“The future will
be about finding a way to reduce the population. We start with the old, because
as soon as they exceed 60-65 years, people live longer than they produce and
that costs society dearly. Then the weak, then the useless that do not help
society because there will always be more of them, and above all, ultimately,
the stupid. Euthanasia targeting these groups; Euthanasia will have to be an
essential tool in our future societies, in all cases. Of course we will not be
able to execute people or build camps. We get rid of them by making them
believe that it is for their own good. Overpopulation, and mostly useless, is
something that is too costly economically. Socially, too, it is much better
when the human machine comes to an abrupt standstill than when it gradually
deteriorates. Neither will we be able to test millions upon millions of people
for their intelligence, you bet that! We will find or cause something like a
pandemic targeting certain people, a real economic crisis or not, a virus affecting
the old or the fat, it doesn't matter, the weak will succumb to it, the fearful
and stupid will believe in it and seek treatment. We will have made sure that
treatment is in place, treatment that will be the solution. The selection of
idiots then takes care of itself: You go to the slaughter by yourself." --
The Future of Life - Jacques
Attali, 1981
“Down on your
knees, you'll be left behind
This is the
Watch what you
think, they can read your mind
This is the
I got my mark, see
it in my eyes
This is the
My reflection I
don't recognize
This is the
We think we climb
so high
Up all the backs
we've condemned
We face the
This is the
beginning of the end
You wait your
turn, you'll be last in line
This is the
Get out the way,
cause I'm getting mine
This is the
God helps the ones
that can help themselves
This is the
May be too late as
far as I can tell
This is the
We think we've
come so far
On all our lies we
Facing our
This is the
beginning of the end…”
The Beginning of the End, YEAR ZERO, (Reznor) 2007
“I carry a madness
everywhere I go…”
First it was
hallucinations and fugue states. Next came the bizarre dystopian dreams, both
waking and otherwise invading our sleep. Now we’ve moved on to paralysis, convulsions,
catastrophic organ damage and suddenly a brand new “syndrome”: Sudden Adult
Death. It’s evidently either one thing or another in the genetic Russian
Roulette sweepstakes for the hearts and minds of humanity 2.0. Homo Superior on the march in this new
Fourth Reich; the dreams of Hitler alive and very well, thank you. But which of
his dreams are we racing toward? A new planned holocaust of never-before-seen
proportions or the perfected man, the Aryan godhead, transhumanism writ large
across the broadest canvas possible? Perhaps a Lovecraftian combo platter of
both – the proof is in the telling, and it is playing out in real time right
outside your door, right now. The cosmic wheels are in spin, and where they
stop….nobody knows. Now suddenly prions and mad cow are on the loose worse than
MKUltra shooters since Biden went in.
This from a
question-and-answer from Google, that magick 8-ball of madness these days: “What
is the next step in human evolution?”
“The next step will be to actually change
people's genes. That could conceivably be done in two ways: by changing genes
in the relevant organ only (gene therapy) or by altering the entire genome of
an individual (what is known as germ-line therapy).”
Let’s just go them
one better and say it: or altering the genome of an entire species. Because
that’s exactly what is being undertaken. To what end? Ahh, THAT is where it
gets interesting…
The door to the
rabbit hole, if you please…the terror of the anti-Wonderland awaits…even as DARPA
overreaches itself yet again in expanding the Sentient World Simulation: https://www.bitchute.com/video/LhGeZdIwYCcN/
There could be
good reasons for this, as they are changing this world quickly to the point of
being uninhabitable for anything presently qualified as human.
“These creatures
might have been our creators, yes, I think probably if we wanted to examine a
variety of evidence types including thru more ancient records we might find
that they could be more correctly perhaps interloping farmers – the way that we
as the human species has taken over wild animals and domesticated them, so
genetically altered them for our benefit. It’s true that while we certainly did
not create cows we could be considered their farmers and couldn’t we say we’ve
genetically manipulated them thru the centuries thru selective breeding
programs in the beginning and there’s more laboratory-like methods in the
recent years. They’re doing a variety of things with us and this is what makes
it hard – we know they’re taking certain kinds of substances from us; they take
sperm, they take ova, they may well be taking fetuses – they take body fluids,
they add fluids to our systems…they take flesh samples, and they take energy.
