Thursday, March 15, 2018


In the middle of the journey of our life, I found myself within a dark woods, where the straight way was lost.    Dante Alighieri    Dante’s Inferno (A.D. 1300)

When you reach back in his mind
Feels like he's breaking the law
There's something back there he got
That nobody knows
He never claimed to say what he says
He smells like the inside of closets and stairs
The kind where nobody goes
Don't make me a target
Don't make me a target….
Spoon (2007)

Keeping Ahead Of The Rain On The Road,
Watching My Windscreen Wipers.
Radio Play Me A Danceable Ode,
Cattle Beware Of Snipers. 
Wings, Getting Closer (1979)

“The non-human intelligence controlling the non-human UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) phenomenon -- and some human and animal abduction/kidnapping events and the non-human portal phenomenon -- has its own organization and ideology. It is alive. It thinks. It is inherently non-omnipotent, non-omniscient, non-omnipresent, non-immortal.  Compared to humans it is inherently superior in knowledge and power. It is inherently independent of human control.”    
                             Charles R. Drago  

Let’s discuss the nature of being a target in a world not of your making.  Chosen by fate, buffeted by the tricksterish whims of some celestial, superior “other” system, all sentient creatures here seem to be in a perverse game of roulette, where the odds are increasingly tilted in the favor of the haunted house.  And the overall game is larger and much more complex than the pedestrian mind has been entrained to fully absorb.  We are conditioned from birth til death to see only the carrot in front of our face and to die in that pursuit, instead of seeing the string holding the carrot, much less the hands holding the string, or to give a moment’s thought to the reasoning behind the entire control system or the motivations behind it.  And this is likely where cognitive dissonance races in, since those motivations appear dark indeed.  In any event, everything is arrayed against a complete understanding of the predicament we find ourselves ambered into, and that larger predicament system is comprised of a wheels-within-wheels, overlapping subsets machinery so complex and arcane as to be Lovecraftian in its makeup and likely intent.  Being a target ain’t easy, which explains why so much of life is filled with anxiety instead of peacefulness.  It’s our millions-of-years old DNA triggering off, telling us there is danger close at hand, and much more to life than can be seen by everyday eyes and limited human vision.  Listen to it.  And then look around.  Because the evidence is all around you in a variety of manifestations.  And remember that ‘they’ continually want to rob you of the time needed to take a deep breath, focus, and “be here now,” in the moment. 

“The structure of abduction stories is identical to that of occult initiation rituals.”
“The UFOs are physical manifestations that cannot be understood apart from their psychic and symbolic reality.  What we see here is not an alien invasion.  It is a spiritual system that acts on humans and uses humans.”                                                               Jacques Vallee

“..often accompanied by sadistic sexual manipulation, is reminiscent of the medieval tales of encounters with demons…”   Vallee, Confrontations, p.13

“Every time someone ends a prayer in the Western world they say ‘Amen,’ – that is the name of the Egyptian god associated with completion.  So we are still praying to their gods.”                                              Whitley Strieber

But before you can be a target, you need to be shut off.  Walled away from information, cut off from friends and community, all streams of incoming data blocked, unable to compare notes, correlate connections.  Herded and blind, you are an easier kill.  Many individuals instead of a collective makes for easier sniping and a much less powerful adversary.  To that end, let’s look at what just happened in the Reddit community within the last several hours.

Once upon a time, there was a subreddit entitled Calm Before The Storm.  It looked into all things related to Trump Executive orders and actions regarding pushback against the pizzagate/pedogate forces at the highest levels of government, surmised who exactly was being targeted (see, this works both ways) by such, what the latest ‘Q’ dispatches meant and were targeting, who in the corporate/banking/entertainment side of the equation was involved, where they were, were their funds being cut off, etc.  But that was all before some large nerve was touched by said subreddit, and suddenly, when clicking on to it, all that was found was this:

Well, that went quicker than Pizzagate, didn’t it?  Why would Reddit ban a subreddit which they claim is “delusional?”  This was posted there just before the ban:

