“You may be
State Trooper, you may be a young turk
May be the head
of some big TV network,
You may be rich
or poor, you may be blind or lame,
Maybe livin in another country, under
another name,
But you’re gonna
have to serve somebody, yes indeed
You’re gonna have to serve somebody
Well it may be
the Devil or it may be the Lord, but you’re
Gonna have to
serve somebody.”
“I was dreamin'
when I wrote this, forgive me if it goes astray
But when I woke
up this mornin', could've sworn it was Judgment Day
The sky was all
purple, there were people runnin' everywhere
Tryin' to run
from the destruction, you know I didn't even care
Say say two
thousand zero zero party over, oops, out of time…”
1999, Prince (1983)
“We’re putting
America first. And by the way, you know all the rhetoric you see, the Thousand
Points of Light. What the hell was that by the way? Thousand points of Light.
What did that mean? Does anyone know?...I never quite got that one. What the
hell is that? Has anyone figured that one out?” Donald Trump, Great Falls, Montana, July 5,
“The thing’s
hollow. It goes on forever, and…Oh my God, it’s full of stars!” 2001 novelization, Arthur C. Clarke
“A brilliant
diversity spread like stars…like a thousand points of light in a broad and
peaceful sky.”
“To keep America
moving forward, always forward – for a better America, for an endless enduring
dream and a thousand points of light.” George
H. W. Bush, Republican National Convention, New Orleans, 1988
“I have spoken
of a thousand points of light, of all the community organizations that are
spread like stars throughout the Nation, doing good. We will work hand in hand,
encouraging, sometimes leading, sometimes being led, rewarding. We will work on
this in the White House, in the Cabinet agencies. I will go to the people and
the programs that are the brighter points of light, and I will ask every member
of my government to become involved. The old ideas are new again because they
are not old, they are timeless: duty, sacrifice,
commitment, and a patriotism that finds its expression in taking part and
pitching in.” G H W Bush Inaugural address, January 20,
“When President
George H. W. Bush named Sandusky’s charity, The Second Mile, one of his Thousand Points of Light,
Sandusky grabbed the microphone during the press conference and shouted ‘It’s
about time, George!’”
from Paterno, by Joe Posnanski, p. 248
For much more
detailed testimony concerning the dome with 1,000 lights, check the above 2
links, which I’m sure our Prez would be more than happy for you to do, since
this was his intention all along. Also, interestingly enough, Fritz Springmeier’s
Bloodlines of the Illuminati has been
found not only in the CIA’s database, but also in hard copy form in the bunker
of one Osama bin Laden. (Maybe he borrowed the CIA’s copy when he was visiting
as Tim Osman in the 80s or 90s, who knows…) Mind control slaves are
historically bad at returning books.
Where does a
nightmare begin? For them, at the same point our long national one appears to
be on the verge of ending. Convergence is karma sometimes, or, I love it when a
plan comes together.
Bill Gates
implicated, Trudeau with the walls closing in despite being reinstalled,
Twitter head Jack Dorsey vanishing in the night, Scientology honcho Miscavige
being served in Hollywood in a major child trafficking lawsuit as Scientology
appears to be the next megalithic domino to fall, Meghan Markle breaking down
in public interviews; au contraire, instead of sputtering out the fuse of the
entire Epstein affair is royally lit (heh heh) and set to explode; the entire
Deep State is in the blender with the finger of the Great Awakeners poised over
the puree setting – and that’s just the beginning of the stratospheric High
Weirdness that’s engulfed the entire world over the last weeks heading into
what’s looking like a haunted Halloween for the ages.
Documents are
being released, whispers are exploding into shocking truth globally, the
world’s largest “cheese pizza” marketplace was just taken down on the dark web;
the Cabal isn’t just on its heels, it’s on the run in turbo-boosted,
jet-powered Nikes. At this rate of disclosure takedown those scary ghost stories
and tales of the glories at Christmastime are gonna be legendary this year.
These truly are the first months of the rest of our lives. This Great Awakening
stuff is getting serious, my roving band of psychonauts. So let’s continue with
what we keep doing best, and steadily apply some more pressure to these
midnight proceedings.