The verification
of this series of events is extraordinary and amoung those we have to deal with
the question of cloning and replacement and in fact the nature of the human
soul and what we may not have understood about it all along. The nature of the
human soul – because one of the things I will not discount – one of the things
on my list of facts is that these creatures show a very, for me, a very
disturbing interest in the human soul.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x239DSAkjx0&t=221s
Art Bell Dreamland
August 1994 interview with Dr. Karla Turner, abduction researcher and Phd from
University of North Texas, University of Nottingham and Cal State.
More from her
research here: “The event might be designed to give us disinformation,
misleading us about the true nature of their genetics agenda and, indeed, about
the true nature of our relationship and worth to the aliens. If the agenda
would seem reprehensible to us, it would certainly serve their purposes to keep
us ignorant of it and to give us instead a more acceptable "cover
Given the
alternative possible explanations and the large body of counterindicative data,
as well as the conflicting explanations offered by the aliens, can we safely
accept hybridization as the primary purpose at the heart of the alien agenda?
Or should we be more skeptical about their avowed intentions?
The evidence shows
that the aliens do harvest from us in a number of ways, emotionally and energetically
as well as physically. There are even reported scenarios of facilities in which
human bodies are "processed," and many such reports come from people
unfamiliar with ufological literature.
If we are indeed a
multipurpose resource for the aliens, one which they want to continue to use,
could they be performing the various reproductive/genetic procedures in order
to make alterations in their "livestock" that better serve the uses
for which we are harvested? Such a possibility should not be ruled out. There
are hypothetical reasons why these alterations might be necessary at this
particular time.
If the aliens
know, for example, that upcoming catastrophes or earth changes will be vastly
destructive of their herd, they could be working furiously to store up supplies
in advance of the dearth, and also perhaps trying to produce a variant human
more capable of surviving in some new environment on this planet. The aliens,
in fact, are fond of making predictions of catastrophic earth changes, although
they usually insist their genetic intrusions are altruistic, for our benefit.
Consider this:
What if the aliens realize that their herd is showing changes that the aliens
didn't intend and don't like? They could be furiously working to stem this
transformative process. They may fear that the herd is waking up, gaining new
perceptive abilities, and learning that its purpose is nothing more than
livestock. After all, the herd might be so unhappy with that situation that
they might decide to resist it. What would be the alien response to such a
situation?” https://www.zersetzung.org/kt-articles/136-genetic-agenda-a-double-cross
And here’s where
all this research into all these semi-related disciples, starts to converge.
For all of the above quotes from Karla, just insert the word “globalist” for
wherever you see the word “alien.” Pretty crazy, isn’t it? You will find there
is a straight thruline of connection from the abduction research of the
1980s-90s straight down into the heart of COVID-land, with a huge accent on
genetic sampling and genetic tampering. Why? And why does the looming spectre
of UFOlogy keep rearing its head within these subgroups of interest? It’s
always there – never far away in the backrooms and in the headlines. It exists
like a lamprey tagging along clinging to the globalist superstructure. A remora
for our times. And that means something.
Dr. Turner, btw, died
on January 10, 1996 of an extremely fast-acting, unidentifiable cancer despite
being in perfect health and having no genetic predisposition to such; and also
after having been warned to discontinue her research. She was 48. I know. This
is becoming a cliché. Karla in this atmosphere would have connected WAY too
many dots to let keep roaming free-range – which only goes to show you that
this has been planned out from a long way off…
Now the DOD &
DARPA have gone and done it – created the microchip for the first time and are
broadcasting it – out in the open – for public use: https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/pentagon-scientists-invent-microchip-which-senses-covid-19-in-the-body/ar-BB1fy3y7?ocid=msedgntp
Of course anyone
who listened closely to the rantings of Timothy McVeigh, back during his trial,
knew that this kind of stuff was going on even in the early 1990s: https://newrepublic.com/article/74699/its-getting-little-chippy
But now what was
once all BS and right-wing, militia-type paranoia and conspiracy theory has become,
lo and behold, fact. Seems to be a kind of, pardon the pun, epidemic of that
these days, doesn’t there?
