 300, the Vatican, the White House, etc.  

I sense major manipulations and maneuverings behind the scenes. But to what kind of end? Remember always the old skullduggery X-Files line...the best way to predict the future, is to invent it. And Edgar Cayce Bono ain't.  

Basically open all the portals and set the controls for the heart of chaos; it's really still Jack Parsons' world and we're just renting out space in it:

The rather scarier premise is the Megyn Kelly one: these things have been over, around and beside us all along -- we just have better tools to interpret their presence now. And perhaps better tools -- Enochian? -- to bring them down. We have seen the military, the deep, dark military, access this before -- and it's certainly nothing new:

Certainly seems like you've got to fight the Enochian with the Enochian. "Spellcraft & sidewinders when sidewinders alone just won't get it" could quite possibly be the prevailing wizardly, pointy-hat, dragon pants logic here. After all, things like this aren't coming down with any 40-year old earthbound ordnance:

Hell, they are straight up reading our minds. Yet something else that Epstein was obsessed with for those looking for crosscurrents...  


Are we being assaulted by covert forces? 

Taking into account the above, what's happening in Palestine, Ohio and fanning out like an apocalyptic Umbrella Corp bumbershoot, as well as the continual bio-degradation of the covid MRNA vaxx and its effects on humanity worldwide...what do you think?:

Perhaps this is what happens when dark-shaded corporations rule a country instead of people. 9 minutes in at the above vid is likely the best summation you will ever hear about the current state of crisis from Stew -- where's my Kali Yuga again?:,the%20end%20of%20Dwapara%20Yuga.&text=LEARN%20

Who exactly is to say an Umbrella hasn't been called in for every stage? From the vaxx marketed as a panacea:

To what's occurring at an accelerated pace right now: 

Art imitating life? Revelation of the Method? Predictive programming? Social engineering? So many choices.  And what's that other part? Right -- so little time.   

I tell you -- no joke -- we're going to need to go over this again -- from the beating heart of the Epstein network:

Still strangely up -- still strangely searchable.   

How many coincidences until coincidence no longer exists? This is structured, systematic, and coordinated. Where some things are designed to divert and misdirect from other, more heinous things in a Russian roulette game of brokered chance and fate. Almost as if they are, in a Revolution in Military Affairs sense, bringing everything to bear at once in an all-out chaotic frontal assault:

Treading possibly on dangerous toes here, since both the above link and this next one featured prominently in the last posting that was summarily disappeared by the Google Borg Cube:

Dangerous information, my friends. But these times call for as much information as possible in this whirlwind to ascertain just what is going on; where the diversions end and the strange reality begins kicking in. No matter the parameters, we are under the gun of enemy action. Check the acid orbit cloud photo that heads this post, as well as the ground map of the targeted (and yes, I mean targeted) area. Now talk to me again of coincidence, or purposeful engagement. 

And yet more Congressional fallout today of the closeted intel classified briefings:


And just for the, uh, record -- that's not the regular DC underground backdrop there -- notice the special seals on the cars. Are we glimpsing the vaunted DC underground secret network that connects to Dupont Circle and other tunnel system hubs as was specifically noted in the pizzagate days? If so, sloppy guys, sloppy. Unless they're just like so many "in the know" these days re dark secrets, and they just plain don't care anymore if we know or not. Whatcha gonna do about it, huh?

Amid all of this and in our folly, look what the WHO is up to:

I believe Pete Townshend said it best circa 1978, "WHO the fuck are you?" A sentiment that bears repeating early and often these days. 

And what was I just saying about a coordinated attack? Whether it's East Palestine, the interior terrain of our own bodies, or the psychological unbalancing that comes with wondering about what's flying over our heads, humanity is squarely in the crosshairs of forces wishing to create a fugue state of mind and body with the most existentially evil intentions you could ever imagine.    

I began this installment very much being in two minds about what is happening -- I end it not so much that way, and increasingly convinced that we are being played, bamboozled and coerced into a looming One World Government scenario bearing down on us with, pardon the pun, freight train force and speed. First, (and as was elucidated in the vaporized post) there was the outright burning of the farms nationwide under auspices of mysterious explosions, then when it became clear that eggs provided a much needed buffer against both effects of covid AND specifically the vaxx: 

chicken farms began being targeted as well as their feed:

(Notice the clear ties to both the WEF and Epstein...)

Now we have acid bombs, our own Administration blatantly destroying vital infrastructure, 7.0 and greater earthquakes going off at unprecedented rates, and seemingly the final groundwork being laid for the Blue Beam outer space card to be finally played -- not one of these things is in any way, shape or form in favor of the little guy. Far from it, it bears all the hallmarks of the Georgia Guidestones protocols. And of course the final straw is the one of complete genocide as hidden within the vaxx agenda from the very onset.

The burning question hidden away in the wings offstage is a plaintive one and bears much thought: this all MAY very well be a setup organized by earthly forces intent on the complete subjugation of humanity thru subterfuge and sabotage -- a plan long in the making as we have seen much evidence of. But are they acting alone? Much subjective spitballing has been done not only on sites like mine, but in far loftier corridors of intel and power...and as things begin to take on far more spiritual hues and overlap with realms like quantum theory and physics, the nagging thought begins to form -- are aliens demons? Nephilim? Fallen angels? Were yesterday's outliers like Jacques Vallee, John Keel and J Allen Hynek right all along in their not-extraterrestrial-but-ultraterrestrial/ultradimensional hypothesis? Forces and sources deep within the military intelligence apparatus in the Pentagon (as well as other privately sourced investigative arms) including folks like Colm Kelleher, Travis Taylor, George Knapp, Luis Elizondo, Dr. Raymond Boeche and many, many others are coming to disturbing conclusions pointing starkly in that very direction. 

So we must navigate and deal with layers of the lie. And its extent. Our earthly bellwethers are lying to us. The ultraterrestrial entities are lying to them. It's a Jacob's ladder of deception all the way, running not just down but both ways, every angle, those that we see, and those that we don't. Which makes this situation all the more perilous -- like trying to find the giant cobra in the dark closet before it finds you. 

"Would we, if we could, educate and sophisticate pigs, geese, cattle? Would it be wise to establish diplomatic relation with the hen that now functions, satisfied by mere sense of achievement by way of compensation? 

I think we're property. I should say we belong to something. 

That once upon a time this Earth was No-man's Land, that other worlds explored and colonized here, and fought among themselves for possession, but that now it's owned by something. That something owns this Earth -- all others warned off.....

Pigs, geese, cattle. 

First find out they are owned. 

Then find out the whyness of it. 

I suspect that after all, we're useful, that among contesting claimants adjustment has occurred or something has a legal right to us, by force, or by having paid out analogues of beads for us to former, more primitive owners of us -- all others warned off -- that all this has been known, perhaps for ages, to certain ones upon this Earth, a cult or order, members of which function like bellwethers to the rest of us, or as superior slaves or overseers, directing us in accordance with instructions received -- from Somewhere else -- in our mysterious usefulness."   

        The Book of the Damned, Charles Fort, 1919

Funny how original resident of the Batcave, Charles Fort, knew the bell-book-and-candle skinny over 100 years ago. Despite the PR, the press releases mounting, and the rave NWO reviews pouring in, the addition of something other and unalterable in our midst and in our lives isn't anything new. On the contrary, it's been but degrees away on the frequency scale, riding shotgun and vibing with us all this time. And just like this grand alchemical ritual we find ourselves embroiled in... 

Who owns this earth? Who was given dominion over it? We may, finally, be getting at a real time answer that sports physical proof...but how terrible is wisdom when it brings no profit to the wise: 

But there is wisdom also in the knowledge we were brought here, all of us, to fight this. The fight IS the dissemination of knowledge and speaking up. Speaking out. This will not be everything, but it will be a vital and integral part of how the world changes...with the Word.

In a little Back To The Future before we adjourn this time, ever wonder what events precipitated getting here right now -- I have a big feeling that this played, and continues to play, a large part:

Go to Ep 14 The CERN Codes w/Anthony Patch; the weirdness begins at the 32 minute mark.

Perhaps this will provide a little insight into what the powers-that-be consider important to keep under wraps. And what they will do, who they will threaten, to keep vital facts about the playing field from the public at large. 

Then consider again this all took place in 2015 before contemplating the journey between then and now and what has transpired...Listen again to the highlighted Rumble vid above with Maria Zeee and Dr. Ana Mihalcea in relation to this and perhaps the reason behind the creation of a platform for entry. Taking place within the transformation of our own bodies.

