"Ladies and Gentlemen"
We are the thing of shapes to come
Your freedom's not free and dumb
This Depression is Great
The Deformation Age, they know my name
Waltzing to scum and base and
Married to the pain
Bang we want it
Bang we want it
Bang bang bang bang bang
You came to see the mobscene
I know it isn't your scene
It's better than a sex scene and it's
So fucking obscene, obscene yeah.
[GIRLS (in the spirit of Oscar Wilde):]
Be obscene, be be obscene
Be obscene, baby, and not heard.
The day that love opened our eyes
We watched the world end
We have high places but we have no friends
They told us sin's not good but we know it's great
War-time, full-frontal drugs, sex-tank armor plate
Bang we want it
Bang we want it
Bang bang bang bang bang
You came to see the mobscene
I know it isn't your scene
It's better than a sex scene and it's
So fucking obscene, obscene yeah.
You want commitment?
Put on your best suit, get your arms around me
Now we're going down down down
You want commitment?
Put on your best suit, get your arms around me
Now we're going down down down
[GIRLS (in the spirit of Oscar Wilde):]
Be obscene, be be obscene
Be obscene, baby, and not heard.
You came to see the mobscene
I know it isn't your scene
It's better than a sex scene and it's
So fucking obscene, obscene yeah.
You want commitment?
Put on your best suit, get your arms around me
Now we're going down down down
You want commitment?
Put on your best suit, get your arms around me
Now we're going down down down
"Ladies and gentlemen, be obscene! Be be obscene!"
[GIRLS (in the spirit of Oscar Wilde):]
Be obscene, be be obscene
Be obscene, baby, and not heard.
Bang bang bang bang bang.
Marilyn Manson
sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from Magic.”
Arthur C.
Searching for
meaning in what just happened in Vegas can be viewed two ways. One, with utter futility at the seeming moral
randomness of the universe…and two, as an event positively loaded with such esoteric
portent and meaning, when glimpsed through a “Changing Images of Man,” New
World Order lens, that deciphering it all could, and probably will, take
years. This was a human harvest, a
culling, a Charles Whitman 2.0 operation, with directives given and carried out
literally from on high, as we will shortly see.
From any and all perspectives, the rule is going to be Order Out of
Chaos, more so than it ever has been before.
They will make sure of that. And
by their telltale fingerprints all over this, we can begin to see what’s really
happening beyond the media’s diversionary glare.
This was a
culling of a specific race, distinctly white people (designated villains du
jour); meat targets of the moment in the shadow of the apex of the Great
Pyramid (or at least this culture’s tacky mirrorball approximation of.) Not to worry.
It would do nicely, symbolically speaking. It was still a manufactured
article of great power and heady symbolism.
And make no mistake, symbols are what this is all about. They’re fairly shouting it in our faces. Already there is more smartphone
documentation of multiple shooters from myriad angles than you can shake a
grassy knoll at, and that’s only for starters. As of this writing we have boots-on-the-ground
testimony of gunfire penetrating the lobby of the Bellagio (over a mile away),
as well as witnesses stating that they were caught in crossfire coming from
ground levels also, both of which imply a much larger operation (or operations)
than a single person affair. The story
is developing.
Do you think
it coincidence that this blood sacrifice occurred on October 1, exactly 100 years
to the month of the start of the Bolshevik Revolution?
Do you think
it coincidence that OJ Simpson was released on the same day in Vegas just hours
before the event, guaranteeing that all major media would be in place by the
time the massacre commenced?
Is it
coincidence that this was a divisive major event coming on the heels of what
happened in Charlottesville, Virginia this summer as well as the faux/contrived/uber-inconsequential
NFL kneel-don’t kneel scenario? All get
the ever-important American faction to choose sides and remain forever divided,
and all are designed that way. Still one of the most popular options in their
playbook remains Divide and Conquer.
Never forget that.
Given all
this and so, so much more that we’re going to get to, the official narrative of
the Vegas Massacre is unraveling at near warp speed. Perhaps never before have there been so many
gaping holes in a false flag story designed to catapult the propaganda and NWO
lockdown agenda still further. The loose
ends of complicity and foreknowledge are unspooling so fast it’s becoming hard
to keep up with all of them in a real-time basis. But documenting these only tells a part of
the story…a story which delves deeper into arcane symbolism and the esoteric
than many have yet imagined, and connects far-flung networks and previous
global events with those same like-minded individuals we’re always running
across in these investigations.

