"It's criminal
There ought to
be a law
There ought to
be a whole lot more
You get nothin'
for nothin'
Tell me who can
you trust
We got what you
And you got the
If you want
blood, you got it
If you want
blood, you got it
Blood on the streets
Blood on the
Blood in the
Every last drop
You want blood
You got it
Yes you have
It's animal
Livin' in the
human zoo
The shit that
they toss to you
Feelin' like a Christian
Locked in a cage
Thrown to the
On the second
If you want
blood, you got it
If you want
blood, you got it
Blood on the
Blood on the
Blood in the
Every last drop
You want blood
You got it
O positive…”
If You Want Blood (You Got It), ACDC (1979)
“The fishing
boats go out across the evening water,
Smuggling guns
and arms across the Spanish border.
The wind whips
up the waves so loud,
The ghost moon
sails among the clouds,
And turns the
rifles into silver,
On the border.
On my wall, the
colours of the maps are running.
From Africa, the
winds, they talk of changes coming.
The torches
flare up in the night,
The hand that
sets the farms alight,
Has spread the
word to those who're waiting
On the border.
In the village
where I grew up
Nothing seems
the same.
Still you never
see the change
From day to day.
No one notices
the customs slip away.
Late last night
the rain was knocking on my window,
I moved across
the darkened room, and in the lamp-glow,
I thought I saw
down in the street,
The spirit of
the century
Telling us that
we're all standing
On the border.”
On The Border, Al Stewart (1976)
Before all else
mentioned, much more is going on than we know. No matter what side of the fence
you occupy, that much is certain in these days and nights of blood infection
and manipulation of data by parties like the WHO and the Imperial College in
the UK, amoung many other vested interests. Keep in mind that what is going on
is a societal displacement and fracturing along the lines of what was planned
to occur when the announcement of alien life is disclosed as a threat.
Something far
beyond COVID-19 is beckoning here, the same force that's winking at us from
beyond urbanization, centralization and the explosion of our technology. It's
behind your screen right now, and it intends to turn us all into something new,
something different. We'll only get a little closer in 2020; but it always gets
only a little closer. That's all it ever needs. And still, there are others
forces at work in this real-life version of The
Stand…and the outer bands of The Storm are approaching.
We enter here a
surging, violently chthonic landscape far more redolent of David Lynch or True Detective (something I have long
contended that this investigation has veered into – especially since 2016),
than any pedestrian mystery thriller. The psychosphere is alive tonight.
Just a couple of
givens: Humans are herd animals. Only 3 or 4 running will cause a stampede
amoung all the others, even without a scintilla of exact knowledge of what
they’re running from. And our overlords know this all too well.
I know many in
that strata wish and plan for some kind of new Cambrian Explosion, and are
rigging the system to hasten down that process as fast as possible. AI and
transhumanism are but a small part of that masterplan. You can almost feel it,
forces of Good and Evil are squaring off in the center ring of the world, and
that outcome will steer the direction of not only humanity, but reality itself,
for generations to come. We live in Agatha Christie times, my friends, coloured
by much more of an outpouring of the occult and the paranormal than would have
been to her taste, but times we are mired in nonetheless.
And even this
can be turned to our advantage with so many now at home under house arrest and
quarantined, off work and rudderless. But in that drifting comes time for contemplation,
and many, many are using that time to catch up on what truly has been happening
in the world since the waning days of 2016. It is time well spent, and search
engines and trending algorithms are rife with terms flying like pizzagate and
adrenochrome as censorship guidelines have been halted on all platforms from
Google to Twitter to Youtube, as another part of the Great Awakening falls into
place. Knowledge is Power, and following that guiding principle, curiosities
are being weaponized. John Podesta
should practice “social distancing” for the rest of his life, which, if form
holds, won’t be long. Hint: pizzagate isn’t going away. How has this turnabout
in censorship been allowed to happen? Trump, thru Executive Orders, has used
this chaos to seize control:

But let me begin
this part of the tale at the exact point where so much transpires and the fate
of nations hangs in the psychological and physical balance: on the border.