Finally let's leave with some really good news -- court cases are flying:

So thanks to Brook Jackson and David Martin, and Godspeed. And these promise to be just the first of many. All it's going to take is just that first person to get the ball rolling downhill, to draw the fire, to be the martyr -- then everything else with momentum will fall into line. And when the dominoes start tumbling, it's going to be handbags at ten paces; a free-for-all. And I have a feeling things will be happening Epstein-quick July 2019-style. We've been here before... 

Brook Jackson's is March 1, 2PM Beaumont, Texas. ALL PARTIES ARE REQUIRED TO ATTEND IN PERSON.

ANY type of discovery action initiated by the court will absolutely destroy Pfizer.

Get that popcorn ready. It feels, as things turn ravaged and desperate, like we have one last shot to rail against the oppressive, and yes, sinister forces keeping us down and killing us, and the fightback begins now. 
















  1. "The image of a woman riding a beast is in itself symbolic of Europe. An ancient Greek myth relates how the goddess Europa was taken and r*ped by Zeus himself, in the form of a great bull; he came for her out of the sea, and carried her off beneath the waves. This is virtually the same story as the myth of the "Quinotaur" (sea bull) who r*ped a Visigothic princess, who later gave birth to Merovée, the founder of the Merovingian dynasty; their bloodline went on to provide Europe with the royal families who ruled over the Holy Roman Empire, later "resurrected" as the European Union.

    The image of the goddess Europa riding the bull is used on numerous official EU documents, and throughout the EU buildings in Brussels and Strasbourg. This has been interpreted by a number of Bible prophecy preachers as a statement by the EU identifying itself with the Beast of Revelation, yet many of these people are ignorant of the Greek myth of Europa, or the origin story of the Merovingians; both "sea bulls" were interpreted as divine in nature, but strictly in the deepest, darkest pagan sense.

    As much as the royal families of Europe would love to trace their lineage back to the blood of Christ, it is in fact the blood of the Great Horned One we speak of. A one world government would be founded upon a vast pagan revival, instead of a new Catholic reign."

    Personally, I'm thinking the forthcoming Fourth Reich.

  2. Wordman, check your spam. They're doing it again.

  3. Anthony Fauci translates as "Flower man of Death (scythe)"

    Anthony Fauci = Nimoy/David.

    Wokesters practically adore him, he keep saying that nothing is happening, then, when the truth comes out, he'll turn on them and start euthanising them. Not long afterwards, he'll get locked up, just like David when Matthew and Elizabeth fought him off.

    Anyone figure that the scene where Matthew and Elizabeth are held captive by Nimoy and his thugs, *being injected by force*, while Matthew is saying "you're killing us, you're killing us", is when vaccinations might be violently forced upon people later on this year?

    The "pods" will be the "suicide pods" being commercialized over in Europe right now. Remember the scene when David injects both our heroes with a sedative, then brings them over to show them two huge pods on the ground, at which point they freak out and fight back to get away?

    Imagine if the triple-vaxxed are told by doctors in October that they should simply kill themselves in a pod, it'll be better that way.

    1. JB you said "I think Tracy was being deceived when those evil spirits were telling her they were Baphomet, or Caïn, or Jean Cocteau. Think about how many cases of demonic possession where the evil spirit claims to be Baal or Satan. Seriously? You're an ancient pagan god, or the Lord of Hell, and the best you can do is use a OUIJA board? Bullsh*t." What if someone had the opposite where something was talking in such a high tech nuanced way that seems like it would be something other than human, or just high technology but is claiming to be human, then when you start to question more, how weird would that be and what lengths would people go to to try to figure out for sure what is behind it. Guess it comes down to determining what motivates it.

    2. Oh, I wouldn't be surprised if Satan itself ultimately manifests as a global A.I., controlling everything on Earth within the Great Reset. The Chinese already have one watching everyone everywhere in their country called Skynet (seriously).

    3. How much have we already damned our souls for worshipping the beast? Even if we don't get the vax, as the mark, Well the best I can hope for is to give it hell long enough to give others a way through

  4. ADDENDUM --
    BB just alerted me to this back in the last old overrun comments section -- an absolutely EXCELLENT recap of recents by Greg Reese that most certainly belongs right here and not lost in the shuffle:

    Much incredible truth here with zero speculation.
    It's simply the way things have been designed for us.
    Say NO.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Oh no, it's a *video* at the top, just click on it. I thought it was a paywall deal too at the beginning.

  5. One week before the East Palestine train disaster....this...

    Local Farmer Sounds the Alarm: Why Did East Palestine Launch ‘MyID’ Emergency Service to Surveil Biometrics 1 Week Before Ohio Train Derailment?
    They definitely view us as experimental units...the more experimental units, the better the statistical worth of the f$$!ing study....

    1. Very much noted & in the post BB!!
      To me this represents one of the largest smoking guns there could ever be.
      What kind of psychological pretzel do you have to twist yourself into to explain this away?
      AND the CDC changing the toxicology for the first time in 17 years...
      AND the WHO WEF whothefuckever making sure it's in the bylaws that if your land is contaminated you get moved into their you-will-own-nothing bug closets...

      BTW that latest Greg Reese substack you alerted me to is also prima facie evidence of the most "gotcha" variety leading into the darkest occult spheres anyone could ever think of.
      And for my $$$, just more solid confirms of where we are...

  6. I'm worried about everyone. Anyone have anecdotal news about all the chemicals? Here in OK the sun was blotted out with weird clouds and when I climbed into the air, a strong chemical smell... I used to have the bellwether people that I watched, when I lived in Norman, I felt if I saw these skip town suddenly, then I better worry... now I don't know, I'm pretty sure I'm in the middle of ground zero for slated for destruction doesn't make much difference if I can't get away from being programmed enough to not be a danger to friends and family.

    Good coverage of the dioxins released by the burning at East Palestine...

    1. Thank you, I spoke too soon, I hadn't clicked all the links yet, this one Word man posted has it:

    2. BB thanks for that link to the Planetwaves substack and that very comprehensive take esp from the dioxin angle.

      Also didn't realize that the US in regards to the watershed & or water table is very much like a bowl topographically -- higher on the edges/coasts and lower in the middle -- leaving literally the heartland of the country -- and that's the ENTIRE country -- the most vulnerable.

      This is an absolute horror. And no one escapes -- I may be in VA that is shielded water-wise by the mountains between us & WVA, but who's gonna stop the wind? Or what comes down in the rain?

      Think they're gonna miraculously stop chemtrailing anytime soon? Cos that's gonna be bringing down an extra payload every time now.


    1. Hmmmmm -- weird & foggy backstory goin on there. LSS seems like a DNA test would solve this in a heartbeat....

      And Dginn, I am sincerely worried about everybody too, but always remember, human beings are resilient -- we've thrown off & resisted just about everything lobbed against us so far --
      the virus, for whatever reason & we can get into the myriad possibilities there -- turned out to be basically a dud that they had to fashion the greatest psyop of all time to get us to fear like they wanted.
      Chemtrails have been going strong since '98 and altho the degradation is apparent -- we're still here.
      The human body is RIDICULOUSLY adaptable to shit. And to varying degrees, the LIFE FORCE is STRONG.

      Then, there is this:
      “No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD.” Isaiah 54:17

      We are the creations of GOD for a reason.

    2. Thank you for that. I just have to look at my children to know that God at least thought that I was worthy enough to be entrusted with them. I'm just not holding up very well feeling like I might need to run at any time without knowing where. It's not like tornado season at all. I feel like we are witnessing the roll out of technology becoming bigger than government, the court system is a joke and the WHO is trying to announce that it will rule the world, while we are the last of the old guard that knows the horrors of what they had to do to create their empire, and what a house of cards it really is.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Oms -- I have all the comms saved on my dashboard for the posts not deleted (yet!! -- haha) -- but the ones that were included with the deletes are gone.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    Roger Hodgson...Had A
    A song I have liked since first time hearing it decades ago...the individual pushing back against governments and power..

    1. Well that's freakin Kick Ass with that Supertramp vibe!!
      Goes well with this from Al Stewrt -- always one of my favs that puts you there time & place:

  11. Excellent of Al Stewart and many others of that vintage are still brain-pleasing....

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. From a wake up call to a
    Call to Arms:
    "Thought I was talkin bout a new religion
    Waiting on the outside lost in the fog
    I was only dreamin of a revolution
    Waiting for the right time and watchin the clock..."


    1. cool song, is that the guy from Oasis?

    2. That's the dude!! The CHIEF!! He's literally got a million of 'em...not to even mention he wrote the best Bond song ever that wasn't:

      My alternate universe ROCKS!!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. AAAAAH yes, the Lizard King hisself!!
      I always loved Idol's take on LA Woman, but hey, I vibe with guys with limps!! LOL. If you can limp & still have SWAGGER -- that's my jam!!