For anyone that doubts Q or is getting impatient that nothing seems to be happening, let's not lose sight of what has already occurred:
The Swamp is being drained:
- over 1400 notable corporate and government resignations (is this a normal occurrence?)
- over 50 congressmen resigning or not seeking re-election (is this what politicians routinely do?)
- over 18.5K sealed federal indictments issued by the DOJ (normal is 1,000)
- over 100 Hollywood and media elites exposed for sexual misconduct
- Mass roundup of powerful elite in Saudi Arabia in major anti-corruption purge (is this normal?)
- Israeli PM and Rothschild agent Netanyahu is being charged with corruption (coincidence?)
- Trump signs an EO seizing assets of those involved in human trafficking worldwide. List of corrupt actors is over 1,100 pages.
- There used to be 10 Saudis on Forbes Billionaire list.  Now there are none. (coincidence?)
- Crackdown on human trafficking.  Thousands of children have been rescued worldwide.
- Massive roundup of gangmembers in major effort to stamp out MS13.
- ISIS has been practically defeated.
- Mass corruption within FBI/DOJ revealed to the public. Wording "secret societies" used to describe.
- Mainstream media exposed as fake news.
- Veil lifted on CIA's MKULTRA program and Op Mockingbird.
-  Q chan boards are under constant high-level attack. (Why all this effort to take down if it's all just a hoax or LARP?)
- Massive censorship of social media. (Why would all this effort be made if QAnon was merely misinformation? All this does is simply validate it.)


Interestingly, this all happened amid news of an imminent release of the NYPD Hillary vid that they’ve been sitting on for awhile – the one that had grown men and hardened police vets breaking down into tears over such was the horrific nature of the content. Remember True Detective season 1?  Also charting the lay of the land, this happens just as the MSM is bombing the terrain with this type of release:

Can you say plausible deniability platform, boys and girls?  Because let’s make no mistake, that’s the ONLY reason for this kind of mass blowback/info dump concerning “deepfakes” into the public realm from so many sources regurgitating the exact same thing.  They know what’s coming and they’re seeding the populace with their “get out of jail free” card.  Anything so horrifying/abominable can only be countered with “Oh, that’s not really me doing that to that/those young girl(s)!”  And the pro-Hillary forces will embrace this deception and lap it up, hook, line, and sinker.  They will psychologically contort themselves into any non-acceptance of what they know to be true.  Disavowal will be the order of the day, and mass repetition of same until it becomes “the truth.”  Orwell would be proud. Or should I say, terrified.  Everything we used to condemn about the old Soviet Union concerning censorship of their own people has now come true, and much more, in these United States.  Mass deception dressed up in colorful attire with a hip hop soundtrack for the kids, is still mass deception.

But the nature of targeting encompasses so much more.  Listen starting at 1 hour 8 minutes in here and prepare to have your mind blown as longtime cattle mutilation researcher Christopher O’Brien goes in depth with the ramifications of the phenomenon in this Binnall Of America podcast, including confidential information disclosed to him that a "ritual occult group within the [United States of America] government that had access to military technology and they were going out and doing cattle mutilations as a ritual response to whatever was out there mutilating cattle,” "ritual blood sacrifice,” "maybe the true high-strange cases are perpetrated by some sort of as yet undefined or misunderstood predator that has always been living along side us,” the government actions serving to "shut down some sort of doorway or to close down terminate some sort of portal.”

“[The occultist] is brought into intelligent communication with the spirits of the air, and can receive any knowledge which they possess, or any false impression they choose to impart…”                          G. H. Pember (1876) 

This, as O’Brien points out, dovetails quite nicely with the Nick Redfern Final Events scenario – one in which DOD scientists provided information detailing events where the government was using Crowleyan experiments (including human ritual sacrifice) to contact off-world intelligences in hopes of somehow weaponizing them, or at least gleaning information from them for purposes of weaponization. This contact would ultimately lead to these off-world intelligences controlling the shots and the dialogue, to dangerous effect.  (This, of course, as we see from the quote above and in the workings of practitioners such as John Dee of the Elizabethan era, is nothing new…)  See most of the entire story here, in this excellent posting from Jeff Wells:

Pardon my suppositions, but is this where the worlds of David Paulides’ Missing 411 research, Pizzagate beliefs, ufology, nationwide missing children, federal forces and hidden knowledge, the National Parks system, clandestine branches of the military, underground bases and tunnels, and others meet?  How large a component is the occult in all of this?  Quite a large one I’d say.  What do the interior papers of the National Institute of Discovery Sciences contain?    