Because this is where all of this starts, in our re-tuning of reality where the
ongoing liminal state reveals all.
In an insider
posting on the 4chan boards on 10-30-17, it was revealed that a shipment was
stopped at the Canadian border, bound for the Yukon Territory. The board that
this was revealed on was discussing topics like Trudeau being the go-between
handling large financial installments coming from Soros and going to the
Clinton Foundation. This aspect only came up tangentially.
The shipment
described was 20kg of dried adrenochrome – the border agents opened up the
packaging thinking they were going to find cocaine or another narcotic. Lab
results came back as Human Adrenochrome, with a black market value of over $100
billion. It weighed in at 100kg over declared weight at the weighing station,
which is where the red flags began popping up.
“We lab tested
the Adrenochrome and came back as Human. The only way to extract ingenious
Epinephrine and a small bit of Adrenochrome is through the Adrenal Glands of
recently killed Humans. Copper, Silver Oxide and serious other Minerals can be
used to synthesis Adrenochrome from indigenous Epinephrine.” Much info about adrenochrome has been
disseminated in the wake of the pizzagate/spirit cooking revelations in late
2016, but long story short, this drug is harvested from subjects which are
terrorized; this being the state in which it floods the system. Subjects are
then put to death as this being the perfect moment for the drug to be extracted.
The most potent, choicest forms of this drug, by far, come from children. This
drug is the go-to drug of the elite worldwide. Are you beginning to get the
Also remember
the epinephrine factoid, as this will play a large factor in the ongoing
revelations to come below.
(Other major
distribution and manufacturing facilities used by the elite and their forces
for adrenochrome worldwide are mentioned.)
enough, this story not only puts the lie to all pizzagate/pedogate deniers, but
it plays right in to what is happening now on the world stage. You must
remember that if the white hats got their hands on this much adrenochrome, the
odds that they could and would compromise such grow exponentially. Which should
cause us to peek into the headlines currently for clues.
What if it was
known by certain insiders that the Deep State was planning on an intentional virus
release out of Wuhan? (The same Wuhan that just so happens to manufacture, wait
for it…..adrenochrome.) How far ahead did they know this? What
counter-contingencies could be put into place to be rolled out during the
coming “pandemic.” How would we know something was going on to this effect?
How many
corporate CEOs have resigned suddenly recently? Who has announced suddenly they
are sick? Tom Hanks, Heidi Klum, Elton John, Celine Dion, Idris Elba, the first
ladies of Spain and Canada, numerous athletes including Kevin Durant, numerous
MSM figures, and many more. What happens when the Cabal consumes tainted
adrenochrome? And by the way, you can add at least 7 Vatican Priests to the
succumbed list.
Add this to
sealed borders, travel bans, and you’ve got all areas of egress blocked.
Nowhere to run. Unless you’re on a “special” flight somewhere – speaking of
which – check out the air corridors over Guantanamo Bay recently:
And what has to
happen in order for civilians to be tried in military tribunals? That would be
Ex parte Milligan 1866: “Civilians can only be tried in Military tribunals if
the civilian courts are not functioning.” Enjoy the show!!
More adreno plot
points: remember when Hillary was on the campaign trail in 2016 and she was
fainting and collapsing and being thrown into the back of vans like a sack of
potatoes? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TnbDZXoA78k
She was
constantly shadowed by a bodyguard holding something which suspiciously looked
like an epipen injector:
Realize too that
schools buy mini-stockpiles of these things and most are never used. Who gets
the expired pens and what happens to them?
Feeling like
this yet?
