“A voice called from beyond the
By way of the serpent whirling
through my veins
Through the clatter of the iron
Into the dreams of the insane:
Turn away from the light
On The Wings Of Gloria, (The
Thousandfold Epicentre), The Devil’s Blood
“In the satanic camp we have seen how
Hitler believed in the existence of Superior Beings, and heard him reveal his
secret: ‘The mutation of the human race has begun. There are already
supermen!’” Morning Of The Magicians,
Pauwels and Berger, 1960
“The New Man is living amongst us! He is
there! What more do you want? I will tell you a secret: I have seen the New
Man. He is intrepid and cruel! I was afraid in his presence!” A trembling Hitler, pointing at something in
an empty corner only he could see.
“What we are
witnessing in the wake of the public enactment of these alchemical
psychodramas, whose spiritual consequences for mankind are far more momentous
than most have thus far guessed, is a process of global occult initiation.” Michael A. Hoffman
“Failure to
establish the Post COVID New World Order could set the world on fire.” Henry Kissinger
“The gentleman
that called in – I believe his stories – because I have a companion story to
his. It started before his stories. They’ve come here before. And now that
these things are happening more often, we have a better idea of what may be out
there. But ever since I was a little girl they’ve liked this place. They always
The people in
the sky.
So you truly
believe that?
I don’t have to
truly believe it. It’s just the truth. Have you ever heard about the Boles
Acres Raid?
Well, when I was
still little, they finished the Alamagordo-El Paso rail line. And one day, a
passenger train coasted to a stop outside town.
When the deputies got there, it was completely empty. Everyone assumed
the Apaches took them, so they called it the Boles Acres Raid. But a few days
later a beat-up young lasy came into town who had jumped off that train. Out in
the brush, she’d been hiding out there somewhere. She was dehydrated and
wouldn’t talk. My friend Charlotte’s family took her in. They fed her, gave her
a bed, Charlotte’s bed actually, and they telegraphed someone in El Paso to
come get her, so they could get some answers.
Charlotte’s dad
was the Methodist minister. Batsell Breff. He started the church here. My
parents died when I was little so I lived many weeks of the year with
Charlotte’s family. When my brothers and sisters were working or had too many
mouths to feed. But that night…that woman from the train started muttering
something in her sleep, in Charlotte’s room. It wasn’t English or Spanish or
Indian. So we opened the door a crack to listen. We’d never heard it before,
but I remembered it. And then, before the next day, she disappeared. Crawled
out the window and stole a horse, believe it or not. So if you ever hear about
the old horse witch, that’s where the story came from.
My older sister
raised me. But mostly I lived alone. I made dresses and tablecloths and what
have you. I was still young when I met Claude Maynard. He was part of the crew
putting telephone lines in. We fell in love, and I conceived my son with him
without being married. I actually didn’t know that was how you made a baby
believe it or not. He said he’d come back when he finished work in White Sands,
and I believed him, but he never did.
When my baby was
born I named him Hollis. A few people were kind to me, but mostly I was on my
own with him. This wasn’t a neighborhood or a town like it is today. It was scattered
houses around the buildings on Ayers. I was a lonely mother, but I did my best.
And later on I heard Claude had died stringing up lights in a cave in Texas for
a tourist operation. Of course that broke my heart. But to get back to when
Hollis was still a baby….
One night after
I’d nursed him, he was asleep in my arms, and he started making the sounds of
an infant. And then they became clearer. More vocal. And then he spoke his
first words. And the same words I heard come from that confused woman at Charlotte’s
started coming from the mouth of my ten-month-old in his sleep. I tried to tell
a few people. I went to a doctor in another town. He said it was baby noises
and I shouldn’t tell anyone else.
Hollis always
behaved differently. He fixated on objects. He wouldn’t hear you. And in his
sleep, I would occasionally hear him…say those words. So I wrote them down.
Word for word. I asked him about it, but he didn’t know. And one night, when he
was about four years old, it got really windy outside. And there was a sound,
like a really large windmill. And Hollis set his gaze on the window. And he
wouldn’t respond. So I read the muttering to him. And his eyes closed and he
looked up at the ceiling and he didn’t move. And then his lips moved with mine.