    2. OMID you realize that you put me in the unique position to either alert the world to the antichrist or bow to the coming of Christ, I can't do that alone

    3. Can I call on a friend? to help me see who's who God or devil around these parts?

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. That makes me feel better if you recognize it as the logos I haven't been in a very good mindset lately... I know my last boyfriend was a Daniel it would bother me that he would say "you're judging me." All the time and I would think "Why are you so worried about a woman judging you? When your very name declares that only God can judge you, not I." My names mean pure fields and iron worker, lion, in the leader's image. Those with Gaelic blood go back to the tribe of Dan. I dreamed a while back that the reason the Tribe of Dan is replaced in Revelations is that they will both bring about yet save us from the apocalypse and God will judge them differently... Seal up these things which you have written...

    6. Also means Old Dominion, my first husband's name meant "Brave Honest Warrior for Jesus" and he was a sociopath wolf in sheep's clothing. When we were dating his mom showed me pictures of all these precious kittens he saved, then after he"owned" me as he said, he explained to me all the ways he'd mutilated and killed all the kittens.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. My friends usually call me Ginny or Virgy. I'm fighting off a paralyzing darkness, a deep painful emptiness that threatens to erode me from within, that is trying to tell me that resistance is futile, I'm owned and I have no one and if anyone ever actually wanted to help, it won't do any good, if I'm programmed, I'll be programmed to turn...

  15. Nice one wordman. Good manic energy on this one lol.
    What a time to be alive

  16. At 0:42 of this A Gray State trailer, Freemasons are seen to be slaughtering a subjected populace wholesale.

  17. Dark Journalist & Dr. Joseph Farrell: COG UFO Threat NRO-2 Op!

  18. Ever heard of Jimmy Guieu? He was WAY ahead of the curve from the 1950s to the 1980s when it comes to the paranormal, close encounters with alien beings especially. Being a highly prolific and imaginative science-fiction writer first and foremost, the French government and French media just wouldn't stop trying to silence him and destroy his career, until someone of influence came to his rescue (notice the "foreword by" on the cover):,1000_QL80_FMwebp_.jpg

    That's right, Jean Cocteau, who had also used his untouchable status to protect Robert Charroux years later.

    "Mais, heureusement, Jimmy Guieu n'était ni seul ni isolé, tant s'en faut. A preuve, ce texte, polémique et militant, a trouvé un prestigieux défenseur en la personne de Jean Cocteau qui, dans sa préface, conclut par ces mots : "Vous n'êtes pas un "précurseur", mon cher Jimmy Guieu. Vous êtes à la page, et un jour, de sages astronautes prouveront que votre montre était à l'heure et que ce sont les autres montres qui retardent Bonne chance à votre courage."

    In other words, Cocteau made himself the patron saint of reseachers into the otherworldly, saying "they are the only truly courageous investigators out there, the only ones willing to speak the truth while all others are far behind, and laughably so."

    Guieu's sci-fi work was mind-blowing, but unfortunately he died under mysterious circumstances after accusing the French military and intelligence community of conspiring with the Men in Black and Little Greys against all of humanity, building underground bases and experimenting on innocent people.,1000_QL80_FMwebp_.jpg

    The man:

    1. I didn't know that about Cocteau.... It seems even more appropriate that he was the one Tracy Twyman first attempted to contact using Ouija subsequently opening a whole can o' worms (read Clock Shavings)

  19. Is ohio the trigger for a third of the waters turning bitter?

  20. I wonder why all the time, what's the point of world material and spiritual domination? Why us fallible beings that we are, only the understanding that we are really a me, no other organism can understand this fully but us humans, it must be something special. I have waited for this day as I have studied the hints and omens, truth? Lmao each to his own, our feelings? Now that is something quite different innit. But I feel strongly that as we all get to experience this civilization collapse realtime and local, that our efforts to find a spiritual foundation, the understanding of our place, and who we can be is worth it, these nefarious demon shadows on the wall will prove to be but smoke soon enough. God speed family, all you need is love, thanks for this particular council fire of adepts, you have helped many of us find our way.

    1. I like your question, Neil. Some people sell their values for material comfort or simple greed. As for spiritual domination, for some people it's necessary, necessary for their worldview or their world would completely collapse. They'd be fraudulent and their parents would be fraudulent as well and that's a lot for some psyches to handle. So rather than change they make it their mission to destroy or attempt to destroy what's Good, Righteous, and True.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Exactly right about there being no domination OMID. No exploitation of anyone or their space.

    4. For the most part domination is not good, but I wouldn't say that domination is never good righteous or true, after all God gave humans Dominion in the garden. When Swedenborg was having his visions of angels and demons he talked about how there was an overgrown patch of garden that had always felt ominous, now he saw why, as he saw that it was the Dominion of demons. He actively imagined it cleaned and pruned and growing pretty and they lost some power. As he actually changed it, cleared it and replanted, he saw it become the Dominion of good spirits. Dominions are natural universal laws, claims, used by both sides.

    5. Agreed max, the idea that some folks are willing to trade away their humanity, to work so hard to kill and enslave us humans as wordman has proved through countless blogs is a bridge to far for most folk, cognitive dissonance takes over and back to sleep they go.

    6. murderers are murderers, no trading away their humanity to do so

    7. doubtingneil I like your blog, you are a good family man, and I am sorry your awakening was so jarring. I read two entries, your Love and honesty stands out.

  21. Assemblywomen by Aristophanes, 391 B.C.

  22. Will echo OMID's comments but add that am def wondering of late just how much of that flesh & blood has been hijacked & co-opted by other entities due to proximity contamination. Much as Naomi Wolf has recently postulated, this level of metaphysical evil goes WAY beyond the merely human -- which trends toward the more banal and pedantic.
    It's all right here, and beautifully put:

    I think this is ALL what the covid agenda, designed to pave the way for the vaxx, is ultimately all about. Creating thru a mix of occult tech and mind control the perfect templates/platforms for something to inhabit.
    This may even be unspoken at the highest levels but is intrinsically understood as the endgame. Naomi senses this deep in her bones, as did Anthony Patch with his diatribes against CERN before her.

    Does this also get into what Epstein was really up to on the island? What was behind 9/11 and the initial implementation and installation of the ultimate control State and grid? Without a doubt and ALL are linked. The more you look, and uncover, the more thrulines you find.

    It hides in red tape, and politics, and division. But there is ultimate, unending darkness at the core.

  23. Examine again why Epstein was So obsessed with DNA tech, eugenics, genetic experimentation, brain-machine interface, blood-brain barrier crossover tech, and, most of all, being able to put something in everyone in the world -- to start a New World.

    It's Donovan's Brain all over again:

    1. Don't forget cryogenics, they had their own cryogenics companies and labs. That has huge spiritual implications as does freezing eggs, it puts the soul off path. But God has made an oath to fix the wheels of time with tears of wine. Elizabeth Frasier channon penitential Muscadine

  24. And for all of you wonder about ongoing rabbit holes to peer down:

    OHIO TRAIN = Blackrock/Vanguard shareholders in the railroad =
    Blackrock also PFIZER's largest shareholder thru themselves & affiliates/cutouts.

  25. PLUS -- this is why horse-toothed freak Jacinda Ardern is hotfooting it out of there in NZ:

    Check the surging boosted death rates in the 50-90 age ranges going thru the freakin roof.

    THIS is why they are signaling for and doing absolutely everything they can to push for a World War -- to escape the consequences of this.

  26. OMINOUS & in light of recent events around these parts & others -- SO SO TRUE:

    Thanks Jeff.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I pulled this from a reply from that:Before we go for good we will collectively come to detest and hate computers, networks and the apps riding on them - the means of digitizing all information - as the worst, most malign shackles ever devised."


    by Michael A. Hoffman II
    Some scholars who spend time in a study of the occult may come away from their research struck by the delusion that diabolical forces have become more powerful than God.

    The fact is, God permits evil as a punishment for transgression against His Laws and Statutes. If the demonic seems to have ever greater energy in our time, it is only because we live in an era more ignorant and arrogant than any other in history.

    Our people are drowning in the fraud dispensed by the public schools, the corporate media, socialistic bureaucrats and phony churchmen. We are inundated by military madness, violent crime, birth control, abortion, feminist careerism and the erosion of the Patriarchal headship principle of the Bible; the abandonment of elderly parents, the destruction of the innocence of children by constant exposure to televised misery and degradation; the deliberate falsification of the teachings of Christ by pastors who seek to avoid the persecution His servants must face (John 15:20), and who thereby suppress those New Testament truths which the rulers and powers of this world find offensive.

