“When I
started in the UFO field back in the ‘90s, my feeling was, this is a VERY big
reality, it must, by definition, be intersecting with other big realities in
our world –“
“Everything, EVERY reality.”
“—Presidential politics, money, everything, and so like you, one of the
things I’ve been trying to understand since then is how does that intersection
work? What is the relationship? Yes, clearly you can’t have this BIG a
reality and have it be separate from everything else…it’s just not possible.” Richard Dolan, historian, talking to
Catherine Austin Fitts
will always contend that there is no evidence that children were abused at
McMartin (Preschool). On the contrary,
there is an abundance of evidence. But
the DA had no real intention of gathering it.
Neither did the press. Same as
JFK, eh? The CIA connection to cults
around the country began in 1963. The
story was told by a Berkley psychologist in a thesis entitled “The Penal
Colony” which was presented at a psychiatric conference in San Francisco by
Congressional aide Joe Holsinger after Leo Ryan was killed at Jonestown. The hybrid was conceived because people were
asking questions about experiments at McGill, the University of Pennsylvania,
Johns Hopkins, UCLA, Honeywell, NASA, and other haunts of the CIA’s MKUltra
mind control fraternity. Jonestown was
one product of the association.
Another, more recent example was the Solar Temple killings in
Switzerland. The British Press reported
that this cult was running arms to Australia and South America, and laundering
the proceeds at BCCI. The American
Press couldn’t find this information.
What does this tell you?”
science begins in patterns.” Richard C. Hoagland
Paradise found following your bliss:
Gary Webb:
" In seventeen years of doing this, nothing bad had happened to me. I was
never fired or threatened with dismissal if I kept looking under rocks I was
winning awards, getting raises, lecturing college
classes, appearing on TV shows, So how could I possibly agree with people
who were claiming the system didn't work, that it was steered by powerful
special interests and corporations, and existed to protect the power elite?
Hell, the system worked just fine, as (far as) I could tell.”
Paradise lost following your bliss:
Webb continues,
"And then I wrote some stories that made me realize how sadly
misplaced my bliss had been. The reason I'd enjoyed such smooth sailing
for so long hadn't been, as I'd assumed, because I was careful and
diligent and good at my job. It turned out to have nothing to do with it. The
truth was that, in all those years, I hadn't written anything important enough
to suppress." (Gary Webb, 'The Mighty Wurlitzer Plays On', in Kristina
Borjesson, ed., Into The Buzzsaw - Leading Journalists Expose the Myth of a
Free Press, Prometheus, 2002, pp.296-7
“There is not one shred of evidence to suggest they have
stopped recruiting young people, stopped twisting impressionable minds, or
stopped planning the periodic slayings of innocent victims.” Maury Terry, The Ultimate Evil
“I’ve seen a high cairn kissed by holy wind/ Seen a mirror pool cut by
golden fins/
Seen alleys where they hide the truth of cities/
the mad whose blessing you must accept without pity/
I’ve stood in airports, guarded glass and chrome/
Walked rifled roads and land mined loam/
Seen a forest in flames right down to the road/
Burned in love til I’ve seen my heart explode/
Oh you’ve been leading me beside strange waters
Streams of beautiful lights in the night
But where is my pastureland, in these dark
If I loose my grip, will I take flight?” Bruce
Cockburn, Strange Waters
the last month or so, we’ve examined the establishing of certain codes and
ciphers as an esoteric means of communication between factions of the elite
that remain fascinated with mind control and transhumanistic manipulation as a
means to implement a certain long-running “null protocol” they’ve authored
against populations worldwide.
we seek to expand the borders of our spheres of curiosity even farther, as we
start to encompass patterns. Dark
patterns writ large against the mundane backdrop of our everyday living. Dark patterns camouflaged in the
implausibility constantly trumpeted by one officially sanctioned source after
another and fed to the media to be regurgitated upon us as “truth.” Patterns dark enough to engineer thought, to
manipulate entire societies. Patterns
so dark and far-flung that peering behind the curtains to this ruling Black
Lodge threatens madness. But we must do
this, we must make the improbable leap, join the various scarlet threads; we
must all be witnesses to these times, because group action is necessary where
individual responsibility fails.
