Thursday, July 18, 2024



"The wand chooses the wizard, Mr. Potter. It's not always clear why...."

"To change is not necessarily to lose one's identity. To change sometimes is to find it." George Brown Tindall

"Are you such a dreamer, to put the world to rights?/ I'll stay home forever where two and two always makes a five...

It's the devil's way now, there is no way out, you can scream and you can shout/ It is too late now because you have not been paying attention." 

"Don't walk the plank like I did, you will be dispensed with, when you become


For those poor souls left wondering, the Deep State is alive and kicking, and the Supernatural Detective Mystery Serial we're all living is primed for a long, hot summer. Fingerprints are turning up everywhere on last Saturday's crime scene, and are littering the background of the narrative for those paying attention. And that list of the curious is growing exponentially.  

Oh yes, my friends, this was all set to be a fait accompli:

Perhaps an early wedding present from a major family player to a face peeler from way back:

But we know the hangouts and which way the wind is blowing for these participants, don't we?: 

And little Damien Alex has been spittin Rubicon go codes since January at least:

For those that aren't sure what I'm getting at:

Because the Deep State is all about communicating via pattern recognition and highly stylized symbolism -- sigils that lead to conclusions and deals ferreted out in serialized form. And in such they reveal themselves, as well as their motives and agendas. And leading up to and especially since Saturday, this narrative has been in overdrive; as they were hoping for success in the first mortal attempt on a Head of State since Reagan in 1981. 

Already it has been revealed that the (supposed) shooter's ties lead to none other than BlackRock:

All evidence of this ad ever existing have long since been destroyed, Mr. Phelps, but the internet is forever, despite their best laid plans. And the reasons for their hastily initiated burn are legion, and they all lead to the darkest places and possibilities.

We all know BlackRock is both heavily involved and invested in Big Pharma experimentations including neurotech (despite their frantic disclaimers), so the eventuality exists majorly for some kind, any kind, of MKULTRA intervention in the narrative as it unfolded; which we now all know combines drugging and psychopharmaceuticals with all manner of nanotech implementation since 2020 of course -- the more we learn about the clandestine intricacies of the C-19 vaxx the worse it gets. 

All to drive and alter cognitive function and create what the CIA's Jolly West was always looking for: the remote ability to make someone do something counter to their own beliefs and will. A dialup, trigger-ready Manchurian Candidate. West was deep into such research when Reagan was governor of California:

Keep in mind that this era just so happened to coincide with the rise of multiple serial killers such as the Zodiac, Ted Bundy, the Son of Sam, Edmund Kemper, Richard Ramirez the Night Stalker, and concerns such as the Symbionese Liberation Army and Jonestown all erupting at the same time....bringing to light the question of whether or not they all emerged organically, or were ushered in via government experimentation platforms. And also where and how those platforms may have been augmented for today's world.      

It has happened before in this scenario in very recent history, and we had best recognize the signs:

"Another person interviewed said Nancy Lanza told them her son has hacked into a government computer system and federal agents showed up at their home. They said Nancy Lanza believed the agents were from the CIA and FBI and they said if her son was smart enough to hack the computer he could have a job with them someday."

Now for the pattern recognition as it all plays out again:

Interesting that as of now the entire family seem to be ghosts. 4chan had all the info on the family (what there was) well before the media frenzy, and all they managed to dig was that both parents were therapists/psych counselors. But all are curiously non-existent online. Exactly the way cutouts or prefab identities would be if created at higher levels in a black op.

Very interesting and telling that this news was just leaked today. Surely there's no correlation:

I was under the obviously false impression that usually payouts were only delivered when executive actions were successful. Then again, this IS the "everyone gets a medal" era.....


Just coming in, evidence of multiple shooters -- 2:33 here:

And here -- along with a not-so-surprising forecast from Victoria Nuland, who's about as Deep and Dark State as it gets:

The sonic ballistic forensic evidence of multiple shots from individual locations can be seen at the header, and here:

This was also up in the short term immediately after the attempt, but has since been scrubbed:

What about possible involvement of all those other names that were being put out there initially??:




As always, what's the network behind the financing and fallout of all this?? Per the old Watergate mantra -- let's follow the money...and keep in mind that following this trail is like touching plutonium.

