Thursday, February 27, 2025


"My oh my, you sure know how to arrange things

You set it up so well, so carefully
Ain't it funny how your new life didn't change things
You're still the same old girl you used to be."

"Don't fret precious I'm here
Step away from the window, step away from the window
And go back to sleep...
Safe from pain, and truth, and choice
And other poison devils
See they don't give a fuck about you
Like I do
Counting bodies like sheep to the rhythm of the war drums
Go to sleep go to sleep go to sleep!!"

"If there is an underlying oneness of all things, it does not matter where we begin; whether with stars, or laws of supply and demand, or frogs, or Napoleon Bonaparte. One measures a circle beginning anywhere."   Charles Fort

"I don't believe you wanted to stop it and you couldn' have taken that away from me. You did this to me. Whatever is happening to me, I'm going to fight it. I swear, you are not going to do this to me." Invasion (2005) Season 1 ep 11 Us or Them    

"All we have is here and now, tomorrow not come true
There's a million people who walk this ground might steal your wish from you
A million people,
Maybe not,
 a human one at all
There's just one way that we can stand,
Too many ways to fall..."

"Well here it comes again another Saturday night, pour another drink I hope I make it home alright
Oh boy oh boy gotta keep a headin for the State Line makin time gotta meet a friend of mine
Old Ford runs fine I gotta say, got a new set of plugs I wish the rain would go away
A hundred UFOs by the Holiday Inn
I should really go to sleep but baby here I go again....."

"This is not a new world; it is simply an extension of what began in the old one. It has patterned itself after every dictator who has ever planted the ripping imprint of a boot on the pages of history since the beginning of time. It has refinements...technological advances...and a more sophisticated approach to the destruction of human freedom. But like every one of the superstates that preceded it -- it has one iron rule: Logic is an enemy and Truth is a menace."  
   Rod Serling

"Our job is to find the dots, connect the dots, then understand the dots. The dots are out there in the bits and pieces of information of thousands of signs and symbols that we can pull out of raw data. A man waiting for a bus in Caracas; a woman buying vegetables in an Algerian market; teenagers fornicating in a Liverpool basement. What's the connection? What's the narrative?" 
RUBICON, episode 5, Connect The Dots (2010)

All recent indicators are trending into the reddest of danger zones, and the conclusion is, that while an entire category of waste, ruin and perversion is being offloaded to the trash heap of history and downlinked into oblivion, another parallel port monstrosity is being constructed in its wake, and it's up to we the people to keep the sharpest of eyes on this in hopes of curtailing yet another massive abuse of power and ultimate control; this time under the auspices of "setting things right." God have mercy on the man who gets what he wants, because the gift of a Trojan Horse isn't anything any more wonderful than it is new. Once again, we need to closely examine history to keep from repeating the same mistakes.

And if you think this post may be slightly schizophrenic in tone, strap in, you have no idea. I'm as confused and spinning as the rest of you. But I remain wedded to calling out those vague shapes that appear to be congealing out of the fog -- in the aftermath of the Psychic Wars; when moments of late-stage victory may serve to hide...other things.  

Recent events pouring in from just about every edge of the psychosphere have me convinced that the above is ongoing. The geopolitical winds are fairly humming and alive with clues.

Nothing ever really goes away. The intent just gets re-branded and sold as the best thing yet. But the dark ideological undercurrents remain stage left out of the footlights, and suddenly the vampyric pantheon is back in action.   


Texas, you will remember, has long been a historical hub for....those other things again. Stranger things, if you will:

Remember that the recent Texas AI Supercenter news comes in straight alignment with Trump's AI-Stargate-mRNA vaxx program launch.

And the CERN TX Supercollider proposed launch back in the Bush days was spearheaded by Roy Schwitters of the JASON Defense Advisory Group. The JDAG was part of the cast and crew of MITRE, the telling association ramifications of which we have examined before:

Alarmingly pertinent from the US Naval Institute June 2021:

What if that existing substructure intended for CERN, now with the rise and advent of AI, has morphed into something else entirely? Something not entirely unrelated per se, but an augment of indescribable scope and power, with the ability to not just take over our streets, but our heads, memories, and souls as well?? 

And that soul angle bleeds into other things: 

Now think of that above paper in the context of the C-19 vaxx using self-assembling/disassembling nanotech (of unknown provenance) to alter human genomic DNA structure to such an extent that human personalities, cognition, and memory is being modified and distorted.  