Some will
claim that they are bugged by the above Arthur C. Clarke quote; that technology
isn’t magic. They could not be more
wrong. Oh, and just to square the circle
here and bring it all back home in making my dot-connecting point: Clarke was a
notorious and raging pedophile. He ran
in circles and was ensconced in networks that loved making that quote come true
over and over again in the real world.
They knew first hand how true it was and remains, especially when
dealing with rituals, viral occult numerology, and timing. (Hello, 9/11.) Those technologies, that Magick, isn’t only
of the nuts-and-bolts variety either. We
deal here with the domain of the mental, the psychological, also, as operations
like MK-Ultra and Monarch were created to influence, surpass, and
dominate. Which will bring us back
around to Vegas.
“If there is
no tiger in the mountains, the monkey will be king.” Chinese proverb
“Sift to
Tijuana, I wanna roam/ Find Motown telephones and come back home
Start an
escort service for all the right reasons/ And set up shop at the top of Four
Kid Rock and
I’m the real McCoy/ and I’m headed out West sucker, ‘cause I wanna be a Cowboy,
baby…” Kid Rock
“I thought
I’d pegged you an idiot’s dream/ Tunnel vision from the outsider’s
screen…” REM
friend, this earth is the battlefield of Armageddon, and the battle is for
men's minds and souls. . . there is a very powerful group on this planet, which
possesses tremendous knowledge of technology, psychology, and most unfortunate
of all , advanced brain therapy …
What all this
really means is that someone or something actually has the power to completely
possess and control the human mind. Human beings can be manipulated through
this power and used for both good and evil purposes…...
We have no
way of knowing how many human beings throughout the world may have been
processed in this manner, because they would have absolutely no memory of
undergoing the experience, and so we have no way of determining who among us
has strange and sinister "programs" lying dormant in the dark comers
of his mind .
the plan is to process millions of people and then at some future date trigger
all of those minds at one time? Would we suddenly have a world of saints? Or
would we have a world of armed maniacs shooting at one another from bell
towers?" Operation Trojan
Horse, John Keel 1970
We are most
certainly seeing advanced evidence of the Controllers at work, as we follow
along this Vegas thread through to its obvious conclusion. Psychologically, and for extreme purposes of
social engineering, another high precipice or vantage point was chosen to
implement the coup de gras to our collective psyche, to inflict the most
massive trauma, and to instill the greatest feelings of helplessness, dread,
and paranoia. This exactly mirrored type
of mental binding hasn’t been rolled out since Charles Whitman’s case, and this
was Whitman plus occult symbolism on steroids, weaponized to achieve mass
effect. Every single facet of this
operation hides something.
This was
likely an FBI or CIA op or sting that somehow went south, either by accident or
on purpose. I’m 90% certain at this
point of it being the latter, given the staging and the desired outcome they
were looking for. An insider named
“John,” on 4chan on September 11 (notice the date), posted this:

Stephen Paddock,
our alleged shooter, was variously employed over the years by Morton Thiokol,
which would become an offshoot of Lockheed Martin, NASA, the Jet Propulsion
Laboratory, and the IRS as an auditor.
To say that he had an “in” or two (or more) to the military-industrial
complex would be putting it mildly. The
spectre of Lockheed Martin alone brings to mind the scenarios of both the
Jonbenet Ramsey and Columbine massacre cases, rife with whispered implications
of pedophile rings, satanic abuse claims, and occult ritual dates. This should trigger massive alarm bells and
red flags for anyone looking for anything out of the ordinary going on in this
unfolding Vegas trauma. It also screams
of someone being on a hidden “black” payroll generationally as an asset. Perhaps Paddock was targeted early in life
because his father Benjamin Paddock was on the FBI’s top 10 most wanted list
for robbing banks, paperwork signed off on by J. Edgar Hoover himself, and
listed as “psychopathological.”
Paddock is at
the very least some kind of low-to-mid level drugs/arms trafficker for many
years; his cover reads as a dead giveaway for that: owns 2 planes, has 27
listed residences over the last 30 years.
Constant movement is a given – never stay in one place too long.
Somewhere along the line it is determined he will be a perfect, already
compromised patsy for a large scale operation to come. Something tips him off that things are going
sideways, his antennae go up, and he wires $100,000 to his girlfriend in the
Philippines in the weeks before the op is set to go down. This action could have sealed his fate as it
tips off the controllers to the fact that he is on to them and the true nature
of the op. Which is what you ask? See the above leak from “John” at 4chan. And this, from the above-and-beyond excellent
Aaron and Melissa Dykes at Truthstream Media:
And cui
bono? Who benefits? See the names Chertoff, Soros, and Adelson above. More strange connections to 9/11 again –
which abound as footprints in this op, in ways both practical and esoteric,
linking the material with the spiritual.