We live in a
chiaroscuro world these days and nights, a tumbledown aesthetic where everyone
and everything exists in a semi-permanent state of imbalance. An Edward Hopper
piece run wild, where hidden intrigue lurks in the everyday sequences of life
around every corner. Nothing is what it seems in the largest spygame, with
occult overtones, the world has ever known. Examine Hopper’s art; the wind in
the trees (something Lynch would use to great extent in Twin Peaks also), the darkness in every nook and cranny, the hesitancy
as people ponder and lurk around the far edges of apparent normalcy, and you will know the
atmosphere taking wing in the world today as the night closes in even during
the daylight hours.

We will again
examine CERN calling down Saturn, and notice its strange links to Jeffrey
Epstein; Saturn, that once stained the skies of earth purple with its glow so
close was its passing in pre-Antediluvian times, (before even the before), that
Golden Age that some again aspire to attaining thru magickal re-enactment
protocols using hidden black tech. (“As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it
be again in the days of the coming of the Son of Man.”) What’s the saying,
there’s nothing new under the sun? You’d better believe it. And oh, those times
have come.

Purple skies.
Purple rain. Purple everything. Prince's death. CERN. Epstein. Dimensions.
Transhumanism. Sacrifice. Ritual. Consciousness. The Media Entertainment
Complex giving the game away. Even though month by month it seems I keep
writing about different things, different explosions and expositions along the
timeline, that’s all surface. Rank Politics. Because it’s really all the same
thing, with lots of different guises, different synchronicities, different
memes to dress it up. But the signal coming thru the noise is strong – strong
enough to laser thru any divided circumstances or misunderstandings. It echoes
down thru the years and manifests as a global war of, pardon the pun, Biblical
proportions that’s playing out in the corridors of power in D.C. to the very
street where you live – From the End of the World to Your Town to quote Captain Fantastic, another Elton alter ego transmitting from another lifetime that still echoes with strange resonance.
And it’s where
we meet so many of our particulars that are still hanging today – names like
Barr and Podesta and Clinton and Bush.
Oliver North meets Oliver Stone," said White House spokesman John Podesta.
"It's 8:30 on a Friday night and I'm sitting in the White House and you're
asking me if he {Clinton} was in a bunker with Oliver North. It's a bad
Calling the
various stated conspiracies "a cumulative distraction," Podesta
added, "You can only state over and over again the outrage that it
(speaking of Terry Reed’s whistleblowing Compromised)
This is, of
course, the same pizzagate defense – only spoken in 1994 for the
Iran-Contra/Mena court of public opinion. The more things change, the more they
stay the same. Always the same “How dare you sir!”/”Why, I never!” levels of
faux outrage elicited for the gullible to eagerly gobble so those names (Barr,
Clinton, North, Bush) can scurry back into the woodwork only to appear at a
later date to continue the perception management.
Meanwhile (and
this is where our story begins to turn), the Big Bosses are busy arranging exit
visas for the plains of Leng:
And charting
probable Large Hadron Collider locations by ley line intersections provides
some curious results (at least for the North American continent) – an idiom of
the natural/material world seeking to interact with the supernatural, which,
after all, may be precisely the point:
So what does a
castle in Belgium have to do with particle accelerators possibly concealed
beneath the Texas prairie? (Other than one G H W Bush?) Both are means to an
Both seek to open doorways to the infinite, and all, in their way, make no
mistake, seek to further the quest, by the armies of the night, to kill
God. This is the Great Work, and the
Great Secret, at large and on the loose in the world today, championed by every
Left Hand path politico higher-up and Epstein-wannabe currently playing the
game and initiating the current "Working." If you think politics and child rape blackmail in the corridors of power
are the absolute bottom of all this, you’ve got another thing coming, and many
more connections to work thru, grasshopper.
Which is where
the unkillable Epstein network comes into play again, like some vampire rising
from the coffin at sundown. For the ridiculously mind-melting scope of his
range and influence, just take a peek at this – preferably after you’re thru
reading me, or I might vanish down the memory hole meself:
One of the most
staggering things I’ve ever seen, and it deserves to be a mural in some modern
art museum somewhere, displayed right alongside the works of Mark Lombardi.
The scary part
is, there are some connections that aren’t even IN there – and does there exist
in this world a federal or international concern pure enough, driven enough, to
actually follow thru with some kind – any kind – of prosecutions from something
like this? I mean, I can certainly hope, but it’s looking kind of doubtful. At
this point divine intervention may be our best bet, where God just sends some
angels to absolutely blow this whole town straight into the sea.
