battle lines being drawn/ And nobody’s right, if everybody’s wrong…/Think it’s
time we stopped/ Hey, what’s that sound?
Everybody look what’s goin’ down.” For What It’s Worth, Buffalo Springfield
“The world today has 6.8 billion
people...that’s headed up to about 9 billion.
Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care,
reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.” Bill Gates, TED conference 2010
“Oh joy, oh rapture/ Oh decline of space
and time/ To find love in the shimmer of blood on stone/ To find passion in a
maze of sun-bleached bones… Look me in
the face/ Who of us is more confused?/ Look me in the face/ and tell me you
don’t need being used.” Everlasting
Saturnalia, The Devil’s Blood
Come gather ‘round the electronic bonfire
and warm yourselves digital children, for Samhain approaches, and as in the
days of old we have spooky stories to examine; the very latest from the global
agenda that increasingly resembles a blind game of tainted, untethered
bumper-cars. There are more junctions
between corrupt cells to be joined here than we could possibly imagine, but we
will look to hit the highlights in this infernal tapestry where forced
biological chaos magick meets the New World Order around a candlelit blood
altar in the Club of Rome. Where
black-elite progenitors of the Global Culling 1970s-agenda like Henry
Kissinger, George H. W. Bush, and Zbigniew Brzezinski pass the torch to
latter-day worldwide Luciferic “ruiners” like Bill Gates and George Soros, Dick
Cheney and Don Rumsfeld, to name but a few.
In the paragraphs that follow, you will find Left-Hand-Path evidence unimpeachable
against all of these “noble public servants” and philanthropists; evidence that
shows they mean to bring this world to its knees.

The germination for all this skullduggery
likely begins even earlier, but a good place to start is the calendar year
1974, and a meeting in Bucharest, Romania, and the birth of National Security
Study Memorandum 200 by Henry Kissinger, then National Security Advisor to
Nixon. Bucharest, in December 1974, was
site for the first UN international population conference, and attendance and
contributions came from the CIA, the Departments of State, Defense, and
Agriculture, as well as the Agency for International Development. Kissinger assumed control and gathered
together an anthology of sorts from all of their materials and subtitled it
“Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas
Pay particular attention to the fact that
this became official foreign policy for the U.S. on November 26, 1975, when
Gerald Ford signed into effect NSDM 314 – National Security Decision Memorandum
314. It is still U.S. national policy
re population and remains in effect to this day. The NSSM was only discovered in 1990 and was
originally classified as a secret document, meaning that neither the public in
the United States nor the people of the developing world who were the subject
of its implementation were allowed to know of its existence. A schedule for
declassification appearing on the cover authorized its release in mid-1989.
However, the document was not actually made public until almost a year later,
when it was given to the U.S. National Archives in response to a request from a
journalist working for the Information Project For Africa.
Why was the study kept confidential so
long? It is difficult to promote genocide on a massive scale unless the
recipients can be persuaded that it is intended for their benefit.
NSSM 200, on
the other hand, acknowledged that the purpose of population control was to
serve the U.S. strategic, economic, and military interest at the expense of all
developing countries of the Third World.
Such a revelation, particularly if it were to leak out prematurely,
would seriously jeopardize program goals.
In fact, the declassification date on the memorandum would not
necessarily be mandatory, and NSC could still have kept it from public
view. But by 1990, at least two very
important changes had taken place. For
one thing, many of the study's recommendations for pushing population reduction
policies on aid-receiving (see World Bank policies which go hand-in-hand with
this) countries had been accomplished.
Second, the U.S. had elected George Bush, a former Director of Central
Intelligence, to the White House in 1988, which may have signaled to
classification review personnel that the American public had grown more
tolerant of covert activities overseas.
More’s the pity, as the unchecked programs of Kissinger, Bush Sr. and
Brzezinski, the 3 main names behind NSSM 200, remain wholly operational today,
and likely lie at the beating heart of what’s currently being phased in with
this latest Ebola black operation.
Brzezinski, seen here with an operative named Tim Osman (Osama Bin
Laden) in Pakistan in 1979, has always viewed the globe as a personal “grand
chessboard” and as this photo shows, initiated the beginning relationships and
groundwork for what would eventually mutate into 9/11. But that’s for another time, another place.