And a few moments after I stopped, he opened his eyes and went back to playing.
I tried it again a few days later but nothing. So I figured, there must be
something out there on those nights, telling him something that no one can
hear. Radio was pretty new, and that’s what I thought it was…Or something from
the occult.
And then when he
was nine, I got the feeling that something was out there again. And that night,
in the middle of the night, he walked out the front door of this house and
He was taken up
from this Earth. There were no other houses. It was very dry. I followed his
footprints out the front door…out to about 150 feet…and they stopped there in
the dirt. And he wasn’t there. They took my son. And no one has ever believed
Was there an
Of course. But
the whole thing turned into an investigation of me. People were convinced that
my son had ruined my life…so I killed him.
So, did you
recognize the sound that we played on the radio tonight?
No. But I
believe I know what is going on. I believe they’re up there tonight. Right now.
And I think there are some reasons to support that idea.
Like what?
I think they
stay away from big cities. I think they wait for people to get together, in one
place, like tonight, and when everyone gets out of that game, they’re going to
be gone. I think they like people alone. Mmm..And I think they talk to people
with some kind of advanced radio, in their sleep.
Right, like you
think they did with your son?
I didn’t just
think this up… I think, at the lowest level, they send people on errands. They
play with people’s minds. They sway people to do things and think certain ways
so that we stay in conflict, focused on ourself. So that we’re always cleaning
house or losing weight or dressing up for other people. I think they get inside
our heads and make us do destructive things, like drink and overeat. I’ve seen
good people go bad and smart people go mad. I think, at the highest level, they
do things that cause nations to go to war. Things that make no sense. And I think no one knows they’re being
affected. We all work out other reasons to justify our actions. But free will
isn’t possible with them up there.
I’ve had an
entire life to think about this. Years alone. And that’s what I think.”
Dialogue from THE VAST OF NIGHT film
“My head is
spinning as I scrawl with my pen ‘cause I’ve been pouring vodka in my soul/
Nothing really ever changes my friend/ New lamps for old, new lamps for
old…” Townshend, New Song, Who Are
You, 1978
“You have to
manipulate lots of things because nothing can be seen as it is. Everything has
to appear to be something different. You see the people as a flock of sheep.
You put a couple of border collies and you drive them in a direction. And to be
honest with you, I still see that happening all around me. People are still,
thru the systems and methods that we ourselves used to use, being treated in
that same way, and it still works.”
Ronald Bernard, 2017
Welcome to month
10 approximately of the slow kill 9/11 programming. Project Monarch 2.0 of the
unfolding Hegelian Dialectic reality we can’t seem to pry ourselves out of
enough to achieve escape velocity. Where Soylent Green is people, where
philanthropy is a form of service-to-self and the only other thing they’re
serving is us…… “It’s a cookbook!”
We are in the
middle of multiple and simultaneous major theatre mind control wars; every
aspect of American individualism and self-determination is under continued
assault, with no end in sight. But lest you think this is going un-regarded and
un-actioned on not only these shores but worldwide, well, in the immortal words
of Judas Priest, you got another thing comin’. Grab your coronavirus plushies,
‘cause here we go…
Just a weekend
ago, despite the fumbling hummanuh-hummanuh protests of those like-minded
cretins at CNN, NBC, and the New York Times declaring the numbers at only
17,000, some 1.5 million people took part in boots-in-the-streets marches in
Berlin to voice their concern over whether or not they were being told the
truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about all things COVID. Those
MSM mouthpieces also called all those that gathered nothing more than
“neo-Nazis” and fringe “conspiracy”-tards. Make no mistake, all of these
“conspiracy” people were saying loudly and in the clearest terms imaginable:
Stop lying to us. And not just about COVID. About everything. See the top of this page for an aerial/drone
view of the proceedings that is being currently suppressed everywhere – and for
good reason – that’s not 17,000 people.