Despite having no system in place, on a societal level, to accomplish
this, we must be the ones to burn the GMO fields. We must be the ones to storm the castles, with the equivalent of
today’s pitchforks and torches, of the ones you’ll find named here. You know, like they used to do with
monsters. Too grown up to believe in
monsters you say? Well strap in and
bundle up against the polar vortex unleashed and howling outside, because, as
always, I’ve got news for you. Or, what if you woke up one day and monsters-in-human-skin
were waging a war against you on multiple fronts? Because that’s what is happening. To you. Every day of your
In one simple 9-line paragraph above,
Alex Constantine shows you quite succinctly how a scarlet thread runs from and joins
the McMartin Preschool scandal, McGill University, NASA, the University of
Pennsylvania (pre-Sandusky), Jonestown, the Solar Temple cult killings, and the
Bank of Credit and Commerce International to name but a few. Most, even seasoned researchers, have no
idea how many of these scandals and upwellings have tentacles intertwined if
you manage to dig far enough below the surface of things. The Black Nobility “reveal their methods”
precisely because they know no action will be taken due to their rigging of the
game, and in the depths of their perversity, they love telling us what has
happened, and what is going to happen.
Ominously, just as the serial killer does, unveiling his master plan to
the hostages only when he knows he’s never going to let them live. We’ll start with the true insanity: the
Genetically Modified Organisms. A
strange grouping of facts will also show that they are linked intrinsically
with an occult paradigm currently being implemented, and may, even more
curiously, be linked with the very first foray into nightside technology
breaching the unknown: the Human Genome Project. The links between Cargill and the Human Genome Project are
tenuous and well-hidden, but there in the record, such as this reporting from
NBC News on – hey – April 30/May 1, 2006.
(That would be Beltaine, or Walpurgisnacht on the occult calendar.)
The Beltaine Festival, also
called “Walpurgis Night” is the highest day on the Druidic Witch’s Calendar,
while May 1 is the Illuminati’s second most sacred holiday. Human sacrifice is
required, either emotionally or physically. Since the celebration officially
begins the night before Beltaine, the tradition has developed among occultists
to celebrate Beltaine as a 2-day ceremony.
Great bonfires are lit on the Eve of Beltaine, April
30, in order to welcome the Earth Goddess. Participants hope to gain
favor with this goddess so she will bless their families with procreative
fertility. Interestingly enough, the Royal House of Windsor lights a
Beltaine “Balefire” every year.
Historically, among other sinister notables, it also happens to be the
day that George W. Bush posed so prissily in his homoerotic flight jumpsuit to
declare “Mission Accomplished” on board the USS Abraham Lincoln regarding,
supposedly, the end of combat operations in the Iraq War in 2003. According to differing surveys, anywhere
between 500,000 to a million Iraqis died after “Mission Accomplished” through
2011. A million people in 8 years is
pretty good grist for the Goddess I guess.
But for now let’s get back to Cargill, and where their consortium fits
into this agenda from past to present.
That NBC
4/30/2006 by Paul Elias, Associated Press
AMES, Iowa — Max Rothschild has been trying to
"build" a better pig for almost 30 years, since he took a job
cleaning up after the hogs at his alma mater, the University of California,
He's now a renowned swine scientist who has traded the
dirty pigpens of his undergraduate days for a glistening Iowa State University
laboratory dedicated to producing tastier chops, safer pork and healthier pigs.
Rothschild is part of a national
collaboration that earlier this year received a $10 million federal grant to
map pig genes. Researchers from the University of Illinois-led project promise
it will help take the guesswork out of breeding.
The idea is to find and exploit the genetic variations
of the best pigs, which Rothschild and like-minded agricultural researchers say
will radically change the industry.
Already, chicken and cow genomes — complete genetic
maps of each species — have been published, and racehorse breeders have applied
to the National Human Genome Research Institute for a grant to run an equine
DNA sequence. Most animal genetic sequences are now done with the support of
the institute because of its expertise, and comparing animal genomes to the
human genome helps with medical research.
Mapping the roughly 30,000 genes in each animal
requires extracting the genetic material from its blood. The DNA is then
replicated many times over and run through a computer known as a sequencer,
which spits out the swine's genetic makeup in a code of four letters — T, A, C,
G — representing the nucleotides that comprise DNA.
Even before the pig genome is completed sometime next
year, top commercial producers such as Pig Improvement Co. and Monsanto are
using preliminary results from genetic screens to see if they can determine
which pigs are the tastiest before they are butchered. The screens will also be
used to manage herds and make breeding decisions, among other improvements.
"They can now look inside the pig,"
Rothschild said. "They are both building better pigs with this
Rothschild previously discovered a gene variation that
causes sows to produce more piglets per litter than average. He developed a
test for the variation that is now widely used throughout the industry, and he
said it could be useful in the Third World.
"The developing world wants to eat meat,"
Rothschild said. "And there's only one way to produce it — grow more
Rothschild also envisions a day when every farm animal
is bar-coded, which would enable producers to better track their herds and more
quickly trace the source of outbreaks like mad cow disease. The bar codes also
would let the breeders pamper the top pigs with better feed and sort them from
the run-of-the-mill animals.
Poultry producers and cattle ranchers are also
developing genetic screens that will show them which animals are more prone to
carry the best meat.