All pointing towards an outcome that seeks to turn an entire nation, if
not a whole planet, into a prison.
Sigils and memes pointing to 9/11 are everywhere here: we have already seen that the 4chan
disclosure by “John” was issued on September 11th (actually on
September 10th at 11:59 and 59 seconds, 1 second before September 11th.) The only windows on the 32nd floor
of Mandalay Bay which were broken out by the supposed shooter were separated by
exactly 9 windows…9 windows plus the 2 broken equals 11. 9/11.
Another 9/11
encoded in blood and glass. A perfect
calling card. But there is so much more,
and here we begin to get to the heart of the matter.
The 32nd
floor and “Yours in 322.” The number 32
has long been acknowledged in occult orders as a sacred number that resonates
throughout many inner circles. 322 is
code for the infamous Skull and Bones fraternity at Yale, historical stomping
ground of the Bush clan. The number is
used as both a code and a sign-off; an affirmation to “let’s get things done,
our way.” The name of the hotel Mandalay
also just happens to be the name of one of the 3 largest encampments at
Bohemian Grove, the occult significance of which I’m sure doesn’t need to be
repeated at this juncture, other than to say pedophile rings, child
trafficking, and child ritual sacrifice figure prominently.
Mandalay Bay
lies just across the street from the Luxor, a hotel modeled after the
antiquities of the Giza plateau, complete with a sphinx and an obelisk, and
with a huge “Great” pyramid which features the strongest man-made light (ahem, illumination) on Earth.

The lineage of Egypt and cultures even more
ancient figure prominently in the spiritual ethos of any number of secret
societies and illuminati types, dating back in modern-day parlance to at least
St. Paul’s Cathedral in London, re-aligned by Freemasons after the Great Fire
of 1666. All current occult geo-spatial
alignments are merely the culmination of a centuries-long process, and not an
accident or aberration. Sir Christopher
Wren was in fact the Grand Master of the Lodges before the Great Revival of
Freemasonry began in 1717. He had
“associates” who loved pyramids and Egyptian scarabs, and who helped him
rebuild the Christian churches and St. Paul’s after the 1666 Great Fire. Sir Nicholas Hawksmoore “worshipped a god
other than the one whom his churches have been dedicated to.” This all traces back to 322, who they
worship, and finds modern purchase in the symbology of the Luxor complex in
Vegas, which sat overlooking the carnage.
Some might say fittingly, prophetically.
photo of the Luxor, showing JANET (just another non-existent terminal) planes
on the tarmac next door, ready to take off for Area 51. This is the milieu, the ambiance, that Vegas
traffics in on a daily basis: a studied noir landscape where nothing is what it
Adding to
this occult stew we can find that the entire Route 91 (another 9/11 sync)
Harvest killing floor happened to be surrounded by Coke banners which depicted
the “mano cornuto” hand sign, which is not, despite modern misconceptions,
meant to convey “love,” “peace,” or “I Heart You” or “Rock and roll!” but in
truth is a sign meant to portray the devil’s work. What we have is a large grouping of people
about to be sacrificed in an enclosure completely surrounded by sigils of the
devil. (see far left)
Origins point
to either Ronnie James Dio of Black Sabbath who began using it to signify
‘horns’ around 1979, but likely extend even farther back to the band Coven in
1969, or even the Beatles circa Yellow Submarine.
No matter the beginning, it has survived and
thrived in modern day politics too amidst all manner of highly dubious
individuals, crossing all party lines.
It’s not looking too open-hearted or friendly, despite the masks of
brotherhood, humanity, and peace and love baby. Eerily, remember this was all going down at
what was called the Harvest festival.

We also now
hear that Paddock was prescribed Diazepam (Valium) in June of this year, adding
his name to a long and ever-growing list of just about every soul that has
graphically “snapped” for about at least the last 2 decades now, which should
put every man, woman, and child in America on alert that Big Pharma has plans
for you, and they ain’t good. Every, and
I mean EVERY discerning person should give any SSRI (read hallucinogenic)
prescription issued to them the widest berth possible if you value not just
your quality of life, but your life itself. It should be completely understood at this
point, in no uncertain terms, that these drugs, far from helping you, will
deliver you even further into the hands of madness, extreme derangement, and a
void where nothing retains any intrinsic human value at all to your mindset. Perhaps nowhere is the mass parable of a
continuing MK-Ultra program written in any bolder script than in what is
currently being carried out by Big Pharma under the faux auspices of civilized
medicine. And that’s whether or not this
was a factor in what just happened in Vegas.
