the beginning, after the great war between Heaven and Hell, God created the
earth and gave dominion over it to the crafty ape He called Man. And to each generation was born a creature of
Light and a creature of Darkness. And
the great armies clashed by night in the ancient war between Good and
Evil. There was magic then, nobility,
and unimaginable cruelty. So it was,
until the day that a false sun exploded over Trinity, and Man forever traded
away wonder…for reason.” Carnivale, Season 1, episode 1
point is more central than this, that empty space is not empty. It is the seat
of the most violent physics.” – John
Archibald Wheeler
regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from
consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk
about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness.” – Max Planck, theoretical physicist who
originated quantum theory
“The discovery
of radioactivity created a momentary chaos in chemistry and physics; but it
soon led to a fuller interpretation of the old ideas. It dispersed many
difficulties, harmonized many discords, and — yea, more! It shewed the
substance of Universe as a simplicity of Light and Life, manners to compose
atoms, themselves capable of deeper self-realization through fresh complexities
and organizations, each with its own peculiar powers and pleasures, each
pursuing its path through the world where all things are possible.” - Aleister Crowley
pride of thine heart hath deceived thee, thou that dwellest in the clefts of
the rock, whose habitation is high; that saith in his heart, Who shall bring me
down to the ground?
thou exalt thyself as the eagle, and though thou set thy nest among the stars,
thence will I bring thee down, saith the Lord.” Obadiah 1
the screams from Center 42/ Loud enough to bust your brains out/The
opposition’s tongue is cut in two/ Keep off the streets ‘cause you’re in
danger…The smell of sex the smell of suicide/ All these dream things I can’t
keep inside/ Curl up baby curl up tight/ Curl up baby keep it all out of sight/
Undercover, keep it all out of sight/ Undercover of the night.” Jagger/Richards, 1983
your name/ Try to speak as clearly as you can (you know)/ Everything gets
written down/ Nod your head, just in case they could be watching/ With their
shiny satellites
I hope
they cannot see the limitless potential/ Living inside of me/ To murder
everything/ I hope they cannot see/ I am the great destroyer…” Trent Reznor, 2007
It was
the long hot summer of 2017……Bohemian Grove was in full mid-July swing for
another 2 weeks. The July 23 ancient
Egyptian rituals to Sirius – what we now know as the Dog Days of summer – were
yet to begin.
progressed more or less as it should for all concerned, with everything in its
right place and no one becoming aware of the growing danger. No one knew, or had the slightest inkling
in-between the boxscores, and Federer at Wimbledon, and talk of the upcoming
Mayweather-McGregor fight, that life as everyone knew it, was over. It officially ended sometime during the
period of Jun 1 thru Jun 5, when the Bilderbergers attended their annual
meeting in Chantilly Va. Specifically
when they extended an invitation to the director of CERN. The specifics of their plan would include
fiber optics, brainwave entrainment, psychopharmacology, and the inevitable
transmutation of every living thing on earth since the fall of 1998, when
widespread aerosol operations began over the North American continent. The endgame would be the use of human beings
as vessels, as containers, for purposes that even they themselves were hesitant
to give true voice to, even behind locked doors and in hushed whispers. But in operations this huge, this widespread
and this compartmentalized, no one ever sought to question anything coming from
higher up.
layman’s jargon, spatial conduits – gateways -- were to be opened according to
specific celestial parameters and along pre-ordained pathways in accordance
with both earthly leylines and bloodlines.
These coordinates were finalized between the two corporations of D-Wave
and CERN, and included detailed genetic information for every human being on
the planet.
Lest you
think this scenario fanciful, I humbly submit to you that you should
(re)consider the scenario of GMOs, and how they were mainlined into mass
production and consciousness. Back
before we even knew enough to label them as such, the heads of Archer Daniels
Midland, Monsanto, BASF, Bayer, Dupont, Syngenta, and Dow Chemical were also
invited to the Bilderberg meetings of 1999.
The plans for widespread injection of such into the foodchain under the
auspices of “humanitarianism” and “sustainability” were drawn up then, and the
rest, as they say, is history. (Paired with an agenda that included biologicals
and particulates in aerosolized form to be breathed in on a daily basis,
widespread vaccine protocols, and an electro-magnetic field that surrounds us
all continually 24/7, the stage was set.) See the UN’s 2030 Sustainable Development
Agenda, Agenda 21, etc.