Minnesota-based Cargill, which supplies about 20% of
the nation's beef, is working on a genetic screen to sort its cattle by the
quality of their meat, something that can't be done now until the animal is
Cargill is testing the screen on 30,000 of its cattle.
If it works, the company can reserve the best feed and care for its prime beef
producers, or ensure that the best animals mate with each other.
Animal breeding is still largely an art, rather than a
science, despite centuries of practice.
"There is a lot of guesswork and shots in the dark
when we are making breeding decisions," Cargill's Ben Brophy told
executives and scientists at a biotechnology convention in Chicago on April 11.
"Trends are definitely moving from a low-technology production to
high-technology production."
Developing tests that eliminate the vagaries of animal
husbandry could increase the value of high-end cattle by $300, an increase of
more than 30%. That's a significant premium in the low-margin cattle industry.
"That difference is substantial," Brophy
Using genetics to make scientific breeding decisions
had remained an elusive goal until after President Clinton unveiled the Human
Genome Project in a Rose Garden ceremony in 2000.
The announcement was the culmination of a $3 billion,
10-year project to identify every human gene, and expectations were high that
the effort would soon produce medical breakthroughs. While the project has
indeed yielded genetic clues to diseases and powerful diagnostic tests, most of
the medical discoveries have been more incremental than dramatic.
Now, more powerful computers are being used to produce
the genetic codes of all sorts of creatures in record time — and at lower
costs. The chicken genome cost about $50 million and swine scientists said they
can sequence the pig in a year for about $20 million.
"We are using the power of human genome tools to
bring better food to the table," said Dennis Fantin, a vice president at
the biotechnology company MetaMorphix Inc., which is developing genetic tests
for chicken, beef, pig and even fish farmers. "We are using tools that
weren't available 10 years ago."
along with Dupont and Monsanto, contributed over $30 million dollars to defeat
Prop 37 in California, the Proposition to initiate GMO labeling in 2012. Each and every one of these companies cry
poverty when it comes to actually placing labels on food so all of us could
know how unnaturally it’s produced, yet somehow have $30 million to spend on
propaganda and lobbying for all-out secrecy, forever, so we can never know for
sure exactly what we’re eating, where it comes from, or how toxic it is. Anyone else having a hard time believing
creating new labels (a one-time only deal) would cost more than $30
Interesting to find an article, reading between
the lines, linking a Rothschild (what are the odds) to the Human Genome Project
and its ultimate endgame, as well as Cargill, a company that also pops up very
recently in more nefarious news.
from the ITCCS, the International Tribunal into the Crimes of Church and
DISRUPTED, ARRESTS MADE IN MONTREAL; Public Announcement of the Central Command
of the Direct Action Units established by the International Common Law Court of
Communique No. 2: August 16, 2014 – Brussels
Striking in the early hours of Friday, August 15, one of our trained Direct
Action Units (DAU) in Montreal, Canada successfully disrupted the preparations
for a child sacrificial cult ritual at a private residence in the fashionable
Outremont district. In the course of the action and under the authority of
warrants issued by the Court, the DAU arrested two cult members who are being
held in protective custody prior to their questioning and possible indictment
before the Court.
DAU Commander who headed the action has issued the following report to our
Central Office: “At 0700 hours EST
yesterday 15 August, our Alpha team moved into action against the private
residence in Outremont, Quebec that has been under surveillance by us since 4
August. We met no opposition or resistance from the single armed security guard
at the said residence, who was immediately detained along with a male cult
employee engaged in preparations for the upcoming midnight ritual.
questioning, the private security guard identified the location of the ritual
as within a small sub-basement chamber that was reconnoitered and filmed by our
team. The chamber included two small prison cells with wall shackles, and a
central soundproof chamber containing a stone altar awash with apparent
bloodstains that were sampled and bagged for analysis. An adjoining room held
locked cabinets containing considerable child pornographic material, articles
of children’s clothing that was bagged for analysis, metallic torture devices,
ceremonial swords, and sophisticated film equipment.
male cult employee in our custody refused to answer any of our questions, but
in the course of our action a second cult member arrived at the residence and
was detained. This member, an older woman, was very unnerved by our presence
and combat attire. She therefore admitted to the upcoming ritual that evening
and identified three of its participants: a ‘local catholic bishop’ whom she
refused to name, a Cargill corporation executive named Kerry Brick, and
an American named Stephen Holding from Sun Valley, Idaho, apparently with
Sinclair Oil, Ltd.
informant also claimed that the two children to be used at the midnight ritual
were being held at a separate facility at McGill University, but she
claimed not to know where.
She said that the normal procedure was to deliver
them in a drugged condition just before the ritual began, for security reasons.