Period. (I personally don’t
believe that he “snapped” in any way, shape, or form since this plot required
extensive planning and coordination, and was certainly no
fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants, spur-of-the-moment decision.) I DO however, endorse the prospect that drugs
could have been introduced to make an already compromised asset even more
malleable and controllable.
Perhaps most
importantly of all, along with the intended goals of Chertoff, Soros, Adelson
et al of TSA X-ray machines and backscatter tech everywhere, turning this
country into a new “Village” as in The
Prisoner, there is an occult psychological component here, intended to
first bend you before it breaks you and your will totally. Recognized or not, we are all to varying
degrees now stumbling around in a low-grade version of PTSD, and this is quite
intended. Look around. Feel the tension in the air as the days and
nights pass.
especially the proximity of what happened in Vegas to the nights approaching
the full moon, as well as its intensity around this time of year. This is not an accident.
Magick and
the occult are being used in sigils, in language, in imaging, everywhere around
us all the time, and the vast majority remain blissfully unaware of the
ramifications of this. Check the latest
headline re the elapsed time of the entire shooting episode from Floor 32. I repeat:
this is not an accident. This is
subliminal trauma programming and an indoctrination protocol.

I would be
remiss not to address a final point in all of this, and that is the possible
connections between Paddock’s circle of friends and influence, and the possible
ties to what I’m still calling pizzagate (pedogate.) From everything I can gather as of now,
investigators have found that one of the planes owned by Paddock was later
owned by a company called VOLANT LLC out of Roanoke and Chantilly, Virginia,
which happens to share an address with Eternal City Youth Ministries; said
address leading to a huge mansion.
Another person who owned this same plane (again after Paddock), died in
a plane crash in Omaha, Nebraska in another plane owned by AIRSEA CHARTERS, INC
based in, yet again, Omaha.
Charters and
private planes were of course used exclusively in the network that turned out
to be known as the Franklin Scandal affair.
This brings up the question of exactly why Paddock was so wealthy…was it
due to real estate speculation alone, as has been the story driven in the
media? That his properties were based
mainly in California, Nevada, Florida, and Texas should raise large red storm
flags considering these are 4 of the main hubs in the nationwide child
trafficking network. Was Paddock into
this network? Given that we now know
that his planes fell into ownership by a DOD contractor (Volant), nothing can
be discounted. This has everything to do
with pizza/pedogate in that the registrations of a dead pilot in the heart of
Franklin scandal territory in Omaha owned Paddock’s plane. What was he using it for? The same thing Paddock was using it for? Flight logs circa Franklin scandal time
showed that charters from Omaha flew mainly into Washington, D.C.
Also, perhaps
pertaining to nothing, perhaps to something, the Vegas Clark County where the
shooting took place contains official symbology disturbingly close to what the
FBI has described as the official sigil for “little boy lover.” Make of that what you will, but even if it’s
nothing (and there are no coincidences anymore), it ratchets the creep factor
up considerably.

And just what
WAS going on in those top 4 floors of Mandalay, at the Four Seasons? Perfect for hiding multiple child trafficking
rings undercover, wouldn’t you say?
Officially sanctioned by the FBI or CIA with Saudi backing and
complicity? Even better. We could be looking at a nightmare scenario
of a Fast-and-Furious operation on an even more staggering scale, encompassing
not only weapons trafficking this time, but major child trafficking also, with
major hints coming out of both ISIS partnerships and sponsorships. Somebody squealed (Paddock?), everything went
sideways, and the entire thing blew up, necessitating a major wetwork and
clean-up op rolled into one. The FBI is
now back-tracking and disavowing because they are implicated.
Notice in the
officially released death photo of Paddock (leaked by someone in the LVPD),
where the claim remains he shot himself, why are there spent cartridges on TOP
of the blood pattern? If the photo is
correct and unaltered he used a revolver, which has nothing to eject. They seem to have been placed there, ala
staging. And even in the official story,
source after source claims the presence of dozens
of spent cartridges littering the hotel room floor…Dozens, really? There should be hundreds, thousands of spent
rounds everywhere…where are they? There
should be burn marks in the carpet from where they landed…where are they? Where is the ‘13’ tattoo on Paddock’s neck
that appeared in his other released photo? (see the previous post) His girlfriend, Marilou Danley (the one that
was making a living being what seems like a professional escort, let’s get
real) says he was suffering from night terrors, waking up moaning and screaming
– why?