John F. Kennedy:
“All free men, wherever they may live, are citizens of Berlin and, therefore,
as a free man, I take pride in the words‚ Ich bin ein Berliner!" (July 8,
And on the very
same weekend this took place in California and also at the offices of CNN: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1289320829931544576.html
So there are
most assuredly more forces than ever before ready and willing to let their
voices be heard against the encroaching tentacles of the Deep State, Globalism,
and George Bush Sr.’s highly prized New World Order of deceitful,
thousand-points-of-light, little Morning stars – but the tasks and the roads
ahead of us are formidable to say the least. The stormy roil isn’t getting any
less stormy or roiling, and evidences no signs of abating any time soon.
But some
enlightened old souls are always awake and watching, not following the prescribed
New World Order clock or the steady diet of social engineering disguised as “please care for your neighbors” mask-wearing
and the force-fed COVID death, positive tests and hospitalization numbers which
are manipulated constantly. Recent case in point being that children have only
now, after 9 months, been recognized as being (horrors!) “superspreaders,” just
happening to coincide with back-to-school time.
Perhaps Erin
Valenti knew exactly what was coming. Chief Exec and entrepreneur for Tinker
Ventures, Erin (of Salt Lake City) as founder of Tinker at 33 went to Silicon
Valley on business last October. She would not emerge fully into this
particular life again from there – she was reported missing on October 7 having
missed her flight home from San Jose. 5 days later she was found dead in the
back of her grey Nissan Murano rental car, with no obvious signs of physical
harm, along a well-trafficked thoroughfare right by the San Jose airport’s
Almaden neighborhood.
How had no one
reported a body in the back of an out-of-place rental car for 5 days? Her death
was reported as being from natural causes and as a result of having a “manic
episode.” Instead, may I suggest, she was merely having a problem with her
“sight”; seeing the next 2, 4, 6, 10 months quite clearly and recoiling at a
biological extreme from what her fully realized crystal visions showed her.
In her last
reported phone call on Oct 7 to her parents, she said this: “It’s all a game,
it’s a thought experiment. We’re in the Matrix.” https://frankreport.com/2019/10/29/was-erin-valenti-killed-by-the-very-brainwave-interface-technology-she-sought-to-expose/
(pay particular attention to this link as it addresses these systems
also in regard to being interlaced with abolishing child trafficking, which
also happened to be another passionate cause of Erin’s…This would of course
place her squarely in league with Chris Cornell, Chester Bennington, Georgia
senator Nancy Shaefer, Max Spiers, Mae Brussell, Monica Petersen and others
looking into similar areas facing similar murky fates.)
Many others long
before Erin had similar suspicions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wP99txGpgB8&t=37s
While many
others still are working to make this “matrix”-type thought experiment a
reality in ever-updated terms, as we will see very soon.
But first, the
seeds of the “Great Reset,” the “New Normal,” and all the rest can be traced to
somewhere back around here, and Stanford research Institute’s “Changing Images
Of Man” where the concept of our minds actually being used against us in a
modern context was born: https://auticulture.com/blog/2013/03/13/deep-background-sri-lsd-changing-images-of-man-the-aquarian-conspiracy/
In all its gory
glory here: http://iceagefarmer.com/docs/Changing-Images-of-Man.pdf
White papers
like this would carry down the line and beget even sturdier templates like this
from the Brookings Institute (those folks that acknowledged at the dawn of the
space race that we would in all likelihood find evidence of former, off-world
civilizations in ruins on nearly every planet in our solar system, but Mars,
Venus, Jupiter and Saturn for sure – how did they know this? – and thanks for
the long ago heads-up Dick Hoagland – who was “on” to so many things): https://www.brookings.edu/blog/up-front/2020/06/19/rebuilding-toward-the-great-reset-crisis-covid-19-and-the-sustainable-development-goals/
You will notice
that this last salvo was published in joint effort with the Rockefeller
You will also
notice the peculiar wording for such a “scientific” and reasoned proposal: “If
we describe the current situation as a ‘moment of multidimensional crises,’”
Hmm. How Lovecraftian.