Finally, she confirmed that the cult members describe themselves as part of the
Ninth Circle society and claim they all carry tattoos with a cult insignia of
the said Ninth Circle. Our team restrained all three prisoners and locked down
the premises, while taking more videos and samples from the underground
chamber. We then secured a covert perimeter in the neighborhood in
anticipation of the arrival of the cult participants and their victims.
Unfortunately, although we maintained our
vigil until well after midnight, no-one else arrived at the premises for the
rest of that day and evening. We must assume that the participants were somehow
alerted to our presence and aborted the ritual.
security guard in our custody was released by us after he proved that he had
been retained in a private commercial capacity. The two cult members are being
held in our DAU prison facility in Montreal prior to their questioning by the
Court Prosecutor and his Canadian affiliates. All samples and film we obtained
are in transit to Brussels headquarters for analysis.”
As outlandish as this all sounds, several
things stand out. For one, it should be
noted that the ITCCS often works hand-in-hand with none other than the RCMP,
the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. For
another, McGill University in Montreal has a long and sordid history of
dabbling in things that mesh perfectly with what’s being described here, namely
several historically documented CIA underground mind control operations, most
notable of which was a pivotal cog in the MKUltra wall-to-wall psychedelic meat
grinder, headed by the notorious Donald Ewen Cameron. Cameron worked closely with Nazi Rudolph Hess, ostensibly in
mental evaluation for the Nuremberg trials, but one has to wonder given his
later proclivities if some sort of mutual mind-meld wasn’t achieved in those
sessions. In 1943 with a grant from the
Rockefeller Foundation, Cameron set up shop at McGill, and later became a
puppet coordinator for the CIA’s loathsome MKUltra there, experimenting on
unwitting subjects (mainly children) with LSD, electroshock, deprivation chambers
and other methods until they were often sent into irreversible comas. And that’s just what we know from the scraps
of MKUltra documents that somehow survived Richard Helms’ shredder.
There are other ominous hintings that before
all the projects were (supposedly) shut down by CIA head Helms in 1973, Cameron
was beginning to experiment with both RF and electromagnetic frequencies to
remotely control the brain of any unwitting experimentee, and, even more
pointedly given what’s going on today, finding links between RNA and the
manipulation of memory. So revered
was Cameron that before he was done, he served as President of the Canadian,
American, and World Psychiatric Associations.
And yes, there is a straight line of
connection between those last areas Cameron stumbled upon, Michael Aquino’s
MindWar paper presented to the Joint Chiefs of Staff in 1980, and what would
eventually become the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) in
Gakona, Alaska,
and the widespread aerosolized contrail dispersal programs that
began in 1998.
1998 was almost 20 years
after that MindWar paper, authored by Himmler’s disciple, was on the desks of
the Joint Chiefs. How much interested
reading do you think they were doing late at night in those 18 years? What exactly do you think “came through” to
the author Aquino when he prayed in the occult nerve center of the Third Reich
in his travels on the military dime to summon supernatural aid at Wewelsburg
Wewelsburg, Himmler’s inner sanctum, was to
be the center of the “Thousand Year Reich.”
When looking around, who can say, from contact to implementation, they
didn’t succeed?
‘From PsyOp to MindWar’ was a
proposal paper written in 1980 by Maj. Michael Aquino (of the Temple of Set)
and Col. Paul Vallely. Just a sample of
what was included drips with hubris and self-importance (in other words perfect
for the hypocrisy of America – they were preaching to the choir as it were):
“For the mind to believe in
its own decisions, it must believe it made those decisions without
coercion. Coercive measures used by the
operative, consequently, must not be used by ordinary means. There is no need to resort to mind-weakening
drugs such as those explored by the CIA; in fact the exposure of a single such
method would do unacceptable damage to MindWar’s reputation for truth. Existing
PSYOP identifies purely sociological factors which suggest appropriate idioms
for messages. Doctrine in this area is
highly developed, and the task is basically one of assembling and maintaining
individuals and teams with enough experience and expertise to apply the
doctrine effectively. This however is
only the sociological dimension of target receptiveness measures. There are some purely natural conditions
under which minds may become more or less receptive to ideas, and MindWar
should take full advantage of such phenomena as atmospheric electromagnetic
activity, air ionization, and extremely low frequency waves.
Human body communicates internally by EM and electrochemical impulses. The EM
field displayed in Kirlian photographs, the effectiveness of acupuncture, and
the body’s physical responses to various types of EM radiation (X-rays,
infrared radiation, visible light spectra, etc.) are all examples of human
sensitivity to EM forces and fields. Atmospheric EM activity is regularly
altered by such phenomena as sunspot eruptions and gravitational stresses which
distort the Earth’s magnetic field. Under varying external EM conditions,
humans are more or less disposed to the consideration of new ideas. MindWar
should be timed accordingly.”
