“There is a
universal flux that cannot be defined explicitly but which can be known only
implicitly, as indicated by the explicitly definable forms and shapes, some
stable and some unstable, that can be abstracted from the universal flux. In this flow, mind and matter are not
separate substances. Rather, they are
different aspects of our whole and unbroken movement…Then there is the further
question of what is the relationship of thinking to reality. As careful attention shows; thought itself
is an actual process of movement.”
Wholeness And The Implicate Order
David Bohm
“The days are bright, and filled with pain/ Enclose me in your gentle
rain/ The time we ran was too insane/ We’ll meet again, we’ll meet again
tell me where your freedom lies/ The streets are fields that never die/ Deliver
me from reasons why/ You’d rather cry, I’d rather fly…The crystal ship is being
filled…” The Crystal Ship Jim Morrison
senses by which we can recognize the spirit world have atrophied.” Rilke
“If you relax and cooperate long enough, the universe will give you
information relevant to the question.”
John Mack
“I’m all over my heart’s desire/ I feel cold but I’m back in the fire/
I’m out of control but I’m tied up tight/ Come in come out tonight
I’m coming up in the early morning/ I feel love in the shock of the
lightning/ I fall into the binding light/ Come in come out, come in come out tonight…Love is a litany, a
magical mystery, and all in good time…
got my feet on the street but I can’t stop flying/ My head’s in the clouds but
at least I’m trying/ I’m out of control but I’m tied up tight/ Come in come out
There’s a hole in the ground into which I’m falling/ So Godspeed to the
sound of the pounding/ I’m all into the blinding light/ Come in, come
out, come in, come out tonight…It’s all in my mind…And all in good time, All in
good time, All in good time.”
The Shock Of The Lightning
Oasis/Noel Gallagher
Welcome back again, all you metaphysicals and midnight riders, to our third
straight night shift on the CERNwatch.
This was never intended as a trilogy, bearing in mind this might not
even stop here, but things grow increasingly strange in Geneva, and this
reporting intends to grow right along with them, for however long this long run
turns out to be. This outlay continues
to be much more serious than we’re previously ever been led to believe. Above you’ll see the capture images of the
two poles of Saturn; the question remains, what interior forces are in play,
what machinery exists, to manifest this solar system’s largest hurricane and
These are the times when the entire world begins to feel as if it’s
being shaped by forces and situations more akin to missing scenes from
“Hellboy” than CNN dispatches. Tales
inspired by cults of inner-Egypt, Mesopotamia, and Ur seem to be taking over
this haunted-house world, as headline after headline released continually
overlaps and coincides with the one prior; all pointing directly at
technological wizards of the Deep State Black Nobility inserted into our world
today and trafficking with what appears, for all intents and terrifying
purposes, to be ancient non-human intelligences.
times it can be instructive to go back and find the links in previous work, to
try and ascertain what’s brought us here, in an attempt at re-clarification, of
the course we’re on as well as where we’re headed. And the same holds true in my back pages, in looking over
previous postings. So imagine my
surprise when, in looking back to January of 2013, I rediscovered an entry
titled “Casting The Runes.” Upon
rereading it, I was shocked to find it tracing different frayings of this same
scarlet thread, and to see the long shadows of that reporting casting
themselves deep into what’s happening right now. There is a distinct bloodline that’s found a home in and among
the Deep State, and I remain gobsmacked at how, through no intent of my own,
one thing leads to another around here.
And diving into the deep end of these strange waters of an existing
Saturn Death Cult seems to send a warning claxon out to Synchronicity Central,
as if they’re noticing you noticing them.
That facets of this have been in play for so long in the world lends
more than a certain gravitas to current events, particularly whatever endgame
the machineries of CERN seem almost certain to be toying with. And even more than gravitas, there is the
inescapable sense of something huge in place and counting down. Which brings us back to the absolute
importance of Free Will for us here, and the mechanism by which, through all of
us peering into these affairs, we can possibly change them; have an impact in
the outcome. To look at the immaculate
dictates of Schrodinger again, the very nature of our observation of an event
alters it forever.
Any number of theologians will tell you that this is all God’s will,
that whatever’s happening is meant to be, and all part of His plan, almost in a
perverse type of zealous excitement for the All-Times Armageddon Show to
come. But I beg to differ. You and I are here for a reason also; WE are
God’s Plan in action, right here, right now.