Much has emerged in the knowledge base over the last hours about a series of "put options" placed in the hours before what happened last Saturday:

Follow the trail:

And find the names....including BlackRock.

LOTS of names:

Gates goes without saying in the nightmare fuel of today's tapestry, but Buffett has a long history of proximity to chaos and federally licensed horror.

Other names are getting deleted in multiple accounts mysteriously vanishing so here's the visuals: 

LSS, this entity needs to be targeted heavily:

Their "team" page returns only this now:

Last night, there were around two dozen photos and bios on that page. So much for transparency. Loose ends are being trimmed. Expect a few executive "suicides" from this down the line as collateral damage -- likely many on that "team" page from mysterious car crashes, business office high dives, and strange drug cocktail  overdose combinations. 

So the picture grows from no involvement to BlackRock, Vanguard, Bushes, Bakers, Cheneys, Gates, Buffet, Soros, and who knows who else. A plethora of Deep State actors looking to engage a coup against the United States like none seen since 1963; initiating a rolling domino sequence of Chaos to usher fully in a New World Order. Another Bush-coined creation. And those put options?? We have seen every inch of that before involving the same actors:

(They're doing it again because we didn't hang them the last time.) 

Scenarios just like this:

Where's Bond when you need him??   

If indeed Chaos is at the ready and the Death Cult is furiously busy cleaning up loose ends**, look who else happened to die the same day Trump was supposed to:

** as Naomi Wolf is metaphysically calling out on:

Dr. Robert Duncan was an ex-CIA contracted DARPA whistleblower that perhaps may have had too much to say about the possible targeting of some involved in the shooting narrative. At the very least he could have woven the threads together and recognized the hallmarks of an experiment given his insider knowledge; spotting immediately the Trump would-be assassin was precisely the profile that would fit the Targeted Individuals program:


Finally, for those of you eyeing the sacrificial angles of occult ritual, Saturday just happened to be the Cremation of Care held at, where else?? Bohemian Grove:

And also for you stargazers out there, it aligned with the transit of the binary demon star, Algol:

Not that the bloodline Deepest Staters would ever consider such things:

The blinking of a star, the turn of a head.....timing, as they say, is everything.



  1. Gateway Pundit reporting that Trump's death by assassin would have crashed NASDAQ and Dow Jones for at least a week.
    Knowledge of this beforehand?? =
    Profits of 696 Billion to 1 TRILLION.

    1. I wish I had something to add. The two memes I sent you should be enough. ;)

  2. I remember a story going around in 2018 I think during one of the times the government either shut down, or threatened to shut down, and some deal was broken between the not really Federal Reserve and BlackRock, and a bunch of the so called truthers were saying this was all part of Trump's 5D chess game. Anyone recall?

  3. Quality such as it is, this DOES appear to be a flash:

    And now, possibly to diminish results like these, they are starting to drum up a story about encrypted servers overseas, pointing fingers at Iran without a shred of evidence:

    Beware the pointing that keeps you blind.

  4. Water Tower now behind police cordon:

  5. And for the record, God knows I love me some Naomi, but she's dead wrong on Candy O:

    Death is death for no matter who is on the receiving end, and historically accurate is historically accurate.
    If twice as many Germans as Jews were slaughtered, does it make you a racist to report it?? (To say that it should be remembered for the historical record? Isn't not doing so every bit as bad -- as racist, as tyrannical -- as tearing down statues and burning books??)

    But it MIGHT make you one for not getting your facts straight.
    ANY death diminishes us all.

  6. BBC & the major U.S. TV networks were covering the Butler rally live...whereas most previous Trump rallies were not covered live or covered much at all by these organizations Why was this? Wishing some news media whistleblower would step up & reveal what was behind this...maybe that would help crack open the other layers of obfuscation that are in place with the Butler event...