Prior to this latest Ebola outbreak in
West Africa, we must address the altogether sinister presence of workers and
scientists from Tulane University, and exactly what and whose shadowy protocols
they were following, because, and note this cascade of events, first came the
ramp up of Tulane scientists and virologists, and then came the Ebola. The first notice that something was “off”
with the story was when news came to the West of eight murdered Ebola aid
workers in Guinea on Sept.20th, 2014.
Word among the locals had spread since this particular team of
aid workers had appeared in full hazmat suits at a market the previous month,
spraying those there with canisters of “disinfectant.” Previously uninfected and healthy subjects,
all at that market quickly succumbed to this newest Ebola directly after being
sprayed. As this was not the first time
this exact scenario had played out, the people decided they had had enough, and
took action against their humanitarian “benefactors.”
There also remains the fact that despite
multiple claims from official channels this outbreak can be traced to one 2-year-old
child as “patient zero” in December 2013, as well as rapidly changing Wikipedia
and other online source parameters quickly stating that this strain of Ebola
was always with us, such is adamantly NOT the case. The strain currently running rampant is brand spanking new, with
the original source remaining as of now completely unknown.
Online resources have even taken to calling
the old original strain Ebola Virus Disease, an entirely new designation that
never existed before now, in an attempt to retrofit this new virus into the
established historical chain. The older
strain was always called Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever, and in this current outbreak
only 18% of patients “bleed out,” always the previous historical pattern.
You will now find almost every online
resource saying EVD existed as such in 1976, a nice historical revision
constructed on-the-fly that is now the party line and completely fabricated,
likely whipped-up to cover the asses of Tulane, USAMRID, the CDC, WHO, and some
individuals we’ll get to in a minute.

When this initially broke out, everyone
was wondering why, in a continent where there are more cell phones than in
either Europe or the U.S., no pictures were forthcoming showing any victims
displaying the traditional “hemorrhagic” symptoms. Then, on a recent Rachel Maddow broadcast, the host spent some
fifteen minutes assiduously breaking down just how Ebola works, the litany of
how the skin becomes porous enough that it can’t contain the blood, basically
melting your organs, etc., only to have a doctor guest come on after she asks
“have I gotten anything wrong?” and exclaim “Well, this strain actually only
causes bleeding in some 18% of the cases we’re seeing. So we have renamed it Ebola Virus
Disease. It kills through dehydration
and organ failure.” So this is
basically like a super flu, possibly airborne, origin unknown. Captain Trips is close now, very close.

We are getting closer to the inner
sanctum when we begin to realize that the CDC has owned the patent on this Ebola
virus since 2010 (all the while remembering that this strain is entirely
different from the original one first catalogued in Zaire in 1976).
This scenario becomes even more frightening
when it hits home that this “ownership” of this strain extends to the Ebola
circulating within the bodies of its victims.
When one of the first, Dr. Kent Brantly, was relocated from Africa to
the CDC’s care in Atlanta, that entire transport was carried out under the
quasi-legal justification that the United States “owned” the Ebola virus
circulating in Brantly’s blood.
One of
the very first actions that took place upon touchdown was the military
appropriation of his blood samples for archiving by the CDC and the Pentagon. And only the naïve think this was all about
saving the life of the doctor. The true
purpose was to acquire the virus circulating in his body and use it for
weaponization research and vaccine research, as well as other R&D vectors.
When we follow the money trail attached
to this latest outbreak and find the names lurking in the shadows, it’s becomes
a rogue’s gallery of mercenary globalists with agendas bent on worldwide
bloodletting and genocide.
At the
epicenter of the outbreak is Sierra Leone is the Kenema Government Hospital, a
U.S. enclave calling itself a “hospital” as masquerade only, its true nature
being revealed as a biosecurity level 2 bioweapons research lab, funded
initially through hidden charters by the DOD before becoming somewhat more
transparent. Because now if you
assiduously follow the monetary red tape, you’ll find that it’s completely
funded by George Soros and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Biodefense scientists, many from Tulane,
have been specifically working on Ebola variants at Kenema since at least
2011. Tulane University itself has been
a presence in the area for at least ten years.

Bill Gates of course has a long and sordid history in
bioweapons disguised as vaccines, mainly deployed in the Third World. As recently as 2006, 1600 cases of
vaccine-induced polio occurred in India after Gates-funded vaccination programs
were widely implemented. Following
that, in 2011, behind an insidious propaganda push that utilized many Bollywood
stars, the Gates oral polio vaccine protocols in India caused no less than
47,500 paralysis deaths. (Not entirely
unrelated and also in bed with Monsanto, Gates also pushed the widespread sale
in India of GMO cottonseeds.)