This will be
much the same, but think in terms of the electrical/electromagnetic/Smart
grid. This entire GRID has been set up
for a reason, this is modern-day alchemy, and quantum computers (D-Wave) will
provide the spark to a conflagration that can scarcely be imagined. Ports of ingress will be every videogame,
every smartphone, every computer, every communication device at once accessed
simultaneously. Every phone a black
scrying mirror right out of John Dee’s workings, each one a ‘monolith’-shaped
icon right out of 2001. All along, while everyone thought they were
carrying simple communication and entertainment devices, toys for the masses,
they were actually carrying the catalysts for their own spiritual and
physiological bio-forming. Welcome to
the Reconstruction.
mindset behind Bilderberg, by the way, (which counts as always among its
attendees members of industry, military and intelligence agencies, the IMF, big
Pharma, and more) it should be remembered, was clearly and brilliantly
elucidated by Ronald Bernard several weeks ago in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRuKmxQSPSw&t=294s

since I also just posted about the most recent visions of David Lynch in his
latest Twin Peaks scenario, and since
all of this is related (let’s never forget), Bohemian Grove ALSO happened to be
the birthplace of the atomic bomb, which, as of episode 8, Lynch is using as
not only a metaphor but also a literal catalyst as the opener of the way…the
Trinity incident opening portals that ushered unbounded supernatural and
existential evil into this realm. And
who was one of the lynchpins of the Manhattan Project? Edward Teller. And what else did Teller cook up at the
Grove? The very beginnings of aerosol
operations, which today we all call chemtrails.
And…..what else was Teller knee-deep in?....Pedophile rings. http://aangirfan.blogspot.com/2010/03/edward-teller-sabbatai-zevi-michael.html
I can
tell you time and again that this is all just degrees of separation apart, but
it really is true, and the more you dig, the clearer it all becomes. What did Robert Oppenheimer famously say,
when seeing, at last, what he had unleashed?
“Now I am become death, the
destroyer of worlds.”
As we
follow that line down through today, we see just how prophetic he was, and just
how little has changed. After all this
time, we still find ourselves in the midst of modern-day wizards and sorcerers,
John Dee-wannabes, determined to bring about engineered Armageddons into this
plane of existence, and no matter the program or project, and whether they call
it HAARP or CERN or stratospheric geo-engineering or Atomic Bomb, they have for
thousands of years seemingly been taking notes passed on to them from outside
sources maliciously intent on effecting lasting change HERE for reasons
another common denominator in the global death cult that holds sway continues
to be the Jon Benet Ramsey case, and there are late breaking developments here
also just days old…Dean Ryan, ex-Infowars investigator, has in his possession a
deathbed confession from a Colorado judge (William H. Long) saying that the
little girl was killed as she was surrounded by a group of 7 prominent
individuals who were part of a larger satanic pedophile cult. Insert obvious implications of mind-control
trauma-based programming and MKUltra here.
There should most definitely be more to come on this front, but as of
now the 7 individuals are listed as:
John Ramsey, the father; an
unnamed Boulder deputy police chief; an
unnamed top police official from Denver;
a Boulder district judge; a
Boulder prosecutor named Robert Shapiro;
a prosecutor and district judge from Larimer county; and a top executive with IBM named Stevens. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYac4hcQ7QQ&t=1s
There is
much more to this story than meets even the critical eye at this point, and
this recent information certainly falls right in line with the 2013 shocking
disclosure – long hidden from the public – that in 1999 a Grand Jury voted to
indict both John Bennett Ramsey and Patricia Baugh Ramsey on 2 counts, and that
they “did… permit a child to be unreasonably placed in a situation which posed
a threat of injury to the child’s life or health which resulted in the death of
JonBenet Ramsey.”
Grand Jury also stipulated that each parent “did… render assistance to a
person, with intent to hinder, delay and prevent the discovery, detention,
apprehension, prosecution, conviction, and punishment of such person for the
commission of a crime, knowing the person being assisted has committed and was
suspected of the crime of murder in the first degree and child abuse resulting
in death.” They were both accused of
committing these offenses “on or between December 25th and December
26th, 1996.”
carefully the wording here, and keep in mind that the Grand Jury was making its
recommendations on information gleaned from sealed and hidden police records
that most of the public had never seen.
The very wording of ‘murder in the first degree’ hints strongly at the
previously scoffed at ideas of a pedophile ring, since by its very definition
first degree murder cannot be accidental.
Her death. make no mistake, was planned.
The fact that it was planned on those specific dates also leads
ominously to occult and/or ritualistic elements in society with a strong accent
on Satanic Ritual Abuse.
recommendations came only after more than a year of secret testimony, but
then-DA Alex Hunter refused to go along with them, saying only that the
evidence wasn’t “compelling” enough to win over a jury. Because they were never enforced, a judge
then placed then under seal, where they remained until the Boulder Daily Camera
brought suit 4 years ago, saying they should be a public record. Keep in mind also that it’s unknown as to the
total number of counts against the Ramseys, as these 2 were the only ones named
in the release (of the full 18-page indictment) as counts numbers 4 and 7.