Bill Gates just
decided to step down from both Microsoft and Berkshire Hathaway. (And on Friday
the 13th – spoopy!) Why voluntarily leave a continuing flush of
billions rolling in every quarter on the table? He’s keeping good company with
the Queen, who has already fled Buckingham “Crackerbox” Palace. We are told for
the sunny climes of Sandringham, where the sacrificing is so much better this
time of year…
(Why in our
right minds are we taking pandemic advice from a guy that gave Epstein $7.5
million and has yet to answer for it? The righteous reaction we’re having
towards this virus right now is exactly the reaction we should have had nearly
4 years ago to Alefantis, Podesta, the Clintons, Epstein, Maxwell, and Gates –
when all have proved to be just as deadly, if not more so, to humanity than
this little bug could ever be.) Or
haven’t you checked those missing children per year numbers lately?
Gates is on
permanent vacay possibly due to the recent disclosure flooding everywhere of
Event 201. A simulation run last October in NYC and sponsored by the Gates
Foundation, Johns Hopkins, and the World Economic Forum, that only happened to
call this identical global pandemic, via a mutated coronavirus if you
can believe that, to a T. What are the odds, seriously, ladies and gentlemen?
And who will
clean up via a hastily manufactured vaccine for all this? Why Bill Gates of course.
But ah, that’s
merely part of the plan. Because there’s always a hidden motive behind
everything…Nothing happens by accident. Certainly not when a gamed scenario
explodes just as you called it not even 2 months later.
Watch as some
heinous truths go mainstream.
Still extremely
Let’s not soon
forget Harvard’s Dr. Charles Lieber in all of this. Recently arrested and great
pal of Jeffrey Epstein, he was paid 1.74 million from Wuhan’s Institute of
Virology, plus $50,000 monthly salary and $158,000 in living expenses for his
work on research specifically for Chinese gain. Lieber is a prominent
nanoscientist. This profuse article from Medium has been scrubbed everywhere
now, but the Internet is forever, silly rabbits: http://archive.is/QIBmE
All puzzle
pieces moving into place now. How all of the above could fit in to Epstein’s
Program of Evolutionary Dynamics at Harvard is anybody’s guess, but the plot
points are everywhere. And judging from Epstein’s cross-correlated research
into cybernetics, living androids, consciousness transfer, and soul chips, we
could very easily be looking at a concerted part of the Cabal seemingly trying
to live forever in the process of wiping most of us out. An endgame survival of
the fittest aiming to kickstart a shiny new Cambrian Explosion just for
themselves; the “chosen,” the “believers.”
And we know of
Jeffrey Epstein's links to the Santa Fe Institute. The Santa Fe Institute is
known for its research into complex social systems and swarm theory. Joshua
Epstein (no relation to Jeffrey) is an expert on swarm theory and one of the
things he's interested in is how to
'nudge' large groups of people into certain patterns of behaviour. Epstein’s pal Nicole Junkermann was also
intensely interested in such areas in her work for (shhhhh), the Mossad. Kind
of sounds like a scenario that may be playing out right before our eyes right
Also of note: this
Coronavirus is an RNA strain – its genetic material is encoded with ribonucleic
acid instead of DNA. And RNA was the specialty of Niles Lehman and Martin
Nowak. Nowak got HUGE money from Epstein and Lehman just got convicted of
pedophilia charges. Look at their research into RNA “game theory” and what that
implies for all of us in all of this. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27091972
Why, just
exactly, are so many world class scientists, geniuses really, exhibiting a
hobby of coincidentally fucking children as a little diversion to their oh so
meaningful lives? Are they only sick, brainwashed, or do they know something,
some arcane knowledge, dark and dreadful at the center of reality? What is the reasoning behind all of this? I’ve heard
the blackmail angle, and that might do for starters, but in totality, I’m not
seeing that as the whole, Full Spectrum Dominance endgame anymore.