You will further
notice the increased use of the wording “the Great Reset,” now so often found
on the lips of everyone from Bill Gates to news anchors to Tom Hanks as well as
all of those wishing to catapult the agenda down the road. If you didn’t know
better, you’d almost think they were receiving their talking points from some
like-minded coven of sources.
It would be like
hearing the powers-that-be at CERN say “The particle accelerator is thought to
have served as a portal into the solar system for a technologically advanced
civilization with the aim of colonization.” Oh wait, they did…here: https://home.cern/news/news/cern/ancient-particle-accelerator-discovered-mars
April Fools!
Those wacky scientists as CERN always like to pull stuff like this – remember?
Like that time they staged a human sacrifice in front of the Shiva statue for
yuks: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CERN_ritual_hoax
What pranksters!
Because what IF they really WERE doing all this, then wouldn’t the best, most
plausible, deniability be for them to make a joke out of the whole thing?
Because, hey, we really wouldn’t be doing all this – get real! It’s a joke!
Can’t you take a joke? We scientists are well known jokesters, you can always
find us with lampshades on our heads, life o the party guys, egging people’s
houses, going on crazy trips to islands and fucking little kids in ceremonial
rape dungeons and temples. What happens to ‘em afterwards? Who KNOWS?? It’s
But I
digress…..let’s get back to those multidimensional crises, and the
orchestrators of such.
“Is earth an open or closed economy? I went to
business school, I worked on Wall Street for eleven years, you know I’ve been
involved in the economy my whole life and the whole time I was invited to
assume that earth was a closed economy. So, if we issued debt, then other humans
owned that debt. If we issued stock, other humans owned that stock. But if you
look at all the economic experiences I’ve had over my whole life, in
government, businesses, everything else, what I will tell you is, you know, if
you ask me to describe the economic model on planet earth, I would say, ‘well
planet earth is a real estate investment trust because we’re paying a dividend
some place every year, and I don’t know where it’s going. It’s going into that
question mark, on the planetary balance sheet.”
“Let me bring it
down to some of the important questions you have to ask if you ask the
question, ‘is this an open or closed economy.’ I got great statistics on who
would issue debt, but for the life of me I couldn’t get great statistics on who
owned it. I don’t know who owns it. I know they control. And they control
through the debt because that’s how you control a company in invisible ways, by
controlling through the debt. Who owns the debt? Is it humans, or is it
somebody else?” ~Catherine Austin Fitts
“You learn more
and more about the real world, since thru the financial world you learn all of
the actual truth…your clients give you glimpses of how the world really works.
Because my clients were banks, they didn’t want blood on their hands, but within
those banks there were always a number of people who knew damn well what is
going on.” Ronald Bernard, 2017
Judge Ester
Salas had just been appointed to oversee the looming Epstein Deutsche Bank
trial only 48 hours before a gunman wearing a FedEx delivery disguise gunned
down both her husband and her son at her home in New Brunswick, NJ. The son was
killed and the gunman, Roy Den Hollander, shot himself later in what was called
a suicide. The shooting of Salas’ family took place on Sunday July 19 and
Hollander was found on the 20th.
Deutsche had been fined $150
million by NY regulators for failing to red flag the many shady transactions
and launderings of the Epstein funds. In financial dealings at this level,
funneling and hiding are the two major bywords and Deutsche Bank, beyond doubt,
seems to have been a major hub in the continuing operations of the Cabal. And
yes, that includes managing and massaging of the trillions generated from the
sale of arms, drugs, and most importantly and lucratively, children.
When Deutsche
was charged this penalty, it was done so without the knowledge of Epstein’s top
financial consult Thomas Bowers. Why? He killed himself too in 2019. Perhaps he
knew and was ready to spill about the “unknown actors” acting on their own
behalf (and Deutsche Bank’s) that made millions just prior to the Sept.11
attacks due to advanced foreknowledge and insider trading. These “actors” are
still “unknown” because although their footprint can of course be traced by any
number of federal regulatory agencies, their identities have never been
disclosed. Likely due to the “public good” or for reasons of National Security,
no doubt.