Now think of all the above in relation to these quotes from Tom Delonge: 

"These things have been seen thruout history, would land, would perform miracles, which in turn created religions. The phenomenon kept doing this in different places, and every time a different religion would be created. And what happened after that? We started killing each other. No one stopped to talk about what they saw and put it all together. 

First, it creates religious experiences, and then, once it has us believing different things, once it has us polarized, that's when the crashes start happening. And new war technology gets discovered.

The DNA molecule shoots information into the source. It's very rare for that job. There is something about the genome that is desired by other lifeforms that don't have that power and that connection. How does a non-physical entity create a physical object like a flying saucer? Using nano-fabrication, atomic layer by atomic layer, with durable nano-texturing and quantum entanglement properties, powered by the polarized vacuum."       (Jimmy Church radio show Fade To Black, Aug 30, 2016)

This nano-fabrication and atomic layer construction sounds suspiciously like previously unknown artifacts that are popping up suddenly in the blood of lots of people:'Obelisks',%20as%20preprint%20co,folded%20into%20rod-like%20structures.

Possibly "unnoticed" because foreign DNA wasn't placed in people's bodies before 2021? 

Call me crazy....the Vaxx just so happens to initiate DNA changes which generate "excess RNA chains" and suddenly there's a new "lifeform." 

That threshold to the transhuman, after all, will not be bridged in a single step:

This is a design, by design.

Are these 'obelisks' an offshoot of Craig Venter's (of the Human Genome Project) synthetic biology -- introduced via vaccine?:

*Note that after a few appearances like the above, Delonge was approached by multiple high-level 3-letter agencies and contractors and threatened to "shut up, or else..."*     

Perhaps they were scared of pattern recognition in 2016.         

The aforementioned JASON group was due for excision, but, as always, things didn't quite work out that way:

And now you know why I label it a vampyric pantheon -- it has more lives than Bast and the nocturnal tendencies and hard-to-kill signature of the hardiest bloodsucker. 

And so it the modeling moves from CERN to AI (just across the transdimensional street from each other after all) and all things portal-related and extradimensional. The song remains the same as we fling open the doors to see what comes thru...

Like the blind seers groping the elephant, many of us recognize this but call it by different names -- Polly another "Counterculture Revolution" underwritten  strictly by US Military Intelligence:

(Once again, in all this, don't get me wrong....I like and marvel at Kash Patel and what he appears to be attempting to do. My love for Naomi Wolf, her writings, and her new ideology is boundless, but why IS she being propped up/helped along by a network of shady alterna-pharma go-to's along with LOTS of other folks I hold in the highest regard like Karen Kingston, Maria Zeee, Candace Owens and the Redacted crew, among many others?? This is likely all innocent associations with zero mal intent, but don't we deserve to retain the right to ask these questions -- to at LEAST shine some probing light so those very people we harbor suspicions of can maybe  check it out for themselves?? 

All I know is that when asking innocent questions gets responses and threats like those seen at the 29:30 mark of the last matter WHAT side you are have officially become the ENEMY.) And that makes me wanna look harder.  

Sound familiar?? The late Dave McGowan might concur: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/,%20Nick%20Bryant%20-%20Weird%20Scenes%20Inside%20the%20Canyon%20-%20Laurel%20Canyon,%20Covert%20Ops%20&%20the%20Dark%20Heart%20of%20the%20Hippie%20Dream.pdf

Whitney Webb, the ubiquitous, has her own take:

As well as the receipts:

I actually vibe with Whitney's solution as she maintains that it is US. Wrest the power from the Federal level and place it squarely more upon and within the individual STATES, as the framers of the Constitution (you remember that dontcha??) originally intended. 

The brilliant Dr. Jack Kruse may have actually spearheaded these notions here, with an assist from Dr. Mary Talley Bowden:

And finally, none other than the erudite Naomi Wolf may provide the clearest warning bell thru the massing fog of all:

Finally, just to confuse this Civil War even more, here's Naomi interviewing the always sharp-as-a-tack Catherine Austin Fitts:

As you can see, warning buoys are going off all over in advance of the approaching Storm Front. Are we going to be willing to listen in hopes of not being surprised at the 11th hour, or will we be unprepared again in the path of an oncoming avalanche of digital and artificial powershifts and "future shock" waves: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/


It is, after all, not a new message, this pervasive substructure that is being assembled all around us. It was being heralded when I was in my teens. Now all those prophecies are coming due in the coming true. And it must be said that even if Musk, Trump and Co have only the best and most noble of intentions, they are constructing a system and an underpinning that can be taken advantage of by anyone in the future with more sinister plans...why make it easier for them in whatever dreams of conquest and tyrannical onslaught?? None of this makes any sense; unless it does.