In the
depths of cyberspace lurks a press release written by the CDC, confirming
that the OPV, or oral polio vaccination, given to millions of children
throughout the developing world, is causing them to develop vaccine-induced
polio. Instead of banning the
vaccination, as one would expect, the CDC has decided in its wisdom that the
best way to tackle the problem is to maintain a high rate of vaccination in all
countries. Yes, that is correct. The CDC recommends maintaining a high rate of
vaccination, vaccinating as many children as possible with a vaccine that
causes polio. In light of this kind of
data, the stories of the locals in Guinea, Sierra Leone, and Liberia of NIH and
CDC officials actually dispersing the Ebola virus instead of working to
eradicate it, no longer seem like native-fueled paranoia or fantasy. With numbers of this size being reported
about vaccine-induced polio, you would think that someone, somewhere, would
have tried to stop the devastation.
However, instead of stopping the vaccination program and trying to rein
in Bill Gates, it appears that governments worldwide have given Gates the green
light to do exactly what he wants. To
put it mildly, the specter of collusion and shared agendas is readily apparent.
In looking at the bigger picture or
endgame here, you also need to examine the ultimate facts behind the GMO cotton
sales in India as more than a sidelight.
After the mass sales, profits for Monsanto naturally rose. When yields were far less than promised
(what were the odds?) farmers incurred massive debt, augmented by subsidies
from places like the World Bank, which is also all part of the plan. This all led to what is regarded as “the
worst-ever recorded wave of suicides of this kind in human history.” To date, the number has surpassed 250,000. Neoliberal terrorism is still terrorism, and
of a far more lethal variety than 19 Saudi patsies can deliver.
Meanwhile, the partners and people
leading the viral fever bioweapons lab inside Kenema Government Hospital read
like a roll call of New World Order organizations. “The Consortium” is a collaboration between Tulane, Scripps
Research Institute, Broad Institute, Harvard University, University of
California at San Diego, University of Texas Medical Branch, Autoimmune
Technologies LLC, Corgenix Medical Corporation, Kenema Government Hospital
(Sierra Leone), Irrua Specialist Teaching Hospital (Nigeria) and various other
partners in West Africa. …The Consortium intends to expand this program to
include other important infectious agents such as Ebola, Marburg and other
Arenaviruses that are of great concern to public health and bioterrorism,”
states the bioweapons lab website. The
website admits that Professor Robert F. Garry is “currently managing the
consortium of scientists who are developing modern diagnostics for several
biodefense pathogens.”
To add yet another name to the roll call,
it was a Tulane University and US Navy bioweapons scientist Dr Daniel
Bausch who was at the center of the Ebola outbreak in Kenema, triggering a
crackdown by the Sierra Leone government and a bar on Ebola testing by Tulane
University. On July 23, Sierra Leone
Ministry of Health and Sanitation announced on its Facebook
page, an emergency crack down on Kenema, including the order for “Tulane University to stop Ebola testing during
the current Ebola outbreak.”
The dramatic drop in Ebola cases in
Kenema since this crack down fuels suspicions that it was the researchers
attached to Tulane University who were giving a false
Ebola diagnosis to justify a course of treatment which then gave healthy
people Ebola, which leads to something WHO media liaison Glenn Thomas may have
known, which got him killed on Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17. Examine some of these recently headlined
talking points:
The revelation that WHO media officer Glenn Thomas and six AIDS
researchers died in the mysterious MH17 plane crash in the Ukraine bolsters
fears they were assassinated.
will not report that WHO media officer Glenn Thomas was killed on the plane at
a time when the WHO is once more in the spotlight for its role in an
orchestrated Ebola outbreak in West Africa.
It is conceivable that Glenn Thomas, who seemed a very sympathetic,
open-minded individual, had, like other WHO officials, begun to assess the
evidence and become aware of the global elite’s depopulation agenda and the role the WHO
was playing in it.
It is possible, in fact, highly likely, that Thomas had become aware of
the dangerous threat that the current Ebola outbreak coupled with the
International Health Regulations represents. It is possible he decided to move
from being a passive spectator to doing something to stop plans to use
weaponized Ebola to kill large numbers of people.