Hollander, according to his own website, once worked for the Moscow office of
none other than Kroll Associates. If the name of Kroll rings a bell, it should
– it was and remains heavily implicated in the 9/11 Op: http://www.historycommons.org/entity.jsp?entity=kroll_associates_1
Much, much more concerning Kroll here, and where they are positioned in
the grand scheme of things.
If the combined
nexus of Deutsche Bank and Kroll flying into the festivities seem rather familiar,
they should. This is the blueprint they have hit the “great reset” button on
before, so you know they’ll be doing it again – Deutsche Bank meet BCCI, BCCI
meet Deutsche Bank. The names change but the operations continue. This might be
the “Great Reset” and the New Normal, but there is nothing original to their
tactics, modus operandi, or ultimate goal.
For more on
that, check out this excellent link about how another Kroll 9/11 major player
(not to mention the mastermind behind the 2001 anthrax attacks) Jerome Hauer,
is set to make millions on the COVID vaxx: https://unlimitedhangout.com/2020/04/investigative-series/a-killer-enterprise-how-one-of-big-pharmas-most-corrupt-companies-plans-to-corner-the-covid-19-cure-market/
See how all of
these puppets keep popping up again and again in same, like-minded operations
down thru the years? ‘Coincidence’ theorists would tell you it’s all just that
– coincidence. But you know it’s more, don’t you?
So what has to
happen? Not enough people are buying the COVID psyop mainstream narrative
anymore, you can feel that just in your interactions in everyday life. People
know and can sense now that something is way, way off. So something else will
have to be inserted for the control system to stay online and running towards
its intended conclusion. What? And therein lies the big question.
Because more
and more everyday folk are seeing the transparencies now – the connections
between persons of interest, the Epstein network and all its foils and runners
being behind what’s happening, and has been since the start, with the entire
COVID agenda. How this medical and seemingly pandemic crisis ties in with the
political, how the political ties in with the increasingly esoteric and occult
elements, and how all this recent alien and UFO disclosure news can serve all
those masters. (Meet you at the corner of flying saucers and worldwide
pedophile rings…anybody?)
“There’s a good
life, right across this green field/ And each generation stares at it from
afar/ But we keep no check on our appetites/ So green fields turn to brown like
paper in fire…” Paper In Fire, John
Mellencamp, 1987
Many problems
begin and end at the base level. For us here, spirits in the material world
trapped in the human condition for a time, that level is our DNA. And there is
a concerted effort by many upper-tier personalities in seeking to alter that
DNA, to modify it, recombine it. This seems, needless to say, a curious
proposition that begs the question – “Why?” The answers to that lie in many
darkened corners. They are wrapped in mind control (COVID gaslighting) and
trauma-based programming (Mask fear and alienation), but there are concrete
effects that are attempting to be implemented. These answers also must be
observed thru a patina of associations: look at some of the major players
trying to put them into play on a mass scale; then look at who they are closely
associated with. Those answers are telling, and lead into areas that have
profound implications for the entire world.
We have examined
the particulars of the Bill Gates machinery here before, but as with any good
Luciferian operation, the expansions continue unabated. The latest (which reeks
of transhumanism at the bottom line and sounds like something out of The Matrix), is cornering a way to make
a profit out of the harvesting of human energy. Yes, you read that right. And
this is to say nothing of the looming COVID vaxx, and which everyone from Fauci
to Gates has now mandated we ALL must have for this whole thing to be over –
but more on that in a minute.
“In the locust
wind/ Comes a rattle and hum/ Jacob wrestled the angel/ And the angel was
overcome/ You plant a demon seed/ You raise a flower of fire/ See them burning
crosses/ See the flames higher and higher.”
U2, Bullet The Blue Sky 1987
Look at these 2
above links. Then go back to Erin Valenti’s death. Is THIS what she was talking
about? Are these only part of the operations she saw coming?