ALL of this above being said, I understand fully that we are picking our poison here; keeping the filthy status quo going with Deep State corruption or dismantling it completely with the risk of a large tech-AI influence, which MAY turn out to be horrible in the long run....personally I choose the dismantling every time. 

Zero doubts. While ALSO keeping our eyes peeled for the next crisis which may happen. I contend that we are extremely able to pull off both of these contradictory thoughtforms at the same time -- or as Dwight famously put it, "one crisis at a time...":


Another good example...again, with in all likelihood the best of intentions, a dangerous precedent is being set; things are being set up and put into place a less scrupulous and more sinister administration could fully run with:


"I know it sounds so strange. Why do you think I want to whiteboard the entire thing thru movies, books, documentaries, TV shows? Because it's difficult for people to understand in one conversation. It sounds like stupid magic, hokey-pokey stuff." (Tom Delonge)  

Meanwhile, and perhaps related, there's an undercurrent of something else going on:

Which likely represents an entirely new branch of, and level to, the assault on humanity. And with lynchpins like the exploding popularity of Ben Stiller's masterpiece dreamwork Severance, it is entering the modern lexicon and social construct:

With the accent distinctly on BIOTECH:

Interesting, is it not, the ideas that are being advanced via the Entertainment arm of the complex? Expanded ruminations on that to follow...


Of course this is merely building upon intrusive concepts explored previously in series like Dollhouse, Homecoming, Dark Angel and in various aspects of Marvel's Agents Of SHIELD

Severance has taken these ideas and piggybacked upon them apocalyptically, infusing the narrative with triggers like names of characters and programs being anagrams for AI GENERATED and ROBOT:

The clue of a subprogram being named CHICXULUB, and where that may lead regarding transhumanism and the overall plan for an extinction level event (ELE) targeting humanity:

This goes right up to and includes the possibility of transferring souls and/or resurrecting the dead

Both concepts which have taken center stage as controls of spin and leverage in the spirituality sweepstakes of late, covering everything from NHI implications to mass vaxxident connotations and every shade of anti-christic covering all the dark spaces in between. All this and an Edmund Fitzgerald reference thrown down also??:

You got it Toyota -- and even I had never heard that not ONE of the 29 bodies were ever recovered or even seen again post mortem, which is exceedingly weird. I know Lake Superior is vast, but to locate the wreckage and not have even one body tangled up in it at the bottom is just.....strange. Beyond strange actually...Implications abound that shoot all over the place. That Gordon sung the actual truth ("The lake it is said never gives up her dead...") and wasn't just speaking metaphorically only adds to the eeriness all these years later, and makes it strike a different gravitic tone than it did in 1976: 


All of the 1970s, in Charlie's words, truly left something witchy...

Something that seems to have more than survived occultically, alchemically, symbolically: 

And yes, your eyes aren't deceiving you -- one of the lead actresses in Dollhouse also is a main character in Severance; which could either point to an inside joke or a possible shared universe...ironic, is it not?? All of the above leaning heavily into the prospect we may have just entered an entirely new level of Mass Predictive Programming and Revelation of the Method.

There even appear to be ominous parallels to Mary Shelley's Frankenstein 

And just in case you thought that despite this blog's reporting of things like the Soul Catcher chip:

and Digital Angel: 

and the mysterious Neurocore

previously infer that massive infodrops like Severance fall more on the side of the science than the fiction, remember again there is this also recently:

That Brave New World (Order)? She's pulling out of the station already, and it's nighttime in the switching yard all over again...

All of the above has ridiculously far-reaching implications vis a vis the AI mind control connection to nanotech embedded within the C-19 jabs, the turnaround towards worldwide synbio, and the tangential proximity of both to the paranormal realms and the weaponization of such by black federal entities hidden behind cutouts. (If any of the above happens to disappear behind paywalls it has been duly, securely archived and will be disseminated here at a future time.)