    Millions of men and women who, just twenty years ago, were decent, caring, family and community-oriented Christian people, are now alchemically transformed into beasts who care for nothing but money and television.

    We modern people are incurring the wrath of God. The cup of that wrath is filling up. God's vengeance and punishment will make any Satanic terror or supposed "power," seem like a farce staged in a playpen, by comparison. AIDS and other unimaginably potent plagues are multiplying. The weather is becoming hostile. Even the sky is shedding its protective canopy of ozone. Scripture says the fear of the Lord, not the fear of the devil, is the beginning of wisdom.

    There is hope, however. Our nation, so polluted and sick, can be renewed and purified: "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and will heal their land."

  28. The rest is at my blog

    Trying to blow up and derail more trains

  30. Oh interesting... At the end of 2019 all through 2020 there were trains stopped on the tracks out here in the middle of the boonies tens of hundreds of cars everywhere. They would add to it too, storing them away from major cities. The majority were oil tankers though, and never budged when they were talking about opening the oil reserves.

  31. OMID when you are referring to god please tell me it's not bible god.

    1. Hey girl, the rest of it is on his blog, thought it quotes the bible it really is a good read and talks about mine control, I'm only halfway thru it and it brushes on what I've been looking into of that they have to find ways to motivate people, a slave that doesn't know it's a slave can't be whipped publicly, that's where the trauma comes in. As far as motivation, that varies by people, the masses are motivated by fear, some people are motivated by money, others love, families by security, etc.

    2. In colloquial mind control there would be a handler that though they abuse the victim, they block it out and they still go back to them for whatever motivations, money, love, power, respect, if it's gone macro, then these would become government agencies institutions, etc. The police become our abuser, yet still the first ones we call in trouble. To go even more macro, to the demiurge, or a duality in God, we're punished, but we still praise God and look to him, because it's supposed to be in a fatherly way and we're supposed to learn our lesson from it even though we don't know what is going on in the other realm at all, we are expected to trust that they ultimately want good for us. So how does a government prove that despite what all the history and things we've uncovered, that it was legitimately trying to help and save the masses?

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Someone once told me that they got an anonymous message to be at a certain place at a certain time. When he got there, there were other people, no one really knowing who sent them there, but looking around he recognized top drug dealers, politicians, the head of the KKK, the black Panthers, etc.he eventually left no one stepping up to say or do anything, at all. He figured it was to show them all that they are controlled by a force that either can communicate with them in a way they trusted or are deluded into believing that they are working for a force they never see.

    2. They also told me that when he and some others saw that when the DEA was set up where corrupt DEA agents funneled off the money and drugs from busts that they created an alternative force within it, when there was corrupt money moving from drug busts, they skimmed, after all who are corrupt DEA agents going to turn to when their money doesn't add up, except tear apart each other. Then they put this money in offshore accounts and used it to fund security for them while they investigated the DEA with money taken back from the corrupt DEA. That was 50 years ago, I wonder what ever became of it, but it's this kind of genius that we need to implement

    3. Kinda like what was it, Pegasus, to investigate the CIA, well if you listen to some of the folks out here, the CIA is the pedophile network

    4. Those "some folks" would be right. Not the be-all end-all (it ranges far further) but the CIA will use anything & everything at its disposal to further its agenda. JFK sought to splinter it into pieces for a reason.

    5. Some other folks called it "Christ's intelligence Army for some of the miraculous things we did," same person knew all the things from Pinochet to Mossadech, it was one of my first indications that they had cognitive dissonance going on, the same with the duality in their mind of going back and forth on whether the Jesuits were good or bad. White lodge/ black lodge

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. LMAO oh if all the people out to get us were only at the level of this idiot going after Jeff Wells and we could just laugh it off. I'm thankful that some are.

    For the ones talking about this going into a discord or just speaking about the community and larger plans, it helps to look at the lessons from those who've gone before us, and the challenges they encountered.

    1. Wells a cyber-stalker??!! Now I've heard everything!!

      Wanna know what we're really up against, 24/7?
      Whether you think he's the savior or a limited hangout artist matters not, Malone here puts it very succinctly:

      Explains the last 3 years pretty much in a nutshell.
      One comment puts it perfectly:
      Just start arresting everybody -- you'll get to the source eventually.
      These people will eat themselves.


  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Quick one, the different colored texts didn't work, it says that it will be in this color here, but it's all the same to me

    2. Would like to see you make it feel like when you get a used book and there's people's thoughts and notes in the margins. Like have workman's look bigger and more official and then you are writing in the margins and we are reading it. It would be even cooler if each of us could in turn rewrite it on our blogs with our own notes scribbled in the margins. Really make wordman feel like he's in that dream where he's standing naked in front of the class, but then he realizes that it's okay because it's an art class and he's the model;)

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Feel like we're making a HOUSE OF LEAVES here -- LOL!!

    5. Btw naked in front of the class -- been there done that.
      Yikes and a half.

    6. Exactly! I've wanted to do a book of leaves since I heard about it that would be beautiful!

    7. Oh you said house hmm I'll have to look that up...

    8. We are talking about the same thing, I just thought it was book and not house.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

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    2. This comment has been removed by the author.


    Chemical Weaponry Destined For Ukraine Ignited In East Palestine Train Wreck;
    Another angle to view the East Palestine disaster from...

    1. Good LORD BB -- that's nuts. But sadly with these maniacs I can believe anything.

    2. Oh, that's good one I've got some threads to chase now

  39. Regarding Kali Yuga (I think I've posted it before) - the idea that Kali Yuga lasts 800,000 plus years is a mistake, made several hundred years ago and repeated now so often and for so long that it has been accepted as some sort of gospel (or Vedic) truth. In reality, the Yugas are a function of the phenomenon known as the precession of the equinoxes - each yuga is a bit over 3000 years in duration, and they seem to proceed in ascending and descending order (four up, four down). From what we can tell, we are at the very end of ascending Kali Yuga, which followed the descending Kali Yuga, so approx 6500 years straight of Kali Yuga (the most degraded of the four yugas.) Some have pegged the end as 2025, which sounds about right. Then to be followed by 100-200 years of a transitional period before the next yuga kicks in, in this case ascending Dwapara Yuga. The transitional periods are notable for earth changes (floods etc), among other things. Here's a really detailed exposition on Graham Hancock's website:

    1. Velobster!!
      I always looked askance at that huge length of time period too -- not to mention I'm down with whatev Hancock is with.
      He's paid the cost to be the boss.

  40. & Dginn-ginn!!
    You've prob seen it bef but check out this talk between Page & Wm Burroughs re morphic fields & the type of (occult) energy that gets conjured up when a lot of people get together -- as in rock concerts.....
    this bef a '75 Zeppelin show:

    CRAWDADDY mag -- ah, my misspent youth!!
    Being 15 in 1975 was a technicolour wizbang that seems so far away from reality now it might as well have happened on another planet in another solar system far far away!!.
    Which I suppose -- it did.

    1. I haven't seen that one before, it's really interesting, haven't finished it passed the frequencies part, ironically my head feels like it's being cooked


    3. Cooked made me think of iodine, which some people online say makes their ear ringing worse. Magnesium is a very common deficiency, and magnesium helps with iodine uptake. It makes me wonder if iodine makes people's ears ring if they're magnesium deficient. Last night I took a kelp tablet and some magnesium glycinate to see what would happen. This morning my own normal ear ringing was at a somewhat lower level, but nothing dramatic. So I took a little bit more magnesium. I like the powder, because even though it tastes terrible, it's easy to adjust the dosage. Too much magnesium at one time can lead to gross consequences, even in someone who's deficient. The Linus Pauling website says you need to get enough protein to absorb magnesium efficiently. Maybe an egg and some almonds would be good for ears.

      Neck and shoulder tightness might also contribute to ears ringing, in my not-expert opinion.

    4. Oh I know that I need iodine, I've been craving it and can't find mine, I think I'll have to drive a hundred miles to get more. I've been being lazy, no yoga or dance, now that the weather's warmer I'm going to set up my trapeze, I imagine that will help. I've been thinking about what would happen if I put copperwires around my hula hoop and put magnets inside of it.

  41. And the ultimate weirdness that is HOUSE OF LEAVES:

  42. First time in a bookstore with that book --
    Turning it upside down to follow the scrawl in the margins, holding it up to the light -- I got the funniest looks, LOL. Then the sloooooooow walkaway.

    I looked either completely insane or like a monkey handling a rubik's cube. Or the beginning of 2001 with the monolith.
    Take your pick.....
    Didn't go back there for a long time.....