    Water tower shooter images..
    "..the building that provided a ladder to enable Crooks quick & easy access to the roof, is owned by a WEF company...The name of business of this building is American Glass Research... American Glass Research is owned by a shady company called Indicor. Meet Roberto Quarta. He’s the chairman of the private equity group that owns Indicor. He is also a confidant of Klaus Schwab & a senior WEF member & his profile is listed on the WEF website...the rally was also attended by the BBC... & they immediately sprang into action, muddying the waters & spreading disinformation about what really happened on the ground. Just like they did on 9/11 ...It’s almost as though the same actors have information about government inside jobs before they happen."

    "They kept the rooftop open, watched the shooter, kept Trump on the stage, & didn’t do a damn thing until after he had been shot. And we’re supposed to believe it was an innocent oopsie?...They deliberate-ly starved Trump’s security team of the resources it needed. & they did it repeatedly, over many weeks & months...With Trump’s security detail understaffed, under-resourced, & stretched to its limits, Biden’s security regime report-edly diverted even more resources to a hastily planned Jill Biden event that just happened to be in the area. Biden’s security regime then ordered the most obvious assassination perch in the entire area to remain outside the main security perimeter. Furthermore, Biden’s Secret Service director ordered law enforcement & counter-snipers OFF the roof the assassin used."...

    "...On January 22, 2017, Madhav Nalapat published an article in the Sunday Guardian-India entitled, “Shadow Men Work to Remove President Trump.”..Among Nalapat’s disclosures was the existence of a 1,000-day plan for Trump’s removal. ...that centered on Trump’s removal via impeachment on what would be essentially bogus charges...Given the pervasive influence of businesses dependent on China & the Middle East in D.C., a key objective of the Shadow Men is to ensure that the Enemy Number 1 slot remains with Moscow & its allies such as Iran & not migrate to Beijing or to Saudi Arabia...& to ensure that the interests of Wall Street & the Atlantic Alliance continue to be given primacy in US policy. The worry of the Shadow Men is that a US President who has yet to be house trained by the bureaucracy..& who has over 3 decades developed strong & consistent views on geopolitics & on economics...may succeed in shifting US policy away from the Wall Street-Atlanticist embrace that has been the norm since the 1980s."

  10. Well THIS is the gangsta I didn't know I needed:

    Holy crap.

  11. JB pitching in on the James Baker train!!:

  12. On odysee there is a guy named Tim Truth and he makes a compelling case that its all theater because the blood from Trumps ear only drain a little,down his face, it should be Cushing. But more importantly why doesn't his hand have any blood on it, after all he crashed his ear. And also he talking and pointing to the right, as if to say "look over there" as a distraction from what was headed his way. A magician, so both sides are in on it at the top layers of power, the rest just pawns. And I wanna know why the crowd behind him run or duck for cover, good actors. Layer upon layer of deception. Provide lots of deception and Entertainment.

    1. OK Joy Reid. Riiiiiiiight.
      The DNA backpedaling on this whole thing is pathetic.

      Also -- just a tip -- learn to spell, plus tense, plus syntax before coming here again.

    2. I suppose you think Corey Comperatore faked his own death by phantom psyop bullets too.

    "The July 13 rally was considered to be a ‘loose’ security event,” Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., wrote in a Friday letter to Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. “[A]llegations suggest the majority of DHS officials were not in fact USSS [Secret Service] agents but instead drawn from the department’s Homeland Security Investigations (HSI)...Security was a “stunning failure” at Trump’s Butler rally, Hawley wrote. Citing whistleblower allegations, he said agents did not use K-9 detection, did not maintain proper security near the podium or rally perimeter, & allowed unauthorized people into “backstage areas.” Allegations claimed the HSI agents staffing the rally were “unfamiliar with standard protocols typically used,”...DHS assigned unprepared & inexperienced personnel,” Hawley posted on X. "

  14. Wordman:

    1. HAHA I just put that above late last night when I first stumbled onto it.......
      Trump's REALLY into sending messages.
      And this one was hardcore.
      And those meant to receive it aren't THAT brain dead either --
      they know what's comin and aren't sleeping too well.

      Makes you really wanna rethink validity of the entire 'Q' thang too......