Because Trump and Co may have done this today:

But that horse has, unfortunately, left the barn a while ago. At Warp Speed, if you will. And after all, let's see where this goes; Jack Kruse may prove correct in his skepticism...

And yes, Trump is FINALLY mentioning the spraying:

But this is very likely because people such as RFK Jr and Del Bigtree have his ear now. If he had cared to investigate he could have made this public and taken action eight years ago. And this has been an ongoing program, remember, since circa the last quarter of 1998. 

This is all about changing the human terrain. With augments by something that, by definition now, was always a military bioweapon

A bioweapon that is now raining havoc on the unintended (?) consequences front:

Kevin McKernan to date has the only episode of the Danny Jones podcast that was specifically REMOVED from Youtube:

And considering the explosive nature of many of Jones' guests, you might wanna start asking yourself why...

And all this playing out amidst a backdrop where Bill Gates (microsoft) is now looking to expand parameters and play god in the quantum realms:

As above, so below:

Remember, those quantum dots, they are in you now -- we KNOW this:

But I don't highlight things like that anymore without letting you know there ARE workarounds: 

NATTOKINASE is the most overlooked supplement on earth. It reduces blood pressure, optimizes lipid profiles, dissolves blood clots. Some folks have been known to take it to negate the effects and recover from certain "jabs."

The more you know...

Layers upon layers like an iceberg or the Seven Levels of Hell unfolding in venturing down, daily, the more we learn, the grislier it gets. Without knowledge, what forgiveness, indeed. This light of awakening is spawning tons of revenge porn. Previously squelched alternavoices are emerging in force, the gloves are off,  and the unveiling is now a firehose:

And how crazily on target is Dave Smith?? Now installed are people who have been railing at and against all these things for years -- the ball is in their court now for summary action. They infected your DNA. On purpose. Is this lip service, or something that is actually going to get done? Will there be true justice, or biz as usual?   

There's more DNA contamination and cancer, see McKernan above, which is now suddenly transmissible:

And pardon me Polly, Whit, and Naomi for still using possibly dubious sources because yes, I AM able to hold 2 contradictory thoughts in my head at the same time and don't believe we should be throwing so many babies out with the bathwater just yet...

STILL, in overall effect I massively agree with all of you. And Steve Bannon. And Jack Kruse and Johnny Vedmore; Dr. Mary Talley Bowden -- everyone that senses something isn't laying quite right. I want to stay an outsider. And calling these people out when we see something should, hopefully, make it far easier for them to do the right thing. But then again I never did ever want to be a member of any club that would have me.     


Yes, when I say something is coming, I mean something more than just an ideological parallel port system of governance and possible future-think control; I mean something aligning and crossing the spiritual with the physical, heralding a brand new alchemical paradigm:


That's right, according to YALE, there IS no "long covid." Just vaxx injuries:

"Altering human biology to create long-term spike protein production which increases over time."

Read that again. This is purposefully manipulated morphology of the human organism towards long-term goals that, to this date, remain murky at best. Population reduction, in the end, may be the least of our worries.  

And the groundwork for such physical terrain mass alterations was laid with pretzel logic gymnastics and the very definition of mind control deception, heavily underwritten:

There's proof of something we all knew but couldn't put a trace to until Trump and Musk began delving into the USAID black money -- it's important to cite when they do things right even when there may be internal factions working against us in the long run. 

Again and to reiterate, these are Military-grade Bioweapons, ordered by governments to use against their populations:

READ THAT AGAIN: A "biowarfare-enabling agent" in 2005 got rebranded as a public health cure. Make it make sense. 

Just declare open season on ALL these entities already. Declare them terrorist orgs and give citizens the authority to seek them out and use deadly force on them and anyone associated with them via executive action. All forms of tyranny would be afraid to show their face for the next 500 years. There's your problem-reaction-solution. State-level, across the board, vigilantism. An idea whose time has come. Again. Another Age of Enlightenment leading to another long-overdue Revolution. Who and where is the next Voltaire? Rousseau? Montesquieu?    


I could go on and on with the amount of weird headlines falling down like hail over just the past week, but all of this has merely been prologue, and from this point on in this post I urge you to pay strict attention -- because here's where it starts to get strange....