Do I even
have to address the air ionization part with the knowledge of exactly what the
HAARP array can do? Mind control? You’re soaking in it. And in hindsight, MindWar may have been
Aquino’s perfect “get out of jail free” card for what he perpetrated on
children at the Presidio, West Point, and at Offutt AFB in Omaha when the whole
Franklin Scandal went down. Don’t take
it from me, listen to what Mae Brussell first unearthed among all other
researchers that likely got her killed with one of the fastest acting cancers
ever seen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=en6wuhXG6c0
But hey,
she was doing damage to MindWar’s “reputation for truth” after all, so she had
to go. We can’t have our military and
intel agencies getting bogged down with petty morality when there’s a raging
satanic agenda to catapult, now can we?
To finish up with Cargill, this from
ITCCS head Rev. Kevin Annett: “We know
that Cargill, the large food company in America, have according to multiple
eyewitnesses, have been heavily involved in abducting children off Indian
reservations. These sacrificial rituals
have even occurred in the basement of the Cargill Corporation Headquarters in
Minnesota. We are working with people
in Minneapolis and some of the sheriffs there to set up a task force to start
putting Cargill on trial, and arrest warrants issued against Corporate
Much of the ITCCS’ work with global
police forces is shrouded in secrecy at this time, and for good reason. The head of the human trafficking unit of
the Ottawa police, Sgt. Kal Ghadban, supporter of the Montreal Ninth Circle takedown,
died suddenly at Elgin St. police station in September 2014 after suffering
numerous serious injuries following an “incident.” Ottawa police claim that he took his own life, but no evidence of
the circumstances of his death were released.
More and more news is now coming in about the Jesuit-led Ninth Circle
sacrificial cult which also ties in to the Jimmy Savile affair as is exposed in
the information-overload video ‘Savile and the 9th Circle’: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5LItAcLMRdA
The Ninth Circle, Cargill, and GMOs. You don’t even have to imagine the shared,
overlapping agendas in play here to know something malignant is going on. Day by day, we ask ourselves if the pedophile
situation in the UK can possibly get any worse, only to be confronted by even
more horrific headlines. It now must
color every disaster and scandal that’s come before, its tidal pull of psychic
undercurrent being felt in the 7/7 bombings, the massacre at Dunblane, the
deaths of Jill Dando, Paula Yates, Michael Hutchence, Peaches Geldof, and even
Princess Diana herself. Yes, you can
link EACH AND EVERY ONE of these occurrences to the underground
pedophile network. Something is coming
apart and being unveiled in England right now, and try as they may, they can’t
cover it up fast enough. Yet as
monstrous in form and scope as it is, it’s only the tip of the iceberg to
what’s been going on, and is the surest earthly manifestation of something far
larger furiously at work behind the scenes.
Pedophelia is, in form and intent, a
satanic ritual. Satanism itself is
harbored by, and in many instances created by, government mind control programs (David Berkowitz, Charles Manson, Jonestown,
the Franklin Scandal, the Finders, the Presidio Scandal, Columbine to name just a few.) The fingerprints are everywhere. And if you think it stops in England,
Belgium, Portugal or Holland, you are sadly mistaken, because there has been a
massive terraforming of humanity going on for hundreds of years; a line of
transformation, of transhumanism, that stretches from the blood workings of
Elizabeth Bathory and Gilles de Rais to the experiments right now at Cargill,
at Monsanto, at CERN. From the mind of
Himmler and his Ahnenerbe to the minds of futurist Ray Kurzweil and Michael
Aquino in his Temple of Set, we are being played by something deeply embedded
in the military/political worldview.
And lest you think things like MindWar
aren’t still being implemented, remember that latest news about fake cell
towers dotting the U.S. landscape?
Funny how no one seems to know just who put them up or where exactly
they came from. All we do know is…
excuse me, I see a pattern here… most were found on or near U.S. military
And according to the report from ESD
America provided to Popular Science, the 19 towers were initially found in July
2014, “but there may be more out there.”
(That’s reassuring; thanks for pinning that down for us.) Ostensibly said to be just listening in on
cell calls around military bases, the report concluded “we don’t really know
whose they are.” Or exactly what the
nature of their operation actually is I might add. Mass surveillance? Mind
control? Don’t you hate it when both
choices suck? But hey, that’s life in
the Village. Especially when it runs on
the continuing dreams of a Satanist like Michael Aquino.
So where does that leave us, and how can
we even begin to tie all this together?