I can’t stress the importance of this enough: you and I, all of us, were
put here on this exact plane of engagement, at this exact time, for a
reason. The time for fence-straddling
is over. For all of us it’s either “all
in” or “all out.” Come in, come out
the wise slogan of the late, legendary Mike Ruppert, choose your gun and
fire it. It may be joining a book
club and making connections, or a local Tea Party chapter. It could be getting to work on that novel
you always wanted to write. It may even
be starting to paint, build, or sculpt, or even starting a blog; writing is
only painting with words after all. It
could even be the humble act of just talking to your friends about topics you
were always scared to bring up for fear of ridicule. None of us is given to know what will begin that breeze that fans
the embers bringing the inferno starting a critical mass engulfing the minds of
men. One that can’t be extinguished,
that tips the scales forever towards an enduring Good. In the best and most literal sense anything
can happen in these most exciting of times to be alive, as actions in the past
can and do create ripples in the present.
And our actions now create ripples, radical change vectors, in the
gossamer veils of the future.

With all this in mind and more, let’s get back to the business of
observing, putting CERN under the microscope, and under fire, because there are
ominous rumblings taking place from Geneva (more accurately Meyrin,
Switzerland, the small town that lies directly above CERN – see above) to the
Antarctic to the farthest reaches of the solar system, and nodes of connection
firing all along the timeline. And the
spectre of transhumanism is once again front and center in these unearthly
proceedings of the occult arts. But
The actual physical viability of the Anthony Patch hypothesis – linking
CERN and D-Wave Systems’ Adiabatic Quantum Computer to the creation of a
helixical, Birkeland current bridge between Earth and Saturn (see the previous
two reportings) – was underscored as early as 1998 on the popular esoteric
landscape at Richard C. Hoagland’s brilliant Enterprise Mission website.
an aside, the number of areas where Hoagland has been scientifically WAY ahead
of the curve is legion, but is only highlighted again in the culture by NASA’s
latest admission just days ago of their startling “discovery” of finding liquid
water on Mars. Hoagland merely got
there 15 years prior, when he and his Enterprise Mission researchers reported
in 2000 that they had found present-day water on Mars in satellite imagery.
remarked at the time, “It’s pretty unambiguous. We can see the crack in the crater wall where the liquid started
to flow from, and follow a clear flow path down the wall of the crater mound. The flow patch is dark and wet, indicating
it may have been only hours old when the Mars Global Surveyor photographed it.”
Not too shabby for a guy that got dismissed as a “Face on Mars” nutbar
at the time by everyone except for the Art Bell late-night radio audience that
actually took the time to listen to his theories sprung forth like mushrooms in
the wee hours, coloring the late-1990s zeitgeist as we counted down to whatever
awaited us at the Millennium. Among
other things, Hoagland also numbered among the very first researchers, along
with people like the late Kent Steadman at Cyberspaceorbit, to identify the
increasing proliferation of contrails as possible weather-modification
technology, an idea only now gaining increasing traction. He also pioneered the notion that these
contrails and the cookie-cutter Nexrad radar “cutouts,” as well as perfectly
round, radar ring “bursts” that all appeared simultaneously in that pivotal
year of 1998, were inextricably linked, and possibly both modified and
augmented by the HAARP facility in Gakona, Alaska.

Where Hoagland and Patch converge on this playing field that leads to
CERN is in Hoagland’s seminal hyperdimensional physics model, which posited in
part (greatly simplified) that bodies in our solar system contained observable
energies that manifested in “upwellings” most often seen on the bodies’
exteriors at 19.5 degrees, and that these energies originated from
dimensions beyond our own. Straight
from the Enterprise Mission site and the paper “Hubble’s New ‘Runaway Planet’:
A Unique Opportunity For Testing The Exploding Planet Hypothesis…and
Hyperdimensional Physics Part I” from July 8 1998:
“Astrophysical discovery of ‘glowing planets’ – planetary bodies which
shine in the infrared via internal energy sources, not just by reflected light
– stems from completely unexpected ground-based telescopic observations of this
solar system, beginning in the mid-1960s: the startling detection of “anomalous
internal infrared radiation” coming from the planet Jupiter. Later Pioneer and Voyager insitu spacecraft
observations across the 70s and 80s added the other ‘giant planets,’ Saturn,
Uranus, and Neptune, to the list of solar system worlds that – somehow, without
internal nuclear fusion processes, like stars – still manage to radiate more
energy out into space than they receive directly from the Sun.”