We all know that we are swimming in the midst of dark tidal forces not of our own making that churn and flow together in a decidedly, especially of late, other-worldly mix. Amidst everything, there is an overriding causality that appears to be of non-human origin at the controls. No matter where you look, there is no escaping this overwhelming fact that grows more insistent daily.

Much like time, you can begin drawing that Fortean flat circle anywhere, so let's just begin here, and see where the journey takes us. Fair warning -- I have no idea where any of this is going. Right now this is just a process of throwing out puzzle piece after puzzle piece, and seeing what kind of shape may emerge.

I can only say that lots of things, far too many things, lead back to Epstein. Which in turn leads to biotech experiments, DNA research, AI, and you can guess the rest...

This is going dark. And where the psychosphere starts really humming.

Thanks to readers Sagar and JB in OUR network for alerting me to some dangerous rabbit holes that I've been able to flush out and expand upon -- flashlights out and thinking caps on, it gets even darker and weirder from here... Yes, we DO have a network now...

The level of open-source intelligence today available to the average person is unprecedented. Someone with curiosity, critical thinking, pattern recognition and persistence can piece together real-world scenarios that, not long ago, were strictly the domain of intelligence agencies. Unintended side effect of the COVID lockdowns: former normies sitting at home had the time & curiosity to become weaponized autists, probing and researching like mad to their hearts' content, dismantling the Deep State brick by brick. Previous "conspiracy theories" got leveled.  

First, take note of CAF mentioning the Epstein Network here, and the context, at 44:04:

Yes, my friends, we have fallen down straight into the domain of the INTERNET OF BIO-NANO THINGS.

Btw, for all things Epstein Network, I cannot recommend highly enough this series. On a stormy night. Under the covers. With the lights off:

Because ultimately and philosophically, what are we talkin bout here Willis?? Is this Trump Administration going to be the rebel music/3 o'clock roadblock to all of this and more, or is too much black money far too frontloaded now to be able to stop the nighttrain?? In other words, even if he WANTS to, will he be ABLE to stop it?? THIS is the question. 

Much as was brilliantly expressed in existential terms in Oliver Stone's 1995 NIXON, this is, in its entirety, like a wild animal now; rampaging, and on the loose. Stone placed his finger squarely upon an essential, existential, occult truth: the System will always, always preserve itself. Danny Casolaro calling it the Octopus and getting murdered for it, or a young college girl in 1973 calling it The Beast -- it's all the same:

NIXON -- perhaps unparalleled in Stone's canon, in many ways going dark places even JFK did not -- contains many such starkly chilling moments:

Moments like those 2 crafted out of the darkest obsidian by Stone cut to the very heart of what we're talking about here. What we've always been talking about.

I fear that what, ultimately, we are addressing, and what we are all entrapped by, is a progression that deals heavily with blood and genetics. Blood and genetics, after all, aren't just touchstones to the ways of the weapons wielded against us (the fallen vaxx technology), but also clues leading directly to our oppressors (the worldly cults and bloodlines that have ruled over us for centuries.) This is a psychological two-fer, dual-use parlay which the Elites, the Cult, (read satanic status quo) specialize in and love to employ. 

Dual-use, after all, is one of their favored templates cutting across multiple disciplines. (Remember the above "biowarfare-enabling agent" magically turning into a cure-all vaccine!!) It also leaves them a get-out-of-jail card which can be inserted into the narrative at any time and works like plausible deniability: "we didn't mean for all those horrible things to happen, it's just that it could go either way. Unintended consequences ya know!!" Which is only another way the devil defines collateral damage. When in reality that was his intention all along. (See every word uttered by Fauci, Birx, Bourla, Wolensky, Gates, and every other public big pharma covid mouthpiece since this all began...):



Some artists express this metaphorically in breadcrumbs left along the way, or according to universal cosmic law, they always have to let us know what they're going to do to us before they do it:

You will notice that those 2 films, from the same director, were 2018 and 2019 hindsight, these were far more than just films or pedestrian entertainment. They were entertrainment; mass rituals which sought to draw everyone viewing them into taking part in the inner circle, expanded outward as far as possible onto a world stage. The occult fashioned into a working technology of mass-marketed light and sound. They were openers-of-the-way; place-setters --  they set the stage for what would be unveiled globally in 2020.

What is said at the very end of Hereditary: "Bind all men to our will." 