Something I continue to ask myself over and over in this Aeon of
Horus. I know that the late Father
Malachi Martin sensed something coming back in 1997 with what comet Hale Bopp
portended, and what the famous mass UFO sightings, the Phoenix Lights, in March
of that year meant. (And just in keeping with our Ebola posts of the last
months, where does the city of Phoenix lie boys and girls? On the 33rd degree latitude
line. That scarlet thread.)
Martin warned the legendary radio host of the
late night Coast to Coast AM show Art Bell that delving into exactly why
the Vatican had erected a state-of-the-art observatory on top of Mt. Graham in
Arizona with their VATT (Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope), nicknamed
LUCIFER, with incredible speed and just in time to observe the approach of Hale
Bopp was more than dangerous, and even discussing such things over an open fax
line, much less the telephone, could easily result in both their deaths. Other insider hints were dropped that the
Vatican considered the Biblical WORMWOOD to be on the way, and with an origin
that was possibly not natural.

Put these together with Martin’s 1996
disclosures in his book Windswept House, and a truly diabolical picture
begins to emerge. Although written as a
fictional novel, Martin would later come to say that its contents were in actuality
non-fiction and “90% true.” Martin
asserted that nothing less than a “Satanic Enthronement ceremony” had taken
place in the Vatican in 1963. The
result of this ritual meant that the Vatican manifested what the clerics would
come to call the “Superforce.” In his
novel, Martin vividly described a ceremony called “The Enthronement of the
Fallen Archangel Lucifer” held in St. Paul’s chapel in the Vatican, and also
linked with concurrent satanic rites in the U.S. a week after the election of
Paul VI, on June 29, 1963.
Couple Fr. Martin’s testimony with all
that’s happened since 1996, including the rampant child abuse that’s gone
unacknowledged and unpunished, not to mention the shocking and sudden
resignation of the altogether creepy Pope Benedict XVI, the first such
self-propelled flight from the papacy since 1294, amid cloudy circumstances
that to the present day haven’t been explained, and you’ve got spectacular
headlines. In fact, Pope Benedict XVI,
otherwise known as Joseph Ratzsinger, resigned on the very day the
aforementioned ITCCS issued an international warrant originating in Brussels
for his arrest on charges of pedophelia and satanic ritual abuse of
children. A Vatican City informant even
went so far as to say that Ratzsinger would be living in the Vatican after his
resignation to further protect him from legal harassment. The anonymous source continued; “His
continued presence in the Vatican is necessary, otherwise he might be
defenseless. He wouldn’t have his
immunity, his prerogatives, his security, if he were anywhere else.” The International Criminal Court had already
stated they declined to prosecute, so one wonders exactly what he needs to keep
hiding from if these charges were trumped up or otherwise fabricated.

Then there are the hand signs, the upside
down cross on his chair, and the curious motif of that redesigned Throne
Room. According to Vatican press
releases, that massive looming figure is supposed to be Jesus. Risen from a crater torn open by a nuclear
bomb. No joke. Jesus with a Snake or Crocodile or Hawk’s
head and talons, above a tableau that features skulls, exposed spinal cords,
and dismembered bodies? Is this the
discarded artwork for a posthumous release from The Devil’s Blood or
something? What in the world are the
Pope, and the Vatican, trying to relay here?
Does this image convey peaceful feelings or utter chaos? And why?
While you’re at it, check out the
similarities between the figure in the Vatican Throne Room and the
Crocodile-headed Egyptian god Sobek.
First mentioned in texts dating to 2686
B.C., Sobek was a hyper-sexual, violent, and unstable (psychopathic?) deity
driven by his primal urges. The origin
of his name is debated among ancient Egyptian scholars, but is believed to be
derived from ‘Sbk,’ the causative of the verb “to impregnate.” In the 2055-1650 B.C. period, he underwent
an important change and was often fused with the falcon-headed god Horus. (Crowley alert!) This fusion added a greater level of complexity to the god’s
nature and he was subsequently adopted into the divine triad of Horus and his
two parents, Osiris and Isis. Once
again we may begin to see the gods of ancient Egypt playing a commanding role
in the affairs of men today.

Moon, and space researcher Richard Hoagland, beginning in the early 1990s,
began noticing a stunningly Egyptian pattern to all NASA launchings and
landings, documenting repeating motifs in the roiling precession of the stars
as established by the computer program Redshift, that ran all the way through
the Mercury, Gemini and Apollo programs.
Certain star patterns above or below the ecliptic turned up incessantly,
over and over again, during each launch, orbit maneuver, or landing, like
clockwork, and seemed to be driven by an overarching Egyptian (or Masonic)
mythos. After all, what did Aquino
choose to call his Temple? The Temple
of Set. This all leads to yet
another fascinating subject to examine, but for now serves to illustrate just
how long some people, like Hoagland, have been assiduously paying attention and
noticing … patterns.