This is basically, without putting too fine a point on it, the discovery
that makes all of what Patch is proposing vis a vis CERN and what’s going on
inside Saturn possible. Hoagland again:
“The cornerstone of the hyperdimensional model (as applied to the
problem of ‘unexplained’ astrophysical energy sources) is that historically,
there is a perfectly natural explanation for such ‘anomalous energy’ appearing
in celestial bodies…which unfortunately, hasn’t been considered by Science for
over 100 years: The existence of
unseen hyperspatial realities…that, through information transfer between
dimensions, are the literal ‘foundation substrate’ maintaining the reality of
everything in this dimension.
The mathematical and physical parameters required for such
‘information energy gating’ into this spatial dimension from potential
‘n-dimensions’ were primarily founded in the pioneering work of several 19th
Century founders of modern mathematics and physics: among these, German
mathematician Georg Riemann, Scottish physicist Sir William Thompson, Scottish
physicist James Clerk Maxwell, and British mathematician Sir William Rowan
Once again, I stress that if you’re new here and if you haven’t, go back
and read the previous two postings relating to the goings-on at CERN, after
which this upcoming news will take on an added creepy factor beyond your
wildest imaginings. Given everything we
know so far, this, from Space.com on Sept.30 2015, is particularly
ominous. As it turns out, something
appears to be churning and rising within the gaseous body of Saturn. In short, “an object of unknown origin is
moving under the surface of Saturn, pulling the rings down to the planet,
astronomers revealed.”
“The gas giant’s 170,000-mile wide rings are composed of billions of
particles of ice and rocky debris orbiting the planet. Because of the gravitational pull of
Saturn’s 62 moons the rings’ spiral waves are typically drawn out into space.
But now, the ring waves are traveling downward towards the surface of
the planet, where scientists believe some thing is moving deep within.
Astronomers surmise that the object, located far beneath Saturn’s
surface, is spinning at a speed of one rotation every seven hours, exerting a
powerful gravitational pull on the rings.
Recently, C2C reported that imagery of a mysterious storm raging for
over 30 years on the dark side of Saturn had been captured by NASA’s Cassini
space probe.
Yet that storm, located at the nexus of a unique hexagonal structure, is
seemingly unrelated to this new phenomena.”
The fact that the headers in the article are titled “Everything is
Ringing,” “Something Strange,” and “Lifting the Veil,” don’t exactly do much to
quell the occult aura surrounding all this even at official levels. And what this all means to the research of
Anthony Patch, who contends that Saturn is in effect a huge prison planet for
ancient extra-dimensional pre-biblical entities, hardly needs to be
mentioned. That his work illustrates a
helixical bridging of Saturn’s North Pole with Earth’s South Pole as a means of
conveyance, by Birkeland telluric currents, for whatever’s there coming here,
courtesy of CERN tech augmented by an Adiabatic quantum computer, cannot be
overstated. By the powers of the
artificially intelligent Adiabatic computer, pioneered by D-Wave Systems, there
is the means to actually digitize biology, another critical step in this
“Working.” (See the white paper ‘In Silico DNA’ at anthonypatch.com under
‘Latest Article’ for much, much more.)

That all of this only amounted to so much informed, scientific
speculation just weeks ago, and is now
bolstered by “real world” press releases from NASA and, increasingly,
CERN itself, seems beyond the pale, beyond the infinite and skating perilously
close to the borders of what the human mind can accept. If all this were truly happening, wouldn’t
there also, according to the model, have to be some kind of presence at our
South Pole, indicating like-minded people engaged in like-minded “workings” to
set this whole thing up, to prepare the advent for Patch’s informed
speculations? Unfortunately, that’s
exactly what appears to have been going on.
Meet the next horrific confirmation that all of this is actually
happening: CERN’s IceCube observatory.
Built to
observe the incoming flux rates of extraterrestrial neutrinos, the megalithic
IceCube, using the U.S. South Pole station as a base of operations, was
deployed into the ice on January 15 2005.
The amount of hours and manpower needed to do so was staggering. Over 50 polar flights were taken for the
drilling rigs and fuel alone. IceCube,
in league with the South Pole Telescope, also figures in the plans to detect
the presence of dark energy, and dark matter.