Waxing hyperbolic, am I? Insert unprecedented horror show:

Also, extremely interesting side-note of connective tissue: in Hereditary, the entire process of what happens (demonic infestation of a bloodline family leading to the manifestation of a demon on earth) is set into motion by, of all things, a nut allergy. The young girl daughter eats a piece of cake at a party unattended, goes into anaphylactic shock, must be driven for help at unsafe speeds on dark roads, and nightmarish things ensue, all according to occult planning...

Funny thing about those nut allergies -- only one thing causes them: 

The proliferation of childhood vaccines. Adjuvant 65 to be precise. Scientific classification for peanut oil. Which, when mixed with aluminum stearate and other goodies, makes you highly allergic. Beginning in the 1970s, "adjuvant 65" became common in vaccines of all types. Vaxxes that children are now mandated to receive TWENTY SEVEN of in the first 12 months of life:

Demonic mirror.

Unless you think it's now normal for a childhood staple in lunchboxes when I was growing up (PB&J sandwiches) suddenly turned into yummy killing machines for no reason.

There's always a reason. And isn't it interesting how an occult trigger should tie back in to Big Pharma? An inside joke, wink wink, or Revelation of the Method per instructions? "We always told you what we were doing. When you never objected, that gave us your approval."

Of course all the earmarks of an occult ritual (pertaining particularly to the atmosphere around the vaxx) have always been all around us percolating --Pfizer hands out award plaques for pharmacies giving out a million scrips, included in that of course is the jab:

That the strikingly Egyptian Eye of Horus should make a cameo shouldn't strike anyone as anything but biz as usual in this section of the library:

As for Midsommar, as has been reiterated before by those far more poetic than I, it was nothing less than the unveiling of the next phase of the Control System where everything Old (gods) is New (gods) again:

Principles and beliefs that symbolically fit in lockstep spiritually with orgs like the WEF and the WHO.

But let's update; how is all this manifesting now?? 

Dateline: We live in a twilight world now where unidentified phenomena are observable. Previously nutter concepts such as ghosts, cryptids, UFOs, turns out leave measurable physical traces on advanced scientific equipment. In some instances such as the Hitchhiker Effect and Havana Syndrome, these effects, most often electromagnetic in nature, cause immeasurable harm to the human biome and physiology:

Dateline: The Spiritual components of all this interconnecting with effects on the mind, much as in the above, are magnified in recent disclosures where individuals have made comments on how black programs target the young with trauma to possibly induce more receptive states for these phenomena to manifest; one military insider Marine whistleblower witnessed in Indonesia UFO-type craft involved in black op human (child) trafficking operations -- those targeted had these "special abilities":

AARO, the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office, working with the US Office of the Sec of Defense, has confirmed Herrera's testimony. The trauma targeting goes all the way back to at least the Nazis; who we imported here with Project Paperclip.

For years, Dave Paulides of Missing 411 fame, has charted how the numbers of missing in US National Parks skew wildly towards those either with genius IQ or learning disabilities on the autism spectrum. The parameters of the mind are involved here.

Given all of the above plus his esoteric interests, not to mention proclivities, tell me again you know everything about what Jeffrey Epstein was up to. Or the vehicles/platforms he was employing to resolve what his goals were.

You only think you know. Because the Zorro Ranch never gives up its secrets willingly...



"It's animal, livin in the human zoo

Animal, the shit that they toss to you

Feelin like a Christian, locked in a cage

Thrown to the lions, on the second page..."

Perhaps pertaining majorly to what I'm about to tell you, even now records that were supposedly on the desk of Pam Bondi awaiting public dissemination are being reported by other sources as being deleted. Right now. In real time:

First of all thanks to Nick Bryant and GAWKER (one of whom got marginalized and the other wiped from the face of the earth), we already have Epstein's unredacted little black book -- so name-wise, what else juicy is there?? (We can already assume every shred of tape/VCR/CD evidence has been burned by the FBI):

And the flight logs:

That being said, I have so so so many questions: if the Epstein lists were all on Bondi's desk awaiting release approval (whatever that is -- sounds like something involving cases of black sharpies incoming) then are those sacrosanct/hands off/untouchable from further FBI meddling?? If Patel and Bongino are in charge with all their people in place now, what's the excuse this time?? Is one of THEIRS doing this rampant deleting?? If so, on whose instructions? Are there double (triple?) agents/moles in play here -- if so -- who are they taking orders from??

And finally...