I mean, that
graph, just LOOK at that. WTAF. The sheer evil and numbers represented there is
probably the most horrifying thing I’ve ever seen. And in a timeline that
stretches from NASA and JPL (and Parsons and Crowley) to NXIVM to Disney to the
Catholic Church to what seems like the entirety of the US Government and on and
on. A ridiculous RIDICULOUS indictment of our entire world taking place over
our entire lifespans. And that’s to say nothing about some holes where Iran-Contra,
9/11, and CERN should be (although BCCI, the CFR and Trilat Commission may
cover those…heck, Bill Barr could cover Iran-Contra, Mena, and 9/11 all under
his heading alone. But I digress…)
connections to CERN alone are voluminous and coming to light. They lead to the
British public service provider SERCO, (which leads directly to CERN), and
other links like the Santa Fe Institute. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serco
I personally
started connecting Epstein to the now highly-scrutinized MIT Media Lab as early
as May 2018, where the focus was all about teaching children and toddlers the
intricacies of computer programming (which was then followed up on by places
like NXIVM, which were only taking over from concerns like the Finders…): https://mcmmadnessnews.blogspot.com/2018/05/the-american-book-of-dead.html
The frightening,
and depressing part, of the drop (and the real bombshell) is the fact that it
also contains verification, and validation, of the confirmation of tunnels
underneath the McMartin preschool – complete with excavation diagrams,
blueprints, and paperwork. These were the very same tunnels which were claimed
in the seminal national court case against the child molesters NOT TO exist.
Tunnels used for transportation and hiding which were verified by testimony of
all the child victims. The “debunking” of which was used to paint all the
charges against the perps as fabrications and a carefully crafted hoax…and
voila, “Satanic Panic” was born.
For a bit of
backstory, let’s examine just the first few paragraphs here from the stellar
Alex Constantine, to see how this story began years before the major 1983
break, and with many ominous notes sounding:
Preschool Revisited by Alex Constantine 1996 (in Virtual Government – CIA Mind
Control Operations in America – Alex Constantine (Feral House Pub. 1997 ISBN
Welcome to
Manhattan Beach
Paul Bynum graduated
from college in 1972 and joined the Hermosa Beach police department a year
later. At 31 he was promoted to the rank of chief detective. Bynum was not a
traditional investigator. One fellow detective often thought he was “too bright
to be a cop.” Off duty, he drove an MG and mixed with the ’60s survivors at the
Sweetwater Café.
In 1976 Bynum
was assigned the investigation of the Karen Klaas murder. Klaas was the divorced wife of Bill Medley, a vocalist for the
Righteous Brothers. She was raped and murdered one morning about an hour after
dropping her five-year-old son off at the McMartin preschool in Manhattan
Neighbors told
police they’d been alarmed at the sight of a menacing stranger before the
murder wandering through the neighborhood. Police later entertained speculation
that Klaas had been stalked. Throughout the week her body was found, this same
stranger had popped up several times on her corner. A neighbor phoned Karen to
warn her. She didn’t answer. When friends entered the back door of the house,
concerned for her safety, they found a Caucasian male with a beard, about 5’7″,
28 years old, dressed in a long olive green coat with a tunic collar and boots.
He was leaving through the front door. Klaas was found naked and unconscious. She
died five days later. Nothing was stolen. Police had no indication that Klaas
knew the man who assaulted her.
In 1984, shortly after indictments were
handed to defendants in the McMartin child molestation case, Gerald Klaas, her
husband, drove off a cliff in Oregon and was killed. Children alleged in a
grand jury hearing that teachers at the preschool had threatened to kill family
members if they talked about abuse, It was rumored around town that the Klaas
deaths and the McMartin case may have been related. But police said no. “We have no leads, no suspects and we’re
not coordinating with Manhattan Beach,” Hermosa Beach Lt. Mike Lavin told
So, once again,
let’s recap; this whole ball gets rolling when the ex-wife of one
of the Righteous Brothers gets offed (somebody get Dave McGowan on the
psycho-phone, will ya?) after just leaving McMartin.
Things proceed
apace, throw in a plethora of mysterious deaths surrounding this whole thing,
“Satanic Panic” becomes a cool talking point for people that don’t know anything,
and everybody goes home scot free – end of story. Except we know now that
wasn’t the end.
We know now that
the False Memory Syndrome Foundation was a complete and total sham created by
the Deep State (CIA) and the pedos themselves expressly for the “Trial of the
Century” to run cover for and disavow all pedophile actions, painting them as merely “wrong” memories in the minds of the victims.