But oh no,
Soylent Gates has so much more in store for us. We spoke previously of DNA: http://sitn.hms.harvard.edu/flash/2015/rna-vaccines-a-novel-technology-to-prevent-and-treat-disease/
They are all set
to weaponize your DNA, turn YOU into the genetically modified organism, into
something else. We have talked so many times before of the satanic terminology
of Year Zero and The Time Of No Time, well, 2020 is that time. 2020 is Year Zero
for all of us. Is the “Great Reset” deliberate wording beginning to make sense
(and yes, 5G plays a huge role in all this.)
And yes, this
major pdf by the Italian scientist Fioranelli has been retracted/censored
everywhere. No wonder. ANY mention of 5G in anything other than a glowing,
positive, “it’s GOOD for you!” light will get you banned. Where do I live
again? The Village?
If the
wavelengths of 5G are equal to or less than the size of a nucleus, then they
can pass thru the nuclear membrane and interact with DNA. This gets into so
much. Think As Above So Below. Recall the talk/speculation of “brane worlds,”
where alternate dimensions exist all around us, millimeters away, separated by
only the thinnest membrane of matter. What would it take to pierce that
membrane and bring them to us? Us to them? Who is looking into such things?
CERN? How big is a dimension? How small? How small a variable would have to be
changed to turn us into something else? To bring something else here? Into us? The everyday life of a vessel promises few fulfilling horizons.

Why WAS Bill
Gates pals with Jeffrey Epstein for so long, certainly long past the sell-by
date of Epstein as any kind of a human being? Because Soylent Gates isn’t just
a singular entity – he’s an agenda. And that agenda is all about people. Yes, Soylent Gates is people. Shipping
them. Using them. Abusing them. And ultimately turning them. Because that’s what’s going to make the agenda go.
It’s why you can’t separate the pedophile rings from the Big Pharma medical
cartel mafia. Or the politicians. Or a timeline where it all begins for them
NOW. Trump signing Executive Orders that effectively rob Big Pharma of some $150
billion only days ago has done great and lasting damage to the program and the
agenda? But is it enough in time to have a “Great Reset” of our own? Can we
somehow postpone Year Zero?
Now experts are
claiming that, lo and behold, chronic
fatigue syndrome is but the latest side-effect of COVID. This gets into
auto-immune issues, which have been popping up in the mainstream narrative
since their insertion around the time of the first Gulf War, when Gulf War
Syndrome emerged. That begat things like Epstein Barr, into Guillen Barre: https://academic.oup.com/cid/article/39/7/1076/493151
Which in turn
led to seemingly everyone having fibromyalgia issues (more virus-related fun.)
Then Morgellons began making its way onto the scene not long after the skies
began being seeded with particulates (see chemtrails.) In the long run all of
these vectors may be related; different attacks masking (see what I did there)
the same overtaxing of the viral load.
COVID, with its HIV/AIDS enclosing
envelope, is merely the latest 2.0 version unleashed, this time with bizarre,
revelatory side-effects: a noticeable loss of taste and smell, hallucinations
and otherworldly dreams at night, and now a huge auto-immune issue. What
exactly is going on here? Has something been released that does something to us
long-term? As the veils all around us thin more and more, are we being prepped
for something? Are the true effects of COVID something that will take many more
months, even years, to take hold? Are they part of a binary or even tertiary
weaponization stream which won’t see full actualization until some point in the
I know the
on-the-ground, in-the-present effects are so negligible as to have to be lied
about, continually, to scare us into following instead of leading, but what
about tomorrow?
Already the Feds
along with the charmers at Yale (you know, those same swells that both financed
and benefitted from Epstein), are holding clinical trials on how to best “persuade”
Americans to take the COVID jab, since, at last count, some 70% were definitely
not down with getting their yum-yum Mark of the Beast: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/08/federal-government-yale-holding-clinical-trials-best-persuade-americans-take-fauci-gates-covid-19-vaccines/
All of this
comes down to common sense after all. Several long-time Epstein victims have
come forward, Maria Farmer and Virginia Giuffre chief amoung them, questioning
and wondering where all the other victims are. Farmer has said that in the time
she non-voluntarily spent with Epstein at his properties she saw 5, 6, 7 new
young girls a day be introduced into the system. Over years following this
formula, there should be THOUSANDS of victims. Why have only between 30-40 then
been heard from? Where ARE all the others?