And how
convenient is it for some that Epstein, Maxwell, Prince Andrew and so many
others are off the front pages and out of the conversation now? This is another
9/11 moment, make no mistake, when everything changes and there becomes a new
normal. And speaking of 9/11 (although there were myriad reasons for them to
pull off that black op; not the least its blatant, occult Crowleyan
manifestations), if they would kill 3,000+ in one day to keep their network
hidden (just ask the Boston Globe’s Spotlight about the fortuitous timing), how
many would they sacrifice (interesting word) worldwide to achieve a similar
Head of the
World Health Organization (WHO), Ethiopian Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, has been
partying and hob-nobbing with the best of them for awhile, so it fell to him to
actually call this a pandemic from the rooftops, with fudged figures. Some of
the best breaking down on this comes from the Last Honest Man In Journalism,
Ben Swann: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=57&v=ohO8eAwi_po&feature=emb_logo
See, he actually
sent us all into a panic with a proposed 3.4% death rate overall, but there was
a problem with that…that was a 3.4% figure only out of the symptomatic
infected. If you add in the asymptomatic hordes – the ones not sick, showing no
symptoms, and that are never gonna die from this -- that total plunges to a .08%; not even up to
your normal flu death rate.
Which raises the
question, is he that thick, or is there an agenda in place for panicking the
world into a standstill? Shouldn’t lying to instigate a global panic and agenda
be punishable?
Sorry, wrong
panic agenda. But hey, you can still trust them. They’re all “honorable” men.
Another glaring
tipoff is that the distributed test kits are giving false positives at an
alarming rate…why would that be do you think? This is exactly why you DO NOT
test everyone, especially when faulty testing protocols skew the results
heavily into a fake pandemic = more panic.
These CDC test
kits also show RED when confirming a positive test. Perhaps this is what tis Q
drop meant on Mar 9 when it said RIG FOR RED. Who exactly would be wanting
massive false test results and the concurrent lockdown? https://qmap.pub/read/3891
“The world is at
war with a hidden enemy. WE WILL WIN!”
Donald J. Trump tweet, March 17.
For another part
of the unfolding scenario, how many of you felt sick as a dog with non-stop
respiratory issues, fever, etc last November and December? With what broke out
in January in Wuhan, ever wonder just what that might have been? Many folks are
starting to ask that very question right now: https://twitter.com/Inevitable_ET/status/1239033648004902913
Just look at the
number of replies from all over the country. What was going on? Have many of us
already HAD COVID and didn’t know it at the time? There are many prevailing
trains of thought on this, but a major one right now appears to be that there
are indeed 2 different strains of this – a milder one that got released by the
white hats last Nov/Dec as an inoculation for what they knew was coming that
the Deep State had planned – and what is transpiring now. That milder strain
(they say) effectively makes all of us that were sick back then immune to this
latest, more virulent strain. Countermeasures.
Now let’s
examine another outbreak in this country, and one that was far more deadly
– where that was centered, and who that
area is the stomping grounds for.
case we've been assigned, I believe we've been misled, possibly deceived.
SKINNER: Deceived?
By whom?
MULDER: Whoever
originated the case.
MAN: What is the accusation, Agent Mulder?
(Mulder looks
over to a darkened part of the room where a lamp partly illuminates the shadowy
figure of the Cigarette-Smoking Man, who sits at a chair. He lights a
cigarette. Mulder's eyes widen in realization. He looks at Skinner briefly then
walks over to the shadowy man.)
Agent Scully and I were sent on this manhunt without knowledge of the existence
or nature of a contagion.
CSM: What is the
exact nature of the contagion?
deadly. It kills within thirty-six hours. One escaped convict was infected.
He's dead now. The other man may be infected and he's on the loose.
CSM: Does anyone
know how it's communicated, whether it's a virus or bacteria?
MULDER: No, we
just know that over a dozen men have died from it and it appears to be highly
CSM: Then you
don't know much, Agent Mulder.
weren't we told the truth?
CSM: We didn't
know the truth. What we knew would only have slowed you down.
innocent people could be infected! What you knew could have prevented that.
CSM: How?
(Mulder tries to
say something but the CSM cuts him off.)
