“In a
conspiracy like this, you build from the outer edges and go step by step. If
you shoot too high and miss, everybody feels more secure…It was a Haldeman
operation. The whole business was run by Haldeman, the money, everything. It
won’t be easy getting at him, he was insulated, you’ll have to find out how.
Mitchell started doing covert stuff before anyone else…the list is longer than
anyone can imagine…it involved the entire
U.S. intelligence community, FBI, CIA, Justice, it’s incredible. The cover-up
has little to do with Watergate, it was mainly to protect the covert
operations. It leads everywhere…your lives are in danger.” -‘Deep Throat’ to Bob Woodward, All The President’s Men, 1976
Well we made
all the hot spots. My money flowed like wine/ Then that low down Southern
whiskey yeah began to fog my mind/ And I don’t remember church bells or/ The
money I put down/ Or the white picket fence and boardwalk, or the house at the
edge of town… Dixie Chicken, Little Feat, 1973
The head of
Aries, Jupiter, and Saturn
God eternal,
what changes can be expected?
Following a
long century, evil will return,
France and
Italy, what emotions will you undergo?
Quatrain 1-51,
conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is
new in the American experience. The total influence — economic, political, even spiritual — is felt in every city,
every State house, every office of the Federal government. We recognize the
imperative need for this development. Yet we must not fail to comprehend its
grave implications. Our toil, resources and livelihood are all involved; so is the very structure of our society.” Pres. Dwight D. Eisenhower Closing
Address, January 17, 1961
When all is
waning, call out of time/ Unearth the clay, that makes man a beast/ Ride the
inferno, taking all risks at ones/ Forget all else, know nothing/ Hammer into
the ground/ The fire burning/ Takes it all away
Race out of
line, to make it up/ Stakes out of time, when it is called for/ The master
cometh, as if never before/ The key is our vice, to the other we demand/ The
fire burning/ takes it all away…
The Devil’s Blood (Selim Lemouchi) The Fire Burning. The Thousandfold
Epicentre, 2011
re-establishing transmission and lock under a looming blanket of storm clouds
and evening thunderheads massing towards the West, looking very much like an
epilogue night straight out of The Birds.
And a sequential feeling that increasingly mirrors the apocalyptic vibe of that
classic film also: we’ve got strategic fires erupting from all corners;
“weather” that seems to feature tornadic highlights every week that covers most
of the nation; legal maneuverings that seek to punish the whistleblowers and
protect the pedophiles and monsters running the machinery of this ship of State
(see the recent fates of those like Julian Assange while elite-profile freaks
like Jeffrey Epstein still wander free-range); and enough High Strangeness and
ritualistic markers flying from all corners to strangle a Trojan horse. I know
the Ides of March are always mentioned, but April happens to be the season of
sacrifice, and currently it’s in full beast-mode swing as we barrel towards
Walpurgisnacht, and occult signal markers are exploding like roman candles.
Just days ago
a nationwide manhunt was lifted when a disturbed female, Sol Pais, obsessed
with Columbine killed herself (supposedly), while exhibiting all the traits of
an MKUltra figure gone rogue before her time. Her threat managed to close down
nearly all the schools in Colorado before she reportedly committed suicide
after running around the foothills near Littleton naked while brandishing a
shotgun. (Perhaps she was obsessed with both Columbine AND Ollie North.) Which
of course would be understandable given that both were expressions of extremely
malignant black ops run by the government. Ms. Pais was said to be only 18,
when released photos of her more closely resembled someone in their 30s. To say
that she was a puppet that might have been a messed-with asset is much more
than par-for-the-course: it goes without saying.