He may have begun circulating information ignored by the controlled
mainstream media and alternative media, to people in the AIDs network and other
networks he worked with in his professional capacity. It may be that
significant numbers of people had become aware that AIDS vaccines are
bioweapons and had resolved to do something to blow the lid on the real cause
of the Ebola outbreak.
Given the extent of Google and NSA surveillance of all our emails and
phone calls, it is possible that the elite registered that some of the
“minions” whom they rely upon to administer and manage the Ebola outbreak were
no longer responding to the mainstream media brainwashing, and decided to make
an example of them.
The obvious anomalies of the MH17 plane crash are deliberate. The
government, the Pentagon and the CIA are interested in sending the message —
the same message they sent in 2010 when they wiped out half the Polish
government (for being the one country which refused to activate pandemic plans
and inject the population with the swine flu jab) in a fake staged plane crash
at Smolensk– question the government, go off message and you will be assassinated.
At the same time, they want to forward their Third World War agenda.
Six key people in the AIDS research world were killed in the MH17 crash,
including Joep Lange and his wife Jacqueline van Tongeren from the Amsterdam
Institute for Global Health and Development.
Lange was called a “giant” in the AIDS research field, which means that
he almost certainly knew that the HIV vaccine is a bioweapon causing AIDS. He
would, therefore, have understood the implications of unleashing Ebola not just
on Africa but on the world through experimental vaccines as the Wellcome Trust
has recently demanded.
The MSM will not report that these six died on their way to the
International AIDS conference in Melbourne which is funded by Bill Gates, one
of the main architects of the elite’s eugenicist vaccine program.
The fake alternative media will not report the facts concerning the US
bioweapons lab in Kenema at the center of the Ebola outbreak, including the
funding it receives from the Bill and Melinda Gates and Soros Foundations.
They will not report that global elite puppets Bill Clinton and Bob
Geldof were due to address 12,000 researchers at the 20th Int’l AIDS
conference in Melbourne, exactly where Thomas and the researchers on MH17 were
headed. What did they know that got
them killed? Is this the tail end of
the clean-up operation that saw somewhere north of 150 microbiologists murdered
in the wake of the 9/11 attacks? Did
all these men and women have a connection to what’s happening right now? Or were they killed because they would have
easily noted, in their respective spheres of knowledge, exactly what agenda is
being implemented now on the world stage?
Geldof’s daughter, Peaches Geldof, recently died after exposing gross
acts of paedophilia by singer Ian Watkins as well as her links to the ultra
secretive elite Satanic freemason lodge Ordi Templi Orientis, originally
founded by Satanist Aleister Crowley.
All of which merely adds to the paranormal bouquet of these proceedings.
In reporting the plane crash, the MSM will not report that the bodies
found at the crash site were decomposed and drained of blood, i.e. perfect
material to start a local plague. Neither will they report that large amounts
of blood serum and medical supplies were found at the crash site.
By contrast, the pilot’s cockpit was filled with fresh bodies and fresh
blood, according to Igor Strelkov’s full statement on German blogs.
This is similar to the Smolensk plane crash where video determined to be
authentic by experts exists of pilots being shot in the aftermath of the crash
while no bodies of passengers can be seen.
Smolensk victim’s relatives were
later given body parts that they said they could prove did not belong to their
loved ones.
George Soros’ foundation has funded personnel working
in the Kenema bioweapons lab at the focus of the Ebola outbreak, and which
is about to be closed, apparently amid an investigation.
WHO media coordinator Glenn Thomas was highly likely involved in fielding
media and other inquiries about how the WHO view the actions of and what it
planned to do about the controversial Kenema lab.
Was Glenn Thomas aware of hard evidence showing that the lab
was faking positive diagnoses for Ebola — Tulane University? — in
order to justify forcing people to undergo treatment which would in turn
actually give them Ebola? Did he refuse to go along with the cover up?
The MSM is silent about the Kenema bioweapons lab closure as well
as about the order from the government of Sierra Leone to Tulane
University to stop Ebola testing. So, what other channels are there left for
this information to enter the public domain or be spread through social media
networks if WHO does not release the information or take action?