The “Satanic
Panic” the 80s wasn’t hysteria, wasn’t a
witch hunt or the second coming of the Salem trials, it was normal people
speaking truth to power & trying to protect their children from some of the
vilest people on the globe. And what did they get for their trouble? Being
called tin foil hattery nutters and confabulists by monsters that got away with
everything; all sanctioned by Feds and a compliant co-conspirator media who
knew the truth all along as it turns out and
said nothing.
We finally learn the real truth of all this – and the confirmation
of the “tunnels that weren’t,” in FEDERAL DOCUMENTATION no less -- 35 years
after the fact. Thanks for nothing – and I mean nothing. We need to burn this
down. All of it. Smoke on the water, baby. JFK wasn’t joking. It all needs to
be splintered into a thousand pieces and cast to the winds.
And since
Michael Aquino (Iran-Contra bagman, Temple of Set founder, Mena cover-upperer,
Franklin Scandal pointman, Johnny Gosch kidnapper, Oliver North pal, NSA
insider, Presidio Daycare abuser) figures extremely large in all this – and
yes, that’s including McMartin – who is to say the then-growing Epstein network
didn’t touch this vile offshoot also?
Because although this was mainly abuse of
the satanic ritual variety going on here, there are (and always have been)
whispers that for as long as McMartin was a going concern, things like
trafficking, indoctrination, and mind control were ALSO part of the mix and
part of the plan. Just like the NXIVM Rainbow Culture Garden schools – just
like the MIT Media Lab kid courses – just like the Finders. The designations
shift, morph, and change, but the goals remain the same. Along with those
names. Epstein. Bronfman. Rothschild. Rockefeller. Clinton. Bush. It’s business
as usual within the Black Nobility in what appears, for all intents and purposes, to be an Operation Treadstone run completely amok, for those of you well versed in the Jason Bourne language (which appears now as only more Revelation of the Method...)
And just to
square the circle in these investigations some more, the Finders were also, in
that above FBI vault drop, said to be engaging in certain breeding experiments
also: “The instructions included the
impregnation of female members of the community known as Finders,
purchasing children, trading, and kidnapping.” Sounds a lot like organized
breeding programs.
All in all, this
was an early (1987) accidental uncovering of the global child trafficking and
ritual abuse program with continues to this day. After all, what was Epstein
dreaming of launching down at the Zorro Ranch? Breeding programs.
“The Sea Org, in
large part, functions by way of human trafficking, including the trafficking of
children,” the filing read.
The more things
change, the more they stay the same, eh? But where do we go from here? All
paths seem to be converging in one huge Trafficking, Transhumanistic, Quantum
Mechanics manipulating, Mind Control snowball gathering momentum. All of these
function as arms on the same endgame monster, tentacles on that fabled octopus
of World Control. A Spectre that haunts all of our dreams that’s looking to
kill off God so it can reign in His stead. It seeks openings, weaknesses, both
in the veils separating worlds and also in each of our individual minds. Ego is
a weakness. The Id is a weakness. And language planting seeds in our
subconscious creates weaknesses – thin points in the structure. Which is why
1,000 Points of Light becomes more than just words, especially when heavy doses
of black magick tech are applied.
Long before pizzagate
was whispered, Anthony Patch put me on a trail of AI, transhumanism, quantum
computing, CRISPR, and a dark agenda playing out in Geneva that portended the
most sinister of outcomes for us all. Unbelievably, it is a trail that
continues to be confirmed in multiple ways. The intense interest of folks like
Epstein in artificial life and consciousness transfer being only one.
Some might say
mere coincidence, but I don’t believe in coincidence, and especially not in
these heavily interlinked matters.
That these
interests of Epstein and his forces would cross-correlate with the CERN agenda is nothing
surprising. And it appears a few folks may have tumbled even closer to some
ultimate, paradigm-altering truths. On October 12th the body of
33-year old tech businesswoman Erin Valenti was found by police in a
neighborhood just south of San Jose, Almaden CA. She disappeared on October 7
under mysterious circumstances after a series of alarming, and baffling, phone
calls wherein she sounded under extreme duress and was stating “everything is a
game. A thought experiment. We live in the matrix.” She had no previous history
of mental illness. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7571315/Parents-tech-CEO-dead-inside-rental-car-say-daughter-suffered-manic-episode.html

It appears some
parts of our reality are coming apart at the seams, making it easier for some
of us to “see the strings” in this ongoing puppet show we are all ambered in.