Making use of all these observations will be the combined NASA-DOE Joint
Dark Energy Mission (JDEM), which has a target launch date of some time in
2016. It will then join forces and
compare notes with the Dark Universe Explorer Project of the European Space
Agency’s planned Euclid mission, getting underway in 2017. Note that all these projects are designed
and built for detecting the incoming flow rates of all kinds of energies
interacting with and bombarding the Earth.
Pay particular attention to the dark matter and dark energy, in other
words the antimatter; it remains of paramount importance to the guiding
hands at CERN. In underscoring the occult
meaning behind it all, as well as the critical factor of sacred symbology, you
will notice that the shape of the IceCube is hexagonal, the alchemical
geometry that shows up everywhere in this investigation from the North Pole of
Saturn, to the machinery and components at Geneva, to final manifestations
inside our own bodies.
Also notice
the sheer size of the incredibly massive undertaking. It is truly of
Lovecraftian, Mountains Of Madness-proportions at 1.5 miles in height and
depth; at the bottom left are the Eiffel Tower and Empire State Building to
At this point
in the Patch outline, we’ve got independent verification, albeit from highly
involved sources, that he’s right on the money on two of the “where’s” in his
scenario that have panned out. No
wonder he was effectively silenced for several months by various status agents
of the “Men In Black,” both in face-to-face confrontations and through
electronic harassment of both himself and his personal computers. But, as is so often the case with
whistleblowers and those that hear a higher calling (of which he is both), in
the end Patch was not so easily intimidated, and as of this writing he is back
on track and intends, in interviews and on his website, to continue telling all
he can for as long as he can.
Which means
with two “where’s” in the equation exhibiting disclosure, there remain the many
exact “how’s” to examine, and a crucial one of those that just got checked, is
the aspect, not addressed in any great depth so far, of the intersection of
CERN and synthetic DNA. CERN, like many
synchrotronic particle accelerators throughout the world, is heavily involved
in DNA research, the genesis of which can be traced back to Walnut Creek,
California, and the now infamous Human Genome Project of J. Craig Venter, a
“person of interest” in all of this whose name keeps popping up again and
again. CERN is interested in performing
the reconfiguration and reconstruction of DNA at the quantum level, hooking in
with quantum entanglement, and extrapolating that all the way up the chain
ultimately targeting the human structure.
But first they are concerned with the multiple ways of vectoring it into
the human structure, and this, it seems, could be where some dot connecting is
in order.
Patch receives
all of his information from official sources coming out of science journals at
Berkley and Cornell, as well as CERN’s own internal documents. It remains his contention that synthetic
life will be created, in part using radically modified 3D printing technology,
to be used as vessels to be inhabited by what’s ultimately coming from the
planet Saturn. My belief, based more on
intuition than anything else, is that the long-range bioforming of our own bodies
over the course of years, due to lengthy exposures to what is in the
chemtrails, GMOs, vaccines, and other multiple change agents, has been done
deliberately to ensure WE are those host vessels to be so used at the
appropriate time. If the cosmic blueprint
of panspermia created what we are now untold eons ago, then who’s to say
another “jump” in biological evolution isn’t in order? It’s only that this one will be a massive
“possession” along Book of Revelations-proportions of as much of this planet’s
population as they need. For decades,
transhumanism has looked to reconfigure and redesign us for a reason. GMOs, a noted vaccine agenda, and
electromagnetic fields, not to mention what’s falling on our heads on a daily
basis, have sought to alter our interior landscape at the molecular level for a
reason. Those reasons could finally be
upon us. No matter what, it’s been a
long ramp-up and preparation for something.
And if it’s Patch’s way or my way in the end hardly matters, the
destination is the same, and humanity’s Magic 8 Ball keeps coming up “outlook
not so good.”

And this is
where another frightening scenario has just joined the connect-the-dots party
train. A scenario that includes both
synthetic life, as well as the problem of how to get it into us that may very
well have been solved. On Sept.4 2015
the Express UK ran the headline that “Scientists at the University of
Buckingham Center for Astrobiology (BCAB), in tandem with the University of
Sheffield, say they have captured the first-ever image of an alien or
extraterrestrial organism. The
scientists described the ‘organism’ as a ‘bull-shaped’ particle that represents
a ‘complete living entity.’ According
to the team of scientists, led by Professor Milton Wainwright, the photograph
is proof that alien or extraterrestrial life exists in space, outside the
atmosphere of our planet Earth.”