In 1988, there
was an outbreak of hemmoragic fever in Sacramento, California. The truth would
have caused panic. Panic would have cost lives. We control the disease by
controlling the information.
can't protect the public by lying to them.
CSM: It's done
every day.”
X Files sea 2 ep 22 F. Emasculata 4-28-95
There would be
27 deaths out of the first 63 in the country traced to that one Life Care facility,
or around 43%. Life Care Centers happen to be a privately owned chain around
the country, owned by Forrest Preston, who founded them in 1970 and in 2016
agreed to settle a $145 million government lawsuit stating they (Life Care) had
overbilled various federal healthcare programs. Was some kind of plea deal also
worked out? What might that have involved?
And look over
here: Life Care is owned by Forrest Preston, of the firm Preston, Gates, and
Ellis. This Gates just so happens to be William H. Gates, Sr., father of Bill
Gates. Just another coincidence.
And “Evergreen”
also happens to be Hillary Clinton’s Secret Service code name.
While you’re at
it, check out the proximity alert between Evergreen Hospital in Kirkland, and
the Microsoft Campus…..and let’s not forget that Bill Gates has the patent on
this, courtesy of the Pirbright Institute. Once again:
Bill Cooper also
referenced Evergreen in his work Behold A
Pale Horse as a population control trigger.
Then there are
the massive, and ominous, Evergreen container ships. Suitable for hauling
biological contraband and other “live art” not subject to any customs
Why did the US
(Deep) State Dept. ship frozen penguin pineal glands from Argentina in 1973?
Look at the
history of the Clinton Global Initiative in Africa, in Rwanda and other
war/disaster zones like Haiti. Kidnapping kids in Virginia and Maryland works
fine to supply the needed livestock, but it’s far easier when the parents are
dead. The children, separated from them, are in distress, and willingly ready
to accept help from any “good Samaritan.”
Shipping this “merchandise,” or what is harvested from it is no problem
(see Evergreen shipping above), the real problem is storage (frozen), and
processing into the desired biochem components.
And here we come
back around to where we started this chapter, in the Yukon, in the copper
mines…isn’t it also interesting that copper oxidizes to the colour of green.
Then there is
the very recent physician death – said to have committed suicide over guilt
because he didn’t vaccinate children. Check out where he practiced…https://nypost.com/2020/02/13/illinois-pediatrician-left-suicide-note-saying-he-may-have-faked-vaccinations-sheriff/
Jeff Bezos has a
residence on Evergreen Point Rd, Medina WASHINGTON. The telling syncs are
As I said,
anywhere you look, this word is bad news, and signals more coming. So that an
Evergreen Hospital, of all names, is in the middle of the largest outbreak and
death rate to date in this country is no surprise, given their love of a good,
signaling meme to keep those triggers sharpened in the collective mindset.
Symbolism is still everything.
So, to bring
this part of the curtain down, and given the Washington state connections to
the elite, the Deep State could have tested the adrenochrome batches on the
elderly patients at Life Care in Kirkland to see if they were really tainted –
or they simply could have straight up injected them with the COVID strain, not
to get too X-File-ish on you.
Now let’s look
at the adrenochrome angle again – why do a disproportionate number of athletes
seem to be getting this strain? We know from the Q drops that large numbers of
the elites utilize it for continued health and longevity reasons, but have we
been ignoring its potential in the sporting arena? A form of pure adrenaline
which makes you stronger and faster and which is undetectable via blood testing
that is done for steroids or other drugs. Sound black marketable? Brings an
entirely new level to Lance Armstrong and blood “doping,” doesn’t it? Sleep
well Rafael Nadal.
Sources like
Google were of course hiding much, if not all, of this knowledge in the
pre-Trump era, but if you’re apoplectic about the killing of foxes for their
fur, let’s get your take on the brutal murders of children for recreational hallucinogens
and life-extenders for the elites.
Yes, Phil Schneider
in 1996, was right over the target.