Alright my
stalwart Challengers of the Unknown, now that the preliminaries are out of the
way, let us shoot the rapids again on this river Styx and see where the
tributaries take us……it’s atomic batteries to power, turbines to speed…bunker
down in your long-haul truck RV camper, your well-appointed rec room, that
greasy spoon with wifi just off the highway, or your little cabin in the woods,
we’re about to get started again for a short burst…
I type this
now as Sri Lanka has exploded in a coordinated series of Easter Sunday church
bombings claiming the lives of over 200 (290 so far) and wounding some 500 –
another notch in the ever-expanding occult ritual script that seeks to always
leave its imprint, and more often than not at this critical time of year. (See
The Great San Francisco Fire, the sinking of the Titanic that set the stage for
the Fed Reserve, Waco, the OKC bombing, Columbine, the Virginia Tech massacre,
the Boston Marathon bombings, the BP oil spill etc.)

These Sri Lanka attacks of
course fall right after another major church fire, this one at Notre Dame
Cathedral just 6 days ago. The Illuminati does not take holidays or weekends
off in an op that spans decades, technologies, religions, and continents. When
we remember the world is ruled by symbolism,
all becomes clear, and that symbolism transforms into predictive programming.
Even the single death of Prince qualifies here, since that sacrifice
kickstarted the reality of the opioid epidemic to the masses, which has since
blossomed into genocide and the darkest of social engineerings. Prince died on
April 21, 2016.
Full moons
and dark occult agendas complete the trifecta in this season of sacrifice.
Within hours, strangeness went down worldwide using Denver, France, and Sri
Lanka as hubs. Many have commented that everyone’s energies have been skewed of
late, with lucid dreams occurring with increasing frequency.
“A building
is a symbol. As is the act of destroying it. Symbols are given power by people.
Alone, a symbol is meaningless…but with enough people, blowing up a building
can change the world.”
V For Vendetta, 2005
ritual sacrifices are held in churches, chapels and cathedrals worldwide – is
it possible the Notre Dame fire was intentionally set to facilitate the
destruction of evidence? Remember Jupiter being mentioned prominently in the
Nostradamus quatrain that heads this installment? Jupiter also played a pivotal
role in our solar system specifically on April 15th when
Jupiter-Earth-Mars aligned with the moon-Earth-Mercury-Venus in a Grand Cross,
with Earth as the fulcrum. Our entire planet was the pivot point. Earth served
as the hub, the switching yard, for all that energy. It’s anyone’s guess as to
how this played into what transpired, but go here and scroll back to April 15th:
April 15th
was the date of the Notre Dame burning.
Now check and see just how closely that
solar system alignment matches the aerial view of the Cathedral burning at
Combine what
happened at Notre Dame with the bombings in Sri Lanka, (COLOMBO, Sri Lanka by
the way), occurring exactly 20 years to the day after COLUMBINE, and you have
what amounts to a visceral assault on the senses of the collective, as we are
once again made to assume the form of science experiments in the
ancient-yet-cutting-edge mind control arts.
First reports
at Notre Dame revealed that those wishing to save the artifacts inside had
exactly 66 minutes to do so. Signaling? And the transmissions don’t stop there.
Guess who was
partying on a Seine champagne cruise as it just so happens when the Cathedral
burned? You’ll notice the smoke plume in the reflection of her glass.
And as far as
recent events go, Hillary and Huma were in Hawaii just before the missile
defense alert notifications appeared on everyone’s phones, perpetual person of
interest John Podesta was in New Zealand until just the day before the
Christchurch Mosque massacre there on March 15, going so far as to label NZ a
“big, juicy target,” (the perp in that massacre called himself a “Templar”) and
now in Sri Lanka the presence of former UN ambassador Samantha Power was
looming just before that attack sequence. Michelle O even apparently went as
far as to sport a necklace with the word ‘Burning’ front and center. Why are
they always at the scene of the crime, lurking around the margins like serial
killers observing the handiwork?
You will also notice the 'X'-marks-the-spot aerial plotting system that ritualizes the entire scene.