If it's not the lists, then what information IS being deleted??  

And here's where I think I have a lead...

Because all of this deletion business only broke AFTER this story came out just hours before from across the pond:

Which I'm thinking initiated Panic Mode.

Because the powers-that-be absolutely, positively cannot let anything like this get out. Because it leads irrevocably straight into the heart of what Epstein may have been really up to, which might cause far too much dot connecting to go all willy nilly: Biotech experimentation. 

Fringe DNA research. 

Dark possibilities, given his affiliation and associations with everything and everyone scientific fringe vaccine technology, with what got implemented post-2020. For more plus ultra confirms on that, see invaluable Polly again:

What were we saying earlier above about blood and genetics??:

And the Zorro story -- so mysterious -- now continues to branch out even given what small amount of info we have:

More on this latest victim (her presence on X has been summarily scrubbed) coming forward and the Epstein mindset, fairly dripping with the occult, the transhuman, and the psychopathic:

And this just in on 2-26-25 release to Rep. Luna asking what the hell is going on makes it official: the big stall is ON

And that's not the only Trump EO that's being openly defied:

The CDC is now in open talks with the WHO -- banned in that EO due to the US withdrawal from the globalist transhuman (see above) snakepit. But the CDC has been into murky waters for some time now:

And they're getting murkier -- watch closely:

Meanwhile back on the Ranch, the new owners are San Rafael LLC:  

About which there is a lotta talkin loud and sayin nothin as James Brown used to shout:

All of which sounds like the standard template intelligence cutout used as cover for other activities, especially after 1998 and 1999 when it passed from private hands into global and Federal concerns, which are quite often merely cutouts themselves for other vested interests intent on staying in the shadows.

All of which is to say the disposition of what Epstein was doing there to people like Juliette Bryant, and whether or not such activities still continue under other hands and watchful eyes, remains unknown....which is absolutely, precisely, what is intended.

More breaking news that Bondi just issued -- expect Epstein info dropping tomorrow, which would be 2-27...even though I'm still hearing ominous disclaimers like "think," "some," and "hopefully.":

UPDATE 2-27-25: Oh yeah, complete with staged photo op & mugging, carefully chosen right-wing grifters -- can't you just release EVERYTHING -- to the world -- with some modicum of gravity and let the chips fall? Nope. 

Even "Phase 1" yet. WHY doesn't the entire world get the story at once??:

Turning something deadly serious into a game show is not a good look on reading the room. 

There is something really REALLY wrong here....

And Bondi is neither convinced or having it either:

FBI actively destroying audio/vid recordings from the Island right now....Bondi says she WILL HAVE from Patel everything pertinent on her desk by 8am tomorrow morning of the 28th -- so what might happen before then??:

Much more behind the scenes here:

Including the SDNY (Southern District of New York) withholding evidence...

To be sure, this is and we are no doubt dealing with a MOSSAD operation drawing the blinds down, which deals with persons of extreme interest like Benjamin Chertoff:

Who was and is in the thick of things not only 9/11 related, but also dealing with the full agenda and machinations behind the covid rollout and subsequent vaxx as well...which just goes to show you not only what all of this may be about, but the extent to which the panic is deep-seated and paralyzing...leading straight into the heart of the 2 major Control System Deep State operations occurring in our lifetime. 

Epstein himself dates back to at least the Iran-Contra backdoor funding and blackmail era:

Which will lead you into other areas like BCCI:

And this one, which shall remain forever unmentioned if I know what's good for me:    

(So what was in these "binder" props?? I'm hearing nothing more than the already publicly available Gawker black book and flight logs info cited above that's been out there for years. What is going on?) Even this is ridiculously redacted:

Looking at that image (and pertaining to all of the above info) is that someone trying to leave a shadow clue playing follow the psychic trigger breadcrumbs leading us to the perp's modus operandi shared universe doorstep, or am I remembering too much Columbo?? Did Rubicon leave too much of a spygame symbolism go-code impression on me?? They hide in plain sight

Haha. Surely they wouldn't...


But let's not adjourn the Treehouse of Terror without some good Bat Signal news just in -- our very own Batman has struck his first blow:

"Pause" is not "Stop," but, baby steps, my friends. Baby steps.

It's morning after a long night in Gotham, and hope springs eternal. 

Just mind the rug pulls awaiting you in and around Operation Z for Zorro.