    1. Do you have a copy? How good is it? I imagine being able to communicate with your soul through time and space would be like that, like River song's diary

    2. You'll find your path within what you wrote before this current reality existed.

    3. It's one thing for someone to say that they think that they have contacted someone's soul or egregore or a spirit of deception, it's another thing completely for you to tell yourself something, test the spirit

    4. I've got you beat for most embarrassing time in a bookstore, I had just got my son in underwear when he was a baby. He was playing at the children's section while I was reading books, I looked over and hadn't made it to the bathroom. There was a trail of poop that I had to get wipes and pick up while trying to get the person that had come to talk to me to walk away without noticing why I was acting weird and what I was picking up...:0 The joys of being a mom.
      I didn't go back there for a long time.


    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. Oh God, my mistake there seemed to have given me that answer. 4/21 Abraxas and Laplace, when I wrote that my only source of ever hearing it was from that dream.

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  44. This comment has been removed by the author.


    Skin-rotting drug ‘tranq’ infiltrates big cities: ‘Zombifying bodies’

    Considering all the organizations/powers who make money from the drug trade...were they unaware of the horrorific effect this drug has on people?....or did they know full well about its nightmare results before pushing it out to users...

  46. OMID this ties in with what you put up.
    I had it on a post that I put up when I saw a timeline fork in some weird way, interesting how much it followed with playlist A sometimes knowing doesn't ease the pain.


    1. I don't get what you are trying to show with the last one.
      With that thar shaming one, it just makes people opt for faster more processed meals or fast food. No one opts for the harder option of coming up a healthy vegetarian meal, or butchering their own meat. I know it's cliche but butchering your own chickens and pulling your own vegetables and cooking your own meal really does make you feel more at one with the universe. Except I can only ever seem to grow flowers and not vegetables. I'm determined to make this year different, just need to shake these wintertime blues and fears.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Just that the ties between one of the universities and Microsoft/Gates is much more than one grant, and the Dutch king is cool with it.

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.


    Eric Coppolino and Carol van Strum Emerge as Dioxin Historians: Now we understand how bad the derailment and explosion in East Palestine Was

    "America is being attacked by (forces within) America, wherever her food is being produced. It’s “terrorism” from within, all day, every day and the goal appears to be to implode the United States."

    1. Thank you, it's things like this that I come here for, otherwise sometimes I feel paralyzed with fear and not getting news that doesn't just seem to be meant just as programming

    2. I like that, do I plant basil or repent, I think that I need to do both.

    3. That's a great link. Thanks for sharing.

      One of the links said dioxin weakens the immune system. That doesn't sound good.

      The train wreck and burning correlate to key parts of Return of the Living Dead. If the pattern holds, June is the month to watch out for.

  50. Does anyone have ideas what to do? Where to go? Does anyone here think it's a good idea to move to another country? Greece? Brazil? I have 2 options. I just keep thinking about the Deagal Report. I'm ready to go.

  51. i write in shorthand. have been wanting to talk to u guys for a long time. i read here everyday n have for yrs. long story like they always r. timing is getting close, signs, sigils, omens abound. i grew up waiting n watching, observing, connecting dots, hiding in lockers in the midwest in the 60's during the cuban crisis, knowing, stuff is coming. its always been coming. born to be here n see it. feels like some kind of mission, some kind of assignment. it insists on being experienced. dunno where to report back to but just know i accepted the role n will complete it.

    interesting clif high wrote about that crisis, his father was in the military then when the gubment timed how long it took for kids to get home n hide, or? get under the desk during a nuke in order to kiss ur ass goodbye.

    ive worked on what to do, where to go, to move, hide, run, survive, die, exit, et al. i figured since i could go anywhere, it would be best to just go home. where i grew up, was born, bought a farm out in the country. back to that same little town where i hid in that locker in 1962. good training. we will see if this comes full circle.

  52. 2021-01-14 3:54PM clif high
    In the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, an event named after it happened, the US Military command structure had a number of ways of signaling to US Army personnel via non apparent means. These were set up prior to the event. As a kid it was a confirming fact of Universe that keyed me into the whole ‘conspiracy’ realm of reality. Later I met some CIA guys just as they had gotten back from ‘Nam, & that was the seal on that understanding of reality.

    But I ‘62, and presumably now, the military has this ‘officially unofficial’ stance on personnel and their dependents. In other words, what to tell wives & kids when the shit is about to hit the fan and affect their family’s life for days, weeks, or ‘DU’ (duration unknown). The reasoning for the military is that Command does not want personnel worrying about safety and welfare of family (in the line of fire potentially), they wanted them to just concentrate, and let their training bring us all through it.

    Then, as the shit was hitting those fan blades last century, we received a ‘DSOTM’ warning. This was a phrase that the schools relayed over the public address system. When the cognoscenti, that is, the kids who were supposed to know what it meant received the message, they just left. No talking, no questions, grab your kit, pack it tight, keep your mouth shut and leave. As quickly and as quietly as you might.

    Of course, not all the kids were emotionally set up for that. Some girls who knew were having a rough time of it out in the hallway through which I had to pass on my way to the round-about in front of the school to await pickup. They were crying and weeping, hugging friends, trying not to tell them what little they may have known. An officer’s wife working as volunteer took them along and that momentary crisis was solved.

    The larger crisis of the Cuban Missile standoff took days.

    It was nerve wracking. More for the adults than us kids. We simply followed our orders, did what we were told, went where we were supposed to , ate, slept, keeping quiet and out of the way. It all worked out.

    For us, as officers’ brats in Occupied Europe, before either EU, or European Common Market, located on a ‘front line’ within 178 clicks of the Soviet Tanks, it was serious fucking shit. We received the warning. Took action.

    For us, the warning meant. Get Home. Stay Put. Prepare self, and home for disruptions. Do not participate in local events. Do not react to what you THINK is going on around you. Have a back up, secure(ish) location and a plan to get there.

    It all worked out for us.

    The warning issued was : Dark Side of the Moon.

    What is it about that phrase that sends those chills running up your spine and down the shoulders? The Dark Side Of The Moon. Humans have never seen it, could not see it, before Space technology. So it goes deep, that phrase, that idea, that image of unknowing darkness; deep into our collective, earther lives, deep beneath the skin, deep into our souls where knowledge of our lives is carried, one to the next, into the deep perpetual future.

    Our first full moon of this, Year One, will be on January 28, with effects lasting, as with all things Lunar, up to 2.5 days, into the 29th.

    That is when next we may be able to most clearly not see the Dark Side of the Moon.

  53. Regarding the threat of nuclear war and its effect on children...see the 1963 film "Ladybug Ladybug": available on YouTube:
    A low budget movie but very good in a quiet way; and with a good cast..

    1. thanks, i will check that. n @Sotogirl22 just saying i read long ago the safest place is going to be simply where you are. where your self is, resides. no matter what location in the physical world. that has helped, a little.

      but what else is there to depend on? i decided long ago, after a ton of b 60's scifi movies, twilight zones, george romero zombie movies, etc etc wont be able to tolerate an underground bunker or bomb shelter of any type. cant do it. have to take my chances topside. guess much of it really wont matter if its truly armegeddon. it took 69 yrs but here we r--maybe.

    2. yes, sweet. the effects of nukes n the threat of on children. started age 9. how nice. its 60 yrs later. always hated math. started w/ nuke worry n here we/ i am again. cute. man, the hatred of humans is unreal. this is off world managed, stoked, n run by. definite no doubt. 4D astral wants to walk n fornicate in 3D. geez, didnt that start this shit in the first place? need bodies to cavort in. this is gonna be something to see.

    3. I think that you are seeing it too black and white, see there's points in the ripples between different dimensions, the quantum foam, that create the possibility of a soul entering the system and souls have to go over the timelines and jump into the correct ones for their soul path to come about. In order for it to line up the doors correctly they have different goalposts, think if this/than algorithms, meanwhile the souls know to a certain extent what's going to happen when because they can see the masterplan and the breakpoints, where there's something major. Like a loom, where you know how it's going to look at the end, and dispite any mistakes, the end products are predetermined. The souls decide Which loom they want to work at and decide and create the patterns but as to the day to day workings, or the individual stitching, they don't really know. But there are things that we do in those workings that are having new forms of spiritual consequences that are completely novel, like the souls looking down at the looms which are our lives. While one person sees it as merely a medical question of whether or not to freeze their eggs or donate their sperm or get a vasectomy etc. (again ties back to Epstein) the souls are looking at the looms with broken or stretched golden threads where they are putting in souls. At some point the creator is bound to notice and get fed up with how our acting on freewill without knowledge and wisdom interferes with their masterpiece, All the while, they have to work within the structure of the stitching. This would represent the karmic laws of the universe, generational curses, soul ties, etc points in the timelines where demons can lay claims over different covenants, and oaths. But again demons are and souls are not all knowing, that's why so many from the rebellion seek to possess us, because when they are coming and going they don't know about what happened in between, for us to have a mind where we experience time linearly is novel to them. The way demons work is they tempt us and test us. When we actually do different actions or learn or do new things they create different splice points. So to be able to possess a body is like going from being an editor in a movie to being one of the actors, to get to live it. Demons are jealous of souls, when they go into a body some can still feel burning injuries sustained in the rebellion? They contain a bitterness that souls can come into a body while they are not allowed, that's why they try to get the soul to vacate the body while innocent, like in their pedophila or they cage the soul and defile the body. Imagine demons having tens of thousands of years to learn all the ins and outs to the karmic law, the patterns of what happens to who why and every little loophole that they take advantage of. Us having freewill interferes with their game. Well guess what the game is rigged. Just like the tax system, the money system, everything, and it's all algorithms, the matrix was right.