Farther along the money trail we
find the Monsanto-owned, Soros-funded, Canada-based Tekmira Pharmaceuticals,
currently the no.1 in line to develop the vaunted Ebola vaccine for mass
consumption. This from yet another
source at globalresearch.com:
narrate stories of the US Department of Defense (DOD) funding Ebola trials on
humans, trials which started just weeks before the Ebola outbreak in Guinea and
Sierra Leone. The reports continue and state that the DOD gave a contract worth
$140 million dollars to Tekmira, a Canadian pharmaceutical company, to conduct
Ebola research. This research work involved injecting and infusing healthy
humans with the deadly Ebola virus. Hence, the DOD is listed as a collaborator
in a “First in Human” Ebola clinical trial (NCT02041715, which started in
January 2014 shortly before an Ebola epidemic was declared in West Africa in
March. Disturbingly, many reports also conclude that the US government has a
viral fever bioterrorism research laboratory in Kenema, a town at the epicentre
of the Ebola outbreak in West Africa.
Theguardian.com reported, ‘The US government funding of Ebola trials on
healthy humans comes amid warnings by top scientists in Harvard and Yale that
such virus experiments risk triggering a worldwide pandemic.’ That threat still
The managing of information at times like
this becomes essential to those pulling the strings. Dr. Len Horowitz was deliberate and unambiguous when he explained
the threat of new diseases in crucial text, Emerging Viruses: AIDS and
Ebola - Nature, Accident or Intentional (1996). In an interview with Dr. Robert Strecker in
Chapter 7, the discussion, in the early 1970s, made it obvious that the war was
between countries that hosted the KGB and the CIA, and the ‘manufacture’ of
‘AIDS-Like Viruses’ was clearly directed at the other. In passing during the
Interview, mention was made of Fort Detrick, “the Ebola Building,” and ‘a lot
of problems with strange illnesses’ in “Frederick [Maryland].” By Chapter 12 in
his text, he had confirmed the existence of an American
Military-Medical-Complex that conducts biological weapons tests under the guise
of administering vaccinations to control diseases and improve the health of
“black Africans overseas.” The book is an excellent text, and all leaders plus
anyone who has interest in science, health, people, and intrigue should study
it. As the 2014 Ebola outbreak news
began to reach America, a series of attacks against Horowitz’s popularity and
scientific credibility began, with Wikipedia extinguishing even the doctors
page that they had effectively used to discredit him for more than a decade.
Google/YouTube terminated his video channel, blocking more than 150 films the
doctor had produced, viewed by millions of subscribers. Then PR Newswire and
Internet provider iReach, and their parent company UBM, breached their
contracts with the doctor’s non-profit health company in order to avert public
attention coming to him and his controversial book. Later BREITBART and CBS
News did the same. All this does nothing but control the
dissemination of any and all information that could lead the public to a
greater understanding of just what is happening under their noses.
There are more
curious addendums to this story so far.
This from liberianobserver.com: Well Poisoner Under Investigation
Mon, 08/04/2014 - 13:14
WARNING: Photos are Disturbing
Observer Staff
“The Observer has
obtained images from a witness who was on the scene when the poisoner of a
Schieffelin community well was arrested.
The latest
information obtained reports that arrests are being made across Monrovia, from
Congo Town to Vai Town, in connection with well poisonings.
Our witness said the
man caught poisoning the Schieffelin well told the community that about 250 men
have been trained around the country to poison drinking water.
He added that the
water was tested on a dog at the scene, which melted instantly.
State radio, ELBC,
reports that least 10 people in the Dolostown community have died after
drinking water from poisoned wells.
The man is reportedly
under going investigation by the National Traditional Council of Liberia.
More as this story
unfolds. BREAKING: Formaldeyde in
Water Allegedly Causing Ebola-like Symptoms
A man in Schieffelin, a community located in Margibi County on the Robertsfield
Highway, has been arrested for attempting to put formaldehyde into a well used
by the community.
Reports say around 10 a.m., he approached the well with powder in a bottle.
Mobbed by the community, he confessed that he had been paid to put formaldehyde
into the well, and that he was not the only one. He reportedly told community
dwellers, ‘We are many.’ There are are agents in Harbel, Dolostown, Cotton Tree
and other communities around the country, he said.”

Amidst all this comes this latest water
well poisoning info, which catapults things into the realm of the even more
bizarre. I find it funny though that no
one is asking how Ebola, one of the largest and slowest to (naturally) evolve
viruses, is all of a sudden spreading many times faster then past occurrences.