Las Vegas PD
has yet to release any ballistics statement tying the rounds that killed
everyone to the specific guns in his room.
That’s something that would only take a few minutes to confirm, at
most. Why? Where are all the vids that we should have
been exposed to ad nauseum by now (after all, it would only add to the trauma…)
of Paddock hauling all of the armaments into the hotel? Are they busy digitally scrubbing other
“actors” out of the footage? What else
is the FBI hiding?
FBI special
agent in charge Aaron Rouse seems to be back-pedaling on certain issues as fast
as he can, contradicting in press releases some in the LVPD regarding whether
or not Paddock acted alone. Curiously, Rouse
also happens to be the last name of the husband of John Podesta’s
daughter. Any family/federal connection
Valet entries
now prove Paddock checked in to the Mandalay 3 days BEFORE the official date
given by authorities, on September 25th. Room service tickets now show he dined with
another person in his room before the shooting – who was that? Authorities, both FBI and other fed sources,
still maintain the party line that he acted alone. What is going on here? Especially given the FBI’s ongoing handling
and reaction to events, I’m getting a distinct Oklahoma City bombing-aftermath
vibe to all this, when it appeared the FBI (along with others) colluded with
Tim McVeigh and cohorts in setting up and providing a platform for the entire
operation. To what end? Well, that’s another domestic terrorism
story, but ultimately serving the same ends of the tightening of Deep State
control over all of us, and a calling for a large number of occult-based,
sacrificial deaths in a huge, in-your-face, bloodletting Ritual.
On October 3rd,
these photos appeared on instagram, showing other lower windows of the Mandalay
had been taken out at some point either during or after the massacre. No further explanation has been forthcoming
about these. Why? WHAT exactly is going on here? For the record I feel extremely uncomfortable
for some reason about these pictures in particular being out there, but people
deserve to see. These give me the
creeps. They definitely for some reason
seem to carry with them the darkest, most surreal aspects of the JFK
assassination; the ones where you feel that the instigators, the change agents
behind the whole thing may not be quite human, where it all begins to turn
shades of grey and the slide into the abyss begins.
And then
there’s the bizarre issue of his tattoo, and the weird implications. This is all getting too spooky for words, and
it ain’t even Halloween yet.
And finally,
speaking of spooky, who was the woman that went around some 40+ minutes before
the show, saying that they were all going to die that night? That little factoid certainly was snuffed out
quickly from any further inquiry – almost as quickly as most videos are being
scrubbed off of youtube showing what appear to be multiple gunmen on floors of
the Mandalay that certainly don’t come anywhere near the 32nd. I’m glad every day that I screen-saved and
captured 3 stills from those same videos and included them in part 1 of this
series last time – those small flashes in the darkness may in time prove to be
like frozen moments from the Zapruder film.
Had enough sacrificial yet? I
just realized that there’s a Mayan pyramid INSIDE the Luxor pyramid. Good Lord.
The mind reels.

Even with all
of this documentation, I’ve only scratched the surface of what is out there
regarding this incident and the expanding Mandelbrot-type ramifications if you
care to dig. I increasingly, and in the
dead of night, get the uneasy and frankly chilling feeling that the same
creatures and entities behind 9/11 are also the ones behind this, mainly
because it touches on large-scale everything: arms trafficking, the agenda of
beginning a civil war in this country, the possibility of pedophile rings being
a part of the bigger operation, satanic sigils posted everywhere, greed and
service-to-self mindsets ruling over all, and occult ritual magick used at a
specific time and spatial coordinates to sway the masses into even more of an
Orwellian boot stomping on a human face forever; to alter an entire paradigm
again. But as good old Joe Strummer used
to say in his caustic, stubborn, glorious way, the future is unwritten. We still have the power to change it, but
that door is closing fast, and sinister agents are working every single day to
influence greatly that speaking of will to power. They bank on our incredulity, and the
terrible social conditioning of the death of one being a tragedy, but the death
of thousands or more being a statistic.
We have to recognize that the difference between doesn’t exist. Only the reptilian mindset pushes that
distinction. For everything that’s left
of our humanity, we need to fight, and we need to fight now.
Now is the
time for all good men and women to wake up, recognize, and come to the aid of
their planet.