If the CERN-based transhumanistic agenda is proceeding apace, as it certainly
appears, we are going to encounter more and more of these seemingly standalone,
anomalous events popping up with increasing regularity the farther down this
rabbit hole we tumble.
And these type
of events are buttressed by others, just as strange, that only point to
further unraveling, or preparing.
None other than
Hillary Clinton was just caught on audio, in a sit-down radio interview,
uttering this statement (which should be of EXTREME interest to all of us looking
for clues). Is this something contrived, premeditated? An extremely telling
Freudian slip? You be the judge:
In the latest
turns of events, Clinton is now blaming her 2016 election loss on this. “I think it’s going to be the same as 2016,”
Clinton said. “I’m going to show you in these flashing videos that appear and
then disappear and they’re on the dark web and nobody can find them, but you’re
going to see them and you’re going to see that person doing these horrible
Er, what?
Combine this statement,
which can only seem to be alluding to her long-rumored “Frazzledrip” vid, where
she and aide Huma Abedin supposedly snuff a young girl but not before actually
carving off her face, and, while she’s still alive, dance around the room
wearing it, threatening, terrorizing her. Also after death the child’s blood
and flesh are consumed in ritualistic fashion. Think cannibalism. Think
adrenochrome consumption.
This was all
outlined, by the way, in Q drop 854 of March 6 2018.
Hint: “+++ +
+++++” = eat a child. All on raw vid.
This is also the
video which landed in the NYPD’s possession (off of the Weiner laptop
“insurance” file) and which caused so many hardened detectives to seek
psychological counseling. Also allegedly, all of the recent NYPD mysterious “suicides”
(10 so far and counting in 2019 alone) all consist of members of the force that
had seen that specific vid, along with other contents of the aforesaid laptop.
Purpose? It
appears HRC might be engaging in some form of damage control-before-the-fact.
Combine weird statements like this with the mass media barrage of “deep fakes”
technology pieces in recent months, and it appears they all know that it is
becoming increasingly untenable to keep this information, especially in video
form, from escaping into wider public circulation. BUT, she can now play the
“see, I told you so” card along with the ultimate misdirection of exclaiming,
“sure, that might look like me, but it’s faked. That technology exists. Someone’s engaging in a smear
campaign against me!” Our job is not to fall for it, since all of this denial
is laughably transparent at best. It’s all perception management, at which they
think they rule. They don’t. It’s far too late for that now against the
awakened backdrop.
Still aligned
with Aquino? Ya think? Being a Satanist is much like being in the CIA: once a
Satanist, always a Satanist. And now he’s trumpeting “Q” in open platforms? I
may not know a lot, but I know that if there is one person that the entire “Q”
ethos would wish to wipe off the face of this planet as Public Enemy No.1 in
the war to take back humanity, that person would be Aquino. And anyone and
anything affiliated with him, even peripherally, should be regarded with the
utmost caution, if not an outright scorched earth policy. Kill it with fire.
Sorry for the
long link, it appears the original post has been removed from Rigorous
Intuition, and quite recently, in fact. Strange, that.
So this is where
we stand Halloween ’19. At an amazing intersection of all things celestial,
where the inter- and extra-dimensional are being given away on a daily
basis…all of that occult, esoteric, and secret school knowledge no longer under
the purview of kompromatted operators like Epstein, and Clinton, and Podesta.
The spell is broken, and the white hats of humanity have finally seized control
of the reins/reigns, if you’ll pardon the wordman byplay.
Where does a
nightmare end? So much of their ultimate plan for a literal hell on earth has
come to fruition – everything from implants to frequency mind control to brainwave
entrainment to chemtrails and genetic manipulation. Transhumanistically
speaking, it’s an Epstein playground out there, couched in seemingly noble
scientific endeavours like the Human Genome Project, HAARP, and CERN. We cannot
afford to let the final pieces of their plan – their “Great Work” – fall into place. The door right now is still
only ajar. We need to slam it shut, and in that reclaiming, reclaim our
rightful humanity before it is stripped from us never to return. The fightback
begins here. The fightback begins now.
currently offline until late 2020, early 2021, when the transmissions, and the
ceremonies, begin again. When the stars are right and the ley lines are thrumming.