    "..Austin Private Wealth...included as a senior policy director former Secretary of State James A. Baker, a close friend & confidante of the Bush family who also served as chief of staff to George H.W. Bush, Treasury secretary under Ronald Reagan, & chief legal adviser to Dubya during the 2000 electiIt may have been Baker’s foreign policy that helped inspire the “new world order”—which Bush 41 wove into a notorious speech...& it may have been Baker who inspired the likes of George Soros to begin leveraging his immense financial resources to elect secretaries of state, D.A.s & other state- & local-level officials who could selectively interpret & enforce the laws at their discretion...we have Baker to thank, indirectly, at least, for the current lawfare state... the Bush & Soros clans—which may at one point have been rivals jockeying for power & influence in their global playground—found a mutual adversary in the isolationist policies of the Trump administration. Now, it seems, these strange bedfellows may be working toward the same dark purposes."

    1. Certainly doesn't take a rocket scientists, BB, to see the planning behind all this and who's doing well as their sordid histories.
      Preying on humanity, that Crowley bloodline -- the Crowley numbers embedded in the 9/11 ritual, Epstein's involvement dating back to Iran-Contra at least, the presence of Aquino in that, and numerous pedo ops: McMartin, West Point, Presidio, etc.
      The Franklin affair spreading from Omaha to DC, Dutroux, those bleeding into the Finders, Sandusky, Savile, Epstein -- the list goes on and on as does the horrors perpetrated on the youngest, and us.
      We are all dispensable, "hackable" animals now. What once was a booming closet industry and blown up worldwide, and is expanding on an exponential basis. We are viewed as fodder to be experimented upon = chemtrails, morgellons, AIDS, GWI, GMOs, 5G, HAARP, targeted individuals, the vaxx, synthetic biology, nanotechnology -- where does it all end??

  16. IN RELATED NEWS, given today's global Crowdstrike IT shutdowns:

    Certainly makes sense given the timing right on top of Saturday....
    just more testing of the weak points.....

  17. This vid starts with a discussion on why
    Trump assassination attempt may have been a design to initiate a war on Iran.

    1. Missy!!
      I heard early on in the discussion on Fox about the shooter's alleged 3 burner accounts overseas they were trying to link to Iran!!
      So ridiculous!!

      It would be so cool if American politicians could commit to not dropping bombs overseas for like 5 whole minutes. LOL.

      VANCE too. He's more Deep State bad news. More on that right here upcoming as I vet the links.....

    Senator Hawley on his visit to Butler, PA site: "When I went to the site, the FBI has got more security on that site now than they did the night that Trump was shot at. A little late. I mean, the FBI, totally late. They’re trying to control the information... they tried to kick me off of the site. They said, ‘Get out of here. You shouldn’t be on the site. We don’t want you here. Get out of here.’ They are trying to control the information. Absolutely.... I had permission from the local security operator to be there,..."

    1. The more security on scene AFTER to purge/control info is ALWAYS a telltale sign of executive action....
      remember locking down Parkland, the autopsy, trashing and completely refurb-ing the vehicle JFK was riding in bef doing forensics, etc etc....

    2. Also very much the treating of entire 9/11 site as NOT being a crime scene = shipping all the metal and stone left overseas bef analysis to foreign countries.

  19. Don’t Believe the Lies — Trump’s Assassin Is Not Dead

    1. OMS!!
      That's an EXCELLENT substack posting!! Really dig your output.
      Had trouble connecting to it from your link tho -- here's an alternate for everybody that couldn't get thru like me:

      And here's your Reflection Of Life again for good measure:

      Superb work my friend. Now with today's Biden's stepping away -- that we ALL saw coming with last week's "i'm gonna defer to what the doctors say" followed in hours by yet ANOTHER covid diagnosis -- (those vaxxes you threatened us all with doing their jobs, right??) can only wonder who's next in line to be publicly humiliated??
      Cameltoes, Big Mike, Hill the Kill had enough yet?? Hahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!

      If/When Trump gets back in will it spell doom for the likes of the CIA, FBI, DOJ, etc???
      Not if his choice of Vance is an indicator, but more on that to come......(Outlook not so good as Magic 8 Ball would say.)