I also keep coming
back to this article from the Rense site from very early 2000, from an
“insider” and when the “chemtrail’ ops weren’t even 18 months old – judge for
yourself how “on the money” it was, and remains: https://rense.com/ufo6/darkhyp.htm
According to this
vid from a driveby injection center for the COVID vaxx in Texas, they are now requiring
drivers to remain in place for at least 15 minutes after being jabbed as they
are keeping you there, monitoring for any ‘unwanted’ side effects, like, you
know, strokes, heart attacks, that whole failing to live thing. And judging by
the way they were beating on this comatose dude thru the open window, we’ve got
some major problems going on here, folks: https://worldstar.com/video.php?v=wshh8vD9AyMhr5HA3Ce0
Oh yeah, and
that’s the Danish pro-vaxx head at the end there passing out and dropping like
a sack of potatoes after just having gotten one. Have we lost our minds?
It looks like it
because now fully 3,000 people have died in 4 months after having gotten the
jab. And that’s just the ones reported in the USA alone. And yet all we hear
about are the heinous numbers of GUN deaths, and how we need to ban all GUNS.
How about we ban all shots of DNA-altering GMO synthetics and chemical unknowns
first, eh? Let’s start there. You know, for the good of humanity like we’re
always being preached to. Right now it’s killing 24X more people than rifles
did all last year: this is absolutely fucking crazy btw: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YK0JR_lFy88Zu3rcC3L5NvL_Xr3ib6zY/view
How are we not
having a Nuremberg trials, right now?
Isn’t this
dot-connecting fun? Let’s do some more: remember those nasty looking little
Morgellons-type creatures that were being found all over the world in COVID
test swabs and particularly masks when viewed under microscopes? Well, you’ll
never guess who, as of last year, suddenly jumped in to the mask-making
business worldwide….wait for it…..our pals at CERN: https://home.cern/news/news/cern/cern-establishes-task-force-contribute-global-fight-against-covid-19
already underway include the production of one tonne of sanitizer gel to
distribute to local emergency response teams. The CERN Fire and Rescue Service
has been working with the emergency services in the region since late March. CERN’s 3D printing and workshop
capability has been deployed to complement the production of protective
equipment such as masks and
Perspex barriers for law enforcement in the region. Studies are underway to
deploy the particle physics community’s considerable computing capacity to
assist in the search for a vaccine.”
What better way,
and from what better place, to introduce things from “somewhere else?”
Now, for all the
“experts” lording it over us that we don’t have the brains of a high school
biology student if we even DARE to think that this vaxx can alter our DNA in
any way, shape or form, that we’re stupid, crazy conspiracy theorists to be
spreading such DANGEROUS rhetoric – well, I’ve got news: https://sciencewithdrdoug.com/2021/02/15/breaking-study-sheds-more-light-on-whether-an-rna-vaccine-can-permanently-alter-dna/
And here: https://phys.org/news/2020-01-rna-effect-dna.html?_escaped_fragment_=&deviceType=desktop
Read it and weep,
This is
everywhere, and everyone has their hand in. And we can trace this back to other
globalist shenanigans of the blackest op variety. To whit: Jerome Hauer.
Go to the 21:27
mark in this vid where it’s described, you will note, “Decision making in a
Time of Plague.” This from the year 2000: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3WUv5SV5Hg
A prominent name
you will note is that of Jerome Hauer.
Hauer would go on
to infamy less than a year later when he would play a marked role in what
happened on the morning of 9/11: https://www.ae911truth.org/news/481
And here: http://banderasnews.com/0807/edat-jeromehauer.htm
and perhaps most
importantly, here: http://whokilledjohnoneill.com/essay/
These people have
a track record, and it’s not hard to see what’s going on….just look at what
he’s fallen into now: https://investors.emergentbiosolutions.com/board-member/jerome-hauer
If you don’t
ferret out the snakes and the weasels when it’s important to, they will come
back and bite you – Every. Single. Time. When are we going to learn?