Then there is
the cleanup operation that happened just before all this in New Orleans, where
the burning circumstances remain highly suspicious. According to the highly
reliable Crazy Days and Nights site, this particular mansion was a cabal
honeypot, where copious amounts of evidence needed to be gotten rid of, and so
the 2525 St. Charles “House of Horrors,” a bastion of elite deviance where the
elite and societal crème de la crème gathered for generations, was put to the
torch on Feb.20…

Here’s one
rather telling comment from an insider: “The sex trafficking is a feint. Human experimentation
has been going on in the south since before the Civil War. The Louisiana
Purchase was a sell off by Napoleon to give his Anglo/American brother Masons a
huge pool of human lab rats to work on. (Napoleon had Haiti-- until he didn't)
This rubble was a safe house for those involved. Calling it a brothel makes
people shrug. Somebody with means, but out of the loop, caught on and torched
the place.” This brings to mind the halting, preliminary biowarfare experiments
of David Ferrie in the run-up to the JFK assassination, where New Orleans was
the database and hub for all manner of spooky actions that led to Dallas in the
distance. MONARCH and MKULTRA operations flowed freely, pedophilia and
hypnotism were in the air, and the hush-hush Special Virus Cancer Program was
one of the blackest of black operations in the middle of it all.
(This leads
into areas that we will pursue soon that are beyond the scope of this
particular post, which include the development of HIV-I, and how it was hidden
in the polio vaccine trials at ground zeros like Leopoldville and Stanleyville
in the Belgian Congo starting around the year 1959, where HIV was first
detected, and involve specifically Drs. Stanley Plotkin and Robert Gallo,
amoung others….herein lies the stuff every surreal science fiction horror film
is made of, and the research of David Ferrie and Mary Sherman, working with the
earliest particle accelerators, facilitated it all, in those early days in the
shadowy groves of New Orleans.)
Here is the
original CDAN blind, dated back on Nov.21, 2017:
It is still there. It is still owned
by the same people who have owned the house for hundreds of years. There is a
sprawling house on St. Charles Street in New Orleans that has been used by
politicians and celebrities as a secret pleasure den for almost 100 years.
Over the years the owners have
remodeled several times. The most recent of these remodels took place within
the past decade. Unbeknownst to the various guests of the establishment, each
room has been wired for video and sound.
One of the reasons this A+ list mostly
movie actor has been drinking himself to death is the video he has seen of
himself having sex with a 13 year old girl multiple times over a three week
There was a political candidate who
had all the backing and money in the world last year on the Republican side. He
was then shown a video of himself with two college guys engaged in several
hours of sex. After that, the candidate just kind of gave up. He went through
the motions, but that was about it. He was given a consolation prize to make
sure he is there if they need him.
In the past week, all of this is
threatening to come out of the shadows. Apparently one of the masterminds
behind it, got into an argument with his father. The father, one of the
wealthiest men in the world was killed this week in a freak accident. The thing
is though, there was nothing accidental about it.
You know who was a very frequent guest
to the house on St. Charles? This disgraced A+ list movie producer. Do you know
who helped set him up? This A+ list mostly movie actor who lives down there and
heard two separate stories from two A list actress girlfriends who had both
been raped by the producer.
That producer led to buzz and more
buzz and more noise. It also provided cover for people who were forced out.
Want your wife to find out about the sex games you like playing with college
girls? Then, now might be a good time to retire.
The house on St. Charles is money
central in the South. Super PAC's, movie financing. It is all entwined.
$10M to one Super PAC came from two
donations. A movie was filmed in New Orleans last year. Two of the actresses in
the movie were, at separate times, provided some information about visits their
respective A list husbands had made to the house. The next thing you know, two
separate checks had been written. $3M from one A lister and $7M from an A+
lister. Oh, and that A+ lister? He had to couch up another $5M this year.
Apparently he is OK with being caught with a guy even though he is in the
closet. He does draw the line at him with tween boys though. His actress wife
thought it was just guys he liked and not boys. Since she found that out last
year, they have spent a total of about 10 days together.