    4. If demons want so badly to possess human bodies, why are they also behind so much misery and killing? Well you say, that's what their purpose, is, to be our accusors and they carry this out with venom and hatred. So then, WHO gave them this purpose? Well, if they come from open doors through sin and generational curses. Who hates sin, and who calls down the curses? Wouldn't that be the Old Testament God? The exponential natural of generational curses definitely seems like malignant shackles not the workings of a wholly good God.

      CAN ANY OF US REALLY TRULY SAY THAT WE ARE FREE? NO we are bound by a multitude of institutions, laws, etc. But in the 4D we are more free than this in some ways, in others not. We have to learn the nature of spiritual laws in order to operate safely. But from what I heard, is that we are in the middle of a war and while the weavers are fighting, threads are breaking and crossing in all sorts of ways, add in the internet and CERN and it could become a mess that only God can sort out, but do we really want him to? Without Jesus as intersessor that I know that I would deserve hell. But how f***Ed up is that, that I would ask someone else, God's son to take the rap for me? Being blind and deaf in the spiritual world is very similar to walking through different mafioso interactions at certain times but not recognizing them for what they are because you are a lay person. If we believe that people can be possessed, or that they can be an angel why do we automatically assume that they are all human? How can we test the spirit? How much more should we do that? I keep coming back to the invisible mountain and non euclidean geometry, how to we find what we can see or hear? We're not defenseless we have tools, like dreaming, discernment, pattern recognition, etc. One more thought if God says it's a sin to deceive, and it's a sin to cause someone to sin, and false prophets are an abomination, then why in the bible (I think Isaiah) did he say that he sent a lying spirit into the prophets?

      Haha this is the house of leaves;)

    5. organic portals. adamic man vs pre-adamic man. ouspensky vs mouravieff. obviously a not so good evolution of human consciousness if one was to walk in cold n make an present day assessment. but then theres that wheat vs chaff separation thing.

      i dont think god said anything. its what they said he said.

    6. a great read. n we certainly cannot leave out gurdjieff. organic portals, soulless humans, thermonuclear narcissists. deformed souls. those w/ out self reflection abilities, rotten inside. easy take over. can be easily used by occult hostile forces. r running this country, NATO, r CEO's, CFO's, COO's. run the hospitals and healthcare systems, turned them into retail / product selling centers long ago (gender affirming care) etc. theres no hope in there, hasnt been any since the mid 80's.

      “A considerable percentage of the people we meet on the street are people who are empty inside, that is, they are actually already dead. It is fortunate for us that we do not see and do not know it. If we knew what a number of people are actually dead and what a number of these dead people govern our lives, we should go mad with horror.” – G.I. Gurdjieff

    7. I had not heard of G.Im Gurdjieff that's fascinating. It's in Kings.
      The nature of this communication is that it's lasting, while our individual experiences that we go through while we are typing them are dynamic, I'm not in the same emotional state that I was yesterday, or, some might say that I'm a different quantum version of myself. But no one here, unless they are watching me in some way, knows what has transpired in my life or thoughts or spirit to change it. So on here it looks like there's changes that we can only infer about. Does that create egregores from the readers? Does that in turn bring spirits or demons whenever there is open doors or communication? We recognize the power of the crowd when it comes to music, TV even radio, we don't tend to think about it when it comes to media like this. Quick, I would ask all of you to blind yourself to whatever ideas that you have created in your head about who each one of us is, or might be, and say a prayer. Acknowledge that we are the blind leading the blind. We ask that those that can see, work together to put us on paths that lead to the best possible outcomes for everyone involved.

    8. That thing on organic portals makes me think about the book THE HOST, I just started it, but it also reminds me of reoccurring dreams that I had for years, of being a metaphysical Dr/sciencentist trying to use electromagnetism and science to try to get the soul into a tangible form outside of the body, it was also opening portals, we would set up in what looked like abandoned houses and buildings and create holographic cloaking, I also would have reoccurring dreams of being in abandoned houses (they're everywhere in Oklahoma) and and there being equipment to spy on all the towns people. Not to go too far off subject, there was a story that I heard one time that there was an apartment building that a lot of U.S. professors would stay at while working in China , one of the professors got off the elevator on the wrong floor only to find out that entire floor was devoted to spying on the inhabitants.

    9. I was going to mention the reoccurring dreams that I had of being on a recovery team for redundant spy nests after the advent of fusion centers, one in particular we went into an office building and inside the outer walls there was a sound proofed space of secret office spaces and telephones, wasn't going to mention it but was thinking of it until I saw this

    10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. another portent was that old 1970 paperback book "The Late Great Planet Earth" by Hal Lindsey. always bugged me. he outlined the downslide to the big nuke would be when china, russia, n africa triple up befriending each other w/ 200 million men armies onslaughting thru the middle east to start n end in likely syria. ? but thats after a major land battle. he deduced there would be difficulty transporting men in huge numbers but when africa gets involved, the time is near. dunno. but noted this lately "Why is South Africa's navy joining exercises with Russia and China?"
    South Africa is holding a joint military exercise with Russia and China that opposition figures say amounts to an endorsement of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. ive tried to find the exact excerpts from the book (i think there was a part 1 & a 2 follow up) but havent yet. this though-- for a taste.

    1. better here --

  55. Define "controlled"....
    "Why The E. Palestine Tank Cars Had To Be BLOWN Open AFTER Derailing To Let The Vinyl Chloride Pour Out After which It Was Ignited With Road Flares They Called This Terror Attack A 'Controlled Burn' Tank Cars Just Don't Leak When Derailed - Watch"
    Good review of history...and current events...

    Some dare call it invasion....

  57. James O'Keefe & The Deep State, Ukraine, Mike Gill & The Nation Of Corruption

  58. And for everyone thinking we're NOT in a war --

    The WHAT and WHERE:

    The WHO and WHY:

    MORE INCOMING on this, but it appears that the preferred method of takeout (ask JFK Jr, Michael Connell, Paul Wellstone, Carrie Madej & God knows how many others) has struck again.

    Stay tuned.....

  59. For everything and more that I just imparted to Sotogirly!! -- seems that Naomi has seen & raised me in this cosmic poker game:

    For some I'm sure it will seem that she has taken leave of her senses -- for others -- far more knowledgeable and cognizant, ahead-of-the-curve others....they will know she speaks the Truth.

    1. I had not read that before I mentioned the parable. I will say that from working in healthcare for 10+ years that that utopian picture that she paints of it NEVER ACTUALLY EXISTED, we just have our rose colored glasses off. There's SO MUCH documented cases of "doctors" actually trying to kill people rather than heal them, you know it, I know it, the Phillipines, Guatemala, Tuskegee, Rwanda, Africa, there's and endless list, and you have so much of it laid out here, the problem is endemic. Sadly, medicine always has and probably always will be a double edged sword that attracts people that are after power over life and death be that for good or for bad. To break the mass hypnosis that has people locked into not looking at the evidence weighing each decision, we need to break all trust in the medical field and the mass media and anywhere else that they "trust the experts" One time as a phlebotomist was blowing out my vein for the second time, me being too naive to recognize it, he said "I want to be a heart surgeon, because there's no greater power than holding someone's beating heart in your hands." That creeped me out and I told him to get away from me. But in retrospect, I have seen people that are very excellent doctors or surgeons that DO save many lives and they ARE after power, yet they think that they have found the most altruistic way to do it. kinda like how many CEO's are sociopaths and we're supposed to be OK with that until we see the havoc wrecked by so many companies. The fine line between hero and villain is a tightrope.

    2. I read "Return of the Gods", the last few chapters read like one long Secret Sun post.

    3. Totally @ MS. i thot the same. hes been saying it for yrs. funny too as these old gods step forth its ripe timing. its all cool and fashionable to say ur an atheist. my lefty sister even bragged about it. add in the whole thing its a golem, gollum, tulpa, infused virus. we call it The Strain at my house. so many r infected.

      its a real pandemic alright.