scientists said the image provides new evidence in support of the panspermia
theory which says that life on Earth originated in space. The scientists also said the discovery
supports the theory that living particles continue to rain down on earth from
space.” The “amorphous,” bull-shaped form
is shown here attached to a grain of salt crystal it was riding on. The grain of salt was discovered along
with the rare earth elements: dysprosium, luetetium, neodymium, and niobium. Interestingly enough, all 4 of these
elements appear to have one thing in common: they show applications for highly
magnetic and magnetized fields of data storage, with niobium strands used in
all MRI devices, and luetetium actually used in magnetic “memory”
technology. What exactly are they
raining down on us, and why am I thinking it could point to possible “brainwave
entrainment,” of either the memory-wiping variety, or the creating of a tabula
rasa, a blank slate, just in time for new information coding to take its place?
“Where is the
fisherman, where is the goat/ Where is the keeper in his carrion coat?…These
are the soul cages…” Sting
extraordinary finding was announced in coordination with two other ‘forms” also
recently found to be floating down from the uppermost reaches of the atmosphere
and beyond. All were isolated from
minute pieces of so-called “debris” dredged from the stratospheric boundaries
of space by large magnets, part of a project run out of Derbyshire which sent
balloons to altitudes some 30 kilometres up into the stratosphere, extremely
close to, but not into, the actual outer space boundary.
On January 30
2015, these same researchers announced they had found evidence of
extraterrestrial life forms raining down on earth in “titanium spheres.” According to the researchers, these spheres
were about 30 microns in diameter (about the width of a human hair) and
contained “biological material.” It had
“filamentous life” on the outside, and a “gooey biological material oozing from
its center.” X-ray analysis showed that
the tiny sphere was made up mainly of titanium, with traces of vanadium. They described it as a “life seed” which,
upon falling, bursts open, spewing its “genetic and biological” material.
The third form
is listed in a January 18 2015 press release as a “ghost” or ‘dragon” particle
of, once again, biological material, in the form of a diaphanous or
chiffon-like scarf, once again culled from the outer atmospheres at 27
kilometre altitudes, and again, around the width of a human hair.

Just when we
were wondering where all of this could be coming from, this headline was
introduced into the mix on October 12 2015 when NASA announced it had
successfully completed an experiment with a suborbital, or sounding, rocket
aimed at testing out new technologies before integrating them in other
“upcoming projects.” Specifically, the
suborbital flight was launched on October 7 from Wallops Island, Virginia and
was testing a modified Black Brant sounding rocket motor, launch vehicle,
spacecracft systems, and suborbital payload-ejection technologies. During the test they released a number of
vapor clouds into the atmosphere, all of which contained discharges of barium
and strontium. These resulted in
colorized celestial clouds which descended and were visible along the eastern seaboard
of the U.S.

Barium and strontium,
along with aluminum, are the 3 most utilized heavy metals in the worldwide
chemtrailing and/or geoengineering programs.
Straight from NASA: “During the
test of the deployment system for the vapor clouds, four sub-payloads with
mixtures of barium and strontium will be ejected from the main payload and the
vapor will be deployed while the payload is descending. The test will also include the release of
vapor from two systems on the main payload during the descent portion of the
“The ejected
sub-payloads will release the vapor at about 130 miles above the Earth. The main payload releases will occur at an
altitude of around 118 miles.”
All of which
only begs the question, if they are releasing barium and strontium at those
extreme levels to float down on us, am I being cynical to think some of those
payloads could also include biologicals and synthetics as per
instructions? Which of course would
plug directly into the entire CERN transhumanistic, transformative agenda. And all of this brings us back around to the
supremely suspicious J. Craig Venter, and something be said in 2010 at TED
talks that mirrors the EXACT recipe for what Anthony Patch says CERN is up
to. With characteristic hubris he
exclaimed: “Watch me unveil synthetic life.”
To begin with,
Patch has always said that one of the hallmarks of these people is hubris. They not only think they are better than
God, their agenda is to replace God at best, to obliterate Him at worst, in
accordance with dictates from their Master.
Patch has also repeated in many interviews that, going hand-in-hand with
the Adiabatic quantum computer in completing the process of transference,
something to look for as one of their goals and markers is “digitizing
biology.” So imagine my surprise
when I ran across this specific wording in the UK Guardian article of October
13 2013 highlighting Venter, and excuse me if you’ll notice the allusion to an
altogether fey Bond villain immediately:

“Craig Venter
reclines in his chair, puts his feet up on his desk and – gently stroking his
milk chocolate-coloured minature poodle, Darwin, asleep in his arms – shares
his vision of the household appliance of the future. It is a box attached to a computer that would receive DNA
sequences from over the Internet to synthesize proteins, viruses, and even
living cells.