What is the purpose of all of this? I
don't know. I do know though it is causing chaos. It will be interesting to see
what kind of order comes out of this.
how fire happens to be the connective destruction mechanism in so much of this,
isn’t it? The disgraced film producer in
this scenario seems to be none other than Harvey Weinstein, whose name also
comes up again recently, since his attorney, Alan Dershowitz, stands accused of
sex trafficking children for Jeffrey Epstein, who traded kids back and forth in
a pipeline with the NXIVM cult – see how this works? https://thefreethoughtproject.com/lawsuit-trafficking-epstein-attorney/
It has also
emerged that NXIVM gave large donations to the Clinton campaign (the Clintons,
Bronfmans, and Rothschilds were outed in the very beginning of the exploding
NXIVM investigation as the royalty that took advantage of the children offered
for sale or lease by the cult after extensive “training” in their Rainbow Cultural
Gardens worldwide.)
And in
keeping with our theme of dictates pre-arranged according to the occult ritual
calendar, take notice that the International Center for Missing and Exploited
Children (ICMEC) of Hillary, Lady Catherine Meyer, and Cherie Blair was
launched during the third week of April,
Sri Lanka’s
explosions happened on the day many are now purposely designating with the
wording of “Easter worshippers” instead of Christians, placing the emphasis
squarely upon the “Easter,” which harks back into the mists of time as the
worship of the goddess Ishtar, which is where our word comes from. The pagan
component needs to be highlighted in the mainstream at all costs from now on.
It has
already been noted by the powers-that-be that Notre Dame’s Cathedral will be
rebuilt…only now the emphasis will be on a consensus, towards people of every
faith, in a structure that will serve ALL religions, Muslim, Christian, satan
worshipper, all are welcome at the world’s new community center for One World
Religion. Why, after all, serve only one centuries old religion when we’re doing
our very best to extinguish it? The fascism of political correctness demands
more, especially when the pagan aspects can be the centerpiece.
There is so
very much more that I’m on the cusp of right now, guys,,,,thanks so very much
for your patience in all these endeavours. Things are converging on many fronts
that all seem to overlap and pertain to each other. This is all only one
degree or less of separation away, as will soon become apparent. Stay safe, and
I’ll be back soon. Before I go for now, hint: this is a big piece to the
puzzle……. https://patents.google.com/patent/US20130281879
This is
straight from NXIVM’s Keith Raniere (see link's page bottom.)
Luciferian rehab monitor is really just more ‘full spectrum dominance’…. an
exploration of all things Luciferian for what purpose? Building a more perfect
beast? Couple this with Dr. Brandon Porter’s (of NXIVM) Clockwork Orange mind
control machinery, straight out of MKUltra, and you’ve got quite a miasma of
dark psychedelic perfidy, aimed squarely at underage targets and the
malleability of the young mind. What really went on in those Rainbow Culture
Garden children’s schools? Rehab a Luciferian
by showing them loops of snuff films? That seems a bit of ‘more of the same,’
doesn’t it? Why? Aren’t Luciferians trauma-based anyway? What does more trauma
on top of that do but reinforce? This isn’t rehabilitation – this is increased
indoctrination, force-multiplied, and all disguised under a masquerade of
caring about furthering the human condition.

You see,
ladies and gentlemen, Stranger Things
isn’t just a television show. The subjects which are addressed there – those
that seem so implausible, so science-fictiony, so outlandish – aren’t really
beyond the pale at all.
The echoes of
programs such as MONARCH, MKUltra, and MKOFTEN aren’t merely dim phantoms out
of the past historical record, they are ongoing, and dressed up in veils such
as NXIVM, the Clinton Foundation, Jeffrey Epstein’s network and philanthropic
orgs, and even CERN, amoung others. This is a world where childhood trauma meets mind/biological warfare on the fields of quantum mechanics and cutting-edge science; where the quest for the opening of portals and accessing other dimensions is the holy grail.
dimensions, some parallel, some not, have been breached, and are closer at hand
than you think. The “many worlds interpretation” of Hugh Everett in 1957 plays
a huge role and makes quantum mechanics a viable option for military
applications as well as globalist theme-parties.
Programs such as the Human Genome Project started the journey when speaking of the now-quaint notion of branched DNA and covering their occult origins much as CERN now attempts to conceal their true intent...this road will not end until well beyond the goal of branched reality itself.