Will we
ever know the totality of what fate befell this little girl? Probably not, but putting all the pieces
together, we’re getting a pretty good picture, and despite what CBS or CNN or
ABC would tell you in their “tell all” blockbuster-of-the-week smokescreen
surprises every few years designed to not “rock the boat” or upset the status
quo, it doesn’t point to brother Burke in the basement with a flashlight, or
any random serial killer that just happened to be in the neighborhood.
that line, let’s never forget the name Nancy Krebs. She was the special witness brought in by
attorney Lee Hill in the midst of the investigation and given SERIOUS credence
by law enforcement in Denver, Boulder, and L.A. until….she wasn’t. Actually she was dropped like a hot potato
when she started….saying things. Things
like she had been part of an inter-generational abuse ring that specialized in
the torture and murder of children according to occult principles. Sound familiar? Things like the families involved were the
Ramseys and the Fleet Whites among others.
Like the farming out and the selling of children for sex among these
rings would take place over long, extended holidays like Christmas, when there
would be time for the bruises to heal before school started again and when
large gatherings of parked cars outside of a residence wouldn’t be thought of
as out of the ordinary. Are the toddler
“beauty pageants” making any more sense now?
Think of them as shopping for little girls among this segment of society
that was “in the know.” Do the huge
amounts of child porn found on the computers of Access Graphics, John’s company,
make any more sense now?
where Krebs’ testimony got really scary was when she said she had firsthand
knowledge of two babies taken by social services in Denver from their lawful
parents and given over to foster parents.
The witness claimed to have been present watching the ritual sacrifice
of both babies, twins, on Halloween, in a sequestered area in the mountains
outside of Boulder, with the Ramsey’s, the Ramsey’s closest, wealthiest friend
and associate (this almost assuredly would’ve been Fleet White), DA Alex
Hunter, Lt. Governor Gail Shoettler, Lou Smith, and several others all very
high up in Colorado politics and linked directly to the Governor’s office, all
being present. Soon after many more
nuggets like this, she was informed in no uncertain terms that she was a nutbag
and that her “help” would no longer be required. Much, much more on the initial Ramsey
situation, that just never seems to go away, here: https://mcmmadnessnews.blogspot.com/2013/12/the-time-of-no-time-evermore.html
The fact
that we can now link, with circumstantial evidence and more, what happened to
JonBenet to what happened at Columbine to the rings in Omaha, Nebraska to the
9/11 op to Jerry Sandusky’s enterprises, and a thousand other triggering
datapoints, should come as no surprise when you finally realize we’re always
dealing with the same circles here. In
many, many cases even the same people.
And like-minded people have like-minded goals.
Those goals have intended consequences. To bring things here. To keep things here. In rituals to summon. To bind.
To alter. In rituals that seek to
change this planet and all of us on it fundamentally. To the twisted, shattered minds carrying these
out, whether they involved harvesting the energy from an innocent child or
splitting time and space on the molecular level doesn’t appear to make a
difference. All is in service-to-self,
and all is in service to ritual.
atomic blast images courtesy of Twin Peaks season 3 and Carnivale season
2. Thanks for their visions.)
We left
the toys out in the yard
I took
my wife and kids and I left my home unguarded
packed what we could into the car
No one
here knows how it started
suddenly everything was just so out of control
Now I
want some answers, mister, I need to know
I hear
all the talk but I don't know what you're saying
But I
think I got a good idea of the game that you're playing
that's the name
that's the game now
I don't believe what they're saying
everybody's playing
I grew
up here on this street
nothing moves, just a strange breeze
In a
town full of worthless memories
a shadow in my backyard
I've got
a house full of things that I can't touch
Well all
those things they won't do me much good now
I was a
fireman out at Riker's, I did my job
I've been cheated, I feel like I've been robbed
I'm the
big expendable, my life's just cancelled null and void
what you gonna do about your new boy
you're playing with my life
with my kids and my wife
every day the stakes get bigger
a different finger on the trigger
Down by
the river that talks
night speaks in searchlights and shortwave radios squawk
Well the
police patrol the streets
But I've
left behind the man I used to be
he believed and all that belonged to me
I tried
to find my way out to somewhere where I thought it'd be safe
stopped me at the roadblock they put up on the interstate
They put
me in detention but I broke loose and then I ran
said they just want to ask me a few questions but I think they had other plans
Now I
don't know who to trust and I don't know what I can believe
They say
they want to help me but with the stuff they keep on saying
I think
those guys just wanna keep on playing
with my life
with my kids and my wife
the bullet's in the chamber
who's the unlucky stranger
surprise, you're dead
the gun's to your head
the bullet's spinning in the chamber
pull the trigger, feel the click
further danger…
Roulette, Springsteen (1979)