All of these subsets meet in a dizzying array and alignment to comprise our current world of high strangeness, political intrigue, and entirely too many missing people.  Throw in some occult accents, and everything that has manifested in the world, and everything we’ve learned, since October 2016 begins to make a kind of hideous sense in a timeline that stretches back for decades.  Trouble is, it seems concerns like Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, and Reddit don’t want information that could be disharmonious to their behind-the-scenes power base getting out.


Be on guard 24/7.  Watch your backs and each other’s backs at all times.  As Richard Kelly had Donnie Darko say back in 2001, a storm is coming.  Beware the ides of March.   Especially when everything is connected.  

“What the phenomenon really says is that the universe is a subset of something else.”   
                                      Jacques Vallee


  1. Have been reading your posts for more than a year now and can say without hesitation that your blog is THE single most important site on the entire web. Taken collectively, your postings encompass all of the most crucial information regarding what is REALLY going on in America and the world in our present era. I sincerely hope you will be able to continue writing and posting for as many years as we have left...and who knows how long that will be. I hope your site never falls victim to the ominous online censorship that seems to be happening these days. Best to you,

    1. Wow. Such incredibly nice words. I certainly don't do this for any kind of accolades, recognition, or fame (it's nice enough to hear folks like Anthony Patch on podcasts echo some things I know he's come across here...) but to know that discerning folks like you appreciate what I put up really does make it all worthwhile. I really wish I could do more -- when I started this I didn't have a 9-to-5 job & I felt I could devote so much more time and energy to this endeavour, just even mentally. I still try to give it 100% when I do post but it winds up being much harder for something I feel is so vital. I can certainly see how the attrition-rate for doing things like this is high, incredibly high -- but I still feel this is amazingly important to do, and I promise I will ALWAYS make time for it. I still have the greatest faith in that hundredth Monkey: any of us at any time could hold the key to unlocking all of this for all of us.

      SRR, thanks to you so much for having the intuition to recognize that all of this NEEDS to be taken collectively; as separate entities these posts only likely amount to so much raving, but pieced all together a more coherent and disturbing picture begins to emerge; one that has been long in the developing. A major part of me believes that all high-strangeness anomalies, whether you're talking portals, time-spatial displacement, strange sites such as the San Luis Valley, the Bermuda Triangle area, UFOs, Bigfoot, Mothman, the Skinwalker ranch, and various others up to and including whatever the hell is going on in our National Parks that remains such a not-to-be-spoken-of topic at the federal level, all originate from the same wellspring, and that is one that the elites running the trafficking and pedophile rings worldwide (as well as projects like CERN) are all VERY well versed in. You, and hopefully others that drop in here, all recognize and intuitively KNOW that something is horribly amiss in this world, and that this is all connected at deeper levels we can scarcely fathom. Can you tell I grew up on Keel, Hynek, Vallee, and Frank Edwards?

      As far as the ubiquitous censorship goes, everything you read here is backed up offline at multiple sites; should anything ever happen here specifically, I have no doubt that "mcmmadnessnews" will only sprout up somewhere else, perhaps multiple somewhere elses, like a viral Medusa or a particularly virulent strain of mushroom!