Possibly not pertaining to any of this at
all, scientists at the Very Large Telescope in Chile have made the eerie
observation that the huge interstellar objects called quasars are actually
aligned. This reported last month in
the UK Daily Mail. Quasars are actually
galaxies with supermassive black holes at their centers. Looking at the centers of the black holes
and comparing them, scientists found they were aligned in purposeful, parallel
ways over the distance of billions of light years. They found that the
probability this occurred strictly due to random chance as being down to less
than one percent. In what must
count as one of the most massive understatements of all time, researcher
Dominique Sluse said “This may be a hint that there is a missing ingredient in
our current models of the universe.”

No kidding Dominique, you may have just
stumbled onto nothing less than the Interdimensional Transit System for cripes
sake! Somewhere John Keel is jumping up
and down and screaming “I knew it!” And
I’ll go you one better: what if the
gang at CERN is just some glorified road crew trying to find the “on ramp” to
this Supermassive Highway? That statue
of Shiva posted outside the CERN property has got to be a clue. That, and the triple 6s in their logo.

One last thing that caught my eye this
past week is that researcher Tracy Twyman seems to have haltingly initiated,
for want of a better term, the Baphomet Transmissions. Or getting some crucial information straight
from the Goat’s mouth so to speak.
Taking a deep breath, I’ll attempt to explain. Twyman, publisher of the defunct Dagobert’s Revenge fringe
magazine and champion of all things esoteric, has, for some 13 plus years, been
communicating with the spirits of the Biblical Cain, as well as the deity the
Knights Templar were accused of worshiping, and the adopted symbol of the
church of Satan, Baphomet.
The medium
of her exchanges is a specially designed (with ideas dictated by Baphomet
himself) Ouija board that she pilots along with her husband. She documents all this in her recent book Clock
Before you blow the whistle on the crazy
train, you should know that the Baphomet entity has given out, along with some
seemingly deliberately deceptive communiques, some astounding, and somewhat
dangerous information. Perhaps none
more so than leading Twyman down the path to discovering exactly what
the infamous Biblical Tree of Life/Tree of Knowledge really is. The conclusion that Twyman has come to (or
been led to) is both illuminating and confirming of some of the deepest truths
yet uncovered in everyone’s investigations, and that includes the likes of
David Icke, Graham Hancock, Malachi Martin and numerous others that take a more
non-secular bent to what’s been happening here for centuries.
The information relayed to Twyman included
the fact that, more than an actual place or thing, the secret of the Tree of
Life (or Tree of Knowledge since translations differ) had to do with the
consumption of blood, or the consumption of vital energies from various human
hosts. This of course ties in with
the mass child disappearances and deaths under the reigns of Elizabeth Bathory,
who even went so far as to bathe in human blood, and murdered as many as 650
servant girls, often dismembering them while still alive over the course of
days and even weeks, and Baron Gilles de Rais, who once fought at the side of
Joan of Arc. Born in 1405, and after an
extensive military career, he began staging elaborate theatrical spectacles
that depleted his then-massive fortune.
Somewhere between 1437-1438, partly in effort to rebuild his wealth, the
Baron began his dabbling in alchemy and the summoning of demons. After 1437, the first mass graves of
children began to be found on his properties.
By his own confession all the deaths occurred after he had sodomized the
Between them, de Rais and Bathory,
approximately some 150 years after him, accounted for the deaths of over 1,400
children, and those are just the known figures. Both were extensively drawn to and interested in the occult
sciences. The sole reason we know about
their crimes to this day is the fact they eventually angered both the Church
and wealthy neighboring families. If
they would have kept the slaughter to a minimum, and more pointedly kept only
to peasant children for their desires, both likely would never have been put on
trial and today in all likelihood their crimes would never have been a part of
the historical record. Throughout
history, most royals have enjoyed rape, excessive torture, and murder, so why
should the era we currently live in be any different? What our modern day elites are doing is simply carrying on the
privileges of over 10,000 years of despotic rule. The real question remaining is the wondering whether, some
600-700 years from now, in whatever they call ‘wikipedia’ then, we’ll see pages
devoted to the likes of George H.W. Bush, Edward Heath, and Queen Elizabeth
that run parallel to the lines of those devoted to de Rais and Bathory
now? Hopefully what with all the young
people’s bodies being found on the Royal Estates of places like Sandringham in
the UK, and buried in mass graves in Texas and Matamoros close to Bush properties,
the truth will out. Time, as they say,
will tell.
Perhaps more important remains that pesky
Tree of Life thing, or the method to their madness, which has only been
confirmed scientifically in recent headlines.