I mean I understand the conditions and rituals of these areas aid in spreading
Ebola, but this is no different then past Ebola outbreaks in the same areas,
yet this time it seems much easier to spread.
In all previous Ebola outbreaks, the maximum number of fatalities
for any single explosion topped out at around 250. Top doctors in the
field are getting infected following every protocol for Ebola, protocols that
worked next to flawlessly in the past, somehow aren't enough this time.
Something changed, and so far not many people are willing to admit it. It has been re-engineered in a lab by TPTB
and reintroduced into West Africa to make it seem like a natural mutation. Regarding the wells, who is paying these
change-agents? As always, following the
money will prove to be the key, as there could be multiple agendas at play
here, all leading to the same synthesis.
Thesis + Antithesis = Synthesis.
Project that equation on a global scale and you have the heart of what’s
going on today. It’s happening NOW. We
have to examine everything.
What exactly headlines like this portend
for what we’re dealing with is anyone’s guess.
Meanwhile in America, all borders to hot zones remain open, no flight
restrictions have been implemented, and increasingly the CDC looks like it’s
handling the situation about as well as FEMA did in the aftermath of
Katrina. All these federal agencies that
are funded to the gills and trained for just such contingencies look completely
clueless in the exact moments when they’re really needed. Once again, the official story/fallback
position remains jurisdictional incompetence.
But how many times do these things have to happen before we all recognize
an overall systemic agenda in place?
After all, once again, thesis and antithesis still make synthesis. What synthesis has unprotected idiots
cleaning up infected vomit on the streets of Dallas?
Or emergency techs in hazmat suits in hot zones with the sleeves
rolled up?
The CDC and NIH have
emergency protocols designed for these events.
Clearly the question remains why are these not being followed? Is it because they want to spread the
threat, or because there is no threat?
Either answer is loaded with ominous portent.
This is being done for a reason. Ebola, real or faked, is being done for a
reason. Whether this is a true pandemic
that was engineered by the elite, or just a ‘false flag’ that has no real basis
in reality, something is amiss. There
are arguments, valid arguments, for both scenarios. In either one something is going on here and is the handiwork of
the same forces that imagined Agenda 21, GMOs, chemtrails, fluoride, a
Luciferic Global Planetary Initiative, the long-sought-after New World Order
first prophesized by GHW Bush in 1991, and all the rest. It could be that the resources of Africa,
the diamonds and oil, that have long been glittering prizes for the elite, are
suddenly needing to be “appropriated.”
It could be that an agenda is underway that will lead to the massive
“chipping” protocols (through coming mandatory/forced vaccination programs)
that they have long wanted to implement on not just a national plane, but a
global one. There is something that all
this is leading to. This Ebola is
merely the tool, not the endgame itself.
Again, as long ago as the publishing of Dr. Len Horowitz’s seminal tome Emerging
Viruses AIDS and Ebola, Nature Accident or Intentional in 1996, it has been
established beyond doubt that these viruses have been manufactured, perfected,
retrofitted and weaponized in labs both in and leading to globalist powers
based within the direct purview of the United States and the United
Nations. Period. End of story.
One final anomaly bears examination. Specifically an article in the Fort Worth
Star-Telegram from October 1st.
Parents Fear Students Exposed to Ebola
October 1, 2014
Bill Hanna, Fort
Worth Star-Telegram
01--Breaking news
”Parents on Wednesday were removing their children from a Dallas school where a
student may have had contact with the Ebola patient diagnosed Tuesday.
A letter to parents of children at L.L. Hotchkiss Elementary School, 6929 Town
North Drive, says in part, "This morning, we were made aware that one of
our students may have had contact with an individual who was recently diagnosed
with the Ebola virus. This student is currently not showing any symptoms and is
under close observation by the Dallas County Health and Human Services Department.
As a precautionary measure, the student has been advised to stay home from
school. Since this student is not presenting any symptoms, there is nothing to
suggest that the disease was spread to others, including students and
At a press conference at noon Wednesday, Dallas Independent School District
Superintendent Mike Miles said students attending four different Dallas
Independent School District schools possibly have been exposed to the Ebola
He said the district was informed the five students were in contact with the
Ebola patient over the weekend. They have been in school since, but are now at
home and likely will be kept there for 21 days.
Dallas County is working with the Centers for Disease Control to have
"boots on the ground" to monitor those who might have been exposed,
officials said.