Let’s never forget
the parallels between 9/11 and COVID either: first major trauma, then a
continuation of paralyzing fear, and finally an agenda of social control.
Social control that first creeps in, and then becomes a constant. A New Normal.
Another major
indicator of how far back this was planned – the term “vaccinepassport” across
all platforms traces back to 2016: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/mt2w0q/how_far_back_was_this_planned/
And now, because
of them, it looks like we’re going to have to deal with prions. And a possible
worldwide scourge of CJD or Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. They think of us as
cattle; they’re going to deal with us like cattle. Pretty sure they find some
twisted humour in that. https://www.scivisionpub.com/pdfs/covid19-rna-based-vaccines-and-the-risk-of-prion-disease-1503.pdf
LSS, the vaxx is
making your body produce prions, not antibodies. It’s a self-replicating
synthetic organism on the loose inside you. And even more bizarreness
anecdotally is coming in: even unvaxxed women’s periods are becoming irregular
when in proximity to those that have been vaxxed; i.e., the viral load is
shedding. And the shedding is then inferring to even those that are non-vaxxed,
which is truly weird and frightening: https://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message4762521/pg1
Anecdotal, but
this is Invasion of the Body Snatchers
in slow motion. This is happening NOW.
And may have
already been happening for awhile -- The below picture is a
"nano-construct/machine" that is found on the tip of the Toxoplasma
single-celled organism. It is a parasite that already is inside the brain of
some 2 billion human beings.
The construct is
called a conoid. It’s made of microtubules, known to have "quantum
vibrations" inside them. It is a molecular machine. Its precise function still eludes science that calls it novel,
enigmatic, etc. It has "coils", "polar rings", just like an
induction/electromagnetic device, or a receiver/transmitter:
And this just in: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-03-21/astrazeneca-r-d-oncology-chief-jos-baselga-dies-at-61
He created the
mRNA shot for AZ btw deep in their R&D dept., and he just happens to
succumb to CJD? How many coincidences before it becomes impossible?
Oh, but they’re
ready for all this, look what they’re rolling out HEAVY in the UK right now – a
new “syndrome”: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/msxinc/what_are_the_chances_we_have_a_ton_of_sudden/
That’s right, it’s
nothing to do with any silly vaxx, it’s just SADS: Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.
I kid you not.
Normal, young,
healthy people just dropping dead for no reason. Hey, it could happen, right?
Seems to be a LOT of it going around though, especially lately….Hmmmm…..Expect
a major push for it coming to these shores VERY soon.
“How to protect
yourself..” Haha! Well, here’s a start: stay away from needles. Especially ones
loaded with experimental synth-bio organisms.
We are SO being
primed, folks.
Whether something
is a DNA vaxx or an mRNA vaxx or whatever, always glossed over is the fact that
they both change the proteins of your body. Which isn’t scary enough for most
people until they realize: YOU are proteins. Even if (and that’s a rather large
‘if’ right now) – playing Devil’s advocate -- this doesn’t change your DNA,
it’s still changing YOU in the most fundamental ways possible. Think about
that; then think about WHY this would be such a priority for so many at the top
of the food chain.
Now think about
what’s coming: when the virus mutates around the vaxx and the vaccinated people
start dropping dead (already happening), it won’t be the vaxx itself that gets
blamed…it will be the unvaccinated as
being the viral reservoir responsible for the variants. Then the truly forced
vaccinations start. That’s what could well be coming unless we take action.