In a fusion of
psychospiritual and scientific incantation, the global elite have perfected the
use of extreme sexual torture, satanically ritualized sodomy and violent rape
of children in nightmarish demon-god sex rituals specifically designed to
create maximum terror in a child’s body, to overload their blood with
adrenochrome prior to extraction and consumption in their bloody rite of
Hypothesis: The
recent border wall and other methods to restrict human trafficking have reduced
the supply of fresh adrenochrome. Addicts have to rely on stockpiles for their
fix. White hats now control those stockpiles and have tainted them with a
marker/ toxin. (white rabbit).
And speaking of
follow the white rabbit, as Q has intoned so often, let’s examine the chemical
structure of adrenochrome – look like anything?
And their supply
has been cut even further with recent lockdowns on everything everywhere,
thanks to their own COVID release. Talk about running them thru with their own
sword. Sounds like a Sun Tzu tactic. And probably just coincidentally, many
“beautiful people” ain’t looking too beautiful these days. Wonder why? Warning:
a hundred miles of bad road, coming up…
Francis Boyle
finds the wording that gives them away: “This furin-like cleavage site, is
supposed to be cleaved during virus egress (Mille and Whittaker, 2014) for
S-protein “priming” and may provide a
gain-of-function to the 2019-nCoV for efficient spreading in the human
population compared to other lineage b betacoronaviruses. This possibly
illustrates a convergent evolution pathway between unrelated CoVs.”
“Gain of
function” wording is the tipoff; it’s only used in reference to offensive
biological warfare scenarios, wherein the purpose is deliberate spreading into
a human population.
By the way, you
should take in all this info, possibly even copy and paste it for saving,
before it is all taken down again.
There is so much
more to delve into – I’ve really only scratched the surface here – as more and
more areas of society begin to shut down. And even with all this, there are the
silver linings: hey, you can’t stage a false flag shooting at a school if there
are no targets, right? And just this morning I heard a piece
about how global pollution in all major cities is down as much as 50% from
normal. Get out and breathe the clear air while you’ve got it. Don’t mind that
aluminum and ash undertone.
And weeks after
this having been highlighted in numerous chans and twitter posts (the
alternative forces giving a major runaround to Big Pharma – yay for that),
Trump announced that a 100% kill rate for COVID has been found with a cocktail
of hydroxychloroquine (an anti-malarial), followed up with a Z-pak. After 6
days, 100 of patients were virologically cured. I’m sticking with my Dragon’s
jaws cocktail of sublingual essential Oil of Oregano – the kind that all of
those venturing into various Ebola and Marburg Hot Zones worldwide keep tucked
away in their back pocket as their secret weapon. (Nothing survives
essential OoO. It is the doomsday scenario/scorched earth policy for all little
invisible bad things. Handy tip, my friends.)
And finally,
just check the date on this little bomb drop:
This research
came about via a direct request from Bill Gates himself.
Some things
speak for themselves. Others shout. The chips will be in the vaccines.
who knows – possibly related to things like that Gates thread I just hit you
with): these plans just launched which include this operative wording -- “Newsweek added that the Defense Secretary,
Mark T. Esper, has authorized NORTHCOM to “prepare to deploy” in support of
these “potential extraordinary missions”. These include “the possibility of
some form of martial law,” where military commanders would be given executive
powers across the US until a new civilian leadership would emerge.” https://intelnews.org/2020/03/18/01-2740/?fbclid=IwAR1XYRvT7kbQyWBxd7ddt6TgXFFEreOthmX6NmnyY4KSblPKcYNR5I0RIFo
Our old favorite
person-of-interest Nicole Kidman. Tipping point reached.
Something very weird
is going on. And rest assured, you can lay all this squarely at the feet of our
apathy regarding what was on Hillary’s private server, the emails, and the fact
that the Epstein followup yielded nothing to date. When the elite get away with
crimes, they tend to commit even bigger crimes.
Decoding more plots,
connecting more dots, and following more fire trails soon down this latest
installment of Resident Evil.