They’re dead.
That endgame was always part of the plan. Sacrifice.
Why do you think
Epstein stationed his main ops at an island? Or in the middle of the New Mexico
desert? Because then if you decided you wanted out of the horror you’d found
yourself, quite literally, trapped in – where exactly were you going to go?
You’re in the middle of the ocean or hundreds of miles away from anything.
Nowhere to go.
Listen to both
of these essential Maria Farmer interviews with Whit Webb and Shaun Attwood and
you will find amazing corroborating evidence linking her experiences to what
went down with the Franklin Scandal and Dutroux Affair. Farmer describes
ancient Peruvian death and blood artifacts as well as likenesses to Baphomet on
the properties in detail. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=3404&v=MGtDj8drWvE&feature=emb_logo
We have
previously noted here strange artifacts on the Zorro property: https://mcmmadnessnews.blogspot.com/2019/08/unintended-consequences-in-night-gallery.html
All previous
captives and victims in cases like Franklin and Dutroux, (as well as the
obvious circles people like Jimmy Savile were hobnobbing in) have described
their captors as being extremely wealthy, organized, living in their own large
mansions, etc – this would seem to indicate that the Epstein network is itself
or is tied to a satanic child trafficking Syndicate operating at will within
our society, which makes films like Eyes
Wide Shut and Rosemary’s Baby documentaries
before, during, and after the fact.
Examine how
closely the Ronald Bernard 2017 testimony -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzoaxTudJks&list=PL9RqRbZxxondzBzTUMjnagrgDQYTrRD1e
Meshes with that
of the victim here in this amazing Australian 60 Minutes 1989 piece: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=c2ioRBNriG8&feature=emb_logo
And these are
the same people rubbing elbows with those that would keep you prisoner in your
own home, running a trauma-based Op designed to herd you in one direction and
one direction only: towards a more transhumanistic future where you must do
everything as you are instructed. Mandatory attendance required and no opting
out allowed. This is the land and the time where pedophile and satanic ideology
meets the technological-politico-medical sector all underneath the same
umbrella of ultimate, nightmare Control.
This ‘Gates’ is
just the latest in a long line of
Watergate-Iran/Contragate-Pagegate-Stargate-Pizzagate and I’m sure more I’ve
They represent
the abolishment of structure, that glue that holds us together. The cherished
Freedom is but that beautiful, fleeting liminal state between structure and
chaos, and is inherently neither malevolent nor goodly-hearted. It is what
occurs on the way there. (Our romanticism of the journey over the destination…)
With structure gone the path to chaos is created, held aloft on the wings of
disobedience and disorder. This is what they seek, and something even beyond
this, a sort of rebellion for the sake of rebellion, and the great lie, the
flaw in the cosmic system we have all bought into, no matter which side of the
fence of biblical ideology we fall on. Perhaps we have all been deceived in
this game of great cosmic import.
Maybe this
naming of Luciferian v Satanist v alien v demon v non-human intelligence et al
is just a game of chasing our tails leading nowhere. Meanwhile, the big Control System behind it all sits back
and laughs at our folly, all giddy and Pan-like. And keeps sending out
instructions to these placeholder Overlords we idolize and look up to to save
us. How’s that for a mixing madly of Keel, Vallee, and Fort for you guys?
Along this same
ghost train of thought, an intelligence insider, thru DOD/aerospace sources,
just released a very profound statement which has startling implications: “UFOs
are not flying saucers, tic tacs, or anything of the sort. They are something
which possesses the ability to make your mind see what makes sense to you.”
Hence the fairies and flaming castles in the air of the 1700s, the great
airships and zeppelin constructions of the late 1890s, and the modern-day
progression of saucers to black triangles to ‘tic-tacs.’ All manifestations of a distinctly Occult
Control System. Which may be why the actual occult trappings and manifestations
appear over and over again in ALL of these investigations, from pedophile rings
featuring satanic ritual abuse to unidentified aerial phenomena to the upper
strata of our society. Perhaps these occultic symbols and sigils are merely the
glue, or rather the dust, which allows an otherwise invisible phenomena to be
seen or appear, like dusting for fingerprints.