  60. Greater communication solves a multitude of problems, heck even Jesus and exorcists have shown that actually communicating with spirits helps. If you can get the spirit to explain why it thinks that it has some claim or right and then you can actually remove them. Makes me think of the parable of the clean house. I'm sorry Wordman, but for someone who writes so much, sometimes you are very cryptic. I understand that I know literally nothing about your life outside of here or what you look like or anything and you're determined to keep it that way. I'll respect that, but sometimes not communicating things makes peoples minds wander.

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. Tracy Twyman became unintentionally involved in a conspiracy that connects to everything:

    A fascination with the Grail mysteries led Twyman to publish a magazine titled Dagobert’s Revenge, which became a popular source of mystery and information among other Grail enthusiasts. This in turn led to the creation of a secret society called "the Order of the Stone of Exile", an attempt to contact and network with other people interested in the Grail Mysteries.

    Things got really strange when Twyman started to converse with various supernatural entities, such as Baphomet, Cain, and even Jesus. They draw her into a conspiracy to establish a Grail king from the bloodline of Cain as the ruler of the earth, which will usher in a new era, as she explained to members of the Order:

    “We believe that if the true and rightful Grail king is placed upon the throne of Grail kingdom once again, and crowned in the proper ceremony, the very act itself will unleash a force that will cause a paradigm shift in our world, restoring it to proper balance. A series of world-altering events will unfold in rapid succession that will lead to the union of the world's governments under the rule of the Grail king. It will also fundamentally alter the spiritual nature of our world, and the consciousness of its inhabitants, which is the most important change of all.”

    Baphomet plays an important role in this drama:

    “He is locked inside of a prison within the center of the Earth - entombed, really - under a spell of death-like sleep. However, he is still able to use his incredibly powerful divine spirit to affect the course of events on Earth. He is still the Lord of the Earth, although he is immobilized. He takes especial interest in the royal human bloodlines that descend from him.
    He is able to incarnate through his descendants (and those who serve them). In his state, he has become known as "Baphomet," the god of "Sophia" (divine wisdom). He is connected to the figure of Asmodeus, the king of the demons, who is often depicted as being bound in chains, slumped over as if carrying an enormous burden.
    The prison within which Baphomet is locked is the real Ark, and the real Holy Grail, for it contains his divine power. Whether one views it as a cup, a stone, or a box (as in the Ark of the Covenant), the symbolism is the same. It is the prison that contains the body and spirit of Baphomet. Jailed, Baphomet is thus at the mercy of whoever his jailer is. The question "Whom does the Grail serve?", then, is really saying "Who holds the key to the prison of Baphomet?"
    We believe that when the Grail king is placed upon the throne of Drakenberg during the proper ceremony, Baphomet will be released from his prison. He will immediately possess the body of our king, so that he may once again rule as the Lord of the Earth. As his servants, it is our duty to obtain his release.”

    Thankfully, at the last minute, Twyman came to her senses:

    “I was still working on this when I was suddenly seized with unrelenting terror about the future of the "Ordo Lapsit Exillis". I reviewed the details for the Divine Rite - about ritually sacrificing Nicholas de Vere, then releasing the spirit of Baphomet to possess his body and rule the Earth. For the first time I truly came to grips with what it meant: an opening of the gates of the Abyss.
    Not only would something like this bring unimaginable destruction and horror, but the blending of two previously separate dimensions that would result from opening the gate would distort spatial and temporal relationships as we presently know them.”

    1. With this realization, she shut down the OLE and abandoned her efforts to bring about the destruction of the known universe. She also believed that she had been manipulated from the beginning to bring about these events:

      “All along, Baphomet and the others had been riding me, driving me like a slave, constantly pushing me to do more chores for them. They had probably been doing that since I started Dagobert's Revenge Magazine at age 17. They wanted me to create an organization of followers (the order) and a body of propaganda (the magazine and books) to entice people into the same relationship. The real goal was apparently to train people to break these horrific creatures loose from their infernal jail.”

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. "Coming to your senses" seems to be the trendy hipster thang if going by the likes of Naomi and Lara Logan et al!!
      The more the merrier & everybody in the pool I say.
      Tracy flew too close to the sun however -- on a far more dangerous flight path.

    2. But God knew her heart at the end.

  64. Anyone aware of any Return of The Gods pdf?

    1. Not that I know of A6, still too new. All over YT, tho.


  65. my favorite song

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  68. Hey man, I don't believe in leaving friends hanging when they're trying to turn up the radio, it's just a symptom of being human, let's all dance together in this lunatic ball, my friends are coming with me;)

  69. On topic of Satanic Grammy Awards - At 20 min. mark they discuss satanism in Hollywood -

  70. THIS is how they erase you from existence:

    Tracy Renée Twyman was born on August 28, 1978, in Kansas City, Missouri. She was married to Hareth Bustani and Brian Albert.

    In 2018 she began to research Isaac Kappy's claims about paedophilia in Hollywood and was undeterred by his sudden death in May 2019. Two months later, she herself suddenly died.

    Someone posted a dead man's switch video on YouTube she had made on 24 May, 2019, a 27 minutes video she reportedly gave to just two friends for safekeeping; it included details of threats against her, her suspicions that her computer was hacked, connections between her own case and that of Isaac Kappy and about a "creepy" Arizona campground that was suddenly closed later.

    By 18 July 2019, Tracy Twyman's YouTube channel had no content.

    Later, the US security state designed a ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ mind-control scheme known as ‘Q’. Where did they get most of their ideas? They ripped off Tracy Twyman’s legitimate work and trussed it up into something that could be weaponized for political purposes. On the surface, 'Q' appeared to take aim at the Democratic Party. After Jan. 6 it was more obvious that the real target had been Republicans all along.

    On November 3, 2019 (5 months after she died), an anonymous user removed her Wikipedia page entirely.

    Here’s where it gets even darker: there was a Tracy R. Twyman memorial listing on “”, but this page has also since been removed. I remember this page distinctly reading her cause of death, which they described as “suicide by hanging”. Who writes this in a memorial?!

    1. Go over again this Q drop from 2018 and its implications --
      In particular & specifically note the TIME it was posted.

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    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  71. NOTICE:
    More possible HAARP-related & creepy techtonic manipulation news:

    And what in the world is going on here with the 2 pulsing "suns?":

    Some are saying it's Ukraine -- have no idea how anyone would know one way or another.
    WHEREVER it is -- it's creepy as hell and speaks to me of huge atmospheric manipulation.
    Broken gas mains? Not buying it.....

  72. That twitter vid is like one those weird dreams you get when you nap during the day

  73. Some urls dealing with dark forces and/or exorcism;
    COVID -19 and Pachamama connection?

  74. The Pachamama/Vatican story from 2019 was unsettling for certain:

  75. Do you guys think all the Old Gods are all bad? I like to think about Occitan Troubadors singing in enchanted groves to ladies wise with plants and magic and think maybe it's not all bad, maybe we just mired in the culture of whatever this colonising force is. I wish I knew the positive deities names. Maybe you can find them looking inside your self again. Quiet contemplation, love, selflessness, gentle kindness. That these things didnt exist before Jesus I doubt. They were probably just as rare as now when decency is mostly pantomimed. I wonder on all the biblical narrative lately too, maybe it contains nuggets of wisdom and some historical information but at the end of the day it is /the/ colonising forces story and they follow its narrative obsessively. It's powerful and I suspect overall not positive magic.
    Or maybe this is just simply a vale of tears and you suffer the best you can with dignity and if your lucky your consciousness develops a way to exit its cycles for something greater. Where devouring life isn't the number one rule of survival.

    1. First,

      "Do they have a god, or a leader of some sort (the nightmare horrors, the black pseudo-elementals)?"

      Pan sighed. "Yes, unfortunately, my opposite. The Anti-Pan; a debased aspect of myself, a detached shadow. We're quite good friends in a way, but I keep him at arm's length.

      His horns are longer and vicious looking. He has real goat's legs and coarse hair. He is the real nymph-chasing satyr, the true model for the devil; he is the reason for the bad reputation I have.

      It is too easy to invoke him, but the fools who do deserve what's coming to them. Their cosmic consciousness is not highly developed, if at all."

      "Is he evil?"

      "He is a negative entity who brings negative energies, but he has a necessary role to play. But that's enough talking about him."