More “unexplained”
deaths here from the CDC itself: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/mspdo5/according_to_the_cdcs_website_unexplained_deaths/
And just in case
anyone with 2 synapses left to rub together needed another reason to disregard
Snopes, this one takes the cake: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/msrhe6/snopes_says_the_head_of_pf1zer_research_didnt_say/
NOT female
sterilization, you noobs, only that they become infertile. Jeez! Another “conspiracy theory” shot down. When’s
The kind of
thinking they are still stuck in: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjfKBDxf0yg
In related news,
actor Jim Cavieziel was just in Tulsa at the Health and Freedom Conference with
people like General Flynn, Dr. Simone Gold, and Lyn Wood, where he was
promoting his film The Sound of Freedom
all about rescuing children from underground trafficking networks, based on the
life of Tim Ballard. DUMBS, adrenochrome, it’s all disclosed here: https://www.brighteon.com/12c646a7-062a-4ebd-ad92-fee033415f09
Btw I have it on
good authority from multiple sources that Cavieziel himself HAS in fact seen
the infamous frazzledrip footage that more than implicates both Hillary Clinton
and Huma Abedin in the worst child torture and sacrifice scenario imaginable –
so that is NOT an urban myth and/or conspiracy theory. It exists. Just like the
deep underground military bases exist where much of this goes on. The
trafficking does in fact take place aboard large Maersk/Evergreen container
ships and the like, where the conditions are so horrendous that often fully
half of the “merchandise” doesn’t survive. But it’s a volume business, so they
don’t care. There’s always more.
Latest word is
that this was the exact scenario involving the Evergreen ship that was just
blocked in the Suez Canal. This type of “merchandise” was aboard – that tracked
back to both Walmart and the Clinton Foundation btw, around 1,900 “units” – as
well as what are being now referred to as some ominous “weather weapons” in the
coffers of none other than Bill Gates: https://www.bitchute.com/video/HOHbkKuvh1Yw/
Hmmm, 5G
transmitters specially equipped to accelerate climate change…and what was JUST
disclosed by James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas’ outing of CNN’s propaganda arm?
What was going to be next on the agenda after ousting Trump and pushing the
COVID vaxx? Climate change.
The video has
effectively been scrubbed everywhere on Twitter and Facebook but can still be
found on the Veritas site: https://www.projectveritas.com/news/part-1-cnn-director-admits-network-engaged-in-propaganda-to-remove-trump/
“It's going to be
our [CNN’s] focus. Like our focus was to get Trump out of office, right?
Without saying it, that's what it was, right? So, our next thing is going to be
for climate change awareness.”
“It [COVID] will
taper off to a point that it's not a problem anymore. Climate change can take
years, so they'll [CNN will] probably be able to milk that quite a bit…Climate
change is going to be the next COVID thing for CNN…Fear sells.”
Are you sensing
coordination here, between Gates, between CNN, between Fauci, the WHO, the WEF,
between all our “leaders” for a Great Reset, a New Normal?
Look back to the
very beginning of this post – look at what Karla Turner was saying. Now look at
today. Seeing any parallels? Because I’m seeing plenty in an agenda that never
Meanwhile, the US
Navy has announced it possesses advanced technologies that defy the laws of
physics as we understand them. What does this mean for the geopolitical
landscape that we are being pushed towards by Biden, Gates, Fauci and the
globalists? This is the very stuff Dick Hoagland was talking about 30 years ago
on Art Bell in the middle of the night…..now it’s all coming out: https://www.infowars.com/posts/us-navy-announces-new-technology-that-can-change-the-fabric-of-reality/
“The sun shines
And people forget
The spray flies as
the speedboat glides
And people forget
Forget they're
The girls smile
And people forget
The snow packs as
the skier tracks
People forget
Forget they're
Behind an eminence
Eminence front,
it's a put on
It's an eminence
It's an eminence
front, it's a put on
An eminence front
Eminence front,
it's a put on
Eminence front
It's an eminence
It's an eminence
front, it's a put on
It's a put on,
it's a put on, it's a put on
Come and join the
Dress to kill
Won't you come and
join the party
Dress to kill,
dress to kill
Drinks flow
People forget
That big wheel
spins, the hair thins
People forget
Forget they're
The news slows
People forget
Their shares
crash, hopes are dashed
People forget
Forget they're
Behind an eminence
An eminence front,
it's a put on…”