WFAA's Sebastian Robertson is reporting that concerned parents are picking up
their children from the school where one of the students may have attended.
The Ebola patient was visiting a neighborhood where 33 languages are spoken,
Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins said.”

The premise of the superior AMC
television series Rubicon was predicated on the fact that there were
transmissions, communications between factions of the elite running this planet
that were imbedded in mundane places; newspaper articles, out-of-the-way tracts
and pamphlets, crossword puzzles, advertisements in magazines, etc. This was also a running plot point for the
Robert Redford film 3 Days Of The Condor in 1975.
That the operations and the agendas
put into motion by the various global cabals could be hidden in plain sight
and delivered in such a way might seem a stretch, but spare a moment to ponder
that last sentence of the Star-Telegram article, and just how it sticks out in
a “what doesn’t belong” kind of way.
Pattern recognition as a way of life.

33 has long been a number imbued with
psychic and occult ramifications among those “in the know,” those that follow
earth grids, leylines, the Illuminati, the Sons of the Fallen, etc. Freemasons in particular revere the number 33
above all; it is the highest degree in the Scottish Rite. The occultists literally worship numbers,
and this supposedly magickal number appears to pop up time and time again
throughout many of history’s most significant and tumultuous times. The first shots of the American Civil War
were fired on the 33rd parallel.
The assassinations of both John F. Kennedy and Robert F. Kennedy 5 years
later took place 1,245 miles apart, but both on the 33rd
parallel. The UFO crash at
Roswell? 33rd parallel. The Phoenix Lights mass UFO sighting seen by
thousands in March of 1997 was on the 33rd parallel. The first atomic bomb was exploded at
Alamagordo, New Mexico on the 33rd parallel. That certain numbers could be sigil markers of
death, human sacrifice and high strangeness is business as usual in some circles, even in
these “civilized” times. In 1946, NASA
person of interest Jack Parsons and L. Ron Hubbard engaged in Crowley’s Babalon
Working ritual in Pasadena along the 33rd parallel. Many conclude this opened a portal where
something was allowed/invited in to our reality. That Roswell incident?
1947. Same year as the founding
of the CIA. The first confirmed Ebola
case in the U.S? Dallas again. (51
years after the JFK assassination.)
Dates, times, and numbers.
Pattern recognition.

The essentials of any magickal practice,
immoral or pure, are intent and energy.
Human sacrifice appears to be an integral component to these “33” workings. The Atlanta child murders that took place
from 1979-1981, of which Vice President George H. W. Bush curiously took such a
keen interest in, took place on the 33rd parallel. Bush “took an active role in the
investigation.” Even going so far as to
visit Atlanta to “demand that some action be taken.” A Vice President that was there to “coordinate federal and local
efforts to make sure the investigation stayed on track?” As the investigation unspooled, it grew to
encompass an occult underground of pedophiles and drug traffickers operating
with the apparent protection of elements of the state, most of which was highly
suppressed in the media coverage of the day.
All of this plus a cameo by the sitting Vice Prez with the name of
Bush? With the added insight of all
that’s happened in the last (yikes) 33 years, I can only say not surprising in
the least.
So, could occult organizations be sending
esoteric “go codes” in newspaper articles?
Trust me when I tell you stranger things have happened. That Star-Telegram article is dated October
1st. Twitter boards were
fully engaged on the night of September 30th and earlier with
postings like this: “DART (Disaster
Assistance Response Teams) were notified months ago that they
would be activated in October. Timing
seems weird.” But certainly no weirder
than that 1979-1981 era that brought together the Atlanta child murders, George
H.W. Bush, the CDC, and the initial AIDS outbreaks in New York and San
Francisco in 1981 linked to the experimental hepatitis B vaccine programs in
1979 all within the same time frame.
Strange bedfellows.

Look at the wording directly from the Project
for the New American Century itself, authored by Cheney, Rumsfeld,
Wolfowitz, Perle and others in 2000, which predicted/ordered the 9/11
operation, and which by the day is more and more turning into our Mein
Kampf: "Advanced forms of
biological weapons that can target specific genotypes can transform biological
warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool." Got that?
Race-specific bioweapons. All
these years later and those prophesied chickens have come home to roost. Looking for an occult group? Look no further.
Oh, and the CDC? They would be located at longitude 33.799475. The 33rd parallel. Is it Halloween yet?