      - R. Ogilvie Crombie


      From Hellier, season 2:

      Greg: "One day I get an email from this woman in Somerset, right here, talking about seeing little creatures that live in these mine shafts and caves, and she starts talking about running into people in robes who were doing crazy-a** rituals out in the forests here in Somerset and she thinks they have something to do, she thinks they worship the Green Man (the Great God Pan), those little green men..."

      Nate: “What if there is some "cosmic trickster"? And that it isn’t – that all of these things really are just that. And even the cults and s**t. All of these people have just been duped. They think they’re worshiping a f**king god and this Thing thinks it’s hilarious, you know?"

      The Devil IS the "Anti-Pan", the "Cosmic Trickster", and all of those Globalist, Elitist pricks have been fooled.

    2. Haha was waiting for it.
      I don't know JB. Cultures have been wiped out before us. Maybe they have been duped, the elites, but we are none us any wiser. Barely even noble. And if they have been duped their plans will still go ahead full speed and will cause billions of deaths. And for what? Perhaps the thought of some ultimate and beneficent Pan is comforting to you but I don't believe it will be much help when the shit hits the fan.
      When people start to get health disorders and the mental trauma of the increasingly relentless horror that we are going to be faced with in our day-to-day life starts to flower into a world full of the deranged and desperate what, what comfort or knowledge is gained from Pan saying "aw gosh, there goes anti-Pan again, up to his old tricks"? How do you know that in your final moments Pan and anti-Pan aren't going to circle dance laughing around your soul as the world goes down in flames? Being that they are both tricksters.
      What powers are there, if any, in this world where the strong devour the weak and the gods laugh, that transcends this stupid shithole? Jesus? The virgin Mary? Do people even research stuff like this or am I asking crazy person questions.

  76. Btw, something you WON'T find easily about Tracy Twyman is the fact that her first husband's death was also supposedly "suicide by hanging", and her second husband, Hareth Al-Bustani, was recently arrested for beating up his new girlfriend. He was never sent to prison because his girlfriend died right before testifying in court. I'm almost 100% that Hareth Al-Bustani was her handler/murderer. Info HERE, NOT the video, but the first pinned comment from "cryptobeast" (the Update):

  77. @JB otmlc theres a ton on him mr assassin himself. wordman wrote quite a bit on it n offered links. courts n suits of the 2 types makes everything triple dipled evil.

    TT seemed to stop midway between the secrets of the templars n rennes le chateau, certain priories n mystery schools. theres always the difft strains of the KT n the occult. the obtuse n hidden meanings behind much of the rennes puzzles incl the octopus symbol on Marie de Blanchefort’s tombstone. cthulhu ? returns, the arms n tentacles of said priories secret societies, OG mafioso. great stuff.

    i once figured there might be a clue or 2 in here but could never translate its entirety. Refuge of the Apocalypse Doorway Into Other Dimensions by Elizabeth Van Buren 1986. JB i think speaks french so maybe this is synchronicity. she owned property there in the po valley n knew about the ancient necropolis beneath the ground. as did the founding templars who grew up there. its killer that the mother of one was Joan of Arcs female chaperone leading her across france. ive read there were always templars, they began way before 1119.

    anyway, i also read way way back that the coming of Jesus the Christ was purposefully inserted into earths timeline as a cosmic benchmark to stop cultures of barbarism. it sorta kinda worked but not really. just on a somewhat lesser scale.

    we could say barbarism n paganism were technically replaced by post paleochristianity, but only for about a scant 2000 yrs. barbarism is back in spades dressed in drag, willing to happily chop off its body parts.

    a few yrs ago we predicted "something wicked this way comes." it came, its here, its been here a cpl yrs. so in that sense does something step in to counter balance attack? will something come back to stop IT? inklings from many incl the the naomi wolf articles, the second return of JC or vs cthulhu possibly representing the old gods. a demon king approaches. maybe raganarok is really on the books/in the script. the war in heaven comes down to earth. JC shows back up cuz hes supposed to n this is why. the most successful invasions from within, from betrayal being given permission. hey, let the right one in.

    demons were given permission to enter. so kids could feel popular, included, finally a sense of belonging. feeling equitable. its actually the art of war. project blue beam alien interference next cuz gets so bad the collective asks for it. what a time to be alive.

  78. Dr. James Giordano receiving attention lately on different websites...oh good, another creeper who wants to control humanity...

  79. Hey guys & Happy Sunday late night everybody!!
    Yep -- Giordano, cthulhu, ancient trickster gods, evil elites and occult plans -- we need to course-correct some kind of bad and in a hurry if we're gonna make a dent in all this. With all respect & apologies to JB & all here inspired/lured/in touch anywhere along the timeline with anything not utterly God-given or God-driven -- I don't trust any of it. (TRUST NO ONE.)
    Hate to go all nihilistic on anybody's parade but I just don't see any other way out of this....
    Maybe I've been too influenced myself by the likes of Naomi, Lara Logan, Carrie Madej, Maria Zeee, Stew, Karen Kingston, Ana Mihalcea, Mike Adams, and dozens more all voicing their concerns of late at the same time (which surely means something) -- but we REALLY need some kind of Divine intervention -- as in calling the Big Guy on the emergency hotline -- and throwing ourselves on the mercy of the court and pleading for some help here ASAP.

    Heck, THEY evidently (judging by results) have been doing that exact same thing to THEIR god(s) for a long, long time. (see JB's comment immediately above for a gleaming case in point..)

    It's more than past high time we put aside our hipster "coolness" & adopt the same strategy.
    This calls for the Big Guns. Praying/meditating/manifesting angels with flaming swords to go do some head-hunting.

    Message in a bottle out into the Cosmos/Sending out an SOS -- we need help. Please God.

    And sorry Bono, we're all stealing this one back (in the name of love...) -- the time for infiltrators, deceivers, loungers, and also-rans is over:

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. One of the most fundamental issues concerning the LORD God of the Holy Bible is His appearance. What does the LORD God look like? After thoroughly investigating all that is available, a conclusion can be reached. *The LORD God is a giant, barbaric, bearded, circumcised, possibly "extra-terrestrial" male sorcerer that stands between 50-100 feet tall, perhaps even larger. Most importantly, He has horns upon each side of His forehead, like a ram or a goat*.

      God brings him out of Egypt; He has *horns* like a wild ox.

      – Numbers 24:8

      The Canaanite gods Baal and El were horned bull gods as was, originally, Yahweh, which is why horns decorate the altar described
      in Exodus 27.

      – Encyclopedia of Religions

      The proper Biblical tradition is to never, ever create an image of God whether it be a painting or a sculpture. For this reason, the image of God having horns has remained somewhat of a secret over the centuries. It has been passed down from generation to generation, from father to son, by word of mouth commonly known as the oral tradition; the hiding of God’s horns is not a conspiracy, however. It is merely one small part of the Biblical tradition.

      How can this barbaric giant, who has spiritually conquered most of the world, ever hope to meet His children face to face if they remain terrified of His horns?

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  80. A good time to remember/consider St. Benedict and his works opposing the Devil;,he%20made%20the%20penitent%20repeat.

    Phrases found on some versions of the Medal of St. Benedict include:

    Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux — Non Draco Sit Mihi Dux 
    (The Holy Cross be my light — Let not the dragon be my guide)

    Vade Retro Satana, Nunquam Suade Mihi Vana — Sunt Mala Quae Libas, Ipse Venena Bibas

    (Step back, Satan, do not suggest to me thy vanities — Evil are the things thou profferest, drink thou thy own poison)

  81. And for Archangels:

    Michael, Michael of the morning,
    Fresh chord of Heaven adorning,
    Keep me safe today,
    And in time of temptation
    Drive the devil away.

    A prayer that is part of the following; played for many years on Detroit area radio;
    Recounts a supposed real incident during the Korean War;

  82. definitely wordman. that is the conclusion. getting help -- requesting help from the unseen world, the metaphyical world is the only way out, which will probably be through.

    read recently alien arrival will likely be by proxy, secondary to difficulty manifesting in n remaining this 3D environment. it seems the proxies r here, have been here quite awhile.

  83. Latest up hours ago from Karen Kingston --
    Think she slightly misses the MOTIVE part because for me it's not all about the $$ but more (with the omnipresent graphene oxide & self-replicating nanotech) a way to augment, transform, track and control the herd, but hey, not going to turn their noses up at getting rich in the process of the killoff, right??

  84. PS -- notice how in the course of that up-to-dating by Kingston she presents the patent of how to get non-human DNA (from snakes, rodents, frogs, insects, etc) to present in a human thru lipid (nanotech) transfection......
    Authored by DR ROBT MALONE.

    And yet you will hear the repeated charge "Oh it CAN'T change your DNA!! That's a ridiculous conspiracy theory!!"

    No it's not. It's a PATENT.