      As far as years left, despite the sometimes doomsaying here, I tend to have more and more faith as every day passes, thanks to actions of entities like Q & even Trump, misguided though some think I may be in those areas. Perhaps it's just better for my mental health to think that the tide is turning, but I still have faith that our, and everyone's, better angels, will out. And that's thanks to comments like yours, and people like you, don't you know.

      p.s. - and yes, Sixties rock DOES rule. I can probably only count on the fingers of 2 hands the talent since that time that isn't complete sellout, corporate shite. But don't get me started. Thanks for reading, more importantly, thanks for caring, don't be a stranger, and best right back at ya!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Been meaning to mentiom this, the UFO cow snatcher reminded me of a 'close encounter' from January:

    'bbc arts editor will gompertz' interviewing spielberg as part of the promo tour for 'The Post':

    The propaganda piece starts off with parallels being drawn between the Trump admin / fake news & Nixon's downfall but "it's much more insidious today", then spielberg is asked directly about sex abuse in hollywood & is called a "really senior figure" in tinseltown who's "been around a long time" but has he ever thought:

    "I could have done a bit more to stop this"

    spielberg's response:

    "Well you know we have a... I can only I can only basically react to that question within my own workplace environment, within my organistaion there weren't incidences except for just a couple years and years ago that I would ever say gave me the experience to be able to be the authority on that... on that... question you asked"

    When asked to clarify ss continues:

    "It was just a couple of incidences I don't want to go into detail on them but they happened years and years ago... er where we had to let someone go"

    the interview (edit) then returns to blowing smoke towards #MeToo/#Time'sUp & continuing the subliminal push of streep being some kind of 'strong woman' archetype before concluding.

    Mr. Gunk's youtube has posted some recent updates of investigations into ss's predilections.

    Thanks again for your work.

    1. KTV,

      And thank you, most kindly, for continuing to follow me here in this global craziness chronicling.

      Mr.Gunk is quite awesome -- been checking in with him for some time. Spielberg's faux platitudes and nods to social responsibility make me nauseous: he's complicit as hell and up to his eyeballs in it. If someone like Drew Barrymore ever decides to spill the beans the whole house of cards will come tumbling down...who knows what's being held over her head behind the scenes. At the very least she's nursing a swell case of PTSD, helped along by continuing MKUltra-type conditioning. Naturally her latest thing, Santa Clarita Diet, on Netflix, features, wait for it,....CANNIBALISM.....figured prominently. According to sources I know that talk with Richard Kelly, director of Donnie Darko & another good old Virginia boy (& of which Drew was one of the stars/financiers of), Drew has many stories to tell, but is to this day quite intimidated and scared of doing can only hope that one day the truth will out...

      This ride, and this rabbit hole, never ends. At least the erstwhile Ben Swann is back on the case til his next silencing, which could come again at any moment after pieces like this:

      Seems he's back to connecting far too many dots for his own good. Son of Pizzagate? Bless him.

  4. P.S. -- Don't you just love how every last one of those we're eyeing as being complicit up to their necks in involvement in one form of child abuse/trafficking/pedophilia or another, ALL regard Trump as "insidious?" Of course they do -- he's busy squeezing the life out of their estates, bank accounts, and them.

  5. Aren't the Baltic states supposed to be the proof that neoliberal 'shock doctine' economics are the ne plus ultra of economic theory? No wonder the future pres of Lithuania is hanging out with her future paymasters.

    1. Hey there Paul,

      Thanks for commenting & a very pointed one at that...indeed, all Baltic states came under the auspices of both NATO & the EU in 2004, meaning, de facto, the 'influence' of the IMF & the World Bank -- which, I suppose is the point, innit?

      Every time this bone of contention rears its head in any equation, I can't help but think of the lines from Bruce Cockburn's "They Call It Democracy":

      "Padded with power here they come
      International loan sharks backed by the guns
      Of market hungry military profiteers
      Whose word is a swamp and whose brow is smeared
      With the blood of the poor...

      I-M-F dirty M-F
      Takes away everything it can get
      Always making certain that there's one thing left
      Keep them on the hook with insupportable debt
      See the paid off local bottom feeders
      Passing themselves off as leaders
      Kiss the ladies, shake hands with the fellows
      And it's open for business like a cheap bordello
      And they call it democracy..."

      God save us from that kind of all-encompassing freedom.

      Thanks for reading me -- it means a lot. Come on back as often as you wish. Your presence is always welcome, and have a great weekend.