Then keep
thinking about that while I also whisper this to you (from a leaked document
from AATIP, the Pentagon’s recently disclosed Advanced Aerospace Threat
Identification Program). Their findings? “The
phenomenon can manipulate both physical and cognitive environments in order to
penetrate U.S. facilities, influence
decision makers, and compromise National Security.
Including – Psychotronic weapons/
Cognitive Human Interface/
Penetration of solid surfaces/
Instantaneous sensor
Alteration-manipulation of biological organisms/
Anomalies in the
space-time construct/
Unique cognitive human interface experiences.”
Now wonder again
why Jeffrey Epstein chose New Mexico, of all places, to plant a major hub of
his operations. And one that centered on and around genetics, eugenics, and
what for all intents and purposes was looking like the launching of a brand new
species. 2 hours to Socorro. 2 hours to Roswell. 3 to Alamagordo. Far less to
all 3 by plane. Perhaps Epstein chose New Mexico for the same reason his pal
and NM Governor Bill Richardson is a regular attendee at Bohemian Grove. https://newrepublic.com/article/154761/jeffrey-epstein-zorro-ranch-new-mexico-history
For much MUCH
more and a detailed explanation of what we are trying to wrap our heads around,
see this excellent presentation by the UK’s Chris Everard. For a pertinent peek
into exactly what we’re tackling here, simply go to the 1:28:00 mark and just
get comfy, and let it run: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmzUKHiLFcI&t=4998s
Perhaps the
truth, the real Truth, lies elsewhere. That search continues for us all, (and
is likely why the Bible ends, and leaves us with, the tone of the New
Testament, rather than the Old, to take us on our way.) True Grace lies beyond
and is rooted in service-to-others over service-to-self, really the only 2
distinctions that matter.
Even more
heartening still is the tsunami of postings and comments on instagram,
facebook, reddit, twitter (as well as the staggering number of memes created)
over the past two weeks alone signaling how many more people are having their
eyes opened as to just how much of a distraction COVID is to where we should
all be focusing our real anger and ire: the pedophilia and child abuse
networks. Sports and entertainment are dying a quick death under a BLM-infused
blowback of epic proportions as people quickly sense that ruse also – as now
even the virus is being rapidly sent to the back burner of public
consciousness, and the historic abuse – genocide really – of children assumes
its rightful place of mass focus. (This is the first time since the 1980s that
widespread out-in-the-open public talk of SRA and organized worldwide pedophile
rings leading into the upper echelons of governments has reached this type of
critical mass.)

We’ve become
social media monster hunters, firing silver truth bullets at will with gattling
gun pacing and precision; ‘their’ nightmare is just beginning. Those Berliners
at the top of the page? They’re not just in Berlin anymore. They’re everywhere.
Ich bin ein
Berliner. Indeed.
But as my
thoughts here should amply illustrate, just because they have used the variable
numbers-game virus as both a distraction and a cover from and for the most occultic
of their operations, they will also not hesitate to use it as a launching
platform for the next part of their takeover – the mandatory vaccine. Stay
tuned to this same bat channel my dreamers, because August is going Hot and the
Cabal don’t play-play. Next time we’ll get to more High Weirdness raining
globally we didn’t this time, from (atomic?) bombs in the Middle East to
earthquakes in North Carolina. The wheel’s in spin, and the times, my brothers
and sisters, they are a’changin’ more than ever.
Until then, this
is me, unmasked and on the loose, reporting on the ground from Year Zero.
“Raise the price
of oil
Then they censor
our mouths
If you’re a
young couple today forget buying a house
And we wage our
wars in the neighborhoods
And we kill the
young to feed the old and man that ain’t no good
Yeah but love
and happiness have forgotten our names
And there’s no
value left in love and happiness.”