It could, for
example, fill a prescription for insulin, provide flu vaccine during a
pandemic, or even produce phage viruses targeted to fight antibiotic-resistant
bacteria. It could help future Martian
colonists by giving them access to the vaccines, antibiotics and personalized
drugs they needed on the red planet.
And should DNA-based life ever be found there, a digital version could
be transmitted back to Earth, where scientists could recreate the
extraterrestrial organism using their own life-printing box.
‘We call it a
Digital Biological Converter. And we
have the prototype,’ says Venter.”
The article
continues, “In 2010 Venter grabbed the
attention of headline writers and scientists around the world by announcing
what he called the ‘world’s first synthetic life.’ He took a synthetic bacterial genome constructed from chemicals
in the laboratory and, as Venter puts it, ‘booted it up,’ by inserting it into
a living, single-celled bacterium. The
cell replicated itself into a colony of organisms containing only the synthetic
‘It is like a
whole new concept of life that, until our experiment, no one had,’ he
says. It was later reviewed by the
Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues, which gave it the
green light and recommended self-regulation by synthetic biologists.”
‘…I think the
work that we have done with the first genome in history, the human genome, and
with the first synthetic cell is certainly of the world caliber that obviously
wins big prizes…’ Venter also wants people to know about what’s coming next –
the futuristic home gadget he is building and how it could allow what Venter
calls ‘biological teleportation.’
“The way he
sees it, making a digital copy of an organism’s DNA in one place and sending
the file to a device somewhere else that can recreate the original life-form
is not so different from the sci-fi ideal of teleportation where matter moves
from place to place in an instant (in the style of ‘Beam me up, Scotty.’) It is just that it was never envisioned this
That certain
device alluded to but not defined in Venter’s above blueprint would be the
Adiabatic quantum computer working in tandem with CERN’s Large Hadron Collider,
making manifest extradimensionals in a here-to-there transfer into physical
form, thanks to vessels either human or synthetic that await the arrival. And just for historical buttressing, perhaps
all this has happened before. As was
written, there is nothing new under the sun.

And if the
Guardian writer Zoe Corbyn will forgive me, it was ALWAYS envisioned that way,
and don’t let the rampant megalomania of Venter sidetrack you, or disabuse you
of that notion. They count on the fact
that this whole area and agenda carries with it so much baggage of disbelief
that they are able to hide all of this in plain sight. In brutal truth you need to violently
suspend that disbelief for as long as it takes, and in its place keep repeating
a mantra regarding the true nature of your world, borrowed from the popular
piece of disclosure masquerading as the film Rosemary’s Baby…All of them
witches. All of them witches. All of them witches. All of them witches.
I hope you can
continue to follow these threads along with me in the coming months. Anthony Patch has just in the last 24 hours
posted the most recently updated schedules from CERN:
Full Power
14TeV Nov.20 – Dec.13
Collisions of
Ions of Lead Nov.20-Dec.13 @ 14+TeV
Scrubbing of
Main Ring until Nov.3
Development Nov.4-8
Technical Stop
Recommissioning Beam Nov.14-15
Set Up of Ions
of Lead Nov.16-19
Collisions Pb
+ Pb Nov.20-Dec.13
Stop Dec.14 through end of 2015
“When the
night shows/ The signals grow on radios/ All the strange things, they come and
go/ As early warnings
Stranded starfish have no place to hide/ still waiting for
the swollen Easter tide/ There’s no point in direction/ We cannot even choose/
A side
I took the old track/ the hollow shoulder, across the
waters/ On the tall cliffs/ They were just getting older/ sons and daughters/
The jaded underworld was riding high/ Waves of steel
hurled metal at the sky/ and as the nail sunk in the cloud/ The rain was warm
and soaked/ The crowd
Lord here comes the flood/ We will say goodbye to flesh
and blood/ If again the seas are silent/ in any still alive/ it’ll be those who
gave their island to survive/ Drink up dreamers, you’re running dry
When the flood calls/ You have no home you have no walls/
In the thunder crash/ You’re a thousand minds/ Within a flash/ Don’t be afraid
to cry at what you see
The actor’s gone, there’s only you and me
And if we break before the dawn/ They’ll use up what
we used to be…” Peter