According to the New York Times on May 4, 2014, two teams of scientists
from Harvard Medical School have published studies showing that blood from
young mice reverses aging in old mice, rejuvenating their muscles and
brains. As ghoulish as the research may
sound, experts said that it could lead to treatments for disorders like
Alzhimer’s disease and heart disease.
The article is actually brazen enough to say, seemingly without thinking
through the implications, (or examining the historical record I might add) “the
research builds on centuries of speculation that the blood of young people
contains substances that might rejuvenate older adults.”
At this point you’ll have to pardon me for
exclaiming “Whoomp there it is!” At
least as a perhaps unintended by-product of contact for the Black
Nobility. But there remains a psychic
component also, and is present in coordinates like the amazing parallels
between alien abduction experiences and satanic ritual abuse/mind control. Is it any wonder “missing time” appears to
manifest just like the gaps a mind control victim would experience? And the military plays pivotal roles, and
shows unhealthy interest in, both.

At the very top of these fraternal orders
and secret societies we’ve been examining we see that they are taking orders
from, or worshiping, or communing with some type of non-human
intelligence. Down through the
historical record we see this pattern repeated over and over again. The curiosity that spurred Tracy Twyman to
understand just what these Global Orders were doing led her down the path to
establishing some form of communication with something that calls itself
Baphomet, and indeed, how is what she is engaged in any different from what may
be going on inside the walls of Buckingham Palace, or in the shaded enclaves of
Bohemian Grove?

“It was late at night when I cut the wire/
I climbed the magic pole til I got no higher/ All the lines to safety are
slashed away/ The sun has set on their final day/ As we go through the Gates of
Heaven/ our numbers multiplied from one to seven/ With our reflection on the TV screen/ No violent death remains unseen/
I’m the Devil, and I’m here to do the Devil’s Work” Uncle Acid and the
Maybe it’s been in front of us all
along. Maybe the reason the capstone
with the All-Seeing Eye is lifted off the top of the pyramid is because the
upper layer doesn’t belong in this dimension.
So many ancient cultures addressed these topics. Giant, mysterious structures dot this planet
along perhaps pre-ordained coordinates, stipulating openings and the beginnings
of interchange, and maybe this is all for a reason. Maybe there is a great Kosmik Power Struggle taking place and
there are unimaginably powerful manipulative entities just beyond the veil of
this holographic reality, making our own puppetmasters only puppets themselves
to something unimaginably alien and beyond that aches for expression and

“Well you may throw your rock and hide
your hand/ Workin’ in the dark against your fellow man/ But as sure as God made
black and white/ What’s done in the dark will be brought to the light/ You can
run on for a long time, run on for a long time/ You can run on for a long time…
Sooner or later God’ll cut you down/ Sooner or later God’ll cut you down.” Johnny Cash
Be it Baphomet contacting the Knights
Templar, Shiva being invoked outside the property of CERN, UFO entities,
Fairies, Djinn, Machine Elves, or Demons, something outside wants ‘in’ to this
plane, and supposedly wants to commune with us, albeit with possibly darker
intentions hidden – because deceit is what they do. Even more perversely, what if the horrifying final secret of the
Knights Templar and the Gnostics is that Yahweh and Lucifer are actually
working together? (And by true definition, since the very beginning, aren’t
they?) What if we’re on a forbidden
planet in the crossfire of two opposing Chthonic and Celestial powers competing
for our attention, our energy, and our souls?
And what if that’s why the concept, the eternal doctrine, of Free Will
remains so vital, and the Grand Plan of the true Supremacy remains not for us
to know?
Perhaps that’s why they call it Faith.
“The impression
we have gotten from talking to Cain and Baphomet, which continues unto the
present day, is that the reality in which we live is like a little bubble of
safety within the vast expanse of nothingness that surrounds it. That is where
they are now: in a state of negative existence. This is chaos, the Abyss, the
land of Nod, and Hell. The metaphors used describe it as a “sea.” But it is
also said to be full of fire that burns like nothing else yet is,
simultaneously, bitingly cold. All of these are attempts to explain what it
feels like to not really exist, but to still be “out there” somewhere, with
some form of consciousness that is ineffable.” Tracy Twyman,
from Clock Shavings
Author’s introduction to Glimpses of Other Realities
Vol.II – High Strangeness by Linda Moulton Howe
“An Air Force Intelligence Officer once told me about an
elderly colleague, a Colonel, who supposedly spent time with an
extraterrestrial biological entity retrieved from a crashed silver disc in New
Mexico. The Colonel said that the being
explained telepathically that this is not the only universe. He said, “Imagine a large island of white
sand and that each sand grain is a different universe separated from the others
by an electromagnetic membrane. And surrounding
the island is a cold, dark sea.”
asked the Intelligence Officer what the dark sea was and he answered, “You
don’t want to know. It would change you